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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Training älterer Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer. Förderung von posturaler Kontrolle, Beweglichkeit und Fitness bei älteren Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrern – Einfluss auf Verkehrsmittelwahl und Verkehrssicherheit. Abschlussbericht.

Hagemeister, Carmen, Bunte, Heike 11 August 2017 (has links)
Das Fahrrad ist ein attraktives Verkehrsmittel für Menschen jeden Alters. Es ermöglicht Mo-bilität und damit gesellschaftliche Teilhabe bis ins hohe Alter, ist preiswert, und die regel-mäßige Bewegung verbessert die Gesundheit und macht Spaß. Da allerdings Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer ab 60 Jahren besonders von schweren Unfallfolgen betroffen sind, ist bei ihnen die Verhütung von Unfällen wichtig. Typische Unfälle älterer Radfahrender hängen mit körperlichen Schwierigkeiten zusammen, die mit zunehmendem Alter häufiger werden. Die Beweglichkeit nimmt ab, was das Auf- und Absteigen erschwert und auch den Schulterblick beim Linksabbiegen. Etwa jeder sechste Unfall, aufgrund dessen ältere Radfahrer im Kran-kenhaus behandelt werden, ist dadurch entstanden, dass der Radfahrer beim Auf- oder Ab-steigen von der Pedale gerutscht ist. Weitere typische Unfallursachen sind Schwierigkeiten mit der Oberfläche (Schlaglöcher, Bordsteinkanten u.ä.) aufgrund abnehmender Koordinati-onsfähigkeit und fehlendes Umschauen beim Linksabbiegen. Durch die körperlichen Verän-derungen wird das Radfahren im Alter nicht nur gefährlicher, sondern auch mühsamer und damit auch weniger attraktiv als in jüngeren Jahren. Kraft und Kondition nehmen ab, wodurch lange Touren und Anstiege weniger attraktiv sind. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Leipzig wurde ein motorisches Training für ältere Radfahrerinnen und Radfahrer entwickelt, das die motorischen Schwierigkeiten beseitigen sollte. Dieses Training wurde in 14 mittleren und kleinen Städten in Sachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt experimentell geprüft. An dem Training nahmen ein halbes Jahr lang 147 Radfahrende ab 60 Jahren teil, die in 7 Orten oder deren Umgebung lebten. Sie wurden mit 167 un-trainierten Radfahrenden ab 60 Jahren verglichen, die in oder bei 7 anderen Orten lebten. Es fanden drei Testungen und Befragungen statt, vor dem Training, direkt danach und vier Mo-nate nach Abschluss des Trainings. Die Projektpartnerinnen der Technischen Universität Dresden waren zuständig für die Prüfung der Effekte hinsichtlich Intensität der Radnutzung, geschilderter körperlicher Beschwerden und darauf resultierender Beeinträchtigungen im Straßenverkehr, erlebte Schwierigkeiten beim Radfahren und die Leistung in einem Fahrradparcours. Es konnte kein Effekt des Trainings auf diese Maße gezeigt werden. Schon bei der ersten Testung berichteten die Teilnehmenden insgesamt keine bis wenig körperliche Beschwerden und nur geringe Schwierigkeiten beim Radfahren, so dass hier von einem Bodeneffekt auszugehen ist. Ähnliches galt für die Fahrleistung. Viele Teilnehmende wurden über Sportvereine rekrutiert, um nicht nur extrem aktive Radfahrende für die Untersuchung zu gewinnen. Allerdings zeigte sich, dass die Teilnehmenden das Fahrrad auch schon vorher für viele Wege nutzten. Ent-sprechend erhöhte das Training die Fahrleistung nicht. Auch die Leistung im Fahrrad-Parcours wurde durch das Training nicht verbessert, obwohl hier so viele Fehler gemacht wurden, dass Spielraum für eine Verbesserung gewesen wäre. Die Befragten wurden nach Alleinunfällen und Zusammenstößen mit anderen Verkehrsteil-nehmenden nach dem 59. Geburtstag gefragt; 81% dieser Unfälle waren Alleinunfälle. Das Fahrrad hatte viele Teilnehmende über ihr gesamtes Leben begleitet, wie die Mobilitätsbio-grafien zeigten. Die Wegetagebücher zeigten, dass die Gewohnheit den stärksten Einfluss bei der Verkehrsmittelwahl hatte. Das Rad, das Zu-Fuß-Gehen und das Auto waren für die Teilnehmenden sehr wichtig, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel im Nah- und Fernverkehr kaum. Die subjektive Bedeutung des Radfahrens zeigte sich in den Faktoren Praktischer Nutzen, Le-bensqualität, Kontakte/Aktivitäten und einem Faktor, der auch auch positive Folgen des Auf-hörens (Fahrrad nicht mehr reparieren müssen) beschreibt. Stärkere Auswirkungen des Auf-hörens erwarten Personen, die das Rad mehr nutzen und seltener Auto fahren. / Cycling is an attractive mode of transport for persons of any age. It offers mobility and there-fore participation in society up to old age and is inexpensive. Regular physical activity improves health and is fun. On the other hand, cyclists aged 60 and older tend to suffer severe consequences when they are involved in accidents. For this reason accident prevention is especially important for this group. Typical accidents involving older cyclists are related to physical difficulties which are more frequent in older persons. About one in six accidents requiring physical treatment in hospital is due to slipping from the foot pedal while mounting a bike or dismounting from it. Further typical causes of accidents are difficulties with the surface (potholes, curbs, etc.) and not turning round before an offside turn. Physical changes make cycling not only more dangerous for older persons but also more strenuous and for this reason also less attractive. Strength and fitness decrease, making longer cycling tours and hills less attractive. Physical flexibility decreases, making mounting and dismounting and turning round before an offside turn more difficult. As coordination decreases, dealing with bad surfaces becomes harder. In cooperation with Leipzig University, a motor training concept for older cyclists was devel-oped. The aim of this training program was to reduce the motor difficulties of older cyclists. The training program was tested in an experimental design in 14 medium and small cities in Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. 147 cyclists aged 60 or older participated in a half-year training program. These subjects lived in or close to seven cities. They were compared to 167 cyclists aged 60 and older who lived in or close to 7 other cities. The participants took tests and answered questionnaires three times, before the training program, immediately after the training program and four months after the training program. The project partners from Technische Universität Dresden were responsible for testing the effects of the training on intensity of bike use, reported physical problems and their conse-quences in traffic, perceived difficulties in traffic situations and performance in a cycling course. No effect of the training on these measures could be shown. Already in the first test period the participants reported too few physical problems and resulting difficulties in traffic, and only few problems in traffic situations. Here a ceiling effect was found. A similar result was found for cycled distance. Many participants were recruited via sports clubs in order to ensure that not all participants were highly active cyclists. But the first survey shows that the participants already used their bike for many trips before the training program. For this reason the training program did not increase cycled distance. The training program did not improve performance in the cycling course, although so many mistakes were made that there was certainly plenty of scope for improvement. The participants were questioned about single bike crashes and crashes with other road users after their 59th birthday; 81 per cent of these crashes were single bike crashes. For many participants, their bike had been an accompanying feature during their whole life, as their mobility biographies showed. The trip diaries showed that habits had the most important influence on choice of transport mode. Cycling, walking and driving were very important for the participants, public transport was relatively unimportant for short as well as for long dis-tances. The subjective importance of cycling was evident in terms of the factors practical benefit, quality of life, contacts/activity and a factor which comprised positive consequences of giving up cycling as well (no more bike repair). Persons who use their bike more and drive less expect more severe consequences if they stop bicycling.

En Normkritisk Bildsal : Sexualitet, Identitetsskapande Och Bild / A Norm-Critical Art Classroom : Sexuality, creation of identity and art

Ferens, Magdalena, Larsson, Maria, Alawieh, Batol January 2021 (has links)
Kunskapsöversiktens syfte är att belysa bildpedagogik genom kritisk pedagogik, identitet och identitetsskapande. Detta undersöker vi genom utvalda artiklar, där vi lyfter fram de olika metoderna och resultaterna i artiklarna. Genom en systematisk undersökningsprocess hittade vi och valde ut artiklar som är relevanta för vårt syfte. Resultatet visar att de valda artiklarna har alla inkludering i åtanken, men på olika sätt. De skriver om att nå ett inkluderande klassrumsklimat, men skiljer sig åt i teorier och metoder. Artiklarna utgick ifrån bild-, kritisk-, feministisk-, bisexuell-, ‘Atkinsons’- och ‘slow pedagogy’. Tabitha variety Patience Millet skriver i sin artikel Queering the Art Classroom: Queering Matters (2019) om professor Dennis Atkinsons pedagogiska metoder, som en teori inom kritisk pedagogik. Syftet med dessa pedagogiska teorier är att fokusera på elevernas processer och hur eleverna utvecklar deras kritiska tankar i bildämnet. Vi drar paralleller till den svenska Läroplanen för gymnasieskolan (2011), för att kunna sätta den internationella kontexten i en nationell kontext, i jämförande syfte. Genom analyser av studiens material kan vi se att många av artiklarna har ett liknande fokus eller tema. Med andra ord, för att skapa tolerans i klassrummet genom samtal och uppgifter som främjar normkritiskt tänkande. Detta för att nå önskad inkludering. Avslutningsvis visar artiklarna av Keifer-Boyd (2007); Nathanson (2009); Page (2017); Payne (2010); Yescavage och Alexander (1997); Zebracki (2020) på implikationer för vår yrkesprofession genom exemplifieringar av konsekvenser gentemot läraren, som diskuteras i underrubriken konsekvenser inom bildpedagogik och kritisk pedagogik.

Mediální gramotnost současných českých seniorů: případová studie z Brna / Media literacy of current Czech senior citizens: a case study from Brno

Zahradníčková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The following master's thesis deals with the issue of media literacy in relation to elderly population. The theoretical basis of this work contains of the theory of media literacy and media education, which is regarded to as a tool for cultivating media literacy. In addition to media education, the work also presents other ways to acquire media competencies, which are so needed in today's information society. After the introduction of theoretical approaches to media literacy, there is also a description of selected methods applied to determine the level of media literacy. The next part includes a description of media literacy in relation to senior citizens who form a very specific group in this area. As part of my own research survey, the level of media literacy in a group of 12 senior citizens is mapped on the basis of a proposed tool for determining the level of media literacy, which is based on the presented theoretical approaches. Qualitative research includes a detailed analysis of data, which were collected through interviews with the target group and which were supplemented by practical exercises. Media literacy research focuses on the area of knowledge, abilities and skills, and patterns of media use. According to the collected and analyzed data, a description of all respondents is...

An investigation into nation building through the national anthem in Zimbabwe : a sociolinguistic approach

Dlodlo, Sindile 11 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 171-177) / The study is an investigation into nation building through the national anthem in Zimbabwe. It takes a sociolinguistic dimension where the languages used to sing the national anthem in Zimbabwe are interrogated. The impetus behind the study is that Zimbabwe introduced a new language policy through the constitution where sixteen languages are officially recognised. While citizens look forward to the use of their languages, national symbols such as the national anthem still exist in dominant languages, at least officially. The study therefore sought to find out the views and language choices of citizens when it comes to singing the national anthem. This purpose was fulfilled by eliciting data through questionnaires which were distributed to four areas where marginalised languages are spoken. Participants were drawn from Plumtree, Gwanda, Hwange and Binga. Apart from questionnaires, focus group interviews were conducted with language activists who participate in language associations. Individual interviews were conducted with academics in the area of language. The conceptual framework of the study is nation building which is underpinned by four tenets, while the theory that guided the study is Bourdieu’s theory of social practice. The conceptual framework and theoretical framework were chosen to allow the study to investigate nation building in relation to the sociopolitical context which determines the use of languages in different spheres in Zimbabwe. The study extricates that language is politically malleable and at the same time has the potential to make or break the nation. Respondents were of mixed views concerning the non-use of their languages in the national anthem, bringing out the hegemonic tendencies. The findings of the study show that language is a form of identity and a strong tool of nation building. However, language policies which are not clear tend to confuse the citizens and there is need for the political elite to be involved in the implementation of such policies. The study hence advocates for marginalised languages to be accorded the status they need in order to be used for national symbol expression. / African Languages / D. Phil. (African Languages)

Är ett digitalt vaccinationspass en del av det “nya” normala? : Hur ställer sig medborgare till införandet av ett digitalt vaccinationspass för covid-19? / Is a digital vaccination passport part of the “new” normal? : How do citizens react to the introduction of a digital vaccination passport for covid-19?

Veseli, Adelina, Cea Rojas, Viviana January 2021 (has links)
Den nuvarande pandemin har begränsat mänskligheten och det digitala vaccinationspasset för covid-19 utlovar återgången till ett normalt liv. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilket handlingsutrymme ett vaccinationspass ger medborgare utifrån deras förväntningar och vaccinationspassets krav. Det digitala vaccinationspassets egenskaper och förutsättningar som digital artefakt undersöks i relation till affordance modellen. Forskningsstrategin för studien har varit en fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär där datainsamlingen består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med medborgare i Sverige och en litteraturgenomgång som utgör den aktuella debatten i relaterade forskningen. Studien visar på hur medborgare uppfattar införandet av ett digitalt vaccinationspass för covid-19 och vill visa på rekommendationer i arbetet med tillgängliggörandet av det digitala vaccinationspasset för medborgarna. Studien grundar sig i att tillgängliggörandet av det digitala vaccinationspasset kommer att ske någonstans framöver och vi vill därför poängtera att resultatet inte kan fastslås utan kommer förändras beroende på förutsättningarna och tidsramen för undersökningen. Studien identifierar bristerna med förmedlingen av information samt myndigheternas globala ansvar vid införandet av ett digitalt vaccinationspass mot covid-19. För att hantera detta rekommenderar vi att en strategi bör utvecklas och även ett förtydligande av informationen gällande vaccinationspasset mot covid-19. Utifrån studien tolkas det att det digitala vaccinationspasset utformas för de rika och att covid-19 har påskyndat digitalisering av samhället. Vi anser att alla bör ha tillgång till vaccin och tillgång till digital teknik innan det digitala vaccinationspasset mot covid-19 införs. / The current pandemic has limited humanity and the digital vaccination passport for covid-19 promises the return to a normal life. The study aims to investigate what room for maneuver a vaccination passport gives citizens based on their expectations and the requirements of the vaccination passport. The properties and conditions of the digital vaccination passport as a digital artifact are examined in relation to the affordance model. The research strategy for the study has been a case study of a qualitative nature where the data collection consists of semi-structured interviews with citizens in Sweden and a literature review that constitutes the current debate in related research. The study shows how citizens perceive the introduction of a digital vaccination passport for covid-19 and wants to show recommendations in the work of making the digital vaccination passport available to citizens. The study is based on the fact that the digital vaccination passport will be made available somewhere in the future and we therefore want to point out that the result can not be determined but will change depending on the conditions and time frame for the examination. The study identifies the shortcomings with the dissemination of information as well as the authorities' global responsibility in introducing a digital vaccination passport against covid-19. To deal with this, we recommend that a strategy should be developed and also a clarification of the information regarding the vaccination passport against covid-19. Based on the study, it is interpreted that the digital vaccination passport is designed for the rich and that covid-19 has accelerated digitization of society. We believe that everyone should have access to vaccines and access to digital technology before the digital vaccination passport against covid-19 is introduced.

Spor o Šumavu: síly a slabosti ekologického principu shody / Controversy about Šumava: Strengths and weaknesses of the ecological principle of consensus

Chomátová, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is based on a qualitative research realized in summer 2008 in several municipalities in Šumava. Focus groups organized within this research aimed at the relationship of different stakeholders to the Šumava National Park and more generally to nature and environmentalist thoughts and actors. The research design and the data gathered are presented in the introduction. Then the theory of general principles of consensus is described, which serves as the main theoretical framework for the study of focus groups participants' arguments. Using particular arguments, I show that against the protection of nature as it is realized by Šumava National Park Authority, critical citizens build their arguments on values that are considered legitimate and important in Czech society. The next part of the thesis studies the ecological principle of consensus as a new general principle of consensus: I discuss the conditions for existence of such a principle, its form in the controversy about the management of Šumava and the implications its form can have, supporting broader acceptance of the principle or, on the contrary, its rejection. An important point there is the relationship between expertise and participation, which are, together with the concept of nature, main elements of the ecological principle of...

Občanství - teoretická východiska a pedagogická praxe : případová studie základní školy / Citizenship - Theoretical Bases and Teaching Practice

Bucvanová, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
Eliška Bucvanová. Diplomová práce. Citizenship - Theoretical Bases and Teaching Practice ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Weak civil society can be seen as a possible drawback of Czech democracy. One of the possible ways of building it is citizenship education provided within the compulsory school system. Citizenship is also the main subject of this work, which uses qualitative research methods to find out how the concept of "citizenship" is understood by teachers at a selected primary school, what information they provide to pupils on this subject and how. Since the scope of the paper would be insufficient, it does not intend to map the state of citizenship education in the Czech Republic: its aim is to find out how teachers approach the subject and whether their opinions coincide, and to compare their views with the information contained in literature. The results of the work show that the selected school is at a comparatively high level; however, the teachers' attitudes to citizenship education and its aims lack consistency and comprehensiveness and, also, the pupils' knowledge highly varies. This can be due to the fact that citizenship education has long been in need of an integrated approach and, very probably, also training opportunities for teachers that would help them develop their professional skills. In...

Legislativní proces v Evropské unii: Evropská občanská iniciativa / Legislative Process in the European Union: European Citizens' Initiative

Houda, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is embedded in the theoretical approach of multilevel governance and presumption of the rational behaviour of actors. Using the method of process tracing it aims to uncover the legislative process in the European Union. It is a single case study and as a case was chosen the negotiation of the regulation of the citizens' initiative. Various actors were involved in the negotiations, this thesis focuses on the main one - European Commission, European Parliament, the Council, interest organisations and national parliaments. The thesis presumed, that all actors will try to push through their interests based on their rational choice. This presumption was verified, although the success rate of the players varied a lot. As the most successful should be considered the European Parliament, who defended the interests of the individuals and the Council, which apparently represented the interests of the governments of the member states (especially in the issues of lowering the bureaucratic burden). The interest organisations showed their positions clearly, however the Commission did not take their positions much into account while preparing the draft regulation. The position of the national parliaments was different then presumed. Although the thesis expected them to be directly involved in the...

Možnosti veřejné politiky ve zvyšování politické informovanosti dospělých občanů v České republice / Public Policy Options in Increasing Political Sophistication of Adult Citizens in the Czech Republic

Černá, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents the theme of low political awareness of adult citizens in the Czech Republic from the perspective of public policy. Low level of political awareness is conceived as a major reason that voters are not able to vote according to their real interests. The focus is on whether the problem is a topic that public policy should pursue and whether it is possible to find a public policy tools to deal with it. It is mainly based on the three-dimensional model of political sophistication, Evert Vedung's concept of public policy instruments, the concept of the correct voting and ideas of participatory democracy. Despite the fact that the given issue bears the hallmarks of an ideal problem for public policy and we can find some tools that could improve the current situation, there are broader factors that hinder their operations. These include the impact of previous undemocratic regime or the behavior of politicians. Such barriers are closely related to the way of human thinking and can be removed only with difficulty.

Campaign Finance: Problems and Solutions to Today's Democracy

Thomas, Connor M. 25 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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