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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nelineární analýza železobetonových konstrukcí / Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures

Kopřiva, Josef January 2013 (has links)
Create FEM computational model additionally tensioned bridges for pedestrians and cyclists using ANSYS. Perform nonlinear analysis, design and make a comparison with standard values.

Progressive failure analyses of concrete buttress dams : Influence of crack propagation on the structural dam safety / Analys av brottförlopp hos betonglamelldammar : Inverkan av sprickpropagering på dammsäkerheten

Fu, Chaoran, Hafliðason, Bjartmar January 2015 (has links)
Concrete buttress dams are the most common type of concrete dams for hydropower production in Sweden. Cracks have been observed in some of the them. However, only limited research has been made concerning the influence of these cracks on the structural dam safety. In conventional analytical stability calculations, a concrete dam is assumed to be a rigid body when its safety is verified. However, when cracks have been identified in a dam structure, the stability may be influenced and hence the information of cracks may need to be included in the stability calculations. The main aim of this project is to study how existing cracks and further propagation of these cracks, influence the structural dam safety. Another important topic was to study suitable methods to analyse a concrete dam to failure. In addition, a case study is performed in order to capture the real failure mode of a concrete buttress dam. The case study that has been studied is based on a previous project presented by Malm and Ansell (2011), where existing cracks were identified in a 40m high monolith, as a result from seasonal temperature variations. Two similar models are analysed where one model is defined with an irregular rock-concrete interface, and the other with a horizontal interface. Analyses have been performed on both an uncracked concrete dam but also for the case where information regarding existing cracks, from the previous project, have been included in order to evaluate the influence of cracks on the dam safety. The finite element method has been used as the main analysis tool, through the use of the commercially available software package Abaqus. The finite element models included nonlinear material behaviour and a loading approach for successively increasing forces called overloading, when performing progressive failure analyses. The results show that existing cracks and propagation of these resulted, in this case, in an increased structural safety of the studied dam. Furthermore, an internal failure mode is captured. The irregular rock-concrete interface has a favourable effect on a sliding failure and an unfavourable effect on an overturning failure, compared to the case with the horizontal interface. Based on the results, the structural safety and the failure mode of concrete buttress dams are influenced by existing cracks. Although an increased safety is obtained in this study, the results do not necessarily apply for other monoliths of similar type. It is thus important that existing cracks are considered in stability analyses of concrete buttress dams. / Lamelldammar är den vanligaste typen av betongdammar för vattenkraft produktion i Sverige. I vissa av dessa har sprickbildning observerats. Begränsad forskning har gjorts på hur dessa sprickor påverkar dammens säkerhet. I de vedertagna analytiska stabilitetsberäkningarna antas att betongdammar agerar som en stel kropp när man verifierar dess säkerhet. Befintliga sprickor i en damm kropp kan dock påverka dess stabilitet och kan därför behöva beaktas i stabilitetsberäkningarna. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att studera hur befintliga sprickor och dess propageringen påverkar dammsäkerheten. Ett annat viktigt syfte är att studera lämpliga metoder för att analysera en betongdamm till brott. Dessutom, genomförs en fallstudie i syfte att analysera ett verkligt brottförlopp av en lamelldamm. Fallstudien som utförs i detta projekt, baseras på ett tidigare projekt utfört av Malm and Ansell (2011), där befintliga sprickor identifierades i en monolit på 40m som ett resultat av temperaturvariationer. Två modeller med snarlik geometri har analyserats, där den ena är definierad med en med oregelbunden kontaktyta mellan berg och betong och den andra med en horisontell kontaktyta. Analyserna har utförts på dels en osprucken damm men även där information om befintliga sprickor från det tidigare projektet beaktas, i syfte att jämföra inverkan av sprickor på dammsäkerheten. Finita element metoden har använts som verktyg vid dessa analyser, genom det kommersiellt använda programmet Abaqus. De finita element modellerna inkluderar icke-linjära material egenskaper hos betong och armering samt baseras på en metod för successiv belastning, som kallas 'overloading', vid analys av brottförloppet. Resultatet visar att befintliga sprickor och propageringen av dessa i detta fall kan leda till ökad säkerhet hos den studerade dammen jämfört mot fallet utan beaktande av sprickbildning. Utöver detta fångas även ett inre brottmod. Den oregelbundna kontaktytan mellan betongen och berget har en gynnsam effekt vid ett glidbrott men en ogynnsam inverkan vid ett stjälpningsbrott, i jämförelse med fallet med en horisontell kontaktyta. Baserat på dessa resultat så påverkas dammens säkerhet och brottetförloppet hos lamelldammen utav befintliga sprickor. Även om en ökad säkerhet fås i denna studie är det inte säkert att detta stämmer för andra monoliter av samma slag. Dock är det viktigt att hänsyn tas till befintliga sprickor i stabilitets analyser av lamelldammar.

Modelling masonry spires : An investigation / Modellering av murade tornspiror : En utredning

Lillemo, Dennis January 2021 (has links)
Masonry spires are a typical part of church architecture. Since it is rare that masonry is used as a load-bearing material in the western world today, it is important to maintain and increase the knowledge of modelling masonry structures both from a maintenance point of view and to build new masonry structures. The purpose of this master thesis is to look at and evaluate some different methods to model masonry spires exposed to common loads such as gravity, settlement and wind. The spire of the Salisbury Cathedral is used as a template regarding geometry and mechanical properties for the modelling methods. Two modelling methods are used in the master’s thesis. The first one is the limit analysis method applied to masonry. It is used to calculate a critical thickness for the masonry of the spire for a severe wind load. The second method is the Finite Element Method (FEM). The commercial finite element software Abaqus is used to create the model and the discretization used with the FE modelling is the macro-modelling approach. Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) in Abaqus is used as the material model and adapted to masonry. The finite element model consists of the spire itself along with the supporting structure beneath it down to the piers. Four different simulations (jobs) are run with varying wind direction and two of them have settling piers. The results from the finite element simulations indicate that the membrane stresses in the spire faces for the various jobs were not significantly different from one another. One of the jobs with settling piers could not be completed because the tensile stresses in the arches reached the tensile strength capacity of the material. The other simulation with a settlement that did complete did not have any significant difference in stress compared with the simulations without settlements. While the arches and the piers underwent plastic straining the spire itself did not. The stress levels there remained in the linear range for all the completed simulations. The finite element results also agree with the limit analysis. These findings call into question some of the modelling choices. The inclusion of the structure beneath the spire in the finite element model, as a way to study the effect of settlements, did not give more insight into the spire’s behaviour. Furthermore, the method to implement settlements was too inaccurate and another approach should be used to study the effect of settlements on the state of spires. Further work needs to be done on that topic. Improvements can also be made regarding how CDP was adapted for masonry. / Murade tornspiror är en vanlig takkonstruktion inom kyrkoarkitekturen. Eftersom det numera är sällsynt att murverk fungerar som lastbärande material i västvärlden, är det viktigt att upprätthålla och utöka kunskapen om murverkskonstruktioner för både underhåll och nybyggnation. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att betrakta och utvärdera några olika modelleringsmetoder för murade tornspiror som är utsatta för några typiska laster såsom egentyngd, sättningar och vind. Katedralen i Salisbury används som en modelleringsmall i uppsatsen med avseende på katedralens geometri och materialegenskaper. Två modelleringsmetoder används i uppsatsen. Den första är gränsanalys tillämpad på murverkskonstruktioner. Den används för att beräkna en kritisk tjocklek för tornspiran under en stor vindlast. Den andra metoden är Finita Elementmetoden (FEM). Den kommersiella finita elementprogramvaran Abaqus används för finita elementanalysen och diskretiseringen som används för murverket i finita elementmodellen är makromodellering. Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) i Abaqus används som materialmodell och anpassas för murverk. Finita elementmodellen består utav själva tornspiran inklusive de bärande delarna under spiran och ned till pelarna. Fyra olika simuleringar ("jobb") körs med vindlast som angriper från olika riktningar och två av simuleringarna har pelare som sätter sig. Resultaten från simuleringarna visar att membranspänningarna i tornspirans väggar, för de olika jobben, inte skilde sig i någon betydelig grad från varandra. Ett av jobben med pelare som satte sig kunde inte köras klart eftersom dragspänningarna i valvbågarna överskred draghållfastheten på murverket i modellen. Den andra simuleringen med sättningar som kördes klart uppvisade inte några avsevärda skillnader i spänningar i tornspiran jämfört med simuleringarna utan sättningar. Medan plastiska töjningar uppkom i både valvbågarna och pelarna i modellen, uppkom de inte i tornspiran. Spänningsnivåerna i tornspiran var inom det linjära intervallet för alla simuleringar. Resultaten från finita elementanalysen stämde överens med resultaten från gränsanalysen. Analysresultaten ifrågasätter vissa av modelleringsvalen. Att inkludera de bärande delarna under tornspiran i finita elementmodellen, för att undersöka effekten av sättningar, gav inte en större insikt i hur sättningar påverkar tornspiran. Dessutom, var metoden för att tillämpa sättningar för oprecis och en annan metod borde användas. Mer arbete måste utföras vad gäller det ämnet. Sättet att tillämpa CDP för murverk kan också förbättras.


BARBARA CARDOSO GOMES 12 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho visa dar complemento à ferramenta gráfica interativa previamente criada com a finalidade de modelar e dimensionar vigas e pilares em concreto armado, inserindo no dimensionamento a não linearidade física. A ferramenta existente tem como base o programa FTOOL, que de maneira didática permite modelar e realiza análise estrutural em duas dimensões, resultando em deslocamentos, reações e esforços internos. Com base nos esforços e dados iniciais da estrutura tais como materiais, seções e cobrimento, a nova ferramenta altera a rigidez das seções para que se considere os efeitos de fissuração e fluência do concreto, além da relação não linear entre tensão e deformação. É necessário inserir uma análise da rigidez das seções, que após a fissuração da peça, na transição do Estádio I para o Estádio II, têm sua rigidez reduzida, cálculo este feito pela rigidez secante obtida pelos diagramas momento-curvatura. Desta forma, é necessário reavaliar a rigidez das diversas seções de maneira iterativa, fazendo-se a redistribuição de esforços de acordo com a variação das rijezas nas seções dos elementos estruturais. Propõe-se a comparação entre a recomendação da NBR 6118:2014, item 15.7.3, para consideração aproximada da não linearidade física e a rigidez secante obtida pelas relações momento-curvatura, tanto para os pilares como para as vigas. Para isso são estudados três exemplos de estruturas onde compara-se os resultados obtidos para os esforços internos, armadura e deslocamento. / [en] The present work aims to complement the graphic-interactive tool previously created for modeling and designing reinforced concrete beams and columns, introducing the material nonlinearity in the design. The existant tool is based on the FTOOL program, which didactically allows to model and performs structural analysis in two dimensions, resulting in deflections, reactions ans internal forces. Based on the forces and initial data of the structure such as materials, cross sections and concrete covering, the new tool changes the cross sections stiffnesses to consider the effects of concrete cracking and creep, besides the nonlinear relationships between tensions and deformations. It is necessary to introduce an analysis of the section stiffnesses, which after cracking, in the transition between stages I and II, presents a reduction in its stiffiness, that is evaluated by the secant stiffness from the moment-curvature diagrams. Thus, it is necessary to reevaluate the stiffness of the several sections iteratively, performing the redistribuition of the forces according to the vaiation of stiffness on the structural elements. It is proposed the comparison between the recommendation of NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), in its topic 15.7.3, for the approximate consideration of material nonlinearity and the secant stiffness obtained by the moment-curvature relationships, both for columns and beams. So three examples of structures are studied, in which the results obtained for internal forces, reinforcement and displacement are compared.

Pulsace toku kapaliny v pružné trubici / Pulse flow of liquid in flexible tube

Komoráš, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis is dealing with analysis of fluid flow pulse in a flexible tube representing e.g. an artery in a human body. In ANSYS program, 3D simulations were performed, and these are so-called interrelated FSI analysis. In Maple software, 1D simulations of fluid flow in the tube were performed for various thin-walled and thick-walled variants. The aim is using these programs to determine the flow rates and pressures in the tube, its wall deformation and stress. Therefore, the theoretical part deals mainly with basic equations of flow dynamics, linear and nonlinear models and rotationally symmetric vessels. In the computational part are described individual procedures in the mentioned programs.

Simulace toroidních cívek v Ansoft Maxwell 3D / Simulation of toroid coils in Ansoft Maxwell 3D

Daněk, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the simulation of the toroid coils in Ansoft Maxwell 3D software, which uses finite element method for electromagnetic field simulation. Firstly the process creation of the geometric model toroid coil with seventy-five threaded is presented. It is necessary to debug this model and prepare it for the mesh generation. Physical properties are assign to this model and it gives rise to the physical model. We will set boundaries, excitation current, core material, winding material and the parameters for the mesh generations. New material Kashke K4000 will be created in the materials library and subsequently we will define its BH curve on the basis of datasheet. Analysis is made in two modes. Direct currents (7,5A; 10A; 15A; 20A; 25A) and (non)linear materials are used in magnetostatic solution. Toroid coil is excited by current pulse in transient solution. In Ansoft Maxwell Circuit editor a source which generates current pulse will be created. This excitation will be assigned to the toroid coil as an extern source through a terminal. Core material is linear in the case of transient analysis, because Ansoft Maxwell 3D doesn´t allow to use nonlinear material in this solution. Settings are different in transient and in magnetostatic analysis. End time and time step are entered to solve this task in transient analysis. Time points are entered too. Flux density and electromagnetic field strength are calculated in these time points and later it will be possible to view the results. Calculated fields are shown as the pictures in this thesis. The procedure how to use a field calculator in the postprocessing is given as well. The achievements are summarized in the conclusion.

Verifikace nelineárních materiálových modelů betonu / Verification of nonlinear material models of concrete

Král, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the description of the parameters of nonlinear material models of concrete, which are implemented in a computational system LS-DYNA, interacting with performance of nonlinear test calculations in system LS-DYNA on selected problems, which are formed mainly by simulations of tests of mechanical and physical properties of concrete in uniaxial compressive and tensile on cylinders with applying different boundary conditions and by simulation of bending slab, with subsequent comparison of some results of test calculations with results of the experiment. The thesis includes creation of appropriate geometric models of selected problems, meshing of these geometric models, description of parameters and application of nonlinear material models of concrete on selected problems, application of loads and boundary conditions on selected problems and performance of nonlinear calculations in a computational system LS-DYNA. Evaluation of results is made on the basis of stress-strain diagrams and load-displacement diagrams based on nonlinear calculations taking into account strain rate effects and on the basis of hysteresis curves based on nonlinear calculations in case of application of cyclic loading on selected problems. Verification of nonlinear material models of concrete is made on the basis of comparison of some results of test calculations with results obtained from the experiment.

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