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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

整合同化論於適性化學習模型之研究 / Integration of Assimilation Theory to the Adaptive Learning Model

陳文婷, Chen, Wen-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路學習隨著網路的發展,逐漸受到重視。網路是一個開放式環境,擁有豐富的學習資源,並且突破學習時的空間限制、時間限制,讓使用者擁有較高的學習自主性。由於在網路學習環境中,學習者必須負擔選擇和學習的責任,容易有學習迷失的問題。因此,蘇俊銘等提出一個動態產生適性化教材順序的Instructional Activity Model(IAM)。更依據所提出的IAM,設計一個符合美國國防部所提出之SCORM標準的系統。 根據奧蘇伯爾在認知同化學習論中所提到,能力之間是會互相影響的。然而IAM並未考量能力與能力之間的相互影響關係。因此本研究將將結合奧蘇伯爾同化論,提出一個考慮能力與能力之間相互關係的適性化教學模型,提供學習路徑導引。期望藉由此模型,能夠提供E-learning環境設計者,設計更符合學習者能力狀況的適性化學習課程。 / E-Learning issues have been discussed and investigated recent years. Internet environment provides multiple choices of learning time and learning materials. Much research has been done on E-Learning. The standards of E-Learning platform have been developed to make the learning content sharable and reusable. Some research has been devoted to the design of adaptive Learning system for need of different users. The Instructional Activity Model (IAM) is a general-purpose model to generate an adaptive learning course, which is compatible with the SCORM standard. IAM is composed of related Activity Tree (AT tree) nodes and capability nodes. Prerequisites are capabilities supposed to posses before learning an AT tree while contributions are capabilities after learning an AT tree. IAM model supports the adaptive learning sequencing by considering the relationships between AT trees and capability nodes. However, the IAM model does not take the influence between capabilities into consideration, especially for the assimilation of capabilities. In this paper, we propose the mechanism to integrate the concept of assimilation theory to the IAM model. In our proposed mechanism, the relationships between capabilities are considered based on the similarity measure between capabilities. The selection process of IAM is also modified to reflect the relationships of capabilities. Simulation result shows that the proposed mechanism is helpful for the learning sequencing.

「修」台灣「學」日本:日治時期台灣修學旅行之研究 / The study of educational excursion in Taiwan during the period of Japanese rule

林雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
起源於日本的「修學旅行」,隨著日本在台實施新式教育的政策,進入了台灣社會。以學生為主體的修學旅行,不僅兼具近代遊憩活動的意涵,更富教育功能,成為教室以外拓展學生視野的新興校外活動;同時,修學旅行是還是殖民當局貫徹其同化策略的工具。此時的修學旅行,也反映出近代化旅遊的樣貌,亦即從過去「個人探險」的形式,進入「制度化」的階段:島內、海外修學旅行開始流行,象徵著交通建設走向完備;由與旅行相關的事物越來越多,顯示修學旅行已成為既定行事。而在旅行的過程中,透過讓學生觀賞近代建設,不僅有助於增廣見聞,也是使其從對於近代化的嚮往轉化為對統治者的認同;或是參拜神社,接觸國家神道的核心,感受日本國體萬世一系的天皇體制,台灣學生在被檢視同化教育成效之餘,認知方面也無條件地被強化成為「日本人」。由此可知修學旅行中處處可見政治力量的鑿痕。此外,在修學旅行之中,學生所見到與鄉土相關的景物時,該物件已經被賦予新的意義,也就是被化約在日本歷史系統之下,漸漸失去其主體性。而學生即是在修學旅行的過程裡,體驗殖民與近代化之間曖昧不明的滋味。 / The "educational excursion" which originated in Japan,had entered Taiwan society with the new education policies Japanese carried out in Taiwan. The educational excursion took students as the main part, were not only concurrently the meaning of modern recreational activities,but also were full of educational functions, and became new activities outside the school that could widen students' horizons beyond the classroom; and in the same time, the educational excursion were also the tool for colonial authorities to carry out the strategies for the assimilation. The educational excursion at this time, also reflected the appearance of modern tourism, which entered the stage of "institutionalized" from the past form of "personal adventure": the domestic,overseas educational excursion became popular, which signified the transportation construction were going to be complete; since the travel-related things became more and more,it showed that the educational excursion had become main stream activities. And in the process of travel, through letting students to view the modern buildings,it did not only help to broaden their horizons, but also made their yearning to the modernization transformed to the acceptance to the rulers; or to let them visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, and to access the core of to the national Shinto religion,to experience the system of the eternal Emperor of Japanl, except that Taiwanese students were viewed of the effectiveness of assimilation education . The recognitions of Taiwanese students could be forced to become "Japanese” unconditionally. From this we can see the marks of political power everywhere in the educational excursion. In addition, during the educational excursion, when the students saw the scenes related to the home town,that thing had been given a new meanings,it was converted into the system of Japan history, and gradually losing its subjectivity. And the students in the process of educational excursion were experiencing the taste of ambiguities between colonization and modernization.


宋承華, Song, Cheng-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究元朝經略高麗之政策,計一冊,約有八萬字,研究重點在於探討,自蒙古 與高麗最初接觸時至其滅亡時,元對高麗實施的諸般措置,其內容共分為六章,所述 主旨分別如下: 第一章:共分第二節,首先論述兩國最初接觸之背景。即,敘述元初經略遼東地區之 情形,及由此引起該地區的情勢變化,以及受到這情勢變化而影響到高麗地區之情形 。 第二章:共分為三節,論述元與高麗間最初接觸之過程,以及兩國間所締結的「兄弟 盟約」之內容與其破壞之原因。 第三章:共分為三節,論述有關元採取征伐政策之情形。即,敘述元太祖、定宗、憲 宗三代征伐高麗之過程,及征伐末期,由高麗軍所發生的「三別抄」之亂與元朝征伐 期間所採取的諸戰術、戰略內容等。 第四章:共分為五節,論述元服屬高麗後,為羈縻其國實施的主要措施。即,敘述達 魯花赤、站赤、屯田經略司、征東行省之設置過程,其活動,以及納質制度之內容。 第五章:共分為五節,論述元代八十餘年間,兩個民族間血統、宗教、語文、文化上 互相融合、同化之情形。 第六章:結論。

第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策(1945-2003) / The Policy of Vietnam toward Ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ,1945-2003

黃宗鼎, Huang, Chung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
越南與中國山海毗連,古來交通頻繁,華人或為謀生或為避禍,流寓至斯者不可勝數。如與其他華人移民社會相比,越南華人社會源遠流長,堪稱最為悠久的海外華人社群,是故越南華人研究於華僑華人研究、東南亞史、中外交通史,以及族群關係等領域皆有一定之學術價值。 越南華人的華語能力何以普遍低落?社會地位何以長期不振?凡此越南華人生活之樣貌,泰半歸因於早先越南政府其華人政策執行之結果。越南歷經君主、殖民、威權、共產政權的統治,在不同的歷史階段裡,華人扮演著不同的角色,他們或為當局開疆拓土的能臣、或為外交攻防的棋子、或為國家發展的障礙、或為繁榮經濟的夥伴,各政權與華人之關係固有良窳,其華人政策自有異同。 筆者擬視第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策為一「(從屬)族裔政策」(policies vis-a-vis ethnic subordinates),藉由二戰後越南華人政策編年史之重建,期解析歷任越南政府(法國越南殖民政府、越南民主共和國、越南共和國,乃至於越南社會主義共和國)華人政策之特質與導因,俾闡明越南華人政策自「強制性同化(Compulsory Assimilation)」趨向「包容(Accommodation)」之歷程。 就華人政策之特質而言,「政策意識形態」的內涵自然是一項重點(筆者將「(強制性)同化」或「包容」等主義皆視為一「政策意識形態」),但如何對「政策意識形態」進行系統化分析,乃是關鍵所在。吾人將以「族裔互動指標」(亦即Gordon(1964)之「同化變項」)推論幾種不同「意識形態」取向的「政策原型」,進而以「政策原型」作為判斷實際「政策意識形態」之準據。 經由各章討論,本研究乃有以下發現:(一)第二次世界大戰以來,越南之華人政策體現了華人在族裔結構中之被動與羸弱,其從屬情境已然僵固;(二)就「政策意識形態」而言,第二次世界大戰後越南之華人政策原係以「同化」為主,迄1980年中期轉趨「包容」,惟無論同化抑或包容,乃至於在越南共和國時代對華人採取的「去特權化」,旨皆在造成越南華人之「在地化」;(三)二戰後歷任越南政府之華人政策側重於改造華人之社會結構與族裔意識;(四)二戰後歷任越南政府其「政體意識形態」與「華人政策意識形態」之相關性並不顯著:(五)綜觀二戰後歷任越南政府之華人政策,其導因主要包括「越南政府與中國政府之雙邊關係(越南對中國之依賴程度)」、「越南政府對華人之基本態度」,以及「越南政府之經濟戰略」三項。 (本論文榮獲2005年中研院亞太區域研究專題中心碩士論文獎助) / From the ancient time, ethnic Vietnamese and Chinese have been in contact with each other persistently since China and Vietnam are linked by mountains and rivers. Thousands of ethnic Chinese have flowed into and resided in Vietnam to earn a living and to run away from calamities in the past. Comparing with other overseas ethnic Chinese communities around the world, those in Vietnam have had a distant source and a long stream. Hence the study of ethnic Chinese in Vietnam has a number of academic benefits from understanding of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese, to the study of Southeast Asia history, to the study of the communication between China and abroad, and to the study of interaction among ethnic groups. How does the ethnic Chinese in Vietnam lose their Mandarin ability? Why do they have an inferior social status? All of these features of ethnic Chinese in Vietnam could be a result of the implementation of Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese. In Vietnam's history, there were assorted political stages, including monarchy, colonialism, authoritarianism, and communism, to name a few. Vietnam's ethnic Chinese have been participating in varied roles during these political times, including a pioneer in exploring barren lands, a chess-man in the diplomatic board game, an obstruction to the national development, and a business partner. Because of this complicated relationship with ethnic Chinese, every authority in Vietnam has established different policies toward ethnic Chinese as well. In this thesis, the author assumes that Vietnam's policies toward ethnic Chinese equate to policies vis-à-vis ethnic subordinates. Through the process of reconstructing the chronicle of Vietnam's ethnic Chinese policies after World War Two, this author is going to analyze the characteristics and the factors of these various policies from each Vietnamese authority (i.e., the so- called Vietnamese authorities including the French authority in Vietnam(1945-1954), Republic of Vietnam(1955-1975), Democratic Republic of Vietnam(1954-1975), and Socialist Republic of Vietnam(1975-2003))in order to enucleate the ideology of these policies that have been transformed from “Compulsory Assimilation” to “Accommodation.” As to the characteristics of ethnic Chinese policy of each authority, several questions are examined: “what is the ideology of each authority's ethnic Chinese policy?” is supposed to be a focus (The author is going to take “Compulsory Assimilation” or “Accommodation” as a sort of “ideology of policy”). Moreover, “how to analyze the ideology of ethnic Chinese policy that belongs to each authority?” is definitely a weight-bearing point. The author will use a so-called “index of interaction among ethnic groups (which was evolved from Gordon's (1964) variables of assimilation)”to theorize several “policy prototypes” dependent on each “ideology of policy”. According to these “policy prototypes”, we may analyze each authority's ideology of ethnic Chinese policy in detail. This research has five conclusions: 1. Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ embodies the passive and emaciated position in the Vietnam's ethnic structure; the subordinate status of ethnic Chinese has been enforced by the Vietnamese authority. 2. Speaking of the ideology of each authority's ethnic Chinese policy after WWⅡ, the main purpose of the policy had been “Compulsory Assimilation” in the very beginning; then it moved downwards to “Accommodation” in the middle of the 1980s; however, whether it was “Compulsory Assimilation” or “Accommodation”, these two ideologies of ethnic policy both caused Vietnamese ethnic Chinese's localization. 3. Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ specifically emphasized on reforming the social framework of ethnic Chinese and their ethnic awareness. 4. The extent of the interrelation between “the ideology of the authority” and “the ideology of the authority's ethnic Chinese policy” is low and unclear. 5. To make a comprehensive survey, this author has summed up three factors for Vietnam's policy toward ethnic Chinese after WWⅡ, and these factors are “the bilateral relationship between the Vietnamese and the Chinese governments (the extent of Vietnam's dependence upon China),”“the basic attitude of the Vietnamese authority toward ethnic Chinese,” and “the Vietnamese authority's economical strategy.” (This thesis has been rewarded a prize for MA Student Research Grants in 2005 by Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS), Academia Sinica, Republic of China(Taiwan).)

從志願到徵兵—二次世界大戰期間台灣的動員 / Conscription Versus Volunteerism: Taiwan's Commitment to WWII

鄭柏力, Cowsill, Patrick Unknown Date (has links)
no / This thesis paper tracks the development of the draft in Taiwan leading up to the Second World War and through its conclusion. In the mobilization of Taiwan as part of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, many factors played a role in first encouraging and then pressing the Taiwanese population into service, including the propagation of mass paranoia labeled spy fever, Japanifized education policies, assimilation projects, general media stresses, social organization allowing for a police state, economics and the weight of Taiwan’s own unique frontier history. All of the routes created a certain frenzied (for lack of a better word) atmosphere and deserve attention in understanding the processes that led young Taiwanese males, and females, to first volunteer in the Imperial Japanese Army, Navy and Air Force and then comply to institutionalized conscription. The story of these individuals remains overlooked in the current reconstruction of Taiwan’s history. The era has been overshadowed by the turbulent events following the Second World War and the landing of half a million Chinese immigrants in Taiwan upon defeat in China. This corner of Taiwan’s history is still inappropriately relegated to the sidelines. With the Second World War generation and in particular the 200,000 who served both in Taiwan and overseas as volunteers and conscripts beginning to die off, the need to get their first-hand accounts recorded and preserved for posterity is pressing. In maintaining their information and stories, the interested historian can do service by adding to the historical record. Knowing this, “From Volunteerism to Conscription: The Mobilization of Taiwan for the Second World War” does not seek to score political points in plotting such a course. The thesis paper simply attempts to better comprehend the mechanisms that worked to pit Taiwan against her ancestral China and to comment on the plight of the survivors, bringing up their influence on Taiwan today. So, this paper will delve into 13 years of history, from 1932 to 1945, when Taiwan sat at the side of Japan as a colonial possession, and did its part in an unprecedented modern territorial expansion. The thesis paper wants to explain more about those who served, and why their service and its outcome might remain relevant in shaping Taiwan’s story at this very moment.


岩口敬子 Unknown Date (has links)
國家舉辦的儀式以及紀念日活動即象徵著國家本身。國家透過這些活動,呈現、宣傳國家的安定以及正統性等。除了政治權力本身的政策之外,對於這些儀式所具有的力量,則是近年以來不問地域,皆是許多研究者討論的課題。   反覆舉行的紀念日是對過去的回顧。紀念日連結了過去的故事性與記憶,透過將國家歷史與現在國家的努力連結,國家將國家認同明確化。果真如此,那麼儀式以及相關的紀念性活動之影響力就不能被忽略。   日本統治時代,作為殖民地的台灣,與母國內地一樣展開如祝祭日等官方節日,以及如天皇即位式等皇室儀式活動,甚至皇太子等皇室來台灣訪察時,也盛大舉辦儀式和慶祝、紀念活動。也就是說,即使是在殖民地也展開了種種「帝國儀式活動」。   然而,除此以外,尚有殖民地台灣才有的儀式活動。特別是始政紀念日此一紀念日及其相關儀式活動,是所有節日中相當被重視的,甚於某些祝祭日。自日本開始統治台灣的1895年6月17日始,到日本戰敗為止,持續舉辦紀念及慶祝活動。   一個是與內地同樣展開地,以天皇為中心,呼喊「天皇子民」、「一視同仁」等等,期待國民統合的祝祭日以及皇室儀式。另一個則是只有殖民地台灣才被展開地,紀念「日本統治台灣」此一充滿殖民統治意識的紀念日。就被殖民者而言,這是象徵日本統治開始的紀念日。這兩種不同意涵的官方節日在台灣怎麼展開?兩者如何互相影響?是加乘效果或是矛盾抵銷呢?本文基於上述問題意識,針對日治時期在台灣的國家節日及儀式活動進行了研究與討論。


沈泰輔, SHEN,TAI-FU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在分析中共政權建立後,朝鮮民族在大陸東北地區的發展概況。本文試從 朝鮮族的移民背景及中共設立延邊朝鮮族自治州之經過,來看中共政權統治下,朝鮮 民族在東北地區之開發現況,及在中共與南北韓關係中,朝鮮民族的國家觀念與同化 問題。 在研究方法上,因無法到大陸東北地區做現況調查研究,故只能搜集中華民國、中共 、韓國、日本之資料做歷史文獻分析之工作。 本文約十二萬餘言,分六章十五節,其主要內容為: 第一章為論,就研究動機、目的、範圍與方法作一說明。 第二章為「朝鮮族與東北地區之歷史關係」,下分三節,概述東北地區與韓半島的關 係,以及韓民移流東北之經過與定居情況。 第三章「中共政權建立後延邊朝鮮族自治州設立之經過」,共分三節,對中共少數民 族政策下,延邊朝鮮族自治州之建立及其演變作一介紹。 第四章為「近年東北地區朝鮮族現代化發展之景況」,共分四節,分別就經濟開發之 情況、教育、文化之發展來加以說明。 第五章「朝鮮族在中共政權統治下之處境及回應」,下分三節,主要在談朝鮮族的地 位、文化特徵與同化問題,以及在中共與南北韓關係中所扮演的角色。 第六章為結論。


蔡佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)


王貴英, Wang, Gui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
在現代商業經營的環境中,物流系統已成為競爭的焦點,產品或原料送交到顧客手中,物流成本占了物品銷售成本的相當比例。而一個物流中心需要各項軟硬體的配合,有一定的營運規模經濟。物流共同化係著眼於經濟性及效率性的考量,在物流業者資源整合下,擴大物流營運規模,提升效率,提供企業專業物流服務,降低企業物流成本,以因應市場的競爭。本研究主要是以物流公司為主體,探討不同類型的物流公司在執行物流共同化時所採行的作業模式及策略形成原因。並藉由參考日本物流共同化作業模式,比較國內物流業者物流共同化的作業方式,探討物流共同化在國內未來發展的模式。 本研究以通路類型,作業型態二項變數將物流公司予以分類,探討不同類型的物流公司,因其核心資源不同,在進行物流共同化時,作業模式與策略的差異性及策略背後隱藏的含意。本研究屬探索性研究,採多個案的研究方法。依據個案所取得的資料經整理歸納,將物流公司分成三類:開放型物流公司--沒有商流活動,提供客戶專業物流服務,客戶不限定只有體系內企業、封閉型物流公司--有形式商流活動,只替體系內企業處理物流工作、混合型物公司--有實質商流,但服務對象同時包括體系內與體系外的企業。 本研究發現不論物流公司的通路功能性質為何,各類型物流公司實施物流共同化的目標是都冀以擴大物流作業的經濟規模,降低物流處理成本,提昇物流效率。開放型物流公司藉由物流共同化取得在物流產業中的競爭優勢。封閉型物流公司希望藉物流共同化提昇通路權力,而混合型物流公司希望增加公司所代理或批發商品的通路談判力。 在作業型態對物流公司實施物流共同化的影響方面,物流公司為整體產品供應鍊中之一環,物流公司與合作伙伴(從事供應鍊其他價值活動的成員),保持加值合夥關係,則在物流共同化的作業型態、客戶選擇上較具彈性。物流公司與供應鍊成員有垂直整合關係,因需要配合通路系統整體目標,在物流共同化的作業型態及客戶選擇上較沒有彈性。 物流公司因所擁有的核心資源不同,對欲採用物流共同化的作業模式亦不同。運輸型物流公司傾向於運輸共同型物流。倉儲型物公司共同化多朝共同保管、共同配送發展。通路型物流公司全機能型的共同化作業,是最易發揮其核心能力作業方式。 不同類型物流公司在發展物流共同化時,開放型物流公司,因在通路上與客戶間無利害關係的存在,在產品物流處理上不受上下游包影響,可彈性的安排,是國內共同化推動的主力。封閉型物流公司發展物流共同化須配合關係企業整體目標,而混合型物流公司因本身有實質商流,在客戶的選擇上較注重產品與通路的互補性,這兩類物流公司對物流共同化都是配合本身通路功能定位選擇性實施。 最後就這次的研究範圍,在對業者的建議方面,物流共同化在日本已有三十年以上的歷史,有多種形態的協同組合。在國內雖然物流公司已開始有物流共同化的觀念,但多以一家物流公司為主體,還未見到本研究中所引用日本個案之跨組織的物流共同化形態(城南公司)。在整個產業競爭愈來愈激烈情況下,加上未來我國加入WTO,如外國物流業者挾著大量資金與技術進入我國物流市場,會對我國物流業者造成很大的威脅。物流業者之間應以資源互相配合,經由物流共同化透過資源共享,擴大產業規模,降低物流處理成本,提昇整個物流產業水準,以因應未來國際間產業的競爭。

現代俄語中的英語仿造成語研究 / Phrasal Calques from English to Russian

王上豪 Unknown Date (has links)

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