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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Styrning inom en ideell organisation : Självstyrningens praktik inom Friskis&Svettis

Sellin Ödling, Moa, Worley, Jessica January 2013 (has links)
This paper examines the non-profit organization Friskis&Svettis in order to gain insight into whether governmentality is used and if it is being used in what way. Furthermore we analyzed the requirements and consequences that that may have developed out of this governance structure. To get answers to the questions asked in this paper, a qualitative approach has been taken by the use of interviews with officials at Friskis&Svettis Uppsala. The conclusions drawn from the survey is that there are factors that indicate that governmentality is used within the organization by way of the use of guidelines which can be seen as a technique to control individuals and point them in the desired direction, and the follow-ups that can verify that the guidelines are being followed by the officials. The guidelines and the follow-up have also been an organizational requirement. A subsequent impact that was found is that certain leadership styles may be rewarded and that certain criteria on the personal level in terms of which individuals fit within the organization can be created. / I denna uppsats undersöks den ideella organisationen Friskis&Svettis med syfte att få insikt i huruvida självstyrning finns, vilken är vår teoretiska utgångspunkt, samt hur den i sådana fall tar form.  Ett vidare intresse har varit att analysera vilka krav och konsekvenser som kan komma att utvecklas ur denna styrningsform. För att få svar på undersökningens frågeställningar har en kvalitativ ansats använts genom intervjuer med funktionärer vid Friskis&Svettis Uppsala. De slutsatser som dragits från undersökningen är att det finns faktorer som pekar på självstyrning inom organisationen, dels passens riktlinjer som kan ses som en teknik för att styra individerna i önskad riktning, och dels uppföljningar som kan kontrollera att riktlinjerna efterföljs av funktionärerna. Riktlinjerna och uppföljningarna har även funnits som organisatoriska krav. En efterföljande konsekvens som funnits gäller hur vissa ledarstilar kan komma att premieras samt hur kriterier på det personliga planet vad gäller vilka individer som platsar inom organisationen kan skapas.

Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations

Ackermann, Daniel, Kruisman, Tim January 2007 (has links)
Title: Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations Background: The importance of the non-profit sector and the commercialization in it is increasing. The organizations have to deal with more competition in the fundraising market on the one hand, and they are on the other hand confronted with people who are blocking the recognition of conventional marketing expressions. Guerrilla marketing is seen as a possibility to penetrate the jungle of marketing and create word of mouth about the organization and its activities. Purpose: This thesis evaluates the public attitudes towards the increasing use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations and investigates for which objectives the use of guerrilla tactics in the marketing and communication mix would be accepted. Limitations: Though the data for this thesis was collected through questionnaires in Sweden, Germany and The Netherlands, there are no country dependent differences investigated. Theory: Classification of NPOs; aims of NPOs; basic model of communication; dynamic model of expectations; relationship between expectation, satisfaction and donations; marketing mix; guerrilla marketing; viral marketing; live buzz marketing; promotional mix; word of mouth. Method: Survey with more than 100 participants; interview with the fundraising responsible of Greenpeace Germany Findings and Conclusions: The public accepts the use of marketing and communication and the therefore necessary expenditures for the purpose to spread the message and gain donators. Openness and honesty in the NPOs’ behaviour are considered more important than the use of less money for marketing and communication. Guerrilla marketing is not suitable for all aims of a NPO, but is accepted in order to spread the message and increase the media coverage.

Marketing Strategy of Non-Profit Organization¡XA Case Study on Eden Public Welfare Center

Hsuan, Yuan-Fan 01 July 2011 (has links)
Non profit organization do not focus on marketing strategy since its¡¦ purpose is not making profits; however, the numbers of non-profit organizations is increasing rapidly, it is more competitive among the organizations to share the resource such as volunteer workers, donation and service customers. Therefore, putting no efforts but just waiting for donation is no longer helpful to non-profit organizations, learning how to adapt marketing strategy to non-profit organization becomes inevitable to all the non-profit organizations. The purpose of the research is to learn marketing strategy from Eden Social Welfare Foundation. We use marketing mix to analyze its¡¦ new product ¡§Eden Oversea Working Holidays¡¨, and to see if it can help meet Eden¡¦s requirement to achieve its¡¦ goals and missions. Also, we put the case into some theories and models through literature review, try to find out the advantages and weaknesses of the product, and summarize the results in order to let other non-profit or profit organizations to refer to. The scope of the research includes recent situations of non-profit organizations in Taiwan, and most of the oversea volunteer work camps held by charity foundations. We try to analyze all its competitors and then give a brief introduction of Eden Social Welfare Foundation and the department which hold the activity ¡§Eden Oversea Working Holidays¡¨. We had an interview with manager from Public Welfare Center in Eden, and summarize the results and our findings as following: (1)On-line marketing and word of mouth is more proper if use on long-term strategy since it takes longer to see the efforts. (2) People nowadays are no longer satisfied with normal travel package. (3)It¡¦s feasible to adapt the concepts of after-sales in tour industry. (4) The best way to earn customer¡¦s trust is to let them see and join your service. (5)Inviting old customers to speak for your product not only make them feel successful but also cost less. In the end of the research, we gave some advices to Eden Social Welfare Foundation and people who want to continue the topic of research.

Self-Focused or Other-Focused Appeal? Impacts of Non-Profit Organization Type and Cultural Differences on Cause-Related Marketing

Chen, Pei-Chi 06 August 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@With the concern of corporate social responsibility, companies acting as a good citizen has become an important issue. Cause-related marketing (CRM) refers to a company¡¦s aliance with a non-profit organization (NPO): when customers buy the company¡¦s products, the company donates a portion of their profits to the NPO. Through CRM, corporates can effectively enhance their images and customer evaluations. NPOs can increase their visiablity and incomes as well. Customers are able to help NPOs through produce purchase. Therefore, how to enhance the effectiveness of CRM has become a very important issue for both researchers and practitioners. ¡@¡@Based on the previous research in CRM, consumer behavior, and cross-cultural psychology literature, the present study develops a theoretical framework and hypotheses. By using the 2*2*2 experimental design with a cross-cultural sample, the present study examines whether impacts of type of NPO (help-self versus help-others) and national cultures (masculinity versus femininity) interact with two types of advertising appeals (self-focuses versus other-focused) in adverstising persuasion (purchase intentions and corporate image evaluation). The data were collected from 82 Taiwan respondents and 62 Germany respondents, with 15 to 20 respondents for each condition. Multivariate analysis of covariance was performed to test the proposed hypotheses. ¡@¡@The results showed that type of NPO interacts with advertising appeals in advertising persuasion: When consumers perceive a NPO¡¦s nature as help-self, self-focused appeal leads to higher purchase intentions and more favorable corporate image evaluation. In addition, the three-way interaction among type of NPO, national culture and advertising appeals is also significant. The effects of self-focused appeal on advertising persuation are strengthened when a NPO wih help-self orientation is chosen as a cause in a country with masculine culture. Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications are discussed.

The Study of Taxation of the Taiwan Ancestral Estates

Wang, Chun-Min 01 September 2012 (has links)
Department of worship public and industry for the purpose of worshiping their ancestors and the establishment of an independent property of the original in Mainland China, prevalent in Taiwan, while Taiwan civil habits. Because of the economic, social structure has evolved from an agricultural society to the social patterns of industry and commerce, interpersonal gradually alienated, weak, and due to age, by multi-generational inheritance, to send the identity of the next member of the increasingly vague, complex, so that to send human competition for worship production action, the meaning of sacrifice public sector to set up gradually lost. Due to sacrifice the particularity of the public sector within the public owners, members of crime in the administrator or send personal gain map take illicit profits, fame and fortune of the heart to fight for the assets held, and other issues, External: their legal rights and obligations of civil, judicial and administrative departments have different views, and therefore resulted in numerous controversies, government to actively address the ritual of public sacrifice public sector long years of problems, in 1997, was promulgated "Professions Ordinance, planning the entire clean-up project schedule, except for taxes, the competent authority is still lack of supporting. in this study, secondary data analysis and questionnaires as the main research methods, analysis worship public and industry clean-up the causes and impact of hard, and tax officials on the implementation of the ancient worship Professions Ordinance successful and able to solve the economic efficiency of tax administration, tax equity and land use the troubled expectations. Sacrifice public sector owners of non-tax professionals do not quite understand, to declare the type and tax implications, therefore, to collect scholars' sacrifice the particularity of the public sector and the relevant provisions of the tax law analysis, to be the table lists the legal persons, juridical association with the sacrifice of public sector legal establishment of the legal basis for the purpose of legal nature, and real estate approach for worship public industry to canzhuo , will legal forms and illegal forms of worship the public sector, tax concessions or not, a comparative analysis, the public owners to easily compare, but its declaration of substantial benefit. Another of this thesis study found that tax officials for the implementation of the Ordinance of the sacrifice to the public and industry, it is helpful to the simplification of tax administration, tax equity goals and enhance the land use of economic efficiency, but want to reach the aforementioned goals, depends on the completion of the worship the reporting and registration of public sector jobs, not yet required to complete the declaration and other related job assessment, remains to be the financial sector this sacrifice the particularity of the public sector be deliberated.

A study on the non-profit organization¡¦s approach to form strategic alliances

Sun, Yu-ting 31 July 2006 (has links)
Since the inception of the industrialization of Taiwan¡¦s society, people have changed their lifestyles and values thanks to the rapid economic growth. This phenomenon has also been accompanied by the deprivation of spiritual and psychological needs. Being highly civilized also implies the psychological illness as the most serious and one of the most easily overlooked illness. The World Health Organization has made solemn warning and prediction that depression will be listed along with cancer and AIDS as the world's three major psychological illness by the year 2020. It is also a growing concern that depression consequently results in health and socio-economic losses such as waste of resources in medical insurance. Given the situation described above, it is our society¡¦s top priority to control the spread of depression. Therefore, organizations that focus on curing depression will serve a more important role in the future. So far there have been very few systematic research literatures that dedicate to the analysis of the collaborative relationship among non-profit, social organizations and businesses. So far, we have not been able to find any study focusing on such relationship based on the unique terminology ¡§strategic alliance¡¨ commonly used by the businesses to define the partnerships among non-profit organizations. Presently, whether in public or private sectors, the link between the mode of independent operation and the grassroots¡¦ need remains unclear and therefore often leads to unsatisfactory results, contributing to the waste of civil and governmental resources. Consequently, it has become an urgent matter that the government unit, business sector and civil 3rd non-profit organizations establish an effective and practical cooperative mechanism based on strategic alliance to promote social welfare or work related to advocating the awareness of social welfare. This report used the ¡§Daylily Depression Prevention Association¡¨ in the city of Kaohsiung, Taiwan as a case study to perform an in-depth analysis on the organization¡¦s capabilities in handling the integration of the resources and joint implementation of the partnership project planning, as well as the results acquired from executing the strategies set through the public relationship of the media¡¦s marketing channels under various situations. Additionally, we organized and compiled the valuable opinions and practical advices obtained from in-depth interviews with the industry, the government and academic institutions, access to relevant experts, scholars and practitioners. We hope to provide reference directions which not only are adapt to the public issues but also follows the main stream values of the modern times, to similar non-profit organizations. These results could also be used as the basis for future organizational development. The findings indicate that the resources acquired through the links based upon strategic alliance partnerships is an important factor that non-profit organizations rely on for survival and growth. Not only can these resources reduce the risks resulted from competition in the market but also establish the direction where the organization follows for future growth and the guidelines used for internal management. Non-profit organizations must break down the stereotype which the society perceived as a vulnerable group. They must proactively look for the best resources that they can leverage upon through the cooperative mechanism in strategic alliance. This way the non-profit organizations can extend their tentacles to the public and private areas; highlight the mutual benefit between them and the governmental departments, academic institutions and private enterprises to actively strengthen theirs cooperation ties well into the 21st century with the advent of the era of mission leadership.

A Study on the Role and Functions of ¡§Performing Art in South Taiwan Association¡¨

Wu, Pei-Ju 16 July 2007 (has links)
With the building project of the National Kaohsiung Performing Arts Center in place and the upcoming 2009 World Games being held in Kaohsiung, a variety of arts-related facilities are budding in Southern Taiwan. This trend raises the performing arts groups¡¦ expectations of and suggestions for improving the cultural environment in Southern Taiwan. The performing arts groups in Southern Taiwan are in dire need of development in an integrated and coordinated manner and the support from the government in a variety of ways. Specifically, these groups expect that the local folk traditions would be further cultivated, while internationalization would also be promoted. However, each performing arts group, because of its variety in nature, may hold unique needs and demands. Therefore, to launch a neutral organization which can coordinate and facilitate to fulfill these performing arts groups¡¦ needs may be necessary. The purposes of this study are to understand (1) whether there needs to be a service organization that is across different fields of performing arts in Southern Taiwan, (2) the roles and functions of this cross-performing arts service organization, and (3) the goals of and suggestions for this cross-performing arts service organization, on which its subsequent goals would be based. This study utilizes the Modified Delphi Method as the principal research method. By collecting and summarizing experts¡¦ opinions in relevant performing arts fields, I expect that this study would provide suggestions of the goals for this cross-performing arts service organization. The results of this study show that it is indeed important to have a cross-performing arts association in Southern Taiwan. In addition, it is necessary that the Performing Art in South Taiwan Association (PASTA) that was established in 2006 could fulfill such a role. Furthermore, when applied some management theories of non-profit organizations to identify the roles and functions of PASTA, I found that (1) as in a service role, the most important functions of PASTA are to provide advices for performing arts groups and to establish performing arts related database; (2) as an environmental reformer, PASTA should conduct environmental researches and make suggestions to improve the performing arts policies; (3) as a policy monitor, PASTA should promote the performing arts market liberalization and negotiate to improve the adequate legislation of performing arts; (4) as a public interest protector, PASTA should proactively obtain sponsorship for performing arts; and (5) as a social educator, PASTA should creative opportunities for its members for continuing education and professional development.

Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations

Ackermann, Daniel, Kruisman, Tim January 2007 (has links)
<p>Title: Public attitudes towards the use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations</p><p>Background: The importance of the non-profit sector and the commercialization in it is increasing. The organizations have to deal with more competition in the fundraising market on the one hand, and they are on the other hand confronted with people who are blocking the recognition of conventional marketing expressions. Guerrilla marketing is seen as a possibility to penetrate the jungle of marketing and create word of mouth about the organization and its activities.</p><p>Purpose: This thesis evaluates the public attitudes towards the increasing use of marketing and communication by global non-profit organizations and investigates for which objectives the use of guerrilla tactics in the marketing and communication mix would be accepted.</p><p>Limitations: Though the data for this thesis was collected through questionnaires in Sweden, Germany and The Netherlands, there are no country dependent differences investigated.</p><p>Theory: Classification of NPOs; aims of NPOs; basic model of communication; dynamic model of expectations; relationship between expectation, satisfaction and donations; marketing mix; guerrilla marketing; viral marketing; live buzz marketing; promotional mix; word of mouth.</p><p>Method: Survey with more than 100 participants; interview with the fundraising responsible of Greenpeace Germany</p><p>Findings and Conclusions: The public accepts the use of marketing and communication and the therefore necessary expenditures for the purpose to spread the message and gain donators. Openness and honesty in the NPOs’ behaviour are considered more important than the use of less money for marketing and communication. Guerrilla marketing is not suitable for all aims of a NPO, but is accepted in order to spread the message and increase the media coverage.</p>

Glömda Kriser : En studie av hur ideella organisationer marknadsför humanitära och miljömässiga risker och kriser som allmänheten tappat intresse för / Neglected Crises : A study of how non-profit organizations market humanitarian and environmental risks and crises which the public has lost interest in

Josephsen, Anna, Nilsson, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Hösten 2012 släppte organisationen Läkare Utan Gränser en rapport under titeln Kriserna Svenskarna Glömt. I denna uppmärksammas det faktum att det finns flera humanitära kriser i världen som allmänheten i Sverige inte känner till. Organisationen benämner dessa som “glömda kriser”. Anledningen till den låga kännedomen hos allmänheten är, enligt rapporten, en bristande mediebevakning av kriserna. Begreppet glömda kriser bygger till stor del på idén om att en kris eller en risk kan lida av ett otydligt tids- eller rumsperspektiv, som därmed urholkar dess nyhetsvärde. Begreppet kan dessutom utvidgas till att omfatta miljömässiga risker och kriser, eftersom även dessa till viss del har låg kännedom hos allmänheten. För att de glömda kriserna ska få den uppmärksamhet de förtjänar, måste de marknadsföras och kommuniceras. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka begreppet glömda kriser närmare. Detta kommer göras genom att studera hur två ideella organisationer marknadsför humanitära och miljömässiga risker och kriser gentemot en bred målgrupp. Den teoretiska grunden för uppsatsen bygger på teorier om det globala risksamhället och hur människor uppfattar specifika situationer som risker eller kriser. Vidare läggs en grund inom marknadskommunikation där en diskussion förs om möjligheten att betrakta glömda kriser som produkter i mer kommersiell bemärkelse. För att skapa en analysmall för studien redogörs också för teorier inom semiotik och retorik i marknadsföring. För att studera hur två organisationer marknadsför glömda kriser har sex olika kampanjfilmer valts som analysobjekt. Organisationerna bakom dessa är Läkare Utan Gränser och Naturskydds-föreningen. Metoden som valts är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån ett retoriskt och semiotiskt perspektiv. Detta för att kunna analysera det valda materialet på djupet och inte enbart utifrån det manifesta innehållet. Vidare har den kvalitativa ansatsen valts på grund av att fältet kommunikation av glömda kriser ännu är relativt outforskat. Uppsatsen strävar därmed efter att skapa en första förståelse för området, som en grund för fortsatta studier. Analysresultaten pekar på många intressanta aspekter. Bland annat lyfts tids- och rumsperspektivet både i förminskande och utvidgande form genom en användning av den retoriska figuren synekdoke. Även interrogatio, exclamatio, antites etc. återfinns i tydliga exempel. Semiotiska tecken finns alltid i audiovisuell kommunikation, dessvärre antyder analysen en relativt låg medveten användning av dessa i marknadsföringsmaterialet. Vidare syns en klar ambition i allt material från båda organisationerna att utbilda sin målgrupp och öka förståelsen för de glömda kriserna i fråga. Detta överensstämmer med önskemålet om utförligare information om kriserna, som uttrycks i rapporten från Läkare Utan Gränser. Studien avslutas med flera relevanta slutsatser som öppnar upp för framtida forskningsuppslag. / In the fall of 2012, the report Kriserna Svenskarna Glömt (“The crises forgotten by the Swedes”), was issued by the organization Läkare Utan Gränser - the Swedish department of Médicins Sans Frontières. This report stressed the fact that there are several humanitarian crises in the world, that the Swedish public is unaware of - the “neglected crises”. A possible reason for the lack of awareness among members of the public is, according to the report, presumed to be low media coverage about the crises. The term “neglected crises” is based on the concept that a crisis or a risk can be said to suffer from an unclear position in time and space. This results in a low news value. The term can also be expanded to include environmental risks and crises since these also to some extent suffer from a lack of public awareness. In order to bring the neglected crises the attention they deserve, they must be marketed. The purpose of this study is to further investigate the neglected crises. This will be done through a study of two non-profit organizations and their marketing of humanitarian and environmental risks towards the general public. The theoretical framework of this essay is based on theories of global risk society as well as theories of how people perceive situations as risks or crises. Furthermore, theories of marketing are discussed in order to facilitate an understanding of how it is possible to view risks as products, in a more traditional, commercial sense. Theories of semiotics and rhetoric in marketing are presented to create an outline for the analysis. Six campaign movies from the organizations Läkare Utan Gränser and Naturskyddsföreningen constitute the material for analysis. Since the scientific field of communication of neglected crises is yet rather unexplored, a qualitative methodological approach has been chosen. To perform an in-depth analysis of the material, a qualitative content analysis based on a rhetorical and semiotic perspective is used. Based on the prerequisites of the field of the neglected crises the study aims to create a foundation for further research in this area. The content analysis resulted in several interesting findings. Through the use of the rhetorical figures such as synecdoche, the distance between the viewer and the crises is both expanded and reduced when it comes to the time- and space aspects. Other rhetorical figures are also found in the material, such as rhetorical questions, contrasts and exclamations. As far as semiotics is concerned, signs are an imperative part of audiovisual communication. However, in the material studied, the use of semiotic signs appears to be coincidental rather than intentional. Finally, in all the campaign movies, the study revealed a clear ambition to educate its target audience about the neglected crises on a deeper level. This corresponds to the requests made in the report from Läkare Utan Gränser, stating that more detailed information about the forgotten crises is required in order to raise awareness among the public.

Pasitikėjimo organizacija kūrimas LRK draugijoje ir UAB Omnitel (2000-2006) / Confidence building in lithuanian red cross and omnitel (2000-2006)

Chranovskienė, Sonata 26 June 2014 (has links)
Spartėjant globalizacijos procesams, formuojasi atviros rinkos ir jose stiprėja konkurencija. Pasitikėjimas organizacija ir geras organizacijos įvaizdis tampa vienas esminių veiksnių, padedančių konkuruoti rinkoje. Sėkmingas organizacijos tikslų siekimas priklauso nuo visuomenės nuomonės apie ją. Visuomenės nuomonei formuoti pasitelkiama tikslingai nukreipta veikla, vadinama ryšiais su visuomene. Pagrindinės sąvokos, apibūdinančios ryšius su visuomene, yra patikimumas, pasitikėjimas, komunikacija bei abipusio supratimo siekimas. Ryšiai su visuomene yra vienas iš būdų, kuriais visuomenė prisitaiko prie pokyčių ir juos priima, suderina skirtingus ir konfliktuojančius požiūrius, vertybes, idėjas, institucijas ir individus. Ryšių su visuomene technologijos bei organizacijų įvaizdžio formavimo metodai aprašyti marketingo, komunikacijos ir kitų specialistų, tačiau praktinis jų pritaikymas analizuotas mažai. Taigi atsižvelgiant į problemos aktualumą, šiame darbe bus nagrinėjamos teorinės ryšių su visuomene veiklos priemonės bei analizuojamas jų praktinis taikymas pelno ir nepelno organizacijose. / Facing the rapidity of globalization processes, open markets form and competition increases. The trust of an organization and good image of an organization becomes one of the main factors, which helps to compete in the market. Successful pursuit of the aims of an organization depends on the public opinion. In order to form the opinion of the public, purposefully targeted activities are invoked named as the public relations. The main concepts, defining the public relations are credibility, trust, communication and endeavour for mutual understanding. The public relations is one of the means by which the society adapts to the changes and accepts them, coordinates different and feuding approaches, values, ideas and individuals. The technologies of the public relations and methods of image formation of an organization are described by the professionals of marketing, communications and other areas; however, their practical application is little analyzed. Therefore, considering the relevance of the question, theoretical means of the public relations activities shall be examined, and their application in profit and non-profit organizations shall be analyzed.

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