Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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Roma should not be left out from the health care system more than they already are : A qualitative study exploring access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå SwedenTsekhmestruk, Nataliia January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Vulnerable European Union citizens (vulnerable EU citizens) are those who come to Sweden from EU member states. In Sweden the term “vulnerable EU citizens” is associated with the word “beggars”, which in turn is associated with Roma people. By November 2015 the number of vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden was estimated to be 4 700. The majority of these were from Romania. Roma as citizens of an EU member state have the right to reside in EU countries in accordance with the EU’s freedom of movement rights concept for up to but no longer than three months. However, to obtain the right for residence after three months, proof of financial resources and health insurance are required. Lacking these resources, vulnerable EU citizens have subsequently lost their right for residence and therefore became undocumented. They often find themselves in the same situation as undocumented migrants from outside the EU, having poor health outcomes and limited access to health care. In my study I aim to explore access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå, a city in eastern Sweden. Methods: A qualitative design methodology has been applied in this thesis. Those contacted for this study were; Doctors of the World, Health on Equal Terms, Staff for planning and control Västerbotten Region, University Hospital of Umeå and representatives of vulnerable EU citizens’ community from Romania in Umeå. Seven in-depth interviews were collected with professionals and volunteers from these organisation/institutions and members of vulnerable EU citizens’ community. Questions were asked about their experience and knowledge regarding access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Three main categories and one final theme were developed during data analysis. The first category “Difficult to access health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden without European Health Insurance” elaborates the dependence of vulnerable EU citizens’ access to health care on having health insurance, specifically European Health Insurance and National Health Insurance. It also describes what kind of access to health care vulnerable EU citizens have in Sweden. The second category “Decision about how much access to health care provide for vulnerable EU citizens lies on medical personnel” discusses the situation of health care personnel when they treat vulnerable EU citizens in hospitals. The third category “Organisations, Doctors of the World and Health on Equal Terms, mediate connection between vulnerable EU citizens and hospitals, so they can have their right to health fulfilled” elaborates about the role the organisation plays when vulnerable EU citizens are in need of health care. After grouping categories and looking at the data from more interpretive, abstracted higher level, the final theme was created “Lack of attention from the national and international levels to the situation of vulnerable EU citizens’ access to health care”. Conclusion: This study highlights the difficulty for vulnerable EU citizens to access health care in Umeå if they do not have European Health Insurance. Being treated as undocumented migrants is the only way they have access to emergency services. Health care personnel feel insecure when treating vulnerable EU citizens, because there are no clear guidelines when vulnerable EU citizens can be treated as undocumented migrants as well as what is included in the clause “the care that cannot wait”. Because of this situation, vulnerable EU citizens sometimes are not able to receive the medical help they need. Organisations, Doctors of the World and Health on Equal Terms, help to mediate the connection between vulnerable EU citizens and hospitals which helps them to access the health care and fulfille their right to health. Lack of attention from the national as well as international governments to this situation is found to be important factor influencing vulneralbe EU citizens’ access to health care
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The case of character education to address challenging behaviour in a Gauteng primary schoolVorster, Maritza 01 1900 (has links)
This qualitative, phenomenological case study investigated the influence of character education, taught in addition to the Life Skills curriculum, on challenging behaviour in a primary school in Gauteng. Through a filtering process the researcher identified the Youth Citizens’ Action Programme (YCAP) as a suitable additional programme, one which currently includes democratic citizenship and service learning approaches. These are attuned to the study’s theoretical framework, which vests in social and experiential learning, modelling and observation. Although the YCAP at this particular Gauteng school is each year implemented by a team of Grade 7 learners, the implementation of the YCAP involved all the learners across grades. Hence, the empirical study focused on the contribution of the Grade 7 learners to addressing bullying, which learners themselves identified as the most prevalent form of challenging behaviour. The findings showed that the YCAP decreased bullying as challenging behaviour in this particular school. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Structural and conjunctural constraints on the emergence of a civil society/democracy in Ethiopia, 1991-2005Melakou Tegegn 30 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the structural and conjunuctural constraints that inhibit the emergence of a civil society and democracy in Ethiopia, 1991-2005. Freedom and democracy are taken as precondition for development and social transformation. It introduces a model of how state and society relationship affects development and social transformation in transitional societies placing freedom as a pivotal link.
The thesis establishes a marked continuum in the modalities of state and society relationship throughout the three post-War governments in Ethiopia. It examines the current state/society relationship and highlights lack of freedom as the major constraint. This is examined against the backdrop of what the historical realm for social change in post-War Ethiopia is, namely freedom and democracy. It examines the policies of the current government (EPRDF) on non-state organizations, the 'theoretical' rationales it advanced and how the perceptions that the ruling party held back in 1975 haven't changed. It holds that the government exacerbated the problem of the fragile relationship it had with society.
The thesis also examines the government's policy on ethnicity as the 'rationale' that governs the functions of its institutions of governance and deconstructs the concepts of EPRRDF's "revolutionary democracy", the dichotomy between quality and quantity as well as between cadres and experts. It also deconstructs the EPRDF's thesis on the "national question" both in terms of its claims to have proceeded from the positions of the old student movement on the one hand and from the Marxian theoretical perception on the "national question" on the other.
The analysis is extended to examine, within the poverty-unfreedom nexus, the development challenges that Ethiopia currently faces. Four major development challenges are advanced for examination: gender, environment, rural development and population. The thesis concludes that the EPRDF has failed to resolve these structural problems. EPRDF's exclusion of the nascent civil society, suppression of freedom and official political opposition are taken as the main factors behind the failure. The case of the 2005 elections is presented as a sequel to the thesis. / Sociology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)
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The roots of civic apathy in local governmentMokgwatsana, Edwin Ntwampe 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the roots of civic apathy in local government, and the
main emphasis is to establish the root cause/s of civic apathy. The hypothesis: 'civic
apathy is a phenomenon intensified by ignorance and a feeling of powerlessness and
frustration on the electorate' is tested in this study. To examine further specific
aspects of civic apathy, including establishing the cause/s and effects of apathy, the
author conducted a quantitative research in the Northern Metropolitan Area m
Johannesburg, using questionnaires and literature study as the research method.
The hypothesis advanced in the dissertation has been validated insofar as it has been
argued and demonstrated that indeed people can feel powerless and frustrated if they
are deliberately being excluded from, or denied the opportunity to participate
actively in their local government activities. The main finding is that civic apathy is
intensified by ignorance. However, the most important finding is that there ts a
causal relationship between powerlessness, frustration and apathy. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)
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Mafāhim ʻaṣrīya lil-siyāsāt al-sharʻīyat / Contemporary concepts in Islamic political discoursesal-Ḥasīrī, Tāriq Abu Bakr 30 November 2012 (has links)
Arabic text / الحمدُ لله الذي أكْرَمَنَا بِنُورالعلمِ المُبَدِّدِ للظُلمات, وعصَمَنا به من الأهواءِ المُرْدِية والآراءِ المُضلة
رافع الإصْرَ عنَّا, جاء بالدين الوَسَطِ وحَذَّرَ من الوَكْسِ والشَطَطِ وبعدُ :
فإنَّ أحقَ العلومِ بالتَّسْطِيرِ وأنفَسهَا عند الجَمْعِ والتَّحْبِيرِ , تِبْيَان وجهِ الحقِّ فيما تتعَاورهُ الأفهام
بالجهلِ تار ة , وتار ة بما عرض لها من الأَوْهَامِ , ومن المهم تَجْديد وتَرْسِيخِ المفاهيم السياسية في
ضوء نظام الشريعة الإسلامية, مِفْتَاح الهداية ونَهْجِ السعادة, بل وتصحيحها مما اعْتَراهَا من
التشويه والزَّيفِ إذ ذاك من أفضل النوافل وأعظمها نفعا وعائدة, وأوفرها خيرا وفائدة.
واعلم أن الناس أصنافٌ مختلفون وأطوارٌ مُتباينون يتقاطعون بالإيثار تابعا ومتبوعا ويتساعدون
على أعمالهم آمِرا ومَأْمُور ا , فكان لزاما أن أحرر بحثا للرسالة, وانْصَبَّ الإختيار على السياسة
ليوافق المقال الحال, فالإنتفاضات والثورات الشعبية تَتْرَا في دولنا الإسلامية, والمرحلةُ تستلزم
المشاركة وتوضيح المفاهيم الشرعية, وجلاء الحقائق وإسْقَاطها على الواقع وتصحيح المسارات,
فالرأي العام بين مُوجِبٍ ومُبيحٍ للثورات, وسَاكتٍ ومُطيعٍ لهذه الحكومات.
لذلكَ ارتأيتُ أن أُبْحِرَ في خِضمِّ هذه الأمواج الفكرية المُتلاطمةِ , وأُشَمِرَعن ساعدي راجيا أن أبلغ الحقيقة الصائبة, وأُرْشِد القارىء الكريم إلى فَهْمِ السياسةِ الراشدة / Recent political turmoil and developments in the Muslim World have motivated me to present this dissertation aimed at renewing, correcting and deepening an understanding of political concepts in light of the Islamic code. It is thus my endeavour to relate them to current reality as I perceive it. A primary concern that I address herein are debates revolving around political rebellion; namely, their permissibility or the need to remain sycophantic towards prevailing political authorities. / Religious Studies & Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)
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Perspective vol. 22 no. 2 (Apr 1988)Pitt, Clifford C., Clemenger, Bruce J., Mayer, John R.A. 30 April 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Perspective vol. 25 no. 1 (Feb 1991)Fernhout, Harry, Clemenger, Bruce J., Postma, Gayle, Reinder, J. Klein 28 February 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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From communication to communigation: a conceptual model to strengthen South Africa’s government communication system – the case of Mpumalanga ProvinceRamodibe, Mohau Armatto 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study adopted a quantitative approach in order to produce numbers in
relation to the diffusion of the new media. A descriptive quantitative survey was
conducted – with sampling done in multi-stage probability – which comprised
clustering, simple random, systematic, stratified sampling techniques,
convenience and census sampling. A sample size of 379 respondents was
selected, comprising 347 citizen-respondents and 32 government
communicators (heads of communication). Data was collected utilising two (2)
standardised questionnaires – one tailor-made for the citizens and the other for
government communicators. Informed by the Diffusion of Innovations theory, this
study has established that new media channels have difussed extensively within
communities in the Province of Mpumalanga. This has provided a strong
motivation to recommend that the communication policy of the South African
government be amended, to include new media channels, like social media, as
official government communication channels. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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Evropský zatýkací rozkaz / European Arrest WarrantBicanová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
European Arrest Warrant is an institute of the police and judicial cooperation in the criminal matters. Based is on the mutual confidence of Member States in its legal systems. His formation was caused not only by the failed ratification of the international agreements governing extradition, but also by the terrorist attacks occurred on 11 September 2001 in New York. European Arrest Warrant meant the breakthrough into the national traditional sovereignty of Member States and that all to ensure the area of freedom, safety and justice inside Europe. Formation of the European Arrest Warrant led to the restriction of some principles, which dominated to the extradition, when between the most important ones belongs the principle of surrender of own citizens. European Arrest Warrant is the necessary means and tool of police and judicial bodies in the fight against the national and multinational crime, whose use rises year from year.
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Pojem pracovníka v evropském právu / The Concept of Worker in the European LawKunertová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The author in its Dissertation thesis deals with the concept of worker under the free movement rights in EU law. Following the introduction, the thesis itself focuses on the positive and negative delimitation of the concept. One of the core chapters of the "positive part" tries to find an answer on the research question whether any "Keck-like" principle exists as a criterion for defining obstacles to the free movement of workers. The aim of the chapter is to find an answer what shall be subsumed under the obstacles to free movement of workers and what are Member States left with to regulate freely on their territories. In regard with the negative delimitation of the concept, the author deals with the diversion between workers and non-economically active citizens of the EU. The core chapter deals with the growing tendency of Union citizens to move to the host Member States to study while retaining the status of a worker.
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