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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die römische Novation im heutigen deutschen bürgerlichen Recht /

Bormann, Herbert. January 1910 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Breslau.

Die Novation (Schulderneuerung) : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Bedeutung im Konto-Korrent nach schweizerischem Recht /

Faesy, Richard G. January 1918 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Bern.

La notion de novation

Sene, Pape Demba Billiau, Marc January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Droit privé : Reims : 2005. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p.390-411. Index.

Fast-track construction with case studies :

Zaidan, Frank F. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (M App Sc in Project Management)--University of South Australia, 1993

Étmie sur la délégation en droit privé romain ...

Rutsaeri, Paul. January 1929 (has links)
Thèse--Universit́e de Gand. / "Bibliographie": p. [301]-305.

Les contes de l'Oikos, cr??ation sc??naristique, suivi de Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l'habitat urbain.

Par??, Denise January 2014 (has links)
La difficult?? des soci??t??s d??velopp??es ?? s???inscrire de mani??re soutenable dans la biosph??re et ?? r??soudre les probl??mes ??cologiques provoqu??s par leur croissance pose un d??fi de taille ?? la civilisation postindustrielle qui s???est, de mani??re illusoire, autonomis??e de son substrat naturel. Motiv?? par le d??sir de r??g??n??rer le rapport entre l?????tre humain et son milieu biophysique, ce m??moire de recherche-cr??ation explore la possibilit?? des ??uvres de fiction cin??matographique de mettre en jeu une pens??e pragmatique et mythique qui s???applique ?? ressaisir l???habitat humain urbain de mani??re ?? assurer la viabilit?? de l?????cosyst??me dans lequel il s???inscrit. D???une certaine mani??re, l???entreprise peut se rapprocher d???une recherche sur les pratiques ??mancipatoires dans le domaine de l???habitation urbaine ??cologique, dont le rapport prend une forme insolite, c???est-??-dire un sc??nario de film. La premi??re partie du m??moire est constitu??e d???un travail de cr??ation sc??naristique : Les contes de l???Oikos. Une biologiste souhaite r??nover, avec l???aide de son compagnon et de leur fille, la maison de son p??re dont elle vient d???h??riter. Son projet consiste ?? concevoir cet habitat urbain et le milieu dans lequel il s???ins??re comme un ??cosyst??me. Elle voit son entreprise mise en p??ril par celle d???un promoteur immobilier. Parall??lement ?? ce r??cit, un conte peupl?? de personnages mythiques, cr???? par les parents pour la fillette, fait ??cho aux motifs r??alistes et offre une interpr??tation onirique des sc??nes du quotidien. La deuxi??me partie tente Une ??cocritique de la repr??sentation filmique de l???habitat urbain. Cet essai retrace l?????mergence, au cours des ann??es 1990 aux ??tats-Unis, d???une nouvelle perspective th??orique issue de la critique litt??raire, soit l?????cocritique. Son d??veloppement et son rayonnement sont examin??s avant de cerner plus pr??cis??ment comment cette approche envisage les th??mes ??tudi??s : l???habitat et la ville. Sur le plan m??thodologique, la recherche explore les possibilit??s offertes par la r??flexion de Bruno Latour afin de conduire l???analyse ??cocritique de deux films qui mettent en sc??ne, dans une certaine mesure, des habitats urbains : l???un, dystopique, Soleil vert, l???autre, eutopique, La belle Verte. Enfin, Les contes de l???Oikos sont reconsid??r??s ?? la lumi??re de ces analyses.

O garantidor e a novação recuperacional / The guarantor and the novation in judicial reorganization

Alves, Thiago Peixoto 26 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar os efeitos gerados aos garantidores dos devedores em recuperação judicial, quando aprovado e homologado o Plano de Recuperação Judicial destes, diante do fenômeno da novação previsto no art. 59 da Lei nº 11.101/05. Essa análise será feita a partir de um estudo geral do instituto da novação no direito civil, bem como da disciplina legal das garantias pessoais, principalmente o aval e a fiança. Com base nesta visão cível, serão comparadas as duas posições hoje existentes sobre a matéria no âmbito comercial, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência nacionais, com o estudo dos argumentos utilizados por aqueles que defendem a manutenção incólume da obrigação dos terceiros garantidores, independentemente da novação, com a possibilidade dos credores prosseguirem normalmente com sua cobrança, bem como por aqueles que acreditam deva ser extinta a obrigação dos garantidores com a novação. Será apontada uma interpretação alternativa, construída pelo autor, de, em um primeiro momento, ocorrer a extinção da obrigação dos garantidores, enquanto estiver sendo adimplido o Plano de Recuperação pelo devedor principal, e retorno as obrigações originais caso descumprida a proposta aprovada pelos credores. Além dos efeitos decorrentes da lei, será analisada a eficácia da cláusula comumente inserida em Planos de Recuperação, de extinção da obrigação dos garantidores com a concessão da recuperação judicial. Ao final, diante do entendimento apresentado pelo autor sobre os efeitos legais da novação para o garantidor e da eficácia da mencionada cláusula, será proposta uma alteração legislativa, nos moldes do direito argentino, para possibilitar que o terceiro garantidor apresente uma proposta de pagamento conjunta com a devedora principal, encerrando-se a divergência interpretativa hoje existente. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the effects caused to the guarantors of the debtors that are under judicial reorganization, when their reorganization plan is approved, regarding the institute of novation provided in art. 59 of Law n. 11.101/05. This analysis will begin with an overall study on the institute of novation in civil law and also on the personal guarantees, especially endorsement and surety. Based on this civil approach, the two current existing positions on the subject in commercial law will be compared, both in national doctrine and national jurisprudence, with a specific study about the arguments used by those who defend the maintenance of the third guarantors\' obligations, irrespective of the novation, with the possibility of the creditors continuing to pursue the collection normally, and also the arguments used by those who believe that the third guarantors\' obligations should be extinct with the novation. Furthermore, an alternative position, developed by the author, will be presented. According to this position, at first, as long as the debtor is performing the reorganization plan, the guarantors\' obligations will be considered extinct. However, in case there is a breach of the plan, the obligations return to their original conditions. Besides the effects arising from the law, the effectiveness of a clause commonly included in reorganization plans, which provides for the extinction of guarantors\' obligations with the approval of the judicial reorganization, will be analyzed. Finally, based on the authors conclusions about the legal effects of the novation for the guarantor and the effectiveness of the above-mentioned clause, one legislative amendment will be suggested, based on the Argentinian Law, to allow the third guarantor to present a payment proposal together with the primary debtor, thus settling the interpretative divergence that exists nowadays.

O garantidor e a novação recuperacional / The guarantor and the novation in judicial reorganization

Thiago Peixoto Alves 26 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar os efeitos gerados aos garantidores dos devedores em recuperação judicial, quando aprovado e homologado o Plano de Recuperação Judicial destes, diante do fenômeno da novação previsto no art. 59 da Lei nº 11.101/05. Essa análise será feita a partir de um estudo geral do instituto da novação no direito civil, bem como da disciplina legal das garantias pessoais, principalmente o aval e a fiança. Com base nesta visão cível, serão comparadas as duas posições hoje existentes sobre a matéria no âmbito comercial, tanto na doutrina como na jurisprudência nacionais, com o estudo dos argumentos utilizados por aqueles que defendem a manutenção incólume da obrigação dos terceiros garantidores, independentemente da novação, com a possibilidade dos credores prosseguirem normalmente com sua cobrança, bem como por aqueles que acreditam deva ser extinta a obrigação dos garantidores com a novação. Será apontada uma interpretação alternativa, construída pelo autor, de, em um primeiro momento, ocorrer a extinção da obrigação dos garantidores, enquanto estiver sendo adimplido o Plano de Recuperação pelo devedor principal, e retorno as obrigações originais caso descumprida a proposta aprovada pelos credores. Além dos efeitos decorrentes da lei, será analisada a eficácia da cláusula comumente inserida em Planos de Recuperação, de extinção da obrigação dos garantidores com a concessão da recuperação judicial. Ao final, diante do entendimento apresentado pelo autor sobre os efeitos legais da novação para o garantidor e da eficácia da mencionada cláusula, será proposta uma alteração legislativa, nos moldes do direito argentino, para possibilitar que o terceiro garantidor apresente uma proposta de pagamento conjunta com a devedora principal, encerrando-se a divergência interpretativa hoje existente. / The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the effects caused to the guarantors of the debtors that are under judicial reorganization, when their reorganization plan is approved, regarding the institute of novation provided in art. 59 of Law n. 11.101/05. This analysis will begin with an overall study on the institute of novation in civil law and also on the personal guarantees, especially endorsement and surety. Based on this civil approach, the two current existing positions on the subject in commercial law will be compared, both in national doctrine and national jurisprudence, with a specific study about the arguments used by those who defend the maintenance of the third guarantors\' obligations, irrespective of the novation, with the possibility of the creditors continuing to pursue the collection normally, and also the arguments used by those who believe that the third guarantors\' obligations should be extinct with the novation. Furthermore, an alternative position, developed by the author, will be presented. According to this position, at first, as long as the debtor is performing the reorganization plan, the guarantors\' obligations will be considered extinct. However, in case there is a breach of the plan, the obligations return to their original conditions. Besides the effects arising from the law, the effectiveness of a clause commonly included in reorganization plans, which provides for the extinction of guarantors\' obligations with the approval of the judicial reorganization, will be analyzed. Finally, based on the authors conclusions about the legal effects of the novation for the guarantor and the effectiveness of the above-mentioned clause, one legislative amendment will be suggested, based on the Argentinian Law, to allow the third guarantor to present a payment proposal together with the primary debtor, thus settling the interpretative divergence that exists nowadays.

La cession de créance en droit français et en droit colombien

Riano Saad, Anabel 21 November 2017 (has links)
La cession de créance est un mécanisme consacré tant en droit commun français qu’en droit commun colombien. Conformément à l’analyse classique dans ces deux systèmes juridiques, la cession de créance est un contrat translatif d’obligation envisagée activement. Ainsi, l’obligation passerait, telle qu’elle est, du patrimoine du cédant à celui du cessionnaire. Le débiteur de la créance cédée n’aurait donc rien à craindre, car l’obligation ne subirait aucune modification du fait de la cession. Il resterait tenu envers le cessionnaire dans les mêmes termes qu’il l’était envers son créancier initial : le cédant. La cession de créance opérerait donc un banal transfert d’un bien incorporel. Malgré le caractère ancré de cette conception, elle est critiquable. L’obligation reste avant toute chose un lien juridique de sorte que l’idée de sa transmissibilité, au moins par acte entre vifs, n’est pas convaincante. En réalité, on s’aperçoit que la cession de créance opère une modification de l’obligation par changement de créancier, et cela sans le consentement du débiteur, sujet passif du lien juridique. Le débiteur subit donc une telle modification, laquelle n’est jamais sans conséquence sur sa situation juridique, ce qui explique qu’il mérite une protection spéciale. C’est pourquoi les tentatives classiques de qualification du débiteur de partie ou de tiers à la cession et, par conséquent, la question de savoir si la cession produit à son égard un effet relatif ou un effet d’opposabilité se révèlent inopportunes.Cependant, cette analyse ne doit pas cacher une autre vérité : la cession de créance est également un acte translatif de créance, bien incorporel qui ne se confond pas avec l’obligation, même si les rapports entretenus entre la créance et l’obligation sont étroits. En tant qu’acte translatif de créance -bien incorporel-, la cession présente des spécificités qui empêchent de la cantonner à un acte juridique déterminé. En effet, la cession permet la réalisation de différentes opérations juridiques, ce qui explique sa nature polyvalente. En outre, la nature incorporelle de la créance explique la spécificité de certaines règles régissant le rapport entre les parties et la cession et celui concernant les tiers et la cession ; notamment celles relatives à l’étendue du transfert et à la garantie due par le cédant au cessionnaire, ainsi que celles portant sur l’opposabilité du transfert aux tiers. / The assignment of claims is a mechanism enshrined in both French ordinary law and Colombian ordinary law. According to the classical analysis in these two legal systems, the assignment of claims is a contract transferring the obligation considered active. Thus, the obligation would pass as it is from the patrimony of the assignor to that of the assignee. The debtor of the assigned claim would therefore have nothing to fear as the obligation would not be affected by the assignment. He would remain liable to the assignee in the same terms as he was to his original creditor: the assignor. The assignment of a claim would thus operate a mere transfer of an intangible property. Despite the anchored nature of this conception, it is open to criticism. The obligation remains above all a legal bond so that the idea of its transmissibility, at least by inter vivos transaction, is not convincing. In fact, we can notice that the assignment of claim creates a modification in the obligation by change of creditor, without the debtor's consent, the passive subject of the legal bond. The debtor thus undergoes such a modification, which is never without consequence on his legal situation, which explains why he deserves special protection. Hence the classical attempts to qualify the debtor of a party or third party in the assignment and, consequently, the question whether the assignment produces a relative effect or an enforceability effect in his regard is undesirable.However, this analysis must not hide this other truth: the assignment of a claim is also an act transferring of the claim, which is intangible property, not to be confused with the obligation, even if the relationship between the claim and the obligation is narrow. As an act transferring of the assignment, intangible property, the assignment presents specificities which prevent it from being framed in a particular legal act. Indeed, the assignment allows the realization of different legal operations, which explains its versatile nature. Moreover, the intangible nature of the claim explains the specificity of certain rules governing the relationship between the parties and the assignment and that relating to third parties and assignment, in particular, those relating to the extent of the transfer and the guarantee owed by the assignor to the assignee as well as those concerning the effectiveness of the transfer to third parties.

A novação moderna e o novo direito privado

Jadon, Carlos Eduardo 08 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:30:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carlos Eduardo Jadon.pdf: 747394 bytes, checksum: fbb1b06e29ac9d003c16f14f3d861f17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-08 / The current essay addresses the important institute of the law of obligations, novation, with the unpublished covering that grant it the new values that rule Private Law in the constitutional and infraconstitutional scope. By means of a descriptive analysis of the events that modified Law, we verify the evolution of Liberalism to the Welfare State, whose basic principles consist of the preservation of human dignity and the solidarity in the law relations. The appearance of the Post Modern State as a result of the growing power of the big corporations and the longing for the maximization of profits that challenges the values that shape the Social State is also addressed. The analysis of the institute of novation is carried out under these new paradigms, under the support of the new private Law, from its conceptualization to its requirements, types and effects. Bearing in mind that novation is not a contract, but one of its effects, we verify that the values of the Welfare State cannot decline the mere economic, selfish and individual interests of the creditor in the obligational relation nor can the debtor prevail over the acts that result from bad faith. One of the objectives of the new Private Law and Public Law is also ethics in the Law relations. This value becomes clear in the law of obligations when we verify that the parties in the obligational relation have the legal duty to act in good faith. Therefore, this is the interpretation that will prevail in the analysis of the provisions of law that deal with novation and also in any other contract that produces novative effect / O presente trabalho aborda o importante instituto de direito das obrigações, novação, com a inédita roupagem que lhe confere os novos valores que regem o Direito Privado, no âmbito constitucional e infraconstitucional. Para isso, através de uma análise descritiva dos acontecimentos que modificaram o Direito, verificamos a evolução do Estado Liberal para o Estado Social, que traz como princípios basilares a preservação da dignidade humana e a solidariedade nas relações jurídicas. Também é abordado o surgimento do Estado Pós-Moderno resultante do poder crescente das grandes corporações e pelo anseio da maximização dos lucros que coloca em xeque os valores fundantes do Estado Social. Sob esses novos paradigmas, sob a égide do novo direito privado, a analise do instituto da novação é realizada, desde a sua conceituação, até os seus requisitos, tipos e efeitos. Partindo da premissa de que a novação não é um contrato, mas um de seus efeitos, verifica-se que os valores do Estado Social não podem declinar aos interesses meramente econômicos, egoísticos e individuais do credor na relação obrigacional, assim como não se pode prevalecer o devedor dos atos que resultem de má-fé. Um dos objetivos do novo Direito Privado e do Direito Público também, é a ética nas relações jurídicas, e no direito das obrigações esse valor se torna nítido quando se verifica que as partes na relação obrigacional têm o dever legal de agir com boa-fé, portanto essa é a interpretação que deverá prevalecer na análise dos dispositivos que tratam da novação e, ainda, em qualquer contrato que produza efeito novativo

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