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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Voláteis de flores de café com etanol e metanol são sinérgicos para a atração de  Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) em cafezais / Coffee flower volatiles with ethanol and methanol are synergistic for the attraction of Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) in coffee growing areas

Leite, Mariana Oliveira Garrigós 31 May 2016 (has links)
Neste estudo, foi testada a atratividade de novos semioquímicos a fêmeas da broca-do-café, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), que é a principal praga da cultura do café no mundo. Armadilhas iscadas com Trat. 1, Trat. 2 e Trat. 3 foram testadas em combinação ou não com etanol e metanol \'E:M\' (mistura 1:1) em uma área de cafezal localizada em Inconfidentes-MG, Brasil. O resultado mais importante foi que armadilhas iscadas com Trat. 1 + E:M atraíram significantemente mais adultos da broca-do-café do que os outros tratamentos isolados ou combinados. Por outro lado, armadilhas iscadas com compostos voláteis de frutos de café Trat. 2 + E:M não diferiram de E:M. Já armadilhas iscadas com Trat. 3 + E:M atraíram menos besouros do que E:M. Um número significativo de outras espécies de Scolytinae também foram atraídos por armadilhas iscadas com Trat. 1 + E:M e E:M. Além disso, um número muito baixo de outros insetos de, pelo menos, oito ordens também foram atraídos por estes dois tratamentos. Tomados juntos, estes resultados oferecem evidências convincentes de que Trat. 1 e E:M são sinérgicos para a captura de H. hampei, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia para o manejo integrado desta espécie em cafezais. / In this study, it was tested the attractiveness of new semiochemicals to coffee berry borer females, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), that is the most important pest of coffee in the world. Traps baited with Treat. 1, Treat. 2 and Treat. 3 were tested in combination or not with ethanol and methanol \"E:M\" (1:1 mixture) in a coffee growing area located in Inconfidentes, MG, Brazil. The most relevant result is that traps baited with Treat. 1 + E:M attracted significantly more coffee berry borer adults than the other treatments. On the other hand, traps baited with coffee fruits volatile compounds Treat. 2 + E:M were similar to the ones bated with E:M. Yet traps with Treat. 3 + E:M attracted significantly less beetles than traps with E:M. A significant number of other Scolytinae species were also attracted by Treat. 1 + E:M and E:M. Moreover, a very low number of other insects from, at least, eight orders were also attracted by these two treatments. Taken together, these results offer compelling evidences that Treat. 1 and E:M are synergistic for the capture of H. hampei, promoting the development of a new strategy for the integrated management of this species in coffee growers.

Composição dos voláteis do pólen fermentado das abelhas Apis mellifera e de dieta proteica artificial fermentada com base em análises cromatográficas / Composition of volatiles from fermented honey bee pollen (bee bread) and from fermented artificial protein diet based on gas chromatography analysis.

Dias, Jóyce Máyra Volpini de Almeida 08 November 2017 (has links)
As abelhas são consideradas os polinizadores mais importantes das culturas agrícolas ao redor do mundo e os mais efetivos. As necessidades nutricionais desses animais são atendidas através da coleta de néctar (transportado à colônia e armazenado nos favos) e pólen (consumido após a realização de processos fermentativos de microrganismos, denominando-se beebread ou pão de abelha). O beebread possui uma atratividade natural a essas abelhas. Com o desaparecimento das abelhas, pela falta de alimento disponível, entre outras causas, a alimentação suplementar auxilia apicultores na manutenção dessas colônias em períodos críticos, porém esses suplementos muitas vezes não possuem valor nutritivo adequado e fraca atratividade. Verificar assim quais os compostos voláteis presentes no beebread de diferentes regiões do Brasil e uma dieta fermentada a base desse pólen, faz-se hoje uma importante ferramenta para tentar elucidar o problema da atratividade. Foram feitas análises de atratividade, através de testes em túnel Y com duas dietas artificiais: uma dieta não fermentada e outra fermentada com o próprio beebread, durante quatro dias; análises cromatográficas, com beebread coletado de colônias de abelhas A. mellifera em: Ribeirão Preto/São Paulo; Mossoró/Rio Grande do Norte; Muzambinho/Minas Gerais; Porto Alegre/Rio Grande do Sul; análise polínica das amostras de beebread de todas as localidades. Os testes em túnel Y confirmaram que as abelhas são atraídas pelo cheiro da dieta fermentada, sendo que quanto mais tempo permanecem sem alimentação proteica, mais rapidamente é a escolha do local onde se encontra a dieta fermentada. Já as análises químicas apontaram que tanto a dieta fermentada quanto o beebread coletado nas diferentes localidades possuem alguns compostos voláteis em comum, oriundos principalmente de fermentação: Acetoína, Ácido Acético e 2,3-Butanodiol. Sendo que a classe química que esteve mais presente foi a de terpenoides. A análise polínica das amostras de beebread confirmou os dados obtidos pela análise química. Nossos dados indicam a grande importância da gama de compostos encontrados no beebread e a presença daqueles que indicam a fermentação. Assim, saber qual desses compostos voláteis são atrativos às abelhas será fundamental para a liofilização dos mesmos e adicioná-los às rações proteicas artificiais, tornando-as mais palatáveis e atrativas para esses insetos. / Honey bees are considered to be the most important and most effective pollinators of agricultural crops throughout the world. The nutritional necessities of these insects are met by collecting nectar (transported to the colony and stored in the comb) and pollen (consumed after it has been fermented by microorganisms, becoming bee bread). Bee bread contains substances that are attractive to the bees. As the increasing need for bees has become hard to meet because of a lack of natural food sources to sustain their colonies, it has become increasingly common for beekeepers to provide pollen substitutes. However, nutritional quality and palatability are often inferior to those of bee bread. In a search for key compounds that could help stimulate the bees to consume artificial diets, we examined the volatile compounds present in bee bread and in artificial protein diets that had been fermented with microorganisms present in bee bread. Attractiveness of fermented versus unfermented artificial protein diets for honey bees was compared using a Y odor choice test, for four days. Additionally, chromatographic analyses were made of bee bread collected from apiaries located in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte, Muzambinho, Minas Gerais, and Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Pollen analyses were made of all bee bread samples to determine plant origin. The bees preferred the odors from fermented compared to unfermented diet. The rapidity with which they made this choice was positively correlated with the time that they remained without protein food. Several of the volatiles from bee bread from the different regions of the country were similar, despite considerably different contributing pollen species. These volatiles were also found in the fermented pollen substitute diet, indicating that they were products of fermentation; these included acetoin, ascetic acid and 2,3-butanediol. The most common class of volatiles in these materials was terpenoids. There was a large variety of volatile compounds in the bee bread samples and in the fermented bee diet; these included substances that are a result of fermentation. A next step would be to determine which of these substances are most attractive to bees that require protein, so that they can be added to artificial bee diets in order to make them more palatable and useful.

Magmatologie du Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de la Réunion) : approche volcanologique, pétrologique et expérimentale / Magmatic evolution of Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion island)

Brugier, Yann-Aurélien 17 June 2016 (has links)
Afin de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension des processus d’évolution des magmas réunionnais, nous avons réalisé une étude ayant pour objectifs principaux : (1) la simulation expérimentale du système d’alimentation du Piton de la Fournaise, à partir d’un matériel de départ de composition typique de Steady State Basalt et dans des conditions de pression, température, fO2 et de teneurs en volatils (H2O, CO2) réalistes ; (2) la détermination de la séquence de cristallisation d’échantillons représentatifs des roches plutoniques réunionnaises de façon à les comparer avec les résultats expérimentaux et (3) l’obtention d’une base de données volcanologiques, pétrologiques et géochimiques significative sur le groupe de laves anormales (« Abnormal Group ») permettant de confirmer son existence dans le système d’alimentation du Piton de la Fournaise. La découverte de verres silicatés ayant des compositions caractéristiques de l’Abnormal Group confirme l’implication de ces magmas dans l’activité éruptive. Toutefois, les roches plutoniques n’enregistrent pour la plupart que des séquences de cristallisation témoignant d’une évolution superficielle des magmas. Cette dernière est simulée de façon satisfaisante par les expérimentations réalisées dans la gamme 0.1 à 50 MPa qui conduisent à des modèles pétrologiques et des pressions de stockage en accord avec les données géophysiques. Les expérimentations à plus forte pression démontrent l’existence de paliers au sein du système d’alimentation qui peuvent en grande partie expliquer les diverses compositions réunionnaises, mais posent la question de la composition des magmas parentaux. / To better understand magmatic processes associated with the evolution of La Réunion magmas, we have carried out a multi-approach study aimed at (1) simulating experimentally the feeding system of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, using a Steady State Basalt starting material and P-T-fO2-Volatiles (H2O, CO2) conditions compatible with the natural system; (2) determining crystallization sequences representative of La Réunion plutonic rocks for comparison with the experimental results and (3) constructing a volcanological, petrological and geochemical database for lavas of the Abnormal Group, to confirm the existence of Abnormal melts in the feeding system of the volcano. The discovery of glasses having chemical characteristics similar to the Abnormal Group establishes the implication of Abnormal melts in eruptive processes. However, plutonic rocks record crystallization sequences that for the most part indicate a low pressure magmatic evolution. Experiments in the pressure range 0.1 to 50 MPa satisfactorily reproduce conditions in the shallow magmatic systems and lead to petrological models and magma storage depths in agreement with geophysical data. Experiments at higher pressures demonstrate transitions in magma fractionation mechanisms in the feeding system that can explain the range of erupted compositions, but call into question the compositions of parental magmas.

Estímulos olfativos envolvidos no comportamento sexual e na seleção hospedeira de Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) / Olfactory stimuli involved in sexual behavior and host selection of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Cristiane Nardi 18 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi caracterizado o comportamento de Diabrotica speciosa, quando submetida a estímulos químicos de atração sexual ou de localização hospedeira. As atividades desenvolvidas foram: (i) Determinação da idade, horário, duração, número de cópulas, sexo responsável pela atração sexual e sequência de atividades envolvidas no comportamento sexual; (ii) investigação sobre o padrão de resposta dos machos ao feromônio sexual das fêmeas em olfatômetro e em eletroantenograma; (iii) investigação sobre a atividade feromonal dos compostos cuticulares presentes nas fêmeas, bem como a caracterização do comportamento envolvidos com o reconhecimento desses compostos pelos machos; e (iv) efeito da herbivoria em milho sobre o comportamento de seleção hospedeira para oviposição. As cópulas em D. speciosa iniciaram-se a partir do terceiro dia após a emergência dos adultos, com predominância das 18 às 24 horas e duração média de 2,7 horas. O comportamento sexual de D. speciosa apresenta padrões bem definidos de précópula, cópula e pós-cópula, sendo que a atração sexual é realizada por um feromônio produzido pelas fêmeas. Os machos de D. speciosa responderam ao feromônio sexual produzido pelas fêmeas com idade superior a 3 dias. Tais respostas ocorreram ao longo de 24 horas, com predominância nos horários de maior atividade sexual nessa espécie. Machos de D. speciosa demonstraram sensibilidade, em eletroantenograma, a seis componentes presentes unicamente nos extratos de fêmeas com idade superior a 3 dias. Além dos feromônios de atração sexual, fêmeas dessa espécie também produzem compostos cuticulares que agem como feromônios sexuais de contato, estimulando machos a realizar os comportamentos de corte e as tentativas de cópula. Com relação ao comportamento de seleção hospedeira, as fêmeas grávidas de D. speciosa, aparentemente, são repelidas pelos voláteis de plantas induzidas por larvas. Por outro lado, essas fêmeas não foram influenciadas pelos voláteis de plantas de milho sadias e induzidas pelos adultos. O presente estudo fornece informações importantes sobre o comportamento e ecologia química de D. speciosa, as quais podem significar importantes subsídios para o desenvolvimento de técnicas para o manejo dessa espécie em campo. / In the current work we characterized Diabrotica speciosa behavior when submitted to chemical stimuli of sexual attraction or host selection. The developed activities were: (i) determination of age, time, duration, number of matings, sex responsible to sexual attraction and the sequence of activities involved with sexual behavior; (ii) investigation about the pattern of male responses to female sexual pheromones in olfactometer and electroantennogram; (iii) investigation about the pheromonal activity of cuticular compounds derived from females as well as the characterization of behaviors involved with recognition of these compounds by males; and (iv) effect of herbivory in maize on host selection behavior for oviposition. Matings in D. speciosa started from the third day after adult emergence, occurring mostly from 18 to 24 hours and lasting in average 2,7 hours. Sexual behavior of D. speciosa shows defined patterns of premating, mating and postmating, being the sexual attraction mediated by a pheromone produced by females. D. speciosa males responded to sexual pheromones produced by females with age up to 3 days old. Those responses occurred along 24 hours being predominant during times of higher sexual activity in this species. D. speciosa males showed sensitivity, in electroantennogram, to six components present only in up-to-3-day-old female extracts. Besides sexual pheromones, females of this species also produce cuticular compounds that act as contact sexual pheromones, which stimulate males to display courtship behavior and matings attempts. Concerning to the host selection behavior, D. speciosa gravid females were apparently repelled by plant volatiles induced by larvae. On the other side, these females were not influenced by volatiles from health maize plants and induced by adults. The current study provides relevant information about the behavior and chemical ecology of D. speciosa, what can result in important subsides to develop techniques to manage this species in field.

Estímulos olfativos envolvidos no comportamento sexual e na seleção hospedeira de Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) / Olfactory stimuli involved in sexual behavior and host selection of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Nardi, Cristiane 18 May 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi caracterizado o comportamento de Diabrotica speciosa, quando submetida a estímulos químicos de atração sexual ou de localização hospedeira. As atividades desenvolvidas foram: (i) Determinação da idade, horário, duração, número de cópulas, sexo responsável pela atração sexual e sequência de atividades envolvidas no comportamento sexual; (ii) investigação sobre o padrão de resposta dos machos ao feromônio sexual das fêmeas em olfatômetro e em eletroantenograma; (iii) investigação sobre a atividade feromonal dos compostos cuticulares presentes nas fêmeas, bem como a caracterização do comportamento envolvidos com o reconhecimento desses compostos pelos machos; e (iv) efeito da herbivoria em milho sobre o comportamento de seleção hospedeira para oviposição. As cópulas em D. speciosa iniciaram-se a partir do terceiro dia após a emergência dos adultos, com predominância das 18 às 24 horas e duração média de 2,7 horas. O comportamento sexual de D. speciosa apresenta padrões bem definidos de précópula, cópula e pós-cópula, sendo que a atração sexual é realizada por um feromônio produzido pelas fêmeas. Os machos de D. speciosa responderam ao feromônio sexual produzido pelas fêmeas com idade superior a 3 dias. Tais respostas ocorreram ao longo de 24 horas, com predominância nos horários de maior atividade sexual nessa espécie. Machos de D. speciosa demonstraram sensibilidade, em eletroantenograma, a seis componentes presentes unicamente nos extratos de fêmeas com idade superior a 3 dias. Além dos feromônios de atração sexual, fêmeas dessa espécie também produzem compostos cuticulares que agem como feromônios sexuais de contato, estimulando machos a realizar os comportamentos de corte e as tentativas de cópula. Com relação ao comportamento de seleção hospedeira, as fêmeas grávidas de D. speciosa, aparentemente, são repelidas pelos voláteis de plantas induzidas por larvas. Por outro lado, essas fêmeas não foram influenciadas pelos voláteis de plantas de milho sadias e induzidas pelos adultos. O presente estudo fornece informações importantes sobre o comportamento e ecologia química de D. speciosa, as quais podem significar importantes subsídios para o desenvolvimento de técnicas para o manejo dessa espécie em campo. / In the current work we characterized Diabrotica speciosa behavior when submitted to chemical stimuli of sexual attraction or host selection. The developed activities were: (i) determination of age, time, duration, number of matings, sex responsible to sexual attraction and the sequence of activities involved with sexual behavior; (ii) investigation about the pattern of male responses to female sexual pheromones in olfactometer and electroantennogram; (iii) investigation about the pheromonal activity of cuticular compounds derived from females as well as the characterization of behaviors involved with recognition of these compounds by males; and (iv) effect of herbivory in maize on host selection behavior for oviposition. Matings in D. speciosa started from the third day after adult emergence, occurring mostly from 18 to 24 hours and lasting in average 2,7 hours. Sexual behavior of D. speciosa shows defined patterns of premating, mating and postmating, being the sexual attraction mediated by a pheromone produced by females. D. speciosa males responded to sexual pheromones produced by females with age up to 3 days old. Those responses occurred along 24 hours being predominant during times of higher sexual activity in this species. D. speciosa males showed sensitivity, in electroantennogram, to six components present only in up-to-3-day-old female extracts. Besides sexual pheromones, females of this species also produce cuticular compounds that act as contact sexual pheromones, which stimulate males to display courtship behavior and matings attempts. Concerning to the host selection behavior, D. speciosa gravid females were apparently repelled by plant volatiles induced by larvae. On the other side, these females were not influenced by volatiles from health maize plants and induced by adults. The current study provides relevant information about the behavior and chemical ecology of D. speciosa, what can result in important subsides to develop techniques to manage this species in field.

Evaluation et traitement des polluants émis par un moteur thermique fonctionnant avec des biocarburants / Evaluation and treatment of polluants emitted by an engine fed with biofuels

Cosseron, Anne-Flore 29 October 2012 (has links)
Les biocarburants présentent une alternative prometteuse à l’utilisation de carburants fossiles. Cependant, l’augmentation de la quantité de biocarburants introduite dans les carburants nécessite de connaître leur impact sur les émissions de polluants. Le travail réalisé lors de cette thèse peut être décrit en deux parties : La première traite de l’évaluation des émissions de polluants réglementés et non réglementés émis par la combustion de biocarburants dans un moteur diesel. Différents biocarburants ont été testés : des esters méthyliques d’huile de soja et de colza, des esters éthyliques d’huile usagée et un carburant de référence exempt de tout biocarburant. Les résultats montrent que la nature des biocarburants ainsi que leur teneur ont un impact sur les polluants émis. Par exemple, une diminution de la taille des particules émises a été observée avec l’utilisation des esters méthyliques d’huile de soja. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse concerne le piégeage des polluants Diesel, notamment des composés organiques volatils par des zéolithes. Plusieurs zéolithes ont été synthétisées puis caractérisées. Des tests d’adsorption par thermogravimétrie ont ensuite été réalisés au laboratoire avec différentes molécules sondes représentatives des polluants émis par les moteurs Diesel (le n-hexane, le p-xylène et l’acétone). Certaines zéolithes comme les zéolithes faujasite présentent des capacités d’adsorption intéressantes. Toutefois, la plupart des résultats montrent une diminution de la capacité d’adsorption avec l’augmentation de la température. Ces zéolithes ont ensuite été placées en sortie d’échappement d’un moteur diesel afin d’étudier leur capacité d’adsorption. / Nowadays, biofuels are a promising alternative to the use of fossil fuels. However, increasing the amount of biofuels introduced in fuels requires to know their impact on emissions pollutants.The work done in this thesis can be described in two parts: The first one deals with the evaluation of emissions of regulated pollutants (NOx, CO, CO2, O2, THC) and unregulated pollutants (volatile organic compounds, carbonyl compounds and fine particles (between 30 nm and 10 microns)) emitted by the combustion of biofuels in a diesel engine. Different biofuels have been tested: methyl esters of soybean oil and rapeseed oil, ethyl esters of used oil and a reference fuel free of biofuel. The results show that the nature of biofuels and their content have an impact on the pollutants emitted. For example, a decrease in the size of the particles emitted was observed with the use of methyl esters of soybean oil. The second objective of this thesis was to trap pollutants, like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with zeolites. Several hydrophilic and hydrophobic zeolites have been synthesized and characterized. Adsorption tests were then carried by thermogravimetry with different probe molecules representative of pollutants from diesel engines (n-hexane, p-xylene and acetone). Some zeolites such as faujasite zeolites have interesting adsorption capacities. However, most of the results show a decrease in the adsorption capacity with the increase of the temperature. Then, these zeolites have been placed in the exhaust outlet of a diesel engine in order to study their adsorption capacity.

Synthèse des matériaux nanoporeux pour la décontamination moléculaire et le stockage d'énergie / Synthesis of nanoporous materials for molecular decontamination and energy storage

Kabalan, Ihab 05 January 2016 (has links)
Les composés organiques volatiles (COVs) sont les polluants organiques atmosphériques les plus abondants. Parmi les différentes solutions pour combattre cette pollution, l'utilisation d'adsorbants moléculaires tels que les zéolithes semble être efficace. Cependant les synthèses classiques de zéolithes aboutissent généralement à des tailles de cristaux de l'ordre de plusieurs dizaines de micromètres. Les capacités et les cinétiques de piégeage, sensibles aux phénomènes de diffusion et de surface pourraient potentiellement être améliorées par l'utilisation de nanocristaux ou de produits zéolithiques hiérarchisés (micro/mésoporeux). Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons synthétisé des zéolithes aluminosiliciques ou purement siliciques de type structural FAU, MFI et *BEA. Ces dernières sont synthétisées avec différentes morphologies et tailles de particules telles que les nanocristaux et les zéolithes hiérarchisées (nanofeuillets et/ou nanoéponges en utilisant des agents structurants bifonctionnels). Ces matériaux sont comparés aux zéolithes conventionnelles, afin d'étudier l'influence de la morphologie sur la cinétique et la capacité de piégeage de COVs. Les caractéristiques structurales et texturales des zéolithes synthétisées ont été étudiées par ORX, MEB, manométrie d'adsorption/désorption de diazote, ATG-ATD, RMN du solide. Enfin, la capacité d'adsorption d'une molécule modèle, le n-hexane, au sein de ces zéolithes a été étudiée par thermogravimétrie. Dans le cas des zéolithes de type MFI et *BEA, les zéolithes hiérarchisées ont montré une augmentation de la capacité de piégeage en n-hexane par rapport aux zéolithes conventionnelles. La capacité de piégeage en n-hexane a été multipliée par 7 dans le cas des nanoéponges de type *BEA et par 6 dans le cas des nanocristaux de type *BEA comparés aux microcristaux de type *BEA (693 mg/g vs 103 mg/g et 591 mg/g vs 103 mg/g, respectivement). / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the most abundant organic pollutants. Among the various solutions to fight against this pollution, the use of molecular adsorbents appears as a potential alternative for the control of contamination. The porous materials have many advantages due to their low cost, their physical characteristics and their useful properties related to their structure and their large surface area. However, conventional synthesis of zeolites generally lead to micrometer size crystals. The capacity and the kinetics of adsorption that are sensitive to the diffusion and the surface phenomena could be potentially improved by the use of zeolite nanocrystals or hierarchical products (micro / mesoporous). These nanomaterials have high potential due to their small size and their exalted outer surface that promote access of pollutants and improve the adsorption capacity. ln the thesis work, we synthesized zeolites with different structural types such as FAU, MFI and *BEA. Each structure type was synthesized in different morphologies such as nanosponges and /or nanosheets using a bifunctional structuring agent, as well as nanocrystals by the clear solution method. These materials were compared with conventional micrometer-sized zeolites. The purity and the porous texture have been characterized by using XRD, SEM, nitrogen adsorption/desorption techniques, TGA-DTA and solid state NMR. Finally, the adsorption capacity of a model molecule, the n-hexane, in these zeolites have been studied by thermogravimetry. In the case of *BEA and MFI-type zeol ites, the hierarchical zeolites showed an increase of the adsorption capacity of n-hexane compared to conventional zeolites. The adsorption capacity of n-hexane was multiplied by 7 in the case of *BEA-type nanosponges and by 6 in the case of the *BEA-type nanocrystals compared to *BEA_type microcrystals (693 mg / g vs 103 mg / g and 591 mg / g vs 103 mg / g, respectively).

Trophic interactions on Zea spp. plants involving the herbivores Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius) and the predator Doru luteipes Scudder / Interações tróficas em plantas Zea spp. envolvendo os herbivoros Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), Diatrea saccharalis (Fabricius) e o predador Doru luteipes Scudder

Naranjo, Natalia Guevara 09 March 2017 (has links)
The earwigs (Dermaptera) contains mostly nocturnal insects, which are considered subsocial due to formation of aggregated family groups and maternal care. Species of Dermaptera have been shown to play an important role as generalist predators in different crop systems worldwide. Despite that, the knowledge about their behavior and insect-plant interactions remains poorly understood. The earwig Doru luteipes (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) is one of the most important generalist predators in different crops, especially in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) by voraciously consuming eggs and larvae of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Diatraea saccharalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), key pests in this crop. Maize is one of most produced cereals in the word. However, great losses are registered annually due to pest attacks, despite the use of pesticides. Studies have demonstrated that domesticated plants such as maize have reduced defenses against herbivores in detriment to intensely selecting for rapid growth and high yield, when compared with their wild ancestors\' species known as teosintes (Zea spp.). This thesis focuses on the study of the trophic interactions which occur in the system \'Zea plants - herbivores caterpillars - predator earwig\' and is divided in four chapters. In the Chapter 1 is present a general introduction and the thesis outline. In the Chapter 2, we studied through scent collection and multiple-choice bioassays, the communication between D. luteipes individuals which influences their predatory behavior. Our results indicate that earwigs can produce and use chemical cues by conspecifics to orientate them towards foraging resources. In the Chapter 3, we investigated the predation behavior of earwigs during photo- and scotophase and their preference for maize volatiles induced by S. frugiperda or D. saccharalis at different time intervals (early and old damage). Behavior, olfactometry bioassays and plant volatile collections were conducted. As was hypothesized, earwigs showed a predation activity only during night. Besides that, they were attracted by maize odors produced by both caterpillars and showed significant preference to early-damage odors over old-damage. Therefore, it is considered that early-damage volatiles (Green Leaf Volatiles-GLVs) could be the key compounds of D. luteipes attraction. In the last part (Chapter 4) was explored how domestication of Zea plants influences insect-plants interactions through plant defense. Experiments about food utilization by caterpillars, olfactometry bioassays and plant volatile collections were conducted. Interestingly, as in the previous chapter, we suggest that GLVs have an important role in earwig attraction. The results show that life-history of Zea plants influences plant defense and consequently the plant-insect interactions. In conclusion, our findings bring a new contribution to the knowledge about plant defenses in a tritrophic context and predatory strategies in D. luteipes, which would promote alternatives to optimize the conservation and biological control of pest by predators in the field. / As tesourinhas (Dermaptera) são em sua maioria insetos noturnos considerados sub-sociais devido ao cuidado maternal e à formação de grupos familiares agregados. Espécies de Dermaptera possuem um papel importante como predadores generalistas em diferentes culturas em todo mundo. Apesar disso, o conhecimento sobre seu comportamento e as interações inseto-planta permanecem pouco estudadas. A tesourinha Doru luteipes Scudder (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) é um dos predadores mais frequentes em diferentes culturas, especialmente no milho (Zea mays ssp. mays), devido ao voraz consumo de ovos e lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda e Diatraea saccharalis, pragas chave nesta cultura. O milho é um dos cereais mais produzidos no mundo, embora grandes perdas sejam registradas anualmente devido ao ataque de pragas, apesar do uso de agroquímicos. Estudos recentes demostraram que plantas domesticadas tais como o milho têm reduzido suas defesas contra os herbívoros em detrimento à intensa seleção de cultivares de rápido crescimento e alta produtividade, quando comparados com seus ancestrais selvagens conhecidos como teosintos (Zea spp.). Esta tese foca no estudo das interações tróficas que ocorrem no sistema \'plantas Zea - lagartas herbívoras - tesourinhas predadoras\' e foi dividida em quatro capítulos. No Capítulo 1, apresenta-se uma introdução geral e o esboço da tese. No Capítulo 2, a partir da coleta de voláteis de adultos de D. luteipes e ensaios de múltipla escolha, foi estudada a comunicação química entre estes indivíduos que influencia o comportamento de predação. No Capítulo 3 foi investigado o comportamento de predação das tesourinhas durante a foto e escotofase, e a preferência delas pelos voláteis do milho induzidos por S. frugiperda ou D. saccharalis, em diferentes intervalos de tempo (dano recente ou dano tardio). As tesourinhas mostraram atividade predatória apenas durante a noite, e foram atraídas pelos odores do milho atacados pelas duas lagartas. O dano recente (voláteis de folhas verdes-VFVs) contêm os compostos chaves para a atração de D. luteipes. No Capítulo 4 foi explorado como a domesticação das plantas Zea influenciam as interações com insetos por meio das defesas de plantas. Assim como no capitulo anterior, os VFVs apresentaram um importante papel na atração das tesourinhas. Os resultados indicaram que a história de vida do gênero Zea influenciou as defesas das plantas e consequentemente, as interações inseto-planta. Em conclusão, o presente trabalho traz novas contribuições ao conhecimento sobre defesas de plantas num contexto tritrófico, bem como às estratégias de predação em D. luteipes, o qual pode gerar ferramentas para otimizar a conservação e controle biológico de pragas por predadores em campo.

Färgkomponenter som avgår vid bandlackering / Coil coating paint components that are released during cure

Weijland, Elin, Rindberg, Therese January 2009 (has links)
<p>På SSAB i Borlänge har man upptäckt att avgaser från färgen förorenar ugnarna vid härdning. Avgaserna består av lösningsmedel och andra flyktiga föreningar som sedan förkolnas och faller ner på lackerade plåtband. För att komma runt det här problemet har SSAB tillsammans med Akzo Nobel Industrial Finishes AB, i Gamleby, tillverkat en färg som inte ska ge ifrån sig något lösningsmedel och på så sätt minska bildandet av föroreningar i ugnarna. Färgen heter NOVA GreenCoat och innehåller rapsmetylester, RME, som är ett reaktivt lösningsmedel och ska binda till bindemedlet i färgen och på så sätt hindras från att avgå vid härdning.</p><p>Syftet har varit att undersöka om en viss metod fungerar bra för att samla upp avgaser vid härdning. Avgaserna analyserades med GC-MS och härdningen studerades med FTIR. Arbetet har utförts både i Borlänge och i Gamleby.</p><p>Metoden för uppsamling av avgaserna visade sig fungera, dock inte särskilt effektivt. Den skulle därför behöva optimeras.</p><p>Härdningen kunde till viss del följas med hjälp av FTIR. Förändring i IR-spektrumet syntes för hydroxyltoppen vid cirka 3500 cm<sup>-1</sup>. En skillnad kunde ses för en topp vid 2858 cm<sup>-1</sup> som uppkom i det ohärdade materialet innehållande RME, men den försvann under härdning. Toppen ökade med ökad mängd RME och syntes inte alls för de prover som inte innehöll RME.</p><p>Samtliga gjorda analyser indikerade att RME avgick vid härdning. Vid analys med GC-MS kunde de föreningar som avgick från RME identifieras som: metyl-14-metyl pentadekanoat och/eller metyl hexadekanoat, olika former av metyl oktadekanoat samt olika former av metyl eikosanoat. Andra föreningar från klarlacken som avgick var lösningsmedel x och y samt i två av proverna hexametoximetylmelamin, HMMM.</p> / <p>Problems with exhaust gases from paint that contaminates the ovens have been discovered at SSAB in Borlänge.  The exhaust gases contain solvents and other volatiles that vaporize from the paint and later on carbonize and fall down on the next coming sheets. SSAB and Akzo Nobel Industrial Finishes AB have developed a paint that is not supposed to vaporize any solvents and therefore reduce the contaminations of the ovens. The paint is called NOVA GreenCoat and contains rapeseed methyl ester, RME. RME is a reactive solvent that is supposed to react with the binder in the paint and therefore be prevented from leaving during thermal cure.</p><p>The purpose was to investigate whether a specific method worked well, for collecting the exhaust gases during thermal cure, or not. The collected exhaust gases were analyzed by using GC-MS and the cure was studied with FTIR. The work was executed both in Borlänge and Gamleby.</p><p>The method for collecting the exhaust gases worked, unfortunately it wasn’t particularly effective. It therefore needs to be optimized.</p><p>The cure could partially be studied by using FTIR. Changes in the IR-spectrum could be followed by looking at the hydroxyl peak at approximately 3500 cm<sup>-1</sup>. A certain difference was observed for a peak at 2858 cm<sup>-1</sup> that appeared in the uncured material containing RME. The peak disappeared during cure. It increased with increased amount of RME and could not be observed at all for the samples that did not contain RME.</p><p>All the analyzed samples indicated that RME vaporize during cure. When analyzed with GC-MS the volatiles that vaporize from RME were identified as: hexadecanoic acid methyl ester and/or penta decanoic acid methyl-14-methyl ester, different forms of octadecanoic acid methyl ester and different forms of eicosanoic acid methyl ester. Other volatiles that vaporize from NOVA GreenCoat were solvent x and solvent y and for two of the samples hexa metoxy methyl melamine, HMMM, was also found.</p>

Volatiles of Conifer Seedlings : Compositions and Resistance Markers

Kännaste, Astrid January 2008 (has links)
Pine weevils cause major damage to newly planted conifer seedlings in reforestation areas. However, recent findings indicate that small (“mini”) seedlings, planted at the age of 7-10 weeks, are gnawed less by pine weevils than the larger, conventionally planted seedlings. Thus, it has been proposed that planting young conifer seedlings in clear-cut areas may reduce the damage caused by pine weevils. In attempts to determine why mini seedlings appear to be less damaged by pine weevils than “conventional” seedlings, the volatiles released by Norway spruce and Scots pine mini seedlings were investigated, since such chemicals are of great importance in herbivore-plant communication, inter alia acting as repellents, attractants or antifeedants. Volatiles from the seedlings were collected, separated and identified by solid phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results show that there are high levels of chemodiversity among both spruce and pine seedlings. Between-tissue and age-related variations in their emissions were also found. Norway spruce clones infested by mites were also examined to assess genotype- and pest-specific stress reactions of Norway spruce. Finally, the effects of certain spruce defense compounds on the behavior of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis were examined. / QC 20100818

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