Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oon destructive"" "subject:"soon destructive""
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Quantification gamma des radionucléides par modélisation équivalente / Gamma ray quantification by equivalent numerical modellingGuillot, Nicolas 09 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la métrologie des rayonnements ionisants. Plus particulièrement dans la mesure par spectrométrie gamma des actinides contenus dans les colis et fûts de déchets. Le travail mené consiste à modéliser le coefficient d’étalonnage de la scène de mesure, élément indispensable à la quantification de l’activité (ou à la masse de radionucléides recherchée) de l’objet mesuré. La thèse comporte deux parties. La première partie traite de la modélisation de la réponse numérique spatiale et énergétique équivalente à la réponse réelle du détecteur, étape indispensable pour remonter à l’activité de l’objet. La seconde partie traite de la quantification du coefficient d’étalonnage de la scène de mesure sans hypothèse de l’opérateur. Le premier travail de thèse est la mise au point d’une méthodologie quasi automatisée d’obtention d’une réponse numérique équivalente à la réponse réelle du détecteur à un critère de convergence fixé. La réponse numérique est obtenue, sans expert, en conditions de terrain avec un critère de convergence inférieur à 5%. Le second travail est une étude de faisabilité sur la quantification de l’activité pour des colis complexes sans hypothèse de l’opérateur grâce à l’utilisation de métamodèles. Les métamodèles permettent de générer rapidement un ensemble de configurations du coefficient d’étalonnage par rapport aux données d’entrée. Les configurations sont ensuite triées pour sélectionner le coefficient d'étalonnage correspondant à la scène de mesure. / This thesis deals with radiation measurement. More particularly it concerns gamma ray spectroscopy for low level wastes. It consists in modeling the full efficiency calibration coefficient of the measured scene. It is essential to quantify the activity/mass of the measured object. This thesis is split in two parts. The first part consists in HPGE detector characterization. The HPGe characterization is available in space and energy range. The second part consists in determining the full efficiency calibration coefficient of the measured scene without operator hypothesis. First work is the development of an automated methodology to obtain detector characterization. HPGe detector characterization has similar performance to the real detector with a control of the discrepancy between them. HPGe detector characterization is achieved without expert, on field condition with a convergence criterion lower than 5%. Second work is a feasibility study for activity quantification of complex waste package without operator hypothesis. It will be possible by using metamodeling. Metamodeling generate quickly a set of configurations of the calibration coefficient with regard to input data. Configurations are sorted out according some criterions.
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Bending properties of commercial wood-based panels by NDT methodsPoggi, Francesco January 2017 (has links)
This thesis work focuses mainly on the application of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods on wood-based panels (WBP) in order to estimate the bending properties. To prove the accuracy and applicability of these methods on WBP, their results are correlated with results from a standardized static bending test. The behavior in different climate conditions and the application on panels of larger sizes is also questioned to provide an indication about strong points and boundaries of NDT methods applied on WBP.The bending properties are of major importance, especially for materials suited to bear loads. Bending stiffness, represented by the modulus of elasticity (MOE), is an expression of the deflection rate of a material under load. The bending strength, represented by the modulus of rupture (MOR), is an expression of the maximum load withstood by a material before rupture.Before testing, the material is acclimatized in three climate conditions: dry (20°C, 35% RH), standard (20°C, 65% RH) and wet (20°C, 85% RH), to understand the bending properties variation and how the NDT methods are affected by the variation in moisture content.The materials used are seven types of WBP, in particular four types of particleboards (PB), one type of high-density fiberboard (HDF), one type of dual density PB (with high and low density areas along the production direction) and one type of light-weight panel (Board-on-stiles, a composite panel of HDF, PB and paper honeycomb).To test the bending properties the following NDT methods are considered: transversal resonance vibration and longitudinal resonance vibration with the use of the BING system and the time-of-flight with the use of Fakopp Ultrasonic Timer and Silvatest Trio. The resonance vibration methods, transversal and longitudinal, are based on the relation between resonance vibration properties and bending properties of a material. The relation with bending properties also exists for the stress wave velocity (SWV) through a material, calculated with the time-of-flight method. The dynamic MOE resulting from these tests is then correlated with the static MOE and MOR from the static bending test.The NDT methods resulted to be reliable on WBP, with generally high levels of correlation between dynamic MOE and static MOE and MoR. The highest correlation value for MoE is with the transversal resonance vibration while the highest for MOR is with the longitudinal resonance vibration. The results of the dynamic MOE for all the NDT methods are higher than the static MOE, as confirmed also in the literature; the average ratio between the dynamic and the static MOE is, for example, up to 1,6 for WBP in standard climate condition, tested with Fakopp U.T.. These results are extremely higher than values suggested by previous studies. Moreover, the ratio increases with increasing relative humidity of the climate condition. The results from the tests on larger sizes suggest a possible application in this field. The time-of-flight method is suitable for in-plane uniform materials, like the PB and HDF, while the transversal resonance methods give also a good representation of the properties of the dual density PB and the light-weight panel.
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Hygorthermal performance assessment of damaged building materials / Evaluation des performances hygrothermiques des matériaux de construction endommagésRouchier, Simon 19 October 2012 (has links)
Les transferts d’humidité dans les matériaux de construction ont une influenceimportante sur leur durabilité et sur les performances hygriques et thermiques desbâtiments. De nombreux mécanismes d’endommagement chimiques et physiquesde ces matériaux sont en effet dus à l’infiltration d’eau. En conséquence, leur structureporeuse peut évoluer au cours du temps, et des fissures microscopiques commemacroscopiques peuvent s’y développer. La description des matériaux à l’échelle microscopiqueest cependant une source d’erreur importante dans les codes de simulationactuels des transferts d’humidité et de chaleur, notamment en raison du faitque lesmilieux sont considérés comme homogènes, et que les effets du vieillissementdes matériaux sont négligés. Il importe donc de trouver un moyen d’inclure les effetsde l’endommagement dans les simulations de transferts d’humidité et de chaleurà l’échelle du bâtiment. Des méthodes existent pour la prédiction du comportementde milieux soumis à des sollicitations hygriques et mécaniques, mais supposent quel’ensemble des facteurs extérieurs influant sur l’endommagement soient connus toutau long des simulations.Une nouvelleméthodologie est proposée ici pour compléter ces approches prédictives,en combinant des mesures expérimentales d’endommagement avec la simulationde transferts couplés d’humidité et de chaleur. Une étude préliminaire a d’abordété menée, consistant à mesurer la perméabilité vapeur équivalente d’éprouvettes demortier multi-fissurées. Cette démarche a permis d’identifier les besoins expérimentauxet numériques de la suite du travail, visant à modéliser les écoulements dans unréseau discret de fissures sur la base de leur caractérisation. Une méthodologie expérimentalecombinant corrélation d’images numériques et émissions acoustiques aensuite été développée, permettant de disposer de cartographies d’endommagementet de proposer une démarche pour lamesure de réseaux de fissures dans lesmatériauxde construction en place. La méthode optique, associée à une procédure de traitementd’images, a permis de disposer de données précises de la géométrie de réseauxde fissures. De plus, une méthode a été proposée pour permettre l’interprétation desmesures d’émissions acoustiques en termes de quantification, localisation et identificationdes phénomènes d’endommagement.Un code de simulation a ensuite été écrit, permettant d’intégrer ces mesures defissuration dans la modélisation des écoulements couplés d’humidité et de chaleuren milieu poreux. Ce modèle a été validé sur la base de mesures expérimentales : lacorrélation d’images numériques a été appliquée durant la fracturation d’éprouvettesde béton, dans lesquelles l’infiltration d’eau a ensuite été suivie par radiographie auxrayons X. Les résultats numériques obtenus sont en bonne conformité avec lesmesuresexpérimentales en termes de prédiction de la concentration d’eau en deux dimensions.Enfin, laméthodologie a été appliquée à une série de cas test, dans le but demodéliserles performances hygrothermiques de parois multi-couches, incluant des matériauxendommagés, soumises à des conditions climatiques réelles. On a ainsi pu estimer les conséquences potentielles de l’endommagement sur l’accumulation d’eau dans desparois, sur l’amplitude des cycles de sorption et de séchage, ainsi que sur les transfertsthermiques. / An importantmatter in the field of building physics is the questioning of how wellbuildings sustain ageing, and how their overall efficiency evolves over their lifetime.Many causes for degradation are carried by moisture transfer through these porousmaterials. Indeed, infiltratedwatermay transport chemicals, altermechanical properties,and cause freeze thaw damage or mould development. It may also affect thermalproperties and energetic efficiency, as well as the health and comfort of the occupants.The understanding of how moisture transfer properties evolve during the lifespan ofbuildingmaterials is however far fromcomplete. The pore structure of amaterial itselfmay change over time, or be altered by cracks and defects caused bymechanical loadingand aggravated bymoisture-induced degradation. All sizes of fracturesmay have astrong impact on heat and moisture flow in the building envelope, and their influenceis to be accounted for in any long-termperformance assessment, not only of buildingand building components,but of any built structure in general. A considerable amountof work has already been performed in order to allow predicting the hygrothermal behaviourof buildings over longer periods of time. However, an accurate prediction of allranges of damage in a building component, from microscopic to macroscopic cracks,supposes an extensive knowledge of all damage-inducing, time-varying boundary conditionsof the problem during the simulation time. This also implies high computationalcosts, as well as important needs formaterial characterisation.As a complement to these predictive methods, a new approach was undertaken,combining experimental characterisation of crack patterns and numerical simulationsof coupled heat and moisture transfer. First, a preliminary study was conducted, consistingof measurements of the water vapour permeability of diffusely damaged constructionmaterials.This allowed identifying the experimental and numerical requirementsof the remainder of the work, which aimed at providing measurements of fracturenetwork geometries for their explicitmodelling in heat andmoisture transfer simulations.Digital image correlation and acoustic emission monitoring were then performedduring the degradation of cementitiousmaterials, in order to obtain quantitativedata on crack pattern geometries, and to assess the possibilities for damagemonitoringat the building scale. The optical technique, along with an appropriate imageprocessing procedure, was found suitable for providing precisemeasurements of fracturenetworks. Amethodwas also proposed for the interpretation of acoustic emissionrecordings in terms of damage quantification, localisation and identification.Then, a newmodel for coupled heat andmoisturemodelling in cracked porousmediawas developed, that allows including such measurements of fracture patterns intoa finite element mesh, and simulating flow accordingly. This model was validated onthe basis of experimentalmeasurements: digital image correlationwas performed duringthe fracturing of concrete samples, in which moisture uptake was then monitoredusing X-ray radiography. A good accordance was found between experimental and numericalresults in terms of 2-dimensional moisture concentration distributions. The validated code was then used for the simulation of test cases, in order to assess the hygrothermalperformance of damagedmulti-layered building components subjected toreal climatic conditions. The consequences of fractures on themoisture accumulationin walls, on the amplitude of sorption/desorption cycles and on the thermal performance,were observed.
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Déconvolution adaptative pour le contrôle non destructif par ultrasons / Adaptative deconvolution for ultrasonic non destructive testingCarcreff, Ewen 28 November 2014 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons au contrôle non destructif par ultrasons des matériaux industriels. En pratique, les signaux réceptionnés par le transducteur ultrasonore sont analysés pour détecter les discontinuités de la pièce inspectée. L'analyse est néanmoins rendue difficile par l'acquisition numérique, les effets de la propagation ultrasonore et la superposition des échos lorsque les discontinuités sont proches. La déconvolution parcimonieuse est une méthode inverse qui permet d'aborder ce problème afin de localiser précisément les discontinuités. Ce procédé favorise les signaux parcimonieux, c'est à dire ne contenant qu'un faible nombre de discontinuités. Dans la littérature, la déconvolution est généralement abordée sous l'hypothèse d'un modèle invariant en fonction de la distance de propagation, modalité qui n'est pas appropriée ici car l'onde se déforme au cours de son parcours et en fonction des discontinuités rencontrées. Cette thèse développe un modèle et des méthodes associées qui visent à annuler les dégradations dues à l'instrumentation et à la propagation ultrasonore, tout en résolvant des problèmes de superposition d'échos. Le premier axe consiste à modéliser la formation du signal ultrasonore en y intégrant les phénomènes propres aux ultrasons. Cette partie permet de construire un modèle linéaire mais non invariant, prenant en compte l'atténuation et la dispersion. L'étape de modélisation est validée par des acquisitions avec des matériaux atténuants. La deuxième partie de cette thèse concerne le développement de méthodes de déconvolution efficaces pour ce problème, reposant sur la minimisation d'un critère des moindres carrés pénalisé par la pseudo-norme L0. Nous avons développé des algorithmes d'optimisation spécifiques, prenant en compte, d'une part, un modèle de trains d'impulsions sur-échantillonné par rapport aux données, et d'autre part le caractère oscillant des formes d'onde ultrasonores. En utilisant des données synthétiques et expérimentales, ces algorithmes associés à un modèle direct adapté aboutissent à de meilleurs résultats comparés aux approches classiques pour un coût de calcul maîtrisé. Ces algorithmes sont finalement appliqués à des cas concrets de contrôle non destructif où ils démontrent leur efficacité. / This thesis deals with the ultrasonic non destructive testing of industrial parts. During real experiments, the signals received by the acoustic transducer are analyzed to detect the discontinuities of the part under test. This analysis can be a difficult task due to digital acquisition, propagation effects and echo overlapping if discontinuities are close. Sparse deconvolution is an inverse method that aims to estimate the precise positions of the discontinuities. The underlying hypothesis of this method is a sparse distribution of the solution, which means there are a few number of discontinuities. In the literature, deconvolution is addressed by a linear time-invariant model as a function of propagation distance, which in reality does not hold.The purpose of this thesis is therefore to develop a model and associated methods in order to cancel the effects of acquisition, propagation and echo overlapping. The first part is focused on the direct model development. In particular, we build a linear time-variant model that takes into account dispersive attenuation. This model is validated with experimental data acquired from attenuative materials. The second part of this work concerns the development of efficient sparse deconvolution algorithms, addressing the minimization of a least squares criterion penalized by a L0 pseudo-norm. Specific algorithms are developed for up-sampled deconvolution, and more robust exploration strategies are built for data containing oscillating waveforms. By using synthetic and experimental data, we show that the developed methods lead to better results compared to standard approaches for a competitive computation time. The proposed methods are then applied to real non destructive testing problems where they confirm their efficiency.
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Metodologia para medição de tensões em virabrequins utilizando ESPI / Stress measurements in crankshafts using ESPIMatsusaki, Eduardo Hiroshi 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Auteliano Antunes dos Santos Júnior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T19:03:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Matsusaki_EduardoHiroshi_M.pdf: 16938577 bytes, checksum: 51152fe274507619364344f4ec28e4b9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Tensões mecânicas estão entre as principais causas de falhas de componentes estruturais. A medição de tais tensões pode ser feita com técnicas que relacionam alguma variável física a tensão existente. Técnicas destrutivas podem ser usadas para tal finalidade, mas apenas no controle de qualidade. Entre as técnicas não destrutivas destacam-se os Raios X, a difração de Nêutrons e a acustoelasticidade. Uma das técnicas mais promissoras envolve a Interferometria a Laser. Segundo essa técnica, a interferência entre feixes de luz permite a identificação de pontos da superfície e estes, quando deslocados sob a aplicação de esforços, possibilitam o cálculo das deformações e tensões. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação da técnica de Interferometria Eletrônica entre Padrões de Speckles - ESPI para a medição de tensões em virabrequins. O estudo consistiu em uma revisão teórica do método; no estudo dos fatores que influenciam o resultado da medição; na validação da técnica para a medição de tensões, através da comparação com resultados do MEF e da extensometria; na aplicação da técnica para a medição cm chapa entalhada e no emprego desta para a medição de tensões em virabrequins. O estudo permitiu também a ajustagem ótima dos parâmetros que influenciem a medição. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o método é promissor quanto ao seu emprego generalizado; que a resolução obtida é adequada para o emprego na medição nos componentes analisados e que o método tem limitações importantes, que devem ser avaliadas para cada aplicação / Abstract: Mechanical stresses are among the main causes of failure of structural components. The measurement of such stresses can be made with techniques that relate some physical variable with the stress. Destructive techniques can be used for this purpose, but only in quality control. Non-destructive methods such as the X rays, the neutron diffraction and acoustoelasticity, are among the most used techniques. One of the most promising techniques applies Laser Interferometry. In this technique, the interference between light beams identifies points on the surface and these, when displaced under external forces, enable the calculation of the deformations and of the stresses. This paper presents the employ of the Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry technique for measuring stresses in crankshafts. It consisted of a theoretical review of the method; the study of the factors that would compromise the measuring results; a validation of the technique to measure stresses, by comparing MEF with strain gauges results; using the technique to take measures in a entailed plate and in the stresses measurements of crankshafts. This work also allowed the optimum adjustment for the parameters inducing the measurements. The obtained results showed a promising method for its general use; showed too that the resolution obtained is proper to the use in parts analyzed and that the method has important limitations that should be analyzed in every situation / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Determination of micro-meso-macro damage mechanisms in geopolymer concrete using non-destructive techniquesAzarsa, Peiman 15 January 2021 (has links)
Cement-based concrete is one of the main construction materials that is widely used for many construction applications due to its strength, durability, reflectivity, and versatility. However, it is acknowledged that production of cement as a primary material of concrete releases 1.8 Gt carbon dioxide (CO2) into the environment. It is estimated that one ton of cement production releases one ton of CO2 to the atmosphere. That is why, this work aims to create a concrete that could be an alternative to cement-based concrete.
Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is an eco-friendly construction material and an alternative to conventional concrete that is produced by reacting aluminate and silicate bearing constituents with a caustic activator (i.e. sodium-based or potassium-based). Both potassium and sodium have been considered as generally safe intergradient by the FDA, based upon the observance of several good manufacturing practice conditions of use. Theses activators are used in various application including concrete, food, as a stabilizer, and as a thickening agent. Moreover, these activators are also used in making soap, as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries and in electroplating, lithography, and paint and varnish removers. Medically, these activators are widely used in the wet mount preparation of various clinical specimens for microscopic visualization of fungi and fungal elements in skin, hair, nails, and even vaginal secretions, Currently, it was determined that these activators solution were found to be a safe and effective treatment of plane warts. Despite the developments in the studies relating to GPC made by various precursors such as fly-ash and slag in the literatures, the use of GPC made by fly-ash and bottom-ash has not been overly researched. In this study, attempts have been made to produce a unique mix proportion for Potassium-based GPC made by fly-ash and bottom-ash and investigate various mechanical properties of this type of GPC including elastic modulus, freeze-thaw resistance, heavy metal leach-ability and corrosion in both laboratory and real environmental conditions using Non-Destructive Tests (NDT)s. / Graduate / 2021-12-15
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Employee Perceptions of Leadership Styles: Integrating Consideration, Interpersonal Traits, and Task-Oriented BehaviorArredondo, Kelley January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza lomového chování elektronovým paprskem připraveného svaru oceli X5CrNiCuNb16-4 / Fracture behaviour analysis of the weld joint of the X5CrNiCuNb16-4 steel prepared by using an electron beam technologyVaňhara, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the determination of the mechanical properties and fracture behaviour of the weld joint X5CrNiCuNb16-4 steel prepared by using electron beam technology. The theoretical part is based on summarization of the relevant information about welding, principle of electron beam welding and testing methods of welded joints. The experimental part of the thesis contains results of practical measurements and analyses, realized for evaluation of the mechanical and structural properties of the base material and weld.
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Automatizace linky pro defektoskopii železničních kol / Automation of test line for flaw detection of railway wheelsHubený, Marek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of a control system for testing line using ultrasonic testing and magnetic particle testing. The test line is designed for non-destructive testing of railway wheels with detection and localization of surface and subsurface defects. The thesis describes the design and operating principles of the test line. On this basis, the design of a control system that controls various processes throughout the test line is clearly described. The proposed control system was implemented in the industrial application.
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Vliv způsobu prozvučování na výsledky měření žáruvzdorných tvarovek ultrazvukovou impulsovou metodou / Influence of transmission method on the results of measurement of refractory blocks by ultrasonic pulse methodPospíšil, Dušan January 2020 (has links)
Ultrasonic pulse method is a non-destructive method, which is used in the construction industry to evaluate individual parameters of building structures. The aim of the thesis was to create the prerequisites for determining the rate of ultrasonic pulse propagation on refractory silica fittings and quartz glass fittings. Selected factors influencing the speed of ultrasonic pulse propagation in the tested samples were studied, namely the influence of the sounding direction, the influence of the natural frequency of the probes and the influence of the acoustic coupling material on the ultrasonic pulse method.
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