Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oon destructive"" "subject:"soon destructive""
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Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas do concreto de lajes alveolares pré-fabricadas utilizando ensaios não destrutivos / Evaluation of the mechanical properties of concrete of precast hollow core slabs using nondestructive testing.Lucas Marrara Juliani 17 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta dois tipos de ensaios não destrutivos para a correlação do módulo dinâmico com a resistência à compressão para elementos de concreto. Os métodos de ensaio são a ultrassonografia e o método de excitação por impulso utilizando o equipamento Sonelastic®. Neste trabalho estão descritos seus funcionamentos, aplicações e limitações. A ultrassonografia, através da propagação de ondas sonoras, fornece, indiretamente, o módulo de elasticidade dinâmico. Com o método de excitação por impulso obtêm-se as frequências naturais e os modos de vibração do elemento estudado, o que permite determinar seu módulo dinâmico. Primeiramente, estes ensaios foram utilizados em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos e lajes alveolares produzidas em laboratório para a obtenção das curvas de correlação e, em seguida, estes mesmos ensaios foram realizados na fábrica de concreto pré-moldado. Para elementos de geometria complexa, como é o caso das lajes alveolares, apresenta-se uma metodologia para a obtenção de uma equação analítica para o cálculo do módulo dinâmico no ensaio de excitação por impulso. Estes métodos tiveram o objetivo final de avaliar a resistência à compressão do concreto na pista de protensão da fábrica, e então determinar o melhor momento para a desforma e corte do cabo de protensão. Com ambos os métodos, obteve-se ótimas correlações do módulo dinâmico com a resistência à compressão dos elementos em laboratório. Na fábrica de concreto pré-moldado não foi possível obter uma curva de correlação representativa de toda a laje na pista de protensão, porém foi possível registrar um bom indicativo de que é possível obter boas correlações para futuras pesquisas no assunto / This work presents two types of non-destructive testing for the correlation of the dynamic elastic modulus with the compressive strength. The test methods are the ultrasonography and the impulse excitation using the Sonelastic® equipment. In this work the equipaments operations, applications and limitations are also described. The ultrasound test indirectly supplies the dynamic elastic modulus through the propagation of sound waves. The natural frequencies and the vibration modes of the studied elements are obtained through impulse excitation method allowing to determine its dynamic modulus. To start, these tests were used in cylindrical specimens and hollow core slabs produced in the laboratory to obtain the correlation curves, and then these same methods were performed in the pre-cast concrete plant. As for complex geometric elements, as in the case of hollow core slabs, a methodology is applied in order to obtain an analytic equation to calculate the dynamic modulus in the impulse excitation test. These methods had the final goal the evaluation of the strength of prestressed concrete lying on track of the plant, so as to determine the best moment to demold and cut the prestressed cable. Excellent correlations of the dynamic modulus with compressive strength of the elements made in laboratory were obtained using both methods. It was not possible to obtain in the precast concrete plant a representative correlation curve of the whole slab on the track, nevertheless, it was possible to record a good indication that it is possible to obtain good correlations for future research.
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Automação de diagnóstico para ensaios nao destrutivos magnéticos. / Automation of diagnostic for non-destrutive magnetic tests.Ana Isabel Castillo Pereda 05 August 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um método para o reconhecimento e a detecção automática dos diferentes valores ou graus de deformação plástica em Ensaios Não Destrutivos empregando o Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen. O método é baseado no uso de uma Rede Neural Probabilística que permite o diagnóstico automático dos diferentes valores de deformação plástica, conteúdo de carbono, estas medidas são procedentes das medições das amostras de placas de aço AISI 1006, 1050 e 1070, esta base de dados foi feita pelo grupo de pesquisadores do Laboratório de Dinâmica e Instrumentação LADIN da Escola Politécnica da USP, departamento da Mecânica. Os excelentes resultados da rede neural probabilística de detectar automaticamente os valores de deformação mostram a efetividade do desempenho da rede neural probabilística que tem um desempenho superior aos métodos não destrutivos tradicionais e que realmente esta nova tecnologia é uma excelente solução para o diagnóstico. / This work presents a method for automatic detection and recognition of different levels or degrees of plastic deformation in Non-Destructive Testing using the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise. The method is based on using a Probabilistic Neural Network that allows the automatic diagnosis of the different values of plastic deformation and carbon content. The measurements corresponds to samples of steel plates AISI 1006, 1050 and 1070, this database was made by the group of researchers from the Laboratory of Dynamics and Instrumentation LADIN the Polytechnic School of USP, Department of Mechanical Engineering. The results show the effectiveness of the probabilistic neural network to automatically detect plastic deformation levels as well as carbon content level. This method has a superior performance in comparison to traditional nondestructive methods.
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Aplicação de métodos não destrutivos para qualificação de combustíveis tipo dispersão de U308-Al e U3Si2-Al no reator IEA-R1 / Application of non-destructive methods for qualification of the U3O8-Al and U3Si2-Al dispersion fuels in the IEA-R1 ReactorJosé Eduardo Rosa da Silva 24 November 2011 (has links)
O IPEN/CNEN-SP fabrica combustíveis para uso no seu reator nuclear de pesquisas, o IEA-R1. Para qualificar os seus combustíveis tem que comprovar o bom desempenho destes sob irradiação. Como o Brasil não possui reator nuclear de pesquisa com altos fluxos de nêutrons ou células quentes apropriadas para a realização de exames pós-irradiação de combustíveis nucleares, o IPEN/CNEN-SP conduziu um programa de qualificação operacional de elementos combustíveis empregando compostos de urânio já internacionalmente testados sob irradiação e qualificados para uso em reatores de pesquisas, obtendo experiência nas etapas de desenvolvimento tecnológico de fabricação de placas combustíveis, irradiação e ensaios não destrutivos pós-irradiação. Foram fabricados e irradiados diretamente no núcleo do IEA-R1, com sucesso, elementos combustíveis contendo dispersões com baixas frações volumétricas de combustível. Entretanto, existem planos no IPEN/CNEN-SP para aumentar a densidade de urânio dos seus combustíveis. O objetivo deste trabalho de tese consistiu no estudo e proposição de aplicação de um conjunto de métodos não destrutivos para a qualificação dos combustíveis a dispersão de U3O8-Al e U3Si2-Al com alta densidade de urânio fabricados no IPEN/CNEN-SP. Para tanto, foram considerados os recursos de irradiação e a aplicação, na piscina do reator IEA-R1, de métodos não destrutivos disponíveis na Instituição. A proposta consiste em especificar, fabricar e irradiar miniplacas combustíveis, nas densidades máximas já qualificadas internacionalmente e efetuar acompanhamento das condições gerais das mesmas, ao longo do período de irradiação, por meio de métodos não destrutivos na piscina do reator. Além dos métodos de inspeção visual e de sipping já empregados na Instituição, foi concluída a infraestrutura para realização de ensaios dimensionais sub-aquáticos para a avaliação do inchamento das miniplacas combustíveis irradiadas. As análises dos resultados darão subsídios para avaliar e decidir a continuidade ou não das irradiações das miniplacas, até que sejam alcançadas as queimas estipuladas para os testes de irradiação no IEA-R1. / IPEN/CNEN-SP manufactures fuels to be used in its nuclear research reactor the IEA-R1. To qualify those fuels, it is necessary to check if they have a good performance under irradiation. As Brazil doesnt have nuclear research reactors with high neutron fluxes, or suitable hot cells for carrying out post-irradiation examination of nuclear fuels, IPEN/CNEN-SP has conducted a fuel qualification program based on the use of uranium compounds, internationally tested and qualified to be used in research reactors, and has gotten experience in the technological development stages for the manufacturing of fuel plates, irradiation and non-destructive post-irradiation testing. Fuel elements containing low volume fractions of fuel in the dispersion were manufactured and irradiated successfully directly in the core of the IEA-R1. However, there are plans to increase the uranium density of these fuels. The objective of this thesis work was to study and to propose a set of non-destructive methods to qualify the dispersions fuels U3O8-Al e U3Si2-Al with high uranium density produced at IPEN/CNEN-SP. For that, the irradiation resources in the IEA-R1, and the application of non-destructive methods in the reactor pool available in the Institution were considered. The proposal is to specify, manufacture and irradiate fuel miniplates in IEA-R1 at the maximum densities, qualified internationally, and to monitor their general conditions during the period of irradiation, using non-destructive methods in the reactor pool. In addition to the non-destructives visual inspection and sipping methods, already used at the Institution, the infrastructure for dimensional sub-aquatic testing to evaluate the swelling of irradiated fuel miniplates was completed. The analyses of the results will provide means to assess and decide whether or not to continue with the irradiation of miniplates, until the desired burnup for the irradiation tests at IEA-R1 are reached.
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A dialética da construção destrutiva na consagração do patrimônio mundial: o caso de Diamantina (MG) / The destructive dialectic of construction in consecration of the World Heritage: the case of Diamantina (MG)Everaldo Batista da Costa 19 January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação cuja elaboração está focada em uma perspectiva histórico-dialética tem por objetivo analisar o processo de consagração do Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade [UNESCO] e o Programa Monumenta [Municípios / Governo Federal / BID] a fim de identificar, em Diamantina cidade histórica do sertão mineiro através de uma análise crítica, como o par dialético preservação / mercantilização produz o espaço urbano em tela e como transforma a realidade e o imaginário do residente. Denominamos essa contradição como dialética da construção destrutiva, que envolve os bens culturais do mundo, na contemporaneidade. Esta dialética estabelece-se no próprio percurso de consagração do Patrimônio Mundial, quando temos, por um lado, a UNESCO, que luta pela preservação inconteste dos bens culturais e naturais do mundo, em contraposição à tendência contemporânea de mercantilização, banalização e destruição dos espaços da história, da memória, da cultura, da natureza e da vida, quando da implantação de um turismo negligente com a sociedade e com o lugar. Dialética da construção destrutiva que rebate sobre o espaço urbano, a cidade histórica viva enquanto totalidade, ao ser reconhecida, simultaneamente, como símbolo de cultura e de mercadoria. Assumimos uma postura crítica frente a simultaneidade da preservação e da mercantilização do patrimônio um processo contraditório dada a preponderância do caráter estético, fetichista, classista e de cenarização na apropriação das cidades históricas e na refuncionalização dos bens culturais, em detrimento ao seu valor de uso civilizatório. Analisamos esta realidade que se evidencia, incipientemente, em Diamantina (Patrimônio Mundial e mercadoria global), sobretudo, com a conquista da chancela da UNESCO e com a implantação do polêmico Programa Monumenta. Veremos que a cidade histórica, ao ser tomada pela indústria cultural por via de um turismo descompromissado com a sociedade e com o lugar, é destituída de sua particularidade no fortalecimento do sentimento de pertencimento ao lugar e na edificação da cidadania. Ante ao frénésie pela Lista do Patrimônio Mundial, que esboça a lógica mercantil que envolve os bens culturais, na atualidade, urge a implementação da gestão participativa dos lugares do patrimônio e o enfoque no planejamento da cidade histórica enquanto totalidade, não focado nos limites do núcleo tombado. Por fim, é no contexto da dialética entre o uso e a troca que se dá na apropriação do espaço urbano, e entre a preservação e a mercantilização do patrimônio cultural que direcionamos esta pesquisa, que identifica a fragmentação articulada propiciada pela dialética da construção destrutiva que impactua o território urbano de Diamantina, no sertão de Minas Gerais. / This dissertation - whose production is focused on a historical dialectic perspective - aims to analyze the process of consecration of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity [UNESCO] and Monumenta Program [Municipalities / Government / BID] to identify, in Diamantina historical city in Minas Geraiss backwoods through a critical analysis , as the dialectical pair preservation/ merchandising produces the urban space on screen and how changes the reality and the resident imaginary. We call this contradiction destructive dialectic of construction, which involves the cultural goods of the world, in the contemporary. This dialectic establishes itself in the path of the consecration of World Heritage, when we have, on the one hand, UNESCO, which fights for the preservation of cultural and natural worlds goods, as opposed to the contemporary trend of commercialization, trivialization and destruction of space of history, memory, culture, nature and life, where the deployment of a tourism careless with society and with the place. Dialectic of destructive construction that swings on the urban space, the historic city living as a whole, to be recognized as both the symbol of culture and commodity. We assume a critical posture in face of the simultaneity of the \"preservation\" and the commercialization of heritage - a contentious process - given the preponderance of the aesthetic character, fetishist, class and of giving background on ownership of historic towns and of giving refunction of cultural goods, rather than its value in civilization use. We analised this reality that there is, incipiently, in Diamantina (World Heritage and global commodity), especially with the conquest of the seal of UNESCO and with the deployment of the controversial Monumenta Program. We will see that the historic town, when taken by the \"culture industry\" through a tourism uncompromised with society and the place, is devoid of its particularity in the strengthening of the feeling of belonging to place and the edifying of citizenship. In face of the frénésie by the Worlds Heritage List, that outlines the commercial logic that envelops the cultural goods, in the present, urges the implementation of participatory management on places of the heritage and the approach of planning of the historical city as totality, not focused in the limits of the spot listed center. Finally, it is in the context of the dialectic between the use and exchange that occurs in the ownership of urban space, and between the \"preservation\" and the commercialization of cultural heritage that we directed this research, which identifies the articulated fragmentation provided by the dialectic of destructive construction that impacts the municipal area of Diamantina in the backwoods of Minas Gerais.
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Mas vou até o fim: narrativas femininas sobre experiências de amor, sofrimento e dor em relacionamentos violentos e destrutivos / I will go to the end, though: Female narratives about experiences of love, suffering and pain in violent and destructive relationshipsFabiana de Andrade 23 February 2018 (has links)
Esta tese acompanha as narrativas sobre trajetos e experiências de sofrimento, amor e dor enunciados por mulheres que vivem relacionamentos amorosos violentos ou destrutivos. Concentrei-me sobre aquelas mulheres que procuraram por centros, associações de referência e apoio à mulher em situação e violência doméstica e conjugal, assim como por grupos de autoajuda voltados para mulheres que sofrem por amar demais. Desta forma, a pesquisa de campo desta tese desenvolveu-se no Centro de Referência e Apoio à Mulher (CEAMO), na associação francesa Libres Terres des Femmes (LTDF) e no grupo de autoajuda Mulheres que Amam Demais (MADA Campinas Posso Ajudar). Se ir até o fim era um consenso entre as mulheres que acompanhei em minha pesquisa de campo, meu interesse era conhecer em que consistia esse pensamento e quais os impactos concretos na vida dessas mulheres. Assim, de um lado, o trabalho procura refletir sobre como o entendimento das mulheres acerca de noções sobre sofrimento, violência e doença, assim como as expectativas sobre amor e relacionamentos, acionam possibilidades de enfrentamento da violência doméstica ou de recuperação da dependência de relacionamentos destrutivos. A partir disso, aquilo que as faz permanecer nesses relacionamentos e os eventos que as impelem a mudanças de trajetos foram questões importantes para acompanhar as múltiplas maneiras de habitar entre os limites de suportar o sofrimento. De outro lado, esta pesquisa procurou pensar a constituição de tecnologias de produção de subjetividades a partir das Pedagogias do Cuidado de Si. Essas técnicas corporais e emotivas de exercício cotidiano de mudanças de pensamentos e condutas têm como principal intuito a busca de um bem viver, de uma vida saudável e sem violência. As Pedagogias do Cuidado de Si são produtos da articulação entre experiências enunciadas pelas mulheres nos diversos espaços da pesquisa (afetos, noções difusas sobre uma psicologia popularizada e moralidades religiosas) e o saber-fazer profissional, atravessados por suas moralidades, afetos e corporalidades. Esta tese se propôs a refletir sobre a produção de tecnologias de subjetividades a partir de histórias pessoais e dos afetos que atravessam experiências, trabalho profissional e grupos terapêuticos, produzindo sujeitos políticos e formas afetivas e morais de atendimento. / This thesis accompanies narratives about paths and experiences of suffering, love and pain reported by women who live violent or destructive love relationships. I focused on those women who sought centers, referral and support\'s associations for women in domestic and marital violences situations, as well as self-help groups that were headed to orient women who suffer from too much love. In this way, the researchs field of this thesis was developed at the Center for Reference and Support to Women (CEAMO), the French association Libres Terres des Femmes (LTDF) and the self-helps group Women Who Love Too Much (MADA Campinas - I Can Help). If going to the end was a consensus among the women that I followed in my field research, my interest was to know what that thought was consisted in and what were the concrete impacts on these womens life. Thus, on the one hand, the work seeks to reflect on how women\'s understanding about notions of suffering, violence and illness, as well as expectations about love and relationships could trigger possibilities for tackling domestic violence or recovering from dependence on destructive relationships. Therefore, what makes them stay in these relationships and the events that push them to change paths were important questions to keep up with the multiple ways of to dwell between the bearable limits of suffering. On the other hand, this research tried to think about the constitution of the production of subjectivity technology from the Pedagogies of Care of the Self. These corporal and emotional techniques of daily exercise of changing thoughts and conducts have as main intention the search for a good live, a healthy life without violence. The Pedagogies of Care of the Self are products from the articulation between enunciated experiences by women in the different spaces of research (affections, diffused notions about a \"popularized psychology\" and religious morals) and professional know-how, crossed by their morals, affections and corporalities. This thesis circumscribed about the production of technologies of subjectivity from personal histories and affections that cross experiences, professional work and therapeutic groups, producing political individuals and affective and moral forms of acceptance.
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Détection de structures fines par traitement d'images et apprentissage statistique : application au contrôle non destructif / Thin structures detection by means of image processing and statistical learning : application to non-destructive testingMorard, Vincent 22 October 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons de nouvelles méthodes de traitement d’images pourextraire ou rehausser les éléments fins d’une image. Pour ces opérateurs, issus de la morphologie mathématique,l’accent a été mis principalement sur la précision de détection et sur le temps de calcul,qui doivent être optimisés pour pouvoir répondre aux contraintes de temps imposées par différentesapplications industrielles. La première partie de ce mémoire présente ces méthodes, organisées enfonction de la tortuosité des objets à détecter. Nous commençons par proposer un algorithme rapidepour le calcul des ouvertures 1-D afin d’extraire des structures rectilignes des images. Puis, nous étudionsune nouvelle classe d’opérateurs rapides avec les ouvertures parcimonieuses par chemins, permettantd’analyser des structures ayant une tortuosité modérée. Enfin, nous proposons de nouveauxéléments structurants adaptatifs et des filtres connexes construits avec des attributs géodésiques etgéométriques pour extraire des structures filiformes ayant une tortuosité quelconque.Dans un second temps, nous avons développé une méthode d’analyse statistique en introduisantune nouvelle pénalisation adaptative. L’objectif consiste à créer un modèle prédictif précis, quiminimise en même temps une fonction de coût, indépendante des données. Lorsque cette fonctionde coût est liée au temps de calcul de chaque descripteur, il est alors possible de créer un modèleparcimonieux précis et qui minimise les temps de calcul. Cette méthode est une généralisation desrégressions linéaires et logistiques Ridge, Forward stagewise, Lar, ou Lasso.Les algorithmes développés dans cette thèse ont été utilisés pour trois applications industrielles,très différentes les unes des autres, mais toutes faisant intervenir une approche multidisciplinaire : letraitement d’images et l’analyse statistique. L’association de ces deux disciplines permet d’améliorerla généricité des stratégies proposées puisque les opérateurs de traitement d’images alliés à un apprentissagesupervisé ou non supervisé, permettent d’adapter le traitement à chaque application.Mots clés : Traitement d’images, morphologie mathématique, analyse statistique, caractérisation deformes, contrôles non destructifs, ouvertures parcimonieuses par chemins, region growing structuringelements, amincissements par attributs géodésiques et topologiques, adaptive coefficient shrinkage. / This PhD is dedicated to new image processing methods to extract or enhance thinobjects from an image. These methods stem from mathematical morphology, and they mainly focuson the accuracy of the detection and on the computation time. This second constraint is imposed bythe fact that we are dealing with high-throughput applications. The first part of this thesis presentsthese methods, organized according to the tortuosity of the objects to detect. We first propose afast algorithm for the computation of 1-D openings, used to extract thin and straight structures in theimages. Then, we study a new class of fast operators, parsimonious path openings, which can extractthin structures with moderate tortuosities. Finally, we propose new adaptive structuring elementsand new thinnings with geodesic and geometric attributes to filter out the noise and to enhance thinstructures of any tortuosity.Besides, we have developed a machine learning method by introducing a new adaptive penalization.We aim at creating a predictive model that minimizes a cost function (independent of the data)while preserving a good accuracy. When this cost function is linked to the computation time of eachfeature, the resulting models will optimize the timings, while preserving a good accuracy. This methodis a generalization of linear and logistic regressions with Ridge, Forward stagewise, Lar or Lassopenalization.The algorithms developed in this thesis have been used for three industrial applications. While theirobjectives are very different, the framework is the same (non-destructive testing) and they all involvea multidisciplinary approach (images processing and statistical analysis). The combination of thesetwo fields yields a higher flexibility in comparison with classical methods. Generic strategies are used,since image processing operators are associated to statistical learning (supervised or unsupervised)to make a specific treatment for each application.Keywords: Image processing, mathematical morphology, statistical analysis, pattern recognition,non destructive testing, parsimonious path openings, region growing structuring elements, geodesicand topologic attributes thinnings, adaptive coefficient shrinkage.
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Contribution à l’évaluation de la dégradation du béton : thermographie infrarouge et couplage de techniques / A contribution on the evaluation of concrete degradation : infrared thermography and coupling techniqueLarget, Mathilde 21 September 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux traitent de l'utilisation de la thermographie infrarouge dans le cadre du contrôle non destructif des ouvrages de génie civil.Une première partie, traite de l’étude des paramètres influençant la mesure in situ, de la capacité de la technique à détecter la variation de propriétés intrinsèques au matériau, et de la détection de délaminations. Les résultats présentés sont issus de mesures expérimentales appuyées par une approche numérique aux éléments finis. Dans un premier temps, une étude sur la capacité de la thermographie infrarouge à détecter des variations de porosité ou de teneur en eau a été réalisée. Dans un second temps, des travaux sont menés sur la détermination des seuils de détection des délaminations en fonction des conditions d’exposition. Ils ont montré un seuil de détection correspondant à un rapport de 2, entre l’extension latérale du défaut et sa profondeur, pour un ensoleillement direct, et à un rapport de 3,3 pour un ouvrage soumis uniquement aux variations de température de l’air. La réalisation d’un suivi temporel combiné à l’étude de l’évolution des gradients temporels de température permet d’améliorer ces seuils de détection. Enfin, une étude originale sur le pontage présent au niveau des délaminations, a montré la prédominance de l’influence de celui‐ci sur la profondeur des délaminations.Une deuxième partie porte sur les travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet ANR‐SENSO. Ils traitent de la combinaison des résultats issus de différentes techniques de CND dans le cadre plus large de l'amélioration des diagnostics pour la gestion du patrimoine. / This thesis focuses on the use of infrared thermography as a tool for non destructive testing ofbuildings. Mainly, the application is on civil engineering projects.The first part includes identifying the parameters that can affect this in situ technique. Thisparticularly deals with the infrared thermography capacity to detect intrinsic property variations, anddelamination detection. Combination of experiments on concrete slabs and numerical simulationsare used. In a first step, a study on the capacity of thermography to detect porosity and watercontent variation was conducted. In a second step a study on the thresholds for detectingdelaminations based on exposure conditions is carried out. As an outcome, the threshold that hasbeen detected corresponds to a ratio of 2 between the lateral extension of the defect and its depthto direct sunlight; while a ratio of 3,3 if it is exposed to air temperature variations. This studysuggests that a time monitoring combined with the study of the evolution of temporal temperaturegradients can improve the detection limits. Finally, an original study showed the predominance ofthe influence of bridging on the depth of delamination.The second part tackles the works carried out during the ANR project SENSO. Results fromdifferent non destructive tools were coupled for the purpose of improving diagnosis in the assetmanagement.
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Évaluation non destructive des structures en béton armé : étude de la variabilité spatiale et de la combinaison des techniques / Nondestructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures : study of the spatial variability and the combination of techniquesNguyen, Ngoc tan 27 June 2014 (has links)
Les budgets alloués aux réparations des ouvrages et du patrimoine bâti ont atteint un niveau important. Une démarche scientifique est donc réfléchie pour réduire ces budgets par la mise en place d’outils visant à optimiser et fiabiliser le diagnostic structural des ouvrages. Les méthodes de contrôle non destructif (CND) constituent l’une des voies adaptées. Ces techniques reposent sur des principes physiques bien connus et les sociétés de service en proposent aujourd’hui un emploi courant, mais de nombreux verrous subsistent. Les deux besoins majeurs des gestionnaires d’ouvrages sont celui de l’optimisation de la stratégie de reconnaissance (où mesurer ? en combien de points ? avec quelle(s) techniques(s) et quelle précision ?) et celui de la quantification des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux ou des indicateurs de durabilité telles que la résistance à la compression, l’épaisseur carbonatée, le taux d’humidité. La question est comment déduire ces propriétés et ces indicateurs des mesures faites ? Et quelles sont la précision et la fiabilité de l’évaluation ?Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de deux projets nationaux de recherche : le projet ACDC-C2D2 et le projet ANR EvaDéOS. L’objectif principal est d’analyser la variabilité issue du CND pour ensuite remonter à la variabilité spatiale des bétons en conditions réelles. Les techniques de CND considérées sont choisies parmi les plus complémentaires : radar, résistivité électrique, ultrasons et rebond (scléromètre). Les résultats sont obtenus à partir d’une large campagne expérimentale effectuée sur des dalles d’un site test et sur deux ouvrages. L’analyse de la variabilité des CND a permis d’évaluer le nombre minimal de mesures nécessaire pour un niveau de confiance souhaité. D’autre part, la corrélation spatiale des données a été modélisée par l’analyse variographique. Les résultats montrent que, dans certain cas, les mesures de CND ne sont pas spatialement indépendantes. Les longueurs de corrélation identifiées dépendent de la propriété mesurée ainsi que du béton de l’ouvrage ausculté. La connaissance de ces longueurs de corrélation est un résultat nouveau qui permettra d’une part de mieux estimer la variabilité spatiale des bétons et d’autre part d’alimenter de manière plus réaliste les calculs fiabilistes des ouvrages. Elle permet également d’identifier un pas d’échantillonnage optimal sur ouvrage dans le cadre du suivi temporel ou pour effectuer des analyses complémentaires (ex. carottage, CND complémentaire ou plus fiable) et de représenter au mieux la cartographie spatiale des propriétés du béton.Dans le cadre du projet de recherche ANR EvaDéOS, les effets de la carbonatation et des gradients de teneur en eau (gradient d’humidité) sur les techniques CND ont été étudiés. Ce travail a pour objectifs d’étudier la sensibilité des techniques de CND à évaluer ces deux indicateurs de durabilité ainsi que leur impact sur la variabilité des mesures de CND. En laboratoire, des campagnes expérimentales ont été réalisées sur corps d’épreuve ayant différentes profondeurs de carbonatation ou des gradients d’humidité. L’effet de la carbonatation a été quantifié pour certains observables : résistivité électrique, vitesse ultrasonore et rebond. En ce qui concerne la variabilité des mesures de CND, l’effet de la carbonatation est seulement notable dans le cas du béton saturé, en particulier pour la variabilité locale de la résistivité électrique et du rebond. Cet effet reste faible par rapport à l’effet du degré de saturation. Les premiers résultats montrent également que les mesures de la résistivité électrique permettraient de suivre des gradients d’humidité dans le béton. / The budgets assigned to the repair of structures and built heritage have reached an alarming level. A scientific approach is needed to reduce these budgets by implementing tools for a more reliable and optimal assessment of existing structures. Non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques constitute one of approaches adapted to real conditions. These techniques are based on well-known physical principles. Many companies offer their services in NDT domain today but many challenges remain. The two particular needs of structure managers are the optimization of the assessment strategy (where to measure? how many testing points? what technique(s) and what precision?) and the quantification of mechanical properties of materials or durability indicators such as the compressive strength, the carbonation depth, the moisture content. The questions are how to estimate these properties from measurements performed, and what are the accuracy and reliability of the evaluation?This thesis is part of two French research projects: ACDC-C2D2 and ANR EVaDéOS. The main objective is to analyze the variability of non-destructive testing (NDT) measurements for assessing the spatial variability of concrete in real conditions. NDT techniques considered are chosen as being complementary: radar, electrical resistivity, ultrasonic, rebound hammer. The results are obtained from a wide campaign of measurements, which was performed on concrete slabs of a testing site and on two existing structures. The analysis of the NDT variability makes it possible to assess the necessary minimum number of measurements for a desired level of confidence. Furthermore, the spatial correlation of the data was modeled using the variogram analysis. In some cases, the results show that NDT measurements are not spatially independent. The correlation lengths identified depend on the measured property and the concrete of the structure inspected. They are a new result, which will provide on one hand a better evaluation of spatial variability of concrete and on the other hand a more realistic input of reliability calculations of structures. The correlation length allows also the identification of an optimal sampling distance on existing structure within the monitoring time or the implementation of additional analyses (eg. core, complementary or more reliable NDT) and a better representation of the spatial mapping of concrete properties.Within the framework of the ANR EvaDéOS research project, the effects of carbonation and of moisture gradients on NDT measurements were studied. This work aims to study the sensitivity of NDT techniques for assessing these two durability indicators and their impact on the variability of NDT measurements. In laboratory, the experimental surveys were carried out on testing specimens having different depths of carbonation or moisture gradients. The effect of carbonation was quantified for several parameters: electrical resistivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound hammer. With respect to the variability of NDT measurements, the effect of carbonation is only significant in the case of saturated concrete, in particular for the local variability of electrical resistivity and rebound hammer. This effect is weak in comparison with the effect of saturation degree. The first results show also that the measurements of electrical resistivity would follow moisture gradients in concrete.
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Contribution à l’étude et à l’optimisation du procédé de thermographie active appliquée à la détection de défauts surfaciques / Contribution to the study and to the optimization of active thermographic process applied to surface crack detectionThiam, Abdoulahad 19 October 2017 (has links)
Les travaux que nous avons menés concernent la modélisation de l’interaction laser-matière couplée à de la thermographie infrarouge, pour la détection de défauts débouchants et sous-jacents dans des matériaux métalliques. A terme, ce procédé de thermographie se veut être une alternative possible à la magnétoscopie et au ressuage dans le domaine des contrôles non destructifs. Ces travaux se sont déroulés en trois phases. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation des propriétés optiques et thermophysiques des matériaux, pour alimenter le modèle de simulation numérique mais également pour les besoins des mesures de validation du modèle numérique. La deuxième partie de l’étude a permis la mise en place d’un modèle de simulation numérique représentatif de la réalité avec une approche en deux étapes : une première consistant à calculer des champs de températures éléments finis et une seconde à modéliser la caméra de thermographie infrarouge représentatif de celle utilisée dans le projet. Des solutions innovantes ont été utilisées pour obtenir un modèle qui intègre tous les paramètres, avec des temps de calculs faibles. Ce modèle a été ensuite validé par des mesures comparatives des champs de températures numériques et expérimentaux. Enfin, nous nous sommes appuyés sur ce modèle pour rechercher les paramètres optimaux de ce procédé, grâce à la méthode des plans d’expériences numériques. / The aim of this work is the detection of open and subjacent defects in metallic materials using laser-material interaction coupled with infrared thermography. This process is a possible alternative for magnetic particles testing and dye penetrant testing in the field of non-destructive testing. This work is divided into three main parties. At first, we have been interested in the characterization of optical and thermophysical properties of materials we used, in order to have good boundary conditions and also for the needs of temperatures fields measurements for validation. The second part concern the development of a numerical simulation model with two step approach: the first involves modelling temperature field with finite element method and the second details the infrared camera modelling. Innovative solutions were used to obtain model which integrates all parameters, with low time calculation. After validated temperature field, this model allows us to look for the process optimal parameters through numerical experimental designs.
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Amélioration du diagnostic de l'endommagement des gaines de précontrainte extérieure par sonde capacitive / Improvement of the diagnosis of the damage of post tensioned ducts using capacitive probeBore, Thierry 31 January 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse contribuent au développement du contrôle non destructif des conduits de précontrainte extérieure dans les ouvrages d'art. Une sonde capacitive a été développée pour ausculter ces conduits. L'objectif est d'en améliorer le diagnostic.Dans un premier temps, une cellule de mesure en transmission coaxiale a été développée pour caractériser les matériaux présents dans le conduit sur la bande de fréquence 50 MHz - 1 GHz. Le ciment, les produits de la ségrégation du ciment et la cire d'injection ont été étudiés.La deuxième partie du travail exploite ces résultats dans une modélisation directe du problème global. Une étude paramétrique nous a permis de proposer une méthode d'estimation de l'épaisseur de vide à l'intérieur du conduit à partir des signaux délivrés par la sonde, qui a pu être validée sur une maquette de conduit. A partir de ces résultats sont proposées plusieurs améliorations du dispositif visant à l'obtention de signaux plus riches issus des capteurs, afin de pouvoir estimer un plus grand nombre de paramètres. / The work presented in this report contributes to the development of Non Destructive Evaluation of the external post-tensioned ducts in bridges. A capacitive probe has been developed for bridge monitoring applications. The aim of this work is to improve its diagnostic.In a first step, a coaxial transmission line was developed to characterize the materials involved in the duct over the frequency range 50 MHz - 1 GHz. The cement grout, segregation products of the cement grout and the injection wax were studied.In the second part of this work the previous results are used in the modelling of the devices. A parametrical study has shown the ability to get from the signals an estimate of the thickness of the void in the duct. This estimation method has been validated using a laboratory duct. Further, several improvements of the probes are proposed to get signals containing more information in order to get a better estimation of the target parameters.
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