Spelling suggestions: "subject:"buclear c.reaction"" "subject:"buclear ionreaction""
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Caracterização dos campos neutrônicos obtidos por meio de armadilhas de nêutrons a partir da utilização de água pesada (D2O) no interior do núcleo do reator nuclear IPEN/MB-01 / Characterization of the neutronic fields obtained by means of flux traps from heavy water (D2O) inside the core of the IPEN/MB-01 nuclear reactorDiogo Feliciano dos Santos 22 April 2015 (has links)
Os experimentos realizados e apresentados nesta dissertação resultaram na caracterização neutrônica de núcleos na configuração cilíndrica com 30 varetas combustíveis de diâmetro com um espaço, criado pela retirada de 16 varetas centrais, preenchido com água leve (H2O) ou água pesada (D2O) no reator nuclear de pesquisa IPEN/MB-01. Nestes núcleos, efetuou-se experimentos de correlação de canais nucleares, calibração de barras de controle e irradiação de detectores de ativação de diversos materiais em forma de folhas, cujas faixas energéticas de atuação abrangem grande parte do espectro de nêutrons do núcleo do reator, para a obtenção de parâmetros nucleares, como excessos de reatividade, reatividades totais, atividades saturadas por núcleo alvo, razões espectrais, razões de cádmio e fluxo de nêutrons multigrupo. Com a irradiação de fios de ativação de ouro na parte radial foram obtidas as formas espaciais dos fluxos de nêutrons térmicos e epitérmicos. Os resultados mostraram as características espectrais dessa nova configuração com o espaço das 16 varetas combustíveis preenchido com os dois materiais moderadores. No espaço com a água leve houve um aumento significativo de 294% do fluxo de nêutrons térmicos em comparação com a configuração padrão retangular de 28×26 varetas combustíveis. Com a água pesada aumentou-se a reatividade do sistema com ρ = (783 ± 54) pcm a mais de excesso de reatividade que na configuração com água leve. Os resultados calculados foram simulados nos códigos computacionais MCNP5, SANDBP e CITATION, onde se obtiveram resultados acurados e precisos para as atividades saturadas por núcleo alvo, as distribuições energéticas e espaciais dos fluxos de nêutrons da parte ativa e de parte do refletor e as comparações diretas das seções de choque entre as razões espectrais experimentais e calculadas. / The experiments performed and presented in this thesis results in the neutronic characterization of the core with cylindrical configuration with 30 fuel rods diameter and a space, created by the removal of 16 central rods, filled with light water (H2O) or heavy water (D2O) in the IPEN/MB-01 nuclear research reactor. In these cores were performed experiments of nuclear channels correlation, control rod worth and irradiation of activation detectors of various materials in foils shapes, whose energy performances cover much of the reactor core neutron spectrum, to obtain nuclear parameters, such as, reactivity excesses, total reactivities, saturated activities per target nucleus, spectral ratios, cadmium ratios and multigroup neutron flux. Activation gold wires detectors were irradiated in radial part to obtain the spatial forms of thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes. The results show the spectral characteristics of this new configuration with the space of 16 fuel rods filled with the two moderator materials. In the space with light water there was a significant increase of 294% of the thermal neutron flux compared to standard rectangular configuration of 28×26 fuel rods. With heavy water the system reactivity was increased, more ρ = (783 ± 54) pcm in excess reactivity than in the light water configuration. The calculated results were simulated in computational codes MCNP5, SANDBP and CITATION, where accurate and precise results were obtained for saturated activities per target nucleus, the energy and spatial distributions of the neutron fluxes for the active part and part of the reflector and the direct comparisons of cross sections between the experimental and calculated spectral ratios.
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Determinação experimental de razões espectrais e do espectro de energia dos nêutrons no combustível do reator nuclear IPEN/MB-01 / Experimental determination of espectral ratios and of neutrons energy flux in the fuel of the IPEN/MB-01 nuclear reactorNunes, Beatriz Guimarães 27 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho visa determinar as razões espectrais e o espectro de energia de nêutrons no interior do combustível do Reator Nuclear IPEN/MB-01. Estes parâmetros são de grande importância para determinar com precisão parâmetros físicos de reatores nucleares, como taxas de reação, tempo de vida do combustível e também parâmetros de segurança, tais como reatividade. Para o experimento, utilizou-se detectores de ativação na forma de finas folhas metálicas, introduzidas em uma vareta combustível experimental desmontável. Em seguida, a vareta foi colocada na posição central do núcleo, que tem uma configuração retangular padrão de 26x28 varetas combustível. Foram utilizados detectores de ativação de diferentes elementos como 197Au, 238U, 45SC, 58Ni, 24Mg, 47Ti e 115In para cobrir grande parte do espectro de energia dos nêutrons. Após a irradiação, os detectores de ativação foram submetidos a espectrometria gama utilizando um sistema de contagem com Germânio hiper-puro, afim de se obter a taxa de reação (atividade de saturação) por núcleo alvo. As razões espectrais foram comparadas com valores obtidos através do método de Monte Carlo utilizando o código MCNP-4C. O espectro de energia de nêutrons foi obtido no interior da vareta combustível utilizando o código SANDBP com um espectro de entrada obtido pelo código MCNP-4C, a partir dos valores de atividade de saturação por núcleo alvo dos detectores de ativação irradiados. / This study aims to determine the spectral ratios and the neutron energy spectrum inside the fuel of IPEN/MB-01 Nuclear Reactor. These parameters are of great importance to accurately determine spectral physical parameters of nuclear reactors like reaction rates, fuel lifetime and also security parameters such as reactivity. For the experiment, activation detectors in the form of thin metal foils were introduced in a collapsible fuel rod. Then the rod was placed in the central position of the core which has a standart rectangular configuration of 26x28 fuel rods. There were used activation detectors from different elements such Au-197, U-238, Sc-45, Ni-58, Mg-24, Ti-47 and In-115 to cover a large range of the neutrons energy spectrum. After the irradiation, the activation detectors were submitted to gamma spectrometry using a counting system with high purity Germanium, to obtain the reaction rates (saturation activity) per target nucleus. The spectral ratios were compared with calculated values obtained by the Monte Carlo method using the MCNP-4C code. The neutron energy spectrum was obtained inside the fuel rod using the SANDBP code with an input spectrum obtained by the MCNP-4C code, based on the saturation activity per target nucleus values of the activation detectors irradiated.
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Estudo da reação 10B+120Sn em energias em torno da barreira Coulombiana utilizando diferentes técnicas experimentais / Study of 10B+120Sn reaction at energy around Coulomb barrier using different experimental techniquesFreitas, André de Sousa 09 May 2018 (has links)
A reação 10B+120Sn foi medida no Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear (LAFN) do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, em energias próximas a barreira coulombiana (VB = 35 MeV). Distribuições angulares de espalhamento elástico e inelástico foram obtidas, e o canal de transferência de um nêutron do alvo para o projétil foi identificado. Além disso, foram feitas medidas utilizando a técnica de detecção em coincidências gamma-partícula no espectrômetro Saci-Perere (Sistema Ancilar de Cintiladores e Pequeno Espectrômetro de Radiação Eletromagnética com Rejeição de Espalhamento). Tais medidas possibilitaram a identificação do processo de fusão completa, a partir da detecção dos raios-gamma provenientes do núcleo composto 127Cs, formado pela absorção de toda carga do projétil pelo alvo, seguido da evaporação de nêutrons. Eventos relacionados ao processo de fusão incompleta, originados da quebra do projétil 10B, também foram identificados. Uma descrição teórica dos principais resultados experimentais foi realizada dentro do formalismo de canais acoplados, utilizando o potencial de São Paulo para descrever a parte real da interação nuclear entre os núcleos participantes da reação. / The 10B+120Sn reaction was measured at the \"Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear\" (LAFN, acronym in Portuguese) of the \"Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo\", at energies around the Coulomb barrier (VB = 35 MeV). Angular distribuitions for the elastic and inelastic scattering were obtained, and the transfer channel of a neutron from the target to the projectile was also identified. Besides that, another set of measurements were carried out using the gamma-particle coincidence techinique with the ancillary system of scintillators and gamma-ray detectors Saci-Perere (acronym of \"Sistema Ancilar de Cintiladores e Pequeno Espectrômetro de Radiação Eletromagnética com Rejeição de Espalhamento\"). Such measurements have allowed the identification of the complete fusion process through the detection of gamma-rays coming from the compound nuclei 127Cs, formed by the absorption of the total projectile charge by the target, followed by the evaporation of neutrons. Events related to the incomplete fusion process, originated from the breakup of 10B, were also identified. A theoretical description of the main experimental results has been performed within the coupled channel formalism, using the São Paulo potential to represent the real part of the nuclear interaction between the two reacting nuclei.
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Stability of Transfermium Elements at High Spin : Measuring the Fission Barrier of 254No / Stablité des Eléments Trans-ferminums à Haut Spin : Mesure de la barrière de fission de 254NoHenning, Gregoire 20 September 2012 (has links)
Les noyaux super lourds offrent la possibilité d’étudier la structure nucléaire à trois limites simultanément: en charge Z, spin I et énergie d’excitation E∗. Ces noyaux existent seulement grâce à une barrière de fission créée par les effets de couche. Il est donc important de déterminer cette barrière de fission et sa dépendance en spin Bf(I), qui nous renseigne sur l’énergie de couche Eshell(I). Les théories prédisent des valeurs différentes pour la hauteur de la barrière de fission, allant de Bf(I = 0) = 6.8 MeV dans un modèle macro-microscopique à 8.7 MeV pour des calculs de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité utilisant l’interaction Gogny ou Skyrme. Une mesure de Bf fournit donc un test des théories.Pour étudier la barrière de fission, la méthode établie est de mesurer, par réaction de transfert, l’augmentation de la fission avec l’énergie d’excitation, caractérisée par le rapport des largeurs de décroissance Γfission/Γtotal,. Cependant, pour les éléments lourds comme 254No, il n’existe pas de cible appropriée pour une réaction de transfert. Il faut s’en remettre à un rapport de largeur de décroissance complémentaire: Γγ/Γfission et sa dépendance en spin, déduite de la distribution d’entrée (I, E∗).Des mesures de la multiplicité et l’énergie totale des rayons γ de254No ont été faites aux énergies de faisceau 219 et 223 MeV pour la réaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) à ATLAS (Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System). Les rayons γ du 254No ont été détectés par le multi-détecteur Gammasphere utilisé comme calorimètre – et aussi comme détecteur de rayons γ de haute résolution. Les coïncidences avec les résidus d’évaporation au plan focal du Fragment Mass Analyzer ont permis de séparer les rayons γ du 254No de ceux issus de la fission, qui sont > 10^6 fois plus intenses. De ces mesures, la distribution d’entrée – c’est-à-dire la distribution initiale en I et E∗ – est reconstruite. Chaque point (I,E∗) de la distribution d’entrée est un point où la décroissance γ l’a emporté sur la fission, et ainsi, contient une information sur la barrière de fission.La distribution d’entrée mesurée montre une augmentation du spin maximal et de l’énergie d’excitation entre les énergies de faisceau 219 et 223 MeV. La distribution présente une saturation de E∗ à hauts spins. Cette saturation est attribuée au fait que, lorsque E∗ augmente au-dessus de la barrière, Γfission domine rapidement. Il en résulte une troncation de la distribution d’entrée à haute énergie qui permet la détermination de la hauteur de la barrière de fission.La mesure expérimentale de la distribution d’entrée est également comparée avec des distributions d’entrée calculées par des simulations de cascades de décroissance qui prennent en compte le processus de formation du noyau, incluant la capture et la survie, en fonction de E∗ et I. Dans ce travail, nous avons utilisé les codes KEWPIE2 et NRV pour simuler les distributions d’entrée. / Super heavy nuclei provide opportunities to study nuclear structure near three simultaneous limits: in charge Z, spin I and excitation energy E∗. These nuclei exist only because of a fission barrier, created by shell effects. It is therefore important to determine the fission barrier and its spin dependence Bf(I), which gives information on the shell energy Eshell(I). Theoretical calculations predict different fission barrier heights from Bf(I = 0) = 6.8 MeV for a macro-microscopic model to 8.7 MeV for Density Functional Theory calculations using the Gogny or Skyrme interactions. Hence, a measurement of Bf provides a test for theories.To investigate the fission barrier, an established method is to measure the rise of fission with excitation energy, characterized by the ratio of decay widths Γfission/Γtotal, using transfer reactions. However, for heavy elements such as 254No, there is no suitable target for a transfer reaction. We therefore rely on the complementary decay widths ratio Γγ/Γfission and its spin dependence, deduced from the entry distribution (I, E∗).Measurements of the gamma-ray multiplicity and total energy for 254No have been performed with beam energies of 219 and 223 MeV in the reaction 208Pb(48Ca,2n) at ATLAS (Argonne Tandem Linac Accelerator System). The 254No gamma rays were detected using the Gammasphere array as a calorimeter – as well as the usual high resolution γ-ray detector. Coincidences with evaporation residues at the Fragment Mass Analyzer focal plane separated 254No gamma rays from those from fission fragments, which are > 10^6 more intense. From this measurement, the entry distribution – i.e. the initial distribution of I and E∗ – is constructed. Each point (I,E∗) of the entry distribution is a point where gamma decay wins over fission and, therefore, gives information on the fission barrier.The measured entry distributions show an increase in the maximum spin and excitation energy from 219 to 223 MeV of beam energy. The distributions show a saturation of E∗ for high spins. The saturation is attributed to the fact that, as E∗ increases above the saddle, Γfission rapidly dominates. The resulting truncation of the entry distribution at high E∗ allows a determination of the fission barrier height.The experimental entry distributions are also compared with entry distributions calculated with decay cascade codes which take into account the full nucleus formation process, including the capture process and the subsequent survival probability as a function of E∗ and I. We used the KEWPIE2 and NRV codes to simulate the entry distribution.
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Ion Beam Analysis of First Wall Materials Exposed to Plasma in Fusion DevicesPetersson, Per January 2010 (has links)
One major step needed for fusion to become a reliable energy source is the development of materials for the extreme conditions (high temperature, radioactivity and erosion) caused by hot plasmas. The main goal of the present study is to use and optimise ion beam methods (lateral resolution and sensitivity) to characterise the distribution of hydrogen isotopes that act as fuel. Materials from the test reactors JET (Joint European Torus), TEXTOR (Tokamak Experiment for Technology Oriented Research) and Tore Supra have been investigated. Deuterium, beryllium and carbon were measured by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) and nuclear reaction analysis (NRA). To ensure high 3D spatial resolution a nuclear microbeam (spot size <10 µm) was used with 3He and 28Si beams. The release of hydrogen caused by the primary ion beam was monitored and accounted for. Large variations in surface (top 10 µm) deuterium concentrations in carbon fibre composites (CFC) from Tore Supra and TEXTOR was found, pointing out the importance of small pits and local fibre structure in understanding fuel retention. At deeper depths into the CFC limiter tiles from Tore Supra, deuterium rich bands were observed confirming the correlation between the internal material structure and fuel storage in the bulk. Sample cross sections from thick deposits on the JET divertor showed elemental distributions that were dominantly laminar although more complex structures also were observed. Depth profiles of this kind elucidate the plasma-wall interaction and material erosion/deposition processes in the reactor vessel. The information gained in this thesis will improve the knowledge of first wall material for the next generation fusion reactors, concerning the fuel retention and the lifetime of the plasma facing materials which is important for safety as well as economical reasons.
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Determinação experimental de razões espectrais e do espectro de energia dos nêutrons no combustível do reator nuclear IPEN/MB-01 / Experimental determination of espectral ratios and of neutrons energy flux in the fuel of the IPEN/MB-01 nuclear reactorBeatriz Guimarães Nunes 27 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho visa determinar as razões espectrais e o espectro de energia de nêutrons no interior do combustível do Reator Nuclear IPEN/MB-01. Estes parâmetros são de grande importância para determinar com precisão parâmetros físicos de reatores nucleares, como taxas de reação, tempo de vida do combustível e também parâmetros de segurança, tais como reatividade. Para o experimento, utilizou-se detectores de ativação na forma de finas folhas metálicas, introduzidas em uma vareta combustível experimental desmontável. Em seguida, a vareta foi colocada na posição central do núcleo, que tem uma configuração retangular padrão de 26x28 varetas combustível. Foram utilizados detectores de ativação de diferentes elementos como 197Au, 238U, 45SC, 58Ni, 24Mg, 47Ti e 115In para cobrir grande parte do espectro de energia dos nêutrons. Após a irradiação, os detectores de ativação foram submetidos a espectrometria gama utilizando um sistema de contagem com Germânio hiper-puro, afim de se obter a taxa de reação (atividade de saturação) por núcleo alvo. As razões espectrais foram comparadas com valores obtidos através do método de Monte Carlo utilizando o código MCNP-4C. O espectro de energia de nêutrons foi obtido no interior da vareta combustível utilizando o código SANDBP com um espectro de entrada obtido pelo código MCNP-4C, a partir dos valores de atividade de saturação por núcleo alvo dos detectores de ativação irradiados. / This study aims to determine the spectral ratios and the neutron energy spectrum inside the fuel of IPEN/MB-01 Nuclear Reactor. These parameters are of great importance to accurately determine spectral physical parameters of nuclear reactors like reaction rates, fuel lifetime and also security parameters such as reactivity. For the experiment, activation detectors in the form of thin metal foils were introduced in a collapsible fuel rod. Then the rod was placed in the central position of the core which has a standart rectangular configuration of 26x28 fuel rods. There were used activation detectors from different elements such Au-197, U-238, Sc-45, Ni-58, Mg-24, Ti-47 and In-115 to cover a large range of the neutrons energy spectrum. After the irradiation, the activation detectors were submitted to gamma spectrometry using a counting system with high purity Germanium, to obtain the reaction rates (saturation activity) per target nucleus. The spectral ratios were compared with calculated values obtained by the Monte Carlo method using the MCNP-4C code. The neutron energy spectrum was obtained inside the fuel rod using the SANDBP code with an input spectrum obtained by the MCNP-4C code, based on the saturation activity per target nucleus values of the activation detectors irradiated.
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Estudo da reação 10B+120Sn em energias em torno da barreira Coulombiana utilizando diferentes técnicas experimentais / Study of 10B+120Sn reaction at energy around Coulomb barrier using different experimental techniquesAndré de Sousa Freitas 09 May 2018 (has links)
A reação 10B+120Sn foi medida no Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear (LAFN) do Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo, em energias próximas a barreira coulombiana (VB = 35 MeV). Distribuições angulares de espalhamento elástico e inelástico foram obtidas, e o canal de transferência de um nêutron do alvo para o projétil foi identificado. Além disso, foram feitas medidas utilizando a técnica de detecção em coincidências gamma-partícula no espectrômetro Saci-Perere (Sistema Ancilar de Cintiladores e Pequeno Espectrômetro de Radiação Eletromagnética com Rejeição de Espalhamento). Tais medidas possibilitaram a identificação do processo de fusão completa, a partir da detecção dos raios-gamma provenientes do núcleo composto 127Cs, formado pela absorção de toda carga do projétil pelo alvo, seguido da evaporação de nêutrons. Eventos relacionados ao processo de fusão incompleta, originados da quebra do projétil 10B, também foram identificados. Uma descrição teórica dos principais resultados experimentais foi realizada dentro do formalismo de canais acoplados, utilizando o potencial de São Paulo para descrever a parte real da interação nuclear entre os núcleos participantes da reação. / The 10B+120Sn reaction was measured at the \"Laboratório Aberto de Física Nuclear\" (LAFN, acronym in Portuguese) of the \"Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo\", at energies around the Coulomb barrier (VB = 35 MeV). Angular distribuitions for the elastic and inelastic scattering were obtained, and the transfer channel of a neutron from the target to the projectile was also identified. Besides that, another set of measurements were carried out using the gamma-particle coincidence techinique with the ancillary system of scintillators and gamma-ray detectors Saci-Perere (acronym of \"Sistema Ancilar de Cintiladores e Pequeno Espectrômetro de Radiação Eletromagnética com Rejeição de Espalhamento\"). Such measurements have allowed the identification of the complete fusion process through the detection of gamma-rays coming from the compound nuclei 127Cs, formed by the absorption of the total projectile charge by the target, followed by the evaporation of neutrons. Events related to the incomplete fusion process, originated from the breakup of 10B, were also identified. A theoretical description of the main experimental results has been performed within the coupled channel formalism, using the São Paulo potential to represent the real part of the nuclear interaction between the two reacting nuclei.
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Développement et validation d’outils Monte-Carlo pour la prédiction des basculements logiques induits par les radiations dans les mémoires Sram très largement submicroniques / Development and validation of Monte-Carlo tools for the prediction of soft errors induced by radiations in deep submicron Sram memoriesWeulersse, Cécile 06 December 2011 (has links)
Les particules de l'environnement radiatif naturel sont responsables de dysfonctionnements dans les systèmes électroniques. Dans le cas d'applications critiques nécessitant une très haute fiabilité, il est primordial de répondre aux impératifs de sûreté de fonctionnement. Pour s'en assurer et, le cas échéant, dimensionner les protections de manière adéquate, il est nécessaire de disposer d'outils permettant d'évaluer la sensibilité de l'électronique vis-à-vis de ces perturbations.L'objectif de ce travail est le développement d'outils à destination des ingénieurs pour la prédiction des aléas logiques induits par les radiations dans les mémoires SRAM. Dans un premier temps, des bases de données de réactions nucléaires sont construites à l'aide du code de simulation Geant4. Ces bases de données sont ensuite utilisées par un outil Monte-Carlo dont les prédictions sont comparées avec des résultats d'irradiations que nous avons effectuées sur des mémoires SRAM en technologie 90 et 65 nm. Enfin, des critères simplifiés reposant sur une amélioration de la méthode SIMPA nous permettent de proposer un outil d'ingénieur pour la prédiction de la sensibilité aux protons ou aux neutrons à partir des données expérimentales ions lourds. Cette méthode est validée sur des technologies de SRAM très largement submicroniques et permet l'estimation des évènements multiples, une problématique croissante pour les applications spatiales, avioniques et terrestres. / Particles from natural radiation environment can cause malfunctions in electronic systems. In the case of critical applications involving a very high reliability, it is crucial to fulfill the requirements of dependability. To ensure this and, if necessary, to adequately design mitigations, it is important to get tools for the sensitivity assessment of electronics towards radiations.The purpose of this work is the development of prediction tools for radiation-induced soft errors, which are primarily intended for end users. In a first step, the nuclear reaction databases were built using the Geant4 toolkit. These databases were then used by a pre-existing Monte-Carlo tool which predictions were compared with experimental results performed on 90 and 65 nm SRAM devices. Finally, simplified criteria enabled us to propose an engineering tool for the prediction of the proton or neutron sensitivity from heavy ion data. This method was validated on deep submicron devices and allows the user to estimate multiple events, which are a crucial issue in space, avionic and ground applications.
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Theoretical and computational considerations of Quasi-Free (p; 2p) reactions using the distorted-wave impulse approximation and Monte Carlo simulations in Geant4Lisa, Nyameko 09 1900 (has links)
Under current investigation is the re-implementation of the Distorted-Wave Impulse Approximation (DWIA),
originally formulated in FORTRAN by N.S. Chant and P.G. Roos, with the intention of developing it in a
portable Python environment. This will be complimented by developing a GEANT4 detector simulation application.
These two techniques will be used to model the (p,2p) proton knock-out reaction 40Ca(p; 2p)39K (2.52
+ first excited state, at intermediate incident energies of 150 MeV. This study is a test-bed that lays the
foundation and platform from which one may develop an interactive workbench and toolkit in GEANT4 which:
(i.) accurately models an accelerator-detector experimental set-up, such as those found at iThemba Labs, and
(ii.) incorporates the DWIA formalism as a built-in physics process within the framework of GEANT4.
Furthermore the Python modules developed for the specific proton knock-out reaction studied here, can be generalized
for an arbitrary set of nuclear scattering reactions and packaged as a suite of scientific Python codes. / Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics / M. Sc. (Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics)
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Theoretical and computational considerations of Quasi-Free (p; 2p) reactions using the distorted-wave impulse approximation and Monte Carlo simulations in Geant4Lisa, Nyameko 09 1900 (has links)
Under current investigation is the re-implementation of the Distorted-Wave Impulse Approximation (DWIA),
originally formulated in FORTRAN by N.S. Chant and P.G. Roos, with the intention of developing it in a
portable Python environment. This will be complimented by developing a GEANT4 detector simulation application.
These two techniques will be used to model the (p,2p) proton knock-out reaction 40Ca(p; 2p)39K (2.52
+ first excited state, at intermediate incident energies of 150 MeV. This study is a test-bed that lays the
foundation and platform from which one may develop an interactive workbench and toolkit in GEANT4 which:
(i.) accurately models an accelerator-detector experimental set-up, such as those found at iThemba Labs, and
(ii.) incorporates the DWIA formalism as a built-in physics process within the framework of GEANT4.
Furthermore the Python modules developed for the specific proton knock-out reaction studied here, can be generalized
for an arbitrary set of nuclear scattering reactions and packaged as a suite of scientific Python codes. / Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics / M. Sc. (Theoretical and Computational Nuclear Physics)
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