Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nozzle"" "subject:"zozzle""
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Small Scale Mass Flow Plug CalibrationSasson, Jonathan 09 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental study of the effect of nozzle geometry on the performance of direct-injection diesel sprays for three different fuelsViera Sotillo, Juan Pablo 29 May 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies the influence of internal nozzle flow characteristics over a large spectrum of experimental conditions and diagnostics. Experiments were carried out for two nozzle geometries---cylindrical and conical single hole nozzles---and three different fuels. Two of the fuels are pure components---n-heptane and n-dodecane---while the third fuel consists of a three-component surrogate to better represent the physical and chemical properties of diesel fuel. Measurements include a complete hydraulic characterization consisting of instantaneous injection rate and spray momentum flux measurements; a high-speed visualization of isothermal liquid spray; a high-speed visualization of the evaporative inert spray, imaging liquid and vapor phases simultaneously and finally, a high-speed visualization of the high temperature reactive spray, imaging vapor phase and OH* chemiluminescence for each injection event. All high-temperature diagnostics were performed in a continuous flow test chamber that allows an accurate control on a wide range of thermodynamic conditions (up to 1000 K and 15 MPa).
The experimental findings from this work, and the large database obtained (available for download at: http://www.cmt.upv.es/DD01.aspx), could be used to validate CFD models that could help the community understand the fundamental driving mechanisms behind these observations. / En esta tesis se estudia la influencia del flujo interno sobre un amplio espectro de condiciones y diagnósticos experimentales. Se realizaron experimentos para dos geometrías de tobera---toberas cilíndrica y cónica de un único orificio---y tres combustibles. Dos de los combustibles son puros---n-heptano y n-dodecano--- mientras el tercero es un combustible sustituto que consiste en una mezcla de tres componentes que busca representar mejor las propiedades físicas y químicas del diesel. Las medidas incluyen una caracterización hidráulica completa, compuesta por tasa de inyección y cantidad de movimiento instantáneas; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro líquido isotermo; una visualización de alta velocidad del chorro inerte evaporativo, con captura simultánea de las fases líquida y vapor y, finalmente, una visualización del chorro reactivo a alta temperatura, con captura de la fase vapor y la quimioluminiscencia del radical OH* para cada evento de inyección. Todos los diagnósticos en condiciones de alta temperatura fueron realizados en una maqueta de alta presión y temperatura de flujo constante que permite controlar con precisión un rango amplio de condiciones termodinámicas (hasta 1000 K y 15 MPa).
Los resultados experimentales y la gran base de datos obtenida en este trabajo (disponible en: http://www.cmt.upv.es/DD01.aspx), podrían ser utilizados para validar modelos CFD detallados que podrían ayudar a la comunidad científica a entender mejor los mecanismos fundamentales que producen los resultados observados. / Aquesta tesi estudia la influència del flux intern sobre un gran espectre de condicions i diagnòstics experimentals. Es van realitzar experiments per a dos geometries de tovera---toveres ci¿líndrica i cónica amb un únic orifici---i tres combustibles. Dos dels combustibles són purs---n-heptà i n-dodecà--- mentre el tercer combustible consisteix en una mescla de tres components que formen un combustible substitut que busca representar millor les propietats físiques i químiques del dièsel. Les mesures inclouen una caracterització hidràulica completa, composta per taxa d'injecció i quantitat de moviment instantanis; visualització d'alta velocitat del doll líquid isoterme; visualització d'alta velocitat del doll inert evaporatiu, capturant simultàniament les fases líquid i vapor i, finalment, una visualització del doll reactiu a alta temperatura, capturant la fase vapor i la quimioluminiscència del radical OH per a cada esdeveniment d'injecció. Tots els diagnòstics en condicions d'alta temperatura van ser realitzats en una insta¿lació d'alta pressió i temperatura amb flux constant que permet controlar amb precisió un ampli rang de condicions termodinàmiques (fins a 1000 K i 15 MPa).
Els resultats experimentals i la gran base de dades obtinguda en aquest treball (disponible a la web en: http://www.cmt.upv.es/dd01.aspx), podrien ser utilitzats per tal de validar models CFD detallats que podrien ajudar a la comunitat científica a entendre millor els mecanismes fonamentals que produeixen aquestes observacions. / Viera Sotillo, JP. (2017). Experimental study of the effect of nozzle geometry on the performance of direct-injection diesel sprays for three different fuels [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/81857
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Study on Advanced Spray-Guided Gasoline Direct Injection SystemsVaquerizo Sánchez, Daniel 22 March 2018 (has links)
Los sistemas de inyección directa han sido uno de los principales
puntos focales de la investigación en motores, particularmente en sistemas
Diésel, donde la geometría interna, movimiento de aguja y comportamiento
del flujo afectan el spray externo y por tanto determinan
completamente el proceso de combustión dentro del motor. Debido a
regulaciones medioambientales y al potencial de los (más ineficientes)
motores "Otto", grandes esfuerzos se están aportando en investigación
sobre sistemas de inyección directa de gasolina. Los motores GDi tienen
el potencial de incrementar sustancialmente la economía de combustible
y cumplir con las regulaciones de gases contaminantes y de efecto invernadero,
aunque aún existen muchos desafíos por delante. Esta tesis
estudia en detalle una moderna tobera GDi que fue específicamente diseñada
para el grupo de investigación conocido como Engine Combustion
Network (ECN). Con metodologías punteras, este inyector ha sido usado
en un amplio abanico de instalaciones experimentales para caracterizar el
flujo interno y varias características clave de geometría y funcionamiento,
y aplicarlo para evaluar cómo se relaciona con los efectos observados del
comportamiento del chorro externo.
Para la caracterización interna del flujo, el objetivo ha sido determinar
la geometría de la tobera y el desplazamiento de aguja, caracterizar
la tasa de inyección y el flujo de cantidad de movimiento, y evaluar el
flujo cercano. Algunas metodologías nunca antes habían sido empleadas
en inyectores GDi, y muchas otras lo han sido solo eventualmente. Para
la geometría interna, el levantamiento de aguja y el flujo cercano, varias
técnicas avanzadas con rayos-x fueron aplicadas en las instalaciones de
Argonne National Laboratory. Para la tasa de inyección y flujo de cantidad
de movimiento, las técnicas disponibles en el departamento han
sido adaptadas desde Diésel y aplicadas en inyectores GDi multiorificio.
Dado lo novedoso de las técnicas aplicadas, las particularidades de las
metodologías han sido discutidas en detalle en el documento. Aún con
la elevada turbulencia del flujo interno, el inyector se comporta de forma
consistente inyección a inyección, incluso cuando el estudio se centra en la
variabilidad orificio a orificio. Esto ha sido atribuido al comportamiento
repetitivo de la aguja, evaluado en los experimentos. También fue observado
que el flujo estabilizado tiene una variación de alta frecuencia
que no pude ser explicado por el movimiento de la aguja, sino por el
particular diseño de las toberas. El análisis de geometría interna realizado
a ocho toberas nominalmente iguales resultó en la obtención de un
punto vista único en la construcción de toberas y la variabilidad de dimensiones
clave. Las medidas de tasa de inyección permitieron estudiar
la respuesta hidráulica del inyector a varias variables como la presión de
inyección, presión de descarga, temperatura de combustible y la duración
de la señal de comando. Estas medidas fueron combinadas con medidas
de flujo de cantidad de movimiento para estudiar el bajo valor del coeficiente
de descarga, el cual fue atribuido al bajo levantamiento de aguja
y coeficiente L/D de los orificios. Por otro lado, el estudio del spray
externo resultó en la identificación de un importante fenómeno específico
a este particular hardware, el colapso del spray. Las extensivas campañas
experimentales, utilizando Schlieren e iluminación trasera difusa
(DBI) permitieron identificar y describir las características macroscópicas
del spray y las condiciones bajo las que el colapso ocurre. El colapso
del spray se forma por una combinación de interacción de las diferentes
plumas (causado por el flujo interno) y determinadas condiciones ambiente
que promueven evaporación y entrada de aire. Fue determinado que
a niveles de densidad y temperatura moderados se desarrolla el colapso,
modificando completamente el comportamiento espera / Abstract
Fuel injection systems have been one of the main focal points of engine
research, particularly in Diesel engines, where the internal geometry,
needle lift and flow behavior are known to affect the external spray
an in turn completely determine the combustion process inside engines.
Because of environmental regulation and the potential development of
the more inefficient Otto engines, a lot of research efforts are currently
focused into gasoline direct injection systems. GDi engines have the potential
to greatly increase fuel economy and comply with pollutant and
greenhouse gases emissions limits, although many challenges still remain.
The current thesis studies in detail a modern type of GDi nozzle that was
specifically developed for the international research group known as the
Engine Combustion Network (ECN). With the objective of employing
state-of-the-art techniques, this hardware has been used in a wide range
of experimental facilities in order to characterize the internal flow and
several geometrical and constructive aspects like needle lift; and assess
how it relates to the effects seen external spray.
For the internal flow characterization, the goal was to determine the
nozzle geometry and needle displacement, to characterize the rate of injection
and rate of momentum, and evaluate the near-nozzle flow. Some
methodologies applied here have never been applied to a GDi injector before,
and many have only been applied rarely. For the internal geometry,
needle lift and near-nozzle flow, several advanced x-rays techniques were
used at Argonne National Laboratory. For the rate of injection and rate
of momentum measurements, the techniques available in CMT-Motores
Térmicos have been adapted from Diesel spray research and brought to
multi-hole GDi injectors. Given the novelty of the techniques used, the
particular methodologies and setups are discussed in detail. Despite the
high turbulence of the flow, it was seen that the injector behaves consistently
injection to injection, even when studying variation in individual
holes. This is attributed to the repetitive behavior of the needle that was
observed in the experiments. It was also observed that the stabilized flow
has a high frequency variability that could not be explained by random
movement of the needle, but rather by the particular design of the nozzle.
The geometrical analysis done to eight, nominally equal nozzles, allowed
a unique view into the construction of the nozzle and provided insights
about the variability of key dimensions. The rate of injection measurements
allowed to study the hydraulic response of the injector to the main
variables like rail pressure, discharge pressure, fuel temperature and command
signal duration. These measurements were combined with the rate
of momentum measurements to study the low value of the discharge coefficient,
that ultimately was attributed to the low needle lift and low
L/D ratio of the orifices. On the other hand, the study of the external
spray yielded the identification of very important phenomena specific to
this particular hardware, the spray collapse. The extensive experimental
campaigns featuring shadowgraph (Schlieren) and Diffused Back Illumination
(DBI) visualization techniques allowed identifying and describing
the macroscopic characteristics of the spray and the conditions under
which the collapse occurs. The spray collapse engenders from a combination
of the internal flow that creates plume interaction, and ambient
conditions that promote air entrainment and evaporation. At moderate
density and temperature levels the collapse develops, completely modifying
the expected trends in the behavior of the plumes. / Resum
Els sistemes d'injecció directa han sigut un dels principals punts focals
de la investigació en motors, particularment en sistemes dièsel, en
què la geometria interna, el moviment de l'agulla i el comportament
del flux afecten l'esprai extern i per tant determinen completament el
procés de combustió dins del motor. Degut a regulacions mediambientals
i al potencial dels (més ineficients) motors "Otto", grans esforços s'estan
aportant en investigació sobre sistemes d'injecció directa de gasolina. Els
motors GDi tenen el potencial d'incrementar substancialment l'economia
del combustible i complir les regulacions de gasos contaminants i d'efecte
hivernacle, encara que existeixen molts desafiaments per davant. Esta
tesi estudia en detall una moderna tovera GDi que va ser especialment
dissenyada per al grup d'investigació conegut com a ECN. Amb l'objectiu
de desenvolupar metodologies punteres, este injector ha sigut usat en un
ampli ventall d'instal·lacions experimentals per tal de caracteritzar el
flux intern i diverses característiques clau de la seua geometria i funcionament,
per tal d'avaluar com es relacionen amb els efectes observats
del comportament de l'esprai extern. Per a la caracterització interna del
flux, l'objectiu ha sigut determinar la geometria de la tovera i el desplaçament
de l'agulla, caracteritzar la taxa d'injecció i el flux de quantitat de
moviment, i avaluar el flux proper. Algunes metodologies no s'havien
empleat abans en injectors GDi, i moltes altres ho han sigut únicament
de manera eventual. Per a la geometria interna, l'alçament de l'agulla
i el flux proper, s'han aplicat diverses tècniques avançades amb raigsx
a les instal·lacions d'Argonne National Laboratory. Per a la taxa
d'injecció i el flux de quantitat de moviment, les tècniques disponibles
al departament han sigut adaptades des de Dièsel i aplicades a injectors
GDi multi-orifici. Considerant la novetat de les tècniques aplicades,
les particularitats de les metodologies es discuteixen en detall al document.
A pesar de l'elevada turbulència del flux intern, l'injector es
comporta de manera consistent injecció a injecció, inclús quan l'estudi
se centra en la variabilitat orifici a orifici. Aquest fet s'ha atribuït al
comportament repetitiu de l'agulla, avaluat als experiments. També es
va observar que el flux estabilitzat té una variació d'altra freqüència que
no pot ser explicat pel moviment de l'agulla, sinó pel particular disseny
de les toveres. L'anàlisi de la geometria interna realitzat a vuit toveres
nominalment iguals va permetre obtenir un punt de vista únic en la construcció
de toveres i la variabilitat de dimensions clau. Les mesures de
taxa d'injecció van permetre estudiar la resposta hidràulica de l'injector
a diverses variables com la pressió d'injecció, la pressió de descàrrega, la
temperatura del combustible i la duració de la senyal de comandament.
Estes mesures van ser combinades amb mesures de flux de quantitat de
moviment per tal d'estudiar el baix valor del coeficient de descàrrega,
el qual va ser atribuït al baix alçament de l'agulla i al coeficient L/D
dels orificis. D'altra banda, l'estudi de l'esprai extern va permetre identificar
un important fenomen específic d'aquest hardware particular: el
col·lapse de l'esprai. Les extensives campanyes experimentals, utilitzant
Schlieren i il·luminació darrera difusa (DBI) van permetre identificar i
descriure les característiques macroscòpiques de l'esprai i les condicions
sota les quals el col·lapse té lloc. El col·lapse de l'esprai es forma
per una combinació d'interacció de les diverses plomes (causat pel flux
intern) i determinades condicions ambient que promouen evaporació i
entrada d'aire. Es va determinar a quins nivells de densitat i temperatura
moderats es desenvolupa el col·lapse, modificant completament el
comportament esperat de l'esprai. / Vaquerizo Sánchez, D. (2018). Study on Advanced Spray-Guided Gasoline Direct Injection Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/99568
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Ultrathin Liquid-Sheet Jets for X-ray Imaging : Gas-Accelerated Liquid-Sheet Jet Nozzles for Sample DeliveryMehlig, Robert Daniel January 2024 (has links)
X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) can achieve near-atomic resolution in imaging organic molecules. As a fourth-generation light source, modern XFELs can generate brilliant ultrashort X-ray pulses at MHz repetition rates. This allows XFELs to image single molecules with great detail, obtaining information about their dynamics and states through the interaction of the electrons within the molecule with the X-rays. A key challenge when imaging biomolecules (e.g. proteins, viruses, or bacteria) is to image the sample within its native environment, in solution. 3D-printed gas-accelerated liquid-sheet jet nozzles for liquid sample-delivery have yielded promising results in this respect, demonstrating that liquid sheets can be a reliable alternative to conventional sample-delivery methods, e.g. electrospray. Although the nozzles that this project uses have been successfully used for measurements at XFELs, the effect of nozzle design and liquid material-properties have not previously been explored. Therefore, the present report aims to explore different flow regimes of gas-accelerated liquid-sheet jets, and to study how the generated sheet jet depends upon different parameters, such as gas and liquid flow-rates, sample solution, and nozzle geometry. The findings suggest that low surface tension is crucial for producing large jets, and that higher viscosity may help to generate more stable sheet jets. However, further studies are required to draw definite conclusions.
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Srovnání vlivu tvaru konvergentní a Lavalovy dýzy v clonkách detektoru na výsledný tlak na dráze sekundárních elektronů pomocí systému CAE / Using Computer Aided Engineering for analyse the detectorVyroubal, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with influence of the shape comparison of convergent and Laval nozzles in the secondary electron detector shutters to the resulting pressure and gas flow in the secondary electron detector for environmental scaning electron mictoscope. To the detector analysis are used Computer Aided Engineering systems CAD and CAE, SolidWorks and SolidWorks Flow Simulation.
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Estudo da estrutura multidimensional de escoamentos multifásicos em dispositivos de medição de pressão diferencial. / Study of the multidimensional structure of multiphase flows through differential-pressure-based measurement devices.Imada, Fabiano Hikoji Jorge 30 June 2014 (has links)
A medição de vazão de escoamentos multifásicos é uma necessidade constante em diversas atividades industriais como exploração de óleo e gás, controle de linhas de transporte de vapor e monitoramento de sistemas de resfriamento de usinas nucleares. Dentre os meios disponíveis para a realização da medição de vazão mássica, os dispositivos de medição de pressão diferencial constituem um dos métodos mais simples, sendo sua construção, aplicação e operação em escoamentos monofásicos bem conhecidas e definidas por normas técnicas. No entanto, sua aplicação tem sido estendida a escoamentos multifásicos, geralmente estando aliada a uma técnica adicional de medição de fração de vazio ou fração volumétrica das fases. Este trabalho descreve o estudo numérico de escoamentos multifásicos através de medidores de vazão baseados em pressão diferencial como placas de orifício e bocais de vazão de raio longo. Para tal, primeiramente foram conduzidas simulações de escoamentos monofásicos através de placas de orifício e bocais de vazão de raio longo na faixa de número de Reynolds 15.000 500.000. Os resultados de coeficiente de descarga obtidos foram quantitativamente comparados com os valores preditos por norma ISO, apresentando desvio máximo de aproximadamente 4, 9% para as placas e de 1,0% para os bocais. Em uma segunda etapa, escoamentos do tipo gás úmido (wet gas) através de placas de orifício foram simulados através de três abordagens diferentes. Os resultados de vazão mássica total obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais fornecidos pela PETROBRAS. As abordagens que consideram o escorregamento entre as fases apresentaram previsões mais próximas dos experimentos, com desvio relativo médio de 3,9%, enquanto a modelagem homogênea apresentou um desvio médio de 6, 6%. Nestes estudos, foram também avaliadas as estruturas desenvolvidas no escoamento através de visualizações da distribuição de fases. São também apresentadas duas sugestões para complementação da caracterização de um escoamento multifásico: (1) a introdução da informação de fração de vazio na formulação apresentada por Paz (2011) e (2) a análise estatística do sinal de pressão diferencial em placas de orifício. Com relação ao primeiro item, comparações quantitativas com dados experimentais sugeriram que a alternativa apresentada é viável para operações de monitoramento da produção. Já o último estudo mostrou qualitativamente a influência da quantidade de líquido na flutuação da pressão diferencial / The flowrate measurement of multiphase flows is a constant need at many industrial activities such as oil and gas exploration, steam transport lines control and monitoring of nuclear plants cooling systems. Within the available means for performing flowrate measurement, the differential pressure devices constitute one of the simplest methods, with their construction, application and operation in single phase flows being well known and defined by technical standards. However, their application has been extended to multiphase flows, usually being allied to a void fraction or phase volume fraction measurement technique. This work describes a numerical study of multiphase flows through differential pressure-based flowrate meters such as orifice plates and long radius nozzles. Firstly simulations of single phase flows through orifice plates and long radius nozzles were conducted in the Reynolds number range 15.000500.000. The obtained results of discharge coefficients were quantitatively compared to ISO Standard predicted values, showing a maximum deviation of approximately 4,9% for the orifice plates and of 1,0% for the nozzles. In a second stage, wet gas flows through orifice plates were simulated by means of three approaches. The calculated results of total mass flowrate were compared to experimental data provided by PETROBRAS. The approaches that considered the slip between phases provided the closest results to the experiments, with a mean relative error of 3, 9%, while the homogeneous modeling presented an error of 6, 6%. In these studies, the structures developed within the domain were also evaluated through the visualization of the phases distribution. Two suggestions for complementing the characterization of a multiphase flow are presented: (1) the introduction of void fraction information into the formulation presented by Paz (2011) and (2) the statistical analysis of the orifice plate pressure drop signal. Regarding the first item, quantitative comparison with experimental data suggested that the presented alternative is viable for production monitoring operations. The last study qualitatively revealed the influence of the liquid loading in the pressure drop fluctuation.
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Étude de paramétrisation de l’écoulement dans des composants de circuit de transmission de puissance pneumatique / Study of the flow parameterization in the components of pneumatic power transmission circuitAli, Azdasher 04 September 2012 (has links)
Le prototypage virtuel des circuits pneumatiques de puissance, par exemple les circuits de freinage des véhicules industriels, constitue un enjeu important en raison de la complexité des écoulements en régime transsonique et des couplages entre les échelles locales et macroscopiques. Ces problèmes sont rencontrés lors de la conception, de la synthèse des commandes et de l'analyse des performances statiques et dynamiques de ces circuits et l'analyse. La mise au point des modèles numériques de ces systèmes induit des coûts et des temps importants par rapport à d'autres systèmes. La démarche proposée dans cette thèse repose sur la construction numérique de bases de données permettant de caractériser le comportement local et macroscopique d'un composant de circuit en fonction de la variation de certains paramètres physiques ou géométriques par rapport à un point de fonctionnement de référence. Les bases de données résultent de l'extrapolation de la solution des équations de Navier Stokes moyennées (RANS) pour le point de référence considéré obtenu à l'aide d’un logiciel de paramétrisation en mécanique des fluides (Turb’Opty). La contribution de cette thèse repose pour l'essentiel dans un travail d'analyse des solutions issues de la paramétrisation dans deux contextes différents: la tuyère De Laval et un élément "coude", des composants élémentaires de circuit. Nous avons montré que ces exemples "simples" conduisent déjà à des difficultés importantes en termes de paramétrisation du problème et du calcul des dérivées des champs aérodynamiques en raison de la taille du problème. Pour pallier cette difficulté, nous avons proposé de déraffiner le maillage et nous avons alors montré que cette démarche conduit parfois à déplacer ou à atténuer certains phénomènes (chocs). La deuxième contribution de ce travail repose sur l'évaluation de la qualité des solutions extrapolées, de leur domaine de validité et la construction des liens entre grandeurs locales et macroscopiques. Nous avons enfin proposé une démarche permettant de reconstruire la caractéristique en débit d'un composant à partir de la détermination de la solution extrapolée pour un nombre limité de points de référence. / Virtual prototyping pneumatic circuits for power transmission, for example braking circuits of trucks, is still a difficulty because of the complexity of the flow behavior in transonic conditions and of the coupling between local and macroscopic scales. These problems are met during system design, control synthesis and for static and dynamic performance analysis. Tuning accurate numerical models requires important costs and time when compared to other systems. The methodology proposed in this PhD thesis relies on numerically determining a data base that characterizes the local and macroscopic behavior of a circuit component according the variation from a reference point of some physical or geometrical parameters. The data bases are obtained from the extrapolation of the Mean Navier Stokes solution (RANS) for a given reference point with the help of a parametrization software dedicated to fluid mechanics (Turb'Flow). The main contribution of this thesis relies io the analysis of the solution obtained from the parametrization in two different cases: the De Laval nozzle and un "elbow" connecting element, which are elementary component in a circuit. We have shown that these two "simple" cases lead already to important difficulties in term of problem parametrization and calculation of the derivatives of the aerodynamic fields because of the problem dimension. In order to tackle this, we proposed to reduce the spatial discretization (mesh derefining) and we showed that this approach could sometimes lead to damp or move some phenomena (shocks). The second contribution of this work relies on evaluating the quality of the extrapolated solution and their validity domain, and on building links between local and macroscopic behavior. Finally, we proposed a method that allows the mass flow rate characteristic of a component to be determined from the calculation of the extrapolated solution issued from a limited number of reference points.
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Estudo da estrutura multidimensional de escoamentos multifásicos em dispositivos de medição de pressão diferencial. / Study of the multidimensional structure of multiphase flows through differential-pressure-based measurement devices.Fabiano Hikoji Jorge Imada 30 June 2014 (has links)
A medição de vazão de escoamentos multifásicos é uma necessidade constante em diversas atividades industriais como exploração de óleo e gás, controle de linhas de transporte de vapor e monitoramento de sistemas de resfriamento de usinas nucleares. Dentre os meios disponíveis para a realização da medição de vazão mássica, os dispositivos de medição de pressão diferencial constituem um dos métodos mais simples, sendo sua construção, aplicação e operação em escoamentos monofásicos bem conhecidas e definidas por normas técnicas. No entanto, sua aplicação tem sido estendida a escoamentos multifásicos, geralmente estando aliada a uma técnica adicional de medição de fração de vazio ou fração volumétrica das fases. Este trabalho descreve o estudo numérico de escoamentos multifásicos através de medidores de vazão baseados em pressão diferencial como placas de orifício e bocais de vazão de raio longo. Para tal, primeiramente foram conduzidas simulações de escoamentos monofásicos através de placas de orifício e bocais de vazão de raio longo na faixa de número de Reynolds 15.000 500.000. Os resultados de coeficiente de descarga obtidos foram quantitativamente comparados com os valores preditos por norma ISO, apresentando desvio máximo de aproximadamente 4, 9% para as placas e de 1,0% para os bocais. Em uma segunda etapa, escoamentos do tipo gás úmido (wet gas) através de placas de orifício foram simulados através de três abordagens diferentes. Os resultados de vazão mássica total obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais fornecidos pela PETROBRAS. As abordagens que consideram o escorregamento entre as fases apresentaram previsões mais próximas dos experimentos, com desvio relativo médio de 3,9%, enquanto a modelagem homogênea apresentou um desvio médio de 6, 6%. Nestes estudos, foram também avaliadas as estruturas desenvolvidas no escoamento através de visualizações da distribuição de fases. São também apresentadas duas sugestões para complementação da caracterização de um escoamento multifásico: (1) a introdução da informação de fração de vazio na formulação apresentada por Paz (2011) e (2) a análise estatística do sinal de pressão diferencial em placas de orifício. Com relação ao primeiro item, comparações quantitativas com dados experimentais sugeriram que a alternativa apresentada é viável para operações de monitoramento da produção. Já o último estudo mostrou qualitativamente a influência da quantidade de líquido na flutuação da pressão diferencial / The flowrate measurement of multiphase flows is a constant need at many industrial activities such as oil and gas exploration, steam transport lines control and monitoring of nuclear plants cooling systems. Within the available means for performing flowrate measurement, the differential pressure devices constitute one of the simplest methods, with their construction, application and operation in single phase flows being well known and defined by technical standards. However, their application has been extended to multiphase flows, usually being allied to a void fraction or phase volume fraction measurement technique. This work describes a numerical study of multiphase flows through differential pressure-based flowrate meters such as orifice plates and long radius nozzles. Firstly simulations of single phase flows through orifice plates and long radius nozzles were conducted in the Reynolds number range 15.000500.000. The obtained results of discharge coefficients were quantitatively compared to ISO Standard predicted values, showing a maximum deviation of approximately 4,9% for the orifice plates and of 1,0% for the nozzles. In a second stage, wet gas flows through orifice plates were simulated by means of three approaches. The calculated results of total mass flowrate were compared to experimental data provided by PETROBRAS. The approaches that considered the slip between phases provided the closest results to the experiments, with a mean relative error of 3, 9%, while the homogeneous modeling presented an error of 6, 6%. In these studies, the structures developed within the domain were also evaluated through the visualization of the phases distribution. Two suggestions for complementing the characterization of a multiphase flow are presented: (1) the introduction of void fraction information into the formulation presented by Paz (2011) and (2) the statistical analysis of the orifice plate pressure drop signal. Regarding the first item, quantitative comparison with experimental data suggested that the presented alternative is viable for production monitoring operations. The last study qualitatively revealed the influence of the liquid loading in the pressure drop fluctuation.
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Etude numérique des transferts conjugués paroi-fluide d'un écoulement e fluide compressible dans une tuyère / Numerical study of wall-fluid conjugate heat transfer of a compressible fluid flow in nozzleDeng, Jing 24 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l’étude des écoulements de fluides gazeux compressibles laminaires subsonique-supersonique dans une tuyère de type convergent-divergent. Les écoulements étudiés sont à nombres de Reynolds modérés et s’affranchissent de l’hypothèse de condition adiabatique de paroi couramment utilisée afin de mieux prendre en compte les phénomènes de transfert de chaleur par convection et rayonnement avec le milieu extérieur. Cette étude des phénomènes de transferts conjugués a permis de déterminer le comportement dynamique simultané du fluide et de la paroi de la tuyère. Enfin, compte tenu des niveaux élevés de températures mis en jeu dans ces systèmes, une analyse concernant le comportement thermomécanique de l’ensemble de la structure de paroi avec des matériaux monocouches et multicouches a été réalisé. De nombreuses configurations géométriques, propriétés physiques et conditions aux limites sur le fluide et la paroi ont été analysées. Les résultats présentés montrent, la structure des écoulements à travers les iso-contours de vitesses, des nombres de Mach, des pressions dans le fluide, des températures dans le fluide et dans la paroi ainsi que les déformations et les contraintes de la paroi qui résultent des couplages thermomécaniques. Une analyse des performances de la tuyère, en termes de force de poussée et de coefficient de débit spécifique, est largement discutée dans ce travail. / This work concerns the study of flows of compressible gaseous laminar subsonic-supersonic nozzle in a convergent-divergent type. The flows are studied to moderate Reynolds numbers and free themselves from the assumption of adiabatic wall conditions commonly used to better take into account the phenomena of heat transfer by convection and radiation with the external environment. This study combined transfer phenomena was determined simultaneously the dynamic behavior of the fluid and the wall of the nozzle. Finally, given high levels of temperatures at stake in these systems, an analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of the entire wall structure with monolayer and multilayer materials was performed. Many geometric configurations, physical properties and boundary conditions on the fluid and the wall were analyzed. The results presented show the structure of the flow through the iso-contours of speed, Mach numbers, pressures in the fluid, temperatures in the fluid and in the wall as well as the deformations and stresses resulting from the wall thermomechanical couplings. A performance analysis of the nozzle, in terms of thrust coefficient and specific yield, is widely discussed in this work.
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Rotational Spectroscopic And Ab Initio Studies On The Weakly Bound Complexes Containing 0-H...π And S-H...π InteractionsGoswami, Mausumi 07 1900 (has links)
Work reported in this thesis mainly comprises of the assignments and analysis of the rotational spectra and structures of three weakly bound complexes: C2H4•••H2S, C6H5CCH•••H2O and C6H5CCH•••H2S. All the data have been collected using a home built Pulsed Nozzle Fourier Transform Microwave Spectrometer. Apart from this, the thesis also deals with a criterion of classifying a weakly bound complex to a ‘hydrogen-bonded’ one.
First chapter of the thesis gives a brief intermolecular interactions and molecular clusters of π system. It also briefly touches on the structural determination by rotational spectroscopy and the basic information one can gain from the rotational spectrum. Second chapter of the thesis gives a brief introduction to the experimental and theoretical methodology. It also gives a description of the software used in the FTMW spectrometer which was rebuilt using Labview 7.1. Third chapter of the thesis deals with the rotational spectra and structure of eight isotopologoues of C2H4•••H2S complex. The lines are split into four components for the parent isotopologue due to the presence of large amplitude motion. The smaller splitting is 0.14 MHz and the higher splitting is 1.67 MHz in (B+C)/2 for the parent isotopologue. Spectral splitting pattern of the isotopologues confirmed that smaller splitting is due to the rotation of ethylene about its C-C bond axis along with the contraction of S-H bond whereas the larger motion arises due to the interchange of equivalent hydrogens of H2S in the complex. A detailed spectral analysis and ab initio calculation for this system have been described in chapter III. The fourth chapter of the thesis describes the rotational spectroscopic studies of five isotopologues of C6H5CCH•••H2O complex. Rotational spectra unequivocally confirm the structure of the complex to be a one where H2O is donating one of its hydrogen to the acetylenic π cloud forming a O-H••• π bond whereas the ring ortho C-H bond forms C-H•••O bond with the water oxygen. For theparent isotopomer the lines are split into two components due to the rotation of H2O about its C2 symmetric axis. The fifth chapter of thesis describes the rotational spectroscopic and ab initio studies of five isotopologues of C6H5CCH•••H2S complex. Rotational spectra indicate the structure to be the one where H2S is sitting on the top of the phenyl ring and shifted towards the acetylenic group. The sixth chapter of the thesis describes a criterion for calling a complex to be hydrogen bonded based on the dynamic structure rather than the static structure of the complex. The question asked is if the anisotropy of the interaction is strong enough to hold the ‘hydrogen bond’ when one takes dynamics into account. The proposed criterion is that the zero point energy of the motion which takes the hydrogen away from the acceptor should be much less than the barrier height of the respective motion supporting at least one bound level below the barrier. Ab initio calculations have been done on four model systems Ar2•••H2O, Ar2•••H2S, C2H4••• H2O and C2H4••• H2S to emphasize this criterion.
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