Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bickel oxide"" "subject:"bickel óxide""
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Mechanisms of Nickel-Based Coatings for Fretting Wear Mitigation of Ti6Al4V InterfacesHager, Carl H., Jr. 17 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Design and Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanomaterials and Study of Their Electronic Properties for Energy Conversion via Dye-sensitized Solar CellsNatu, Gayatri 28 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Thin Film Synthesis of Nickel Containing CompoundsLindahl, Erik January 2009 (has links)
Most electrical, magnetic or optical devices are today based on several, usually extremely thin layers of different materials. In this thesis chemical synthesis processes have been developed for growth of less stable and metastable layers, and even multilayers, of nickel containing compounds. A chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method for deposition of metastable Ni3N has been developed. The deposition process employs ammonia as nitrogen precursor. An atomic layer deposition (ALD) process for deposition of both polycrystalline and epitaxial NiO and using low oxygen activity, has also been developed. Both deposition processes utilizes bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)nickel(II) (Ni(thd)2) as the metal precursor. The Ni3N deposition proceeds via surface reactions. The growth rate is very sensitive to the partial pressure of ammonia, why adsorbed –NHx species are believed to be of importance for the film growth. Similar reactions can be expected between the metal precursor and H2O. For ALD of NiO a large excess of water was needed For the multilayered structures of Ni3N/NiO, growth processes, working at low activities of oxygen and hydrogen, are needed to avoid oxidation or reduction of the underlying layer. Chemical vapor growth methods such as CVD and ALD are often suffering from using high activities of hydrogen or oxygen to deposit metals and oxides. An alternative deposition pathway for metal deposition, without any hydrogen in the vapor, has been demonstrated. The metal has been formed by decomposition of the metastable nitride Ni3N in a post-annealing process. Ni3N decomposes via different mechanisms, depending on environment in the annealing process. The different mechanisms result in different degrees of ordering in the resulting Ni films. From the knowledge gained about the chemical growth of NiO and Ni3N as well as the decomposition of Ni3N, well-defined multilayer structures have been produced in different combinations of NiO, Ni3N and Ni.
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Διεπιφανειακή μελέτη υπέρλεπτων μεταλλικών υμενίων νικελίου και οξειδίου του νικελίου σε επιφάνειες αλουμίνας και σταθεροποιημένης με ύττρια ζιρκονίας / Interfacial study of ultrathin films of metallic nickel and nickel oxide alumina and yttria stabilized zirkoniaΣύγκελλου, Λαμπρινή 24 June 2007 (has links)
Με αφορμή τις πολλές εφαρμογές που έχουν οι διεπιφάνειες μετάλλου με κεραμικό υπόστρωμα όπως τη μικροηλεκτρονική και την ετερογενή κατάλυση, τα συστήματα αυτά έχουν μελετηθεί με πρότυπα πειράματα σε συνθήκες υπερυψηλού κενού (UHV). Στην εργασία αυτή μελετήθηκε η αλληλεπίδραση κατά τη θέρμανση σε UHV υπέρλεπτων υμενίων NIκαι NiO με επιφάνειες οξειδίων. Συγκεκριμένα, η μελέτη έγινε σε μοκνοκρυσταλλικές επιφάνειες ζιρκονίας σταθεροποιημένης με ύττρια (YSZ), α-αλούμινας και σε πολυκρυσταλλική επιφάνεια γ-αλούμινας ανεπτυγμένης σε φύλλο αλουμινίου. Έμφαση δόθηκε στην επίδραση που έχει η κατεργασία της επιφάνειας του οξεοιδίου στη συμπεριφορά του Ni και του NiO κατά τη θέρμανση. Τα πειράματα έγιναν σε σύστημα UHV με επιφανειακά ευαίσθητες τεχνικές φασματοσκοπίας φωτοηλεκτρονίων και ηλεκτρονίων Auger από ακτίνες-Χ(XPS/XAES). Βρέθηκε ότι το Ni σε YSZ οξειδώνεται κατά τη θέρμανση από ευκίνητα ιόντα οξυγόνου της YSZ και ο ρυθμός οξείδωσης εξαρτάται σημαντικά από την κατάσταση της επιφάνειας. Η κατάσταση της επιφάνειας επηρεάζει την θερμική σταθερότητα του NiO αφού η ελάττωση του οξυγόνου στο εσωτερικό της YSZ οδηγεί σε σημαντική μείωση της θερμοκρασίας διάσπασης του NiO. Σε επιφάνεια α-Al2O3 η κατεργασία έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα το Ni είτε να συσσωματώνεται είτε να οξειδώνεται ενώ η θερμική σταθερότητα του NiO επίσης εξαρτάται από την παρουσία επιφανειακών ατελειών που δημιουργούνται με την κατεργασία. Επίσης, βρέθηκε ότι το πάχος του υμενίου γ-Al2O3 είναι καθοριστικό για την οξείδωση του αποτιθέμενου Ni από τα επιφανειακά υδροξύλια της γ-Al2O3 και το σχηματισμό επιφανειακής ένωσης NiAlx μέσω διάχυσης του Ni προς το φύλλο Al από μικροοπές του υμενίου. / Metal-ceramic systems have many technological applications in composite materials, microelectronics and heterogeneous catalysis. The interaction of Ni and NiO ultrathin films with different oxide surfaces yttria stabilized zirconia (9% mol Y2O3, YSZ)and α-alumina monocrystalline and polycrystalline γ-alumina films developed on Al foil upon heating in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) was examined. Upon heating the Ni/YSZ system at 480-850K, nickel was oxidized via the substrate oxygen ions excess and the rate of oxidation depended strongly on the state of the surface. Reduction of oxygen excess leads to a decrease of the NiO decomposition temperature, which is higher than 900 K in UHV. The oxidation capability of the YSZ is restored after heating in oxygen atmosphere. The Ni/α-Al2O3 interaction depended on the chemical state of the surface, on the presence of C, -OH and non-lattice oxygen (surface defects).Interaction between deposited nickel and surface defects leads to Ni coalescence, partial oxidation and NiAlxOy chemical compound formation. The surface defects affects the thermal stability of NiO, which decomposes to Ni at lower temperature than 900K. On clean α-Al2O3 surfaces the NiO is stable up to 900K. Upon heating to 600K Ni deposits on γ-Al2O3/Al surfaces, the reduction of the alumina film thickness leads on the one hand to a decrease of the tendency of surface -OH groups to oxidize nickel and on the other hand to an increased formation of a NiAlx due to Ni diffusion on the Al substrate through the microholes in the alumina film. Upon heating up to 790K, the initially formed NiO decomposes to metallic Ni, whereas the Ni of the NiAlx compound diffuses inside the metallic Al.
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Mesoporöse Kohlenstoffmaterialien und Nanokomposite für die Anwendung in SuperkondensatorenPinkert, Katja 28 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die effiziente Speicherung von elektrischer Energie im elektrochemischen System des Superkondensators wird realisiert durch die Ausrichtung von Elektrolytionen im elektrischen Feld polarisierter, poröser Kohlenstoffelektroden. Der Energieinhalt und die Leistungscharakteristika der elektrostatischen Zwischenspeicherung von Energie bei Lade- und Entladezeiten von wenigen Sekunden bis zu einigen Minuten wird entscheidend durch die Eigenschaften der zur Ladungsspeicherung genutzten Grenzfläche zwischen dem Elektrodenmaterial und dem Elektrolyten bestimmt. Für die Optimierung des Energieinhaltes und der Leistungscharakteristika von Superkondensatoren durch die rationale Modifizierung dieser Grenzfläche konnten entscheidende Trends herausgearbeitet werden.
Durch Einbindung eines pseudokapazitiven Eisenoxids in die spezifische Oberfläche des mesoporösen CMK-3 im Redoxverfahren ist die Darstellung einer neuartigen Nanokompositstruktur möglich. Diese weißt eine dreifach höhere spezifische Kapazität im Vergleich zur nicht-modifizierten Kohlenstoffoberfläche unter Beibehaltung der Strombelastbarkeit der Kohlenstoffmatrix auf.
Entscheidend für die Weiterentwicklung von Synthesestrategien und die anwendungsorientierte Optimierung für Nanokompositstrukturen ist deren ausführliche Charakterisierung mittels angepasster Verfahren. Die in dieser Arbeit erstmals zur Analyse von porösen CMK-3 basierten Nanokompositstrukturen verwendeten Methoden der Aufnahme eines Tiefenprofils mittels Auger Elektronen Spektroskopie (DP-AES) und der energiegefilterten Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (EF-TEM) lieferten die Grundlage zur Weiterentwicklung der rationalen, nanoskaligen Grenzflächenfunktionalisierung.
In einem weiteren, stark vereinfachten und effektiveren Verfahren der Schmelzimprägnierung der porösen Matrix mit Nitrathydraten, sowie deren anschließendes Kalzinieren zum Übergangsmetall, respektive pseudokapazitiven Übergangsmetalloxid, konnte eine nochmals optimierte Nanokompositstruktur dargestellt werden. Das entwickelte Verfahren wurde für die Einbettung von Nickel/Nickeloxid und Eisen/Eisenoxid in die Oberfläche des mesoporösen CMK-3 eingesetzt. Ein gesteigerter Energieinhalt, wie auch eine deutlich gesteigerte Stabilität der Kapazität bei hohen Strombelastungen für die resultierenden Elektrodenmaterialien konnte eindeutig nachgewiesen werden. Die signifikante Erhöhung der Leistungscharakteristika ist dabei auf die optimale Kontaktierung des Übergangsmetalloxids durch das Übergangsmetall als Leitfähigkeitsadditiv im Sinne einer Kern-Schale Struktur realisiert. Der für das Nanokomposit C-FeO10 berechnete Kapazitätsverlust von < 11 % bei Erhöhung der spezifischen Stromstärke von 1 A/g auf 10 A/g verdeutlicht die beeindruckende Strombelastbarkeit des Materials.
In einem weiteren in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Ansatz zur Steigerung des Energieinhaltes eines Superkondensators wurde auf die Verwendung von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten (IL) als Elektrolyt eingegangen. Die gezielte Darstellung eines oberflächenmodifizierten aus Cabiden gewonnen Kohlenstoffmaterials (CDC) unter Beibehaltung der Textur des porösen Systems ermöglichte die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Oberflächencharakteristika des Elektrodenmaterials auf die Strombelastbarkeit des Energiespeichers. Es konnte klar herausgestellt werden, dass für den vielversprechenden IL-Elektrolyten EMIBF4 eine verminderte Polarität, sowie die Abwesenheit azider Protonen an der Oberfläche des Kohlenstoffs deutlich zur Steigerung der Strombelastbarkeit des Speichers beiträgt. Realisiert wurde die Modifizierung der Oberfläche durch deren Chlorierung.
Die Einordnung der vielversprechenden Kombinationen aus maßgeschneiderten Elektrodenmaterialien und Elektrolytsystemen wurde anhand der Kenngrößen im Ragone-Diagramm vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit reihen sich in die derzeit schnell voranschreitende Technologieentwicklung bei Superkondensatoren ein.
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Matériaux et dispositifs électrochromes à base de NiO modifié en couches minces / Electrochromic properties of modified NiO thin filmsMoulki, Hakim 07 June 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé dans le cadre du programme européen INNOSHADE, dont l’objectif était la réalisation de dispositifs électrochromes à coloration neutre. Cette coloration neutre est le résultat de l’association dans un même dispositif de la couleur marron de films à base d’oxyde de nickel avec celle bleue de films d’oxyde de tungstène ou de PEDOT. Nos recherches ont été orientées vers des films minces d’oxyde de nickel modifié contenant des ions nickel trivalent, alliant porosité et désordre structural. Deux techniques de dépôt ont été utilisées : l’ablation laser et le trempage-retrait (dip-coating). Des processus de coloration et de décoloration de ces films en milieux liquides ioniques hydrophobes lithiés et non lithiés, faisant intervenir la participation d’anions tels que TFSI-, ont été mis en évidence pour la première fois dans cette thèse. Les dispositifs tout solides correspondants présentent des efficacités optiques élevées et une bonne durabilité. / Electrochromic devices, ECDs, are able to change their optical properties under an applied voltage. In the framework of the European project INNOSHADE, the aim of the current work is the development of neutral color ECDs based on nickel oxide thin films as counter electrode. Ni3+ containing NiO thin films, called modified NiO thin films, were deposited both by Pulsed Laser Deposition and chemical route. When cycled in lithium based electrolyte, the comparison of the EC behavior of non-stoichiometric NiO thin films points out a higher electrochemical capacity associated with a larger optical contrast for the films synthesized by chemical route due in particular to a larger porosity. Highlighting a novel approach, herein we demonstrate faster kinetics for modified NiO thin films cycled in lithium ion free electrolyte and suggest the participation of anions. High electrochromic efficiency and nice durability of all-solid state devices associating modified NiO and WO3 or Poly(3,4 –ethylenedioxythiophene) PEDOT layers are reported.
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Estudo de métodos para a dispersão de nanopartículas de níquel e ferro em suspensãoZoccal, João Victor Marques 27 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-30T18:32:13Z
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TeseJVMZ.pdf: 2731888 bytes, checksum: a756e69d141b297fb91ca74654baab0d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-30T19:17:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TeseJVMZ.pdf: 2731888 bytes, checksum: a756e69d141b297fb91ca74654baab0d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-30T19:17:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / In recent decades, several studies have been conducted on the generation of materials at the nanoscale, not only by offering possible risks when inhaled, but also by the various applications that can be employed. Among the various equipment used for the generation of particles, atomizers generators have proved efficient and economical. Although many studies have used materials in solution, in which the material is dissolved in the solvent, generation of particles, it has been observed growing interest in the study of suspended nanometric materials, in which there is dispersion in the solvent. In addition, this growing interest in the suspended study materials is due to the need to generate solid aerosols from oxides, since they have high added value and important to be recaptured and intended back into production. Given the presented work aimed to disperse nanoparticles from suspensions, evaluating the time of the generation process over a period of 10 hours, for different equipment. The nanoparticles were generated by atomization of nickel and iron oxides suspensions at different concentrations and the atomization process were used three generator, a generator from TSI, model 3079, a
commercial inhaler of the brand NS, model I-205 and a fluidized bed generator, model
3400. The size distribution and concentration of particles was determined by a Scanning
Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), Model 3936 and a Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS), Model 3320, both from TSI, being sampled directly from the aerosol. The results relating to the dispersion of nanoparticles from the suspension of nickel and iron oxide proved effective in 10 hour period. However, TSI generator showed a dispersion of particles with a more uniform distribution, whereas the commercial inhaler dispersed a greater number of particles per cm3. In addition, the collection of particles by APS, there was the generation of micrometric particles, since the particles are already being
generated aglomeradamente, which was observed in SEM and TEM images. / Nas últimas décadas, diversos estudos têm sido realizados sobre a geração de materiais
na escala nanométrica, não só pelos possíveis riscos que oferecem quando inalados, mas
também pelas diversas aplicações que podem ser empregados. Dentre os diversos
equipamentos utilizados para a geração de partículas, os geradores atomizadores têm-se
demonstrado eficientes e econômicos. Embora muitos trabalhos têm utilizado materiais
em solução, na qual o material fica dissolvido no solvente, na geração de partículas,
tem-se observado o crescente interesse de estudos sobre materiais nanométricos
suspensos, nas quais não se dissolvem no solvente, mas sim se dispersão no meio. Em
adição, este crescente interesse no estudo de materiais em suspensão é decorrente da
necessidade de se gerar aerossóis sólidos provenientes de óxidos, uma vez que
apresentam alto valor agregado, sendo importante ser recapturados e destinados de volta à produção. Diante do apresentado, o trabalho visou dispersar nanopartículas
provenientes de suspensões, avaliando o tempo do processo de geração ao longo de um
período de 10 horas, por diferentes equipamentos. As nanopartículas foram geradas através da atomização de suspensões de óxido de níquel e ferro em diferentes
concentrações e no processo de atomização foram utilizados três geradores, um gerador
da TSI, modelo 3079, um inalador comercial da marca NS, modelo I-205 e um gerador
de leito fluidizado, modelo 3400. A distribuição de tamanho e concentração das partículas foram determinadas por meio de um Analisador de Partículas por Mobilidade Elétrica (SMPS), modelo 3936 e pelo Contador de Partículas (APS), modelo 3320, ambos da TSI, sendo a amostragem feita diretamente do aerossol. Os resultados referentes à dispersão das nanopartículas provenientes das suspensões de óxido de níquel e de ferro mostraram eficientes no período de 10 horas. No entanto, o gerador da TSI apresentou uma dispersão de partículas com uma distribuição mais uniforme,
enquanto que o inalador comercial dispersou um maior número de partículas por cm3.
Em adição, na coleta de partículas pelo APS, teve-se a geração de partículas
micrométricas, uma vez que as partículas já estavam sendo geradas aglomeradamente,
fato que foi observado nas imagens de MEV e MET.
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Préparation électrochimique et caractérisation de couches nanostructurées de semi-conducteurs de type p pour cellules photovoltaïques hybrides / Electrodeposition and characterization of p-type nanostructured semi-conductor films for hybrid photovoltaic solar cellsKoussi-Daoud, Sana 14 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à développer des techniques de croissance électrochimiques d'oxydes pour obtenir des semi-conducteurs de type p utilisables comme photocathodes dans les cellules solaires à colorant (p-DSSC). Dans la littérature, la méthode d'électrodépôt n'a pas été explorée pour l'application p-DSSC. Les conditions de synthèse de films de NiO avec une épaisseur contrôlée ont été définies. Des couches de NiO ont été obtenues par électrodépôt en milieu aqueux, en milieu éthanol, en milieu diméthylsulfoxide DMSO et en milieu mixte DMSO/eau. Ces couches ont été caractérisées par DRX, spectroscopie Raman, MEB, mesures optiques, etc¿ puis testées comme photocathode dans des p-DSSC. L'électrodépôt de l'oxyde cuivreux Cu2O en milieu aqueux a été également étudié. Les rendements de conversion photovoltaïques des dispositifs ont été déterminés. Une nanostructuration des couches d'oxyde de nickel et d'oxyde cuivreux a aussi été réalisée en utilisant comme agent structurant des sphères de polystyrène fonctionnalisées par des groupements carboxyls. Enfin, nous avons exploré l'électrodépôt de la delafossite de cuivre CuFeO2 en milieu DMSO. / The objective of this thesis was the electrochemical deposition (ECD) of p-type semiconductors forthe fabrication of p-Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (p-DSSCs). The electrodeposition method remained unexploredfor the p-DSSC applications. The best conditions for ECD of nickel oxide layers with a controlled thickness havebeen defined. Nickel oxide has been deposited in water medium, in ethanol, in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)medium and in a mixture of DMSO/water solvent. The layers have been characterized by XRD, Ramanspectroscopy, SEM, optical measurements… then have been tested as a photocathode in p-DSSCs. The cuprousoxide (Cu2O) electrodeposition in an aqueous bath has also been investigated. The photovoltaic efficiency of thevarious prepared layers has been evaluated in p-DSSCs. We have also prepared inverse opal organized structureswith a perfectly defined macropore organization and size using a macrosphere polystyrene template. Finally, wehave explored the ECD of a copper delafossite CuFeO2 in DMSO medium.
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Nanomembranes Based on Nickel Oxide and Germanium as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion BatteriesSun, Xiaolei 27 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are now attracting great attention for applications in portable electronic devices and electrical vehicles, because of their high energy density, long cycle and great convenience. For new generations of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, they applied not only to consumer electronics but also especially to clean energy storage and hybrid electric vehicles. Therefore, further breakthroughs in electrode materials that open up a new important avenue are essential. Graphite, the most commonly used commercial anode material, has a limited reversible lithium intercalation capacity (372 mAh g-1). In this regard, tremendous efforts have been made towards even further improving high capacity, excellent rate capability, and cycling stability by developing advanced anode materials.
This work focuses on the lithium storage properties of nickel oxide (NiO) and germanium (Ge) nanomembranes anodes mainly fabricated by electron-beam evaporation. Specifically, NiO is selected for conversion-type material because of high theoretical specific capacity of 718 mAh g-1 and easily obtained material. The resultant curved NiO nanomembranes anodes exhibit ultrafast power rate of 50 C (1 C = 718 mA g-1) and good capacity retention (721 mAh g-1, 1400 cycles). Remarkably, multifunctional Ni/NiO hybrid nanomembranes were further fabricated and investigated. Benefiting from the advantages of the intrinsic architecture and the electrochemical catalysis of metallic nickel, the hybrid Ni/NiO anodes could be tested at an ultrahigh rate of ~115 C. With Ge as active alloying-type material (1624 mAh g-1), the effect of the incorporated oxygen to the lithium storage properties of amorphous Ge nanomembranes is well studied. The oxygen-enabled Ge (GeOx) nanomembranes exhibit improved electrochemical properties of highly reversible capacity (1200 mAh g-1), and robust cycling performance.
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A Comparative Study on P-type Nickel Oxide and N-type Zinc Oxide for Gas Sensor ApplicationsPant, Bharat Raj 21 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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