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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Abschlussphase von Psychotherapien : Untersuchung zur Gestaltung der Abschlussphase psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen / Termination phase of psychotherapeutic treatments : Structure and principles of ending psychotherapeutic treatments

Wittorf, Susanne 15 September 2000 (has links)
Die Beendigung von Psychotherapien ist ein historisch vernachlässigtes Thema, das weitgehend ausgeblendet wurde aus der theoretischen und pragmatischen Konzeptualisierung von Psychotherapie und deren Erforschung. Begriffe wie Abschluss, Ende und Abschied, die mit dem Ende von Therapien verbunden sind, verweisen in unserer Kultur auf Un-Themen. Sie bedrohen mit ihrer assoziativen Verbindung zu Tod eine wesentliche Grundlage unserer normalen Wirklichkeit: die Verleugnung unserer Endlichkeit. Unter Berücksichtigung von Regeln und Normen der Alltagskommunikation für die Beendigung sozialer Situationen beinhaltet die Abschlussphase ein belastendes Potential für Therapeuten und Klienten. Die Beendigung von Psychotherapien wird in Therapiemanualen und Lehrbüchern entweder gar nicht erwähnt oder erstaunlich marginal behandelt. Dabei zeigen sich teilweise einseitige Konzeptualisierungen. So thematisieren tiefenpsychologische Ansätze vor allem Aspekte der Trennung des Therapeuten und des Verlustes der therapeutischen Beziehung, während verhaltenstherapeutische Ansätze fast ausschließlich Fragen des Transfers von Therapieergebnissen in den Alltag nachgehen. Elemente der Abschlussphase werden auf der Grundlage einer Befragung von Psychotherapeuten und Klienten empirisch erkundet. Dabei werden erstens Abschlüsse konkreter Therapien (formale Charakteristika, Veränderungen der Kommunikation in der Abschlussphase, Perspektiven von Therapeuten und Klienten, Katamnese, Supervision) dokumentiert und zweitens allgemeine Aspekte der Therapiebeendigung (Themen der Beendigung, Unterbrechungen im Laufe von Therapien, Grundsätze von Therapeuten) beschrieben. Empirisch zeigt sich die Abschlussphase als eine Zeit am Ende von Therapien, die in der Regel beginnt, wenn deutliche Verbesserungen von therapierelevanter Symptomatik eingetreten sind, die 10 bis 20 % der Gesamtstundenzahl umfasst und die durch spezifische Veränderungen formaler und inhaltlicher Gestaltung der Therapie gekennzeichnet ist. Auf der Grundlage von Ergebnissen einer metaphernanalytischen Auswertung von Sprachbildern der Therapeuten zur Therapiebeendigung wird abschließend ein Konzept von Therapiebeendigung als Übergangsphase entwickelt. In dieses Konzept sind die vielfältigen Aspekte der Therapiebeendigung wie z. B. Zwischenzeit, Verlust, Wachstum, Prüfung und Aufbruch integrierbar. Mit einer Sicht von Therapiebeendigung als Übergangsphase wird eine differenzierte Bearbeitung diagnostischer und handlungsrelevanter Aspekte der Abschlussphase für Praxis und Forschung möglich.

Zdánlivé a neplatné rozvázání pracovního poměru ze strany zaměstnance / Putative and invalid termination of employment by the employee

Halalová, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Putative and invalid termination of employment by the employee Abstract The aim of this diploma thesis was to provide the reader with a comprehensive explanation of the issue of putative and invalid termination of employment by the employee and to offer a suitable procedure for resolving such a situation, which the employer could use in these cases. For this purpose, this thesis was divided into four main chapters. The first of them is devoted to a brief definition of the relationship between the Labor Code and the Civil Code, its development in recent years, as well as the definition of the terms employment relationship, its termination and dismissal. Through this introduction to the issue, the exact scope of this thesis is defined, ie the putativeness and invalidity of juridical acts by which the employee unilaterally terminates the employment relationship, namely dismissal, immediate termination and termination of employment during the probationary period. The second chapter deals with juridical acts and their defects. First, the individual conceptual features and subsequently also the requisites of the juridical act are thoroughly analyzed, so that it is possible to deal in detail with individual cases of putativeness and invalidity of termination of employment, and then the concepts of putativeness and...

Effect of Help-Seeking Stigma, Perceived Symptom Severity, and Perceived Mattering on Treatment Engagement in a University Psychology Training Clinic

Garcia, Elizabeth Aurora January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Kära medresenär, vi har nu anlänt vid vår slutstation : En tematisk analys av interaktionen under avslutningssamtalet i relationell korttidsterapi / Termination Station : A thematic analysis of termination interactions in Brief Relational Therapy

Rydén, Emilia, Wong, Morganne January 2021 (has links)
I nuläget finns det mycket begränsad kunskap kring avslut i psykologisk behandling. Olika terapiinriktningar läggerolika fokus och tyngd vid slutskedet av terapin. Inom relationell terapi anses avslutet vara en för dyaden betydandedel av terapin. I denna kvalitativa uppsats har reflexiv tematisk analys använts för att studera interaktioner ochskeenden under det avslutande samtalet i en 16-sessions BRT ur forskningsprojektet LURIPP. Videofilmer från sexolika dyader har analyserats med en inledningsvis induktiv ansats. I formuleringen av de tre teman som framkom uranalysen användes relationella termer och modeller. De slutgiltiga temana benämns relation, ovilja och framåt. Varjeenskilt tema innehåller olika aspekter som presenteras och sedan diskuteras. Förslag på vidare forskning ges.

Dependence of Reverse Leakage on the Edge Termination Process in Vertical GaN Power Device

Tailang, Xie, da Silva, Cláudia, Szabó, Nadine, Mikolajick, Thomas, Wachowiak, Andre 23 December 2022 (has links)
Der Graben-Gate-MOSFET ist eine herausragende Bauelementarchitektur unter den vertikalen Bauelementen auf GaN-Basis, die derzeit für die nächste Generation der Leistungselektronik untersucht werden. Ein niedriges Reststromniveau im Aus-Zustand bei hoher Drain-Spannung ist für vertikale Transistoren von großer Bedeutung, da es ein entscheidendes Merkmal für eine hohe Durchbruchspannung und Zuverlässigkeit der Bauelemente ist. Die Drain-Restströme im Aus-Zustand haben ihren Ursprung in verschiedenen Quellen im vertikalen Trench-Gate-MOSFET. Neben dem Trench-Gate-Modul können auch die Reststrompfade an der trockengeätzten Seitenwand des lateralen Kantenabschlusses erheblich zum Drain-Reststrom im Aus-Zustand beitragen. In diesem Bericht wird der Einfluss jedes relevanten Prozessschritts auf den Drain-Reststrom im Aus-Zustand anhand spezifischer Teststrukturen auf hochwertigem epitaktischem GaN-Material, welche den lateralen Kantenabschluss des MOSFETs nachbilden, untersucht. Die elektrische Charakterisierung zeigt die Empfindlichkeit des Reststroms gegenüber plasmabezogenen Prozessen. Es wird eine Technologie der Randterminierung vorgestellt, die zu einem niedrigen Reststrom führt und gleichzeitig dicke dielektrische Schichten aus plasma-unterstützter Abscheidung enthält, die für die Herstellung einer Feldplattenstruktur über dem Kantenabschluss vorgesehen sind. / The trench gate MOSFET represents a prominent device architecture among the GaN based vertical devices currently investigated for the next generation of power electronics. A low leakage current level in off-state under high drain bias is of great importance for vertical transistors since it is a crucial feature for high breakdown voltage and device reliability. The off-state drain leakage originates from different sources in the vertical trench gate MOSFET. Besides the trench gate module, the leakage paths at the dry-etched sidewall of the lateral edge termination can also significantly contribute to the off-state drain-current. In this report, the influence of each relevant process step on the drain leakage current in off-state is investigated utilizing specific test structures on high-quality GaN epitaxial material which mimic the lateral edge termination of the MOSFET. Electrical characterization reveals the sensitivity of the leakage current to plasma-related processes. A termination technology is presented that results in low leakage current while including thick dielectric layers from plasma-assisted deposition as intended for fabrication of a field plate structure over the edge termination.

The Influence of Cover Crop Termination Strategies and Supplemental Nitrogen on Sweet Corn Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Sunuwar, Sachina 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Cover crops are instrumental in nutrient management and soil health. A field experiment was conducted from fall 2020 to summer 2021 to evaluate the efficiency of different cover crop termination techniques and supplemental nitrogen on sweet corn yield, ear quality and nitrogen use efficiency. The four termination types are herbicide and disk tillage (HDT), herbicide no-till (HNT), cultivation disk till (CDT), and roller crimped no-till (RCNT). These termination types were each divided into four different nitrogen treatment: 0%, 33%, 67% and 100% of the recommended doses (145 kg haˉ¹). Sweet corn yield was highest and % unfilled tip was lowest when cover crops terminated by CDT, followed by RCNT, HNT and HDT. The highest ear weight obtained when 100% of the recommended nitrogen rate was applied to the sweet corn. However, the highest nitrogen use efficiency was obtained when 67% of the recommended nitrogen application rate was used.


BRUNA KAMAROV BENISTI 23 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar a dupla função do parágrafo único do artigo 473 do Código Civil: (i) garantir que a denúncia seja feita após o cumprimento de um período mínimo do contrato, apto a permitir o seu adimplemento satisfativo e a amortização dos investimentos realizados pelo denunciatário e (ii) garantir que o denunciatário seja notificado com antecedência necessária para tomar providências a fim de se preparar para o término do contrato. Tendo em vista os interesses que o parágrafo único do artigo 473 do Código Civil visa tutelar, pretende-se verificar se o referido dispositivo legal deve acarretar a manutenção compulsória do contrato ou o pagamento de indenização por danos materiais e quais danos devem ser indenizados. Para isso, parte-se da análise da resilição unilateral, prevista no caput do artigo 473 do Código Civil, como direito potestativo, distinguindo-a do distrato, da resolução do contrato e da denúncia. Também serão examinadas as hipóteses em que a lei admite a resilição unilateral e a possibilidade de as partes estabelecerem contratualmente a denúncia unilateral do contrato mediante aviso prévio ou pagamento de multa. Em seguida, se examinará a boa-fé objetiva como critério de aferição da abusividade da denúncia; a função do dever de aviso prévio; a função do prazo estabilizador; e os critérios para fixação de prazo razoável. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo irá tratar das formas de reparação do dano decorrente da resilição unilateral do contrato - quais sejam, a execução específica da obrigação e o pagamento de indenização por danos materiais - e dos danos a serem indenizados. / [en] This dissertation aims to analyze the double function of the sole paragraph of article 473 of the Civil Code: (i) ensure the termination by notice is made after the fulfillment of a minimum period of the contract, allowing its satisfactory performance and the amortization of the investments made by the reported party, and (ii) ensure the reported party is notified early enough to take action in order to prepare for the termination of the contract. In view of the interests that the sole paragraph of article 473 of the Civil Code aims to protect we intend to verify whether the aforementioned legal provision should result in the compulsory maintenance of the contract or the payment of compensation for material damages, and which damages should be compensated. To that end, we initially analyze the unilateral termination, foreseen in the caption of article 473 of the Civil Code, as a potestative right, distinguishing it from dissolution, contract cancellation and termination by notice. Also examined are the hypotheses in which the law allows unilateral termination and the possibility of the parties contractually establishing the termination by claim of the contract upon prior notice or payment of a fine. Then, objective good faith is examined as a criterion for assessing the abusiveness of the termination by notice; the duty of prior notice; the function of the stabilizing period; and the criteria for setting a reasonable period. Finally, the third chapter deals with the remedies for unilateral termination of the contract - namely, the specific performance of the obligation and the payment of compensation for material damages - and the damages to be compensated.

A Legislative and Judicial Analysis of Sexual Relationships between American Secondary Students and Their Teachers

Clark, Joseph P. 12 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Declaring Victory and Admitting Defeat

Dolan, Thomas Michael, Jr. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Elitgolfspelares upplevelser av ett normativt karriäravslut

Axelsson, Vidar, Lithander, William January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of elite golf players in transitioning from active professional athletes to post-sports life. All participants in the study were male, playing at one of the two highest national levels in Sweden, either the Future Series or the Moregolf Mastercard Tour. Eight participants were recruited for the study with the requirement that they had played for at least three years at one of these top national levels, and that no more than three years had passed since they ended their careers. The study employed a semi-structured interview guide, developed based on theoretical frameworks, to conduct in-depth interviews with each participant. The information collected from the interviews was analyzed using thematic analysis to identify various themes and patterns, which then formed the results of the study. The results indicated that all participants experienced some form of challenge during their career transition from being active elite athletes to post-sport life. One of the biggest challenges among the participants was uncertainty about the future and what to do after ending their sports careers. Participants found that support from their families was a crucial resource during the end of their careers. Those who had combined sports with studies or work, dual careers, during their active sports careers found that this facilitated their transition. In terms of managing career ending, the majority of the participants highlighted the importance of having a plan B for life after sports. Participants who had not planned for life after sports were worried about their future. However, all but one of the participants began working or studying relatively soon after ending their careers, primarily driven by their own desire to pursue new goals and challenges. / Syftet med studien var att studera elitidrottande golfspelares upplevelser av karriärövergången från aktiv elitidrottare till livet efter idrotten. Samtliga deltagare i studien var herrar som spelat på någon av de två högsta nationella nivåerna i Sverige, Future Series eller Moregolf Mastercard Tour. Åtta deltagare rekryterades till studien, inkluderingskriterierna var att deltagarna skulle spelat minst tre år på någon av de två högsta nationella nivåerna samt att det maximalt fick vara tre år sedan deltagarna avslutat karriären. Studien använde sig av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide konstruerad utifrån de teoretiska ramverken för att genomföra djupgående intervjuer med varje deltagare. Materialet från intervjuerna analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade tre huvudteman; upplevda utmaningar vid karriäravslut, resurser vid karriäravslut och olika hantering av karriäravslut. En av de största utmaningarna bland deltagarna var osäkerhet om framtiden och vad man ska göra efter idrottskarriären. Deltagarna upplevde bland annat att stödet från familjen var en viktig resurs under karriäravslutet och de deltagare som under den aktiva idrottskarriären kombinerat idrotten med studier eller arbete, upplevde det som en resurs vid karriäravslut. Gällande hantering av karriäravslutet belyste majoriteten av deltagarna vikten av att ha en plan b för livet efter idrotten. De deltagare som inte hade planerat för livet efter idrotten var oroliga över hur det skulle gå för dem. Däremot började alla deltagare förutom en att arbeta eller studera relativt snabbt efter karriäravslutet och en stor anledning till det var framför allt deltagarnas egna driv att sträva efter nya mål och utmaningar.

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