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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die deutsche Psychoanalyse und der Nationalsozialismus.: eine medizinsoziologische Analyse der Berufsbiographien von PsychoanalytikerInnen der frühen Nachkriegszeit

Wachtler, Benjamin 12 February 2015 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Formen des biographischen Umgangs mit der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in Berufsbiographien von PsychoanalytikerInnen, die vor dem 01.01.1937 geboren wurden und ihre psychoanalytische Ausbildung im frühen Nachkriegsdeutschland begannen. Dafür wurden 23 berufsbiographisch fokussierte narrative Interviews mit Angehörigen psychoanalytischer Fachgesellschaften geführt und mittels der dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertet. Es zeigte sich, dass der Zeit des NS in den Berufsbiographien eine große subjektive Bedeutung zugewiesen wird. Wichtige Etappen der beruflichen Formung, wie die Berufsfindung oder die Lehranalyse werden mit dieser Zeit in Zusammenhang gesetzt. Es lassen sich zwei Typen des biographischen Umgangs erkennen, wobei der eine sich als persönliches „Opfer“ des NS beschreibt und über diese Leidensgeschichte den Weg in die Psychoanalyse fand. Während der Lehranalyse konnten diese subjektiven Beeinflussungen jedoch meist nicht thematisiert werden. Der andere Typ beschreibt eine nachteilige „inhaltlich-strukturelle“ Beeinflussung der eigenen Ausbildung, die in den Veränderungen der Psychoanalyse während des NS begründet sei. Gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass die Psychoanalyse in einer defensiven Haltung gegenüber dem NS dargestellt wird und Veränderungen während dieser Zeit als heteronom produziert begriffen werden. Es wird in der Arbeit nachgezeichnet, welche Diskurse um die Geschichte der deutschen Psychoanalyse in den verschiedenen Etappen der historischen Aufarbeitung prägend waren. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Interviewten die verallgemeinernden Diskurse der ersten Aufarbeitungsetappe reproduzieren um ihre psychoanalytische Identität zu stabilisieren. Es wird diskutiert, welche Bedeutung diese Ergebnisse für die weitere Entwicklung der deutschen Psychoanalyse hatten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Bibliographische Beschreibung 3 1 Gegenstand und Problemstellung: Biographisierung des Nationalsozialismus und Entwicklung der Nachkriegspsychoanalyse in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 4 1.1 Zum Verhältnis von Medizin und Psychoanalyse 6 1.2 Medizin und Nationalsozialismus: Besonderheiten der Geschichtsaufarbeitung der deutschen Psychoanalyse 9 1.3 Wissenschaftsentwicklung und Berufsbiographien – Wissenssoziologische und biographietheoretische Grundlegungen 11 1.4 Fragestellung 13 2 Daten und Methode 14 3 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 17 3.1 Allgemeine Relevanz, Berufswahl, Lehranalyse und Ausbildungssituation an den Instituten 17 3.2 Typen der Biographisierung 19 3.3 Diskurse um die Geschichte der Psychoanalyse während des Nationalsozialismus 20 4 Diskussion 21 5 Literatur 26 6 Publikationen 30 7 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 74 8 Anlagen 80 8.1 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 80 8.2 Publikationen 81 8.3 Danksagungen 82

German Foreign Fighters in the Yugoslav Wars

Hoffmann, Patrick January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify those German citizens, who were fighting in the Yugoslav wars, determine their background, actions on the ground and post-war trajectories, as well as suggest probable motivations for joining the combat in the way they did. The thesis raises the question, how these German war volunteers can be best described and if they are somehow specific within their subgroup of predominantly Western anti-Yugoslav foreign fighters. I argue that Nir Arielli, one of the few scholars dealing with the role of Westerners in the conflict, falls short by qualifying them merely as "meaning seekers" and thus overlooks the multitude of political connections and references, first and foremost among the Germans. I will offer a critique by pointing out differences and nuances, especially in origin- based motives, ideological underpinning and perspectives on the conflict. In doing so, I will raise the question of what we do know about the political situation in both Germany and Croatia in the early 1990s, and how each of that might that have facilitated decisions to join combat abroad. In addition, I will classify their appearance both within the well-known theory of "new wars" as well as within the phenomenon of foreign war volunteering, arguing that there is not much reason why this group should...

Subkultura extrémní pravice ve Svobodném státě Sasko / Far-right Subculture in the Free State of Saxony

Lujcová, Drahomíra January 2017 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá subkulturou krajní pravice ve Svobodném státě - pojednáno v multidisciplinárním kontextu, práce vysvětluje důvod také využívá politologické roviny, vymezuje pojem pravicového extremismu a ukazuje jeho rávní úrovni je rozvedena reakce státu ve formě legislativních a represivních opatření. V kontextu občanského vzdělávání jsou prezentovány instituce a aktéři, kteří v Sasku na tomto poli působí s cílem eliminovat pravicový extremismus ve společnosti. Text rovněž definuje, jak velké nebezpečí subkultura ve společnosti představuje. Vláda se snaží s pravicovým extremismem vypořádat, i když se žádná politická strana nedostává přímo do parlamentu. Jde především o hrozbu společenskou spočívající v páchání trestné činnosti, schopnosti mobilizace a tvoření chybných ideologických přesvědčení. Stát chce primárně svoje občany chránit před kriminální činností, vzdělávat je a rozvíjet demokratické uvědomění, přičemž systém občanského vzdělávání Spolkové republiky Německo je celosvětově považován za vzor, jelikož se obor po druhé světové válce stal díky specifickému vnímání pravicového extremismu součástí německé identity

Národní divadlo v Praze v době nacistické okupace: Přední divadelní scéna mezi útlakem a odporem. (Historicko-sociologická analýza) / The National Theatre in Prague during the Nazi Occupation: The Foremost Theatre Scene between Oppression and Resistance. (A Historical-sociological Analysis)

Prázný, Rudolf January 2020 (has links)
The National Theatre in Prague during the Nazi Occupation: The Foremost Theatre Scene between Oppression and Resistance. (A Historical-sociological Analysis) ABSTRACT The submitted dissertation, based on historical-sociological analysis, describes and explains the status, reaction and functionality of the National Theatre in Prague during the hardest times of our modern history - the occupation of the Czech lands by Nazi Germany, the so-called Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (1939-1945), the era when the National Theatre, as the top cultural institution, consolidated its artistry, its permanent values and interpretation efforts of its ensemble to defend the right of our society to preserve its own culture, its own existence. The principal objective of this work is to analyze methods and techniques by means of which the National Theatre in Prague, in line with its audience, steadily faced critical situations caused by the Nazi occupation. Among key factors in this process were the acts of Czech theatre performers proving their bravery as they put their work careers and even their own lives at risk to help guide our nation towards awareness and determination not to relinquish the nation's sovereignty. The Nazis viewed the National Theatre in Prague as a potential instrument for fulfilling their plans...

Vysocí úředníci v Národní bance Československé v letech 1938-1953 / Chief Officers in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia in Years 1938-1953

Kyselka, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In this master thesis I want to focus on high rank execs in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia. between years 1938-1953. These employers are important for me, because they were educated during the time of Austro-Hungarian empire or during the time of The First Czechoslovak Republic. They also had to work under nazi economic system and under communist economic system as well. These interactions between employers and both regimes are the ones that I would like to study in my master thesis.

Vysocí úředníci v Národní bance Československé v letech 1938-1953 / Chief Officers in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia in Years 1938-1953

Kyselka, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
In this master thesis I want to focus on high rank execs in the National Bank of Czechoslovakia. between years 1938-1953. These employers are important for me, because they were educated during the time of Austro-Hungarian empire or during the time of The First Czechoslovak Republic. They also had to work under nazi economic system and under communist economic system as well. These interactions between employers and both regimes are the ones that I would like to study in my master thesis.

Mýty a kontroverze: Ukrajinské dobrovolnické jednotky v Donbasu 2014-15 / Myths and Controversies: Ukrainian Volunteer Units in Donbas 2014-15

Mastný, David January 2016 (has links)
Ukrainian paramilitary volunteer units became a key to fight threats of the russo-separatist hybrid war and their activity could be strongly reflected in the outcome of combat operations. This case study examines a phenomenon of volunteer battalions including myths and controversies that accompany them. The paper defines and analyzes four most controversial issues that are connected with volunteer units and confronts them with reality. Furthermore, it deals with roots and origins of these controversies and examines consequences of problematic units on the security and political situation in Ukraine. These topics include a spread of radical nationalism, fascism and neo-Nazism in volunteer units, criminal activities of volunteer fighters , the role of religion in the volunteer movement and links between volunteer units and political parties or oligarchs and related problems such as financing.


21 August 2018 (has links)
[pt] As obras dos dois artistas alemães Anselm Kiefer e Georg Baselitz e sua importância na retomada da arte germânica e européia no cenário da arte mundial são objetos de estudo deste trabalho. Ao reviverem suas próprias histórias de vida em sua prática artística, esses artistas transformam as reminiscências do passado em motivo (Leitmotiv) para a criação. Assimilando e explorando suas experiências vitais para transformá-las em matéria constituinte de suas poéticas, efetuam o resgate de um pathos tipicamente romântico. O olhar para a história comum, o nazismo, o comunismo, o período pós-guerra e a divisão da Alemanha e suas consequências pontuam suas obras. A semelhança estética entre suas poéticas faz-se presente em seu caráter monumental, no impulso pictórico, expressivo e brutal, bem como na qualidade gestual de suas obras. Também coincidem no regaste da figuração e de um simbolismo que alude a questões sociais, políticas e históricas, partindo de uma vivência pessoal. / [en] This paper studies the artistic creations of German painters Anselm Kiefer and Georg Baselitz and their importance in the retrieval of German and European art in the context of world art. Looking back at their own life stories and their artistic performance, these two painters made recollections of the past into the Leitmotif of creation. Assimilating and exploring their own vital experiences in order to turn them into the subject matter of their poetics, they effected the retrieval of a typically romantic pathos. A review of their common experiences with Nazism and Communism, the post-war period and the division of Germany and its consequences underscore their work. The aesthetical resemblance of their poetics also appear in the monumental character, the expressive and brutal painting impulse, as well as the spontaneous quality of their work. There also is a coincidence in the retrieval of figurative art and symbolism regarding social, political and historical questions, seen from a personal living perspective.

Rozbor tématického okruhu eutanázie v románu Uwe Timma Ikárie. Zrod rasové hygiény z ducha utopie / Addressing the complex issue of euthanasia in Uwe Timm's novel Ikarien. The birth of racial hygiene out of the spirit of utopian ideals

Bičík, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
Presented Master's thesis deals with euthanasia in the novel "Ikarien" by German author Uwe Timm. The thesis highlights development of its main character Alfred Ploetz, an originator of so-called racial hygiene (German variation of eugenics). Ploetz supported the idea of performing euthanasia on severely disabled people. This was applied at massive scale in Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1945. One of the goals of this thesis is to analyze the connection between utopian notions about the creation of a new man, eugenics and euthanasia performed by Nazis, which is reflected in the life of Alfred Ploetz. Furthermore, the thesis aims to give analysis of literary means used for capturing subject matter and compare factual and fictional parts of this historical novel. KEYWORDS Uwe Timm, euthanasia, racial hygiene, eugenics, utopia, science, Alfred Ploetz

Forgotten and Unfulfilled: German Transitions in the French Occupation Zone, 1945-1949

Aldridge, Guy B. 24 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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