Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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Lideranças e movimentos sociais no cenário sociopolítico da cidade de São Paulo: experiências coletivizadas no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão entre os anos 2001 e 2009Soares, Giselle Silva 18 May 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-05-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research investigates the performance of social movements and their relationship with the democratization of Brazilian social life, considering the sociopolitical landscape of São Paulo city and as a hub for this research, the participation involving of social leaders in the Observatory of Citizens' Rights. The aim is to examine the social relations created between the social leaders and the training process that is established from such participation. The research refers to the main features of social policies in the areas of social assistance, child and adolescent, housing and health during the first democratic administrations of Sao Paulo city, after the dictatorial period, the line of action of social movements in the mentioned areas , the period from 2008 to 2009, beyond to present the perception of social leaders, enabling the participation on Observatory of Citizens' Rights as an experiment collectivized capable of generating a training process with relevant learning the realization of popular participation and strengthening the democracy in Brazilian society / O presente trabalho aborda a atuação dos movimentos sociais e sua relação com a redemocratização da vida social brasileira, tomando como eixo de análise o cenário sociopolítico da cidade de São Paulo e como eixo de investigação a participação de lideranças sociais no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão. Busca-se examinar as relações sociais constituídas entre as lideranças sociais, bem como o processo formativo que se estabelece a partir desta participação. A pesquisa desenvolvida faz referência às principais características das políticas sociais nas áreas da assistência social, criança e adolescente, habitação e saúde, durante as primeiras gestões democráticas da cidade de São Paulo, após o período ditatorial, e à linha de atuação dos movimentos sociais nas áreas referidas, no período de 2008 a 2009, além de apresentar a percepção das lideranças sociais. Tal contexto possibilitou identificar a participação no Observatório dos Direitos do Cidadão como uma experiência coletivizada, capaz de gerar um processo formativo com aprendizados relevantes à efetivação da participação popular e ao fortalecimento da democracia na sociedade brasileira
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Perspective vol. 22 no. 2 (Apr 1988) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)Pitt, Clifford C., Clemenger, Bruce, Mayer, John R.A. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Perspective vol. 25 no. 1 (Feb 1991) / Perspective (Institute for Christian Studies)Fernhout, Harry, Clemenger, Bruce J. (Bruce James), Postma, Gayle, Reinder, J. Klein 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Samkönade relationer : Hur rättssäkra är civilståndshandlingar vid EU-medborgares gränsöverskridningar inom EU? / Same-sex relationships : Is there a legal certainty for civil status records when EU-citizens cross the borders within the EU?Nunez Olsson, Thalia January 2012 (has links)
I dag är det vanligt att EU-medborgare företar en gränsöverskridning med sin familj inom EU. Samkönade par har möjlighet att ingå äktenskap i fem medlemsstater, men eftersom äktenskapet inte erkänns i övriga 22 medlemsstater riskerar det samkönade paret att mottagarstaten ser äktenskapet som ogiltigt i rättslig mening vid en gränsöverskridning inom EU. Samkönade par som redan är gifta kan dock erhålla visst skydd för de fall en medlemsstat föreskriver samkönat registrerat partnerskap. EU-rätten föreskriver inga minimikrav för hur registrerat partnerskap bör utformas i medlemsstaters nationella rättssystem. Det har i sin tur vilket lett till att rättskyddet för samkönat registrerat partnerskap ser olika ut bland medlemsstaterna. Samkönade civilstånd är därför rättsosäkert vid gränsöverskridningar sett ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Familjerätten är ett rättsområde där medlemsstaterna har suveränitet. Medlemsstaterna har därför själva rätten att besluta hur familjerätten utformas i det nationella rättssystemet, men det finns vissa restriktioner. Medlemsstaternas utövande av sin suveränitet måste ske i konformitet med etablerade EU-principer och annan relevant EU-rätt. Kommissionen har kommit med ett förslag om ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar och uppsatsens syfte är därför att utreda om ett automatiskt erkännande är kompatibelt med gällande EU-rätt. För att besvara syftet i uppsatsen utreds gällande EU-rätt med direkt eller indirekt inverkan på samkönade relationer. Vidare utreds förslaget om ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar i kommissionens grönbok om minskad byråkrati för medborgarna tillsammans med de yttranden som grönboken mottagit från olika organisationer. Genom att ställa ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar mot gällande EU-rätt leder slutsatsen fram till vilka hinder och möjligheter som föreligger vid genomförandet av förslaget. De hinder och möjligheter som föreligger talar för att ett automatiskt erkännande av civilståndshandlingar är genomförbart. EU-rätten ställer vissa krav på medlemsstaterna även om medlemsstaterna har suveränitet inom familjerätten. Följden blir att EU måste samarbeta med medlemsstaterna för att säkerställa rättssäkerheten av civilståndshandlingar när EU-medborgare vidtar gränsöverskridningar inom EU. / Today it’s common for EU-citizens to move across borders with their families within the EU. Same-sex couples have access to marriage in five Member States, but because their marriage is not recognized in the other 22 Member States the same-sex marriage might be void in a legal sense in another Member State. Same-sex couples who are already married may benefit from some protection in the event that a Member State provides same-sex registered partnership. EU law does not provide a minimum requirement when Member States develop legal protection for same-sex couples through registered partnership in their legal system. This in turn has led to the differences among the Member States when it comes to same-sex registered partnership. Therefore, a same-sex civil status doesn’t provide a legal certainty in cross-border situations when looked upon from a broader perspective. Family law is an area of law where Member States have sovereignty. Therefore, the Member States have the right to shape the family law themselves in their national legal system, although there are some restrictions. When Member States exercise their sovereignty they must still exercise it in conformity with established EU principals and other relevant EU law. The Commission has now proposed an automatic recognition of civil status records and the purpose for this thesis is therefore to analyze whether an automatic recognition of civil status record are compatible with existing EU law. In order to answer the purpose in the thesis, EU law with direct or indirect impact on same-sex relationships is analyzed. Furthermore, the proposal of an automatic recognition of civil status records in the Commissions Green Paper on less bureaucracy for citizens is analyzed together with the opinions the Green Paper received from different organizations. When looking at the compatibility of an automatic recognition of civil status records and existing EU law, the conclusion highlights the obstacles and opportunities that exist with the implementation of the proposal. The obstacles and opportunities that exist suggest that an automatic recognition of civil status records is achievable. EU law imposes certain requirements on Member States, although Member States have sovereignty over their national family law. The previous suggests that the EU must work together with the Member States in order to ensure the legal certainty of civil status records when EU-citizens cross the borders within the EU.
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The Political Economy of Environmental Justice: A Comparative Study of New Delhi and Los AngelesAsokan, Ratik 01 January 2015 (has links)
Though mainstream environmentalism, both in the U.S. and India, was initially rooted in social justice, it has, over time, moved away from this focus. The Environmental Justice Movement consequently arose to reunite social and environmental activism. In this thesis, I trace the historical relationship between the mainstream environmentalism, the Environmental Justice Movement, and marginalized communities. After providing this general overview, I examine two case studies – in Los Angeles and New Delhi respectively – where marginalized communities have been involved in Environmental Justice activities. My analysis reveals that marginalized communities often act in an ‘environmentalist’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ manner, without defining their actions as such. That is, their socio-political activism often is or becomes environmental because of the contexts it operates within.
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Designing an intelligent home environmentMasvosve, Thomas 02 1900 (has links)
While a lot of efforts have been on outdoor intelligent systems, internal living environment system that suits the occupancy’s behaviour has not received much attention. The intelligent living environment designed in this study has three components; the physical world (environment), the database and the decision maker.
The study sought to design a model that senses ever changing home conditions such as lights, doors and windows. Other variables that were looked at include, but not limited to the number of people in the room and inside thermodynamics and human activity. Global information such as temperature, gas or electricity usage and time of the day will also be received by the system through various sensing facilities. The
information will be sent to a rules engine for a decision on an appropriate action to be taken. The action may include just turning off the lights, in the case of a mild abnormality or a high alert to an emergency response unit in a most severe case. The study proposes a context aware and proactive neural networks control system to control a living environment with a main focus on the aged citizens living alone. The proposed living environment was not developed to an actual or “mock” building
containing a representation of subset of sensors, actuators and controllers as used in the actual systems due to lack of funding. However, the study will report on the modelling and simulation of the home system variables based on the chosen Artificial Intelligent technique using MATLAB/SIMULINK. These results indicate a possibility of implementing the designed living environment to increase the resident’s security. / Electrical and Mining Engineering / M. Tech. (Engineering: Electrical)
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Structural and conjunctural constraints on the emergence of a civil society/democracy in Ethiopia, 1991-2005Melakou Tegegn 30 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the structural and conjunuctural constraints that inhibit the emergence of a civil society and democracy in Ethiopia, 1991-2005. Freedom and democracy are taken as precondition for development and social transformation. It introduces a model of how state and society relationship affects development and social transformation in transitional societies placing freedom as a pivotal link.
The thesis establishes a marked continuum in the modalities of state and society relationship throughout the three post-War governments in Ethiopia. It examines the current state/society relationship and highlights lack of freedom as the major constraint. This is examined against the backdrop of what the historical realm for social change in post-War Ethiopia is, namely freedom and democracy. It examines the policies of the current government (EPRDF) on non-state organizations, the 'theoretical' rationales it advanced and how the perceptions that the ruling party held back in 1975 haven't changed. It holds that the government exacerbated the problem of the fragile relationship it had with society.
The thesis also examines the government's policy on ethnicity as the 'rationale' that governs the functions of its institutions of governance and deconstructs the concepts of EPRRDF's "revolutionary democracy", the dichotomy between quality and quantity as well as between cadres and experts. It also deconstructs the EPRDF's thesis on the "national question" both in terms of its claims to have proceeded from the positions of the old student movement on the one hand and from the Marxian theoretical perception on the "national question" on the other.
The analysis is extended to examine, within the poverty-unfreedom nexus, the development challenges that Ethiopia currently faces. Four major development challenges are advanced for examination: gender, environment, rural development and population. The thesis concludes that the EPRDF has failed to resolve these structural problems. EPRDF's exclusion of the nascent civil society, suppression of freedom and official political opposition are taken as the main factors behind the failure. The case of the 2005 elections is presented as a sequel to the thesis. / Sociology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)
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The roots of civic apathy in local governmentMokgwatsana, Edwin Ntwampe 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the roots of civic apathy in local government, and the
main emphasis is to establish the root cause/s of civic apathy. The hypothesis: 'civic
apathy is a phenomenon intensified by ignorance and a feeling of powerlessness and
frustration on the electorate' is tested in this study. To examine further specific
aspects of civic apathy, including establishing the cause/s and effects of apathy, the
author conducted a quantitative research in the Northern Metropolitan Area m
Johannesburg, using questionnaires and literature study as the research method.
The hypothesis advanced in the dissertation has been validated insofar as it has been
argued and demonstrated that indeed people can feel powerless and frustrated if they
are deliberately being excluded from, or denied the opportunity to participate
actively in their local government activities. The main finding is that civic apathy is
intensified by ignorance. However, the most important finding is that there ts a
causal relationship between powerlessness, frustration and apathy. / Public Administration and Management / M. Admin. (Public Administration)
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Městský kamerový dohlížecí systém: ochrana bezpečnosti osob nebo ztráta soukromí? / Urban camera supervising system: personal safety protection or the loss of privacy?CANDRA, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with one of the precautions of criminality - Urban camera supervising system, which is constantly more often used in cities and villages in the public. Together with the requirements of citizens to secure their safety it brings the risk of privacy loss. The main intention of this thesis is to place the Urban camera supervising system into the focus point of the dilemma between two basic human rights: the right of human privacy and personal safety right. Next to the description of the terms privacy and safety, the writer examines the harmony of legal regulations of Urban camera supervising system with the concept of human liberty and the status of the state in the point of securing human safety. This thesis thinks of the problem by empirical facts and different theoretical aspects of political philosophy and political thinking, especially liberalism and conservatism. The thesis also looks into the quality of the connection between the citizen and local public administration in the realization of the project of Urban camera supervising system.
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Cidade e experiências de comunicação : cultura, memórias e estratégias de luta de moradores pobres no espaço urbano : Uberlândia (1990-2012)Silva, Letícia Siabra da 28 February 2013 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work is intended to analyse poor citizens‟ experiences at applying their communication strategies in the city of Uberlândia. By analysing a documentary produced by the television chain Rede Vitoriosa , from its emission Linha Dura no seu bairro (the Portuguese for Linha Dura in your district), one managed to obtain a complete investigation that treats the relationship amongst the living experiences of poor citizens around the city, by integrating and providing new ways of communicating. It encompass a period between the decades of 1990 and 2010, and remarks the important evolution of the communication devices that took place alongside a growing interest towards television viewers, as far as their relationship with the daily life in the suburbs were concerned. The research, carried out from written and video resources, together with interviews, has provided a strategy aimed to understand the city of Uberlandia in the given period. The same research has also related the mobilization of the inhabitants throughout the urban background to the news production, consumption and broadcasting. Getting to realize how do citizens take part in this process has become such a challenge for the concerned research, in its intents to look into the manners the citizens create their own communication spaces and also take over existing ones, in order to constitute a communication field on an unequal background. / Este trabalho analisa experiências de moradores pobres em suas estratégias empreendidas no campo da comunicação na cidade de Uberlândia-MG. A análise do material produzido pela Rede Vitoriosa de Televisão, a partir do Programa Linha Dura e também seus desdobramentos pelos bairros da cidade com o evento Linha Dura no Seu Bairro, propiciou uma investigação que articula a relação entre as vivências dos moradores pobres na cidade, integrando e constituindo formas de se comunicar. Abrange o período entre as décadas de 1990 e 2010, acompanhando sintomáticas mudanças na configuração dos meios de comunicação, quando se percebe uma atenção voltada para o público telespectador em suas relações com as questões que envolvem o cotidiano dos moradores nas periferias. A pesquisa com materiais escritos, visuais e a produção de entrevistas permitiu construir uma estratégia para compreensão da cidade nesse período, permitiu problematizar o movimento dos moradores nos diversos espaços da cidade, em torno do campo de produção, consumo e circulação de notícias. Pensar como os sujeitos participam deste processo tornou-se um desafio da pesquisa, no intuito de investigar as formas como os moradores criam seus próprios espaços comunicativos e se apropriam de outros, constituindo um campo de comunicação comum num terreno de desigualdades. / Mestre em História
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