Spelling suggestions: "subject:"neck."" "subject:"beck.""
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The Role of Noxa/MCL-1 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) TreatmentLee, June Young 01 January 2015 (has links)
Head and neck cancer is the sixth leading type of cancer with 90 percent of head and neck cancer arising from squamous cell lining on the epithelium of the oral and nasal cavity, pharynx, and salivary gland. Even with tremendous achievements on chemotherapeutic drugs and therapies, the long-term prognosis of patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has shown little improvement over the last three decades. Cisplatin is one of widely used chemotherapeutic drugs for multiple
cancers, including head and neck cancer, but the prolonged use of this drug is limited by its toxicity and by the development of resistance. To overcome these major roadblocks to improved prognosis requires mechanism-based therapeutic strategies to maximize the antitumor effect of drugs while limiting their toxicities. Cisplatin exerts anticancer effects via multiple mechanisms, yet its most prominent mode of action involves the generation of DNA lesions followed by the activation of the DNA damage response and the induction of BCL-2 family-dependent mitochondrial apoptosis. DNA damage activates a tumor suppressor p53 to induce apoptosis. One of its functions is to induce the expression of several pro-apoptotic proteins such as Noxa, which binds to an anti-apoptotic BCL-2 family protein, MCL-1 (myeloid leukemia cell-1) to inactivate its pro-survival function and induce apoptosis. We examined Noxa expression and apoptosis induced by cisplatin in p53-wild-type HN30 and HN31, p53-truncated and inactive HN4 and HN12, and p53-deleted HN22 and HN8 HNSCC cell lines. We found that Noxa was induced in HN30 and HN31 cells and down-regulation of Noxa by shRNA (short-hairpin RNA) decreased apoptosis, indicating Noxa contribution to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Interestingly, cisplatin treatment induced Noxa and apoptosis even in p53-deleted HN22 and HN8 cells, suggesting the existence of the p53-independent pathways for the induction of Noxa. Based on these observations, we hypothesized that modulation of Noxa/MCL-1 axis could mimic cisplatin-induced cell death. We found that Noxa overexpression induced cell death in all cell lines tested regardless of p53 status. This finding could be applicable as a potential therapeutic strategy to treat head and neck cancer.
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The immediate effect of NeuroTrac® MultiTENS on acute neck pain15 July 2015 (has links)
M.Tech. (Homoeopathy) / Neck pain is a common condition usually experienced due to mechanical or degenerative problems (Colledge et al., 2010). The onset of neck pain may be acute and associated with asymmetrical restriction of neck movements and a history of awkward posture or sudden onset. Acute neck pain is an aching pain in the cervical paraspinal muscles and ligaments. It is associated with muscle spasm, stiffness and tightness in the upper back and shoulders that lasts up to six weeks. Headaches may be present (Bickley & Szilagyi, 2009). Causes of neck pain can be mechanical, inflammatory, metabolic, neoplastic, due to referred pain or other underlying aetiologies (Colledge et al., 2010). The most common treatments for neck pain are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, chiropractic adjustment or therapeutic massage (Taylor, 2010). The NeuroTrac® MultiTENS device provides a non-invasive, drug-free method of controlling acute pain by transmitting mild electrical impulses via surface electrodes through the skin (Verity Medical Ltd., 2013). There have been many studies done on Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) devices, but little on its immediate effect on acute neck pain. The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of the NeuroTrac® MultiTENS device on acute neck pain, using the Neck Pain Disability Index, Visual Analogue Scale and the Cervical Range of Motion (CROM). This study was an unblinded, single-group experimental design (Brink, 2010). The study took place at the University of Johannesburg Campus Clinic. Recruitment took place by means of advertisements (Appendix H) placed at the University of Johannesburg campuses. Inclusion criteria consisted of males and females between the ages of eighteen to fifty years. Participants had to be suffering from aching pain in the cervical paraspinal muscles and ligaments with associated muscle spasm, stiffness and tightness in the upper back and shoulders that was present for more than one day and no longer than one week, with decreased range of motion on CROMs (Appendix G) and a minimum score of 10 on the Neck Pain Disability Index (Appendix D). Exclusion criteria consisted of participants suffering from severe headaches with meningeal signs associated nausea, blurred vision, photophobia and phonophobia or fever; a history of thrombus formation or transient ischaemic attack (Longmore et al., 2010); if they had a pacemaker or if they have had any head and neck surgery; if they suffered from cardiac arrhythmia or myocardial infarction; pregnancy or suspected pregnancy; if they had a general skin sensitivity or known allergy to adhesives or if they have had a recent chiropractic adjustment. A total of forty participants were selected. The participants acted as their own baseline control. The researcher was only required to see participants once for one forty minute session to determine the immediate vi effect of the NeuroTrac® MultiTENS device on acute neck pain. Participants were asked to fill in an Information (Appendix A) and Consent Form (Appendix B). Participants came in for an initial consult where a history was taken on the type of neck pain experienced and the cause of the pain experienced. Vital signs were recorded on a case taking form (Appendix C). Thereafter participants were asked to fill in the Vernon and Mior Neck Pain Disability Index (Appendix D) relating to the neck pain they experienced and to complete a Visual Analogue Scale to rate their neck pain (Appendix F). The CROM goniometer device was placed on the participant’s head to measure all cervical spine ranges of motion, to the limit of pain (Appendix G). All forty participants received treatment at a frequency of 90Hz with a 200μS pulse width with the electronic pads placed on the shoulders. NeuroTrac® MultiTENS device treatment was administered for forty minutes to the participants in a seated position. The treatment was administered by the researcher. Once the treatment ended, participants were asked to fill in an amended questionnaire (Appendix E) that assessed if they noticed a change in the neck pain they were experiencing, to complete the Visual Analogue Scale (Appendix F) and their vital signs were again recorded on a case taking form (Appendix C). The CROM goniometer device was again placed on the participant’s head to measure all cervical spine ranges of motion to assess if there was a change in the readings recorded (Appendix G). The data obtained was statistically analysed by the researcher with the aid of a statistician at Statkon. The Shapiro-Wilk test and the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test (non-parametric test) were used (Van Staden, 2014) ...
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Identificação de Genes Regulados pelo Mecanismo de Metilação em Linhagens Tumorais de Cabeça e Pescoço / Identification of Genes Regulated by Methylation Mechanism of Tumor Strains in Head and NeckKaneto, Carla Martins 28 March 2007 (has links)
Alterações no padrão normal de metilação do DNA têm sido caracterizadas como um importante mecanismo na gênese de neoplasias. Esta modificação do DNA é denominada de epigenética uma vez que altera o padrão de expressão das células sem alterar a seqüência do DNA. No câncer, as alterações epigenéticas observadas consistem na hipermetilação das ilhas CpG nos promotores dos genes acompanhada de uma hipometilação global dos dinucleotídeos CpG dispersos pelo genoma. Este evento mostra geralmente ser câncer-específico, ou seja, alguns genes que são metilados em um tipo de câncer, não o são na maioria dos outros tipos. O objetivo deste projeto foi identificar, através da construção de bibliotecas subtrativas de RaSH, genes silenciados por metilação nas linhagens de câncer de cabeça e pescoço FaDu, UM-SCC-14A, UM-SCC-17A e UM-SCC-38 e que possuem expressão induzida após o tratamento com o agente demetilante 5-aza-2-deoxicitidina. Uma vez que a metilação leva a diminuição gradual da expressão gênica, o método RT-PCR semi-quantitativo foi utilizado para validação da expressão diferencial dos genes candidatos PLAU, CD82, RBBP4, AOF2, TMSB10, HSPA5 e LAMC2 nas linhagens não tratadas e tratadas com o agente demetilante 5-aza-2-deoxicitidina. Para todos os genes candidatos foi observado aumento na expressão gênica após o tratamento em pelo menos uma das quatro linhagens. Na linhagem UM-SCC-14 A, os genes CD82, RBBP4, AOF2, HSPA5 e LAMC2 mostraram aumento na expressão após o tratamento com o agente demetilante, sendo que o gene LAMC2 também mostrou esse aumento de expressão na linhagem UM-SCC-17A. Na linhagem UM-SCC-38A todos os genes mostraram aumento de expressão após o tratamento. Embora novos estudos sobre a metilação da região promotora dos genes selecionados sejam necessários, aumentam as evidências de que os genes selecionados sejam regulados pelo mecanismo de metilação e que estejam metilados nas linhagens estudadas. / Abnormalities on the normal pattern of DNA methylation have been caracterized as an important mechanism on carcinogenesis. This modification is called epigenetic and can be defined as a heritable change in gene expression that is not accompanied by changes in DNA sequence. The epigenetic alterations observed on cancer include hypermethylation of selected CpG island gene promoters and simultaneous global hypomethylation. The aim of this project was to identify, by rapid subtraction hybridization, genes silenced by methylation on head and neck cancer lineages with alterations on gene expression after the treatment with 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine. The cancer lineages we used for our experiments were: FaDu, UM-SCC-14A, UM-SCC-17A e UM-SCC-387A and seven genes (PLAU, CD82, RBBP4, AOF2, TMSB10, HSPA5 and LAMC2) were analysed by semiquantitative RT-PCR and for all of them an increaseament of gene expression was observed. For the UM-SCC-14A lineage, the genes CD82, RBBP4, AOF2, HSPA5 and LAMC2 were upregulated after the treatment with demethylating agent as well as LAMC2 was uperegulated on UM-SCC-17A. For the UM-SCC-38A lineage all the genes showed increased expression after the treatmente with -aza-2-deoxycytidine. Our work is another evidence that some genes may be regulated by methylation during carcinogenesis.
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Prevalência do câncer de cabeça e pescoço no Hospital de Especialidades \"Eugenio Espejo\" período 2002 - 2015, Quito - Equador / Prevalence of head and neck cancer at \"Eugenio Espejo\' Hospital, 2001-2015, Quito-EcuadorMiranda, Mayra Elizabeth Paltas 15 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer é um processo de crescimento e disseminação celular descontrolado que pode acontecer em qualquer lugar do corpo, produzindo alterações fisiológicas e emocionais. Existem vários fatores de risco desta doença como o consumo de álcool, cigarro, alguns hábitos de alimentação, exposição crônica a fatores de risco devido a profissão e até alguns comportamentos sexuais. O tratamento depende do tipo e localização anatômica do câncer, podendo receber radioterapia, quimioterapia, extirpação cirúrgica, ou uma combinação das três terapias em fases avançadas da doença. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência do câncer da cabeça e pescoço (CCP) dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Oncologia do Hospital de Especialidades \"Eugenio Espejo\", no período de 2002 a 2015. Métodos: O trabalho é um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e transversal com a finalidade de determinar a prevalência do câncer da cabeça e pescoço nos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Oncologia do Hospital de Especialidades \"Eugenio Espejo\" localizado em Quito - Equador, no período de 2002 a 2015. Os dados foram retirados das fichas clínicas hospitalares. O principal argumento apresentado que levou a está pesquisa é a ausência de dados deste porte no Equador. Foram estudadas variáveis relacionadas às condições demográficas, tipo e sítio anatômico, tipo de tratamento recebido e evolução. A informação foi coletada numa ficha de dados elaborada em Excel, com idade, sexo, ocupação, tipo, localização, diagnóstico e tipo de tratamento, tempo e evolução do tratamento. Os dados foram codificados e analisados no pacote estatístico STATA versão 14.0. Análise estatística descritiva foi realizada para as frequências absolutas e relativas. Os testes Qui-quadrado e de Poisson foram utilizados com nível significância de 95% e alfa de 0,05%. Resultados: Câncer de cabeça e pescoço ocorreu principalmente no sexo feminino com 50,7%, na faixa etária de 50-60 anos (20,3%), e com baixo nível de escolaridade (90,5%). O local de residência mais frequente foi Serra, com 76,7%. O pacientes apresentaram ocupações domésticas em 38,4% dos casos, a região anatômica mais prevalente foi a cavidade bucal com 36,4%, sendo que a localização mais afetada foi a língua (C01-C02). O tratamento que prevaleceu foi o tratamento cirúrgico em 38,9% dos casos. O tempo de tratamento variou entre 1 e 180 dias em 44,5%, e 31,8% finalizaram o tratamento. Não foi observada associação entre o câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) e variáveis sociodemográficas ou clínicas, salvo o local de residência, para o qual se encontrou relação significativa em relação aos tipos de câncer. / Introduction: Cancer is a process of uncontrolled cell growth and dissemination that can occur anywhere in the body, producing physiological and emotional alterations. There are several etiological factors of this disease such as alcohol consumption, smoking, eating habits, chronic exposure to risk factors due to profession and even some sexual behaviors. Treatment depends on the type and anatomical location of the cancer, patients may receive radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgical excision, or a combination of these therapies in advanced stages of the disease. Objective: To determine the prevalence of head and neck cancer (H&NC) among patients treated at the Oncology Service of \"Eugenio Espejo\" Hospital Quito-Equador, from 2002 to 2015. Methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. Data were obtained from the medical records of patients treated with a diagnosis of CCP, at the Oncology Service of the Hospital \"Eugenio Espejo\". The variables to be considered were demographic data, etiological factors, type of cancer, anatomical location, treatment received and treatment evolution time. The information was collected in a datasheet elaborated in Excel, variables such as age, sex, occupation, etiological factors, stage, type, location, diagnosis and type of treatment, time and treatment evolution were retrieved. The data were coded and analyzed in the statistical package STATA version 14.0. An analysis of descriptive statistics was performed for absolute and relative frequencies. The Chi-square and Poisson tests were used with a confidence level of 95% and assumed alpha of 0.05%. Results: In those patients with H&NC, women predominated with 50.7%, the prevalent age group was 50-60 years with 20.3%, low level of education prevailed with 90.5%, the place of residence (Highlands) with 76.7%, domestic occupations were observed in 38.4% of the cases, the most prevalent anatomical region was the oral cavity with 36.4%, and the most affected location being the tongue (C01-C02), the treatment that prevailed was is the surgical treatment with 38.9% of the cases, treatment time ranged from 1 to 180 days with 44.55% and 31.8% of patients concluded the treatment. There has been no association between H&NC and socio-demographic or clinical variables, except the place of residence, for which a significant relation was found in relation to the types of cancer.
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Análise da expressão de microRNAs e alvos candidatos em carcinomas epidermóides de cabeça e pescoço / Analysis of the expression of microRNAs and potential targets in head and neck squamous cell carcinomaSandoval, Flavio Trevisan Barbosa 18 March 2011 (has links)
Os microRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) são pequenos RNAs não codificadores presentes em diferentes organismos. Esses RNAs regulam a tradução de genes alvos por meio de ligação seqüência-específica a RNAs mensageiros (mRNAs). Dependendo do grau de complementaridade, podem inibir a tradução e/ou induzir a degradação desses mRNAs. No presente estudo, foi investigado por PCR em tempo real o padrão de expressão de quatro microRNAs (miR-21, -205, -342 e let-7a ) em quatro linhagens celulares derivadas de tumores da cavidade oral e da faringe (FaDu, Hep-2, SCC9 e UM-SCC-38), em queratinócitos orais normais e em amostras de tumor e margens cirúrgicas pareadas de 34 pacientes com carcinomas epidermóides de cabeça e pescoço (CECP). Foi também investigada a correlação da expressão dos MiRs de interesse com as características clinicopatológicas de pacientes com CECP. Nas linhagens celulares, os níveis dos miRs foram similares ou mais baixos que os de queratinócitos normais, ou os miRs não se expressaram. Somente o miR-342 mostrou níveis elevados na linhagem FaDu. Em células Hep-2 tratadas com estradiol, a expressão de miR-let-7a mostrou-se reduzida. Em tumores primários, níveis baixos de miR-let-7a foram observados em carcinomas de soalho de boca e laringe. A expressão de miR-21, -205 e -342 mostrou grande variabilidade entre as amostras e foi reduzida em um dos sítios anatômicos. Não foi observada correlação entre a expressão dos miRs e as características clinicopatológicas dos pacientes com CECP. A análise de três genes alvo candidatos (LYZ, MGLL e SPRR3) mostrou, em carcinomas de soalho de boca e laringe, associação positiva entre a expressão de miR-let-7a e de seu alvo predito MGLL, uma lipase que pode favorecer o fenótipo maligno aumentando os níveis de ácidos graxos livres e sinais lipídicos oncogênicos. O significado dessa associação não pode ser deduzida dos experimentos realizados pelo presente trabalho. / MicroRNAs (miRNAs, miRs) are small, non-coding RNAs present in different organisms. They regulate the translation of target genes through sequence specific binding to mRNA. Depending on the degree of sequence complimentary, they can inhibit translation and/or degradation of target mRNAs In the present study, we used real time PCR to investigate the expression pattern of four microRNAs (miR-21, -205, -342 e let-7a ) in four cell lines derived from tumors of oral cavity and pharinx (FaDu, Hep-2, SCC9 e UM-SCC-38), in normal oral keratinocytes and in matched tumor / surgical margin samples from 34 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). We also aimed to correlate the miR expression with the clinicopathological features in HNSCC. In cell lines, the miR levels were similar or lower than those in normal keratinocytes, or even absent. Only miR-342 showed high levels in FaDu cell line. In Hep-2 cells treated with estradiol, miR-let-7a expression was reduced. In primary tumors, low miR-let-7a levels were observed in floor of the mouth and larynx carcinomas. The expression of miR-21, -205 and -342 showed high variability between samples and was reduced in one anatomical site. No correlation was observed between miR expression and clinopathological features of head and neck cancer patients. The analysis of three potential target genes (LYZ, MGLL e SPRR3) showed, in floor of the mouth and larynx carcinomas, a positive correlation between the expression of miR-let-7a and its predicted target gene MGLL, a lipase that may support the malignant phenotype by increasing levels of free fatty acids and oncogenic lipid signals. The meaning of such association was not clear from our data.
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Detection of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in nasopharyngeal carcinomas and other head and neck tumours.January 1988 (has links)
by Hon-wing Tsui. / Thesis (M.Ph.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Bibliography: leaves 151-203.
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Detection of Epstein-Barr virus related gene products and tumour gene products in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.January 1995 (has links)
by Shik Yuen Lo. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-124). / Abstract / List of Illustrations / List of Tables / Acknowledgements / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- Literature Review / Chapter 2.1 --- Anatomy of the Human Nasopharynx --- p.4 / Chapter 2.2 --- Histology of the Human Nasopharynx --- p.6 / Chapter 2.3 --- Intra-epithelial Lesions of the Nasopharyngeal Epithelium --- p.10 / Chapter A. --- Hyperplasia / Chapter B. --- Metaplasia / Chapter C. --- Koilocytes / Chapter D. --- Nasopharyngeal intra-epithelial neoplasia / Chapter 2.4 --- Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma --- p.19 / Chapter A. --- Histopathological classification of NPG / Chapter B. --- Epidemiology / Chapter C. --- Etiological factors / Chapter 2.5 --- Epstein-Barr Virus and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma --- p.27 / Chapter A. --- Serological / Chapter B. --- EBV genome in NPC / Chapter C. --- EBV encoded latent gene products / Chapter 2.6 --- Cancer Genes in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma --- p.28 / Chapter A. --- "Tumours suppressor Gene, p53" / Chapter B. --- "Oncogenes, c-myc, ras and bcl-2" / Chapter 2.7 --- Immunohistochemical methods --- p.33 / Chapter A. --- Avidin-Biotin Complex method (ABC) / Chapter B. --- Alkaline phosphotase Anti-alkaline phosphotase method (APAAP) / Chapter C. --- Unmasking of antigens / Chapter 2.8 --- Techniques in ISH --- p.40 / Chapter 3. --- Material and Methods --- p.42 / Chapter 3.1 --- Tissue Samples --- p.42 / Chapter A. --- "Samples for ras, c-myc and p53 studies" / Chapter B. --- Samples for LMP-1 study / Chapter C. --- Samples for bcl-2 study / Chapter D. --- Samples for EBER-RNAs study / Chapter 3.2 --- Monoclonal Antibodies --- p.47 / Chapter 3.3 --- Tissue Processing --- p.49 / Chapter A. --- Tissue processing for formalin fixed tissue / Chapter B. --- Tissue processing for frozen section / Chapter 3.4 --- IHC Techniques --- p.50 / Chapter A. --- Pretreatment of Laboratory Wares / Chapter B. --- Determination of optimum dilution and incubation time for p53antibody / Chapter C. --- Determination of optimum dilution and incubation time for bcl-2 and LMP-1 antibodies / Chapter D. --- Determination of optimum dilution and incubation time for c-myc and ras / Chapter E. --- "Detection of p53, c-myc and ras by ABC method" / Chapter F. --- Detection of bcl-2 and LMP-1 by APAAP method / Chapter 3.6 --- ISH --- p.57 / Chapter A. --- Pretreatment of laboratory wares / Chapter B. --- FITC conjugated EBER oligonucleotide probe / Chapter C. --- Determination of PK dilution for paraffin section / Chapter D. --- Determination of PK dilution for frozen section / Chapter E. --- Determination of the choice of fixative for frozen section / Chapter F. --- Detection of EBER-RNAs by ISH method / Chapter 3.7 --- Statistical analysis --- p.62 / Chapter A. --- p53 / Chapter B. --- c-myc and ras / Chapter 4. --- Results --- p.63 / Chapter A. --- ras / Chapter B. --- c-myc / Chapter C. --- p53 / Chapter D. --- LMP-1 / Chapter E. --- Bcl-2 / Chapter F. --- EBER-RNAs / Chapter 5. --- Discussion --- p.86 / Chapter 6. --- Conclusion and Summary --- p.97 / Appendix --- p.99 / Reference --- p.102
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Razão da força muscular e eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores e flexores cervicais em indivíduos com migrânea - um estudo transversal / Extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity of individuals with migraine - a cross-sectional studyMariana Tedeschi Benatto 26 October 2018 (has links)
Objetivo: verificar a razão extensores/flexores dos músculos cervicais no âmbito de força muscular e atividade eletromiográfica durante a mensuração da força na contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e teste de flexão craniocervical (TFCC) em pacientes com migrânea e em indivíduos sem cefaleia. Além de verificar o desempenho muscular, avaliado pelo TFCC, em ambos os grupos. Materiais e métodos: foram incluídas 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de migrânea segundo a Classificação Internacional de Cefaleias e 52 mulheres sem histórico de cefaleia ou dor cervical com idade entre 18 e 55 anos. No grupo migrânea os questionários Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment e 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist foram aplicados. Em ambos os grupos a força dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais foi avaliada utilizando-se um dinamômetro manual (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). A CIVM foi mantida por 3 segundos e foram realizadas 3 repetições. Além do teste de força, o TFCC também foi realizado para os dois grupos utilizando-se o dispositivo de pressão Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). O dispositivo, incialmente, foi inflado a 20 mmHg e a participante deveria aumentar 2 mmHg a cada estágio, totalizando cinco estágios (30 mmHg), e manter a pressão por 10 segundos. Em ambos os testes, para os dois grupos, a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos cervicais foi avaliada por meio de sensores de superfície sem fio (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Resultados: observamos que o grupo migrânea apresenta uma redução na força dos músculos flexores em comparação ao grupo controle e consequentemente, uma maior razão de força dos músculos extensores/flexores além de uma reduzida razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores durante a CIVM em flexão. Nossos resultados demonstraram ainda uma pior performance no TFCC no grupo migrânea e consequente aumento da razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores cervicais no último estágio do teste. Conclusão: de acordo com os nossos resultados podemos concluir que mulheres com migrânea apresentam um notável desequilíbrio dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais em comparação a controles não apenas na produção de força, mas também na atividade muscular. / Objective: To verify the extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity at maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and at the craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) of patients with migraine and of individuals with no history of headache. In addition, we aimed to assess the performance of both groups at the CCFT. Materials and methods: Fifty-two women with a diagnosis of migraine according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders and 52 women without history of migraine or cervical pain with ages between 18 and 55 years were included. The Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment and 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist questionnaires were applied to the migraine group. In both groups, cervical muscle strength was assessed during a MVIC using a hand-held dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). The MVCI was maintained for 3 seconds and 3 repetitions were performed. The CCFT was also performed by the two groups using the Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). The device was initially inflated to 20 mmHg and the participant had to increase 2 mmHg at each stage, achieving five stages (30 mmHg), and maintaining the pressure for 10 seconds. In both tests, the electromyographic activity of the cervical muscles was evaluated using wireless surface sensors (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Results: migraine group has a reduction in flexor muscle strength compared to the control group and consequently a greater muscle strength ratio of extensor/flexor and a reduced electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor muscles during MVIC in flexion. Our results also demonstrated a worse performance in the CCFT in the migraine group and consequent increase in the electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor neck muscles in the last stage of the test. Conclusion: women with migraine present a remarkable imbalance of the flexor and extensors cervical muscles compared to controls not only in the production of strength but also in muscle activity.
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Estudo histológico e imunohistoquímico das proteínas P53 e Ki-67 nas mucosas da língua, faringe e laringe de ratos expostos à inalação da fumaça de cigarroSemenzati, Graziela de Oliveira [UNESP] 10 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
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semenzati_go_dr_botfm.pdf: 1378533 bytes, checksum: e7073520a6a74d0502cf0985ad69a22a (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O câncer de cabeça e pescoço corresponde a 5% de todas as neoplasias malignas do organismo, sendo os sítios mais prevalentes a cavidade oral, faringe e laringe. O principal fator de risco é o tabagismo e o carcinoma espinocelular é o tipo histológico mais frequente. Marcadores de células tumorais como o p53 e Ki-67 têm sido estudados em tumores de cabeça e pescoço pela sua imunoexpressão positiva para as células neoplásicas e em proliferação. Estudos experimentais possibilitam avaliar os efeitos nocivos do tabaco sobre as vias aéreas, sendo este o objetivo deste estudo. OBJETIVOS: Estudar, em ratos, os efeitos da exposição aguda à fumaça de cigarro sobre as mucosas da língua, faringe e laringe, por meio de análise histológica, morfométrica e imunohistoquímica da expressão das proteínas p53 e Ki-67. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram subdivididos em dois grupos de 20 animais cada: grupo controle (GC), ração e água ad libitum e grupo tabaco (GT) expostos à inalação de fumaça de 40 cigarro/dia por 60 dias. Os animais foram eutanaziados e realizado biópsias da língua, faringe e laringe para os estudos histopatológico, histomorfométrico e imunohistoquímico das proteínas p53 e do ki-67. RESULTADO: As análises de microscopia de luz da língua dos animais do grupo tabaco (GT) revelaram algumas alterações mais marcantes nesse grupo em cada sítio, sendo que na língua, ganharam destaque a hiperplasia epitelial (GT-90%), hiperplasia de células da camada basal (GT-95%) e displasia epitelial de grau leve a moderado (GT- 85%); na faringe, destacaram-se a hiperplasia de células da camada basal... / INTRODUCTION: The head and neck cancer represents 5% of all malignant neoplasm of the body, with the sites most prevalent oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. The main risk factor is smoking and squamous cell carcinoma is the most frequent histological type. Tumor cell markers such as p53 and ki-67 have been studied in head and neck tumors by their positive immunostaing for proliferating and neoplastic cells. Experimental studies to assess the possible harmful effects of smoking on the airways which are the objective of this study. OBJECTIVES: To study the effects of acute exposure to cigarette smoke on the mucosa of the tongue, pharynx and larynx in rats; using histological, morphometric and immunohistochemical expression of p53 and ki- 67. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Wistar rats were divided into two groups of 20 animals each control group (CG), food and water ad libitum and tobacco group (GT) exposed to inhalation of smoke from 40 cigarettes/day for 60 days. The animals were euthanized and biopsies of the tongue; pharynx and larynx were performed for histological studies, histomorphometric and immunohistochemical study of p53 and ki- 67. RESULTS: The light of the tongue microscopy analysis showed in GT group: epithelial hyperplasia (GT-90%), hyperplasia of the basal cell layer (GT-95%) and dysplasia of mild to moderate (GT-85%); in pharynx, highlighted the hyperplasia of the basal cell layer (GT-85%), dysplasia (GT-25%) and vascular congestion (GT-95%); predominated in the larynx cell hyperplasia of the basal layer (GT-70%), epithelial hyperplasia (GT-55%), congestion (GT-100%) and inflammatory infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (GT-25%).The morphometric study identified high measures of the keratin layer in group... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Razão da força muscular e eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores e flexores cervicais em indivíduos com migrânea - um estudo transversal / Extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity of individuals with migraine - a cross-sectional studyBenatto, Mariana Tedeschi 26 October 2018 (has links)
Objetivo: verificar a razão extensores/flexores dos músculos cervicais no âmbito de força muscular e atividade eletromiográfica durante a mensuração da força na contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e teste de flexão craniocervical (TFCC) em pacientes com migrânea e em indivíduos sem cefaleia. Além de verificar o desempenho muscular, avaliado pelo TFCC, em ambos os grupos. Materiais e métodos: foram incluídas 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de migrânea segundo a Classificação Internacional de Cefaleias e 52 mulheres sem histórico de cefaleia ou dor cervical com idade entre 18 e 55 anos. No grupo migrânea os questionários Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment e 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist foram aplicados. Em ambos os grupos a força dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais foi avaliada utilizando-se um dinamômetro manual (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). A CIVM foi mantida por 3 segundos e foram realizadas 3 repetições. Além do teste de força, o TFCC também foi realizado para os dois grupos utilizando-se o dispositivo de pressão Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). O dispositivo, incialmente, foi inflado a 20 mmHg e a participante deveria aumentar 2 mmHg a cada estágio, totalizando cinco estágios (30 mmHg), e manter a pressão por 10 segundos. Em ambos os testes, para os dois grupos, a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos cervicais foi avaliada por meio de sensores de superfície sem fio (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Resultados: observamos que o grupo migrânea apresenta uma redução na força dos músculos flexores em comparação ao grupo controle e consequentemente, uma maior razão de força dos músculos extensores/flexores além de uma reduzida razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores durante a CIVM em flexão. Nossos resultados demonstraram ainda uma pior performance no TFCC no grupo migrânea e consequente aumento da razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores cervicais no último estágio do teste. Conclusão: de acordo com os nossos resultados podemos concluir que mulheres com migrânea apresentam um notável desequilíbrio dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais em comparação a controles não apenas na produção de força, mas também na atividade muscular. / Objective: To verify the extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity at maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and at the craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) of patients with migraine and of individuals with no history of headache. In addition, we aimed to assess the performance of both groups at the CCFT. Materials and methods: Fifty-two women with a diagnosis of migraine according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders and 52 women without history of migraine or cervical pain with ages between 18 and 55 years were included. The Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment and 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist questionnaires were applied to the migraine group. In both groups, cervical muscle strength was assessed during a MVIC using a hand-held dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). The MVCI was maintained for 3 seconds and 3 repetitions were performed. The CCFT was also performed by the two groups using the Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). The device was initially inflated to 20 mmHg and the participant had to increase 2 mmHg at each stage, achieving five stages (30 mmHg), and maintaining the pressure for 10 seconds. In both tests, the electromyographic activity of the cervical muscles was evaluated using wireless surface sensors (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Results: migraine group has a reduction in flexor muscle strength compared to the control group and consequently a greater muscle strength ratio of extensor/flexor and a reduced electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor muscles during MVIC in flexion. Our results also demonstrated a worse performance in the CCFT in the migraine group and consequent increase in the electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor neck muscles in the last stage of the test. Conclusion: women with migraine present a remarkable imbalance of the flexor and extensors cervical muscles compared to controls not only in the production of strength but also in muscle activity.
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