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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh spalovací komory 30 kW pro plynná paliva / Design of combustion chamber 30 kW for gaseous fuels

Rychter, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis deals with design of combusting chamber for gaseous fuels with predicted thermal output less than 30 kilowatts. Designed equipment will be used as a generator of flue gases with required parameters further used for experimental catalytic unit. Due to the need of draft creation inside the combustion chamber and exhaust pipe is master thesis also deals with design of ejector nozzle, which will be used for this purpose. Opening chapters of this work, considering a theoretical part, are focused on basic classification of combustion chambers and industrial burners. Next and main chapter is dedicated to main goal of this work, which is combustion chamber design, containing necessary calculations divided into balance calculation and construction design. Final chapters deals with above mentioned calculation of ejector nozzle ensuring sufficient draft and also sufficient cooling of flue gases incoming from catalytic unit.

Kinetik der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals mit ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen in einer Lavaldüsenexpansion / Kinetics of the hydroxyl radical reactions with unsaturated hydrocarbons in a Laval nozzle expansion

Spangenberg, Tim 05 November 2003 (has links)
Die Untersuchung der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals mit ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen (Ethin, Ethen, Propen und Isopren) bei tiefen Temperaturen spielt für das Verständnis der Chemie der Troposphäre eine bedeutende Rolle. Aus der Temperaturabhängigkeit der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten können zunächst Informationen über die mechanistischen Details der Reaktionen abgeleitet werden. Dabei sind bimolekulare Geschwindigkeitskonstanten empfindlich auf Details der Potentialfläche in chemisch relevanten Energiebereichen.In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden experimentelle Untersuchungen der Reaktionen des Hydroxylradikals (OH) mit verschiedenen ungesättigten Kohlenwasserstoffen bei tiefen Temperaturen präsentiert. Die Abkühlung der Reaktanden auf bis zu 58K erfolgte durch die Expansion in einer Lavaldüse. Die Lavaldüse erzeugt einen in Temperatur, Dichte und Machzahl konstanten Strahl aus einem Trägergas (Stickstoff). OH- Radikale werden durch Laserphotolyse von Wasserstoffperoxid bei 193 nm und 248 nm erzeugt. Die zeitliche Entwicklung der Hydroxylradikalkonzentration in einem Überschuss des Reaktionspartners wurde mit Hilfe der laserinduzierten Fluoreszenz (LIF) gemessen.Begleitend zu den experimentellen Studien wird eine Abschätzung der bestimmten Geschwindigkeitskonstanten nach dem Modell der statistischen adiabatischen Reaktionskanäle (SACM) durchgeführt. Die Eigenschaften der Edukte und Produkte wurden mit Hilfe von DFT-Methoden berechnet. Die bestimmten Geschwindigkeitskonstanten zwischen 60 und 300K erstrecken sich über zwei Größenordnungen zwischen 10-12 und 10-10 cm3s-1. Dabei ist eine systematische Zunahme der Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten von Ethin nach Ethen, Propen und Isopren zu erkennen. Weiterhin wird für alle OH-Alken-Reaktionen (zumindest bis 100K) eine negative Temperaturabhängigkeit der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten beobachtet. Diese Tatsachen können durch die Annahme von langreichweitigen Multipol-Wechselwirkungen und den damit verbundenen weit außen liegenden Übergangszuständen der Reaktionen erklärt werden.Für die Reaktionen des OH-Radikals mit Ethin und Ethen wurden Hochdruckgrenzwerte der Reaktionen über die Schwingungsrelaxation des Hydroxylradikals ermittelt. Für die OH-Rekombinationsreaktion des Propens und besonders für Isopren wurde ein Absinken der Geschwindigkeitskonstanten bei Temperaturen unterhalb von 100K gefunden. Ein Effekt, der möglicherweise mit dem Vorhandensein von intermediären Isomeren erklärt werden kann. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Reaktion OH + Ethin eine deutliche Barriere besitzt, die die geringe Temperaturabhängigkeit im Bereich zwischen 300 und 60K dominiert. Die Reaktion von OH und Ethen zeigt über den gesamten gemessenen Temperaturbereich eine negative Temperaturabhängigkeit.

Investigating Turbine Vane Trailing Edge Pin Fin Cooling in Subsonic and Transonic Cascades

Asar, Munevver Elif 09 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sweeping Jet Film Cooling

Hossain, Mohammad Arif 21 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Design Tool in CAD for Fused Deposition Modelled Coolant Nozzles in Grinding : Design automation of coolant nozzles

Neguembor, Joachim January 2022 (has links)
This thesis covers the process of automating the design of coolant nozzles used for cylindrical grinding. Coolant nozzles are used to supply coolant, an oil and water mixture used to cool the metal workpiece and lubricate the grinding wheel. In the automotive industry, grinding is used to reduce the surface roughness of the workpiece. However, a large amount of heat is generated, risking the heat treatment of the steel to be compromised, for this, coolant is supplied to minimize the heat caused by friction. A nozzle is used, aiming a jet to the zone that generates heat. Commonly used nozzles are adjustable, leading to variation in cooling performance if misaligned. The design of fixed nozzles is developed in this thesis to reduce variation and automatise the design for multiple applications. The automatically designed nozzles are fused deposition modeled and tested. The design automation tool is tested repeatedly and improved successively in the span of the thesis. This lead to a great extent of implementation of design automation. Which lead to a facilitation in reaching of the work zone and avoid obstacles. Also, the tool managed to create nozzle tubes for a multitude of machines. The tool is able to generate, aim, orient, and individually dimension multi-nozzle tubes. Design of Experiment methodology is implemented to find nozzle designs with improved velocity and flow rate and minimize the air mixture with the coolant. Several nozzle designs are tested and fitted into a surrogate model that is, in turn, optimized. The results of the tests led to a greater understanding of how the nozzle geometry restricts the flow rate when attempts of reaching higher velocities of the coolant jet are made. The surrogate models created, also made it possible to find the range of designs which best suits different applications, whereby a Pareto front was able to be populated with a range of different designs alternating in flow rate, velocity and coherency ratio.

Calibration of the Measurement System for Methane Pyrolysis in Rocket Nozzle Cooling Channels

Ly, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Methane-based rocket propellant is gaining traction as a green technology with advantages in sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and performance. However, under high temperatures found in rocket nozzle cooling channels, methane can undergo thermal decomposition known as methane pyrolysis, resulting in the generation of hydrogen and solid carbon. This poses challenges to rocket engine performance and can eventually cause engine failure. Understanding and predicting the composition of evolved gases in rocket engine processes is therefore crucial. This thesis focuses on quantifying the production of hydrogen in the exhaust stream. To achieve this objective, a correlational measurement method utilizing sensors was developed and experimentally investigated. This approach involved the detailed mapping of sensor responses to variations in gas composition, temperature, and pressure, which were compared and validated against theoretical data derived from REFPROP; a widely used software tool for calculating gas properties. The sensors employed in this study enabled direct measurements of the speed of sound (SOS) and thermal conductivity (TCD) of the gas. The SOS measurements exhibited strong agreement with theoretical predictions in response to changes in hydrogen content. In contrast, the TCD measurements showed lower sensitivity to hydrogen. It was observed that temperature exhibited a substantial influence on both SOS and TCD compared to pressure. However, the implementation of experimental and theoretical correction coefficients effectively compensated for these effects. The resulting calibration curves demonstrated an absolute deviation of 0.2-0.3%vol in hydrogen concentration, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the developed method of quantifying hydrogen in gas mixtures. Lastly, the occurrence of methane pyrolysis was tested and confirmed. / Metan-baserat raketbränsle är en attraktiv grön teknologi med fördelar inom hållbarhet, kostnadseffektivitet och prestanda. Dock kan metan vid höga temperaturer funna i kylningskanalerna av raketmunnstycken undergå termisk sönderfallning via en process som kallas för metanpyrolys, vilket resulterar i produktionen av vätgas och fast kol. Detta medför utmaningar för prestandan av raketmotorn och kan i slutändan förstöra motorn. Det är därför mycket viktigt att kunna förstå och förutsäga sammansättningen av de gaser som bildas i processerna i raketmotorer. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att kvantifiera produktionen av vätgas i avgasströmmen. För att uppnå detta mål utvecklades och experimentellt undersöktes en korrelationsmätmetod som använder sensorer. Detta tillvägagångssätt innebar en detaljerad kartläggning av sensorernas svar på variationer i gassammansättning, temperatur och tryck, som sedan jämfördes och validerades mot teoretiska data från REFPROP; ett välkänt programverktyg för beräkningen av gasegenskaper. De sensorer som användes i denna studie möjliggjorde direkta mätningar av ljudhastigheten (SOS) och värmeledningsförmågan (TCD) hos gasen. SOS-mätningarna visade en stark överensstämmelse med teoretiska förutsägelser som svar på förändringar i vätgasinnehållet. TCD-mätningarna visade däremot lägre känslighet för väte. Det observerades att temperaturen hade en betydande inverkan på både SOS och TCD jämfört med trycket. Implementeringen av experimentella och teoretiska korrigeringskoefficienter kompenserade dock effektivt för dessa effekter. De resulterande kalibreringskurvorna visade en absolut avvikelse på 0.2-0.3%vol i vätgaskoncentration, vilket betonar effektiviteten hos den utvecklade metoden för att kvantifiera väte i gasblandningar. Slutligen testades och bekräftades förekomsten av metanpyrolys.

In-line process measurements for injection moulding control. In-line rheology and primary injection phase process measurements for injection moulding of semi-crystalline thermoplastics, using instrumented computer monitored injection moulding machines, for potential use in closed loop process control

Speight, Russell G. January 1993 (has links)
In-line rheological and process measurements are studied, during the primary injection phase, as a potential aid to closed loop process control for injection moulding. The feasibilities of attaining rheological and process measurements of sufficient accuracy and precision for use in process control are investigated. The influence of rheological and process measurements on product quality are investigated for semi-crystalline thermoplastic materials. A computer based process and machine parameter monitoring system is utilised to provide accurate and precise process data for analysis

Radiation View Factors Between A Disk And The Interior Of A Class Of Axisymmetric Bodies Including Converging Diverging Rocket Nozzles

Murad, Mark Richard 27 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Changes in Flow Geometry, Rotation and High Heat Flux on Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer and Oxidation/Deposition of Jet Fuels

Jiang, Hua 12 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Analytical and Numerical Validation of Nozzle Spray Measurement Data Obtained from a Newly Developed Production System

Seidu, Iddrisu 30 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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