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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vivo probing of SECIS-dependent selenocysteine translation in Archaea

Peiter, Nils, Rother, Michael 04 June 2024 (has links)
Cotranslational insertion of selenocysteine (Sec) proceeds by recoding UGA to a sense codon. This recoding is governed by the Sec insertion sequence (SECIS) element, an RNA structure on the mRNA, but size, location, structure determinants, and mechanism differ for Bacteria, Eukarya, and Archaea. For Archaea, the structure–function relation of the SECIS is poorly understood, as only rather laborious experimental approaches are established. Furthermore, these methods do not allow for quantitative probing of Sec insertion. In order to overcome these limitations, we engineered bacterial β-lactamase into an archaeal selenoprotein, thereby establishing a reporter system, which correlates enzyme activity to Sec insertion. Using this system, in vivo Sec insertion depending on the availability of selenium and the presence of a SECIS element was assessed in Methanococcus maripaludis. Furthermore, a minimal SECIS element required for Sec insertion in M. maripaludis was defined and a conserved structural motif shown to be essential for function. Besides developing a convenient tool for selenium research, converting a bacterial enzyme into an archaeal selenoprotein provides proof of concept that novel selenoproteins can be engineered in Archaea.

Parallelized QC-LDPC Decoder ona GPU : An evaluation targeting LDPC codes adhering to the 5G standard / Paralleliserad QC-LDPC-avkodare på en GPU : En utvärdering av LDPC-koder som följer 5G-standarden

Hedlund, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Over the last ten years, there has been an incremental growth of mobile network data traffic. The evolution leading to the development of 5G stands as a testament to the increased demands for high speed networks. Channel coding plays a pivotal role in 5G networks, making it possible to recover messages from errors introduced when sent through the network. Channel decoding is however a time consuming task for a receiver, and making optimization to this process could therefore have a significant impact on receiver processing time. Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes are one of the channel coding schemes used in the 5G standard. These codes could benefit from parallel processing, making Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) with their parallel computation abilities a possible platform for effective LDPC decoding. In this thesis, our goal is to evaluate a GPU as a platform for 5G LDPC decoding. The LDPC codes adhering to the 5G standard belong to the Quasi-Cyclic LDPC (QC-LDPC) subclass. Optimizations targeting this subclass, as well as other optimization techniques, are implemented in our thesis project to promote fast execution times. A GPU-based decoder is evaluated against a Central Processing Unit (CPU)-based decoder, written with Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) and C++ respectively. The functionally equivalent decoders implement the layered offset Min-Sum Algorithm (MSA) with early termination to decode messages. Execution time for the decoders were measured while varying message size, Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and maximum iterations. Additionaly, we evaluated the decoders with and without including early termination, and also evaluated the GPU-decoder when it was integrated into a MATLAB 5G channel simulator used by Tietoevry. The results from the experiments showed that the GPU-based decoder experienced up to 4.3 times faster execution than the CPU-based decoder for message sizes ranging from 3000-12000 bits. The GPU-based decoder however experienced a higher baseline execution time, making the CPU-based decoder faster for smaller message sizes. It was also concluded that the benefit of including early termination in the decoder generally outweighs the cost of additional processing time. / Under de senaste tio åren har det skett en gradvis ökning av datatrafik i mobilnät. Utvecklingen som lett till framtagandet av 5G står som ett bevis på de ökade kraven på höghastighetsnätverk. Kanalkodning spelar en avgörande roll i 5G- nätverk, vilket gör det möjligt att återställa meddelanden från fel som uppstår när de skickas genom nätverket. Kanalavkodning är dock en tidskrävande uppgift för en mottagare, och optimering av denna process kan därför ha en betydande inverkan på mottagarens exekveringstider. LDPC-koder är en av de kanalkoder som används i 5G-standarden. Dessa koder kan dra nytta av parallell bearbetning, vilket gör GPUs med deras parallella beräkningsförmåga till en möjlig plattform för effektiv LDPC- avkodning. I denna masteruppsats är vårt mål att utvärdera en GPU som en plattform för 5G LDPC- avkodning. LDPC-koder som följer 5G-standarden tillhör underklassen QC-LDPC. Optimeringar som riktar sig mot denna underklass, samt andra optimeringstekniker, implementeras i vårt avhandlingsprojekt för att främja snabba exekveringstider. En GPU-baserad avkodare utvärderas mot en CPU-baserad avkodare, skrivna med programspråken CUDA respektive C++. De funktionellt likvärdiga avkodarna implementerar den lagrade offset MSA med tidig terminering för att avkoda meddelanden. Exekveringstiden för avkodarna mättes medan meddelandestorlek, SNR och maximalt antal iterationer varierades. Vi utvärderade också avkodarna med och utan att inkludera tidig terminering, samt utvärderade GPU-avkodaren när den integrerats i en MATLAB 5G-kanalsimulator som används av Tietoevry. Resultaten från experimenten visade att den GPU-baserade avkodaren hade upp till 4.3 gånger snabbare exekvering än den CPU-baserade avkodaren för meddelandestorlekar mellan 3000 och 12000 bitar. Den GPU-baserade avkodaren hade dock en högre baslinje för exekveringstiden, vilket gjorde den CPU-baserade avkodaren snabbare för mindre meddelandestorlekar. Det konstaterades också att fördelen med att inkludera tidig terminering i avkodaren i allmänhet överväger kostnaden för ytterligare bearbetningstid.

Comparaison de la rupture conventionnelle individuelle et la rupture conventionnelle collective française avec le 'Aufhebungsvertrag', contrat de résiliation allemand

Roux, Victoria Elsa Marina 15 March 2021 (has links)
Vergleich zwischen der französischen „rupture conventionnelle individuelle“ und der „rupture conventionnelle collective“ mit dem arbeitsrechtlichen Aufhebungsvertrag. Der Aufhebungsvertrag ist insofern interessant, als dass er sich von der Kündigung abhebt, sei es in Frankreich oder in Deutschland. Diese Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses ist eng mit den Wirtschaftskrisen verknüpft und ermöglicht den historischen und ökonomischen Kontext besser wahrzunehmen. Natürlich bietet der freie und willige Charakter des Aufhebungsvertrages Vorteile; da dies allerdings in Deutschland und Frankreich immer häufiger benutzt wird, ist es nötig, diesen mit kritischem Blick zu analysieren. Tatsächlich zeigt die Praxis, dass beim Aufhebungsvertrag die Interessen der Arbeitgeber die der Angestellten oft übersteigen. Das deutsche Recht hat den Aufhebungsvertrag bereits im 19. Jahrhundert eingeführt, welcher von Anfang an günstiger für den Arbeitgeber war. Heute wird in Deutschland versucht, diese Beendigung des Arbeitsvertrages zusammen mit einer Friedensfunktion zu präsentieren, die Nachteile für die Arbeitnehmer allerdings sind zahlreich. In Frankreich wurde die „rupture conventionnelle“ erst 2008 eingeführt, gefolgt von der „rupture conventionnelle collective“ zehn Jahre später. Trotz des besseren Schutzes für den Arbeitnehmer als im deutschen Recht kann eine Abfindung erschreckend leicht zum Einverständnis über den Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes führen.:Abréviations Avertissements Introduction générale Première partie - Définitions, motifs et conditions de la conclusion d’une rupture amiable d’un contrat de travail en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Formalités et procédures menant à la validité de la rupture amiable et le statut des per-sonnes protégées Chapitre 2 - Nouvelle rupture conventionnelle collective française mise en place par la réforme Ma-cron de 2017 Seconde partie - Les conséquences de la rupture amiable du contrat de travail sur l’employeur et son salarié et les possibilités de rétractation et de recours en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Les conséquences fiscales et sociales pour le salarié en relation avec le devoir d’information Chapitre 2 - Contestation, révocation de l’accord, contentieux de la rupture et avantages et inconvé-nients en résultant pour les parties Conclusion générale Synthèse allemande – DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bibliographie Glossaire Table des matières / Comparaison de la rupture conventionnelle individuelle et de la rupture conventionnelle collective française avec le « Aufhebungsvertrag », contrat de résiliation allemand. La rupture conventionnelle est intéressante en ce qu’elle se démarque du licenciement, tant en France qu’en Allemagne. Cette rupture est étroitement liée aux crises économiques et permet de mieux percevoir le contexte historique et économique actuel. Bien entendu, le caractère consensuel de cette rupture devant garantir un choix libre des parties présente des avantages, mais avec une utilisation de plus en plus importante de ce mode de rupture à l’amiable, que ce soit en France ou en Allemagne, il est bon de l’analyser de manière critique. En effet, la pratique montre que l’intérêt de l’employeur passe souvent devant celui des salariés. Le salarié peut cependant certainement y trouver son compte, surtout quand cette rupture lui permet d’accepter un autre poste plus lucratif ou d’éviter de voir prononcer contre lui un licenciement pour motif personnel. Le droit allemand a introduit cette rupture dès le 19ème siècle et ce « Aufhebungsvertrag » a toujours été et reste favorable aux employeurs. Ceci en dépit de la volonté allemande qui présente cette rupture comme ayant une fonction de pacification. Fonction de pacification reprise en France et accompagnée d’un objectif de déjudiciarisation avec l’introduction en droit français de la rupture conventionnelle en 2008 et de la rupture conventionnelle collective dix années plus tard. Dans les deux droits ces mécanismes sont utilisés pour inciter les salariés à donner eux-mêmes leur accord à la perte de leur emploi. La rupture conventionnelle individuelle correspond au contrat de résiliation allemand, néanmoins, ces deux mécanismes ne sont ni contrôlés ni mis en place de la même manière dans ces deux pays.:Abréviations Avertissements Introduction générale Première partie - Définitions, motifs et conditions de la conclusion d’une rupture amiable d’un contrat de travail en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Formalités et procédures menant à la validité de la rupture amiable et le statut des per-sonnes protégées Chapitre 2 - Nouvelle rupture conventionnelle collective française mise en place par la réforme Ma-cron de 2017 Seconde partie - Les conséquences de la rupture amiable du contrat de travail sur l’employeur et son salarié et les possibilités de rétractation et de recours en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Les conséquences fiscales et sociales pour le salarié en relation avec le devoir d’information Chapitre 2 - Contestation, révocation de l’accord, contentieux de la rupture et avantages et inconvé-nients en résultant pour les parties Conclusion générale Synthèse allemande – DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bibliographie Glossaire Table des matières / Comparison of the French individual and collective contractual termination by mutual agreement “rupture conventionnelle individuelle et collective” with the German termination agreement “Aufhebungsvertrag”. This amicable agreement between employer and employee to end the contract between them, called « rupture conventionnelle » in France and « arbeitsrechtlicher Aufhebungsvertrag » in Germany is interesting in that it stands out from dismissal in both countries. This contractual termination is closely linked to economic crises and allows us to better perceive the current historical and economic context. Of course, the consensual nature of this rupture, which must guarantee a free choice of the parties, has advantages, but with an increasingly important use of this, whether in France or Germany, it is necessary to analyse it critically. Indeed, practice shows that the interest of the employer often surpasses that of the employees. The employee can nevertheless benefit from this termination agreement, especially when he wants to accept a better job or to avoid a dismissal on personal grounds. German law introduced this rupture as early as the 19th century and this 'Aufhebungsvertrag' has always been and remains rather favourable to employers. This despite the German will to present this termination form as having a pacification function. French law introduced the “rupture conventionnelle individuelle” in 2008, followed by the “rupture conventionnelle collective” ten year later and despite greater protection of employees than in German law, one can only observe that the contractual compensation can easily induce employees to agree to the loss of their employment. The French contractual termination thus corresponds to the German termination agreement and seeks to avoid confrontation and to obtain a solution through the payment of a financial compensation to the employee. However, these two mechanisms are neither controlled nor implemented in the same way in these two countries.:Abréviations Avertissements Introduction générale Première partie - Définitions, motifs et conditions de la conclusion d’une rupture amiable d’un contrat de travail en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Formalités et procédures menant à la validité de la rupture amiable et le statut des per-sonnes protégées Chapitre 2 - Nouvelle rupture conventionnelle collective française mise en place par la réforme Ma-cron de 2017 Seconde partie - Les conséquences de la rupture amiable du contrat de travail sur l’employeur et son salarié et les possibilités de rétractation et de recours en France et en Allemagne Chapitre 1 - Les conséquences fiscales et sociales pour le salarié en relation avec le devoir d’information Chapitre 2 - Contestation, révocation de l’accord, contentieux de la rupture et avantages et inconvé-nients en résultant pour les parties Conclusion générale Synthèse allemande – DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bibliographie Glossaire Table des matières

The attitudes of professional nurses towards women who requested termination of pregnancy services at the Carletonville hospital

Mokgethi, Nomathemba Emily 28 February 2004 (has links)
The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (no 92 of 1996) was implemented during 1997. This study attempted to investigate professional nurses' attitudes towards rendering these services in the Carletonville area of South Africa. The research results, obtained from questionnaires completed by professional nurses, indicated that most professional nurses would prefer:  women to be at least 16 years of age to access these services  not to allow repeated terminations of pregnancy to the same women  to administer pills rather than to use vacuum aspirations  to work in these services by choice only  to have better equipment, more resources and more staff members in units offering these services  more support from their families, friends, managers and communities Some professional nurses experienced guilt, depression, anxiety and religious conflicts as a result of the nature of their work. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

The experiences of registered nurses involved in termination of pregnancy at Soshanguve Community Health Centre

Mamabolo, Lekwetji Redibone Catherine 30 June 2006 (has links)
The legalising of abortion in many countries has given women the choice or right to decide to terminate pregnancy. The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (Act No 92 of 1996) was promulgated in 1997. This legislation promotes reproductive rights including to choose between having an unwanted pregnancy terminated early, safely and legally. The legislation affects both the women who choose to terminate pregnancy and the staff involved in the termination of pregnancy (TOP) procedures. This exploratory, descriptive and contextual qualitative study was designed to gain insight into the experiences of registered nurses in the procedure for termination of pregnancy and to explore recommendations based on these experiences. The researcher adopted a phenomenological approach. Participants were drawn from registered nurses providing TOP services at Soshanguve Community Health Centre near Pretoria. Registered nurses have the right to refuse to participate in TOP, those that do provide the service are exposed to emotional and psychological trauma. / Health Studies / M.A.

The Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 : a theological ethical evaluation of abortion on demand

Mkhize, Bonginkosi Alloys 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a theological-ethical evaluation of the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 on the area of abortion on demand. It aims at empowering women and also solving the problem of backstreet abortion. Chapter one gives a brief introduction to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996. Chapter two gives a historical background of abortion and the factors tbat eventually led to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996. Chapter three focuses mainly on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on abortion. Issues relating to the value of human life are discussed in this chapter. Is~~es relating to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 and their theologicalethical in.Jplications are discussed in this chapter, i.e. chapter four. Empowering of women, sex education, instilling good moral values to the youth and also changing the pastoral attitude of churches towards sexuality can help to alleviate the problem of unwanted pregnancy. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)

The experiences of registered nurses involved in termination of pregnancy at Soshanguve Community Health Centre

Mamabolo, Lekwetji Redibone Catherine 30 June 2006 (has links)
The legalising of abortion in many countries has given women the choice or right to decide to terminate pregnancy. The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (Act No 92 of 1996) was promulgated in 1997. This legislation promotes reproductive rights including to choose between having an unwanted pregnancy terminated early, safely and legally. The legislation affects both the women who choose to terminate pregnancy and the staff involved in the termination of pregnancy (TOP) procedures. This exploratory, descriptive and contextual qualitative study was designed to gain insight into the experiences of registered nurses in the procedure for termination of pregnancy and to explore recommendations based on these experiences. The researcher adopted a phenomenological approach. Participants were drawn from registered nurses providing TOP services at Soshanguve Community Health Centre near Pretoria. Registered nurses have the right to refuse to participate in TOP, those that do provide the service are exposed to emotional and psychological trauma. / Health Studies / M.A.

The attitudes of professional nurses towards women who requested termination of pregnancy services at the Carletonville hospital

Mokgethi, Nomathemba Emily 28 February 2004 (has links)
The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (no 92 of 1996) was implemented during 1997. This study attempted to investigate professional nurses' attitudes towards rendering these services in the Carletonville area of South Africa. The research results, obtained from questionnaires completed by professional nurses, indicated that most professional nurses would prefer:  women to be at least 16 years of age to access these services  not to allow repeated terminations of pregnancy to the same women  to administer pills rather than to use vacuum aspirations  to work in these services by choice only  to have better equipment, more resources and more staff members in units offering these services  more support from their families, friends, managers and communities Some professional nurses experienced guilt, depression, anxiety and religious conflicts as a result of the nature of their work. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

The Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 : a theological ethical evaluation of abortion on demand

Mkhize, Bonginkosi Alloys 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with a theological-ethical evaluation of the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 on the area of abortion on demand. It aims at empowering women and also solving the problem of backstreet abortion. Chapter one gives a brief introduction to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996. Chapter two gives a historical background of abortion and the factors tbat eventually led to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996. Chapter three focuses mainly on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on abortion. Issues relating to the value of human life are discussed in this chapter. Is~~es relating to the Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996 and their theologicalethical in.Jplications are discussed in this chapter, i.e. chapter four. Empowering of women, sex education, instilling good moral values to the youth and also changing the pastoral attitude of churches towards sexuality can help to alleviate the problem of unwanted pregnancy. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)

Évaluation des mécanismes de défaillance et de la fiabilité d’une nouvelle terminaison haute tension : approche expérimentale et modélisation associée / Evaluation of failure mechanisms and reliability of new high-voltage power switches : experimental approach and modeling associated

Baccar El Boubkari, Fedia 01 December 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux s’intègrent dans le projet de recherche SUPERSWITCH dans lequel des solutions alternatives à l’IGBT, utilisées dans les convertisseurs de puissance dans la gamme des tenues en tension 600-1200 V, sont envisagées. Les nouvelles structures du transistor MOS basées sur le principe de Super-Jonction tel que le transistor DT-SJMOSFET et sa terminaison originale, la « Deep Trench Termination » se propose comme alternative aux IGBT. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse se focalise sur la caractérisation de la robustesse de la terminaison DT2 adapté à une diode plane. Après avoir effectué un état de l’art sur les composants de puissances à semi-conducteur unidirectionnels en tension, les terminaisons des composants de puissance et la fiabilité des modules de puissance, un véhicule de test a été conçu en vue de réaliser les différents essais de vieillissement accéléré et suivi électrique. La fiabilité de la terminaison DT2 a été évaluée par des essais expérimentaux et des simulations numériques, dont une méthodologie innovante a été proposée. Au final de nouvelles structures ont été proposées pour limiter les problèmes de délaminage et de charges aux interfaces mis en avant dans notre étude. / This work is a part of the research project SUPERSWITCH in which alternatives solutions to the IGBT, are investigated. This solution was used IGBT in power converters in the 600-1200 V breakdown voltage range. The new MOSFET structures based on the super-junction, such as the DT-SJMOSFET and its "Deep Trench Termination", is proposed as an alternative to IGBT. In this context, this thesis focuses on the robustness characterization of the DT2 termination adapted to a planar diode. After a state of the art on unidirectional voltage power components, the power components termination, and power modules reliability, a test vehicle has been designed in order to carry out different accelerated ageing tests and electrical monitoring. The reliability of DT2 termination was evaluated by experimental tests and numerical simulations. An innovative modeling methodology has been proposed. Finally, new structures have been proposed to limit the delamination failure mechanisms and interface charges problems highlighted in this thesis.

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