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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vínculo e perda: vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação por malformação fetal incompatível com a vida após o nascimento / Attachment and loss: the experiences of women who terminate a pregnancy due to fetal malformations incompatible with postnatal life

Elenice Bertanha Consonni 26 April 2013 (has links)
Consonni, E. B. (2013). Vínculo e perda: vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação por malformação fetal incompatível com a vida após o nascimento. Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. O desenvolvimento das técnicas de diagnóstico pré natal possibilita detecção acurada de anomalias letais no feto, colocando o casal frente à difícil decisão de interromper ou não a gestação. O presente estudo teve por objetivo compreender o significado das vivências de mulheres que interromperam a gestação sob autorização judicial, devido à malformação fetal incompatível com a vida. Participaram do estudo dez mulheres atendidas no Setor de Medicina Fetal do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu. Para coleta dos dados foram realizadas duas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, uma durante a gestação e outra quarenta dias após a interrupção. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, transcritas na íntegra e tiveram os dados analisados na perspectiva da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados revelaram que o contato com o diagnóstico desencadeou reações de choque, incredulidade e esperança. As imagens do feto na ultrassonografia, especialmente nos casos de anomalias externas, causaram espanto e sofrimento, ao mesmo tempo em que, junto a outras imagens e informações obtidas pelas mães na internet, colaboraram para que melhor compreendessem o diagnóstico fetal. Os relatos apontaram dificuldades das gestantes na esfera social, como ao responder perguntas e comentários sobre a gravidez e o bebê e ao ouvir opiniões a respeito da malformação e da interrupção. Desde o diagnóstico pré-natal até o puerpério, as mães buscaram explicações e significados para a condição fetal e a perda do filho, sendo muito frequentes respostas religiosas e auto culpabilizantes. Os relatos mostram a existência de forte vinculação materno-fetal, tanto antes como após o diagnóstico, e as mulheres optaram pela interrupção da gestação na intenção de não se vincular ainda mais ao bebê e evitar sofrimento maior, sem que isso no entanto significasse o rompimento do vínculo. As mães que optaram por conhecer e se despedir do bebê após o nascimento, enfatizaram a importância deste momento, lembrado como positivo pela possibilidade de ver, despedir-se e guardar para sempre uma lembrança. Os relatos no puerpério marcaram sentimentos de tristeza, saudade e sensação de vazio pela perda do filho, revelando também a necessidade das mães manterem-se ligadas a ele. Na opinião destas mulheres, mediante a confirmação médica da impossibilidade de sobrevida após o nascimento, a mãe e/ou casal deveria ter autonomia para decidir sobre a interrupção da gestação, sendo a autorização judicial percebida como desnecessária e um fator de mais angústia para a situação vivida. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico fetal de malformação incompatível com a vida causou sofrimento para essas mulheres, pois precedeu inúmeras perdas e desencadeou complexo processo de luto. As mães estavam e continuaram vinculadas aos seus filhos; a interrupção da gestação, embora tenha sido uma escolha que evitasse a intensificação do vínculo e minimizasse a dor de uma perda inevitável, não as poupou de vivências de grande sofrimento. O estudo traz subsídios para a discussão e planejamento de abordagens e cuidados com a saúde de gestantes que recebem diagnóstico de malformação fetal letal. / Consonni, E. B. (2013). Attachment and loss: the experiences of women who terminate a pregnancy due to fetal malformations incompatible with postnatal life. Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto. The development of prenatal diagnostic techniques has enabled lethal fetal anomalies to be detected with accuracy, thus leaving couples with the difficult decision of whether or not to terminate the pregnancy. The objective of the present study was to gain understanding on what these experiences meant to those women who were granted legal authorization to terminate their pregnancy due to a fetal malformation incompatible with life. Ten women receiving care at the fetal medicine unit of the Botucatu Teaching Hospital participated in the study. Two semi-structured interviews were held for the purpose of collecting data, the first during pregnancy and the second forty days after termination. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed in their entirety. The data were analyzed according to the content analysis methodology. Results showed that becoming aware of their diagnosis triggered reactions of shock, disbelief and hope in these women. The ultrasound images of the fetus, particularly in those cases in which the abnormalities were external, caused shock and distress; however, together with other images and information obtained by the mothers from the internet, they contributed towards providing a better understanding of the fetal diagnosis. The women\'s accounts highlighted their difficulties in the social sphere, for example, when having to answer questions and respond to comments on their pregnancy and on their baby, and when listening to opinions on fetal malformation and pregnancy termination. Between the time of prenatal diagnosis and the puerperium, the mothers sought explanations and meanings for the fetal condition and for the loss of their child, with religious and self-blame attributions being very common. These testimonies reveal the existence of a strong maternalfetal attachment, both prior to and following diagnosis. The women opted to terminate their pregnancy to interrupt this process of increasing attachment and to prevent even greater suffering; however, this did not mean that the bond was broken. Those mothers who took the decision to see their baby after he/she was born and to say goodbye emphasized the importance of this moment, remembering it as positive because they had been able to see the child, say farewell to him/her and keep that memory of the child for ever. The statements made by the women during the puerperium were marked by feelings of sadness, nostalgia and emptiness evoked by the loss of their child, which also emphasized the mothers\' need to preserve this attachment. In these women\'s opinions, when faced with medical confirmation that the fetus will not survive after delivery, the mother or the couple should have the autonomy to decide whether or not to terminate the pregnancy, with legal authorization being perceived as unnecessary and a source of further anguish under these circumstances. In conclusion, fetal diagnosis of a malformation incompatible with life led to suffering in these women, since it preceded innumerous losses and triggered a complex grieving process. The mothers were and continue to be attached to their children. Pregnancy termination, although representing a choice made to avoid intensifying the degree of this attachment and to minimize the pain of an unavoidable loss, did not save them from having to experience great suffering. This study adds to the debate on the subject and provides further data for use in planning the management and care of the health of pregnant women who receive a diagnosis of a lethal fetal malformation.

Early termination of R&D projects / Terminação precoce de projetos de P&D

Leandro Rodrigues Gonçalves 27 October 2015 (has links)
Early project termination is one of the most difficult decisions to be made by Research and Development managers. While there is the risk of terminating good projects, there is also the opposite risk of not terminating bad projects and overspend resources in unproductive research. Criteria used for identifying these projects are common subject of research in Business Administration. In addition, companies might take important lessons from its interrupted projects that could improve their overall portfolio technical and commercial success. Finally, the set and weight of criteria, as well as the procedures companies use for achieve learning from cancelled projects may vary depending on the project type. This research intends to contribute to the understanding of policies applied to projects that were once considered attractive, but by some reason is not appreciated anymore. The research addressed the question: How companies deal with projects that become unattractive? More specifically, this research tried to answer the following questions: (1) Are projects killed or (otherwise) they die naturally by lack of resources? (2) What criteria are used to terminate projects during development? (3) How companies learn from the terminated projects to improve the overall portfolio performance? (4) Are the criteria and learning procedures different for different types of projects? In order to answer these questions, we performed a multiple case study with four companies that are reference in business administration and innovation: (1) Oxiteno, considered the base case, (2) Natura, the literal replication, (3) Mahle and (4) AES, the theoretical replications. The case studies were performed using a semi-structured protocol for interviews, which were recorded and analyzed for comparison. We found that the criteria companies use for selecting projects for termination are very similar to those anticipated by the literature, except for a criteria related to compliance. We have evidences to confirm that the set of criteria is not altered when dealing with different project types, however the weight they are applied indeed varies. We also found that learning with cancelled projects is yet very incipient, with very few structured formal procedures being described for capturing learning with early-terminated projects. However, we could observe that these procedures are more common when dealing with projects labeled as innovative, risky, big and costly, while those smaller and cheaper derivative projects aren\'t subject of a complete investigation on the learning they brought to the company. For these, the most common learning route is the informal, where the project team learns and passes the knowledge though interpersonal information exchange. We explain that as a matter of cost versus benefit of spending time to deeply investigate projects with little potential to bring new knowledge to the project team and the organization / Terminação precoce de projetos é uma das decisões mais difíceis a serem tomadas pelos gerentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Enquanto há o risco de terminar bons projetos, há também o risco oposto de não encerrar maus projetos e ter recursos alocados em pesquisa improdutiva. Os critérios utilizados para a identificação destes projetos são objeto comum de investigação em Administração de Empresas. Além disso, as empresas podem tirar lições importantes com seus projetos interrompidos que poderiam melhorar o desempenho técnico e comercial da sua carteira. Finalmente, o conjunto de critérios e respectivos pesos, bem como os procedimentos usados pelas empresas para reter aprendizado a partir da interrupção de projetos, podem variar dependendo do tipo de projeto. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a compreensão das políticas aplicadas a projetos que já foram considerados atraentes, mas por alguma razão não são mais apreciados. A pesquisa abordou a questão: Como as empresas lidam com projetos que se tornam pouco atraentes? Mais especificamente, esta pesquisa procurou responder às seguintes questões: (1) São os projetos encerrados ou (caso contrário) eles morrem naturalmente por falta de recursos? (2) Que critérios são usados para encerrar projetos durante o desenvolvimento? (3) Como as empresas aprendem com os projetos terminados de modo a melhorar o desempenho geral da carteira? (4) Os critérios e procedimentos de aprendizagem são diferentes para diferentes tipos de projetos? A fim de responder a essas perguntas, foi realizado um estudo de caso múltiplo com quatro empresas que são referência em administração de empresas e inovação: (1) Oxiteno, considerado o caso base, (2) Natura, a replicação literal, (3) Mahle e (4) AES, as replicações teóricas. Os estudos de caso foram realizados utilizando um protocolo semiestruturado para as entrevistas, que foram gravadas e analisadas para comparação. Descobrimos que os critérios usados pelas empresas para identificação dos projetos candidatos ao cancelamento são muito semelhantes àqueles antecipados pela literatura, com exceção de um critério relacionado com a existência de indícios de corrupção. A pesquisa gerou evidências que corroboram a ideia de que o conjunto de critérios não é alterado quando se lida com diferentes tipos de projeto, no entanto, varia o peso atribuído a cada um na sua aplicação. Também descobrimos que a aprendizagem com projetos cancelados é ainda muito incipiente. As empresas descreveram muito poucos procedimentos formais estruturados para a captura de aprendizagem com projetos terminados precocemente. No entanto, pode-se observar que estes procedimentos são mais comuns quando se trata de projetos rotulados como inovadores, arriscados, grandes e caros. Os projetos derivados, menores e mais baratos, não são objeto de uma investigação completa sobre o aprendizado que eles trouxeram para a empresa. Para estes, a rota de aprendizagem mais comum é a informal, onde a equipe do projeto aprende e passa o conhecimento à frente por meio de intercâmbio de informações entre as pessoas. Nós explicamos este achado como uma questão de custo versus benefício de pessoal de P&D para investigar profundamente projetos com pouco potencial de trazer conhecimentos valiosos para a organização.

How different third party interveners affect the duration of civil war

Jonsson, Frida January 2006 (has links)
There is a great variety of research about civil war and peacemaking. This thesis also deals with those topics, however, it focuses on one specific area about how different third-party interveners affect the duration of civil war. Since the main goal of an intervention is to terminate the civil war as fast as possible, it is of great importance to be able to know which type of intervener can terminate it fastest. Throughout the modern history third-party interveners have been a mix of international organizations and major- and minor powers. These different types of interveners and what characterize them will here be discussed, compared and analyzed. From a data set containing information about all civil wars between 1945 and 1999 six conflicts have been chosen for further examination. Two of the civil wars are wars where an international organisation was the intervener, two conflicts where major powers where the interveners and two where minor powers where the intervener. These six civil wars are viewed upon with characteristics of the conflict and intervener as basis. Important to take into account is the aspect when international organizations in general tend to intervene. A scholar, Regan, pointed out that international organizations tend to intervene in already long lasting civil wars where states have chosen not to intervene or have failed. The result in this thesis shows that depending upon how forceful the intervention is, the shorter the duration of the civil war will be. What shows how forcefull an intervention can be is how strong the intervener is, on which side the intervention takes place and which strategy it choses. / Det finns en uppsjö av akademisk forskning om inbördeskrig och fredskapande. Denna uppsats avhandlar också dessa ämnen men fokus ligger istället på ett speciellt område; hur olika typer av interventionsparter påverkar längden av inbördeskrig. Målet med en intervention är att få slut på inbördeskriget så fort som möjligt. För att kunna nå det målet så är det av yttersta vikt att ha kunskap om vilken typ av interventionsparter som gör det snabbast. Interventionsparterna har sedan den moderna tiden varit internationella organisationer, stormakter och småstater. I denna uppsats kommer de olika typerna att diskuteras, jämföras och analyseras. Allt för att sedan kunna dra slutsatser om vad som karaktäriserar dem och vad de har för inflytande på längden av inbördeskrig. I uppsatsen kommer sex olika inbördeskrig att analyseras. Dessa fall är hämtade från ett data set som innehåller information om alla inbördeskrig mellan åren 1945 och 1999. Två utav inbördeskrigen är krig där en internationel organisation var interventionspart. I två andra inbördeskrig är interventionsparten en stormakt och i de resterande två inbördeskrigen är interventionsparten en småstat. Dessa sex inbördeskrig är sedan analyserade med hjälp av karaktären utav kriget och typen av interventionspart. En viktig aspekt för analysen rör internationella organisationer och när de gör interventioner. En forskare, Regan, påpekar att internationella organisationer tenderar att intervenera i inbördeskrig som redan har pågått under en längre tid och där enskilda stater har valt att inte ingripa eller har misslyckats. Analysen i denna uppsats visar att beroende på hur kraftfull interventionen är desto kortare blir längden utav inbördeskriget. Vad som avgör vad som är kraftfullt är hur stark interventionsparten är, vilken sida interventionen sker på och vilken strategi som används.

Le principe de la force obligatoire du contrat à l'épreuve du développement de l'unilatéralisme. / The principle of the binding force of the contract to the test of the development of unilateralism

Lemay, Pierre 07 December 2012 (has links)
Le principe de la force obligatoire du contrat à l'épreuve du développement de l'unilatéralisme. / The principle of the binding force of the contract to the test of the development of unilateralism.

Sankce za porušování povinností účastníků pracovněprávních vztahů / Sanctions for Breaching the Obligations within Employment Law Relationships

Odvárková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The author conceives the presented thesis partly as a case study, when she illustrates different aspects of sanctions on a practical example defined for the purposes of this work. Furthermore, she maps different kinds of aspects related to analyzed sanctions. The thesis is divided into the introduction, five main chapters and the conclusion. Overall, the work has two parts, the first one is the introduction and the first chapter, second part consists of the definition of the practical example, from which it derives, then the second, the third, the fourth and the fifth chapter and the conclusion. In a brief introduction, the author has a think about the meaning of general terms such an obligation, a legal obligation and sanctions for breaching duties. The first chapter contains a definition of terms that are analyzed further in the work. Furthermore, the chapter continues with the general definition of sanctions, particularly from the perspective of legal theory, including the attempt on the author's own definition of sanctions. As an introduction to another part of the work is defined a model case from which the work (partially processed as a case study) further unfolds. The basis of this case is a breach of the obligation to pay out employees wages. On this basis, in the text are more fully...

Zrušení a likvidace komanditní společnosti / Dissolution and liquidation of a limited partnership company

Kysela, Roman January 2016 (has links)
Working out of the topic dissolution and liquidation of the limited partnership company as my dissertation should allow the reader of this dissertation a complex view of this procedure, while my goal was also a direct an direct application of this dissertation in praxis. In the articles above I try to describe all necessary what should a prospective liquidator of the limited partnership company, or other person dealing with this matter, know, and how he should proceed in praxis and I also want to include all the recent changes of the private law, which in some cases appeared in some aspects of the procedure of dissolution and liquidation, and which have been in theory poorly covered by the literature of today. I split the dissertation into five main pieces. In part one I deal with dissolution of the company and I describe in details all causes, that cause a dissolution of the company, including the causes that lead to the liquidation. I devoted the second part to the liquidator. The liquidator is the most important person that enters the procedure of liquidation. In the scope of second part I describe his nomination, end of his function and the most important tasks entrusted to him. Over more I try to describe his status to other company's bodies and jurisdiction of such bodies in the liquidation....

Ukončení účasti společníka ve společnosti s ručením omezeným / Termination of membership in limited liability company

Zanášková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
Termination of membership in limited liability company Abstract The thesis deals with meanings of termination of membership in limited liability company, namely by (i) transfer of business interest, (ii), stepping out of the company, (iii) agreement on termination of shareholder's participation in a company, (iv) exclusion of a shareholder, (v) cancellation of shareholder's participation by court, (vi) termination of shareholder's participation due to insolvency proceedings against the shareholder, and (vii) termination of shareholder's participation due to execution towards the shareholder's interest. The thesis further deals with termination of shareholder's participation due to death of the shareholder who is a natural person or winding-up of the shareholder which is a legal entity. After a short foreword follow chapters concerning general issues about the limited liability company as a type of a legal corporation, the rights and obligations of shareholders and the creation and termination of participation in a limited liability company. Chapters dealing with various meanings of termination of shareholder's participation in a limited liability company and a brief conclusion follow. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and clarify some interpretative and application difficulties arising in connection with...

Zrušení a likvidace komanditní společnosti / Dissolution and liquidation of a limited partnership company

Kysela, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Working out of the topic dissolution and liquidation of the limited partnership company as my dissertation should allow the reader of this dissertation a complex view of this procedure, while my goal was also a direct an direct application of this dissertation in praxis. In the articles above I try to describe all necessary what should a prospective liquidator of the limited partnership company, or other person dealing with this matter, know, and how he should proceed in praxis and I also want to include all the recent changes of the private law, which in some cases appeared in some aspects of the procedure of dissolution and liquidation, and which have been in theory poorly covered by the literature of today. I split the dissertation into five main pieces. In part one I deal with dissolution of the company and I describe in details all causes, that cause a dissolution of the company, including the causes that lead to the liquidation. I devoted the second part to the liquidator. The liquidator is the most important person that enters the procedure of liquidation. In the scope of second part I describe his nomination, end of his function and the most important tasks entrusted to him. Over more I try to describe his status to other company's bodies and jurisdiction of such bodies in the liquidation....

Verification of networks of communicating processes : Reachability problems and decidability issues

Rezine, Othmane January 2017 (has links)
Computer systems are used in almost all aspects of our lives and our dependency on them keeps on increasing. When computer systems are used to handle critical tasks, any software failure can cause severe human and/or material losses. Therefore, for such applications, it is important to detect software errors at an early stage of software development. Furthermore, the growing use of concurrent and distributed programs exponentially increases the complexity of computer systems, making the problem of detecting software errors even harder (if not impossible). This calls for defining systematic and efficient techniques to evaluate the safety and the correctness of programs. The aim of Model-Checking is to analyze automatically whether a given program satisfies its specification. Early applications of Model-Checking were restricted to systems whose behaviors can be captured by finite graphs, so called finite-state systems. Since many computer systems cannot be modeled as finite-state machines, there has been a growing interest in extending the applicability of Model-Checking to infinite-state systems. The goal of this thesis is to extend the applicability of Model Checking for three instances of infinite-state systems: Ad-Hoc Networks, Dynamic Register Automata and Multi Pushdown Systems. Each one of these instances models challenging types of networks of communicating processes. In both Ad-Hoc Networks and Dynamic Register Automata, communication is carried through message passing. In each type of network, a graph topology models the communication links between processes in the network. The graph topology is static in the case of Ad-Hoc Networks while it is dynamic in the case of Dynamic Register Automata. The number of processes in both types of networks is unbounded. Finally, we consider Multi Pushdown Systems, a model used to study the behaviors of concurrent programs composed of sequential recursive sequential programs communicating through a shared memory.

Étude fonctionnelle des sous-domaines de Pcf11 : rôle du 2nd NTD dans la terminaison de transcription des snoRNAs et des motifs liant le zinc dans les activités de maturation de l’extrémité 3’ des ARN messagers. / Functional analysis of Pcf11 sub-domains : role of the 2nd NTD in transcription termination of snoRNAs and zinc finger motifs in 3’-end processing of mRNAs

Guéguéniat, Julia 03 December 2015 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, la maturation de l’extrémité 3’ des ARNs messagers a lieu lors de la transcription et regroupe deux étapes : le clivage endonucléolytique du transcrit au niveau d’un site spécifique et l’ajout d’une queue poly(A) sur le fragment en amont du site de clivage. Chez S. cerevisiae, le complexe de polyadénylation est formé par 20 protéines, regroupées principalement en deux sous-complexes : CF IA et CPF. Nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement à Pcf11, sous-unité du complexe CF IA. Pcf11 est formé de sept sous-domaines, mais la fonction d’une grande partie de la protéine n’est pour l’instant pas connue. Par exemple, aucune fonction n’est associée à la région située entre le domaine d’interaction avec le CTD de l’ARN polymérase II (CID) et une répétion de 20 résidus glutamines. Récemment, la structure de ce domaine, appelé 2nd NTD a été décrite. Pour essayer de comprendre la fonction du 2nd NTD et des motifs liant le zinc encadrant le domaine d’interaction avec Clp1, nous avons mis en place une stratégie systématique de mutagénèse, soit par délétions, soit par mutations ponctuelles. Le 2nd NTD est formé de trois hélices α et interagit avec l’ARN. La délétion de ce domaine conduit à un phénotype de croissance lente chez la levure et un défaut de terminaison de transcription des snoRNAs. Malgré une similarité de structure et de fonction, le 2nd NTD présenterait une fonction indépendante. La fonction des motifs liant le zinc n’est pour l’instant pas connue. Cependant, la mutation de l’un de ces deux motifs conduit à un défaut de clivage et de polyadénylation in vitro. La mutation des deux motifs est létale chez la levure. / In eukaryotes, poly (A) tails are added to nuclear pre-mRNA 3'-ends in the two steps of cleavage and polyadenylation. This co-transcriptional processing requires the activity of a large protein complex comprising at least 20 different polypeptides in yeast organized primarily into the two factors CF IA and CPF. We are interested in the functional characterization of Pcf11, a CF IA subunit. The Pcf11 protein is organized into seven different domains, but here is still a large portion of the polypeptide that has not yet been characterized. For example the region from the end of the CTD interaction domain (CID) to an uninterrupted stretch of 20 glutamine residues has no known function. Recently, the structure of this region, called the 2nd NTD have been characterized. To gain insight into the function of the 2nd NTD and the two zinc fingers motif surrounding the Clp1 interaction domain, we have employed a systematic strategy of mutagenesis, either by deletion or via point mutations. The 2nd NTD is a folded domain composed of three α-helices. The deletion of this domain induced a severe defect of growth in yeast and impaired transcription termination of snoRNAs. Despite its similarity in structure and function with the CID, the 2nd NTD seems to act like an independent RNA binding domain. We don’t know yet the real function of the two zinc fingers motif at the C-terminal region of Pcf11, but the mutation of Cystein residues into serine of one of the two motifs impaired cleavage and polyadenylation. The mutation of the first motif is less harmful than the mutation of the second motif. The simultaneous mutation is lethal in yeast.

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