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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lagrangian CFD Modeling of Impinging Diesel Sprays for DI HCCI

Strålin, Per January 2007 (has links)
The homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) concept has been acknowledged as a potential combustion concept for engines, due to low NOx and soot emissions and high efficiency, especially at part-load. Early direct-injection (DI) during the compression stroke is an option when Diesel fuel is used in HCCI. This implies that the risk for wall impingement increases, due to the decreasing in-cylinder density. The fuel sprays has to be well dispersed in order to avoid wall impingement. Specially designed impinging nozzles providing a collision of the Diesel sprays in the vicinity of the orifice exits have experimentally been verified to yield well dispersed sprays and the desired benefits of HCCI under various conditions. The purpose of this work is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a tool to simulate and evaluate non-impinging and impinging nozzles with respect to mixture formation in direct-injected HCCI. Three different nozzles are considered: one non-impinging and two impinging nozzles with 30 and 60 degree collision angle respectively. Lagrangian CFD simulations of impinging sprays using the traditional collision model of O’Rourke is not sufficient in order obtain the correct spray properties of impinging sprays. This work proposes an enhanced collision model, which is an extension of the O’Rourke model with respect to collision frequency, post collisional velocities and collision induced break-up. The enhanced model is referred to as the EORIS model (Enhanced O’Rourke model for Impinging Sprays). The initial drop size distribution at orifice and break-up time constant of the standard Wave model is calibrated and calculated wall impingement (piston and liner) is compared with combustion efficiency, smoke, HC and CO emissions as a function of injection timing. A set of model parameters were selected for further evaluation. These model parameters and the EORIS collision model were applied to non-impinging and impinging nozzles under low- and high load conditions. The EORIS model and the selected model parameters are able to predict wall impingement in agreement with experimental measurements of combustion efficiency and smoke emissions under low- and high load conditions for the investigated nozzles. A benefit is that one set of model parameters can be used to predict mixture formation, and there is no need for additional model calibration when, for instance, the injection timing or nozzle geometry is changed. In general, experiments and simulations indicate that impinging nozzles are recommended for early injection timing in the compression stroke. This is due to the shorter penetration which leads to a reduced risk for wall impingement. The non-impinging nozzles are, however, beneficial for later injection timing in the compression stroke. During these injection conditions the impinging nozzles have a more stratified charge and under some conditions poor mixture quality is achieved. / HCCI-konceptet (Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition) är en tänkbar förbränningsprincip för att uppnå låga NOx och sotemissioner, speciellt under låglast förhållanden. Då Diesel används som bränsle är tidig direktinsprutning under kompressionsslaget en tänkbar strategi för att åstadkomma gynnsamma HCCI-förhållanden. Den tidiga direktinsprutningen medför däremot att risken för väggvätning ökar, på grund av den minskade densiteten i cylindern. Detta ställer krav på bränslesprejen som måste vara väl fördelad i cylindern för att undvika väggvätning. Specialkonstruerade spridarspetsar som skapar kollision av sprejerna nära hålmynningen, så kallade kolliderande sprejer, har experimentellt påvisats vara fördelaktiga för HCCI förbränning, tack vare kortare sprejpenetration och voluminös sprej. Syftet med detta arbete är att använda CFD (Computational FluidDynamics) som ett verktyg för att simulera och evaluera ickekolliderande och kolliderande sprejer med avseende på blandningsbildning under direktinsprutade HCCI förhållanden. Tre olika spridarspetsar har undersökts: en icke-kolliderande och två kolliderande med kollisionsvinkel 30 och 60 grader. CFD-simuleringar av kolliderande sprejer med Lagrangiansk modelleringsteknik och O’Rourkes traditionella kollisionsmodell har visat sig vara otillräcklig för att uppnå korrekta sprejegenskaper. Den här avhandlingen presenterar en förbättrad kollisionsmodell baserad på O’Rourkes ursprungliga kollisionsmodell med avseende på kollisionsfrekvens, dropphastighet efter kollision och kollisionsviinducerad break-up. Den förbättrade modellen kallas EORIS (Enhanced O’Rourke model for Impinging Sprays). Den initiala droppfördelningen vid spridarspetsens hålmynning och Wave-modellens tidskonstant för break-up har kalibrerats och beräknad väggvätning (kolv och foder) har jämförts med förbränningsverkningsgrad, rök, HC och CO-emissioner som funktion av insprutningstidpunkt. De valda modellparametrarna och EORIS-modellen tillämpades för att evaluera blandningsbildningen på kolliderande och icke-kolliderande spridarspetsar under låg- och höglast-förhållanden. EORIS-modellen och de utvalda modellparametrarna kan predikteraväggvätning i överensstämmelse med uppmätt förbränningsverkningsgrad och rökemissioner under låglast- och höglastförhållanden för de undersökta spridarspetsarna. En fördel är att de utvalda modellparametrarna kan prediktera blandningsbildningen och det finns inget behov att justera modellparametrarna då t.ex. insprutningstidpunkten eller spridarspetsgeometrin ändras. Generellt påvisar såväl experiment som simuleringar att de kolliderande sprejerna är lämpliga för tidig direktinsprutning underkompressionsslaget. Det är på grund av kort sprejpenetration som reducerar risken för väggvätning. De icke-kolliderande sprejerna är dock lämpliga för sen direktinsprutning under kompressionsslaget. Under dessa förhållanden har de kolliderande sprejerna en mer stratifierad blandning och under vissa förhållanden uppnås då en ofördelaktig blandningskvalitet. / QC 20100819

Supersonic flow separation with application to rocket engine nozzles

Östlund, Jan January 2004 (has links)
<p>The increasing demand for higher performance in rocketlaunchers promotes the development of nozzles with higherperformance, which basically is achieved by increasing theexpansion ratio. However, this may lead to flow separation andensuing instationary, asymmetric forces, so-called side-loads,which may present life-limiting constraints on both the nozzleitself and other engine components. Substantial gains can bemade in the engine performance if this problem can be overcome,and hence different methods of separation control have beensuggested. However, none has so far been implemented in fullscale, due to the uncertainties involved in modeling andpredicting the flow phenomena involved.</p><p>In the present work the causes of unsteady and unsymmetricalflow separation and resulting side-loads in rocket enginenozzles are investigated. This involves the use of acombination of analytical, numerical and experimental methods,which all are presented in the thesis. A main part of the workis based on sub-scale testing of model nozzles operated withair. Hence, aspects on how to design sub-scale models that areable to capture the relevant physics of full-scale rocketengine nozzles are highlighted. Scaling laws like thosepresented in here are indispensable for extracting side-loadcorrelations from sub-scale tests and applying them tofull-scale nozzles.</p><p>Three main types of side-load mechanisms have been observedin the test campaigns, due to: (i) intermittent and randompressure fluctuations, (ii) transition in separation patternand (iii) aeroelastic coupling. All these three types aredescribed and exemplified by test results together withanalysis. A comprehensive, up-to-date review of supersonic flowseparation and side-loads in internal nozzle flows is givenwith an in-depth discussion of different approaches forpredicting the phenomena. This includes methods for predictingshock-induced separation, models for predicting side-loadlevels and aeroelastic coupling effects. Examples are presentedto illustrate the status of various methods, and theiradvantages and shortcomings are discussed.</p><p>A major part of the thesis focus on the fundamentalshock-wave turbulent boundary layer interaction (SWTBLI) and aphysical description of the phenomenon is given. Thisdescription is based on theoretical concepts, computationalresults and experimental observation, where, however, emphasisis placed on the rocket-engineering perspective. This workconnects the industrial development of rocket engine nozzles tothe fundamental research of the SWTBLI phenomenon and shows howthese research results can be utilized in real applications.The thesis is concluded with remarks on active and passive flowcontrol in rocket nozzles and directions of futureresearch.</p><p>The present work was performed at VAC's Space PropulsionDivision within the framework of European spacecooperation.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>turbulent, boundary layer, shock wave,interaction, overexpanded,rocket nozzle, flow separation,control, side-load, experiments, models, review.</p>

Effect of swriling blade on flow pattern in nozzle for up-hill teeming

Hallgren, Line January 2006 (has links)
<p>The fluid flow in the mold during up-hill teeming is of great importance for the quality of the cast ingot and therefore the quality of the final steel products. At the early stage of the filling of an up-hill teeming mold, liquid steel enters, with high velocity, from the runner into the mold and the turbulence on the meniscus could lead to entrainment of mold flux. The entrained mold flux might subsequently end up as defects in the final product. It is therefore very important to get a mild and stable inlet flow in the entrance region of the mold. It has been acknowledged recently that swirling motion induced using a helix shaped swirl blade, in the submerged entry nozzle is remarkably effective to control the fluid flow pattern in both the slab and billet type continuous casting molds. This result in increased productivity and quality of the produced steel. Due to the result with continuous casting there is reason to investigate the swirling effect for up-hill teeming, a casting method with similar problem with turbulence.</p><p>With this thesis we will study the effect of swirling flow generated through a swirl blade inserted into the entry nozzle, as a new method of reducing the deformation of the rising surface and the unevenness of the flow during filling of the up-hill teeming mold. The swirling blade has two features: (1) to generate a swirling flow in the entrance nozzle and (2) to suppress the uneven flow, generated/developed after flowing through the elbow. The effect of the use of a helix shaped swirl blade was studied using both numerical calculations and physical modelling. Water modelling was used to assert the effect of the swirling blade on rectifying of tangential and axial velocities in the filling tube for the up-hill teeming and also to verify the results from the numerical calculations. The effect of swirl in combination with diverged nozzle was also investigated in a similar way, i. e. with water model trials and numerical calculations.</p>

Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization from an Adjustable Gap

Ek, Patrik January 2008 (has links)
<p><b>In this thesis the fabrication and analytical evaluation of two new electrospray emitters utilized for mass spectrometry analysis is presented. The emitters are based on a new concept, where the spray orifice can be varied in size. The thesis is based on two papers.</b></p><p>All present-day nanoelectrospray emitters have fixed dimensions. The range of the applicable flow rate for such an emitter is therefore rather limited and exchange of emitters may be necessary from one experiment to another. Optimization of the signal of the analyte ions is also limited to adjustments of the applied voltage or the distance between the emitter and the mass spectrometer inlet. Furthermore, clogging can occur in emitters with fixed dimensions of narrow orifice sizes. In this thesis, electrospray emitters with a variable size of the spray orifice are proposed. An open gap between two thin substrates is filled with sample solution via a liquid bridge from a capillary. Electrospray is generated at the end point of the gap, which can be varied in width.</p><p>In Paper I, electrospray emitters fabricated in polyethylene terephthalate have been evaluated. Triangular tips are manually cut from the polymer film. The tips are mounted to form a gap between the edges of the tips. The gap wall surfaces are subjected to a hydrophilic surface treatment to increase the wetting of the gap walls.</p><p>In Paper II, silicon electrospray chips with high precision are fabricated and evaluated. A thin beam, elevated from the bulk silicon chip is fabricated by means of deep reactive ion etching. The top surfaces of the beams of two chips act as a sample conduit when mounted in the electrospray setup. An anisotropic etching step with KOH of the intersecting <100> crystal planes results in a very sharp spray point. The emitters were given a hydrophobic surface treatment except for the hydrophilic gap walls.</p><p>For both emitter designs, the gap width has been adjusted during the experiments without any interruption of the electrospray. For a continuously applied peptide mixture, a shift towards higher charge states and increased signal to noise ratios could be observed when decreasing the gap width. The limit of detection has been investigated and the silicon chips have been interfaced with capillary electrophoresis.</p>

Aerodynamic Investigation of Leading Edge Contouring and External Cooling on a Transonic Turbine Vane

Saha, Ranjan January 2014 (has links)
Efficiency improvement in turbomachines is an important aspect in reducing the use of fossil-based fuel and thereby reducing carbon dioxide emissions in order to achieve a sustainable future. Gas turbines are mainly fossil-based turbomachines powering aviation and land-based power plants. In line with the present situation and the vision for the future, gas turbine engines will retain their central importance in coming decades. Though the world has made significant advancements in gas turbine technology development over past few decades, there are yet many design features remaining unexplored or worth further improvement. These features might have a great potential to increase efficiency. The high pressure turbine (HPT) stage is one of the most important elements of the engine where the increased efficiency has a significant influence on the overall efficiency as downstream losses are substantially affected by the prehistory. The overall objective of the thesis is to contribute to the development of gas turbine efficiency improvements in relation to the HPT stage.   Hence, this study has been incorporated into a research project that investigates leading edge contouring near endwall by fillet and external cooling on a nozzle guide vane with a common goal to contribute to the development of the HPT stage. In the search for HPT stage efficiency gains, leading edge contouring near the endwall is one of the methods found in the published literature that showed a potential to increase the efficiency by decreasing the amount of secondary losses. However, more attention is necessary regarding the realistic use of the leading edge fillet. On the other hand, external cooling has a significant influence on the HPT stage efficiency and more attention is needed regarding the aerodynamic implication of the external cooling. Therefore, the aerodynamic influence of a leading edge fillet and external cooling, here film cooling at profile and endwall as well as TE cooling, on losses and flow field have been investigated in the present work. The keystone of this research project has been an experimental investigation of a modern nozzle guide vane using a transonic annular sector cascade. Detailed investigations of the annular sector cascade have been presented using a geometric replica of a three dimensional gas turbine nozzle guide vane. Results from this investigation have led to a number of new important findings and also confirmed some conclusions established in previous investigations to enhance the understanding of complex turbine flows and associated losses.   The experimental investigations of the leading edge contouring by fillet indicate a unique outcome which is that the leading edge fillet has no significant effect on the flow and secondary losses of the investigated nozzle guide vane. The reason why the leading edge fillet does not affect the losses is due to the use of a three-dimensional vane with an existing typical fillet over the full hub and tip profile. Findings also reveal that the complex secondary flow depends heavily on the incoming boundary layer. The investigation of the external cooling indicates that a coolant discharge leads to an increase of profile losses compared to the uncooled case. Discharges on the profile suction side and through the trailing edge slot are most prone to the increase in profile losses. Results also reveal that individual film cooling rows have a weak mutual effect. A superposition principle of these influences is followed in the midspan region. An important finding is that the discharge through the trailing edge leads to an increase in the exit flow angle in line with an increase of losses and a mixture mass flow. Results also indicate that secondary losses can be reduced by the influence of the coolant discharge. In general, the exit flow angle increases considerably in the secondary flow zone compared to the midspan zone in all cases. Regarding the cooling influence, the distinct change in exit flow angle in the area of secondary flows is not noticeable at any cooling configuration compared to the uncooled case. This interesting zone requires an additional, accurate study. The investigation of a cooled vane, using a tracer gas carbon dioxide (CO2), reveals that the upstream platform film coolant is concentrated along the suction surfaces and does not reach the pressure side of the hub surface, leaving it less protected from the hot gas. This indicates a strong interaction of the secondary flow and cooling showing that the influence of the secondary flow cannot be easily influenced.   The overall outcome enhances the understanding of complex turbine flows, loss behaviour of cooled blade, secondary flow and interaction of cooling and secondary flow and provides recommendations to the turbine designers regarding the leading edge contouring and external cooling. Additionally, this study has provided to a number of new significant results and a vast amount of data, especially on profile and secondary losses and exit flow angles, which are believed to be helpful for the gas turbine community and for the validation of analytical and numerical calculations. / Ökad verkningsgrad i turbomaskiner är en viktig del i strävan att minska användningen av fossila bränslen och därmed minska växthuseffekten för att uppnå en hållbar framtid. Gasturbinen är huvudsakligen fossilbränslebaserad, och driver luftfart samt landbaserad kraftproduktion. Enligt rådande läge och framtidsutsikter bibehåller gasturbinen denna centrala roll under kommande decennier. Trots betydande framsteg inom gasturbinteknik under de senaste årtionden finns fortfarande många designaspekter kvar att utforska och vidareutveckla. Dessa designaspekter kan ha stor potential till ökad verkningsgrad. Högtrycksturbinsteget är en av de viktigaste delarna av gasturbinen, där verkningsgraden har betydande inverkan på den totala verkningsgraden eftersom förluster kraftigt påverkas av tidigare förlopp. Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att bidra till verkningsgradsförbättringar i högtrycksturbinsteget.   Studien är del i ett forskningsprojekt som undersöker ledskenans framkantskontur vid ändväggarna samt extern kylning, i jakten på dessa förbättringar. Den aerodynamiska inverkan av en förändrad geometri vid ledskenans ändväggar har i tidigare studier visat potential för ökad verkningsgrad genom minskade sekundärförluster. Ytterligare fokus krävs dock, med användning av en rimlig hålkälsradie. Samtidigt har extern kylning i form av filmkylning stor inverkan på verkningsgraden hos högtrycksturbinsteget och forskning behövs med fokus på den aerodynamiska inverkan. Av denna anledning studeras här inverkan både av ändrad hålkälsradie vid ledskenans framkant samt extern kylning i form av filmkylning av skovel, ändvägg och bakkant på aerodynamiska förluster och strömningsfält. Huvudpelaren i detta forskningsprojekt har varit en experimentell undersökning av en geometrisk replika av en modern tredimensionell gasturbinstator i en transonisk annulärkaskad. Detaljerade undersökningar i annulärkaskaden har gett betydande resultat, och bekräftat vissa tidigare studier. Detta har lett till ökad förståelsen för de komplexa flöden och förluster som karakteriserar gasturbiner.   De experimentella undersökningarna av förändrad framkantsgeometri leder till den unika slutsatsen att den modifierade hålkälsradien inte har någon betydande inverkan på strömningsfältet eller sekundärförluster av den undersökta ledskenan. Anledningen till att förändringen inte påverkar förlusterna är i detta fall den tredimensionella karaktären hos ledskenan med en redan existerande typisk framkantsgeometri. Undersökningarna visar också att de komplexa sekundärströmningarna är kraftigt beroende av det inkommande gränsskiktet. Undersökning av extern kylning visar att kylflödet leder till en ökad profilförlust. Kylflöde på sugsidan samt bakkanten har störst inverkan på profilförlusten. Resultaten visar också att individuella filmkylningsrader har liten påverkan sinsemellan och kan behandlas genom en superpositionsprincip längs mittsnittet. En viktig slutsats är att kylflöde vid bakkanten leder till ökad utloppsvinkel tillsammans med ökade förluster och massflöde. Resultat tuder på att sekundärströmning kan minskas genom ökad kylning. Generellt ökar utloppsvinkeln markant i den sekundära flödeszonen jämfört med mittsnittet för alla undersökta fall. Den kraftiga förändringen i utloppsvinkel är dock inte märkbar i den sekundära flödeszonen i något av kylfallen jämfört med de okylda referensfallet. Denna zon fordrar ytterligare studier. Spårgasundersökning av ledskenan med koldioxid (CO2) visar att plattformskylning uppströms ledskenan koncentreras till skovelns sugsida, och når inte trycksidan som därmed lämnas mer utsatt för het gas. Detta påvisar den kraftiga interaktionen mellan sekundärströmning och kylflöden, och att inverkan från sekundärströmningen ej enkelt kan påverkas. De generella resultaten från undersökningen ökar förståelsen av komplexa turbinflöden, förlustbeteenden för kylda ledskenor, interaktionen mellan sekundärströmning och kylflöden, och ger rekommendationer för turbinkonstruktörer kring förändrad framkantsgeometri i kombination med extern kylning. Dessutom har studien gett betydande resultat och en stor mängd data, särskilt rörande profil- och sekundärförluster och utloppsvinkel, vilket tros kunna vara till stor hjälp för gasturbinssamfundet vid validering av analytiska och numeriska beräkningar. / <p>QC 20140909</p> / Turbopower, Sector rig

Quantitative imaging of multi-component turbulent jets

Ash, Arash 26 April 2012 (has links)
The Gaseous state of hydrogen at ambient temperature, combined with the fact that hydrogen is highly flammable, results in the requirement of more robust, high pressure storage systems that can meet modern safety standards. To develop these new safety standards and to properly predict the phenomena of hydrogen dispersion, a better understanding of the resulting flow structures and flammable regions from controlled and uncontrolled releases of hydrogen gas must be achieved. In this study the subsonic release of hydrogen was emulated using helium as a substitute working fluid. A sharp-edged orifice round turbulent jet is used to emulate releases in which leak geometry is circular. Effects of buoyancy, crossflow and adjacent surfaces were studied over a wide range of Froude numbers. The velocity fields of turbulent jets were characterized using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The mean and fluctuation velocity components were well quantified to show the effect of buoyancy due to the density difference between helium and the surrounding air. In the range of Froude numbers investigated, increasing effects of buoyancy were seen to be proportional to the reduction of the Fr number. The obtained results will serve as control reference values for further concentration measurement study and for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) validation. / Graduate

Numerical and physical analysis of liquid break-up and atomisation relating to pressure-swirl gasoline direct injection

Heather, Andrew January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents detailed fuel spray investigations relating to an automotive Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) pressure-swirl injector, employing a combination of numerical and physical analyses. The emphasis is placed on the near-nozzle in recognition that all later flow processes are dominated by this critical region. To enable the technology to maximise its potential, it is essential to further our understanding of the fundamental flow physics that govern the injection process, which remain largely unknown. The complexity of the spray process has led to many avenues of research. Simplified models are particularly suitable for parametric studies, allowing fast computation of some of the most important design parameters, such as nozzle discharge coefficient, cone angle and initial velocity. More complex methods such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) offer significantly more detail including the temporal and spatial evaluation of the flow field and fuel distribution, but at the cost of often lengthy computational time, and the need to tune models against physical evidence. Unfortunately none are able to describe all aspects of the injection event simultaneously. A considerable body of existing experimental data gathered under atmospheric conditions has been condensed and carefully presented to provide a comprehensive picture of injector operation. This comprises global spray performance data, spray imaging, and droplet velocity and size maps as a function of time after the Start Of Injection (SOl). These serve to provide a means to develop physical models and to correlate model predictions. Particular attention is drawn to the challenges faced by numerical methods to successfully predict the complex spray behaviour. A fundamental computational study employing the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method describes droplet break-up under controlled conditions. By varying the Weber number of the flow the expected break-up mechanisms are recovered, and the numerics and case set-up tuned to offer a practical balance between the resource burden and solution accuracy. This paved the way to a detailed 3-D transient analysis of the near-nozzle region of a pressure-swirl injector. Computed results clearly identify the consecutive phases of the fuel spray development, from the initial unsteady jet through to the stable, swirling hollow cone formation. Comparison with experimental measurements revealed that the computational approach is able to capture the main qualitative features of the spray process.

Modelling the cutting process and cutting performance in abrasive waterjet machining with controlled nozzle oscillation

Xu, Shunli January 2006 (has links)
Abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting is one of the most recently developed manufacturing technologies. It is superior to many other cutting techniques in processing various materials, particularly in processing difficult-to-cut materials. This technology is being increasingly used in various industries. However, its cutting capability in terms of the depth of jet penetration and kerf quality is the major obstruction limiting its further applications. More work is required to fully understand the cutting process and cutting mechanism, and to optimise cutting performance. This thesis presents a comprehensive study on the controlled nozzle oscillation technique aiming at increasing the cutting performance in AWJ machining. In order to understand the current state and development in AWJ cutting, an extensive literature review is carried out. It has found that the reported studies on controlled nozzle oscillation cutting are primarily about the use of large oscillation angles of 10 degrees or more. Nozzle oscillation in the cutting plane with such large oscillation angles results in theoretical geometrical errors on the component profile in contouring. No published attempt has been found on the study of oscillation cutting under small angles although it is a common application in practice. Particularly, there is no reported research on the integration of nozzle oscillation technique into AWJ multipass cutting, which is expected to significantly enhance the cutting performance. An experimental investigation is first undertaken to study the major cutting performance measures in AWJ single pass cutting of an 87% alumina ceramic with controlled nozzle oscillation at small angles. The trends and characteristics of cutting performance quantities with respect to the process parameters as well as the science behind which nozzle oscillation affects the cutting performance have been analysed. It has been shown that as with oscillation cutting at large angles, oscillation at small angles can have an equally significant impact on the cutting performance. When the optimum cutting parameters are used for both nozzle oscillation and normal cutting, the former can statistically increase the depth of cut by 23% and smooth depth of cut by 30.8%, and reduce kerf surface roughness by 11.7% and kerf taper by 54%. It has also been found that if the cutting parameters are not selected properly, nozzle oscillation can reduce some major cutting performance measures. In order to correctly select the process parameters and to optimise the cutting process, the mathematical models for major cutting performance measures have then been developed. The predictive models for the depth of cut in both normal cutting and oscillation cutting are developed by using a dimensional analysis technique. Mathematical models for other major cutting performance measures are also developed with the aid of empirical approach. These mathematical models are verified both qualitatively and quantitatively based on the experimental data. The assessment reveals that the developed models conform well to the experimental results and can provide an effective means for the optimum selection of process variables in AWJ cutting with nozzle oscillation. A further experimental investigation of AWJ cutting of alumina ceramics is carried out in order to study the application of AWJ oscillation technique in multipass cutting. While high nozzle traverse speed with multipass can achieve overall better cutting performance than low traverse speed with single pass in the same elapsed time, it has been found that the different combination of nozzle traverse speed with the number of passes significantly affects cutting process. Optimum combination of nozzle traverse speed with the number of passes is determined to achieve maximum depth of cut. It has also demonstrated that the multipass cutting with low nozzle traverse speed in the first pass and a comparatively high traverse speed for the following passes is a sensible choice for a small kerf taper requirement. When nozzle oscillation is incorporated into multipass cutting, it can greatly increase the depth of cut and reduce kerf taper. The predictive models for the depth of cut in both multipass normal cutting and multipass oscillation cutting are finally developed. With the help of dimensional analysis, the models of the incremental cutting depth for individual pass are derived based on the developed depth of cut models for single pass cutting. The models of depth of cut for a multipass cutting operation are then established by the sum of the incremental cutting depth from each pass. A numerical analysis has verified the models and demonstrated the adequacy of the models' predictions. The models provide an essential basis for the development of optimization strategies for the effective use of the AWJ cutting technology when the multipass cutting technique is used with controlled nozzle oscillation.

Análise de criticidade de descontinuidade em um bocal de um vaso de pressão

Machado, Ronaldo de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
Vasos de pressão e tubulações são equipamentos essenciais em industrias químicas, petroquímicas, refino de petróleo, entre outras. A operação segura deste tipo de equipamento é um fator determinante, visto que falhas podem variar desde grandes perdas financeiras até consequências catastróficas. Avaliação de descontinuidades encontradas em inspeções podem ser realizadas através de metodologias de fitness for service, as quais são baseadas na mecânica da fratura, que teve grande desenvolvimentos nos últimos 40 anos. Estas metodologias são consagradas como sendo seguras para garantir a integridade de equipamentos em operação. Este trabalho utilizará primeiramente a metodologia de “fitness for service” empregando o guia BS7910 para avaliar um caso de um bocal de oito polegadas de diâmetro unido a um casco de dezesseis polegadas de diâmetro com uma grande descontinuidade do tipo falta de penetração em sua solda. A metodologia de fitness for service será comparada com o resultado do teste experimental, o qual foi realizado através de um teste hidrostático destrutivo monitorado através do ensaio de emissão acústica. Por fim, será realizada uma análise não linear utilizando não linearidade física e geométrica através do método de elementos finitos. A comparação dos resultados numéricos, experimentais e os analíticos obtidos pela aplicação da BS7910 permitiram a obtenção de várias conclusões que são expostas neste trabalho. A metodologia de ajuste ao uso utilizando a BS7910 foi conservativa para o caso estudado. O modo de falha dominante utilizando a BS7910 foi o colapso plástico que foi coerente com o teste experimental. O ensaio de emissão acústica não teve correlação entre a energia acumulada dos sinais captados e a criticidade de descontinuidades entre um bocal e um tampo, o que salientou que para aplicações semelhantes os dados devem ser analisados cuidadosamente uma vez que regiões sujeitas a colapso plástico como no caso do bocal estudado podem emitir sinais de menor intensidade que descontinuidades onde existe a interação entre os modos de fratura e colapso plástico. A análise não linear utilizando não linearidades física e geometria teve o resultado 5,8% maior que a pressão de ruptura no teste experimental que foi de 14,7MPa, o que pode ser considerado um resultado com um bom grau de aproximação. / Pressure vessels and pipes are essential equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, among others. The safety operation of this equipment is an important aspect, since failures can vary from large financial losses to catastrophic consequences. Evaluation discontinuity found in inspections can be perfomed by fitness for service methodology which is based on fracture mechanics, which had great developments in the last 40 years. These methodologies are known as being the best way to ensure the integrity of equipment while in operation. This work first uses the fitness for service methodology according BS7910 guide to evaluate lack of weld penetration in eight-inch nozzle attached to a shell with sixteen inches in diameter. The methodology of fitness for service was compared with the experimental test result, which was performed by a destructive hydrostatic test monitored by acoustic emission test. Finally, finite element method was performed using nonlinearity physical and geometric tecniques. The comparison of numerical, experimental and analytical results obtained by the application of BS7910 allowed us to obtain several conclusions that are exposed in this work. The methodology using the BS7910 was conservative for the case study. The dominant failure mode using the BS7910 was the collapse of plastic that was consistent with the experimental test. The acoustic emission technique had no correlation between the stored energy of the picked up signals and criticality of discontinuities between a nozzle and a head, which pointed out that for similar applications data must be analyzed carefully since in regions subjected to plastic collapse such as in the case studied nozzle can generate signals of lower intensity that discontinuities where there is an interaction between the modes of fracture and plastic collapse. The nonlinear analysis result using physics and geometry nonlinearities was 5.8% higher than the rupture pressure of the experimental test was 14.7 MPa, being considered a result with a good degree of accuracity.

Estudo numérico da influência da geometria de bocais convergente-divergente em escoamentos supersônicos

Berchon, Luciano da Silva January 2016 (has links)
O comportamento do escoamento supersônico no interior de bocais convergente-divergente retangulares é investigado numericamente, comparando-se quatro bocais com diferentes seções divergentes, com a mesma razão de aspecto AR=1.14 e mesma relação áreas da saída e da garganta dos bocais NAR=1.43. Os bocais são submetidos a diferentes pressões de admissão do fluido de trabalho, mantendo-se a relação entre a pressão de admissão e de descarga constante NPR=5. As simulações consideram o escoamento em regime permanente, compressível, viscoso, com abordagem baseada na massa específica (abordagem acoplada) , juntamente com o modelo de turbulência − /SST. A qualidade dos resultados é medida empregando-se três níveis de refino da discretização do domínio computacional, observandose a ordem de convergência e o índice de convergência de malhas GCI. Os resultados numéricos mostram que o número de Mach e a temperatura do fluido de trabalho independem da pressão de admissão, ao contrário do comportamento da pressão local e da massa específica. As propriedades do escoamento são fortemente dependentes da variação da geometria, e a variação do ângulo da seção divergente provoca uma mudança direta do número de Mach e inversa da pressão, da temperatura e da massa específica do escoamento no interior dessa seção. As simulações são comparadas com os resultados da teoria isentrópica e mostram que a linha sônica é deslocada do centro geométrico da garganta dos bocais para cada geometria simulada. A comparação com a teoria e com dados experimentais mostra desvios inferiores a 6x10-3 %. O uso do modelo de turbulência − / SST é capaz de resolver o escoamento com boa precisão, prevendo bem seu perfil de velocidades, as ondas de expansão de Prandtl-Meyer, juntamente com as interações dessas ondas com a camada limite. / The behavior of the supersonic flow inside rectangular convergent-divergent nozzle is investigated numerically by comparing four nozzles with different divergent sections, with a common aspect ratio AR=1.14, and the same nozzle exit-to-throat area ratios NAR=1.43. Nozzles are subject to several working fluid inlet pressures, maintaining a constant pressure ratio NPR=5. Simulations assume the flow in steady state, compressible, viscous, using a coupled approach with the turbulence model − /SST. The quality of results is measured by employing three refining levels of the computational domain discretization, observing the order of convergence and the grid convergence index GCI. Numerical results show that the Mach number and the temperature of the working fluid are independent of the inlet pressure, unlike the behavior of local pressure and the density. Flow properties are strongly dependent on the geometry variation, and the change on the angle of divergent section causes a direct effect on the Mach number and inverse on the pressure, the temperature and the density of the flow in this section. Simulations are compared to the results of the isentropic theory and show that the sonic line is offset from the geometric center of the throat nozzle, for each simulated geometry. Results from this work are compared to experimental and theoretical data and show deviations below 6x10-3 %. The − / SST turbulence model is able to solve the flow with good accuracy, and predicts its velocity profile, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves, and their interactions with the boundary layer.

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