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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systémy zvlhčování vzduchu / Air humidification systems

Cielecký, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the use of adiabatic cooling for the improvement of microclimate of large-scale tents in Czech climatic conditions, specifically in city of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. First part thesis is the design of a universal calculation tool for calculating the heat load of two types of large-scale tents. This tool was used to design and construct the suitable mobile trickle adiabatic cooler. The experimental part is focused on the finding of suitable material to be used to as filling of trickle adiabatic cooler and further testing it.

Adiabatické chlazení vzduchu / Adiabatic air cooling

Silbernágl, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals deals with the designing and assessment of the two variants of cooling and humidifying the air in the production hall for cotton in Humpolec. The system is proposed to fulfil hygienic, operational, economic and functional requirements for indoor microclimate of the production hall. The task of this system is the transport of cooler air to interior and the covering of heat gains all year round. The equipment is also designed for the regulation of air humidity in the interior. The theoretical part is devoted to air humidification and air humidification device. Calculation of the project and then a specific proposal, two variants for air distribution level studies. Both variants are treated as project documentation. Experimental part is devoted to the measurement on the measuring path containing adiabatic humidifier in the laboratory. The benefit of the experiment is to verify the data from the manufacturer adiabatic humidifier which we can assess the practical use of the product.

Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: - Benchmark systems in strong laser fields - Approximate electron-nuclear correlations: Non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics: - Benchmark systems in strong laser fields - Approximate electron-nuclear correlations

Fischer, Michael 04 July 2014 (has links)
The non-adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics (NA-QMD) method couples self-consistently classical nuclear motion with time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) in basis expansion for the electron dynamics. It has become a versatile approach to study the dynamics of atoms, molecules and clusters in a wide range of scenarios. This work presents applications of the NA-QMD method to important benchmark systems and its systematic extension to include quantum effects in the nuclear motion. Regarding the first objective, a complete study of the strong-field ionization and dissociation dynamics of nature’s simplest molecule H2+ is performed. By including all electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom and all reaction channels, molecular rotation is shown to play an important role in the ionization process. In addition, strong orientation effects in the energy deposition process of the Buckminster fullerene C60 in short intense laser pulses are surprisingly found in full dimensional calculations. Their consequences on the subsequent nuclear relaxation dynamics shed new light on available experimental data and future experiments are proposed to confirm the detailed predictions. Regarding the second objective, the NA-QMD formalism is basically extended to take electron-nuclear correlations into account. This extension is achieved by means of a trajectory surface hopping scheme in the adiabatic Kohn-Sham framework. First studied examples from collision physics and photochemistry illustrate the relevance and importance of quantum effects in the nuclear dynamics.

Spezifische Wärme von Holmium und YNi2B2C: Kritisches Verhalten und supraleitende Eigenschaften: Spezifische Wärme von Holmium und YNi2B2C: Kritisches Verhalten und supraleitende Eigenschaften

Bekkali, Abdelhakim 04 January 2010 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der spezifischen Wärme von Holmium und YNi2B2C in den Temperaturbereichen von 50 bis 200 K bzw. von 380 mK bis 20 K in Magnetfeldern bis 9 T. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden das kritische Verhalten von YNi2B2C und Eigenschaften des supraleitenden Zustands des nichtmagnetischen Seltenerd-Nickel-Borkarbids YNi2B2C mit Hilfe eines selbstentwickelten Messaufbaus der spezifischen Wärme nach der quasiadiabatischen Heizpulsmethode sowie von Holmium mit Hilfe der Relaxationsmethode untersucht. In dieser Arbeit konnten zuverlässige Aussagen über die kritischen Exponenten an einkristallinem Holmium gemacht werden. Die Untersuchung an Holmium beweist, dass das kritischen Verhalten der spezifischen Wärme nicht im Rahmen der Vorhersagen der chiralen Universalitätsklassen beschrieben werden kann. Anhand von Messungen der spezifischen Wärme konnte in dieser Arbeit bestätigt werden, dass YNi2B2C ein Multibandsupraleiter ist. Die positive Krümmung der Grenzlinie unterhalb Tc im Phasendiagramm liefert einen ersten Hinweis auf den Mehrband-Charakter von YNi2B2C. Im Nullfeld kann die elektronische spezifische Wärme im supraleitenden Zustand, ces(T), nicht im Rahmen der reinen BCS-Theorie erklärt werden. Bei tiefen Temperaturen konnte ein Restbeitrag durch normalleitende Elektronen nachgewiesen werden, der auf eine nicht vollständig geöffnete Energielücke hinweist. Eine mögliche Erklärung wäre, dass ein Band (oder mehrere Bänder) mit geringer Ladungsträgerkonzentration nicht zur Supraleitung beitragen. Dieses Ergebnis deckt sich mit de Haas-van Alphen-Messungen an isostrukturellen supraleitenden LuNi2B2C-Einkristallen, welche den Mehrband-Charakter der Supraleitung sowie eine verschwindende Energielücke in einem Band nahe legen. Das Fluktuationsverhalten der spezifischen Wärme von YNi2B2C in der Nähe des supraleitend-normalleitenden Übergangs stimmt gut mit demjenigen des 3D-XY-Modells überein.

On Quantum Simulators and Adiabatic Quantum Algorithms

Mostame, Sarah 28 November 2008 (has links)
This Thesis focuses on different aspects of quantum computation theory: adiabatic quantum algorithms, decoherence during the adiabatic evolution and quantum simulators. After an overview on the area of quantum computation and setting up the formal ground for the rest of the Thesis we derive a general error estimate for adiabatic quantum computing. We demonstrate that the first-order correction, which has frequently been used as a condition for adiabatic quantum computation, does not yield a good estimate for the computational error. Therefore, a more general criterion is proposed, which includes higher-order corrections and shows that the computational error can be made exponentially small – which facilitates significantly shorter evolution times than the first-order estimate in certain situations. Based on this criterion and rather general arguments and assumptions, it can be demonstrated that a run-time of order of the inverse minimum energy gap is sufficient and necessary. Furthermore, exploiting the similarity between adiabatic quantum algorithms and quantum phase transitions, we study the impact of decoherence on the sweep through a second-order quantum phase transition for the prototypical example of the Ising chain in a transverse field and compare it to the adiabatic version of Grover’s search algorithm. It turns out that (in contrast to first-order transitions) the impact of decoherence caused by a weak coupling to a rather general environment increases with system size (i.e., number of spins/qubits), which might limit the scalability of the system. Finally, we propose the use of electron systems to construct laboratory systems based on present-day technology which reproduce and thereby simulate the quantum dynamics of the Ising model and the O(3) nonlinear sigma model.

Physical and numerical modeling of the dynamics of high-energy electrons trapped in the outer radiation belt of the Earth’s magnetosphere / Modélisation physique et numérique de la dynamique des électrons de haute énergie piégés dans la ceinture de radiation externe de la magnétosphère terrestre

Loridan, Vivien 17 October 2018 (has links)
Les satellites sont vulnérables aux particules de forte énergie piégées dans les ceintures de Van Allen. Afin d’en assurer la protection, il est nécessaire de prédire avec précision la dynamique des électrons au sein de la magnétosphère. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une méthode originale de résolution analytique de l’équation de Fokker-Planck réduite qui modélise le transport et les pertes des électrons de la magnétosphère interne. La résolution repose sur une technique de décomposition spectrale. Si la solution analytique s’avère utile pour mettre en exergue certaines propriétés physiques des ceintures de radiation, elle est également pertinente pour valider le code numérique de résolution de l’équation de Fokker-Planck réduite, développé durant la thèse. Ce dernier nous amène à généraliser l’étude précédente en illustrant l’évolution des flux d’électrons pour diverses énergies et positions. Nous prouvons notamment que la structure des ceintures de radiation ainsi que leur temps d’évolution ne dépendent que de quelques facteurs bien choisis. Dans la perspective de reproduire un événement particulier de retour au calme après un orage magnétique, mesuré par les satellites de la NASA dédiés aux ceintures de radiation, nous sommes en mesure de simuler la précipitation des électrons dans l’atmosphère terrestre causée par les interactions avec les ondes électromagnétiques de la magnétosphère. L’utilisation de conditions bâties sur des données empiriques et spécifiques à la période en question nous permet de corroborer les flux observés. Enfin, l’influence du champ magnétique terrestre sur la dynamique des ceintures de radiation est étudiée sous divers aspects. Nous nous concentrons sur la ceinture externe pour comprendre comment les asymétries du champ magnétique, considérablement façonnées par l’activité solaire, affectent notre manière de concilier théorie et observations. Nous explorons également l’importance de certains processus diffusifs nouveaux et cachés, qui émergent à cause de l’irrégularité naturelle du champ magnétique au plus proche voisinage de la Terre. / Satellites are vulnerable to high-energy particles trapped in the Van Allen belts. To ensure their protection, it is necessary to predict properly the electron dynamics in the magnetosphere. We first propose an original method to find the analytical solution of the reduced Fokker-Planck equation that models the transport and loss of electrons in the inner magnetosphere. The resolution relies on an eigenfunction expansion approach. If the analytical solution is proven to be useful at uncovering some of the physical properties of the radiation belts, it is also relevant to validate the numerical code that solves the reduced Fokker-Planck equation, which has been developed during the PhD. The latter code is used to generalize the previous study in illustrating the evolution of the electron fluxes for various energies and locations. We demonstrate that the structure of the radiation belts as well as their dynamical timescales only depend on a few well-chosen parameters. In the perspective of reproducing a specific storm-recovery event reported by the NASA Van Allen Probes, we are able to simulate the electron scattering in the Earth’s atmosphere due to the interaction with magnetospheric electromagnetic waves. The consideration of data-driven and event-specific conditions enables us to corroborate the observed fluxes. Finally, various influences of the Earth’s magnetic field on the dynamics of the radiation belts are investigated. We focus on the outer belt to see how the magnetic field asymmetries, which are strongly shaped by solar activity, affect the way of conciliating theory and observations. We also explore the importance of new hidden diffusive processes that emerge due to the natural irregularity of the magnetic field in the closest vicinity of the Earth.

Surface Measurements And Predictions Of Full-coverage Film Cooling

Natsui, Gregory 01 January 2012 (has links)
Full-coverage film cooling is investigated both experimentally and numerically. First, surface measurements local of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer augmentation for four different arrays are described. Reported next is a comparison between two very common turbulence models, Realizable k-ε and SST k-ω, and their ability to predict local film cooling effectiveness throughout a full-coverage array. The objective of the experimental study is the quantification of local heat transfer augmentation and adiabatic film cooling effectiveness for four surfaces cooled by large, both in hole count and in non-dimensional spacing, arrays of film cooling holes. The four arrays are of two different hole-to-hole spacings (P/D = X/D = 14.5, 19.8) and two different hole inclination angles (α = 30◦ , 45◦ ), with cylindrical holes compounded relative to the flow (β = 45◦ ) and arranged in a staggered configuration. Arrays of up to 30 rows are tested so that the superposition effect of the coolant film can be studied. In addition, shortened arrays of up to 20 rows of coolant holes are also tested so that the decay of the coolant film following injection can be studied. Levels of laterally averaged effectiveness reach values as high as ¯η = 0.5, and are not yet at the asymptotic limit even after 20 − 30 rows of injection for all cases studied. Levels of heat transfer augmentation asymptotically approach values of h/h0 ≈ 1.35 rather quickly, iii only after 10 rows. It is conjectured that the heat transfer augmentation levels off very quickly due to the boundary layer reaching an equilibrium in which the perturbation from additional film rows has reached a balance with the damping effect resulting from viscosity. The levels of laterally averaged adiabatic film cooling effectiveness far exceeding ¯η = 0.5 are much higher than expected. The heat transfer augmentation levels off quickly as opposed to the film effectiveness which continues to rise (although asymptotically) at large row numbers. This ensures that an increased row count represents coolant well spent. The numerical predictions are carried out in order to test the ability of the two most common turbulence models to properly predict full coverage film cooling. The two models chosen, Realizable k − ε (RKE) and Shear Stress T ransport k − ω (SSTKW), are both two-equation models coupled with Reynolds Averaged governing equations which make several gross physical assumptions and require several empirical values. Hence, the models are not expected to provide perfect results. However, very good average values are seen to be obtained through these simple models. Using RKE in order to model full-coverage film cooling will yield results with 30% less error than selecting SSTKW.

Photophysics and photochemistry of diiodomethane and hexabromoiridate - paradigm molecules for organic and inorganic chemistry - studied with sub-50-fs broadband pump-probe spectroscopy

Matveev, Sergey M. 15 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of cation doping on the electronic properties of Sr₃Ru₂O₇

Farrell, Jason January 2008 (has links)
Sr₃Ru₂O₇ is a quasi-two-dimensional metal and has a paramagnetic ground state that is heavily renormalised by electron-electron correlations and magnetic exchange interactions. Inextricably linked to this renormalisation is the metamagnetism of Sr₃Ru₂O₇ - a rapid rise in uniform magnetisation over a narrow range of applied magnetic field. Knowledge of the zero-field physics is essential to any description of the metamagnetism. Light may be shed on the enigmatic ground state of Sr₃Ru₂O₇ by doping the crystal lattice with foreign cations: this is the primary purpose of the original research referred to in this thesis, in which studies of some of the electronic properties of crystals of cation-doped Sr₃Ru₂O₇ are reported. Single crystals of Sr₃(Ru[subscript(1-x)]Ti[subscript(x)])₂O₇ and Sr₃(Ru[subscript(1-x)]Cr[subscript(x)])₂O₇ have been synthesised in an image furnace and some of the properties of these crystals have been measured. Evidence that indicates the emergence of a spin density wave as a function of Ti-doping in Sr₃(Ru[subscript(1-x)]Ti[subscript(x)])₂O₇ is presented. Time-dependent magnetic irreversibility has been observed in samples of Sr₃(Ru[subscript(1-x)]Cr[subscript(x)])₂O₇, thus hinting at the involvement of the RKKY mechanism in these materials. Regarding cation doping out of the conducting RuO₂ planes, samples of (Sr[subscript(1-y)]La[subscript(y)])₃Ru₂O₇ have been grown and investigated. Both the Sommerfeld coefficient and the Fermi liquid A coefficient of (Sr[subscript(1-y)]La[subscript(y)])₃Ru₂O₇ are found to decrease as a function of y (0 ≤ y ≤ 0.02); these observations point towards a reduction in the thermodynamic mass of the Landau quasiparticles. Results from magnetoresistance and magnetisation measurements indicate that the metamagnetism of the (Sr[subscript(1-y)]La[subscript(y)])₃Ru₂O₇ series probably cannot be explained by a rigid band-shift model. Also, some aspects of these data imply that the metamagnetism cannot be fully accounted for by a spin fluctuation extension to the Ginzburg-Landau theory of uniform magnetisation.

Ralentir le déphasage des états de superposition atomiques dans un cristal de Tm3+ : YAG / Slow down dephasing of atomic superposition states in a Tm3+ : YAG crystal

Tongning, Robert-christopher 03 March 2014 (has links)
Ce travail se place dans le contexte des recherches sur les mémoires quantiques pour la lumière. L’information quantique est stockée dans un état de superposition atomique, dont la durée de vie détermine le temps maximum de stockage.On s’intéresse particulièrement aux matériaux capables de capturer la lumière par excitation résonnante d’une raie d’absorption, puis de conserver l’information quantique dans un état de superposition du fondamental électronique.Dans Tm3+:YAG, l’information est enregistrée dans un état de spin nucléaire. Cependant le champ magnétique qui lève la dégénérescence nucléaire entraîne les différents spins à des vitesses de précession différentes, ce qui tend à détruire l’aimantation initiale, porteuse de l’information.Une étude quantique du cristal est réalisée lors du premier chapitre de ce manuscrit. Les trois chapitres suivants traitent des différents mécanismes conduisant au déphasage des spins nucléaires. On y trouvera différente analyses théoriques qui seront confirmées par un ensemble de résultats expérimentaux, ainsi qu’une description détaillée du dispositif expérimental. Enfin le dernier chapitre, prospectif, exploite les outils développés au cours de la thèse pour préserver les cohérences optiques. Il présente quelques résultats expérimentaux prometteurs sur l’allongement du temps de vie de ces cohérences optiques. / This work takes place in the context of research about quantum memories for light. The quantum information is stored in an atomic superposition state whose lifetime sets the maximum storage time. We are particularly interested in materials which are able to hold the light by resonant excitation of an absorption line, preserving the quantum information in a superposition state of the electronicfundamental.n Tm3+:YAG the information is stored in a nuclear spin state. However, the magnetic field which lifts the nuclear degeneracy generates different precession speeds of the spins. This destroys theinitial magnetization carrier of the information.In the first chapter of this thesis, a quantum analysis of the crystal is done. The following three chapters are devoted to different mechanisms to control the nuclear spins dephasing. There it ispossible to find different theoretical analysis which will be confirmed by a series of experimental measurements, including an extended description of the set-up. Finally, the last chapter presentsthe different techniques used to preserve the optical coherence. Promising experimental measurements are presented to extend the life time of the optical coherences.

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