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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nacismus versus okultismus v protektorátu Čechy a Morava: Osudy Jiřího Arvéda Smíchovského a Jana Kefera / Nazism versus occultism in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia: Lives of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský and Jan Kefer

Bernardová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis entitled Nazism versus Occultism in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia: The Fate of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský and Jan Kefer, deals primarily with the life of two Czech hermeticians, Jan Kefer and Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský, on the background of their relation to occultism and Nazism. In addition to describe the lives of both persons, with a closer focus on their fates during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the master thesis also brings a chapter on the almost unknown Nazi action against the secret sciences and occultists which took place in the territory of the Protectorate in 1941. At the beginning of the text, reader gets familiarized with some basic concepts from occult science and the relationship between Nazism and occultism in general. Then follows the aforementioned chapter on the occultists' persecution in the protectorate. The main pillars of the thesis are the biographies of J. A. Smíchovský and J. Kefer which focus more closely on the Protectorate period. In my thesis I work with many sources, especially from historical sources stored in state and private archives or interviews with a witness. The chapter on the methodology of work deals with the used information sources. The contribution of this diploma thesis is collecting a number of sources to the fate of both...

MUDr. Emil Flusser - dětský lékař jako posel humanity. Příspěvek ke studiu židovské intelektuality v první polovině 20. století. / Dr. Emil Flusser - pediatrician as the humanity carrier. Contribution to study of the Jewish intelectuality in the first half of the twentieth century.

LÖWOVÁ, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is conserned with the personality of Budweiser?s doctor Emil Flusser and tries to enter his intellectual world with the historical-anthropological method. Based on his two main writings analysis (Křičící kojenec, Válka jako nemoc) and preserved souces analysis (press of the period, the doctor?s own texts), German-speeking Jewish doctor Emil Flusser, is placed into both czech and german cultural society in Budweis. This diploma thesis is focused not only on his doctor?s work, war and protest against the war are main themes of this diploma thesis. Since Dr. Emil Flusser knew important people (Albert Einstein, Karl Kraus), based on contemporary press study I?ve tried to reconstruct their art of world understanding in period close to the second world war.

Heinrich Mann et l’exil en France. 1933 – 1940 / Heinrich Mann and the exile in France. 1933 – 1940

Lagleize, Maxime 13 February 2010 (has links)
Chassé par l'arrivée au pouvoir des nazis en Allemagne, Heinrich Mann a presque soixante-deux ans lorsqu'il émigre en France, le 21 février 1933. Comment Heinrich Mann a-t-il pu concilier la continuité de son engagement intellectuel avec la situation même de l'exil et dans quelle mesure son engagement fut-il redéfini par cette situation? Heinrich Mann a compris très vite qu'il lui fallait réadapter les objectifs de son engagement pour pouvoir le poursuivre en terre étrangère ; c'est ce qu'il fit dès les premiers mois passés en France, par les essais qu'il publia. La ville de Nice, où il s'établit, est le lieu de l'écrivain, Paris reste le lieu de l'engagement intellectuel. L'historiographie sur cette époque n'a souvent retenu du personnage qu'une certaine naïveté, et son instrumentalisation par le parti communiste, point qui mérite d'être relativisé. Le roman d'Henri IV, écrit pendant l’émigration, reste l'un des plus grands textes produits par la communauté allemande en exil. / After the Nazis had come to power in Germany, Heinrich Mann at the age of almost sixty-two years old had to go into exile to France on February 21th, 1933. How could he adapt his intellectual commitment to the new status of exile and to what extend was his commitment in France redetermined by the life in exile? Heinrich Mann understood quickly that he had to readjust the objectives of his commitment in order to continue in exile. He implemented it already in the first months he spent in France in the essays and texts he published. The city of Nice was the place where he lived and wrote, Paris remained the place for the intellectual commitment. The historiography of this period has often imputed to him a kind of naivety of character and the exploitation by the German communist party, but this point has to be relativised. Young Henry of Navarre, written during his stay in France is one of the most beautiful texts produced by the German community in exile.

Mediální obraz české zábavní filmové tvorby ve společenských časopisech Eva , Módní revue a Pestrý týden v období 1939-1942 / Media image of Czech entertainment film production in magazines Eva, Módní revue and Pestý týden in period 1939-1942

Zemanová, Irena January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Media image of czech entertainment film production in magazines Eva, Módní revue and Pestrý týden in period 1939 - 1942" deals with analysis of three specific magazines from the era of Nazi occupation and "Protectorate Böhmen und Mähren", called Eva, Módní revue and Pestrý týden, with the accent of their entertainment character, especially their cover of czech protectorate film production, its changes and proceeding in the concrete period, as well as the activities of filmmakers and feature film itself. Diploma thesis also follows the influence of czech protectorate and Nazi authorities over these magazines, using the method of historical comparative analysis.

Analýza činnosti Allgemeine-SS v Dolních Rakousích v letech 1932 - 1945 / Analysis of the activities of Allgemeine-SS in Lower Austria in the years 1932 - 1945

Zumr, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the research of a role played by the SS, respectively Allgemeine-SS, in Lower Austria and Reichsgau Lower Danube since its creation in the early 1930s to the end of the Second World War. The dissertation's purpose is to analyse SS activities, structure and staff. Its history showed a number of identical features with the history of the SS in other Austrian Bundesländer and in Germany itself, but at the same time local specifics appeared. In Lower Austria / Lower Danube, the SS had the second highest or even the highest number of members in entire Austria, depending on a particular year. However, conversion to per capita it was exactly the opposite. In comparison with the situation in "the old empire", the SS also showed below average numbers of SS men. This fact consisted in geographic character and population social structure of the country whose predominantly Catholic-conservative inhabitants living in the lowland countryside showed greater resistance to entry into the SS than Evangelicals or Catholics living in the mountains. The situation was specific in South Moravia and the south-eastern corner of Bohemia which were connected to Lower Danube in October 1938. There were, as in the entire former Czechoslovak borderlands, a number of Allgemeine-SS members per capita...

Methods Short of War: The United States Reacts to the Rise of the Third Reich

Negy, Kenneth 01 January 2013 (has links)
This project analyzes the various opinions in the United States of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the 1930s and studies the amount of information that was available in the United States regarding Nazi Germany before entering World War II. Specifically, it seeks to understand why the United States did relatively little to influence German and European affairs even in the face of increasing Nazi brutality and bellicosity. The analysis has been divided into three different categories. The first focuses on the United States government, and the President and Secretary of State in particular. The second category analyzes the minority opinion in the United States that had Nazi sympathies. Finally, the third deals with the American public in general. The evidence suggests that there was enough information regarding Nazi Germany for Americans to make a reasonable judgment. Most of the United States was opposed to Nazism and the German government. In spite of this, the majority agreed that the United States should not intervene or enter war. This study is significant because it helps shed further light on a debate in the country that continues to the present day: what role should the United States have when it comes to world affairs? The research in this thesis suggests that, in spite of opposition by the American public, if there is enough verifiable evidence of a humanitarian crisis to justify intervention, the government should act.


BRUNO MOTTA DE VASCONCELLOS 23 September 2019 (has links)
[pt] Com o fim da II Guerra e a queda do III Reich, ganha ímpeto um ataque jusnaturalista ao positivismo jurídico sob o fundamento de que ele foi o pensamento jurídico predominante na Alemanha da República de Weimar e que continuou sendo durante o regime nazista. Desta forma, o positivismo teve responsabilidade tanto pela queda da república quanto pelo funcionamento genocida do regime de Hitler. Iniciando-se com um artigo de Gustav Radbruch, tais ataques prosseguiram nas vozes de diversos antipositivistas e neoconstitucionalistas como Fuller, Dworkin, Alexy e, mais recentemente, David Dyzenhaus, jurista com quem a presente tese procura debater. Contra estes argumentos, pretende-se aqui refutá-los a partir das categorias fantasmagoria e hostilidade, extraídas do pensamento político-jurídico de Thomas Hobbes. A primeira procura demonstrar que o pensamento jurídico nazista era calcado em uma forma transcendental e eseencialista de pensar, implicando uma concepção do direito como algo já dado e que deveria ser realizado. A segunda determinava que, para realizar esta fantasmagoria, a forma jurídica poderia ser completamente afastada, de modo que o regime nazista, na verdade, seria antipositivista. Com isto, tanto a partir da teoria de Hobbes quanto de exemplos históricos, a presente tese procura afastar tal mito sobre o positivismo, afirmando que, ao contrário, o pensamento jurídico nazista era mais próximo do jusnaturalismo, e que as teses antipositivistas e neoconstitucionalistas de abertura do direito à moral, ao contrário do que pretendem, podem acabar por fornecer meios de ascensão de regimes autoritários, de modo que uma interpretação formal do direito deve ser vista como mais adequada do que uma jurisprudência de princípios. / [en] With the end of World War II and the fall of the Third Reich, a jusnaturalist attack on legal positivism gained momentum on the ground that it was the predominant legal thought in the German Weimar Republic and continued to be so during the Nazi regime. In this way, positivism was responsible both for the fall of the republic and for the genocidal functioning of the Hitler regime. Starting with an article by Gustav Radbruch, such attacks continued in the voices of several antipositivists and neo-constitutionalists such as Fuller, Dworkin, Alexy and more recently David Dyzenhaus, a jurist whose arguments this thesis intends to debate. Against these arguments, the objective here is to refute them with the help of the concepts of phantasmagoria and hostility, extracted from the political-juridical thought of Thomas Hobbes. The first concept seeks to demonstrate that Nazi legal thinking was modeled on a transcendental and essentialist way, implying a conception of law as an a priori that should be realized. The second concept determined that in order to realize this phantasmagoria, the legal form could be completely removed. Thus, the Nazi regime, in fact, would be anti-positivist. Thereby, both with the help of Hobbes s theory and historical examples, this thesis aims to dispel such a myth about positivism, stating that, on the contrary, Nazi legal thought was closer to natural-law, and that the anti-positivist and neo-constitutionalist theses, contrary to what intend or claim, may ultimately provide help to authoritarian regimes seize power. Thus, a formalist law interpretation must be seen as more appropriate than an interpretation based on principles.

La France et les Français devant le service du travail obligatoire (1942-1945) / France and its population confronted to the compulsory labor draft (1942-1945)

Spina, Raphaël 29 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse représente la première synthèse scientifique à l’échelle nationale sur le Service du Travail Obligatoire (STO). De septembre 1942 à l’été 1944, les lois du régime de Vichy contraignent 600 000 à 650 000 personnes à partir dans le Reich remplacer les mobilisés allemands. Ce drame, tournant majeur de l’Occupation, reste après-guerre sous-étudié, et ses victimes oubliées. Il est reconstitué ici sous l’ensemble de ses aspects : relations franco-allemandes, impacts économiques et sociaux, accentuation du discrédit de l’Etat français et du collaborationnisme, contribution à l’essor de la Résistance et des maquis. Notre travail se clôt sur la vie des exilés en Allemagne, leur retour et leur mémoire amère, portée par l’ex-Fédération Nationale des Déportés du Travail. Un fil conducteur est l’attitude de l’opinion publique face aux prélèvements de main-d’œuvre. Perceptions et comportements dépendent des étapes du STO, des classes sociales, des appartenances religieuses ou des circonstances locales. Malgré bien des contestations (grèves, manifestations), la France est le seul pays d’Europe occupée à fournir tous les hommes demandés, du moins jusqu’à l’été 1943. Les Français paraissent d’abord pris au dépourvu, impuissants, divisés. Les individus, repliés sur eux-mêmes, semblent moins soucieux de se soustraire au travail forcé ou d’aider autrui à s’y dérober que d’exiger que ce tribut impopulaire frappe tous les groupes à égalité. La désobéissance de masse ne s’instaure que dans un second temps. A côté de l’obéissance et du réfractariat, nous étudions ce que nous baptisons la « refusance », c’est-à-dire les moyens de refuser le STO sans recourir à la clandestinité (emplois protégés, faux certificats médicaux, entrée dans les forces de l’ordre, etc.). / This thesis represents the first scientific synthesis nationwide about the Compulsory Labor Draft (Service du Travail Obligatoire, STO) inflicted upon France during the Second World War. Between September 1942 and the summer of 1944, laws enacted by the Vichy Regime forced approximately 600000 to 650000 French people to leave for the Reich in order to replace the German people recruited to the military. This turning point of the Occupation remained underrepresented in post-war research, and the victims felt into oblivion. The STO is reconstructed with special interest to the relationships between France and Germany, the socio-economic impacts, the discredit brought to the Vichy government and the collaborationist parties, the help to the expansion of the French Resistance and of the Maquis. The work ends with a depiction of the exiled people’s lives, their return and their bitter memories, supported by the former Fédération Nationale des Déportés du Travail. The main idea throughout this work is the attitude displayed by the public opinion confronted to the forced labor. Perceptions and behaviors depend on the periods in the history of the STO, of social classes, religion or local contexts. In spite of many protests such as strikes and demonstrations, France is the only country to have delivered all men requested by Germany, at least up to the summer of 1943. The French people seem to have been taken by surprise, powerless and divided. Individuals seem less troubled with dodging the forced labour service or with helping others to do so than with claiming that the whole population should equally be taken by this highly obnoxious toll. The massive disobedience only took over in a second cycle. Alongside the obedience and the réfractariat, the refusal newly coined as “refusance”, is a phenomenon studied in this work. The latter world refers to official actions and dynamics of refusing the STO without having to go underground, i.e. protected workplaces, false medical certificates or the joining of the law polices, to name but a few.

Théorie générale du charisme et de la crise de succession en régime charismatique / Generaly theory of charisma and the succession crisis in charismatic regime

Meite, Youssouf 26 November 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse porte sur le charisme et la crise de succession en régime charismatique. À l’aide d’éléments théoriques puisés chez Max Weber et ses successeurs, on tente de faire un bilan, une synthèse des recherches passées et celles en cours, et de proposer notre propre compréhension du pouvoir charismatique et la question de son utilité. En effet, bien que le concept de charisme soit largement utilisé et discuté par les théoriciens du pouvoir et du leadership, il demeure encore une énigme majeure des sciences sociales, politiques et juridiques. Ainsi, persuadé de sa pertinence comme principe de légitimation du pouvoir politique, on tente d’explorer plus en avant certains de ses aspects négligés ou insuffisamment élaborés, afin de proposer une vue d’ensemble sur la question. L’illustration de ses grandes figures historiques les plus marquantes comme Mussolini, Hitler, Khomeiny, de Gaulle, Mao, Houphouët, Nkrumah nous permet d’entrevoir ses vertus et ses vices, mettant également en avant les crises de succession en régime charismatique avec leurs différentes solutions. / The purpose of this thesis deals with the charisma and the succession crisis in charismatic regime. With the help of theoretical elements drawn from Max Weber and his successors, we try to make an assessment, a summary of previous researches and those in progress, and propose our own understanding of charismatic power and the question of its usefulness. Indeed, although the concept of charisma is widely used and discussed by the theorists of power and leadership, it remains a major conundrum of social science, political and legal. So convinced of its relevance as a principle of legitimation of political power, we attempt to further explore some aspects neglected or insufficiently developed to provide an overview of the issue. The illustration of these great historical figures, the most significant, like Mussolini, Hitler, Khomeini, De Gaulle, Mao, Houphouët, and Nkrumah gives a glimpse of its virtues and its vices, thus highlighting the crises of succession in charismatic regime with their different solutions.

Strategie přežití v denících dětí a mládeže vězněných v terezínském ghettu v letech 1942-45 / The survival strategies used by children and teenagers imprisoned in the Terezin ghetto between 1942-45 based on their diaries

Berčíková, Nikola January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis The survival strategy used by children and youth imprisoned in the Terezin ghetto between 1942 - 1945 based on their diaries is a study, which analyze some extant diaries written by children deported during Word War II to the Terezin ghetto. As the main sources served archive materials, especially unpublished children's diaries kept in the Jewish Museum of Prague and in the Terezin Memorial. Terezin ghetto (Theresienstadt) was exist between November 1941 and May 1945. Part of this work is concise representation of the ghetto's beginning and function and overall conditions. In the following chapter is briefly described children's homes, which were established thanks to Jugendfürsorge, department which cared about youth in the ghetto. This part deals with the moral influence on children given by the specific conditions and it was presented supporting function of the arts performed by adult prisoners and children too. The main part of this work consists in a researching of the diary entries sorted in predermined aspects. One of them is the space-time aspect. It was selected some entries which described the past, the present and the future. Other entries included reflecting of space out of the ghetto and space in. It was made many hypothesis which contributed to the next analyses....

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