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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les modes amiables de rupture du contrat de travail / The way to breake a work contract amicably

Decamps, Jennifer 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les modes amiables de rupture du contrat de travail sont en plein essor. Même si la rupture amiable de la relation contractuelle, issue de l’article 1134 du Code civil, est reconnue depuis plusieurs décennies, son manque d’appréhension par la législation sociale en limite l’usage alors même que son efficacité, en ce qui concerne les contrats de travail à durée déterminée et le contrat d’apprentissage, n’a plus à être prouvée. Le regain actuel que connait ce type de rupture résulte de la création d’un nouvel acte par la loi de modernisation du marché du travail du 25 juin 2008. La rupture conventionnelle, voulue comme un acte permettant d’assurer la sécurité de la cessation relationnelle, a redonné confiance, aux employeurs et salariés, en l’utilisation du consensualisme lors de résiliation du contrat qu’ils ont créé. Ainsi, sans véritablement remettre en cause l’existence de la rupture issue du droit commun, la rupture conventionnelle semble être l’acte le plus à même de mettre fin à l’hégémonie des actes unilatéraux de rupture / The ways to break a work contract amicably are booming . Even if the amicable break of the contractual relationship , from Article 1134 of the civil code , has been recognized for several decades , its lack of real understanding and use by the social legislation limits its use , even though its effectiveness,regarding the fixed period employment contracts and the training contract does not need to be proven any more ! The current revival of this way to break a contract comes from the creation of a new act : the 25 th june 2008 modernization of the labour market law . The conventional breach, supposed to be an act which permits to reinforce the safety of the relational breach has boosted the confidence of employers as well as employees, when the use of consualism , they had created, has to be broken .So, without really putting into question the breach itself the origin of which being the common law, the conventional breaking is the most likely act to put an end to the hegemony of unilateral acts of breach

Static analysis by abstract interpretation of functional temporal properties of programs / Analyse statique par interprétation abstraite de propriétés temporelles fonctionnelles des programmes

Urban, Caterina 09 July 2015 (has links)
L’objectif général de cette thèse est le développement de méthodes mathématiques correctes et efficaces en pratique pour prouver automatiquement la correction de logiciels. Plus précisément, cette thèse est fondée sur la théorie de l’interprétation abstraite, un cadre mathématique puissant pour l’approximation du comportement des programmes. En particulier, cette thèse se concentre sur la preuve des propriétés de vivacité des programmes, qui représentent des conditions qui doivent être réalisés ultimement ou de manière répétée pendant l’exécution du programme. La terminaison des programmes est la propriété de vivacité la plus fréquemment considérée. Cette thèse conçoit des nouvelles approximations, afin de déduire automatiquement des conditions suffisantes pour la terminaison des programmes et synthétiser des fonctions de rang définies par morceaux, qui fournissent des bornes supérieures sur le temps d’attente avant la terminaison. Les approximations sont paramétriques dans le choix entre l’expressivité et le coût des approximations sous-jacentes, qui maintiennent des informations sur l’ensemble des valeurs possibles des variables du programme ainsi que les relations numériques possibles entre elles. Cette thèse développe également un cadre d’interprétation abstraite pour prouver des propriétés de vivacité, qui vient comme une généralisation du cadre proposé pour la terminaison. En particulier, le cadre est dédié à des propriétés de vivacité exprimées dans la logique temporelle, qui sont utilisées pour s’assurer qu’un événement souhaitable se produit une fois ou une infinité de fois au cours de l’exécution du programme. Comme pour la terminaison,des fonctions de rang définies par morceaux sont utilisées pour déduire des préconditions suffisantes pour ces propriétés, et fournir des bornes supérieures sur le temps d’attente avant un événement souhaitable. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont été mis en œuvre dans un prototype d’analyseur. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent qu’il donne de bons résultats sur une grande variété de programmes, il est compétitif avec l’état de l’art, et il est capable d’analyser des programmes qui sont hors de la portée des méthodes existantes. / The overall aim of this thesis is the development of mathematically sound and practically efficient methods for automatically proving the correctness of computer software. More specifically, this thesis is grounded in the theory of abstract interpretation, a powerful mathematical framework for approximating the behavior of programs. In particular, this thesis focuses on provingprogram liveness properties, which represent requirements that must be eventually or repeatedly realized during program execution. Program termination is the most prominent liveness property. This thesis designs new program approximations, in order to automatically infer sufficient preconditions for program termination and synthesize so called piecewisedefined ranking functions, which provide upper bounds on the waiting time before termination. The approximations are parametric in the choice between the expressivity and the cost of the underlying approximations, which maintain information about the set of possible values of the program variables along with the possible numerical relationships between them. This thesis also contributes an abstract interpretation framework for proving liveness properties, which comes as a generalization of the framework proposedfor termination. In particular, the framework is dedicated to liveness properties expressed in temporal logic, which are used to ensure that some desirable event happens once or infinitely many times during program execution. As for program termination, piecewise-defined ranking functions are used to infer sufficient preconditions for these properties, and to provide upper boundson the waiting time before a desirable event. The results presented in this thesis have been implemented into a prototype analyzer. Experimental results show that it performs well on a wide variety of benchmarks, it is competitive with the state of the art, and is able to analyze programs that are out of the reach of existing methods.

A bank’s right to terminate its relationship with its customers in light of reputational risk

Hayes, Edward Jnr January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation examines a bank’s right to unilaterally terminate its contractual relationship with a customer on the basis of reputational risk. The law of contract allows a bank to terminate the bank-customer agreement when the customer is in serious breach of the contract. Over the years, however, a pattern has started to develop by which a bank can unilaterally terminate the bank-customer relationship of high-risk customers based on reputational risk. Banks are reluctant to facilitate the transactions of individuals surrounded by negative publicity, due to fears of how the bank’s investors, customers or counterparts might perceive the bank. Compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter financing of terrorism (CFT) requirements, as set out by both domestic and foreign legislation, results in higher costs for the bank. As such, the profitability of a particular bank-customer relationship may ultimately decline to such an extent that the bank rather decides to make an appropriate business decision by terminating the relationship. Correspondent banking relationships are agreements in terms of which one bank will provide services for another in jurisdictions where the first bank lacks a physical presence. As such, whenever there is a perception that a local bank does not comply with the relevant AML/CFT laws as set out by its domestic legislation, the correspondent bank might decide to terminate its relationship with the local bank, leaving the latter financially excluded from the correspondent banking market. Such a situation would hinder the growth of the South African economy and may also cause a systemic event in the financial industry. Adequate customer due diligence (CDD) measures assist a bank in formulating a clear understanding of the business of its customers. The information obtained through CDD may also assist the bank in determining the reputation of a particular customer. This information can also assist law enforcement in combatting financial crimes. In this regard, it is recommended that a bank should be able to trace the information that was shared with Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs) and law enforcement agencies, so that the bank may reasonably determine the level of reputational risk involved in the relationship. / Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Mercantile Law / LLM / Unrestricted

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att avbryta hjärt- och lungräddning inom ambulanssjukvården : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Nurses' experience of terminate cardiovascular rescusinasion in ambulance care : A qualitative interview study

Andersson, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Varje år sker omkring sextusen hjärtstopp utanför sjukhus i Sverige. Endast tio procent beräknas överleva. Ambulanssjuksköterskan har riktlinjer för hur hon ska påbörja, genomföra och eventuellt avsluta en hjärtlungräddning prehospitalt. Frågan om att avbryta en hjärtlungräddning är studerad i begränsad omfattning. Beslutet fattas under ansträngda förhållanden med etiska konflikter involverade, vilket kan påverka ambulanssjuksköterskan psykiska välbefinnande och hennes förmåga att vidare utföra sitt arbete. Syftet med studien är att beskriva upplevelsen av att avbryta hjärtlungräddning hos sjuksköterskor inom ambulanssjukvården och hur upplevelsen eventuellt påverkas av olika faktorer (förbättringspotentialer) kopplade såväl till ambulansorganisationen, vårdaren och omständigheterna kring hjärtstoppet. En kvalitativ intervjustudie har gjorts för att besvara studiens syfte. Tolv intervjuer genomfördes med ambulanssjuksköterskor från tre ambulansstationer i Västsverige. En öppen fråga med hänvisning till studiens syfte besvarades av informanterna. Resultatet indikerar att ambulanssjuksköterskan, vid den vanligaste varianten av hjärtstopp, inte upplever avbrytandet som särskilt problematiskt. Vidare visar studien på att omgivande faktorer i samband med avbrytandet har en påverkan på ambulanssjuksköterskan. Det som informanterna beskrev som viktigt i sammanhanget var samtalet med kollegan samt tid för återhämtning och reflektion efter en emotionellt påfrestande situation. Ambulanssjuksköterskan värnar om sin yrkesroll och för att bevara denna behöver de vissa förutsättningar i sin omgivning. Det är viktigt att organisationen kring ambulanssjuksköterskan tillser att dessa behov tillgodoses för att de på ett tillfredställande sätt ska kunna utföra sitt arbete och samtidigt inte påverkas allt för mycket på ett personligt plan. Ett nytt spår i utbildningen av hjärtlungräddning där ambulanssjuksköterskan får ökad kunskap i att hantera människor i sorg och kris samt att organisatoriskt beakta behovet av tid för samtal och reflektion, främst tillsammans med närmast kollegan, kan vara av värde i framtiden. / Every year, about six thousand cardiac arrests occur outside hospitals in Sweden. Only ten percent are estimated to survive. The ambulance nurse has guidelines for how she should start, carry out and possibly terminate a cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the prehospital setting. The problems surrounding termination of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation has been scarcely studied. The decision is made under strained conditions with ethical conflicts involved, which can affect the ambulance nurse's mental well-being and her ability to further carry out her work. The purpose of the study is to describe the experiences of interrupting cardiopulmonary resuscitation among nurses in ambulance care and how these experiences may be influenced by different factors (some of which may be amenable for improvement) and linked to the ambulance organization, the healthcare provider and circumstances at the event. A qualitative interview study has been performed to address the purpose of the study. Twelve interviews were conducted with ambulance nurses from three ambulance stations in western Sweden. An open-ended question with reference to the purpose of the study was answered by the informants. The result indicates that the ambulance nurse, during the most common type of cardiac arrest, does not experience the interruption as particularly problematic. Furthermore, the study shows that surrounding factors in connection with the interruption have an impact on the ambulance nurse. What the informants described as important in the context was the conversation with the colleague and time for recovery and reflection after an emotionally stressful situation. The ambulance nurse safeguards her professional role and in order to maintain this, they need certain conditions in the environment. It is important that the organization around the ambulance nurse ensures that these requirements are met so that she or he can carry out the work in a satisfactory manner and at the same time not be affected too much on a personal level. A new track in the training of cardiopulmonary resuscitation where the ambulance nurse gains increased knowledge in dealing with people in grief and crisis and to organizationally consider the need for time for conversation and reflection, mainly together with the closest colleague, may be of value in the future.

Ocenění pozemku zatíženého služebností / Valuation of land loaded by easement

Nedůchalová, Ludmila January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves issue of the easements and their impact on evaluation of the land. Primary there are decribe basic topics of the isuue, further on legal procedure of the easements and the constituon, modification and termination. Next there is describe types of prises and evaluation of the land, easements and the lands with these easements. In the practical part there is evaluation of the specific land (with the market value and administrative price), which is loaded by easement of way over the land.

Prevalence of parental disclosure in the legal termination of pregnancy among adolescents in Thulamela Municipality, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Ramuhaheli, Litshani Fredah 18 September 2010 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / See the attached abstract below

Právní postavení vedoucích zaměstnanců při rozvázání pracovního poměru / Legal status of managers when terminating employment

Kodeš, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Legal status of managers when terminating employment This thesis deals with the topic of the legal status of a manager when terminating employment. The first chapter outlines the gradual evolution of a job position of an employee- manager in between the years 1918 to 2006 and shows conditions under which it was possible to terminate employment with an employee in a managerial position. The next chapter introduces the individual participants to the employment relationships that is an employee, manager and employer. The third chapter describes the two possible ways how to commence employment in case of a manager which is the appointment or the employment contract and defines all the requirements necessary to comply with so the employment is valid. The following chapter concentrates on the rights and obligations of ordinary employees and managers and the obligations of employers. Managers have the same rights and obligations as ordinary employees, but as they also have to fulfil the role of an intermediator between employer and ordinary employees, they enjoy additional rights and obligations. The fifth chapter focuses on the termination of employment of both managers and ordinary employees. The chapter illustrates in detail three ways how to terminate employment. Employment may be terminated by legal...

Acoustic Characterization of Turbochargers and Pipe Terminations

Tiikoja, Heiki January 2012 (has links)
In search for quieter engines there is a need for a better understanding of the acoustic properties of engine intake and exhaust system components. Besides mufflers which have the purpose of reducing pressure pulses originating from the internal combustion (IC) engine, there are many components in a modern car exhaust and intake system, e.g., air-filters, coolers, catalytic converters, particulate filters - all having an effect on the pressure pulses or sound field in the system. In this work the focus is on the turbocharged IC-engine where both, sound scattering (reflection and transmission) and sound generation from automotive turbochargers are studied. In addition, sound reflection from an open ended pipe, such as the tailpipe of an IC-engine exhaust is investigated.             Accurate and efficient methods to fully characterize turbochargers by measuring the acoustic two-port have been developed.  Compared to earlier work, a number of modifications are suggested for improving the quality of the results. A study on three different automotive turbochargers is also presented, including data for sound scattering for both the compressor and turbine. The results for the transmission of sound, which is of interest for the ability of a turbocharger to reduce noise coming from the engine, is plotted for all tested cases against a dimensionless frequency scale (Helmholtz-number). This makes it possible to generalize the result in order to draw conclusions about the behavior for any turbocharger.              The sound generation was also studied and three different methods to estimate the sound power are suggested. The methods were used to investigate sound generation at different operating points and identify source mechanisms for a turbocharger compressor.             An accurate method for measuring the reflection of plane acoustic waves from a pipe termination in a duct with hot gas flow has been developed and tested. Representing the acoustical conditions at an exhaust tail-pipe, the data obtained is important for effective modeling of exhaust systems. The experimental results of the reflection coefficient were compared with Munt`s theory on flow duct openings. The measurements were carried out for air jet velocities up to Mach 0.4 and for flow temperatures up to 100°C in order to study temperature effects on the reflection properties. It was concluded, that the experimental results agree well with the Munt theory.

Analys av fältfördelning i kabelavslut av linjära och icke linjära material : Analysis of the field distribution in cable termination by linear and nonlinear material

Gabrail, Philip, Samuelsson, Sam January 2016 (has links)
I nuläget används XLPE högspänningskablar vid överföring och distribution av elkraft och har en viktig roll i elsystemet. Kraftöverföring som sker över långa sträckor kopplas vidare från en punkt till en annan och sker med hjälp av kabelavslutningar. Dessa kabelavslutningar har en del sårbarheter ”felfunktion i kabelavslut” som påverkar hela elkraftsystemet. En analys och simulering av fältfördelning i kabelavslut genomfördes genom en teoretisk-respektive praktisk del i rapporten. Den teoretiska delen av rapporten genomfördes med hjälp av FEM programmet Comsol Multiphysics. Resultaten visade att den högsta fältkoncentrationen uppstår vid isolationen av kabeln och orsakade felfunktion och sårbarheter. Vid det linjära fallet för den elektriska delen resulterade en hög permittivitet till att potentialen och det elektriska fältet minskades vilket var densamma med låg konduktivitet. För det olinjära materialet ändrade sig konduktiviteten med elektriska fältet och tiden. Temperaturen vid det linjära fallet visade att vid en hög temperatur blev materialet mer ledande och gav ett högt elektriskt fält i halvledaren. I det olinjära fallet minskades materialets ledande. Detta kunde regleras med olika tröskelvärde (Eb) vilket inte kan i det linjära fallet. Den praktiska delen genomfördes i E.ON:s laboratorium för olika typer av kabelavslutningar som testades med 33 kV. Vissa av de provade kabelavslutningarna användes för  provningssyfte och andra plockades ur drift på grund av felfunktion i kabeln. Ett försök för att kontrollera fältkoncentrationen genomfördes i laboratorium och resulterade till en reducerad fältfördelning i kabelavslutning. Resultatet av den praktiska delen visade hur fältkoncentrationen fördelades i kabelavslutning och att fältfördelning ledde till sammanbrott i kabeln. / Nowadays XLPE high voltage cables are used in transmission and distribution of electrical power and has an important role in the electrical system. Power transmission that occurs over long distances is diverted from one point to another and is done with the help of cable terminations. These cable terminations have some vulnerabilities that affect the entire power system. The theoretical part of the report was carried out with the help of FEM software Comsol Multiphysics. Results showed that the highest field concentration occurs at the insulation of the cable and caused malfunction and vulnerabilities. In the linear case for the electrical part resulted a high permittivity that the potential and the electric field was reduced, which showed the same result for low conductivity. For the nonlinear material the conductivity changes with the electric field and time. The temperature of the linear case showed that at high temperatures the material became more conductive. In the nonlinear case the conductive material was reduced. This could be controlled with different threshold value (Eb) which cannot in the linear case. The practical part was done in E.ON:s laboratory for different type of cable terminations that were tested with 33kV. Some of the tested cable terminations were used for testing purposes and was picked out of operation because of a malfunction in the cable. An attempt to control field concentration was carried out in the laboratory and resulted to a reduced field  istribution in the cable termination. The result of the practical part showed how the field concentration was distributed in the cable termination and that the field distribution led to the collapse of the cable. / <p>QC 20160718</p>

Privilegium víry jako určité řešení rozporu mezi nově přijatou vírou a setrváním v manželství / Privilege of the faith

Fiřt, Josef January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore a historical development of legal rules (according to CIC 1983, as well as non-codex cannons ) with respect to the Privileges of the Faith, i.e. the ancient Privilegium Paulinum and the more recent Privilegium Petrinum. The thesis provides a comparison of the common elements and differences between both legal institutes, and furthermore an identification of the major causes leading to changes in the canonical regulations. Based on practical examples of the application of these legal institutes, it concludes by discussing a potential future development of their application (de lege ferenda).

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