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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Importance of Failing Well: An Exploration of the Relationship between Resilience and Academic Achievement

King, Lance G January 2009 (has links)
Across any group of gifted students in any school there will always be a range of academic and other achievements. It is when these achievements are compared with measures of potential and the expectations of teachers and parents that a gifted child can sometimes be declared an underachiever. The 37 gifted students taking part in this study ranged in academic achievement from high achievers to underachievers. In part one of the study a questionnaire approach was used to measure their locus of control (LOC) and learned helplessness (LH) orientations and their tendency towards resilience or vulnerability. These students were also assessed as to their choice of performance or learning goals; effort or ability attributions for success; and the fixed or flexible nature of intelligence. The results of these investigations were then compared with the expectations of their teachers and their academic performance in recent examinations. None of the factors were found to yield consistent correlation with either expectations or academic achievements. Both high achievers and underachievers were found at all measures of all variables. In part two, a phenomenographic enquiry was undertaken by interview, to investigate the students' reactions to the twin phenomena of success and failure. LOC, LH and resilience/vulnerability were controlled for in this part of the study and the sample group chosen for interview (10 students) included both high achievers and underachievers. Analysis of the interview transcripts revealed one characteristic which consistently differentiated between the underachievers and the high achievers. This was the reaction to failure. Consistently across the sample, irrespective of their LOC, LH and resilience orientations, the students achieving at the highest level were found to display an efficacious, learn-from-mistakes attitude to failure and the underachieving students displayed unhelpful reactions to failure ranging from denial to avoidance to helplessness. The terms failing well and failing badly were used to describe these two clusters of reactions. Learning to fail well, is proposed as one mechanism to help gifted underachievers improve their academic performance. This study adds to existing understandings in that its findings are contrary to much published literature and its conclusions appears to provide a new perspective on the characteristics of the gifted underachiever.

Resilience and vulnerability in communities around Mt Taranaki

Finnis, Kristen Kay, n/a January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the resilience and vulnerability of Taranaki communities to volcanic hazards, and to propose a strategy to ensure the safety and longevity of Taranaki residents in the event of an eruption. Mt Taranaki is a dormant volcano that is surrounded by a ring plain populated by over 100,000 people. The volcano has had an average eruptive cycle of 330 years, with the last eruption dated at ~1755 AD. Hazards include ash fall, lahars, debris avalanches and pyroclastic density currents. Inglewood, Stratford and Opunake are the largest population centres located in moderate to high hazard zones, and for this reason were chosen as the study communities. Resilience is defined as the capacity to respond to a hazard event by physically and psychologically recovering, adapting to, or changing to similar or better conditions than those experienced before the event. Vulnerability is defined to be people�s incapacity to cope with a hazardous event as a result of their personal characteristics. A person�s vulnerability and resilience is influenced by demographic variables, socio-cognitive variables and preparedness. Inglewood, Stratford and Opunake adults have good self-efficacy and action-coping use, fair risk perceptions, outcome expectancy and response efficacy, but poor understanding of event timing relative to eruption probability, critical awareness, preparedness and information-seeking intentions and preparedness levels. Preparedness is found to be influenced by residents� intentions to prepare, which in turn are influenced by critical awareness, action-coping and outcome expectancy. Taranaki students have a fair awareness of hazard and knowledge of correct response behaviours to various hazards. Preparedness, in terms of preparedness measures undertaken, emergency plans made and emergency practices in place, is low. Students who have participated in hazard-education programmes have a better knowledge of response behaviours, lower levels of hazard-related fear, and reported higher level of preparedness. Spatial analyses, carried out to determine the geographic distribution of at-risk groups within the study communities, showed that the areas most at-risk tend to be those with the highest population densities. The spatial analysis was not as beneficial as expected, due to small data sets, but did provide some results to be considered as a basis for further research. Effective public education can be achieved when delivered to a set of guidelines, such as providing information regularly through multiple media and sources, ensuring consistent messages, targeting information to at-risk groups and monitoring programme effectiveness. Community capacity building projects decrease aspects of vulnerability and build resilience by working at a local scale and targeting at-risk groups. Psychological preparedness education helps citizens to mentally prepare for an event and should be a component of all projects. The proposed strategy calls for (a) forming partnerships with relevant stakeholders to assist with public education, research, and funding, (b) further research into the characteristics of Taranaki communities and effective public education campaigns, (c) the development and implementation of a public education schedule and projects that build community capacity, and d) long-term planning, periodic revision of programmes and consistent public engagement.

Resilience in Australian Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Adolescents

Thomas, Helen, thomash27@hotmail.com January 2007 (has links)
Resilience (positive adaptation despite exposure to risk or adversity) is a widely researched construct, yet it has not been examined systematically with Australian Indigenous adolescents despite their high level of risk. Indigenous adolescents experience disproportionate disadvantage and associated poorer health and well-being compared with their non-Indigenous peers. Thus the protective factors or predictors of resilience that ameliorate the negative effects of risk in this subgroup are important to explore. Adolescence is a critical period for examining resilience given the increased vulnerability to mental health problems during this time. Of interest to this thesis are the psychosocial predictors of resilience (protective factors), which act to ameliorate the negative effects of stress. Three widely established protective factors were examined: Coping skills, social support, and multidimensional self-concept. These protective factors were compared in a sample of 304 Australian non-Indigenous (n = 245) and Indigenous (n = 59) adolescents, aged 12-18 years. Using a methodological framework developed for this study resilience was assessed by examining stress (negative stressful life events and daily hassles) and adaptation (internalising, externalising and other mental health symptoms). Participants were classified into four resilience groups based on their stress (high or low) and adaptation (positive or negative): resilient (high stress, positive adaptation), negative expected (high stress, negative adaptation), positive expected (low stress, positive adaptation), or poor copers (low stress, negative adaptation). Results were examined separately for non-Indigenous and Indigenous participants. The two cultural groups were then compared. Results revealed that higher stress was strongly associated with more internalising, externalising and other mental health problems. The impact of daily hassles was a strong predictor of adaptation, particularly for Indigenous participants. Indigenous participants reported higher levels of stress and more negative adaptation than non-Indigenous participants. Three coping methods were examined: Solving the Problem, Reference to Others and Non-Productive coping. Solving the Problem coping was a strong predictor of positive adaptation and resilience for non-Indigenous adolescents but not for Indigenous adolescents. No cultural differences in Solving the Problem coping were revealed. Reference to Others was found to be a maladaptive coping method in relation to resilience. Non-Productive coping (e.g., avoidance and substance use) was also found to be maladaptive, and used more by Indigenous than non-Indigenous participants. Social support only predicted resilience for non-Indigenous participants in conditions of very high stress. Contrary to expectations, social support did not discriminate among the Indigenous resilience groups and no significant cultural differences were revealed. Self-concept was strongly related to resilience and positive adaptation for non-Indigenous participants, although not for Indigenous participants. Cultural comparisons, however, revealed that positive self-concept was associated with positive adaptation for both groups. While differences between non-Indigenous and Indigenous participants on several self-concept domains were revealed, the total self-concept of non-Indigenous and Indigenous participants did not differ. The results of this study revealed both similarities and differences in the relationships between the three predictors investigated and the resilience of non-Indigenous and Indigenous adolescents. The findings make some progress toward informing culturally appropriate interventions to promote and strengthen the resilience of Indigenous young people.


Rosemary Taufatofua Unknown Date (has links)
This research examines socio-cultural change and resilience resulting from holiday tourism and visiting friends and relatives (VFR) travel. The unique cultural attributes of the Pacific region differentiates it from many other generic sea, sand and sun travel destinations worldwide, providing the region with a competitive edge. This research recognises these essential socio-cultural attributes using Samoa as a case study offering various levels of tourist and VFR interactions. The thesis investigated four communities, their culture and the impacts from holiday tourists and VFR travellers. The research methodologies guiding this research offer an innovative and credible mechanism to assess the resilience of the socio-cultural fabric of a Pacific Island nation with growing holiday tourism and a thriving VFR travel sector. A social and cultural capital approach was used to understand communities and their networks in a dynamic and comprehensive way. A combination of participatory action research techniques and critical ethnographic methodologies were used to interact with respondents. Analysis of data used both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods. Results of this research have significantly furthered discussion of the socio-cultural fabric of those communities studied in Samoa and how individual socio-cultural elements are influenced by holiday tourism and VFR travel. Based on the analysis of these holiday tourist and VFR traveller impacts, the results can guide planning and policy oriented benchmarks for improved socio-culturally sustainable tourism.

"Har du kontrollen?" : En fallstudie om positionsöverlämningar på ATCC Stockholm

Nilsson, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Flygledare övervakar alla flygplan som färdas världen över genom att se till attflygplanen håller separationsgränserna. Flygledarna jobbar i pass på cirka en timme ochbyts sedan av, en så kallad positionsöverlämning. Det är viktigt att den som tar överpositionen får all information den behöver för att kunna fortsätta leda flygplanen på ett säkert sätt och eventuellt vidta åtgärder för att säkerställa en välordnad flygtrafik. Incidentrapporter visar att ett oproportionerligt stort antal incidenter sker 5- 15minuter efter en positionsöverlämning. På grund av detta vill LFV undersöka hur positionsöverlämningarna går till för att senare kvalitetssäkra dem. Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva positionsöverlämningar på ATCC Stockholm. Resultatet visar att flygledarna till stor del använder sig av en memorerad checklista som inte skiljer sig mycket från den fysiska de har framför sig och följer därmed ett generellt mönster. Det visar även att det svåra kan vara att upprätthålla uppmärksamheten under alla överlämningarna. Resultaten ger LFV en utgångspunkt till att börja med kvalitetssäkringen. Ur ett akademiskt perspektiv visar resultaten en tillämpning på hurde teorier som används i studien kan appliceras i kontexten positionsöverlämningar mellan flygledare.</p>

<em>" Till slut kraschar man..."</em> : Vuxna manliga barns upplevelser av att växa upp med en förälder som har en psykisk funktionsnedsättning

Eurenius, Carola, Toledo, Yumara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur vuxna manliga barn har upplevt och hanterat situationer av att växa upp med en förälder som har psykiska funktionsnedsättningar. Våra frågeställningar utgörs av: <em>Hur upplevde och hanterade vuxna manliga barn till föräldrar med psykisk funktionsnedsättning sin uppväxt?</em> samt <em>Hur har upplevelsen och hanterandet av uppväxten påverkat vuxna manliga barn till föräldrar med psykisk funktionsnedsättning som vuxna?</em> För att kunna svara på frågeställningarna har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod och intervjuat fem vuxna manliga barn som haft en sådan uppväxt. Intervjuerna har sedan analyserats genom ett fenomenologiskt förhållningssätt och därmed har vi återberättat informanternas utsagor istället för att tolka dessa. Denna analys har utgått från det empiriska materialet som sedan har kopplats till de valda tidigare forskningarna och teoretiska utgångspunkter. De teoretiska utgångspunkter vi har använt oss av för att ge en tydligare beskrivning av informanternas upplevelser, utgörs av resilience och coping.</p><p> </p><p>Av studiens resultat kan det utläsas att alla fem informanter upplevde sin uppväxt fylld av skamkänslor, ansvar, okunskap om vad som var rätt eller fel, normalt eller inte normalt samt saknad av någon som kunde stödja och hjälpa dem i deras situation. Dessutom framkom det att informanternas vuxna liv var präglat av deras upplevelser under uppväxten. Informanternas hanteringsstrategier varierade både i uppväxten och under vuxenlivet, då det visade sig att informanterna pendlade mellan ansvarstagandet, undvikandestrategier, kriminalitet och missbruk.</p>

Reconciliation, Repatriation and Reconnection: A Framework for Building Resilience In Canadian Indigenous Families

LaBoucane-Benson, Patti-Ann Terra 11 1900 (has links)
Although there is a vast body of literature on family resilience, very little represents research from an explicitly Indigenous paradigm. This research process included an Indigenous research path and a case study informed by Indigenous worldview. The data collected in both informed the findings presented here and contributed to the creation of the final model for building resilience in Indigenous families. The results demonstrate how self-determination in research, service delivery, organizational leadership, spiritual connection and individual, every-day practice can be a powerful expression of freedom, liberty and humanity. The case study maps how the self-determination of an Aboriginal organization, resulted in the creation of a program that assists violent Aboriginal men reconcile their traumatic histories, reconnect to an interconnected worldview and repatriate their responsibilities as men within a strong, healthy Aboriginal society.

The role of resiliency in the educational attainment of certified alcohol and drug counselors

Edwards, Darcy 16 December 2002 (has links)
This is a qualitative research project that seeks to understand the meanings that Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC's) have ascribed to their life experiences in relation to their choices about higher education. The participants are four Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors in Oregon who have less than bachelor degrees. The research is based on a case study method of inquiry in which the participants discuss their life experiences and their thoughts about their educations during in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The findings are grouped into two themes that emerged from the data: The themes are: 1) resiliency and 2) personal transformation. In keeping with the literature, this study indicates that people can and do develop resiliency characteristics well into adulthood. It also suggests that reflection can be a vehicle for catharsis and personal transformation. / Graduation date: 2003

'n Oorsig van weerbare leerders in 'n tegniese hoërskool / Gerda Klopper

Klopper, Gertruida Maria January 2008 (has links)
This empirical research study focuses on the qualities of resilient adolescents in a technical school. The study indicates why some adolescents in a technical school are resilient, while other adolescents in this technical school are not resilient. Thirty resilient and thirty non-resilient adolescents in a technical school were chosen to participate in the empirical study. The empirical study consisted of quantitative research (a questionaire that was completed by the sixty adolescents), and qualitative research (three chosen resilient adolescents took part in an interview). This study is therefore a mixed methods study. The conclusions of the study were supported by the literature. The qualities of the resilient adolescent in a technical school are similar to the qualities of resilient adolescents in other contexts. Resilient adolescents in this technical school were characterized by protective factors and processes that had their roots in the individual, the community, culture and relationships. This study is an explorative study. More rigorous research is needed before this study's findings can be generalised. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2008.

The phenomenon of resilience among black adolescents from divorced families in the Vaal Triangle Area / by N. Te Vaarwerk

Te Vaarwerk, Natalie January 2009 (has links)
In South Africa today many adolescents are faced with having to cope with their parents' divorce. There are many risks that occur when adolescents are faced with divorce. Of late research has suggested that parental divorce is an increasingly common phenomenon in black families, but there is no literature which focuses on what contributes to black adolescents coping resiliently with their parents' divorce. The purpose of this study was to provide answers, by means of a literature review and empirical research, to what the antecedents of resilience are among black adolescents coping resiliently with their parents divorce. This was achieved by using a qualitative phenomenological design: ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with resilient black adolescents coping well with their parents' divorce. This study makes a contribution to theory because it suggests a new resilience -promoting resource for black youth from divorced homes, namely dedicated support from friends and teachers (support that is 'always' available), not noted in previous resilience studies. This study also contributed to theory by confirming that resilience promoting processes such as community-facilitated spaces (hostel residence), extra-curricular activities at school and cultural rites encourage resilience among youth whose parents are divorced. This has not been noted in previous literature studies. The findings of this study were used to draft recommendations for Life Orientation teachers on how to encourage resilience among black South African adolescents coping with the adversities of their parents' divorce. In so doing my study made a potential contribution to practice. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

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