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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Dalcin, Saulo Roth 14 January 2011 (has links)
Alcohol is a psychoactive drug, licit, accept , and no stigmatized by society, consumed by 80% of the population. Being responsible for death of 3.2% of world population. Particularly during childhood and adolescence alcohol use is associated with increased susceptibility to physical illness, mental, social, legal and the increasing abuse and dependence during the adulthood . Since that the World Health Organization points to alcohol as the drug of choice among children and adolescents is necessary for the prevention of alcohol use should be considered in school. Aiming at assessing the conceptions of adolescents about alcohol use and compare them with the scientific information coming from a literature review to provide information to educators that the issue be discussed in the classroom, a study was conducted in two high schools in Santa Mariano Rio Grande do Sul Pupils of the first, second, third, middle schools, 15 to 18 years old. The research approach is qualitative and quantitative. There were three questions: 1 - Write down what comes to mind when thinking about alcohol. 2 - What are the harm of alcohol you know? 3-What are the benefits of alcohol you know? The data was then a content analysis. Recording units were deployed (meaningful units) which were grouped by affinity (emerging category). There was great acceptance in the use of alcohol for the pursuit of pleasure, euphoria, relaxation, joy and celebration and little knowledge of the risks to the user's health, family relations, the community and legal problems. These data show that students' conceptions are far from scientific concepts, reinforcing the importance of prior assessment of them. With regard to Education for Health, this study considers that the use of alcoholic beverages is a very important theme that should be part of cross-cutting themes in schools, entered the National Curricular Parameters (PCN). This knowledge about the effects of alcohol should be discussed in school with students and educators in order to change previous conceptions, building new knowledge and modifying behavior. / O álcool é uma droga psicoativa, licita, aceita e pouco estigmatizada pela sociedade e consumida por 80% da população. Sendo responsável pela morte de 3,2% da população mundial. Particularmente na infância e na adolescência o uso do álcool está relacionado com maior predisposição à doenças físicas, mentais, problemas sociais, legais e ao aumento do uso abusivo e dependência durante a vida adulta.Tendo em vista que a Organização Mundial de Saúde aponta o álcool como a droga de escolha entre crianças e adolescentes é necessário que a prevenção do uso de bebidas alcoólicas seja considerada na escola. Tendo como objetivo avaliar as concepções dos adolescentes sobre o uso de bebidas alcoólicas e compará-las com as informações científicas, obtendo assim informações para que o tema seja discutido em sala de aula, foi realizado um estudo em duas escolas de ensino médio da cidade de Santa Maria no Rio Grande do Sul. Neste estudo participaram alunos do 1º, 2º, e 3º ano do ensino médio, de 15 a 18 anos de idade. A pesquisa teve uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Foram feitas três questões abertas : 1-Escreva o que lhe vem à mente quando pensa em bebidas alcoólicas. 2- Quais os malefícios das bebidas alcoólicas que você conhece? 3-Quais os benefícios das bebidas alcoólicas que você conhece? Os dados passaram por uma análise de conteúdo. Foram destacadas unidades de registro (unidades significantes) as quais foram agrupadas por afinidade (categorias emergentes). Observou-se muita aceitação no uso do álcool para busca do prazer, da euforia, relaxamento, alegria e confraternização e pouco conhecimento dos riscos para a saúde do usuário, para as relações familiares, para a comunidade e de problemas legais. Estes dados mostram que o as concepções dos alunos estão distantes de conceitos científicos, reforçando a importância da avaliação prévia das mesmas. No que se refere à Educação para a Saúde, este estudo considera que o uso de bebidas alcoólicas é um tema de grande relevância, que deve fazer parte dos temas transversais nas escolas, inseridos nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Estes conhecimentos sobre os efeitos das bebidas alcoólicas devem ser discutidos na escola com alunos e educadores, a fim de modificar as concepções prévias, construindo um novo conhecimento e modificando o comportamento.

Relação entre o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e as infrações e acidentes de trânsito / Relation between alcohol consumption and the infractions and crashes traffics.

Rafael Eduardo Pereira 02 October 2008 (has links)
PEREIRA, R. E. Relação entre o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e as infrações e acidentes de trânsito. 2008. 83f. Dissertação (Mestrado). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008. Nos últimos anos, as implicações relacionadas ao uso de bebidas alcoólicas vêm sendo enfatizadas como um importante problema de saúde pública. O etanol é um depressor do sistema nervoso central, capaz de prejudicar a habilidade e a coordenação de motoristas que o consomem, aumentando os riscos de envolvimento em infrações e acidentes de trânsito, muitas vezes com vítimas fatais. As mortes prematuras, lesões e os danos provocados pelas ocorrências de trânsito, resultam em custos excessivos para o governo e para a sociedade, sendo o álcool a principal causa de mortes e incapacitação de indivíduos na plenitude da vida. Baseado nesses fatos, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar um estudo estatístico descritivo e comparativo da presença de álcool nos indivíduos envolvidos em infrações e acidentes de trânsito, ocorridos na região de Ribeirão Preto, no interior paulista, em conjunto com dados fornecidos pela Empresa de Trânsito e Transporte Urbano de Ribeirão Preto (TRANSERP). Foram avaliadas amostras de sangue de infratores e/ou vítimas de ocorrências de trânsito da região, encaminhadas ao Centro de Exames, Análises e Pesquisas (CEAP/NPML/Polícia Técnico-Científica) de Ribeirão Preto. Em parceria com o Laboratório de Toxicologia Forense do Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL/FMRP/USP), foi determinada a alcoolemia dos indivíduos, no período de 2005 a 2007. O estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de conhecer o perfil dos infratores e/ou vítimas de ocorrências de trânsito na região. Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência de indivíduos do sexo masculino, brancos, solteiros e com idade entre 18 e 35 anos. Quanto às categorias de ocorrências de trânsito, foi evidenciada uma correlação maior entre indivíduos envolvidos em direção perigosa/averiguação de embriaguez ao volante e alcoolemia positiva. Foi observado que na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, o número de ocorrências de trânsito registradas é muito maior do que o número de solicitações de exame para detecção de álcool no sangue dos infratores e/ou vítimas. Os resultados do presente trabalho indicam que poderá haver benefícios se os exames de alcoolemia em motoristas forem feitos com maior freqüência, visto que há grande predomínio de motoristas embriagados envolvidos em ocorrências de trânsito. Com base nas análises estatísticas deste trabalho, fica evidente o alto risco do ato de dirigir alcoolizado que, somado à negligência e imprudência nas vias públicas e estradas resultam em infrações e acidentes de trânsito, colocando em risco a população. Os dados deste trabalho poderão contribuir para tomada de ações e delineamento de estratégias de prevenção para aumentar a segurança nas estradas e nas cidades, reduzindo o número de infrações e acidentes de trânsito, relacionados ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. / PEREIRA, R. E. Relation between alcohol consumption and the infractions and crashes traffics. 2008. 83f. Dissertação (Mestrado). Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008. Lately, alcohol consumption has been considered an important public health problem. Ethanol is a type of drug that affects the central nervous system (CNS) and impairs driving skills and co-ordination, increasing risk of deaths and injuries derived from crashes and road traffic. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is implicated with premature deaths, injuries and damages caused by motor vehicle crashes, which result in high costs to government and society. Considering that alcohol consumption is the main responsible for deaths and disabilities in people in the prime of life, the aim of this work was to carry out a descriptive and comparative statistical analysis of presence of blood alcohol in relation to traffic occurrences and crashes in the region of Ribeirão Preto. The data were combined with information obtained from TRANSERP (Empresa de Trânsito e Transporte Urbano de Ribeirão Preto), to evaluate the profile of infractors and/or victims of traffic occurrences. Blood samples were obtained from infractors and/or victims of traffic occurrences and were sent to CEAP/IML/Polícia Técnico-Científica Ribeirão Preto. In collaboration with the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory of Centro de Medicina Legal, Ribeirão Preto (CEMEL/FMRP/USP), blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was determined in 2,134 investigated persons, from 2005 to 2007. The results revealed a predominance of 18-35 years old, masculine, white and single persons. With regard to different categories of traffic occurrences, there was a direct correlation between positive BAC and involvement of individuals in dangerous driving/verification of drunkenness. In the city of Ribeirão Preto, the number of registered traffic occurrences is higher than the number of exams requested for detection of blood alcohol in infractors and/or victims of accidents. The results of the present work indicate that more frequent tests for blood alcohol in drivers may benefit society, since there was a predominance of drunk drivers involved in traffic accidents. The statistical data obtained in this work, showed the high risk of drinking and driving, as a cause for negligence and imprudence on the public streets and roads leading to contraventions and traffic accidents, that threatens overall population. The present results can contribute for actions of prevention and intervention to promote traffic safety, with potential reduction of the number of infractions and traffic accidents related to consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Estudio de prefactibilidad para la implementación de una planta productora de un macerado en base a pisco y hoja de coca

López-Beuzeville, Rodrigo, Rodríguez-Carillo, Karen January 2016 (has links)
El presente estudio orientado a demostrar la factibilidad para la implementación de una planta productora de un macerado en base a pisco y hoja de coca. / The present study, aimed to demonstrate the feasibility for the implementation of a plant producing a macerated pisco and coca leaf. / Trabajo de investigación

Analýza postavení společnosti Coca-Cola na trhu nealkoholických nápojů v České republice / Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company´s position on non-alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic

Hankeová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyze the position of the Coca-Cola Company on the Czech market of non-alcoholic beverages using retail audit data. First of all, the information about non-alcoholic beverages market in the Czech Republic is provided as setting the context for the analysis itself. This includes the facts such as size, market structure and trends both in terms of covered categories and producers operating within the market. Subsequently, the Coca Cola Company as the globally largest producer of non-alcoholic beverages is presented into the given context and in relation to the main producers on the Czech market with emphasis on the segment of cola flavored drinks is assessed its position. The analysis primarily using hard retail audit data is in the final part of the thesis enriched with the results of the consumer survey delivering the important insights of consumers themselves.

Marketingové řízení obchodních firem, budování efektivních kooperací s využitím konceptu Category managementu / Marketing Management of Business Firms, Building Effective Collaborations Using the Concept of Category Management

Čapek, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation presents theoretical approaches to category management including the definition of its 8-step process. The implementation of category management is shown on examples of the Coca-Cola company, which support functionality of suggested methodology and objectives from the beginning of this dissertation.

Zdanění alkoholických nápojů ve skandinávských zemích / Taxation of alcoholic beverages in the Nordic countries

Novotná, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is to analyze the system of taxation of alcoholic beverages in the Scandinavian countries. The main aim of this thesis is to compare the taxation of alcoholic beverages in the Nordic countries with taxation in the rest of the European Union. The first part is theoretical and focuses on defining the concepts of tax competition, tax harmonization and coordination. It also includes harmonization of excise duties on alcoholic beverages based on the Directives of the European Union. The second part relates to the consumption of alcoholic beverages and deals with the historical aspect, changes in consumption patterns and the level of consumption in the Nordic countries. The third part deals with the taxation of alcoholic beverages, its development and differences in the Nordic countries compared with other countries of the European Union. In the second and the third part is carried out data analysis through statistical hypothesis testing and calculation of the coefficient of variation. The fourth part contains the evaluation. The thesis is peformed using descriptive, research, analytical and comparative methods and methods of mathematical statistics. The main outcome of this thesis is the finding that in all kinds of examined alcohol except spirits there is a different (for still wine and intermediate products even very different) level of taxation in the Nordic countries and other countries of the European Union.

Produção da aguardentes de cana-de-açúcar por dupla destilação em alambique retificador / Production of sugar cane spirits for double distillation in rectifying still

Paula Araújo de Souza 01 October 2009 (has links)
O Brasil produz atualmente cerca de 1,5 bilhão de litros de aguardente e cachaça por ano. O aumento do consumo dessa bebida e a possibilidade de exportação exigem que seu processo de fabricação seja baseado em práticas corretas visando à obtenção de um produto padronizado e com boa qualidade físico-química e sensorial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção de aguardentes por dupla destilação em alambique retificador, por métodos utilizados na produção de cognac e scotch malt whisky. Foi possível estudar como essas técnicas de destilação interferem no perfil dos componentes secundários da bebida e, consequentemente, em sua qualidade, uma vez que contribuem para seu aroma e sabor, sendo indicadores de qualidade e aceitação pelos consumidores. As aguardentes foram maturadas em tonéis de carvalho e submetidas às análises físico-químicas estabelecidas pela legislação vigente no Brasil, e à análise sensorial. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que as técnicas de dupla destilação empregadas proporcionaram melhora na qualidade química e sensorial das aguardentes, podendo representar uma opção válida para um melhor controle da produção e da padronização da aguardente de cana. A melhora da qualidade da aguardente poderá incrementar a aceitação pelos consumidores habituais, ganhar novos consumidores e contribuir para a expansão das exportações. A dupla destilação, como preconizada por este trabalho é uma alternativa para a melhoria da qualidade das aguardentes. / Nowadays the production of sugar cane spirits reaches around 1.5 billion liters per year. The increase of its consumption and the possibility of exportation require a production process based on accurate management practices in order to obtain a standardized product with good physicochemical and sensory qualities. The objective of this work was to produce sugar cane spirits by double distillation in rectifying still, based on the methods for the production of cognac and scotch malt whisky. It was possible to study how the distillation techniques affected the profiles of secondary components of the distillates, and consequently spirits quality, once these components contribute for aroma and flavor, being indicators of quality and consumers acceptance. The sugar cane spirit were aged in oak casks and submitted to physicochemical and sensorial analyses established for the current law in Brazil. The results showed that the techniques of double distillation improved the chemical and sensorial quality of the spirits. The improvement of sugar cane spirits quality would lead to a better acceptance by usual consumers, would acquire new ones and would contribute for export expansion. The double distillation represents an interesting option for the quality improvement and the standardization of sugar cane spirit.

A biopsychosocial perspective on alcohol use and abuse on the college campus

Davis, Carol Ann 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Asociación entre la frecuencia de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el perímetro abdominal en estudiantes de Medicina Humana en una Universidad Privada de Lima / Association between the frequency of consumption of alcoholic beverages and abdominal perimeter in students of Human Medicine in a Private University of Lima

Gonzales Leon, Jimena Lisseth, Huby Raffo, Isabella Maria, Lara Fernández, Adriana Alexandra, Samanez Pancorbo, Almendra Maria Delfina 07 October 2020 (has links)
Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la frecuencia de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el perímetro abdominal en estudiantes de Medicina Humana en una Universidad Privada de Lima. Metodología: Estudio transversal que incluyó a 200 estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina Humana, seleccionados a través de un muestreo no probabilístico. Se realizó un modelo de regresión Poisson para hallar las razones de prevalencia (RP) por las variables que en el análisis bivariado dieron como resultado diferencias entre grupos o un p<0.10. Resultados: Se observó que no hay relación significativa entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el aumento de perímetro abdominal (p>0.05). Pero, sí se demostró que las mujeres consumían más ml de alcohol (p=0.05) y que esto no era un factor de riesgo para tener perímetro abdominal alto. No se observaron resultados significativos en el resto de las variables (p>0.05). Conclusiones: Las estudiantes mujeres que consumían mayor cantidad de ml de alcohol tienen menor probabilidad de tener PA elevado, sucediendo una reacción contraria en los estudiantes varones estudiados. / Objective: To determine the association between the frequency of alcoholic drinks consumption and the abdominal perimeter in students of Human Medicine in a Private University of Lima. Methodology: Transversal study that included 200 students of Human Medicine, selected through a non-probabilistic sampling. A Poisson regression model was carried out to find the reasons for prevalence (RP) for the variables that in the bivariate analysis gave differences between groups or a p<0.10. Results: It was observed that there is no significant relationship between alcohol consumption and increase in abdominal circumference (p>0.05). However, it was shown that women consumed more ml of alcohol (p=0.05) and that this was not a risk factor for having an upper abdominal girth. No significant results were observed in the rest of the variables (p>0.05). Conclusions: Female students who consumed more ml of alcohol were less likely to have high AP, with a contrary reaction occurring in the male students studied. / Trabajo de investigación

Alcohol use amongst psychiatric in-patients in a mental hospital in Ethiopia

Henok Admassu Guranda 18 February 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore alcohol use among psychiatric in-patients in a mental hospital in Ethiopia. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study design was used. Data were collected through face to face structured interviews and a document analysis checklist. A researcher-modified interview-version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) questionnaire was used to measure alcohol use. The study population comprised of 70 psychiatric in-patients. Data analysis showed that being male, living in an urban area, being diagnosed with schizophrenia, and having parents who drink alcohol had a statistical significant association with the alcohol use of the respondents. Respondents reported that it was difficult to abstain or stop using alcohol. They also felt discriminated against when forbidden by relatives to drink. It was alarming to find that thioridazine, which has been discontinued in most countries for the treatment of psychosis, was still being prescribed in Ethiopia. The study highlighted the need for health education to strengthen patients’ perceptions about the negative consequences of alcohol use. Care should be taken when prescribing psychotropic drugs such as thioridazine to psychiatric in-patients because of possible cardiotoxic effects. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

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