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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wie kann eine christliche Gemeinde interkulturell werden?: eine praktisch-theologische Untersuchung von drei evangelischen Freikirchen in Deutschland / Hoe kan ʼn Christengemeente interkultureel word?: ʼn praktiese teologiese ondersoek van drie evangeliese vrye gemeentes in Duitsland

Marquardt, Felix Maximilian 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, with summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Shona / Includes bibliographocal references (leaves 184-191) / Christliche Gemeinden in Deutschland finden sich zunehmend in einer interkulturell zusammengesetzten Gesellschaft wieder und viele fragen danach, wie eine Integration von Migranten in ihre bestehenden Gemeinden gelingen kann. In dieser qualitativ-empirischen Studie wurden drei evangelische Freikirchen in Deutschland dahingehend untersucht, wie sie sich von einer ehemals monokulturell-deutschen Gemeinde in eine interkulturelle Gemeinde entwickelt haben. Dabei wurden in besonderer Weise die Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung, der Veränderungsprozess und besondere Merkmale der Gemeinden untersucht. Als Grundlage für die Forschung wurde ein aus verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammengeführtes Modell aus Erkenntnissen zu interkulturellem Gemeindebau entworfen. In der Studie wird deutlich, dass interkultureller Gemeindebau sowohl bereichernd als auch herausfordernd und konfliktgeladen erlebt wird. Besonders wichtig sind dabei eine strategisch kompetente Leitung, eine missionarische Grundausrichtung, ein liebevoller und wertschätzender Umgang miteinander, die Einigung auf gemeinsame Leitlinien, das Feiern von Erfolgen, Beziehungsaufbau, das Einladen zur Mitarbeit auf Augenhöhe, interkulturelle Leitungsteams, die Übersetzungsarbeit, Geduld und Flexibilität sowie die Bereitschaft, voneinander zu lernen. / German society is becoming increasingly intercultural, and many Christian churches are asking how migrants can be successfully integrated into established churches. In this qualitative-empirical study, three free evangelical churches in Germany were examined to determine how they developed from a previously monocultural German church into an intercultural church. In the course of the study, the prerequisites for development, the change process and special features of the churches were specifically examined. An integrated model designed on the basis of insights of various disciplines regarding the intercultural construction of churches served as the foundation for the research. It became clear in this study that building an intercultural church not only enriches the church, but is also experienced as challenging since it has the potential to give rise to conflict. The following elements are especially important: strategic and competent leadership, a basic missionary orientation, a loving and esteeming manner in associating with one another, consensus on common guidelines, a celebration of successes, building of relationships, an invitation for others to minister on equal terms, intercultural leadership teams, translation work, patience and flexibility, and a willingness to learn from one another. / Die Duitse samelewing raak toenemend interkultureel, en talle Christengemeentes wonder hoe migrante in gevestigde gemeentes opgeneem kan word. Wyses waarop drie Evangeliese gemeentes in Duitsland ontwikkel het van eens monokulturele Duitse gemeentes in interkulturele gemeentes, is in hierdie kwalitatief empiriese studie ondersoek. In die besonder die voorvereistes vir verandering, die veranderingsproses en die unieke kenmerke van die gemeentes is in hierdie studie verken. ʼn Geïntegreerde model wat berus op die insigte van verskeie dissiplines wat hulle op die interkulturele samestelling van kerke toespits, het die basis van die navorsing gevorm. Dit blyk uit hierdie studie dat die totstandkoming van ʼn interkulturele gemeente nie slegs verrykend kan wees nie, maar dat dit moontlik ook tot onenigheid aanleiding kan gee. Die volgende is van besondere belang: strategiese en bevoegde leiers, ʼn sendingoriëntasie, liefdevolle en respekvolle omgang met mekaar, eenstemmigheid oor algemene riglyne, ʼn viering van suksesse, die bou van goeie verhoudinge, ʼn versoek dat ander op gelyke voet dien, interkulturele leierskapspanne, vertaalwerk, geduld en toegeeflikheid, en die gewilligheid om by mekaar te leer. / Tshitshavha tsha German tshi khou ṋaṋa u vha na mvelelo dzo ṱanganelanaho, nahone kereke nnzhi dza Tshikhiresite dzi khou vhudzisa uri ṱhunḓu dzi nga ṱanganyiswa hani zwavhuḓi kha kereke dzi re hone. Kha ngudo iyi ya khwaṱhisedzwaho nga tshenzhelo na ndeme, kereke tharu dza evangeli yo vhofholowaho dza ngei Germany dzo lingwa u vhona uri dzo bvelela hani u bva kha u vha dza tshikale dza Germany dza mvelele nthihi u ya kha kereke ya mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho. Kha khoso iyi ya ngudo, ṱhoḓea ya u bvelela, maitele a tshanduko na zwiṱaluli zwo khetheaho zwa kerekezwo lingululwa. Tshiedziswa tsho ṱanganelanaho tsho itwaho ho sedzwa luvhonela lwa masia o fhambanaho mayelana na u fhaṱa kerekedzo ṱanganelanaho tsho shuma sa mutheo wa ṱhoḓisiso. Zwo bvela khagala kha ngudo iyi uri u fhaṱa kereke yo ṱanganelanaho a zwi pfumisi fhedzi kereke, zwi dovha zwa vha tshenzhelo ire na khaedu saizwi i na khonadzeo ya u vusa dzikhakhathi. Zwipiḓa zwi tevhelaho ndi zwa ndeme vhukuma: vhurangaphanḓa vhu re na tshiṱirathedzhi nahone ho ṱalifhaho, u pfumbudzwa ha mutheo kha zwa vhufunzi, nḓila ua lufuno na ndeme kha matshilisano, u tendelana kha nyendedzo dzi fanaho, u pembelela mvelaphanḓa, u fhaṱa vhushaka, thamba ya vhaṅwe kha u funza nga milayo i linganaho, thimu dza vhurangaphanḓa ha mvelele yo ṱanganelanaho, mushumo wa vhupinduleli, u konḓelela na u tenda u shanduka, na u ḓiimisela u guda kha vhaṅwe. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Christian leadership)

A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors : a multidisciplinary perspective

Rudolph, Elizabeth Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans, Tswana and Tsonga / In a complex world, change is inevitable and wellness in the workplace remains a popular research phenomenon in facilitating employee and organisational productivity. Churches as organisations are not exempt from change dynamics in the world of work. Employees of the church, namely pastors and their well-being are similarly imperative, as they are also responsible for facilitating the well-being of others. Coaching has emerged as a valuable and useful psychological helping process aimed at enhancing employees’ well- being and facilitating their engagement, commitment and productive work behaviour. Mentoring and training are predominant interventions aimed at addressing aspects potentially relevant to pastor well-being in both the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), albeit each with very distinct objectives in terms of calling, and professional and skills development. In light of the current underutilised mentoring programme of the DRC and the sole emphasis on skills training in the URCSA, this study emerged from the need to understand how an in-depth understanding of pastors’ experiences of well-being can contribute to construct a coaching model for professional pastoral caregivers. In order to develop a coaching model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastors, my multidisciplinary background (stemming from Industrial and Organisational Psychology [IOP], Human Resource Management [HRM] and Theology) increased my curiosity about pastors’ experiences of well-being in a Christian faith-based South African church context. In qualitative research inquiries, investigators creatively use multiple qualitative methods from a pragmatic stance. Hence, in this thesis I used at first two qualitative research methods, namely interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) and narrative synthesis that contributed to a transparent and systematic way to collect analyse, and document the research report. As a third qualitative research method, I used an auto ethnographic reflection writing style to make trustworthy inferences about the research findings and to think about the implications thereof on the rest of the research community. A coaching model was constructed and is proposed as a possible model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastor (individual employee) and by implication also of a church (non-profit Christian faith-based organisation). This thesis also contributes methodologically to emerging IQA research in a South African work context. Lastly, the thesis contributes to multidisciplinary studies as it integrated theoretical and empirical perspectives from three disciplines, namely IOP, HRM and Theology. / In 'n ingewikkelde wêreld is verandering onvermydelik en welstand in die werksplek bly 'n gewilde navorsingsverskynsel om werknemer- en organisatoriese produktiwiteit te fasiliteer. Kerke as organisasies is nie vrygestel van veranderingsdinamika in die wêreld van werk nie. Kerke se werknemers, naamlik pastore en hul welstand is op soortgelyke wyse noodsaaklik omdat hulle verantwoordelik is om ander se welstand te fasiliteer. Afrigting het as 'n waardevolle en nuttige psigologiese hulpproses ontluik wat daarop gemik is om werknemers se welstand te bevorder en om hul betrokkenheid, toewyding en produktiewe werksgedrag te fasiliteer. Mentorskap en afrigting is oorwegende intervensies wat daarop gemik is om aspekte aan te spreek wat moontlik relevant kan wees tot pastore se welstand in beide die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) en die Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika (VGKSA), alhoewel elkeen baie duidelik onderskeibare doelstellings met betrekking tot roeping, en professionele en vaardigheidsontwikkeling het. In die lig van huidige onderbenutting van mentorskapprogramme van die NGK en die uitsluitlike klem op vaardigheidsopleiding in die VGKSA, het hierdie studie ontstaan uit die behoefte om te verstaan hoe 'n diepgaande begrip van pastore se ervaring van welstand tot 'n konstruktiewe afrigtingsmodel vir professionele pastorale versorgers kan bydra. Om 'n afrigtingsmodel te ontwikkel om pastore te versorg en hul welstand te optimeer, het my multidissiplinêre agtergrond (industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie) my nuuskierigheid oor pastore se welstand in 'n Christelik-gebaseerde Suid-Afrikaanse kerkkonteks geprikkel. In kwalitatiewe navorsingsvrae, gebruik navorsers meervoudige kwalitatiewe metodes uit 'n pragmatiese standpunt kreatief. In hierdie tesis het ek dus aanvanklik twee kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik, naamlik interaktiewe kwalitatiewe ontleding (IKO) en narratiewe sintese wat bydra om data deursigtig en sistematies te versamel, te ontleed en die navorsingsverslag te dokumenteer. As 'n derde kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode het ek 'n reflektiewe outo-etnografiese skryfstyl gebruik om betroubare afleidings oor die navorsingsbevindings te maak en om oor die implikasies daarvan op die navorsingsgemeenskap te dink. 'n Afrigtingsmodel is saamgestel en is voorgestel as 'n moontlike model om na pastore (individuele werknemers) om te sien en hul welstand te optimeer en dus ook die van 'n kerk (niewinsgewende organisasie wat op die Christelike geloof gebaseer is). Hierdie tesis dra ook metodologies tot ontluikende IKO-navorsing in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse werkskonteks by. Die tesis dra laastens tot multidissiplinêre studies by omdat dit teoretiese en empiriese perspektiewe van die drie vakgebiede, naamlik industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie, integreer. / Mo lefatsheng le le marara, diphetogo di nna di le gona mme itekanelo ya mo tirong e sala go nna ntlha e e tlwaelegileng ya dipatlisiso go gokaganya tlhagiso ya badiri le ya setheo. Dikereke jaaka ditheo ga di a gololesega mo dintlheng tsa diphetogo mo tirong. Badiri ba kereke, e leng baruti, le itekanelo ya bona, ba botlhokwa fela jalo ka ntlha ya fa le bona ba rwele maikarabelo a go ela tlhoko itekanelo ya ba bangwe. Katiso e tlhageletse jaaka tsamaiso ya thuso e e boleng le e e mosola ya saekholoji e maikaelelo a yona e leng go tokafatsa itekanelo ya badiri le go gokaganya seabe sa bona, maitlamo le maitsholo a a mosola mo tirong. Tataiso le katiso ke ditsibogo tse di dirisiwang gantsi tse maikaelelo a tsona e leng go samagana le dintlha tse di maleba mo itekanelong ya baruti mo Kerekeng ya Dutch Reformed (DRC) le ya United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), le fa tsotlhe di na le maitlhomo a a farologaneng go ya ka pitso, tlhabololo ya boporofešenale le bokgoni. Ka ntlha ya lenaneo le ga jaana le sa dirisiweng mo go lekaneng la tataiso la DRC le kgatelelo ya katiso ya bokgoni fela kwa URCSA, thutopatlisiso eno e bakilwe ke tlhokego ya go tlhaloganya ka moo go tlhaloganya go ya kwa botennye ga maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ka tshwaelang ka gona go aga sekao sa katiso sa baruti ba batlhokomedi ba porofešenale. Go aga sekao sa katiso sa go tlhokomela le go oketsa itekanelo ya baruti, lemorago la me la maphatamantsi (go tswa mo Saekholojing ya Madirelo le Ditheo [IOP], Botsamaisi jwa Badiri [HRM] le Thuto ya Bodumedi (Thioloji)) le okeditse phisegelo ya me ya go itse ka maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ya ka bokao jwa kereke ya Aforikaborwa e e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete. Mo dipotsisong tsa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, babatlisisi ba dirisa mekgwa e mentsi ya patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka go tswa mo kemong ya dintlha. Ka jalo mo thesising eno ke dirisitse mekgwa ya ntlha e mebedi ya dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, e leng tshekatsheko e e lebelelang mabaka ka tshusumetso (IQA) le motswako wa kanelo o o tshwaetseng mo tseleng e e seng bofitlha le e e rulaganeng go kokoanya, sekaseka le go kwala pegelo ya patlisiso. Jaaka mofuta wa boraro wa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, ke dirisitse setaele sa go kwala sa itshekatsheko ya othoetenokerafi go fitlhelela ditshwetso tse di ikanyegang ka ga diphitlhelelo tsa dipatlisiso le go akanya ka bokao jwa tsona mo setšhabeng sotlhe sa dipatlisiso. Go agilwe sekao sa katiso mme se tshitshinngwa jaaka sekao se se ka dirisiwang go tlhokomela le go tokafatsa itekanelo ya moruti (modiri a le mongwe) mme ka go rialo gape le ya kereke (setheo se se sa direng letseno se e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete). Thesisi eno gape e tshwaela mo ntlheng ya mekgwa mo dipatlisisong tse di tlhagelelang tsa IQA go lebeletswe Aforikaborwa. Kwa bokhutlong, thesisi eno e tshwaela mo dithutopatlisisong tsa maphatamantsi ka ntlha ya fa e kopantse megopolo ya tiori le ya maitemogelo go tswa mo maphateng a le mararo e leng, IOP, HRM le Thioloji. / Eka misava ya nsohensohe, ku cinca i nchumu lowu nga sivelekekiku na swona ku hlayiseka entirhweni swa ha ri nchumu lowu nga duma swinene eka ku endliwa ka rhiseche eka ku pfuneta mutirhi na nhlangano leswo swi tirha hi xiyenge xa vuyelo bya le henhla. Tikereke tani hi minhlangano a yi le handle eka timhaka ta ku cinca emintirhweni. Vatirhi va kereke, ku nga vafundzhisi na vuhlayiseki bya vona na swona i swa nkoka tani hi leswi va nga na vutihlamuleri eka ku tiyisa leswo van'wana va hlayisekile no va na rihanyu lerinene. Ku dzabela swi vonaka tani hi nchumu wa nkoka no pfuneta eka ku pfuneta hi swa ngqondo leswi swi nga na xikongomelo xa ku yisa emahlweni vuhlayiseki bya vatirhi no endla leswo va va eka xiyimo xa ku tirhisana, ku tiyimisela no va na mahanyelo ya ku gingirika emintirhweni na ku tirha hi vuyelo. Ku mentharixa na vuleteri i minchumu leyi endliwaka hi xikongomelo xa ku langutana na rihanyu lerinene ra vafundzhisi va tikereke ta Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) na United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), hambi leswi yin'wana ya tona yi nga na swikongomelo swo hambana hi ku landza xivito, na ku hluvukisiwa ka vuprofexinali na vuswikoti. Hi ku vona leswo nongonoko wa ku mentharixa a wu tirhisiwi swinene eka DRC kasi eka va URCSA ku tshikileriwa ngopfu vuleteri bya vuswikoti, dyondzo leyi yi sukela eka xilaveko xa ku twisisa swinene hi vuenti swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi swa vuhlayiseki bya vona ku pfuneta ku endla modlele wa vudzaberi eka vahlayisi va vafundzhisi hi swa vuprofexinali. Leswo ku endliwa modlele wa vudzaberi bya ku hlayisa no yisa ehenhla xiyimo lexinene xa vafundzhisi, tidyondzo ta mina (leti sukelaka eka Industrial Organisational Psychology (IOP), Human Resource Management [HRM] na tidyondzo ta ntivo-vukwembu ku nga Theology) swi yise ehenhla ku navela ku tiva ka mina hi swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi hi vuhlayiseki bya vona eka vugandzeri bya vona lebyi byi nga le ka Vukresre eka tikereke ta vona eAfrika Dzonga. Eka swivutiso swa qualitative research na ntirhiso wa ndzavisiso hi vuswikoti leswi swi tirhisiwaka ku endla qualitative methods eka xiyimo lexi khomekaka. Hikokwalaha eka thesis leyi ndzi tirhise eka mafambiselo mambirhi ya qualitative research methods, ku nga interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) na narrative synthesis leyi yi nga pfuneta ku kuma maendlelo lama ya nga rivaleni ku hlengeleta nxopanxopo na ku endla dokumente ya xiviko xa rhiseche. Maendlelo ya vunharhu ya qualitative research method, lama ndzi nga ma tirhisa i ya authethnographic reflection writing style ku endla tiinferense ta ku tshembeka hi vuyelo bya rhiseche na ku ehleketa hi ti-implications ta swona eka hinkwavo lava va endlaka rhiseche. Modlele wa vudzaberi wu endliwile na swona hi wona lowu wu gangisiwaka tani hi modlele lowu kotekaku wa vuhlayisi na ku yisa ehenhla nhlayiseko wa mufundzhisi (ku nga mutirhi wun'we) kasi hi vuyelo na swona eka kereke (ku nga nhlangano wa vupfumeri bya Vukreste lowu nga tirheleku vuyelo bya mali). Thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta hi metodoloji ku humesa IQA research eka xiyimo xa Afrika Dzonga. Xo hetelela, thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta tidyondzo ta multidisciplinary tani hi laha ti nga hlanganisiwa eka thiyori na le ka empirical perspectives ku suka eka tidisiplini tinharhu leti ku nga, IOP, HRM na Theology. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

Survival strategies of non-profitable organisations in South Africa : a qualitative multiple-case study / Oorlewing-strategië van nie-winsgewende organisasies in Suid Afrika : ’n kwalitatiewe veelvulldige gevallestudie / Ditogamaano tsa go tswelela go nna teng tsa ditheo tse di sa direng lotseno mo Aforikaborwa : thuto ya dikgetsidintsi mme e lebelela mabaka

Marren, Ingrid Vorwerk 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Tswana / The study responds to calls for research within wider contexts. In particular, it is positioned within the South African non-profitable sector – non-profitable organisations (NPO) – in social care. The non-profitable sector is also called the Third Sector, and this research adopted the strategy-as-practice perspective to explore the strategy in this sector. The study investigates how managers and leaders of these NPOs strategise to sustain their organisations and services in a changing and demanding environment. The survival of NPOs is affected by a range of constraints linked to personnel, finances, resources, volunteering, and continuous increase in demand for social care. These constraints require managers and leaders of non-profitable organisations to devise strategies and practices to ensure success and sustainability. The findings of this study confirm the need for resilience to survive over the long term. The findings indicate that NPOs need to adapt to the external and internal environments constantly. Leadership drives resilience through governance and maintains services that are fit-for-purpose for the ever-changing needs of the society they serve. Adapting practices should react to changes through training and retraining, meticulous reporting to partners and other financiers, and complying with their governing entities by applicable legal statures and strict financial control. Adapting is amongst the most important practices identified through this study. A leadership style that enables sustainability was specifically highlighted. Through semi-structured interviews, the researcher uncovered strategic practices of longstanding NPOs to identify the strategies that contribute to long-term survival. Leaders in different management positions shared detailed descriptions of their practices, which served as the data for this research. The data provided the opportunity to research the strategy from a practical perspective, and were confirmed by secondary documents. Using the strategy as practice paradigm, the researcher identified strategic practices within drivers of value and found them to be contributing toward sustainability. The strategic practices were then organised in themes and assertions toward the theory of sustainability regarding these service organisations. The practices influence the stages of the organisational life cycle in a collective system of practices, leading to identifying a phase within the life cycle that contributes to resilience and renewal to aid survival and sustainability. Implementation strategies in the organisations provide good governance inclusive of reporting adequately. They also provide good leadership to ensure stable personnel committed to working together as a team and establish a culture of fit-for-purpose in service delivery. Most important is adapting towards resilience in the short term and developing resources to provide financial stability. / Hierdie studie is in reaksie op die oproep om navorsing in breë kontekste onderneem. Dit is in die Suid-Afrikaanse sektor sonder winsoogmerk – organisasies sonder winsoogmerk (OSW’s) – in maatskaplike sorg onderneem. Die sektor sonder winsoogmerk word ook die Derde Sektor genoem. In hierdie navorsing word die strategie-as-praktykperspektief gevolg om strategieë in die sektor te verken. Die strategieë wat bestuurders en leiers van OSW’s formuleer om in ʼn veranderende en veeleisende omgewing hulle organisasies volhoubaar te bedryf en dienste te lewer, word ondersoek. OSW’s het met allerlei beperkings te kampe waaronder ʼn gebrek aan personeel, finansies, hulpbronne en vrywilligers benewens die immergroeiende vraag na maatskaplike sorg. Weens hierdie beperkings moet bestuurders van organisasies sonder winsoogmerk strategieë bedink en bepaalde praktyke toepas sodat hulle organisasies suksesvol en volhoubaar bedryf word. Die bevindings van hierdie studie bevestig die noodsaak van veerkrag om op die duur te oorlewe. Die bevindings laat blyk dat OSW’s hulle voortdurend by die eksterne en interne omgewing moet aanpas. Bestuurders openbaar veerkrag in die wyse waarop hulle hul organisasies bestuur en doelgemaakte dienste volgens die immerveranderende behoeftes van die samelewing lewer. Praktyke moet deur opleiding en heropleiding volgens veranderings aangepas word. Voorts moet noukeurig verslag gedoen word aan vennote en finansiers, en bestuurders moet aan die wet voldoen en streng finansiële bestuur toepas. Aanpasbaarheid is een van die belangrikste praktyke wat in hierdie studie aangetoon word, en nadruk word gelê op ʼn leierskapstyl wat volhoubaarheid vooropstel. Die navorser het halfgestruktureerde onderhoude oor die strategiese praktyke waaraan organisasies hul oorlewing te danke het, met gevestigde OSW’s gevoer. Leiers in verskillende bestuursposte het hulle praktyke uitvoerig beskrywe. Hulle beskrywings was die data vir hierdie studie. Die geldigheid van die data word in verskeie sekondêre dokumente gestaaf. Die bestuurspraktyke is uit ʼn praktiese oogpunt ondersoek. Volgens ʼn praktykparadigma is strategiese praktyke in waardedrywers aangetoon wat op grond van die bevindings tot volhoubaarheid bydra. Daarna is die strategiese praktyke volgens tema en stellings oor die volhoubaarheidsteorie rakende hierdie diensorganisasies gerangskik. Die praktyke beïnvloed die stadia van ʼn organisasie se lewensiklus in ʼn kollektiewe praktykstelsel. Gevolglik kan ʼn stadium in die lewensiklus geïdentifiseer word wat tot veerkrag en vernuwing bydra met die oog op oorlewing en volhoubaarheid. Die strategieë van die organisasies in hierdie studie kom neer op goeie bestuur en behoorlike verslagdoening. Bestuurders openbaar goeie leierskap, die bestendige personeel werk as ʼn span saam, en ʼn kultuur van doelgemaakte dienslewering heers in hierdie organisasies. Afgesien van aanpassing met die oog op veerkrag in die kort termyn, is die aanpassing en ontwikkeling van hulpbronne vir finansiële stabiliteit van die allergrootste belang. / Thutopatlisiso e tsibogela boikuelo jwa gore go nne le dipatlisiso tsa bokao jo bo anameng. Tota tota, thutopatlisiso e theilwe mo lephateng le le sa direng lotseno la Aforikaborwa – ditheo tse di sa direng lotseno (NPO) – mo tlhokomelong ya loago. Lephata le le sa direng lotseno le bidiwa gape Lephata la Boraro, mme patlisiso eno e tsere molemo wa togamaano-jaaka-tiragatso go tlhotlhomisa togamaano mo lephateng leno. Thutopatlisiso e batlisisa ka moo batsamaisi le baeteledipele ba diNPO tseno ba logang maano ka gona go tsweletsa ditheo le ditirelo tsa bona mo tikologong e e fetogang le e e lopang go le gontsi. Go tswelela go nna teng ga diNPO go amiwa ke ditlhaelo di le mmalwa tse di amanang le badiri, ditšhelete, ditlamelo, boithaopo, le go koketsego e e tswelelang pele ya topo ya tlhokomelo ya loago. Ditlhaelo tseno di tlhoka gore batsamaisi le baeteledipele ba ditheo tse di sa direng lotseng ba dire ditogamaano le ditiragatso go netefatsa katlego le go nnela ruri. Diphitlhelelo tsa thutopatlisiso di tlhomamisa botlhokwa jwa kgotlhelelo go tswelela go nna teng mo pakeng e e telele. Diphitlhelelo di supa gore diNPO di tlhoka go nna di itlwaetsa seemo sa kwa ntle le sa ka fa gare. Boeteledipele bo bona kgotlhelelo ka taolo le go tsweletsa ditirelo tse di maleba tsa ditlhokego tse di nnang di fetoga tsa setšhaba se bo se direlang. Ditiragatso di tshwanetse go tsibogela diphetogo ka katiso le katisosešwa, dipegelo tse di matsetseleko go balekane le batlamedi ba bangwe ba ditšhelete, le go obamela ditheo tsa taolo ka melao e e maleba le taolo e e tsepameng ya ditšhelete. Go itlwaetsa seemo go magareng ga ditiragatso tsa botlhokwatlhokwa tse di supilweng mo thutopatlisisong eno. Go sedimositswe thata boeteledipele jo bo kgontshang go nnela leruri. Ka dipotsolotso tse di batlileng di rulagane, mmatlisisi o upolotse ditiragatso tsa togamaano tsa diNPO tse di sa bolong go nna gona go supa ditogamaano tse di tshwaelang mo go tsweleleng go nna teng mo pakeng e e telele. Baeteledipele ba ba mo maemong a a farologaneng a boeteledipele ba neetse ditlhaloso ka botlalo malebana le ditiragatso tsa bona, tseo di dirileng jaaka data ya patlisiso eno. Data e tlametse ka tšhono ya go batlisisa togamaano ka mogopolo wa tiragatso mme e tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse dingwe. Ka tiriso ya togamaano ya molebo wa tiragatso, go supilwe di tiragatso tsa togamaano mo ditsamaising tsa boleng mme go fitlhetswe di tshwaela mo go nneleng leruri. Morago go ne ga rulaganngwa ditiragatso tsa togamaano ka meono le dipolelo go ya kwa tioring ya go tswelela go nna teng malebana le ditheo tseno tsa tirelo. Ditiragatso di tlhotlheletsa magato a sediko sa botshelo jwa setheo mo thulaganyong e e kokoantsweng ya ditiragatso, mme di lebisa kwa goreng go supiwe mo sedikong sa botshelo, legato le le tshwaelang mo kgotlhelelong le ntshwafatsong go thusa go tswelela go nna teng leruri. Go diragadiwa ga ditogamaano tse di fitlhetsweng mo ditheong tsa thutopatlisiso eno di tlamela ka bolaodi jo bo siameng jo bo akaretsang go dira dipegelo ka tolamo. Gape go tlamela ka boeteledipele jo bo siameng go netefatsa gore go nna le badiri ba ba tsepameng e bile ba itlamile go dira mmogo jaaka setlhopha go tlhama setso se se siametseng tlamelo ya ditirelo. Sa botlhokwatlhokwa ke go itlwaetsa kgotlhelelo mo pakeng e e khutshwane le go itlwaetsa le go dira gore go nne le ditlamelo tsa tsepamo ya ditšhelete. / Business Management / Ph. D. (Management Studies)

Managing for improved school effectiveness at selected primary schools in the Gauteng province

Kobola, Matshidiso Walter 01 1900 (has links)
The research study investigated management strategies through which school effectiveness could be enhanced in primary schools situated in Gauteng Province. The enhancement of school effectiveness necessitated the discussion on school improvement to find ways to turn around the situation in dysfunctional schools in the province. The province is characterised by urban and suburban areas, townships, and informal settlements. Teachers in schools in these areas are well qualified. However, different challenges in these areas impact upon the enhancement of school effectiveness. A literature review was conducted to provide a conceptual framework and explain concepts such as effective management, administration, leadership, principal effectiveness, and teacher effectiveness. The literature review also investigated the factors that impact upon school effectiveness and school improvement and explored the historical development of School Effectiveness Research (SER) in the United States of America, Europe, Australia, and Africa to expound the problem investigated. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted. Six primary schools were selected using purposive sampling to ensure that different demographic areas were covered in the research. Purposive sampling allowed the researcher to target schools from high and low socio-economic areas because they often experience different challenges concerning to school effectiveness. Data were collected through individual interviews with principals and officials from the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) at the district and teachers in focus groups. Key findings were identified. Participants from the three categories respectively identified several characteristics of effective schools which concurred with the literature on school effectiveness. They also identified two features of effective schools which were unique to the study: in effective schools, there is little or no learner and teacher absenteeism; and school values which shape the behaviour of learners are clearly articulated. School values include trustworthiness, respectfulness, honesty, responsibility, striving for excellence and good leadership. School effectiveness is hindered by the current process of appointing principals which does not always succeed in selecting principals with the required leadership qualities and management skills. Further, the incorrect implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) in schools hinders teacher development and leads to poor teacher performance. / Die navorsingstudie ondersoek bestuurstrategieë waardeur die effektiwiteit van primêre skole, geleë in die Provinisie van Gauteng verhoog kan word. Die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole het die bespreking oor skoolverbetering genoodsaak om maniere te vind om die situasie in disfunksionele skole in die provinisie om te draai. Die provinsie word gekenmerk deur landelike en stedelike gebiede, lokasies, en informele nedersetttings. Onderwysers van skole in hierdie gebiede is goed gekwalifiseerd. Verskeie uitdagings in hierdie gebiede het egter n uitwerking op die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole. ʼn Literêre oorsig is uitgevoer om n konseptuele raamwerk te voorsien en om konsepte soos effektiewe bestuur, administrasie, leierskap, effektiwiteit van die skoolhoof, en onderwysers te verduidelik. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik om die empiriese ondersoek uit te voer. Ses primêre skole is gekies en doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om te verseker dat verskillende demografiese gebiede deel was van die navorsing. Doelgerigte steekproefneming het die navorser toegelaat om skole van hoë en lae sosio-ekonomiese gebiede te teiken omdat hulle dikwels verskillende uitdagings aangaande die effektiwiteit van skole ervaar. Data is versamel deur indivduele onderhoude met skoolhoofde en amptenare van Gauteng Onderwys Departement (GDE) by die distrik en deur fokusgroep onderhoude met onderwysers. Sleutelbevindinge was soos volg. Deelnemers uit die drie kategoriëë het onderskeidelik geidentifiseer met verskeie eienskappe van effektiewe skole wat ooreenstem met die literatuur op effektiwiteit in skole. Hulle het ook twee kenmerke van effektiewe skole wat uniek was tot die studie geïdentifiseer: in effektiewe skole is daar min of geen afwesigheid van leerders en onderwysers; en skoolwaardes wat die gedrag van leerders vorm word duidelik verwoord. Skoolwaardes sluit betroubaarheid, respek, eerlikheid, verantwoordelikheid, strewe na uitenmendheid en goeie leierskap in. Effektiwiteit in skole word verhinder deur die huidge proses van aanstelling van skoolhoofde wat nie altyd daarin slaag om skoolhoofde te kies wat die nodige leierskap en bestuurseienskappe het nie. Verder, die verkeerde implementering van die Geïntegreerde Bestuurstelsel (IQMS) in skole belemmer die ontwikkeling en lei tot swak prestasie van onderwysers. / Dinyakisiso tse tsa go ithuta di be di tsomana le mekgwanakgwana ya bolaodi bja thuto go tiisetsa gore dikolo tsa motheo Profentsheng ya Gauteng di soma mesomo yeo e nepagetsego. Tiisetso ya go soma mesomonepagetsego ya sekolo e dirile gore go ahlaahliwe hlabollo ya dikolo go humana ditselana tseo ka tsona re ka hlabolang dikolo tseo di sa someng botse mo profentsheng. Profentshe ya Gauteng e na le dikolo tsa motsesetoropong le tsa mo go bego go dula batho basweu fela. Barutisi mo mafelong a ba na le di thuto tse maleba. Fela, dihlotlo tseo dileng gona mo mafelong a di huetsa tiistso ya go soma mesomonepagatso sekolong. Go dirilwe tekololeswa ya dingwalwa go hlalosa dikgopolo tse bjalo ka taolonepagatso, boetapele, mesomonepagatso ya hlogo ya sekolo le mesomonepagatso ya morutisi. Tekololeswa ya dingwalwa e nyakisisitse dintlha tseo di huetsang mesomonepagetso sekolong le hlabollo ya sekolo go lebeletswe tswetsopele ya dinyakisiso tsamesomonepagatso ya dikiolo dinageng tsa United States of America, Europa, Australia le Afrika go hlalosa bothata bjo bo nyakisiswago. Go dirilwe dinyakisiso ka poledisano go somiswa mokgwa wa kwalitetifi. Go kgethilwe dikolo tse tshela tsa fase ka go somisa kgetho ka maikemisetso go direla gore go akaretswe dikolo go tswa mafelong a go fapana. Kgetho ka maikemisetso e dumelela monyakisisi go tswa mafelong a batho ba go ba le sa bona le mafelong a batho ba go hloka sa bona ka ge ba itemogela dihlotlo tse fapaneng mesomonepagatso. Tshedimoso ye e kgobokeditswe ka dipoledisano le dihlogo tsa dikolo motho a le nosi le bahlankedi bammuso wa Kgoro ya Thuto ya Kgauteng motho a le nosi le dipoledisano ka sehlopha. Dintlha tsa dipoelo di be di le mo go latelago: Batseakarolo go tswa mafapeng a go fapana ba hlaotse diponagalo tsa dikolo tseo disomago ka nepagalo tseo di dumelelanago le tekololeswa ya dingwalwa. Gape ba hlaotse dipanagalo tse dingwe tsa moswana nosi: Dikolo tsa go soma ka nepagalo ga di na barutwana goba barutisi ba go se tle sekolong. Meano ya sekolo e akaretsa botshephegi, tlhompho, boikarabelo le go somela bobotse ka go fetisa le boetapele bjo bo botse. Mosomonepagatso ya sekolo e sitiswa ke tshepediso ya go thwala dihlogo tsa dikolo yeo ka nako tse dinwe e sitago ke go hlaola hlogo ya sekolo yeo e nago le boetapele le bolaodi bjo bo botse. Gape, go tsentshatirisong wo o fasagetseng wa tshepetso ya bolaodi bja hlabollo ya barutisi go sitisa tswelopele. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

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