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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo comparativo de tubos submersos anti-clogging no processo de lingotamento contínuo / Comparative study of submerged nozzles anti-clogging in the process of continuous casting

Noraldo Hipolito Guimarães Gomes 19 September 2008 (has links)
O processo de lingotamento contínuo de produtos planos de aço tem sido alvo de incessantes estudos devido a sua importância na produção de bobinas laminadas a partir de placas, para um grupo muito diversificado de clientes, dentre os quais, destacam-se as indústrias automobilística e de eletrodomésticos (\"linha branca\"), que têm se mostrado muito exigentes. No entanto, por tratar-se de aços desoxidados ao alumínio, é comum a ocorrência de formação de um depósito de óxido de alumínio (alumina), no interior do tubo submerso do processo de lingotamento contínuo, o que diminui seu diâmetro interno, levando à restrição de passagem do aço líquido pelo seu interior, provocando a perda de produtividade devido à necessidade de se reduzir a velocidade de lingotamento e até mesmo a contaminação do aço com inclusões de alumina, principalmente naqueles seqüenciais com um elevado tempo de lingotamento, próximo de dez horas. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se um tubo com um material interno anti-clogging que na literatura é chamado de C-less, para minimizar e/ou evitar a deposição de alumina e com uma linha de escória reforçada com uma camada de zircônia (ZrO2) mais espessa e mais nobre, para resistir ao ataque da escória. O objetivo desta dissertação foi comparar tubos de diferentes fornecedores, avaliando as principais variáveis que têm influência direta na sua performance: perfil de aquecimento, taxa de erosão na linha de escória, índice de obstrução e parâmetros físico-químicos através da correlação dos materiais antes e após uso (post-mortem). Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma melhor performance dos tubos do fornecedor \"M\", que apresentaram menores taxas de desgaste e, conseqüentemente, maior potencial de vida (maior tempo de lingotamento) após análise da linha de escória, que pode ser atribuída a uma melhor distribuição dos grãos de zircônia na matriz (maior homogeneidade), além de apresentarem grãos mais finos e desta forma, reduzindo os espaços \"vazios\" na matriz, propícios ao ataque da escória por meio de um desequilíbrio químico entre esta escória líquida e o refratário. Além disto, seu material anti-clogging e projeto de distribuição do mesmo na peça, propiciaram um melhor resultado em relação à obstrução pela deposição de alumina ao longo do corpo do tubo submerso. / The continuous casting process of steel plane products has been objective of incessant studies due to its importance in the production of laminated coils starting from slabs, for a very diversified group of customers, among all the automobile industries and of appliances (\"home appliances\"), that have been showing very demanding. However, for being low carbon aluminum killed steels, is common the occurrence of aluminum oxide (alumina) deposit formation, inside of submerged nozzle in continuous casting process, what decreases its internal diameter, taking to the restriction of passage of the liquid steel for its interior, provoking the productivity loss due to the need of being reduced the casting speed and even the contamination of the steel with alumina inclusions, mainly in those sequential with a high casting time, close of ten hours. For so much, a submerged nozzle was developed with a internal anti-clogging material that it is called C-less in the literature, to minimize and/or to avoid the alumina building up and with a slag reinforced line with a zirconium layer (ZrO2) thicker and more noble, slag attack resist to. The dissertation objective was compare submerged nozzles from different suppliers, evaluating the main variables that have direct influence in its performance: heating profile, slag line erosion rate, clogging index and physical-chemical parameters through the materials correlation before and after use (post-mortem). The results showed submerged nozzle\'s better performance from supplier \"M\", that presented smaller waste rates and, consequently, last longer live (larger time of casting) after analysis of the slag line, that can be attributed to a better distribution of the zirconium grains in the head office (larger homogeneity), besides they present finer grains and this way, reducing the empty \" spaces \" in the head office, favorable to slag attack by means of a chemical unbalance between this liquid slag and the refractory. Besides, its anti-clogging material and project distribution in the same piece, they propitiated a better result in relation to the clogging for the alumina building up along the body of the submerged nozzle.

Modélisation, simulation et analyse des instationnarités en écoulement transsonique décollé en vue d'application à l'aéroélasticité des turbomachines

Philit, Mickaël 21 October 2013 (has links)
Dans la conception des turbomachines modernes, la prédiction des phénomènes aéroélastiques est devenue un point clé. La tendance à réduire la masse et à augmenter la charge des composants aérodynamiques accroit le risque de rupture. Dans un tel contexte, la compréhension et la bonne prédiction des diverses instabilités constituent un enjeu industriel et scientifique majeur. Le présent travail de recherche a pour objectif d’améliorer la prédiction des phénomènes instationnaires intervenant dans les problèmes d’aéroélasticité en turbomachines. Cette thèse est plus particulièrement axée sur la simulation de l’interaction onde de choc/couche limite. Le support d’étude est une tuyère transsonique présentant un écoulement avec des zones décollées. L’oscillation forcée de l’onde de choc est simulée grâce à une méthode de petites perturbations instationnaires couplée avec une hypothèse de turbulence variable. Cette approche est validée par comparaison avec des mesures. Elle permet une prédiction tout à fait satisfaisante du premier harmonique de pression sur la paroi de la tuyère. Ce travail a montré la nécessité de linéariser le modèle de turbulence. Le besoin de dériver le modèle de turbulence nous a amené à investiguer la modélisation faite pour prédire l’interaction onde de choc/couche limite. Un modèle de turbulence à deux équations complété par une équation de « retard » est implémenté afin de capter un déséquilibre de la turbulence. Les résultats obtenus en tuyère sont cohérents avec la théorie mais une surproduction d’énergie turbulente en présence de bord d’attaque rend le modèle inefficace pour des configurations de turbomachines. Au final, l’introduction d’un limiteur de viscosité turbulente dans un modèle de turbulence à deux équations s’avère donner de bons résultats. La méthode de dérivation du modèle est alors présentée sur le modèle de Wilcox proposé en 2008. Enfin, la technique de linéarisation est étendue à la problématique aéroélastique. Une approche de couplage fluide-structure faible est adoptée. L’oscillation structurelle des aubages suivant les modes propres est considérée mais en laissant la fréquence évoluer au cours du couplage. La nouvelle méthode utilisée s’appuie sur la construction d’un méta-modèle du comportement dynamique du fluide afin de résoudre directement le système fluide-structure couplé. Cette technique est validée sur une configuration de grille annulaire de turbine en haut subsonique et présente l’avantage d’un temps de calcul réduit. / In modern turbomachinery design, predicting aerolastic phenomena has become a key point. The development of highly loaded components, while reducing their weight, increases the risk of failure. In this context, good understanding and prediction of various instabilities are a major industrial and scientific challenge. This research work aims to improve the prediction of unsteady phenomena involved in turbomachinery aeroelasticity. This study focuses especially on the simulation of shock wave/boundary layer interaction. To begin with, a transonic nozzle separated flow is investigated. Forced oscillation of the shock wave system is simulated through a small unsteady perturbation method combined with the assumption of variable turbulence. This approach is validated against exprimental measurements. The first harmonic of pressure on the wall of the nozzle is predicted quite satisfactorily. The need to linearize the turbulence model was shown of high importance. Deriving the turbulence model, leads us to investigate the turbulence modeling performed to predict the shockwave/boundary layer interaction. A two equations turbulence model supplemented by a "time-lagged" equation is implemented to capture non-equilibrium effects of turbulence. All achieved results for a nozzle are consistent with theory, but overproduction of turbulent kinetic energy at leading edge makes the model useless for turbomachinery configurations. However, the introduction of an eddy viscosity stress limiter inside a two-equation turbulence model proves to give good results. The derivation method is thus presented on such a model, precisely on Wilcox model proposed in 2008. Finally, the linearization technique is extended to aeroelastic problems. A loose fluid-structure coupling strategy is adopted. The structural oscillation of the blades is considered for eigen-modes but frequency is free to change during coupling resolution. The new approach is based on the building of a meta-model to describe the fluid dynamic behavior in order to solve directly the coupled fluid-structure system. This technique is validated on a standard high subsonic turbine configuration and takes advantage of a reduced computation time.

Maîtrise du décollement de tuyère. Analyse du comportement d'une tuyère de type TOC et définition d'un nouveau concept : le BOCCAJET

Boccaletto, Luca 19 January 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’articule en deux parties. L’objectif de la première partie est d’analyser par voie expérimentale et numérique la phénoménologie du décollement interne, dit décollement de jet (en regimes transitoire et établi) dans les tuyères supersoniques refroidies par film fluide. La deuxième partie porte sur la réinterprétation des concepts de tuyère existants pour aboutir à la proposition d’un nouveau dispositif de détente supersonique, qui offre une résistance accrue au décollement de jet. La première partie de cette thèse est basée sur l’analyse des résultats expérimentaux obtenus lors de la campagne d’essais réalisée à l’ONERA. Ces essais, ont mis en évidence des spécificités de comportement de la tuyère, inhérentes à la manière d’amorcer le jet supersonique principal par rapport à l’établissement du film pariétal. Ces mêmes expériences ont permis d’étudier le comportement instationnaire du décollement de jet lorsque les conditions d’alimentation sont maintenues en régime établi. L’apparition de fréquences caractéristiques a été mise en évidence et leur origine a été étudiée à l’aide de simulations numériques. En nous appuyant sur les considérations issues de la première partie de l’étude, une revue critique des concepts de tuyère existants a été menée. Ce travail a permis d’identifier une lacune majeure dans la définition des tuyères à écoulement interne, à savoir l’absence d’une « barrière » qui puisse prévenir l’occurrence du décollement de jet. Ainsi, nous avons proposé la conjonction d’un dispositif à écoulement externe (aerospike) et d’une tuyère classique afin de résoudre cette problématique in nuce, en créant une barrière fluidique continue tout autour du plan de sortie de la tuyère principale. L’efficacité de ce concept a donc été prouvée par calcul, puis une campagne expérimentale a été organisée afin de valider les résultats obtenus. / This research is in two parts. The objective of the first part is to analyse by experimental and numerical means the phenomenology of nozzle flow separation in transient and steady state conditions. The second part of this research work focuses on the reinterpretation of existing concepts of converging-diverging nozzles, leading to the proposal of a new supersonic expansion device, with improved flow separation characteristics.Experimental data, collected during the test campaign conducted at ONERA, have been analysed and are presented in the first part of this thesis. Obtained results highlight some peculiarities of the transient behavior of the nozzle, mostly dependent on the synchronisation between the start-up phase of the main jet and the grow-up of the wall film. These same experiments have been also used to investigate the unsteadiness of the flow separation, when nozzle feeding conditions are maintained constant. Appearance of characteristic frequencies has been highlighted and their origin has been investigated by CFD simulations.In the second part, a critical review of existing nozzle concepts was conducted. This allowed identifying a major gap in the definition of traditional supersonic nozzles, namely the absence of a "barrier" that can prevent the occurrence of the flow separation. Thus, in the second part of this thesis we propose a new nozzle concept. It is based on the combination of a small aerospike and a conventional nozzle (main flow). Such an arrangement allows solving the flow separation problem in nuce. The effectiveness of this concept has been proved by calculation and by an experimental test campaign.

CFD Modelling and Mathematical Optimisation of a Continuous Caster Submerged Entry Nozzle

De Wet, Gideon Jacobus 31 January 2006 (has links)
In the continuous casting of steel, the Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN), in particular the SEN geometry, has a primary influence on the flow pattern: the SEN controls the speed, direction and other characteristics of the jet entering the mould. The SEN is however relatively inexpensive to change (in comparison with other continuous casting equipment). Thus; there is a feasible incentive to exactly understand and predict the flow of molten steel through the SEN and into the mould, in order to maximise the quality of the steel by altering the design of the SEN. By changing the SEN geometry and SEN design, the flow pattern in the mould will also change: it is thus possible to obtain an optimum SEN design if (or when) the desired flow patterns and/or certain predetermined temperature distributions are achieved. Expensive and risky plant trials were traditionally utilised to “perfect” continuous casting processes. As opposed to the plant trials, this dissertation is concerned with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of the SEN and mould, which, when used in conjunction with the Mathematical Optimiser LS-OPT, will enable the optimisation of the SEN design to achieve desired results. The CFD models are experimentally verified and validated using 40%-scaled (designed and built in-house) and full-scale water model tests. This dissertation proves that the CFD modelling of the SEN and mould can be quite useful for optimisation and parametric studies, especially when automated model generation (geometry, mesh and solution procedures) is utilised. The importance of obtaining reliable and physically correct CFD results is also emphasised; hence the need for CFD model verification using water modelling. / Dissertation (MEng (Mechanical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted


06 August 2015 (has links)
[pt] A utilização de escoamentos bifásicos borbulhantes com dois componentes é muito utilizada em equipamentos industriais, particularmente quando existe um grande interesse em promover uma mistura eficiente entre os componentes. um dos equipamentos capazes de promover estas condições é o bocal convergente-divergente. O objetivo deste trabalho é simular o escoamento de misturas bifásicas borbulhantes neste tipo de bocal. Dados experimentais com uma mistura de ar e água foram levantados a partir da construção de um bocal em resina, avaliando-se as pressões nas seções convergente, garganta e divergente. A análise destes dados e a comparação com teorias existentes (N. T. Thang e D. Chisholm) permitiu a definição de um modelo, similar ao método do coeficiente C desenvolvido por Chisholm, adotando-se coeficientes experimentais distintos para as seções convergente, garganta e divergente. Foram determinadas as incertezas experimentais e do modelo, o que permitiu a comparação entre as teorias. Para a primeira (N. T. Thang) foi determinada experimentalmente a relação entre as velocidades do gás e do líquido como função da relação entre a vazão mássica do gás e a vazão volumétrica do líquido. De um modo geral, as teorias prospostas por N. T. Thang e D. Chisholm só se aproximaram dos dados experimentais na seção convergente. Na seção divergente e na garganta, sugere-se a utilização do modelo proposto com coeficiente C experimental. / [en] Two phase bubblyflow of two components has widespread applications in industries when efficient mixture in equipaments is required. High rates of mixing are frequently obtained in a converging-diverging nozzle flow. In this investigation a resin made converging-diverging nozzle was designed and built, with pressure taps drilled along its axis, so that the water-air mixture properties could be investigated under the bubbly flow regime. The experimental data was compared to the predicted values by two existing theories(N. T. Thang and D. Chisholm), using the estimated uncertainty of results, showing that in the converging section of the nozzle, the predicted pressure profile matches with the experimentally one. In order to usa Thang s theory, the gas-liquid velocity ratio was experimentally determined as a function of their mass flow rate ratio. A prediction scheme for the throat and the divergent section of the nozzle, using a modification of Chisholm s C coeficient method, was developed using the experimental data of this investigation. It is proposed in this work a prediction scheme for the whole nozzle flow, under the bubbly flow regime.

Metoda odezvových ploch ve spojení s CFD pro tvarovou optimalizaci / Response surface method in connection with CFD for shape optimization

Pleva, František January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on shape optimization of Venturi´s nozzle with optimization method called response surface method. The first part of this work is concerned with the description of this method as well as explaining the basic principle. Furthermore, there is an explanation of the application of this method in synchronicity with CFD and its operating algorithm. The second part of this thesis is then focused on simple example with plane wing and simplified optimization of Venturi´s nozzle in which this method was tested. In the third part there is described full multiparameter shape optimalization of the nozzle for two geometries.

Testování průhledného modelu tlakové vířivé trysky / Testing of a transparent model of a pressure-swirl nozzle

Sapík, Marcel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to put a transparent scaled PMMA model of the pressure swirl nozzle into operation, which includes, the selection of working fluids and the preparation of a test set to allow measurements using optical methods (LDA, PDA, PIV, high-speed visualization). The theoretical part describes the basic theory of atomization, optical measurement methods and deals with the problems of optical transition in optically complex systems. It also includes an extensive search for transparent liquids and materials of enlarged models that have been used in experiments, which often aim to match light refractive indices between these materials. In the practical part, attention is paid to the preparation of the test set and tests of chemical effects of several selected liquids on PMMA material are conducted, including a summary of experience with their use, as there was a permanent damage to the material. Several LDA measurements followed, using kerosene, p-cymene, 1-bromonaphthalene and water, evaluated the effect of the refractive index difference on the results. It turned out that no observable influence occurred if the refractive index difference between the nozzle material and the liquid was small. In addition, a visualization of internal flow through a high-speed camera was made. The practical part closes the static pressure measurement in the nozzle chamber, where the pressure ratio was measured on the walls of the chamber as well as on its axis. The measurement confirmed that the pressure on the chamber walls is constant and varies with the distance from the chamber axis.

Vytváření kapalinové clony pro absorpci plynných exhalací / Development of a Fluid Curtain for Gaseous Exhalations Absorption

Krištof, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the application of absorption methods for the separation of gaseous pollutants from polluted gaseous mixtures using a pilot plant scrubber. The efficiency of the gaseous pollutant removal was determined based on the hydrodynamic distribution of fluids inside the spray chamber. A TF-28 150 spiral nozzle, which was used to spray the absorption liquid, was experimentally characterized. Specifically, the pressure impact pattern of the liquid produced by the nozzle was investigated using intrusive methods and the effective spray angles, the modes of primary and secondary atomization, the droplet size and liquid velocity distributions were determined using non-intrusive optical methods. Numerical simulations of flow of model gas phase inside the sprinkler head and spraying of the liquid through the spiral nozzle were also carried out. The obtained data can be applied to estimate the interface area and together with the determination of the coefficient of total mass transfer thus define the kinetics of chemisorption for a given absorbent/absorbate combination.

Interakce poloroztavené slitiny s pevným materiálem při vzájemném pohybu / Interaction of semi-melt alloy with solid material

Klepárníková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is deals with the suitability of Ag-Sn-Sb alloy for extrusion and selection of suitable materiál for the extruder nozzle. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the general possibilities of 3D metal printing, especially the metal printing in the semi-solid phase and with it‘s problems. The experimental part describes the development of semi-solid alloys testing device and the research od the alloy and its interactions with solid materials in mutual motion. Analyzis of mechanical and chemical influence between alloy and solid material were performed by visual investigation and analysis of elements by EDS detector. The results of these analyzes led to the choise of nozzle material suitable for extrusion of Ag-Sn-Sb alloy.

Simulace vlivů vyhřívané podložky na tisknutý model u 3D tiskárny / Simulation of Impact The Heated Bed on Printet Model in 3D Printer

Sodomka, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the 3D printing problematics for non-commercial printers. Firstly possibilities of its using, heat diffusion and printing materials are described. Next part of thesis is focused on heating pads and printing nozzles for which 3D models in SolidWorks software are created. The temperature analyzes are tested with these models and then comparing of results is done. Working models for SolidWorks Plastics and SolidWorks Simulation software is created in following part. Thanks to this software tools printing model is simulated and deformation creating in printing process is observed. The most suitable solutions are chosen from gained solutions.

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