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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The AR in Architecture

Vu, Dieu An January 2019 (has links)
En vanlig metod inom arkitektonisk visualisering idag är produktion av stillbilder som skapas med 3D-modelleringsprogram. Med sådan avancerad teknik blir det enkelt och effektivt att styra och manipulera vad som visas på stillbilderna, vilket ökar säljbarheten av arkitektoniska projekt. Men vad händer om vi tar det ett steg längre, med hjälp av Alternative Reality-teknik? AR eller Augmented Reality kan vara en annan användbar visualiseringsmetod, men vilka konsekvenser kommer det med, speciellt för de icke-professionella användarna? Om vi inte tänker på vilka konsekvenser det kan ha, på samma sätt som med stillbilder, blir det bara ett annat verktyg för att öka säljbarheten för arkitektoniska projekt. Denna studie kommer därför att försöka svara på frågan ”Hur implementerar vi AR inom arkitektonisk visualisering på ett sätt som är gynnsamt för de icke-professionella användarna?”De centrala begreppen som bör tas till hänsyn när man talar om arkitektonisk visualisering är autonomi, tid, medborgarnas tidiga medverkan, ocularcentrism och konceptet av verklighet. Eftersom arkitekturen måste bero på vardagens sammanhang, bör visualiseringen inte stänga av världen för att skapa ett fint ideal som bara fungerar som falsk annonsering. Att stänga ut medborgarnas röster leder också till att skapa en metaforisk mur mellan människorna inom fältet och människorna utanför, vilket leder till förlust av utbyte av insikter och perspektiv. En av rösterna som talar starkt mot den autonoma synen är Jeremy Till, hans ord från boken Architecture depends kommer därför att spela en central roll i det teoretiska perspektivet av denna studie.För att svara på frågorna i studien kommer observationslinsen vändas till både den professionella sidan och den icke-professionella sidan angående ämnet Alternative Reality inom arkitektur. Detta görs via metoden cyber-etnografi, där Internet kommer att vara det öppna fältet att observera. Potentialerna för AR som uttrycks av de professionella kommer att användas för att jämföras med de icke-professionellas perspektiv och oron. Resultaten av observationerna kommer att användas till ett förslag av en AR-applikation, vilket är denna studies bidrag till diskussionen av vilka sätt AR kan genomföras för de icke-professionella användarnas skull. / A common method within architectural visualization today is the production of still images made with 3D-modeling software. With such advanced technology, it is made easy and efficient to control and manipulate what is shown on those still images, increasing the salability of architectural projects. But what if we take it a step further, using alternative reality technologies? AR, or Augmented Reality can be another useful visualization method, but what implications does it come with, especially for the non-professional users? If we do not consider the impacts it might have, similarly to still images, it will just turn into another tool to increase the salability of architectural projects. This study will therefore seek to answer the question of “How do we implement AR within architectural visualization in a way that is beneficial for the non-professional users?”The central concepts to consider when talking about architectural visualization are autonomy, time, early involvement of citizens, ocularcentrism and the concept of reality. As architecture has to depend on the contexts of our daily lives, the visualization should not shut out the world to create a pretty ideal that only serves as false advertisement. Shutting out the voices of the citizens also serves to create a metaphorical wall between the people within the field and the people outside of it, causing a loss of exchange of insights and perspectives. One of the voices that speak strongly against the autonomous view is Jeremy Till, his words from the book Architecture Depends will therefore play a central role in the theoretical perspective of this study.To answer the questions of this study, the observation lens will be turned to both the professional side and the non-professional side regarding the subject of alternative reality usage within architecture. This is done via the method of cyber-ethnography, in which the Internet will be the open field to observe. The potentials of AR that are expressed by the professionals will be taken to compare to the perspectives and worries of the non-professionals. The results of the observations will be of use towards a proposal of an AR application, which is this study’s contribution to the discussion of which ways AR can be implemented for the sake of the non-professional users.

The Dynamics of Creating Strong Democracy in Portland, Oregon : 1974 to 2013

Leistner, Paul Roland 17 December 2013 (has links)
Communities across the United States are experiencing a "civic revival" that is reconnecting community members with local decision-making and civic life in their communities. Since the 1980s, academic researchers and local governance reformers have advocated for a shift away from the traditional top-down, expert-driven approach to governance and toward a governance model in which government leaders and staff and community members work as partners to shape the community and make local decisions. Portland, Oregon, since the 1970s, has been known nationally and internationally as a city with a tradition of strong community involvement. Portland's successes and failures offer a valuable case study into what it takes to develop, implement, and sustain policies, structures, and programs that encourage greater participatory democracy. This dissertation reviews the evolution of Portland's community and neighborhood system from its creation in the 1970s through 2013 through an examination of the many reviews of the system over the years supplemented by reviews of newspaper accounts and informal, unstructured interviews with individuals who were involved in different processes and programs. This dissertation investigates which elements are important to the success of a city-wide community and neighborhood involvement system, the factors that help or hinder the adoption and implementation of system reforms, and strategies that help embed system advances to prevent them from being eroded or undone. This dissertation argues that a community that wants to move toward much greater participatory democracy and community governance must develop and implement a comprehensive strategy that accomplishes three goals: involving many more people in the civic life in their community, building community capacity to organize and be involved in local decision making, and significantly improving the willingness and ability of city leaders and staff to work in partnership with community members and organizations. This dissertation also argues that community and neighborhood involvement systems need to include not only traditional geographic-based neighborhood associations but also communities of people who find their community through shared identity.

Global news flows : news exchange relationships among news agencies in South Africa.

Jansen, Zanetta Lyn 06 September 2010 (has links)
This study critically explores the relationships amongst the global, national, continental and alternative news agencies in South Africa and in a changing global context of news. It revisits previous studies’ findings on imbalances in global flows with a view to extending and updating these case studies. An extended-case study approach employing in-depth, open-ended interviews with news agency participants based primarily in South Africa and with the Pan African News Agency in Senegal is undertaken. The study postulates that news agencies do not operate independently of the broader external social environment. News agencies are influenced by changes in the global news environment and impacted upon by socio-economic, political and cultural processes and relations amongst nations. The main findings include firstly, that “intermediary changes” described as “adaptive strategies” at news agencies result from internal and external pressures on their operations of news production, selection and distribution. Internal pressures are identified as changes in ownership, and the gate-keeping function in the selection and exchange of news. External pressures are associated with the processes and relations of market-based global capitalism, which, it is theorized, gives rise to changing conditions described as a new phase of neo-liberal globalisation. Another finding related to the first, describes the adaptive strategies at news agencies as signifying a crisis in the global capitalist order and a transition to a post-industrial society. This post-industrial society presents the space for further investigation of the phenomenon of global consciousness, which is a further finding of the study. The prevalence of an alternative form of news production, citizens’ journalism, is seen as an example of an emerging public realm of opinion making, or, the public sphere. The study concludes that explanations for the persistence of imbalances in global news flows in the relationships among news agencies needs revision and updating, and that a global phenomenon, “global consciousness”, presents a challenge to the extreme market forces and the statist government control over media systems worldwide.

Guidelines for Designing Trustworthy AI Services in the Public Sector.

Drobotowicz, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a popular topic in different areas of the current world. Thus, it is natural that its use is considered in the public sector. AI brings many opportunities for public institutions and citizens, like more attractive, accessible and flexible services. However, existing stories also show that the unethical or opaque use of AI can reduce significantly citizens’ trust in responsible public institutions. As it is important to maintain such trust, trustworthy AI services are gaining more and more interest. This work aims to answer the question of what needs to be taken into consideration while designing trustworthy public sector AI services. The study was done in Finland. The design process was used as a study method and it consisted of qualitative interviews, design workshop and validation with user testing. Altogether more than 30 Finnish residents participated in the study. Currently, there are more positive than negative voices about the usage of AI in the public sector, however, the number of the latter is significant. The most negative voices were coming from older people of low education and from younger AI specialists. Moreover, strong trust exists in the public sector. Nevertheless, citizens are voicing multiple concerns, such as security or privacy. It is important to keep the public sector services transparent, in order to keep trust in the public sector and build trust in AI. Citizens need to know when AI is used, how and for what purpose, as well as, what data is used and why they receive specific results. Citizens’ needs and concerns, as well as ethical requirements, ought to be addressed in the design and development of trustworthy public sector AI services. Those are, for example, mitigating discrimination risks, providing citizens with control over their data and having a person involved in AI processes. Designers and developers of trustworthy public sector AI services should aim to understand citizens and ensure them about their needs and concerns being met, through the transparent service and the positive experience of using the service. / Artificiell intelligens (AI) är ett populärt ämne inom olika områden i världen. Således är det naturligt att dess användning beaktas i den offentliga sektorn. AI ger många möjligheter för offentliga institutioner och medborgare, som till exempel, mer attraktiva, tillgängliga och flexibla tjänster. Men befintliga berättelser från användare visar också att oetisk eller ogenomskinlig användning av AI kan avsevärt minska medborgarnas förtroende för ansvariga offentliga institutioner. Eftersom det är viktigt att upprätthålla ett sådant förtroende, får pålitliga AI-tjänster mer och mer intresse. Detta arbete syftar till att svara på frågan om vad som måste beaktas vid utformningen pålitliga AI-tjänster inom offentlig sektor. Studien gjordes i Finland.  Forskningsmetoden som användes var en designprocess och den bestod av kvalitativa intervjuer, en design workshop samt validering med användartestning. Sammanlagt deltog mer än 30 finländska invånare i studien. För närvarande finns det mer positiva än negativa röster om användningen av AI i den offentliga sektorn, dock är antalet i den senare kategorin betydande. De mest negativa rösterna kommer från äldre personer med låg utbildning och från yngre AI-specialister. Dessutom finns starkt förtroende för den offentliga sektorn. Ändå uttryckte medborgarna flera problem, såsom säkerhet eller integritet. Det är viktigt att offentliga tjänster är transparenta för att behålla förtroendet för den offentliga sektorn och bygga förtroende för AI.  Medborgarna behöver veta när AI används, hur och i vilket syfte samt vilka uppgifter som används och varför de får specifika resultat. Medborgarnas behov och bekymmer, såväl som etiska krav, borde tas upp i utformningen och utvecklingen av en pålitlig AI-tjänster i offentlig sektor. Exempelvis genom att mildra diskrimineringsrisker, ge medborgare kontroll över sina uppgifter och att ha en person involverad i AI processer. Utformare och utvecklare av pålitliga AI-tjänster inom offentlig sektor bör syfta till att förstå medborgarna och säkerställa dem om deras behov och bekymmer genom den transparenta tjänsten och den positiva upplevelsen att använda tjänsten.

Higher Education, Citizens Engagement and Economic Development Work at the Grassroots: A Case Study of Dayton, Southwest Ohio.

Awoshakin, Olatokunbo A 25 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Politisk jämlikhet i den lokala demokratin : en fallstudie om e-förslag i Linköpings kommun / Political equality in local democracy : a case study on e-proposals in Linköping municipality

Lushaku, Faton, Rawanduzi, Cocher January 2022 (has links)
Most researchers and democracy theorists who define what democracy is or should be, agree that civic participation is the core of a democracy. Without citizen participation, there would be no democracy. The broad participation in political processes symbolizes the idea of political equality. A high level of political participation among citizens is usually seen as a sign that democracy is functioning satisfactorily. Unfortunately, today's political reality, on the other hand, shows that actual democracy does not reflect the democratic ideal models. The economic and social gaps in society largely explain how participatory activity is distributed among the citizens. The purpose of this master's thesis, which is a case study, has been to study the political equality in the e-proposal process within Linköping municipality. This means that the socio- economic representativeness among the proposers has been studied between the years 2016 and 2021. Furthermore, the geographical spread of the proposals has been studied between the years 2016 and 2018, together with the political priority areas of the proposers.  A web survey was conducted to gather information on the proposers’ socio-economic conditions. In total, the survey was answered by 207 respondents. This survey has contributed to either verifying or falsifying the research hypothesis. The hypothesis states that it is mainly socio-economically resourceful individuals who submit Linköping proposals. In summary, the study shows that it has been particularly resourceful individuals who have submitted Linköping proposals. Furthermore, the proposals are intended to be implemented in areas where the socio- economic standard is relatively high. The study has also shown that the proponents to a large extent (80.9 percent) have requested initiatives that relate to urban planning issues and culture and leisure. Finally, the results of the study illustrate that the approvals mainly refer to socio- economically strong areas. In conclusion, the empirical results of the study have contributed to the hypothesis being verifiable, as it has mainly been socio-economically resourceful individuals who have submitted Linköping proposals.

Understanding Adoption of Mobile Wallets : On Aged Population

Koosha, Amirmohammad January 2018 (has links)
A mobile wallet is a mobile application that is intended to replace leather wallets. With high mobile and Internet penetration and increased life expectancy in developed economies, adoption of mobile wallets by the older population is becoming more important due to new trends. Therefore, this thesis aims to understand and increase adoption of mobile wallets in developed economies by the citizens between the ages of 50 to 75. Based on the mobile payment technology acceptance model (MPTAM) and an extensive literature review, a simplified model is suggested. Three sub-questions (on 1 - social influence, 2 - perceived security, trust and risks, and 3 – perceived ease of use) are proposed for further study, which has been suggested in the literature to have more importance for the targeted demography. An exploratory qualitative study based on in-depth semi-structured interviews was conducted. The findings show that social influence can have direct or indirect effects. Moreover, several factors were identified that seems to have impacts on the degree to which a content can influence people. In addition, perceived trust, security, and risks seem to be the most important impediment for the adoption of mobile wallets, especially for risk-averse people. Furthermore, perceived ease of use can improve the values that mobile wallets may provide. Perceived ease of use is more important for the targeted age group since some of the potential users in this age group has reduced learning and physical abilities. Finally, many implications of the findings and methods to improve the adoption of mobile wallets for the selected demography, i.e. restriction and customization, use of familiar design, use of strong brands, etc. are suggested.

Нормирование труда на государственной гражданской службе: проблемы разработки и внедрения : магистерская диссертация / Labor regulation in the state civil service: problems of development and implementation

Акшенцева, О. А., Akshenzeva, O. A. January 2018 (has links)
The labor regulation is carried out in different areas with different effects. Regulating the work of a state civil servant is a complex theoretical problem. However, in the practice of regulating the activities of state civil servants, there is an urgent need for its regulation. The purpose of the thesis: to study modern approaches and directions of development of regulation of civil servants timetable in the Russian Federation. In the theoretical part of the work there is an analysis of existing approaches and directions to this problem, it is presented in detail and thoroughly, the assessment and certain conclusions are made. The legal bases of regulation of labor regulation in the civil service are characterized. In the practical part of the work, an attempt was made to normalize the activities of the state civil servants of the Department for working with citizens of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region and the Government of the Sverdlovsk region. The work is structured and worked out in detail. The information is presented clearly with the use of appropriate theoretical concepts. Graphic methods of presentation are used. / Нормирование труда осуществляется в различных сферах с различным эффектом. Нормирование труда государственного служащего является сложной теоретической проблемой. Однако в практике регулирования деятельности государственных служащих имеется настоятельная потребность в ее нормировании. Цель работы: исследовать современные подходы и направления развития нормирования труда государственных служащих в Российской Федерации. В теоретической части работы подробно и основательно представлен анализ существующих в РФ подходов и направлений к данной проблеме, сделана оценка и определенные выводы. Охарактеризованы правовые основы регулирования нормирования труда на государственной гражданской службе. В практической части работы предпринята попытка осуществить нормирование деятельности государственных гражданских служащих Управления по работе с обращениями граждан Губернатора Свердловской области и Правительства Свердловской области. Работа структурирована, детально проработана. Информация изложена понятно с применением соответствующих теоретических понятий. Используются графические методы изложения.

Внедрение социального предпринимательства в сферу образования стран СНГ: Российская Федерация и Республика Казахстан : магистерская диссертация / Introduction of social entrepreneurship in the sphere of education of the CIS countries: the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Кунах, Е. А., Kuknah, E. A. January 2019 (has links)
The emergence of social entrepreneurship in Russia has historical roots and is a new approach to solving social problems. The article presents an analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of a new category in social life. Social entrepreneurship can be safely attributed to the socially responsible activities of small and medium-sized businesses aimed at solving social problems. In modern Russia the number of social entrepreneurs who started their activities initially as a subject of social entrepreneurship is little. Commercial enterprises often become social. In Russia the problem of social entrepreneurship is not theoretically understood. At the moment there is a lack of research on social entrepreneurship. In Russia the development of the concept of social entrepreneurship is formed on the basis of practice which undoubtedly causes difficulties. Social entrepreneurship is represented primarily in the areas of health, education and social services. However, the field of social entrepreneurship can include the solution of many problems affecting society. The practice of social entrepreneurship in Russia faces a number of problems such as the definition of the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, the presence of the current legislative framework regarding the phenomenon, the lack of state programs that stimulate social entrepreneurs to introduce innovations in the social sphere. / Выпускная квалификационная работа на тему «Внедрение социального предпринимательства в сферу образования стран СНГ: Российская Федерация и Республика Казахстан» содержит введение, 3 главы, 6 параграфов, включающие 2 таблицы, 5 рисунков, заключение и библиографический список. Научная работа содержит 120 листов машинописного текста, 88 литературных источников, 3 приложения. В результате проведенного исследования были достигнуты следующие основные результаты: в первой главе рассмотрено большое количество определений социального предпринимательства, предложена авторская трактовка понятия социального предпринимательства, выделены конкретные факторы, отличающие социальное предпринимательство от традиционного предпринимательства, рассмотрены характеристики социального предпринимательства, выделены этапы в становлении социального предпринимательства, рассмотрен исторический аспект появления и развития социального предпринимательства в России и за рубежом; во второй главе изучено развитие социального предпринимательства конкретно в сфере образования в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан, рассмотрено правовое обеспечение социального предпринимательства двух стран, проанализированы проекты социального предпринимательства в России и Казахстане; в третьей главе предложена модель, способная отразить механизм работы социального предпринимательства в сфере образования, отвечающая возможностям стран СНГ, рассмотрены проблемы и риски реализации данной модели.

Roma should not be left out from the health care system more than they already are : A qualitative study exploring access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå Sweden

Tsekhmestruk, Nataliia January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Vulnerable European Union citizens (vulnerable EU citizens) are those who come to Sweden from EU member states. In Sweden the term “vulnerable EU citizens” is associated with the word “beggars”, which in turn is associated with Roma people. By November 2015 the number of vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden was estimated to be 4 700. The majority of these were from Romania. Roma as citizens of an EU member state have the right to reside in EU countries in accordance with the EU’s freedom of movement rights concept for up to but no longer than three months. However, to obtain the right for residence after three months, proof of financial resources and health insurance are required. Lacking these resources, vulnerable EU citizens have subsequently lost their right for residence and therefore became undocumented. They often find themselves in the same situation as undocumented migrants from outside the EU, having poor health outcomes and limited access to health care. In my study I aim to explore access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Umeå, a city in eastern Sweden. Methods: A qualitative design methodology has been applied in this thesis. Those contacted for this study were; Doctors of the World, Health on Equal Terms, Staff for planning and control Västerbotten Region, University Hospital of Umeå and representatives of vulnerable EU citizens’ community from Romania in Umeå. Seven in-depth interviews were collected with professionals and volunteers from these organisation/institutions and members of vulnerable EU citizens’ community. Questions were asked about their experience and knowledge regarding access to health care for vulnerable EU citizens. Data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Three main categories and one final theme were developed during data analysis. The first category “Difficult to access health care for vulnerable EU citizens in Sweden without European Health Insurance” elaborates the dependence of vulnerable EU citizens’ access to health care on having health insurance, specifically European Health Insurance and National Health Insurance. It also describes what kind of access to health care vulnerable EU citizens have in Sweden. The second category “Decision about how much access to health care provide for vulnerable EU citizens lies on medical personnel” discusses the situation of health care personnel when they treat vulnerable EU citizens in hospitals. The third category “Organisations, Doctors of the World and Health on Equal Terms, mediate connection between vulnerable EU citizens and hospitals, so they can have their right to health fulfilled” elaborates about the role the organisation plays when vulnerable EU citizens are in need of health care. After grouping categories and looking at the data from more interpretive, abstracted higher level, the final theme was created “Lack of attention from the national and international levels to the situation of vulnerable EU citizens’ access to health care”. Conclusion: This study highlights the difficulty for vulnerable EU citizens to access health care in Umeå if they do not have European Health Insurance. Being treated as undocumented migrants is the only way they have access to emergency services. Health care personnel feel insecure when treating vulnerable EU citizens, because there are no clear guidelines when vulnerable EU citizens can be treated as undocumented migrants as well as what is included in the clause “the care that cannot wait”. Because of this situation, vulnerable EU citizens sometimes are not able to receive the medical help they need. Organisations, Doctors of the World and Health on Equal Terms, help to mediate the connection between vulnerable EU citizens and hospitals which helps them to access the health care and fulfille their right to health. Lack of attention from the national as well as international governments to this situation is found to be important factor influencing vulneralbe EU citizens’ access to health care

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