Spelling suggestions: "subject:"euclides."" "subject:"nuclides.""
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''Deciphering tectonic and climatic controls on erosion and sediment transfer in the NW Himalaya''Orr, Elizabeth N. 18 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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<strong>CONTROLS ON VOLCANIC ARC WEATHERING RATES INFERRED USING COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES</strong>Angus K Moore (16336146) 16 June 2023 (has links)
<p>Chemical weathering of highly reactive mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks may be a key sink in the global carbon cycle. Understanding how uplift of these rocks during arc-arc and arc-continent collisions through earth history has affected the evolution of global climate, including the onset of icehouse periods, requires improved constraints on the relative sensitivity of their weathering rates to physical erosion vs. climate. If weathering rates depend chiefly on erosion, then tectonic uplift of mafic and ultramafic rocks may have a strongly destabilizing effect on global climate. Conversely, if weathering rates are limited primarily by temperature or runoff, then a negative feedback mechanism between weathering and climate may attenuate the effects of rock uplift. This work characterizes the relationship between chemical weathering rates, physical erosion rates, and climate in tropical, montane watersheds in Puerto Rico that are underlain by volcanic arc rocks and associated ophiolitic serpentinite. Key to this analysis are new constraints on long-term erosion rates on these rocks from cosmogenic Cl-36 produced <em>in situ</em> in magnetite. These cosmogenic erosion rates are paired with classical measurements of stream solute fluxes and sediment geochemistry across runoff gradients to quantify the limits to volcanic arc rock and serpentinite weathering rates. </p>
<p>This work is divided into three chapters. Chapter 2 constrains the altitude scaling behavior of Cl-36 production in magnetite. This allows erosion rates to be determined more accurately in watersheds near sea level in Puerto Rico. Chapter 3 demonstrates that volcanic arc rock weathering rates in the humid tropics are more strongly limited by physical erosion than by climatic factors. However, a positive correlation between erosion and runoff observed in this landscape may enhance the coupling between climate and weathering rates. Chapter 4 finds that, in contrast to volcanic arc rocks, serpentinite weathering is strongly limited by runoff and weakly limited by erosion. These results are presented as empirical power-law relationships that can be readily applied in global carbon cycle modeling. </p>
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Quaternary Glaciation and Its Role on Landscape Evolution of the Muztag Ata-Kongur Shan and K2 Regions in the Westernmost Himalaya-Tibetan OrogenSeong, Yeong Bae 13 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Exhumation and incision histories of the Lahul Himalaya, northern India, based on (U-Th)/He thermochronology and terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating techniquesAdams, Byron A. 05 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Timing of alluvial fan development along the Chajnantor Plateau, Atacama Desert, northern Chile: Insights from cosmogenic 36ClCesta, Jason M. 16 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Using The Past As The Key To The Present: Informing Coastal Resource Management With Geologic RecordsDeJong, Benjamin D. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Rising sea levels present an ongoing threat to communities and resources around the Chesapeake Bay, east coast, USA, where tide gauges indicate that the relative rise of sea level is approximately twice the rate of average, eustatic sea-level rise. This has significantly compromised the health and viability of salt marsh habitat on the Eastern Shore during the 20th century, and the biologists who are charged with managing coastal resources in the coming decades need to understand the nature and causes of high rates of regional sea-level rise to develop suitable adaptation plans.
Dated geologic deposits and geophysical models suggest that sea-level rise is relatively high on mid-Atlantic coastlines because the land surface is subsiding due to a collapsing glacial forebulge following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). To fully understand this process, past sea-level indicators such as dated shoreline deposits are needed to reconstruct regional sea-level behavior in the past, but rigorous age control on geologic deposits is largely restricted to the Holocene and to marine isotope stage (MIS) 5, so the rates and timescales over which these processes operate remain unknown.
This research provides long-term paleoenvironmental records from ancient environments under east-central Chesapeake Bay to place the current sea-level threats into the context of a long geologic history of sea-level fluctuations. First, the Pleistocene geologic framework of the region is reconstructed through borehole drilling. Sediments from boreholes provided material for interpreting depositional environments, and for establishing age control for deposits, so that the entire stratigraphy was constrained both in space and time.
The geologic framework and ages indicate that Chesapeake Bay alternated between a deeply incised fluvial system and a filled estuary repeatedly in response to major climate fluctuations since at least the early Pleistocene, ~2 Ma. The ages and sedimentology indicate that the field area was submerged intermittently in a shallow estuary until nearly the end of marine isotope stage 3. Because global sea-level proxies suggest that sea level was ~40-80 meters lower than present at that time, these ages suggest that the penultimate glacial forebulge must have remained significantly lowered for nearly 100 ky following the retreat of ice. The implication of this time lag is that mid-Atlantic coastlines are still in a relatively early state of forebulge collapse, and subsidence following retreat of ice from the Last Glacial Maximum will likely continue for the foreseeable future. Ongoing subsidence will continue to exacerbate projected eustatic sea-level rise due to changing global climate, and coastal adaptation plans must remain focused on encouraging the migration of vital habitat toward higher elevations in the landscape.
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Fault interaction at different time- and length scales : the North Tehran thrust and Mosha-Fasham fault (Alborz mountains, Iran)Landgraf, Angela January 2010 (has links)
The seismically active Alborz mountains of northern Iran are an integral part of the Arabia-Eurasia collision. Linked strike-slip and thrust/reverse-fault systems in this mountain belt are characterized by slow loading rates, and large earthquakes are highly disparate in space and time. Similar to other intracontinental deformation zones such a pattern of tectonic activity is still insufficiently understood, because recurrence intervals between seismic events may be on the order of thousands of years, and are thus beyond the resolution of short term measurements based on GPS or instrumentally recorded seismicity. This study bridges the gap of deformation processes on different time scales. In particular, my investigation focuses on deformation on the Quaternary time scale, beyond present-day deformation rates, and it uses present-day and paleotectonic characteristics to model fault behavior. The study includes data based on structural and geomorphic mapping, faultkinematic analysis, DEM-based morphometry, and numerical fault-interaction modeling. In order to better understand the long- to short term behavior of such complex fault systems, I used geomorphic surfaces as strain markers and dated fluvial and alluvial surfaces using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). My investigation focuses on the seismically active Mosha-Fasham fault (MFF) and the seismically virtually inactive North Tehran Thrust (NTT), adjacent to the Tehran metropolitan area. Fault-kinematic data reveal an early mechanical linkage of the NTT and MFF during an earlier dextral transpressional stage, when the shortening direction was oriented northwest. This regime was superseded by Pliocene to Recent NE-oriented shortening, which caused thrusting and sinistral strike-slip faulting. In the course of this kinematic changeover, the NTT and MFF were reactivated and incorporated into a nascent transpressional duplex, which has significantly affected landscape evolution in this part of the range. Two of three distinctive features which characterize topography and relief in the study area can be directly related to their location inside the duplex array and are thus linked to interaction between eastern MFF and NTT, and between western MFF and Taleghan fault, respectively. To account for inferred inherited topography from the previous dextral-transpression regime, a new concept of tectonic landscape characterization has been used. Accordingly, I define simple landscapes as those environments, which have developed during the influence of a sustained tectonic regime. In contrast, composite landscapes contain topographic elements inherited from previous tectonic conditions that are inconsistent with the regional present-day stress field and kinematic style. Using numerical fault-interaction modeling with different tectonic boundary conditions, I calculated synoptic snapshots of artificial topography to compare it with the real topographic metrics. However, in the Alborz mountains, E-W faults are favorably oriented to accommodate the entire range of NW- to NE-directed compression. These faults show the highest total displacement which might indicate sustained faulting under changing boundary conditions. In contrast to the fault system within and at the flanks of the Alborz mountains, Quaternary deformation in the adjacent Tehran plain is characterized by oblique motion and thrust and strike-slip fault systems. In this morphotectonic province fault-propagation folding along major faults, limited strike-slip motion, and en-échelon arrays of second-order upper plate thrusts are typical. While the Tehran plain is characterized by young deformation phenomena, the majority of faulting took place in the early stages of the Quaternary and during late Pliocene time. TCN-dating, which was performed for the first time on geomorphic surfaces in the Tehran plain, revealed that the oldest two phases of alluviation (units A and B) must be older than late Pleistocene. While urban development in Tehran increasingly covers and obliterates the active fault traces, the present-day kinematic style, the vestiges of formerly undeformed Quaternary landforms, and paleo earthquake indicators from the last millennia attest to the threat that these faults and their related structures pose for the megacity. / Das seismisch aktive Elburs Gebirge im Nordiran ist Bestandteil der Arabisch-Eurasischen Kollisionszone. Gekoppelte Blattverschiebungs- und Überschiebungssysteme dieses Gebirges zeichnen sich durch geringe
Spannungsaufbauraten aus. Dementsprechend treten große Erdbeben räumlich und zeitlich weit verteilt voneinander auf und Wiederkehrperioden solcher Erdbeben können tausende von Jahren dauern und wurden noch nicht von kurzzeitigen Messmethoden, wie GPS oder instrumenteller Seismologie erfasst.
Diese Arbeit überbrückt verschiedene Zeitskalen. Diese Studie beinhaltet insbesondere Auswertungen struktureller und geomorphologischer Kartierungen, störungskinematische Analysen, auf digitalen Höhenmodellen basierende Morphometrie und numerische Modellierung von Störungsinteraktion. Um das lang- und kurzfristige Verhalten solcher komplexen Schwächezonen besser zu verstehen, benutze ich geomorphologische Oberflächen als Deformationsmarker und datiere alluviale und fluviatile Oberflächen mittels kosmogener Nuklide (TCN, 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl) und optisch stimulierter Lumineszenz (OSL). Mein Untersuchungsgebiet umfasst die seismisch aktive Mosha-Fasham Störung (MFF) und die als seismisch quasi inaktiv geltende Nordteheranstörung (NTT), die sich in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Teheraner Ballungsgebiet befinden.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Deformationfeld mit der Zeit verändert hat. Die störungskinematischen Daten haben ergeben, dass NTT und MFF bereits seit einer früheren dextral-transpressionalen Phase unter NW-gerichteter Einengung mechanisch gekoppelt sind. Dieses System wurde von pliozäner und bis heute andauernder NE-gerichteter Einengung ersetzt, woraufhin sich Überschiebungen und linkslaterale Blattverschiebungen herausbildeten. Während dieses kinematischen Wechsels wurden NTT und MFF reaktiviert und in ein beginnendes transpressionales Duplexsystem eingebunden, welches die Landschaftentwicklung in diesem Teil des Gebirges signifikant beeinflusst hat. Zwei von drei ausgeprägten topographischen
Besonderheiten des Untersuchungsgebietes können direkt mit deren Lage in der
Duplexanordnung in Verbindung gebracht werden und spiegeln Interaktion zwischen den östlichen Segmenten von NTT und MFF, bzw., zwischen dem westlichen Segment der MFF und der parallelen Taleghan Schwächezone wider. Um diejenige Topographie auszuweisen, die möglicherweise aus der vorhergehenden Phase vererbt wurde, wurde ein neues Konzept tektonischer Landschaftscharakterisierung benutzt. Einfache Landschaften sind unter dem Einfluß gleichbleibender tektonischer Randbedingungen entstanden. Dagegen enthalten zusammengesetzte Landschaften vererbte Elemente vergangener tektonischer Randbedingungen, die mit dem heutigen Spannungsfeld und kinematischen Stil unvereinbar sind. Mittels numerischer Störungsinteraktionsmodellierungen teste ich verschiedene Randbedingungen und berechne synoptische Momentaufnahmen künstlicher Topographie um sie mit reellen topographischen Maßen zu vergleichen. Im Elburs Gebirge treten allerdings auch E-W streichende Schwächezonen auf, die so günstig orientiert sind, dass sie Verformung unter der gesamten Einengungsspanne von Nordwest nach Nordost zeigen. Diese weisen den höchsten totalen Versatz auf. Hier tritt das Grundgebirge zutage und wird versetzt, was, wie die Modellierungen vermuten lassen, auf langanhaltende Verformung unter sich ändernden Randbedingungen hinweisen kann. Quartäre Deformation in der benachbarten Teheran Ebene ist durch Schrägbewegungen, Überschiebungen und Blattverschiebungssyteme gekennzeichnet, die typischerweise in Auffaltungen entlang von Hauptstörungen, vereinzelten Blattverschiebungen und en-échelon Anordnungen untergeordneter oberflächlicher Überschiebungen resultieren. Junge Deformation tritt auf, die Hauptbewegungen fanden allerdings im frühen Quartär und wahrscheinlich späten Pliozän statt. TCN-Datierungen, die erstmalig an geomorphologischen Oberflächen in der Teheran Ebene durchgeführt wurden, ergeben dass die beiden älteren Sedimentationsphasen (Einheiten A und B) älter sind als spätes Pleistozän. Obwohl die urbane Entwicklung im Teheraner Ballungsraum die aktiven Störungslinien zunehmend verdeckt und ausradiert, zeugen der heutige kinematische Stil, die Überreste ehemals unverstellter Quartärer Landschaftsformen und Hinweise auf Paläoerdbeben während der letzten Jahrtausende von der Gefahr, die diese Schwächezonen für die Megastadt bedeuten.
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Évolution post-orogénique du système couplé piémont/bassin versant : le méga-cône alluvial de Lannemezan et son bassin versant au Nord des Pyrénées / Post-orogenic evolution of the coupled foreland megafan/mountainous catchment system : the Lannemezan megafan and its cactchment in the Northern Pyrenees (SW France)Mouchené, Margaux 19 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims at deciphering the respective roles of autogenic processes and allogenic forcing in the post-orogenic evolution of a coupled mountain catchment/foreland megafan system, with a focus on the Lannemezan megafan and its mountainous catchment in the northern Pyrenees (France). AFT data are consistent with previously published thermochronological data, showing (i) the main exhumation phase of the Axial Zone (AZ; ~50-30 Ma) with lateral variations in the exhumation rates, (ii) a later unroofing of the North-Pyrenean Zone (NPZ; since ~20 Ma), and (iii) a late (~20-15 Ma) exhumation phase only recorded in the western part of the range (west of the Neste River). The megafan was thus built at a late stage of the orogeny and its source catchment lays on the boundary between two tectonic domains. Petrographic data shows that the source area encompasses the NPZ and AZ but modern river sands yield more granitic material than the megafan sediments. This discrepancy suggest that (i) the foreland deposits are locally sourced, but this is not consistent with the definition of a megafan, (ii) the crystalline massifs may have been insufficiently unroofed, but this is inconsistent with the presence of granitic material in Eocene deposits of the south foreland, (iii) the main drainage divide migrated to the south around that period, but this seems inconsistent with the exhumation history of the range as inferred from thermochronological data. Comparison of my estimation of the sedimentary budget and AFT-derived exhumation rates suggests that the current watershed of the Neste is more than sufficient to provide the material for the building of the Lannemezan megafan. This implies that (i) the catchment boundaries have not necessarily changed since the Miocene and (ii) a significant portion of the sediments bypassed the megafan. I dated the abandonment of Quaternary surfaces using cosmogenic nuclides (10Be, 26Al). The abandonment of the megafan (~300 ka) and of the alluvial terraces (~100ka, ~20ka and ~1ka) suggests that incision episodes are triggered by cold-to-warm climatic shifts. The terrace slopes increase with time: I propose that the region was subjected to northward tilting by flexural isostatic rebound as a response to erosional unloading of the range during the Quaternary. From the morphometric analysis (χ-proxy, steepness index, concavity, long river profiles) I show (i) drainage reorganization near the megafan apex and (ii) no influence on the drainage network from active tectonic structures or base-level variations. The abandonment and of the Lannemezan megafan is thus linked to the capture of the Neste by the Garonne and its episodic incision is linked to Quaternary climatic cycles. Numerical modelling adequately reproduce the building of a large megafan in 15 Ma by progradation of the deposits carried by a central river that becomes dominant in the sediment routing. I suggest that, in the northern Pyrenean foreland, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and large, efficient rivers create the conditions needed for a river to be singled out and build a megafan. Negligible subsidence at during the Miocene may have encouraged progradation. I suggest that, in the northern Pyrenees, the main driving force for long-term entrenchment of the megafan is linked to autogenic processes but these are modulated by short-term climatic changes (and possibly isostatic movements). Numerical modelling also evidenced the strong coupling between the mountainous catchment and the basin and the characteristic response times (on the order of 10 ka). / Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre ce qui contrôle l’évolution géomorphologique post-orogénique d’un ensemble composé d’un bassin versant montagneux et de son piedmont à partir de l’exemple du méga-cône alluvial de Lannemezan et son bassin versant au flanc nord des Pyrénées. Les données de thermochronologie in-situ et détritiques confirment les phases d’exhumations : (1) une phase d’exhumation majeure (~50-30 Ma), enregistrée dans toute la ZA bien qu’avec des vitesses différentes à l’est (Ariège) qu’à l’ouest, (2) une excavation plus tardive de la ZNP (à partir de ~20 Ma), et (3) une phase tardive d’exhumation (vers 15-20 Ma) enregistrée seulement à l’ouest. Le méga-cône se forme donc à une période post-orogénique où la tectonique cesse de jouer un rôle dominant, mais le bassin versant d’alimentation du cône se situe à une position charnière entre deux zones qui s’exhume différemment. Les données de pétrographie des sédiments indiquent une zone source qui inclut la ZNP et la ZA. La proportion de matériel cristallin dans les sédiments Oligo-Miocène est plus faible que celle des sédiments des rivières actuellesce qui pourrait suggérer que (1) les massifs cristallins n’étaient pas suffisamment exhumés mais cela semble incohérent avec les études précédentes, (2) que la ligne de partage des eaux a migré vers le sud, mais ce n’est pas cohérent avec l’histoire d’exhumation de la chaîne. J’ai comparé le volume érodé dans le bassin pour produire le méga-cône et le flux sédimentaire estimé à partir des taux d’exhumation : il semble que le bassin versant actuel de la Neste est plus que suffisant pour produire les sédiments du cône, ce qui suggère que (1) la taille du bassin versant n’a pas nécessairement changé et (2) une partie des sédiments a été directement exportée vers le bassin marin. Les résultats des datations par nucléides cosmogéniques (10Be et 26Al) suggèrent que le cône est abandonné vers ~300 ka et les terrasses alluviales qui bordent les rivières du piémont (~100ka, ~20ka et ~1ka) pourraient suggérer un contrôle climatique sur l’incision (cycles glaciaires/interglaciaires). Pour expliquer la pente des terrasses je propose l’hypothèse d’un basculement de la région en lien avec un rebond isostatique au Quaternaire. L’analyse morphométrique du réseau de drainage montre (i) une réorganisation par capture dans la partie sud du cône et (ii) qu’il n’y a pas de structure tectonique active ou de variation du niveau marin. J’ai utilisé un modèle numérique pour comprendre les conditions de formation et d’incision d’un méga-cône et comparé les résultats avec les observations faites sur le cône de Lannemezan et son bassin versant. Les résultats suggèrent que le temps de construction d’un tel cône est de l’ordre de 15 Ma, par progradation des dépôts d’une rivière centrale qui domine les apports du piémont. La comparaison avec le cas de Lannemezan suggère que (1) l’Océan Atlantique à l’ouest et les grandes rivières, au transport efficace créent un environnement propice à la formation du méga-cône; (2) la subsidence négligeable du piémont pourrait avoir favorisé la construction du méga-cône; (3) les processus autogéniques sont suffisants pour produire au long terme une incision permanente du cône par sa rivière d’alimentation. Les forçages externes (tectoniques, climat) ne font que moduler l’incision autogénique. La réponse du paysage à un forçage climatique cyclique montre un temps caractéristique de l’ordre de 10 ka. Finalement, la modélisation a permis de mettre en évidence les interactions entre le piémont et la chaîne.
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Denudation evolution and geomorphic context of supergene copper mineralization in Centinela District, Atacama Desert, Chile, from thermochronology and cosmogenic nuclides / Évolution de la dénudation et contexte géomorphologique des minéralisations cuprifères supergènes dans le district Centinela, désert d'Atacama, Chili, à partir de la thermochronologie et des nucléides cosmogéniquesSanchez, Caroline 29 June 2017 (has links)
Pendant l'Eocène Moyen, dans la région du désert d'Atacama, Nord Chili, la mise en place de porphyres et la déformation synchrone de la Précordillère aboutissent à la formation de clusters importants de dépôts de cuivre supergènes et exotiques, actuellement en cours d'exploitation. La formation de ces dépôts métallifères résulte de l'interaction entre la tectonique, l'érosion et le climat. La nature et la chronologie de ces interactions sont encore débattues. Ce travail de doctorat se concentre sur la quantification des processus géomorphologiques, tectoniques et érosifs, sur le versant ouest des Andes, autour de 23°S dans le District minier Centinela situé dans la Précordillère. Vingt-neuf nouvelles données thermochronologiques basse-température et leur modélisation indiquent que les porphyres cuprifères mis en place à faible profondeur durant l'Eocène moyen étaient déjà exhumés près de la surface à l'Oligocène moyen. Il existe un intervalle de temps de cinq millions d'années entre l'exhumation du porphyre qui constitue la source primaire de cuivre et le dépôt secondaire de cuivre dans le district de Centinela daté par les méthodes 40Ar/39Ar et K/Ar. Cette relation suggère que les dépôts de cuivre secondaires ont eu lieu lorsque les reliefs étaient déjà aplanis. Un dépôt exotique cuprifère syn-sédimentaire s'est formé dans le bassin continental du district Centinela. Des échantillons de sable ont été prélevés entre 135 et 13 mètres de profondeur dans les mines El Tesoro et Mirador. Les concentrations en 10Be et 21Ne de quatorze nouveaux échantillons ont permis de déterminer l'âge du dépôt et de contraindre les paléo taux de sédimentation des derniers 14 Ma. L'étude permet de dater le dépôt exotique à ~12 Ma et suggère qu'il a eu lieu lors d'une quiescence des taux d'érosion, confirmant l'idée que les dépôts supergènes de cuivre en milieu aride ont lieu après l'aplanissement des reliefs. Ces résultats confirment aussi que les taux d'érosion ont drastiquement chuté après 10-12 Ma, quand l'hyperaridité s'est établie. Ce travail de thèse illustre la balance nécessaire entre l'exhumation et les taux de précipitation pour former des minéralisations secondaires de cuivre et les conserver. / During the Middle Eocene in the Atacama Desert region (northern Chile), the intrusion of porphyries and the synchronous deformation of the Precordillera resulted in the formation of important clusters of supergene and exotic copper ore deposits that are currently exploited. Such metal ore deposits result of the interaction of tectonics, erosion and climate, for which both timing and relations remain debated. This PhD study focuses on the quantification of geomorphological, tectonic and erosive processes to understand their relationship in the Andean western slope around 23°S in the Centinela district in the Precordillera. Twenty-nine new low-temperature thermochronological data and their modelling indicate that shallow porphyry copper emplaced during mid-Eocene were quickly exhumed near the surface by the early Oligocene. There is a five million years-long time gap between the exhumation of primary source of copper and the ~25-12 Ma range of existing 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar ages of secondary mineralization in the District. This suggests that supergene copper related deposits occurred when the reliefs where already flattened. A syn-sedimentary exotic copper mineralization was deposited in an intra-mountainous basin in the Centinela District. We sampled sand at different depths between 135 and 13 meters in the Tesoro and Mirador open-pit mines, one of them including this exotic deposit. The 10Be and 21Ne concentrations of fourteen new samples were used to determine the exotic deposit age and to constrain the paleo-sedimentation rate for the last 14 Ma. The study dates the exotic deposit at ~12 Ma and suggests that this mid-Miocene exotic layer occurred during an erosive quiescence, confirming the view that supergene copper mineralization occurs during a stage of slower geomorphic activity in arid environments. The results also confirm that the erosion rates drastically dropped after 10-12 Ma, when the hyperaridity was established. This study highlights the necessary balance between exhumation and precipitation rates required to form secondary copper.
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Synergy of decay spectroscopy and mass spectrometry for the study of exotic nuclidesStanja, Juliane 04 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
With only two ingredients, atomic nuclei exhibit a rich structure depending on the ordering of the different proton- and neutron-occupied states. This ordering can give rise to excited states with exceptionally long half-lives, also known as isomers, especially near shell closures. On-line mass spectrometry can often be compromised by the existence of such states that may even be produced in higher proportion than the ground state.
This thesis presents the first results obtained from a nuclear spectroscopy setup coupled with the high-resolution Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, at CERN’s radioactive ion beam facility ISOLDE. The isomerism in the neutron-deficient thallium isotopes was investigated. The data on 184,190,193−195 Tl allow an improvement of existing mass values as well as a mass-spin-state assignment in 190,193,194 Tl. Due to the presence of the ground and isomeric state for 194 Tl the excitation energy of the latter was determined for the first time experimentally. Systematic trends in the vicinity of the Z = 82 shell closure have been discussed.
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