Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nozzle"" "subject:"zozzle""
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Control Optimization of Turboshaft Engines for a Turbo-electric Distributed Propulsion AircraftRamunno, Michael Angelo 06 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Design, Fabrication, and Applications of 3D Printed CapacitorsPhillips, Brandon Andrew January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Additive Manufacturing of Cork, a Cold Spray TechnologyDickey, Kimberly Kay 01 December 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing is a technology capable of mass manufacturing components with complicated geometry and coating substrates in hard-to-reach areas. In addition, cold spray also has the ability of conducting a green manufacturing process, with zero waste of renewable feed material, and zero gas and chemical emission. This paper investigates solely cold spray as an additive manufacturing technology with cork as the natural material. CFD results were used to predict the physical behavior of air and the cork particles. After unsuccessful coatings, final results showed that when moisture is added, cork is successfully cold sprayed, and agglomeration is experienced. Following these results, high speed camera and Hopkinson bar tests concluded that pressure is the only significant parameter that drastically effects the disposition quality of the cork coating. This is the first reported result of cork powder being cold sprayed, in addition to groundbreaking results of successfully coating an Aluminum substrate without a binder. Key words: cork, powder, additive manufacturing, natural materials, cold spray, binder, deposition efficiency, coating, high speed camera, Hopkinson bar.
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DNS of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers: wall pressure fluctuations and acoustic radiationHUANG, JUNJI 23 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Towards omnimaterial printing : Expanding the material palette of acoustophoretic printingKjellman, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
Dropp-genereringstekniker är viktiga för industrier som läkemedelsindustrin, livsmedelsindustrin, kosmetikindustrin etc. Traditionella droppgenereringstekniker är dock begränsade i mängden av material som kan processas till droppform. Ett exempel inkjet som är en väletablerad teknik för att generera droppar med hög hastighet (1-10 kHz) och precision (10-20 μm), men kan bara stöta ut vätskor med låga viskositet, ungefär 10-100 gånger viskositeten av vattnet. Akustophoretisk utskrift motiv är att övervinna denna materialbegränsning och har framgångsrikt avkopplat dropputstötning från bläckviskositet. Metoden utnyttjar ickelinjära akustiska krafter för att skriva ut en stor mängd av material med hög kontroll, med viskositet som sträcker sig över fyra storleksordningar (0,5 mPa · s till 25 000 mPa · s). Emellertid är utstötningen baserad på bildandet av en hängande droppe, och i den aktuella prototypen begränsas materialpaletten av akustophoretisk utskrift genom sprider sig över munstycket, vilket begränsar den minsta tillåtnas ytspänningen till ungefär 60 mN / m. I detta arbete införs en munstycksbeläggningsteknik för att expandera mängden av utskrivbara material, med tillåtna ytspänningar så låga som 25 mN / m. Genom att utnyttja generera nanostrukturer med låg ytenergi på munstyckspetsen, tillverkas superavstötande beläggning. Grunden för nanostrukturerna genererades med hjälp av sot från ett paraffin-vaxljus. Ett robust tillverkningsprotokoll har etablerats, och beläggningen fysikaliska egenskaper och prestanda har karaktäriserats. Tre nya tillämpningsområden undersöktes, vilket demonstrerade noviteten hos denna nya metod. Detta arbete banar vägen för en ny uppsättning material som ska behandlas i en droppe-per droppe metodik. / Droplet generation techniques are essential for industries such as the pharmaceutical, food industry, cosmetic industry, etc. However, traditional droplet generation techniques are limited in the palette of materials that can processed in a droplet form. For example, inkjet which is a well-established technology to generate droplets of high speed (1-10 kHz) and precision (10-20 μm), but can only eject fluids with low viscosities, roughly 10-100 folds the one of water. Acoustophoretic printing aims to overcome this material limitation and have successfully decoupled droplet ejection from ink viscosity. The method harnesses nonlinear acoustic forces to print a wide range of materials on demand, spanning over four orders of magnitudes (0.5 mPa·sto 25,000 mPa·s). However, the ejection is based on the formation of a pendant drop, and in the current prototype, the material palette of acoustophoretic printing is limited by nozzle wetting, limiting the allowable minimum surface tension to about 60 mN/m. In this work, a nozzle coating technique is introduced in order to expand the material window by processing fluid with a surface tension as low as 25 mN/m. By leveraging self-assembling of nanostructures on the nozzle tip, superamphiphobic coating is successfully manufactured by using a candle soot template.A robust manufacturing protocol has been established, and the coating characterized in its physics and performance.
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A Numerical Investigation on VOD Nozzle JetsSong, Zhili January 2011 (has links)
The metallurgic process, Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization (VOD) process, is used for producing stainless steels with ultra-low carbon grades. In a VOD process, an oxygen lance is equipped with a De Laval nozzle which injects high speed oxygen gas. The aim of this work is to increase the knowledge of the flow behavior in the harsh environment of VOD vessels. Two real VOD nozzles from industry were numerically studied and compared at different temperatures and ambient pressures. Flow patterns of the oxygen jet under different ambient pressures were studied and the flow information at different positions from the nozzle was analyzed. In addition, the study compared the effects of different ambient temperatures on the jet velocity and the dynamic pressure. The predictions revealed that the modeling results obtained with the CFD modeling showed an incorrect flow expansion, which agreed well with the results from the De Laval theory. Moreover, a little under-expansion is somewhat helpful to improve the dynamic pressure. The jet dynamic pressure and its width for the specific nozzle geometry have also been studied. It has been observed that a variation in the ambient pressure can influence the jet momentum and its width. In addition, a high ambient temperature has a positive effect on the improvement of the jet dynamic pressure. For the comparison between the two nozzles concerned, the modeling results showed that one of the nozzles was more applicably proper for lower pressures, displaying a more stable flow pattern. Furthermore, it was found that a change in ambient pressure has a stronger effect on the jet force than a change in ambient temperature. In addition, it was proved that the profiles of the dynamic pressure at a certain blowing distance fit well to Multi-Gaussian curves. / QC 20110920
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The shape transformation to a circular form of a fluid jet exiting a non-circular orifice of a nozzleDanielsson, Rebecka, Briland, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Nozzles are used in a wide range of applications. Nevertheless, the geometric of non-circular orifices have not been widely studied. This project has examined fluid jets exiting through a non-circular orifice, in the gravitational direction. Furthermore, its transformation to a circular cross-section due to a surface tension forces. How the length to a circular cross-section changes with the nozzles geometry and bath depth of the tundish was the main focus of this studied. A water model and high-speed camera was used to capture the profile of the fluid jet. Four different nozzles were attached one by one to five different tundishes with different bath depths. The result showed that with deeper bath depths the circular cross-section occurred further down from the nozzles orifice. The length to the circular cross-section also depended on the orifice area, a larger area gave a longer distance than a smaller area. It was shown that the length to circular cross-section followed a quadratic function, when the measured values were analyzed based on the Weber number. The profile of the fluid jet was dependent on the material of the nozzle, the geometries of the orifice, the bath depth and the surface tension.
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Low Reynolds Number Water Flow Characteristics Through Rectangular Micro Diffusers/nozzles With A Primary Focus On Major/minor PHallenbeck, Kyle 01 January 2008 (has links)
The field of microfluidics has recently been gathering a lot of attention due to the enormous demand for devices that work in the micro scale. The problem facing many researchers and designers is the uncertainty in using macro scaled theory, as it seems in some situations they are incorrect. The general idea of this work was to decide whether or not the flow through micro diffusers and nozzles follow the same trends seen in macro scale theory. Four testing wafers were fabricated using PDMS soft lithography including 38 diffuser/nozzle channels a piece. Each nozzle and diffuser consisted of a throat dimension of 100µm x 50µm, leg lengths of 142µm, and half angles varying from 0o - 90o in increments of 5o. The flow speeds tested included throat Reynolds numbers of 8.9 -" 89 in increments of 8.9 using distilled water as the fluid. The static pressure difference was measured from the entrance to the exit of both the diffusers and the nozzles and the collected data was plotted against a fully attached macro theory as well as Idelchik's approximations. Data for diffusers and nozzles up to HA = 50o hints at the idea that the flow is neither separating nor creating a vena contracta. In this region, static pressure recovery within diffuser flow is observed as less than macro theory would predict and the losses that occur within a nozzle are also less than macro theory would predict. Approaching a 50o HA and beyond shows evidence of unstable separation and vena contracta formation. In general, it appears that there is a micro scaled phenomenon happening in which flow gains available energy when the flow area is increased and looses available energy when the flow area decreases. These new micro scaled phenomenon observations seem to lead to a larger and smaller magnitude of pressure loss respectively.
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Simulation of an Oxidizer-Cooled Hybrid Rocket Throat: Methodology Validation for Design of a Cooled Aerospike NozzleBrennen, Peter Alexander 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A study was undertaken to create a finite element model of a cooled throat converging/diverging rocket nozzle to be used as a tool in designing a cooled aerospike nozzle. Using ABAQUS, a simplified 2D axisymmetric model was created featuring only the copper throat and stainless steel support ring, which were brazed together for the experimental test firings. This analysis was a sequentially coupled thermal/mechanical model. The steady state thermal data matched closely to experimental data. The subsequent mechanical model predicted a life of over 300 cycles using the Manson-Halford fatigue life criteria. A mesh convergence study was performed to establish solution mesh independence.
This model was expanded by adding the remainder of the parts of the nozzle aft of the rocket motor so as to attempt to match the transient nature of the experimental data. This model included variable hot gas side coefficients in the nozzle calculated using the Bartz coefficients and mapped onto the surface of the model using a FORTRAN subroutine. Additionally, contact resistances were accounted for between the additional parts. The results from the preliminary run suggested the need for a parameter re-evaluation for cold side gas conditions. Parametric studies were performed on contact resistance and cold side film coefficient. This data led to the final thermal contact conductance of k=0.005 BTU/s•in.•°R for contact between metals, k=0.001 BTU/s•in.•°R for contact between graphite and metal, and h=0.03235 BTU/s2•in.•°R for the cold side film coefficient. The transient curves matched closely and the results were judged acceptable.
Finally, a 3D sector model was created using identical parameters as the 2D model except that a variable cold side film condition was added. Instead of modeling a symmetric one or two inlet/one or two outlet cooling channel, this modeled a one inlet/one outlet nozzle in which the coolant traveled almost the full 360° around the cooling annulus. To simplify the initial simulation, the model was cut at the barrier between inlet and outlet to form one large sector, rather than account for thermal gradients across this barrier. This simplified nozzle produced expected data, and a 3D full nozzle model was created. The cold side film coefficients were calculated from previous experimental data using a simplified 2D finite difference approach. The full nozzle model was created in the same manner as the 2D full nozzle model. A mesh convergence study was performed to establish solution mesh independence. The 3D model results matched well to experimental data, and the model was considered a useful tool for the design of an oxidizer cooled aerospike nozzle.
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Experimental Investigation of a 2-D Air Augmented Rocket: Effects of Nozzle Lip Thickness on Rocket Mixing and EntrainmentMontre, Trevor Allen 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cold-flow tests were performed using a simulated Air Augmented Rocket (AAR) operating as a mixer-ejector in order to investigate the effects of varied primary nozzle lip thickness on mixing and entrainment. The simulated primary rocket ejector was supplied with nitrogen at a maximum chamber stagnation pressure of 1712 psi, and maximum flow rate of 1.67 lbm/s. Secondary air was entrained from a plenum, producing pressures as low as 6.8 psi and yielding maximum stagnation pressure ratios as high as 160. The primary ejector nozzles each had an area ratio of approximately 20, yielding average primary exit Mach numbers between 4.34 and 4.57. The primary flow was ejected into an 18.75 inch-long mixing duct with a rectangular cross-sectional area of 2.10 in2. The secondary flow was entrained into the mixing duct through a total cross section of 0.94 in2. Two mixing duct configurations were used, one with plexiglass upper and lower surfaces for flow visualization and one with pressure ports along the lower surface for primary plume measurements.
Shadowgraph images were used to characterize the mixing duct flow field, while pressure and temperature instrumentation allowed for calculation of various ejector performance characteristics. Experimentally-calculated performance characteristics were compared to inviscid theoretical predictions. Varying degrees of flow field asymmetry were observed with each nozzle. Test repeatability was found to be excellent for all nozzles. Several distinct phenomena were observed in both the primary plume and secondary streams.
The duration of secondary flow choking was found to be inversely proportional to nozzle lip thickness, due to the primary plume being physically closer to the secondary flow with a thinner nozzle lip. This indicated that the ejector’s ability to choke the secondary flow is primarily an inviscid phenomenon.
Secondary flow blockage was demonstrated in two consecutive tests using the thickest nozzle lip. Only the left secondary duct became blocked in each case. Blockage was only demonstrated in the centerline pressure configuration, so no visual evidence was able to support the blocked flow theory.
At every pressure ratio, entrainment ratio was shown to increase with nozzle lip thickness. The original conical nozzle produced the largest level of entrainment, indicating that the angle of primary flow impingement was the largest contributing factor to secondary entrainment. The increase in efficiency resulting from a bell-mouth nozzle was less than the increase in entrainment efficiency of a conical nozzle, indicating that the conical design was more efficient overall for air augmented rocket applications.
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