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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Průzkum a hodnocení železobetonové mostní konstrukce / Survey and assessment of reinforced concrete bridge construction

Šnédar, Jaroslav January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the real condition of reinforced concrete beam bridge located in Brno Jundrov. In order to evaluate this condition, there was made the main bridge inspection. Subsequently, a number of diagnostic methods were used, such as hardness tests, concrete stress strenght, ultrasonic pulse method, including their evaluation. In terms of the main inspection, the condition of construction of the bridge was evaluated as V - bad. We found out that the concrete from which the bridge is built of is in very good condition. The problem, however, is the condition of the reinforcement located on the bridge. Based on its condition there must be expected lifespan within the next 5-10 years.

Evaluation and Structural Behavior of Deteriorated Precast, Prestressed Concrete Box Beams

Ryan T Whelchel (7874897) 22 November 2019 (has links)
Adjacent precast, prestressed box beam bridges have a history of poor performance and have been observed to exhibit common types of deterioration including longitudinal cracking, concrete spalling, and deterioration of the concrete top flange. The nature of these types of deterioration leads to uncertainty of the extent and effect of deterioration on structural behavior. Due to limitations in previous research and understanding of the strength of deteriorated box beam bridges, conservative assumptions are being made for the assessment and load rating of these bridges. Furthermore, the design of new box beam bridges, which can offer an efficient and economical solution, is often discouraged due to poor past performance. Therefore, the objective of this research is to develop improved recommendations for the inspection, load rating, and design of adjacent box beam bridges. Through a series of bridge inspections, deteriorated box beams were identified and acquired for experimental testing. The extent of corrosion was determined through visual inspection, non-destructive evaluation, and destructive evaluation. Non-destructive tests (NDT) included the use of connectionless electrical pulse response analysis (CEPRA), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and half-cell potentials. The deteriorated capacity was determined through structural testing, and an analysis procedure was developed to estimate deteriorated behavior. A rehabilitation procedure was also developed to restore load transfer of adjacent beams in cases where shear key failures are suspected. Based on the understanding of deterioration developed through study of deteriorated adjacent box beam bridges, improved inspection and load rating procedure are provided along with design recommendations for the next generation of box beam bridges.

Kontrola provádění železobetonových konstrukcí / Inspection of the implementation of reinforced concrete structures

Juráň, David January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the control of the implementation of reinforced concrete structures. The theoretical part deals with the issues of this theme. There are presented individual work processes of the implementation of reinforced concrete structures, accesses of valid standards, used diagnostic methods and also inspection and test plans for cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure. The practical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter applies with the most frequent defects in new reinforced concrete structures and two remaining chapters with the inspection of newly built structures for which arose misgivings about the quality of execution.

'n Opvoedkundig-sielkundige ondersoek na selfmutilering by adolessente

Wehmeyer, Welma 31 December 2006 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / The goal of this study is to understand the phenomenon of self mutilation by adolescents, with whom there is no developmental or mental barrier, from an educational-psychological perspective. A literature study was undertaken to investigate the nature, classification, causes and treatment of self mutilation, as well as the Educational Psychological Relations Theory. The self mutilation of adolescents was placed within the Educational Psychological Relations Theory framework. The research results showed that selfmutilation, with adolescents with whom there is no developmental or mental barrier, is a symptom of disharmonic intra- and interpsychic processes, as it is understood within the Educational Psychological Relations Theory. Self mutilation is used as a coping mechanism to regulate unpleasant emotional experiences. The empirical study also showed that an impoverished educational climate contributes to the development of self mutilation by adolescents. / Die doel van hierdie studie is om die verskynsel van selfmutilering by adolessente, by wie daar nie ontwikkelings- of geestesgestremdheid aanwesig is nie, vanuit 'n opvoedkundig-sielkundige perspektief te verstaan. Aan die hand van die literatuurstudie is die aard, klassifisering, oorsake en behandeling van selfmutilering, asook die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie verken. Die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie is as raamwerk gebruik waarbinne die verskynsel van selfmutilering by adolessente ondersoek is. Die navorsingsresultate het aan die lig gebring dat selfmutilering, by adolessente by wie daar nie geestes- of ontwikkelingsgestremdheid teenwoordig is nie, 'n simptoom is van disharmoniese intra- en interpsigiese gebeure soos dit verstaan word binne die Opvoedkundig-Sielkundige Relasieteorie. Selfmutilering word gebruik as 'n verdedigingsmeganisme waarmee onaangename belewinge gereguleer word. Die empiriese studie het ook getoon dat 'n onbevredigende opvoedingsklimaat 'n groot bydrae lewer tot die ontwikkeling van selfmutilering by adolessente. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialiation in Guidance and Counseling)

Konstruktiewe en destruktiewe aanwending van musiek sedert die aanvang van die moderne era : 'n ondersoek vanuit 'n opvoedingsperspektief

Lategan, Stephanus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Sekere bevindings oor die positiewe en negatiewe invloed van musiek en die funksies wat dit met betrekking tot menswees vervul, is as 'n verwysingsraamwerk gebruik om historiese gegewens oar die konstruktiewe en destruktiewe aanwending van musiek in hoofsaaklik Duitsland en die V.S.A. te analiseer. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat musiek konstruktief aangewend is met betrekking tot: Intellektuele vorming: Intellektuele vaardighede en kennisverwerwing is deur musiek bevorder. Die leergebeure is veraangenaam en meer effektief gemaak. Estetiese vorming: Deur musiek is 'n estetiese waardesisteem en 'n goeie kunssmaak ontwikkel en die wording van volwaardige, gebalanseerde individue bevorder. Religieuse vorming: Musiek is aangewend om religieuse denke en gewaarwordinge uit te druk en om kennisoordrag, evangelisasie, sending en die belewing van 'n innige geloofsgemeenskap te bevorder. Etiese vorming: Etiese waarhede is met behulp van musiek herhaal en ingeoefen. 'n "Morele atmosfeer" en die vaslegging van 'n waardesisteem is daardeur bevorder. Politieke vorming: Politieke gevoelens en menings is deur musiek uitgedruk om mense te be1nvloed om bepaalde standpunte, partye, regerings of politieke stelsels te ondersteun. Nasionale vorming: Musiek is gebruik om patriotisme te verwoord, die kulture van volkere te weerspieel, volksfeeste op te luister en nasionale eenheid te bevorder. Sosiale vorming: Musiek is aangewend as 'n bran van vermaak en ontspanning en as 'n kommunikasiemiddel. Dit het gehelp om 'n groepsidentiteit te vestig, 'n gemeenskapsgevoel en sosialisering te bevorder en mense se gedragspatrone te be1nvloed. Affektiewe vorming: Deur middel van musiek is gepoog om die gevoelslewe te orden en te veredel en om positiewe veranderinge ten opsigte van affektiewe toestande teweeg te bring. Fisieke vorming: Verskeie liggaamsaktiwiteite en fisieke vaardighede, ontspanning en verfrissing is deur musiek bevorder en dit is as 'n terapie aangewend. Musiek is oak destruktief aangewend deurdat die Christelike kerk ondermyn, religieuse aanbidding benadeel, die jeug se emosionele beheer, selfstandigwording en etiese waardestelsels negatief be!nvloed, aggressiewe en opstandige gedrag, militarisme, politieke venyn en rassehaat bevorder, beswyming ge!nduseer, gehoorsintuie beskadig en regerings omvergewerp is. 'n Aantal aanbevelings en waarskuwings met betrekking tot die aanwending van musiek in formele, nieformele en informele onderwys- en opvoedingsituasies het uit die analise voortgevloei. / Certain findings concerning the positive and negative influences of music and the functions fulfilled by it in the life-world of man were used as a reference framework in order to analyse historical data on the constructive and destructive applications of music in mainly Germany and the U.S.A. It came to light that music was constructively applied with regard to: Intellectual shaping: Music was employed to enhance various intellectual skills, to improve the acquisition of knowledge and to render the learning process more pleasant and effective. Aesthetic shaping: An aesthetic value system and a good artistic taste were developed and the shaping of complete, balanced individuals was promoted through music. Religious shaping: Music was employed to express religious thoughts and perceptions and to promote close community of faith, knowledge transfer, evangelization and missionary effort. Ethical shaping: Ethical truths were reiterated and "practised" and a "moral atmosphere" and a value system established through music. Political shaping: Political feelings and opinions were expressed through music and people were influenced to support specific viewpoints, parties, governments or political systems. National shaping: Music was employed to express patriotism, to reflect the cultures of nations, to add lustre to national gatherings and to promote national unity. Social shaping: Music was a source of entertainment and recreation and a means of communication. Through music the establishment of a group identity, socialization and a communal sense were promoted and behavioural patterns affected. Affective shaping: Music was a means of ordering and ennobling inner life and of facilitating positive changes in affective conditions. Physical shaping: Relaxation, recreation, physical skills and activities were promoted through music which was utilized as a therapy. Music was also destructively employed by undermining the Christian church and harming religious worship, by negatively influencing youth's emotional selfcontrol, ethical value systems and the actualization of independence, by furthering aggressive and rebellious behaviour, inducing trances, causing physical damage to hearing organs and promoting militarism, political viciousness, racial hatred and the overthrow of governments. A number of recommendations and warnings concerning the employment of music in formal, non-formal and informal educational situations resulted from the analysis. / Art History, Visual Arts & Musicology / D. Ed. (Historiese Opvoedkunde)

Évaluation et contrôle non destructifs des barreaux et plaques par génération acoustique induite par absorption de micro-ondes / Nondestructive evaluation and testing of bars and plates by means of acoustic waves generated by microwaves absorption

Mohamed elarif, Abderemane 22 March 2011 (has links)
De nombreuses études ont été menées jusqu’ici afin d’analyser l’apport de la technique de génération acoustique par micro-ondes dans le domaine de l’évaluation et du contrôle non destructifs des structures mécaniques. Le caractère entièrement sans contact de cette nouvelle technique en ferait un moyen pouvant être adopté pour générer aisément des ondes acoustiques dans les matériaux diélectriques absorbants. Ce travail porte d’abord sur l’étude des vibrations latérales engendrées dans les barreaux viscoélastiques placés dans un guide d’ondes électromagnétiques contenant une ouverture sur l’une des faces latérales et soumis à de brèves excitations de micro-ondes. Un modèle paramétrique prédit la forme de l’élévation de la température à l’intérieur de l’échantillon. Ses résultats soulignent que l’utilisation des guides partiellement ouverts provoque une distribution asymétrique de la température générant ainsi des modes de flexion. Par ailleurs, un modèle numérique tridimensionnel par éléments finis a permis de mettre en évidence l’existence d’autres modes liés aux déformations des sections-droites lorsqu’elles sont soumises à une brusque dilatation thermique. Ensuite, l’élaboration de méthodes directes pour compléter l’évaluation des propriétés viscoélastiques des mêmes barreaux placés dans les guides conventionnels est considérée. Différents modèles analytiques sont construits pour analyser l’effet du coefficient de Poisson sur le rapport des vibrations induites dans les directions latérale et longitudinale d’une part, et sur la dispersion des ondes acoustiques de type traction compression d’autre part. Un algorithme d’optimisation permettant d’estimer le coefficient de Poisson et la partie réelle de la lenteur à valeurs complexes par une méthode inverse est élaboré puis appliqué dans le cas concret de deux barreaux polymériques. Enfin, une étude analytique et numérique par éléments finis est menée afin d’analyser les vibrations générées sur un défaut circulaire (trou) contenu dans une plaque et chauffé localement par des micro-ondes. Deux approches acoustiques sont construites pour prédire la forme de la zone chauffée par une température uniforme ou gaussienne. Une relation directe entre la taille du défaut et les fréquences de certains pics qui apparaissent sur les spectres des vibrations de la plaque ont été mises en évidence. Celle-ci conviendrait à l’élaboration d’une méthode inverse permettant de dimensionner ces types de défauts. / Many studies in the field of both nondestructive evaluation and testing of mechanical structures have been conducted so far by analyzing the contribution of the microwaves induce acoustic technique. This new non-contact technique can be easily adopted to generate acoustic waves in non-conducting materials. This work begins with studying the lateral vibrations generated within viscoelastic bars hold inside grooved electromagnetic waveguides and subjected to short microwave irradiations. A parametrical model is established in order to predict the shape of the temperature rise within the sample. Results emphasize the fact that these types of waveguides generate a sudden asymmetric temperature rise, which produces some flexural modes. Besides, the development of a 3D numerical model allow the prediction of new vibration modes which are related to the deformations of the bar cross-sections during the sudden thermal heating. Then, direct methods are developed to complete the assessment of the viscoelastic properties of bars placed inside conventional electromagnetic waveguides. Different analytical models are proposed to study the effects of the Poisson ratio either on the ratio between lateral and longitudinal vibrations or on the dispersion of longitudinal waves. An optimization algorithm that allows the Poisson ratio and the real part of the complex slowness evaluation by means of dispersion curves is elaborate before being applied in the specific case of two polymeric bars. Finally, analytical and numerical finite element methods are conducted to analyze the acoustic waves generated by a circular defect (hole) contained in a plate and heated locally by microwaves. Two acoustic approaches are performed to predict the temperature rise form. Furthermore, a nondestructive testing method is highlighted by a direct relationship between the size of the defect and the frequencies of some peaks that appear on the velocity spectra of the plate. This method could be applied to set up an inverse procedure that can be used to size these kinds of defects.

Identification expérimentale du comportement d'un fuselage composite : détection de défauts par mesures de champs / Experimental identification of the behavior of a composite fuselage : defects detection by full field measurements

Peronnet, Élodie 04 October 2012 (has links)
Le contexte de ce travail concerne le process d'Infusion de Résine Liquide (LRI) développé dans le cadre du projet « FUSelage COMPosite » par DAHER SOCATA. Ce process de fabrication permet de réaliser des pièces de formes complexes et des panneaux entiers de fuselage en composites, ce qui réduit considérablement les étapes d'assemblages et donc les temps de production. Les travaux de thèse portent sur l'identification expérimentale du comportement d'un fuselage composite. Ce travail se divise en deux parties qui sont la qualification du contrôle non destructif (CND) par rapport à une taille de défaut critique et l'identification du comportement d'une structure composite orthotrope en présence de ce défaut. Le premier volet consiste à évaluer les techniques de CND basées sur des mesures de champs (acoustiques, thermiques et densimétriques), capables de détecter des défauts internes de types délaminage et porosité au sein de structures composites monolithiques et sandwichs, et fournissant une visualisation des résultats par une cartographie de défauts 2D ou 3D. Le choix de ces méthodes a été motivé par la volonté de DAHER SOCATA d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences en matière de CND. Le deuxième volet consiste à évaluer les paramètres élastiques d'une structure composite orthotrope (structure comprenant une zone saine et une zone localement dégradée) via une procédure d'identification, à partir de mesures de champs, globale et locale par recalage de modèles éléments finis. Cette procédure se décompose en quatre parties avec tout d'abord l'identification des propriétés de la structure saine, ensuite la localisation de la zone dégradée, l'intégration de celle-ci dans le modèle éléments finis, et l'identification des propriétés de cette dernière. / The context of this work concerns the process of Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) developed under the project "composite fuselage" by DAHER SOCATA. This manufacturing process can produce parts with complex shapes and entire panels of composite fuselage, reducing assembly steps and therefore the production time. The thesis work focused on the experimental identification of the behavior of a composite fuselage. This work is divided into two parts which are the qualification of non destructive testing (NDT) compared to a critical defect size and the identification of the behavior of an orthotropic composite structure with defect. The first part is to evaluate the NDT techniques based on full field measurements (acoustic, thermal and densimetric), capable of detecting internal defects as porosities and delaminations in monolithic and sandwich composite structures, and providing a results visualization by a 2D or 3D defects map. The choice of these methods was motivated by DAHER SOCATA which wants to learn new NDT skills. The second part is to evaluate the elastic parameters of an orthotropic composite structure (structure composed by a virgin zone and a damaged zone) through an identification process from field measurements, by global and local step. This procedure is divided into four parts with two identification steps and a image processing step.

Fragmentární psaní: motivy středoevropského literárního diskurzu v postmoderní ruské literatuře / Fragmentary writing: the motifs of Central European literary discourse in postmodern Russian literature

Karpeta, Anastasia January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis Fragmentary writing: the motifs of Central European literary discourse in postmodern Russian literature discusses the issue of the fragment as melancholy, aesthetic and Central European principle of writing; it accepts the montage method (due to its formalistic conception) as a primary poetic feature of the fragmentary discourse. The thesis examines the texts as the changing boundaries of the various cultural codes and different levels of fragmentation and discontinuity in the causal narrative. The thesis should show the continuity or, in other words, the coherence of the analyzed texts to the Central European literary context. The theme is developed based on the interpretation of works written by Pavel Ulitin (Immortality in the pocket; Conversation about the fish; Xenophobe and various prose; Hopeless Journey, etc.) and others.

Ein Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver Tastspulen / A method to improve the properties of magneto-inductive coils

Heidary Dastjerdi, Maral 06 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Magnetisch-induktive Techniken finden seit langer Zeit viele Anwendungsfelder in der Medizin, Sicherheitstechnik und der Industrie. Obwohl die technischen Grundlagen seit vielen Jahrzehnten bekannt sind, werden auf Basis detaillierter Analysen spezielle Lösungsansätze verfolgt, die neuartiges Anwendungspotential erschließen sollen. Dazu dienen verbesserte Werkzeuge wie Computersimulationen und analytische Berechnungen sowie neu kombinierte Methoden und Aufbauten aus Leistungselektronik und Signaldetektion. Die Vorteile magnetisch-induktiver Techniken sind dabei u.a., dass sie das Prüfobjekt nicht schädigen, berührungslos arbeiten, robust gegenüber Verschmutzungen und einfach im Aufbau sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Technik ist die unzureichende Auflösung von feinen Strukturen. In der aktuellen Forschung und Entwicklung werden unterschiedliche Spulenanordnungen zur Anwendung in industriellen und medizinischen Fragestellungen untersucht und optimiert. Thema dieser Arbeit ist es, durch Verbesserung der Spuleneigenschaften, neue Anwendungsbereiche für die zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung zu erschließen. Es wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Eigenschaften magnetisch-induktiver Tastspulen zu verbessern und so den Aufwand bei der Signalverarbeitung zur Rekonstruktion im Rechner zu reduzieren sowie die Auflösung zu erhöhen. Dazu werden zwei Spulenanordnungen, Transmissions - Tastspulen und Gradiometer - Tastspulen, vergleichend gegenübergestellt und ihre technischen Grenzen aufgezeigt. / Magneto-inductive techniques are found in many fields of application areas so in medicine, security technology and industry. Although the technical basis has been known for many decades, special solutions are pursued on the basis of detailed analysis that should open new application potential. These are enhanced tools such as computer simulations, analytical calculations, new combined methods and structures of power electronics and signal detection. The advantages of magneto-inductive techniques are that they do not damage the test object, are contactless, robust against dirt and simple in construction. A disadvantage of this technique is the insufficient resolution of fine structures. In current research and development different coil assemblies are investigated in industrial and medical applications. The aim of this work is to improve the coil properties by changing geometric constructions and current patterns of the coils, in order to allow a sharper localization of objects in space and to tap new application areas for non-destructive testing. A method to improve the properties of magneto-inductive coils and thus to reduce the effort in signal processing and image reconstruction as well as to increase the resolution is presented. Two different coil assemblies, gradiometer – coils and transmission – coils, are compared and their technical limits shown.

Méthodologies pour la modélisation des couches fines et du déplacement en contrôle non destructif par courants de Foucault : application aux capteurs souples / Methodologies for modeling thin layers and displacement in non-destructive testing by eddy currents : application to flexible sensors

Zaidi, Houda 10 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur le développement d’outils de modélisation pour le contrôle non destructif (CND) par courants de Foucault (CF). Il existe actuellement une tendance à la mise en œuvre de capteurs souples qui représentent une solution pertinente pour inspecter des pièces ayant une surface complexe. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est l’élaboration de techniques permettant la modélisation de ce type de capteurs au sein de la méthode des éléments finis (MEF).Lors de la modélisation d’un capteur souple avec la MEF, trois problématiques se manifestent. La première concerne le maillage des milieux fins qui apparaissent dans ce type de configuration (distance capteur-pièce contrôlée, bobine plate, revêtement fin...). Le maillage de ces régions par des éléments simpliciaux peut poser des problèmes numériques (éléments déformés quand un maillage grossier est considéré et grand nombre d’inconnues quand un maillage fin est utilisé). La deuxième problématique concerne le déplacement du capteur. Si les différents sous-domaines géométriques (air, pièce, capteur...) sont convenablement remaillés pour chaque position du capteur, le temps total pourra être pénalisant. La troisième problématique relative à la modélisation d’un capteur souple porte sur l’imposition du courant dans des bobines déformées.Une comparaison de différentes approches nous a conduit à retenir la méthode overlapping, qui permet de considérer simultanément des milieux fins avec maillages non-conformes. Cette méthode permet d’effectuer le recollement de deux surfaces non planes et/ou de géométries différentes. La méthode overlapping a été implantée dans deux formulations duales (magnétique et électrique) en 2D et 3D intégrées dans le code de calcul DOLMEN (C++) du LGEP. La méthode overlapping a été validée pour la prise en compte de plusieurs types de régions minces (air, milieux conducteurs, milieux magnétiques, bobines plates...). La modélisation des capteurs souples nécessite aussi l’implantation d’une technique permettant d’imposer correctement les courants dans un inducteur de forme arbitraire. Une technique a été sélectionnée et programmée, d’abord pour des bobines classiques (volumiques) déformées puis pour des bobines plates flexibles. Afin de valider les développements réalisés, différentes configurations de test ont été traitées et les résultats comparés avec des solutions de référence analytiques ou expérimentales. / The objective of this thesis is the development of modeling tools for eddy current testing (ECT). Currently there is a tendency to use flexible sensors which represent a viable solution for inspecting parts with a complex surface. The main objective of this thesis is the development of techniques for taking into account this kind of sensors within the finite element method (FEM).When modeling a flexible sensor with the FEM, three issues have to be considered. The first one is related to the mesh of thin regions that appear in this kind of configuration (sensor-inspected part distance, thin coating...). The meshing of these regions with simplicial elements can cause numerical problems (distorted elements when a coarse mesh is considered and high number of unknowns when a fine mesh is used). The second issue is related to the displacement of the sensor on the part surface. If the different subdomains (air, part, sensor ...) are properly remeshed for each position of the sensor, the required time can be penalizing. The third issue, related to the modeling of a flexible sensor, is the computation of the current in distorted sensor coils.A comparison of different approaches has led to select the overlapping element method, which allows to simultaneously consider the thin regions with nonconforming meshes. This method allows to perform the connection of two surfaces which can be non-planar and/or have different geometries. The overlapping method has been implemented in two dual formulations (magnetic and electric) in 2D and 3D and integrated in the computation code (C++) DOLMEN of LGEP. The overlapping method has been validated for several kinds of thin regions (air, conductive regions, magnetic regions, flat coils...). The modeling of flexible sensors also requires the establishment of a technique for properly imposing the current in an inductor of arbitrary shape. A technique has been selected and implemented for conventional (volumic) distorted coils but also for flexible flat coils. Different test configurations have been considered in order to validate the developments and the results have been compared with analytical references or experimental solutions.

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