Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncitizens"" "subject:"amongcitizens""
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國民守法與選手紀律─日治時期同化教育中的臺灣學生棒球 / Citizens Obey Law and Athletes Subject to Discipline: Taiwan High School Baseball in Japanese Colonial Assimilated Education黃郁婷, Huang, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
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Contribution des regards citoyens dans le cadre d'une démarche de prospective paysagère en milieu périurbainBergeron, Julie 06 1900 (has links)
Au moment où les territoires périurbains se transforment rapidement sous l’impulsion des stratégies de développement de l’industrie immobilière, les préoccupations sociales en matière de qualité des paysages et des cadres de vie se font de plus en plus grandes. Devant ces enjeux, les actions aménagistes privilégient le plus souvent des solutions à partir d’un regard « expert » généralement étranger aux demandes sociales en présence. Devant l’insuffisance des connaissances des regards citoyens, il y a une urgence à développer des méthodes originales aptes à révéler ce savoir local.
Une enquête menée à l’automne 2009 à Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal, révèle la pertinence d’une approche anthropologique sous-utilisée et novatrice en particulier pour les recherches en aménagement : celle du « récit-parcours ». Permettant un accès privilégié aux récits ancrés aux lieux de vies, cette méthode a permis de susciter des discours singuliers et collectifs sur le territoire, de révéler des propos sur les imaginaires portés sur la ville et d’offrir un espace d’expression des préoccupations, des valorisations et des aspirations des résidants. Les résultats de l’enquête à cet effet sont concluants : ce que nous révèlent les résidants de par leurs expériences vécues des lieux et leurs cheminements spatiaux est incontestablement riche et pertinent pour la compréhension des enjeux collectifs d’un milieu. Les logiques existantes derrière les transformations de ces territoires bénéficieraient grandement de ce savoir localisé, complexe et ingénieux dont dispose les résidants de la géographie, de l’environnement, de l’urbanisation et des caractéristiques sociales de leur ville. Ce faisant, le territoire change alors de statut : d’un objet d’évaluation experte, il devient une mise en scène dynamique où s’inscrivent des fragments significatifs d’histoires faisant référence à l’expérience du vécu quotidien, mais aussi, à la potentialité des lieux. Par le biais d’une telle démarche et en conjonction avec des méthodes participatives, il devient possible d’engager une véritable réflexion plurielle envers l’avenir des territoires périurbains, en résonance avec les aspirations locales. / While suburbs are being transformed at an alarming rate, under the pressures of the Real estate industry’s development strategies, social concerns regarding the quality of life and the resulting landscapes are currently on the rise. With these challenges to bear, stakeholders usually employ solutions from an "expert" perspective that remain impervious to existing social conditions and demands. Given the lack of knowledge from the citizens’ perspectives, there is an urgent need for developing novel methods that are capable of bringing forth this local knowledge.
A survey conducted in fall 2009 with residents of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, on the south shore of Montreal, revealed the strength of an under-used and innovative method: the go-along. This method has demonstrated a particularly interesting technique to grasp the way dwellers qualify, imagine, value and move through their locality. Allowing privileged access to biographies and giving rise to improvised paths, the method has enabled placed-based narratives and has lead to an opening for expressing concerns, valuations and aspirations of citizens towards their community. In doing so, landscapes shift from expert evaluation to a dynamic scene where significant fragments of individual stories are told in relation to the experience of places in the everyday life. The study results conclude that the residents’ narratives and knowledge are undeniably rich and relevant to comprehending collective landscape issues and values. The existing logics and processes behind suburban landscape transformations would highly benefit from the collective wealth of dwellers’ extensive, situated and complex knowledge of the city’s geography, politics, economy and sociology. Furthermore, it can lead way to community participatory projects engaging multiple actors within a collective multifaceted reflection on the future of suburbs and the actions that should be taken towards a better future.
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La société politique contre la société civile, des années 1970 à nos jours. Le paradoxe démocratique français / Political society against civil society, from 1970's since today. A french democratic paradoxBomberger, Estelle 29 November 2013 (has links)
Partout où l'homme est libre, il se croit dans les fers. Tel est le paradoxe démocratique qui ouvre à l'individu moderne un espace important de liberté, tout en lui conférant en parallèle le sentiment d'en être privé. A la séparation traditionnelle des pouvoirs, se superpose désormais celle des acteurs, organisés en société politique et civile. C'est dans la patrie des Lumières que ces notions chemineront le plus singulièrement. Historiquement confondues, elles vont progressivement se détacher l'une de l'autre, pour aujourd'hui s'opposer. Il est vrai que d'importantes secousses traversent la société politique et la mettent en difficulté. Il convient néanmoins, de s'interroger sur leur nature afin de déterminer si elles constituent le fondement d'une crise ou celui d'une mutation. Le recours politique a une société civile ainsi idéalisée remet en cause le lien essentiel qui agrège l'individu à l’Etat, à travers la citoyenneté. Conjugué à la montée de l'individualisme, comment alors restaurer le lien social dans lequel s'inscrit toute société ? La diversité de ces questions illustre l'intérêt de cette recherche qui permet d'une part,d'aborder les préoccupations actuelles à la lumière des sources de notre organisation politique et, d'autre part, d'observer les enjeux contenus dans les changements de comportement des différents protagonistes. Cette étude n'a pas la prétention de dresser un programme de travail dont le risque serait de déboucher sur une synthèse encore très prématurée. Nous nous sommes fixés pour objectif, moins d'apporter des réponses objectives ou de faire valoir des certitudes sur l'intégralité de ces thèmes, que de rassembler les principaux points de repère et de les organiser pour soumettre la problématique d'ensemble au débat. / Everywhere man is free, he fells in chains. Such is the democratic paradox which gives the modern individual both a large space of freedom and the feeling to be deprived of any. On top of the traditional separation of powe rs or Checks and Balances now lies the one of actors, organized within a Political and Civil Society. It is in the homeland of Enlightenment that these notions are so singular.. Historically merged, they progressively broke apart and are now opposed to each other. It is true that the Political Society is going through important jolts, putting it in a difficult situation. However, one needs to specify the nature of these changes in order to determine if they are the symptoms of a crisis or the ones of a transformation. The political recourse to a Civil Society indeed idealized questions the essential link between theState and the individual, in other words citizenship. Combined with the rise of individualism, how can we reinstate the Social Link so essential in every society? The diversity of these questions illustrates the interest of this research. It analyzes both current issues by the light ofthe sources of our political organization and the stakes of the behavioral changes of our system’s protagonists. This research does not aim at building a work plan whose risk would be to result to definite conclusion. Its goal is certainly not to bring objective answers or certitudesto all these issues but to gather the main landmarks and to organize them to subject our problematic to the debate.
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Leitura, formação de conceitos e construção de cidadania no Projeto Leitura nas Diferentes ÁreasFuji, Sonia Naomi 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / The objective of this research was to comprehend critically in which ways
reading, concept formation and citizenship formation were dealt with in the Reading
in Different Areas Project from Acting as Citizens Research Program, developed in
Carapicuíba in 2005 and 2006. It was based on the Socio-Historical-Cultural Activity
Theory (Vygotsky, 1934/2000, 1934/2003, Leontiev, 1977-8; Engeström, 1999,
2001), that was the reason for the Project to be seen as inter-related activity
systems. The study took into account the dialogical perspective of language (Bakhtin,
1929/1988) as theoretical base. Moreover, the formation concept (Vygotsky,
1934/2000, 1934/2005), the critical reading (Liberali e Fuga, 2007; Kleiman and
Moraes, 1999; Lerner, 2002; Freire, 1970) and the citizenship formation (Freire,1970;
Gentili, 2002) were discussed in this study. The methodology adopted was the critical
collaborative research (Magalhães, 1991-2007; Liberali, 1994-2007), that aims at
developing, understanding and transforming pedagogical practices in a critical and
collaborative way . Data had been produced through observation of a workshop, a
teacher developing meeting and a lesson, in other words, in three of the five activity
systems of the Project. It was used recordings in audio and video in which the
Teacher Support Team and the participant teacher were involved in the second
semester of 2006 and the first semester of 2007. The results were analyzed and
discussed based on the context of production and thematic content through lexical
choices (Bronckart, 1999). Results indicated that the production of knowledge about
reading was creatively worked through discussion of textual genres of comic book
and water bill. The math scientific concept of volume and integer were dealt with
based on everyday issues of life everyday concepts. The citizenship formation was
worked through rules and division of labor in a way that every subject of the activity
had their voices heard in order to produce knowledge creatively / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender criticamente como a leitura, a
formação de conceitos e a formação cidadã foram trabalhadas no contexto do
Projeto Leitura nas Diferentes Áreas do Programa Ação Cidadã, desenvolvido na
Diretoria Regional de Ensino de Carapicuíba em 2005 e 2006. O estudo
fundamentou-se na Teoria da Atividade Sócio-Histórico-Cultural (Vygotsky,
1934/2000,1934/2003; Leontiev, 1977-8; Engeström, 1999, 2001), que possibilitou a
compreensão da organização do Projeto como sistemas de atividade interrelacionadas.
Além disso, teve como base teórica a compreensão dialógica da
linguagem (Bakhtin, 1929/1988). Abordou a formação de conceitos (Vygotsky,
1934/2000, 1934/2005), a leitura crítica (Liberali e Fuga, 2007; Kleiman e Moraes,
1999; Lerner, 2002; Freire, 1970) e a formação cidadã pautada nas discussões de
Freire (1970) e Gentili (2002). A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa crítica de
colaboração (Magalhães, 1991-2007; Liberali, 1994-2007), que tem por objetivo
desenvolver, compreender e transformar práticas pedagógicas por meio da
construção de conhecimento de forma crítica e colaborativa. Os dados foram
gerados a partir da observação de uma oficina, uma reunião de HTPC e uma aula,
ou seja, três dos cinco sistemas de atividade do referido Projeto. Foram utilizadas
gravação em áudio e vídeo nas quais o Grupo de Apoio e o professor focal
estiveram envolvidos, no segundo semestre de 2006 e no primeiro, de 2007. Para
análise e discussão dos resultados foram utilizados o plano geral do texto e
conteúdo temático por meio das escolhas lexicais (Bronckart, 1999). Os resultados
indicaram que a produção de conhecimento sobre leitura foi criativamente construída
pelas discussões de gêneros textuais de história em quadrinhos e conta de água. Os
conceitos científicos de Matemática de volume e números inteiros foram discutidos
baseados em assuntos relacionados ao dia-a-dia da vida - conceitos cotidianos. A
formação cidadã foi abordada pelas regras e divisão do trabalho em que todos os
sujeitos envolvidos na atividade tiveram espaço para colocar sua voz, assim,
contribuindo para a construção criativa de conhecimento
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Possibilidades e limites para o acesso aos direitos socioassistenciais por cidadãos transfronteiriçosSilva, Nara Regina Pereira Janelli da 14 July 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-07-14 / The present work focus on the investigation concerning the demands received, the
services provided and the and the possibilities and limits found in twin cities in the
gaúcha border for the access to Social-assistance Rights from SUAS, by
families/individuals in a situation of vulnerability and social risk, considering the
demands for the access to some benefits and services, which conflict with the
absence of documents of people who remain in a foreign situation. In order to do so,
this dissertation presented the results through a qualitative approach, oriented by the
dialectical-critical method. It started with data collecting through a documental study
in printed sources and online for the characterization of the twin city researched and
the existing social-assistance network. The town of Barra do Quaraí/RS was selected
for the application of the research, located on the gaúcha border, where a systematic
observation, documental research and interviews were carried out with the municipal
manager, a representative of the technical team which, in the field research period,
responded for the Basic Social Protection Services (PSB) and Special Social
Protection (PSE) and a representative of the Social Assistance Municipal Council
(CMAS), in order to obtain the opinion of different actors from the Social Assistance
Policy (PAS) concerning the demands received and services provided to crossborder
citizens, the barriers found for the guarantee of social protection for these
people and find alternatives used to implement the service. The research application
showed some situation of informal service to cross-border citizens before limits
imposed by the citizenship issue coupled with the nationality and, therefore, deriving
from compliances of the Social Assistance Policy (PAS) for the access to programs
and services, which hinder the implementation of social protection of those citizens.
Thus, despite the advances, there are still difficulties for the elaboration and
implementation of public policies not only nationwide but also in MERCOSUR
member countries to favor the social development, reduce historical socioeconomic
inequalities and assure to cross-border and non-documented citizens from the
neighboring country the protection to fundamental social rights, including the access
to basic and special, when needed. It is expected that this dissertation may reinforce
the importance of continuing the studies and researches concerning this Idea of
rights to citizenship and process of intervention in the field of Social Assistance
Policy on the border, which may formally and empirically identify what the limits are
for the extension of social protection to non documented citizens and, on the other
hand, the possibilities for such implementation, considering the territory characterized
as a twin city, and the existence of the program SOCIAL AND PARTICIPATIVE
MERCOSUR / O presente trabalho versa na investigação sobre as demandas recebidas, os
serviços prestados e as possibilidades e limites encontrados nas cidades gêmeas da
fronteira gaúcha para o acesso dos Direitos Socioassistenciais do SUAS, por
famílias/ indivíduos em situação de vulnerabilidade e de risco social, considerando
as exigências para o acesso a alguns benefícios e serviços, os quais conflituam com
a ausência de documentação de pessoas que permanecem em situação de
estrangeiro. Para isto, esta dissertação apresentou os resultados por meio de uma
abordagem qualitativa, orientada pelo método dialético-crítico. Iniciou com o
levantamento de dados através de estudo documental em fontes impressas e online
para a caracterização da cidade gêmea pesquisada e da rede socioassistencial
existente. Para a aplicação da pesquisa foi selecionada a cidade de Barra do
Quaraí/RS, localizada na fronteira gaúcha, onde foi realizada observação
sistemática, pesquisa documental e entrevistas com o gestor municipal, um
representante da equipe técnica que no período da pesquisa de campo, respondeu
pelo Serviços de Proteção Social Básica (PSB) e Proteção Social Especial (PSE) e
um representante do Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social (CMAS),a fim de
obter a visão de diferentes atores da Política de Assistência Social (PAS) sobre as
demandas recebidas e serviços prestados a cidadãos transfronteiriços, os entraves
encontrados para a garantia da proteção social a estas pessoas e descobrir
alternativas usadas para efetivar o atendimento.A aplicação da pesquisa mostrou
algumas situações de atendimento informal a cidadãos transfronteiriços frente a
limites impostos pela questão da cidadania atrelada à nacionalidade e,
consequentemente, decorrentes das condicionalidades da Política de Assistência
Social (PAS) para o acesso a programas e serviços, as quais impedem a efetivação
da proteção social aqueles cidadãos. Portanto, apesar de avanços, ainda há
dificuldades para elaboração e efetivação de políticas públicas não apenas em
âmbito nacional, mas também entre os países membros do MERCOSUL para
favorecer o desenvolvimento social, reduzir históricas desigualdades
socioeconômicas e assegurar aos cidadãos transfronteiriços e indocumentados do
país vizinho a proteção aos direitos humanos fundamentais, incluindo o acesso a
proteção social básica e especial, quando necessário. Espera-se que esta
dissertação possa reforçar a importância da continuidade de estudos e pesquisas
em torno da ideia de direitos de cidadania e processos de intervenção no campo da
Política de Assistência Social na fronteira, que possam identificar formal e
empiricamente quais são os limites para a extensão da proteção social a cidadãos
indocumentados e, por outro lado, as possibilidades para esta efetivação, tendo em
vista o território caracterizado como cidade gêmea, e a existência do Programa
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以國人旅遊調查資料探討國人於臺灣各縣市旅遊地選擇偏好之特性 / Using Survey Data of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens to Explore the Characteristics of T ourism Preference of Taiwanese in Taiwan韓鈺瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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Притужбе грађана као облик контроле рада полиције / Pritužbe građana kao oblik kontrole rada policije / Citizens’ Complaints as Form of the Control of Police WorkBikarević Darko 29 November 2017 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања ове дисертације су притужбе грађана против полицијског<br />службеника ако сматра да су му незаконитом или неправилном радњом полицијског<br />службеника повређена права или слободе, односно притужбени поступак који се<br />спроводи у Министарству унутрашњих послова, у циљу утврђивања тачног чињеничног стања и предузимања мера одговорности према полицијском<br />службенику, за кога се утврди да је повредио права и слободе грађана.</p><p>Основни циљ истраживања предметне проблематике је у функцији утврђивања<br />целисходности вођења притужбеног поступка са позиције грађана, који се<br />притужује да су му повређена права или слободе. Други циљ је приказивање значаја<br />улоге коју има контрола рада полиције путем решавања притужби на заштити и<br />остварењу људских права и слобода, као и да се са проблемски орјентисаног аспекта сагледа начин вођења притужбеног поступка и презентују одређене тешкоће и специфичности које отежавају његово спровођење, уз предлагање мера за њихово<br />превазилажење.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije su pritužbe građana protiv policijskog<br />službenika ako smatra da su mu nezakonitom ili nepravilnom radnjom policijskog<br />službenika povređena prava ili slobode, odnosno pritužbeni postupak koji se<br />sprovodi u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova, u cilju utvrđivanja tačnog činjeničnog stanja i preduzimanja mera odgovornosti prema policijskom<br />službeniku, za koga se utvrdi da je povredio prava i slobode građana.</p><p>Osnovni cilj istraživanja predmetne problematike je u funkciji utvrđivanja<br />celishodnosti vođenja pritužbenog postupka sa pozicije građana, koji se<br />pritužuje da su mu povređena prava ili slobode. Drugi cilj je prikazivanje značaja<br />uloge koju ima kontrola rada policije putem rešavanja pritužbi na zaštiti i<br />ostvarenju ljudskih prava i sloboda, kao i da se sa problemski orjentisanog aspekta sagleda način vođenja pritužbenog postupka i prezentuju određene teškoće i specifičnosti koje otežavaju njegovo sprovođenje, uz predlaganje mera za njihovo<br />prevazilaženje.</p> / <p>The subject of the research of this thesis are citizens’ complaints against police officers if they deem that their rights or freedoms have been violated as a result of illegal or irregular work of a police officer, i.e. complaint procedure that is conducted in the Ministry of Interior in order to determine the facts and take measures against the police officer who has violated rights and freedoms of a citizen.</p><p>The main goal of the research of the subject issue is to determine the purpose of conducting the complaint procedure from the position of a citizen, who complaints that his or her rights or freedoms have been violated. The second goal is to show the role that the control of the police work by resolving complaints has in protecting and achieving human rights and freedoms, as well as reviewing, from a problem-solving aspect, the manner of conducting the complaint procedure, and to showcase certain difficulties and characteristics that hinder its implementation,</p>
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As organizações da sociedade civil e o programa de controle da tuberculose - análise das parcerias no estado de São Paulo / Brasil / The civil societys organizations and the tuberculosis control program an analysis of the partnerships of the state of São Paulo/ BrazilQueiroz, Elisangela Martins de 19 January 2011 (has links)
Este estudo objetivou identificar e caracterizar algumas parcerias, voltadas ao controle da tuberculose, estabelecidas entre organizações não-governamentais (ONGs) e o Programa de Controle da Tuberculose (TB) no Estado de São Paulo. Buscou, ainda, analisar as ações desenvolvidas, de forma a verificar seu potencial para responder aos determinantes da doença. A abordagem do estudo foi qualitativa e utilizou-se a técnica do snowball para a escolha dos sujeitos. Os dados foram coletados entre Março e Julho de 2010, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Participaram do estudo, 6 sujeitos de órgãos governamentais e 13 sujeitos de organizações da sociedade civil. A análise teve como base a determinação social do processo saúde-doença e os conceitos oriundos de Gramsci, de Estado e sociedade civil. O projeto foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e os sujeitos foram convidados a participar do estudo mediante ciência do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os depoimentos foram analisados segundo técnica de análise de discurso. Os resultados revelaram que as parcerias se iniciaram por estímulo do governo estadual; tiveram como população-alvo, a população geral e alguns grupos específicos (os vulneráveis à doença); em sua maioria, contaram com financiamento do Fundo Global; o monitoramento não foi sistematizado por parte do Estado, mas pelos financiadores dos projetos e; a relação acordada entre ambos foi mais de caráter informal e baseada no compromisso de cada parte. Sobre as ações desenvolvidas, estavam centradas na promoção do controle social, da intersetorialidade, na difusão de informações sobre a doença e, em menor escala, na execução de tarefas que caberiam ao Estado. As ONGs, de maneira geral, não tinham doentes portadores de TB como membros, mas como alvos de suas ações. O papel do Estado, na parceria, foi de estímulo e apoio, enquanto as ONGs se dedicavam à operacionalização das ações. A análise demonstrou que as ações das parcerias foram baseadas no entendimento de que a TB se relaciona com a exclusão social e de que é necessário defender os direitos dos doentes. Ainda, foram capazes de aproximar certos grupos populacionais e o governo. Dessa maneira, as parcerias parecem contribuir para diminuir as vulnerabilidades a que estão expostos alguns doentes com TB, entretanto, não alcançaram revelar a base da exclusão social e as contradições estruturais da sociedade que determinam a TB. / The objective of this study was to identify and characterize some partnerships oriented towards tuberculosis control set between non governmental organizations (NGOs) and the Tuberculosis (TB) Control Program in the State of São Paulo. It also analyzes the actions implemented in order to check their potential responses to the diseases determinants. The study had a qualitative approach and used the snowball technique to select its subjects. Data were collected from March to July 2010 by means of semi-structured interviews. 6 subjects of governmental agencies and 13 subjects of the civil societys organizations participated in the study. The analysis was based on the social determination of the health-disease process and Gramscis concepts of State and civil society. The project was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research and the subjects were invited to join the study by signing a Free and Informed Consent Form. Their statements were analyzed according to the speech analysis techniques. The results disclosed that the partnerships were stimulated by the federal government; their target-population were the population in general and some specific groups (vulnerable to the disease); most of them were financed by the Global Fund; the State did not systematically monitored the program, the projects financers did; and the relationship agreed among the parties was more informal and based on each partys commitment. About the actions implemented, they were focused on promoting social control, cross-sectional actions, divulging information on the disease and, with less emphasis, on doing tasks that are responsibilities of the State. Generally speaking, the NGOs did not have sick people with TB among its members, but they were the target of their actions. The role of the State in the partnerships was to stimulate and support, while the NGOs implemented the actions. The analysis showed that the partnerships actions were based on the understanding that TB is related to social exclusion and that it is necessary to defend the rights of the sick. They were also able to make the government come closer to certain groups of population. So, partnerships seem to contribute to decrease the vulnerabilities to which TB carriers are exposed; however, they failed to disclose the base of social exclusion and structural contradictions of the society which determine TB.
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Affaires de familles et affaires de la cité : la transmission d'une pensée politique dans les livres de famille florentins (XIVe-XVe siècles) / Family and City affairs : Political Thought in Florentine Family Books (14th-15th centuries)Leclerc, Elise 23 November 2013 (has links)
De l'institution du priorat à la chute définitive de la république en 1530, l'organisation de la vie dans la cité florentine a évolué tant dans ses structures effectives que dans ses représentations, laissant une place plus ou moins importante aux différents groupes sociaux, aux familles et individus qui la composent. au cours de cette période, le genre des livres de famille florentins s'est développé, a fleuri et s'est fané : œuvre dans son immense majorité de marchands, d'artisans qui appartiennent au popolo florentin, partie de la population appelée à participer au gouvernement de la cité, ces livres ont pour fonction de transmettre dans le cadre familial et de génération en génération ce que l'on considère important pour le devenir de la famille. quel lien y a-t-il entre ce genre et la vie de la république florentine, entre affaires de familles et affaires de la cité ? quelle est la place du politique dans cette logique de transmission ? quels aspects de la vie de la cité y sont représentés, comment sont-ils traités ? avec quels mots cette culture politique est-elle exprimée, dans quelle mesure est-elle redevable ou distincte de la tradition politique publique antérieure et contemporaine ? mêlant les approches historique, littéraire, linguistique, il s'agira ainsi de rendre compte de la question de la transmission du politique dans le genre des livres de famille en l'inscrivant dans le cadre global de l'évolution de la cité. / Based on a corpus which consists of 150 family books written between 1260 and 1480, this study intends to define the representations that Florence citizens had of their republic, of its running and of their role within it.The first part aims at identifying which room is given to historical and political passages in these books, and the functions of these excerpts in the overall writing strategy. The point is to study how the building of family identity was connected to the life of the city.The second part contains a stylistic and semantic analysis of the narrative parts that are dedicated to the major events of the 14th and 15th centuries. It offers a series of snapshots that define several specific configurations of the city’s political body and of how families refer to it. This textual analysis also provides us an image of the Florentine intellectual framework and a list of the key-concepts that characterized the political thought of the authors – which goes far beyond a mere interest in chronicles. The third part focuses on the use of those keywords in a diachronic perspective, in order to identify the evolutions, the involutions and the breaking points of this thought over the generations, and questions the link between citizens’ active political participation and their private writing on city affairs. The appendix presents transcriptions of the excerpts on the life of the city contained in the unpublished family books of the Florentine families, as well as biographical notes on their often unknown authors.
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Public Deliberation and Interest Organisations: a Study of Responses to Lay Citizen Engagement in Public PolicyHendriks, Carolyn Maree, C.M.Hendriks@uva.nl January 2004 (has links)
This thesis empirically examines how lobby groups and activists respond to innovative forms of public participation. The study centres on processes that foster a particular kind
of deliberative governance including citizens’ juries, consensus conferences and planning cells. These deliberative designs bring together a panel of randomly selected lay citizens
to deliberate on a specific policy issue for a few days, with the aim of providing decision makers with a set of recommendations. While policy makers worldwide are attracted to these novel participatory processes, little consideration has been given to how well they work alongside more adversarial and interest-based politics. This doctoral research project examines this interface by studying what these processes mean to different kinds of policy actors such as corporations, advocacy groups, government agencies, experts
and professionals. These entities are collectively referred to in this thesis as ‘interest organisations’ because in some way they are seeking a specific policy outcome from the
state – even government-based groups.¶
The empirical research in this thesis is based on comparative case studies of four deliberative design projects in Australia and Germany. The Australian cases include a citizens’ jury on waste management legislation and a consensus conference on gene
technology in the food chain. The German case studies include a planning cells project on consumer protection in Bavaria, and a national consensus conference on genetic diagnostics. Together the cases capture a diversity of complex and contested policy
issues facing post-industrialised societies. In each case study, I examine how relevant interest organisations responded to the deliberative forum, and then interpret these responses in view of the context and features of the case.¶
The picture emerging from the in-depth case studies is that interest organisations respond to deliberative designs in a variety of ways. Some choose to participate actively,
others passively decline, and a few resort to strategic tactics to undermine citizens’ deliberations. The empirical research reveals that though responses are variable, most
interest organisations are challenged by several features of the deliberative design model including: 1) that deliberators are citizens with no knowledge or association with the
issue; 2) that experts and interest representatives are required to present their arguments before a citizens’ panel; and 3) that policy discussions occur under deliberative conditions which can expose the illegitimate use of power.¶
Despite these challenges, the paradox is that many interest organisations do decide to engage in lay citizen deliberations. The empirical research indicates that groups and experts value deliberative designs if they present an opportunity for public relations, customer feedback, or advocacy. Moreover, the research finds that when policy actors
intensively engage with ‘ordinary’ citizens, their technocratic and elite ideas about public participation can shift in a more inclusive and deliberative direction.¶
The thesis finds that, on the whole, weaker interest organisations are more willing to engage with lay citizens than stronger organisations because they welcome the chance to influence public debate and decision makers. It appears that powerful groups will only
engage in a deliberative forum under certain policy conditions, for example, when the dominant policy paradigm is unstable and contested, when public discussion on the issue is emerging, when policy networks are interdependent and heterogeneous, and when the broader social and political system supports public accountability, consensus and
deliberation. Given that these kinds of policy conditions do not always exist, I conclude that tensions between interest organisations and deliberative governance will be common. In order to create more cooperative and productive interfaces, I recommend
that interest organisations be better supported and integrated into citizens’ deliberations, and that steps be taken to safeguard forums from strategic attempts to undermine their
The thesis also sends out three key messages to democratic theorists. First, the empirical research shows that different kinds of groups and actors in civil society vary in their
willingness and capacity to participate to public deliberation. Second, the deliberative design model demonstrates that partisan actors, such as interest organisations, will engage in public deliberation when they can participate as strategic deliberators. In this role
partisans are not expected to relinquish their agendas, but present them as testimonies before a group of deliberators. Third, the empirical research in this thesis should bring
home to theorists that deliberative forums are closely linked to the discursive context within which they operate.
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