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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss der Immunsuppressiva Cyclosporin A und Everolimus auf die funktionelle DNA-Reparaturfähigkeit sowie auf die Regulation von DNA-Reparatur-Genen / Influence of the immunosuppressive drugs Cyclosporin A and Everolimus on functional DNA repair capacity and on regulation of DNA repair genes.

Kuschal, Christiane 21 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Cyclic di-adenosine monophosphate metabolism and functions in Streptomyces venezuelae

Latoscha, Andreas 07 May 2021 (has links)
Lebewesen nutzen nukleotid-basierte sekundäre Botenstoffe um extra- und intrazelluläre Signale zur Induktion einer entsprechenden Zellantwort weiterzuleiten. Das zyklische Dinukleotid c-di-AMP steuert verschiedene physiologische Prozesse und ist für viele Bakterien unter bestimmten Bedingungen essentiell. Dieses Signalmolekül muss präzise reguliert werden, da seine Akkumulation oft toxisch ist. Diadenylatzyklasen mit einer DAC-Domäne synthetisieren c-di-AMP, welches von Phosphodiesterasen (PDE) mit DHH/DHHA1- oder HD-Domänen abgebaut wird. Streptomyceten sind im Boden lebende, Gram-positive Actinobakterien mit einem komplexen Lebenszyklus, während welchem sie vielzählige sekundäre Metabolite, inklusive Antibiotika, produzieren. Die Regulierung des zellulären c-di-AMP und seine Bedeutung in der Streptomyceten-Biologie waren zu Beginn dieser Studie weitgehend unbekannt. Zur c-di-AMP-Synthese nutzen Streptomyces die DAC DisA, besitzen aber keine der typischen PDEs sowie die meisten der bekannten c-di-AMP-bindenden Effektoren. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass DisA die wichtigste c-di-AMP-Synthetase in Streptomyces venezuelae ist. AtaC wurde als eine PDE identifiziert, welche eine neue Klasse von c-di-AMP PDEs begründet. Während eine ataC-Deletion zu Störungen in Differenzierung und Wachstum in S. Venezuelae führt, führt die Inaktivierung von disA zur Sensitivität gegenüber erhöhten Konzentrationen von monovalenten Kationen im Medium. CpeA und CpeD wurden als erste c-di-AMP-bindende Proteine im Streptomyces Signalnetzwerk charakterisiert. Die entsprechenden Gene sind in Operons mit putativen Kation/Proton-Antiportern cpeB bzw. cpeE kodiert und die jeweiligen Genprodukte interagieren c-di-AMP-abhängig in vivo. Obwohl Deletion von cpe und Überexpression von cpeABC in S. venezuelae keine Phänotypen zeigten, verbesserte die CpeABC-Expression in Escherichia coli das Wachstum in Kalium-supplementierten Medien, was auf eine Funktion von cpe in der Regulation von Kalium hindeutet. / Nucleotide second messengers are used by all forms of life to transduce extra and intracellular signals and translate them into a physiological cell response. The cyclic dinucleotide c-di-AMP is a signaling molecule involved in diverse functions in bacterial physiology and is essential for many bacteria under certain growth conditions. However, this second messenger has to be tightly regulated since increased levels of c-di-AMP can be toxic. In many bacteria diadenylate cyclases with a conserved DAC domain synthesize c-di-AMP and phosphodiesterases (PDEs) with a DHH/DHHA1 or HD domain degrade it. Streptomyces spp. are soil-inhabiting gram-positive Actinobacteria characterized by a sophisticated developmental life cycle during which they produce various secondary metabolites, including antibiotics. The regulation and role of c-di-AMP is not well understood in Streptomyces biology. For c-di-AMP synthesis, streptomycetes utilize the DAC DisA but do not encode any canonical PDE and most of the known effector proteins for c-di-AMP signal transduction are absent. In this work, I demonstrated that DisA is the primary c-di-AMP synthetase in Streptomyces venezuelae and characterized AtaC as the founding member of a novel class of c-di-AMP-specific PDEs. In S. venezuelae, deletion of ataC interferes with development and growth, whereas disA inactivation affects bacterial survival under high ion osmotic stress conditions. Further, I identified CpeA and CpeD as the first c-di-AMP-binding proteins in Streptomyces. The respective genes are encoded in operons with the predicted cation/proton antiporters cpeB and cpeE, respectively, and the gene products interact in vivo in a c-di-AMP-dependent manner. Although neither cpe deletion nor overexpression of cpeABC produced a phenotype in S. venezuelae, expression of cpeABC in Escherichia coli improved growth in liquid media supplemented with potassium, suggesting that Cpe transporters are involved in potassium homeostasis.

Guanylatkinase: Von einem aktiven Enzym zu einem inaktiven Multidomänen-Protein.

Spangenberg, Oliver 02 May 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of differential Toll-like receptor function in human immune cells and association with susceptibility to recurrent HSV-1 reactivations and gastric cancer

Yang, Chin-An 02 February 2011 (has links)
Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLRs) sind essentielle angeborene Rezeptoren, die konservierte Strukturen von Krankheitserregern oder Gefahrsignale, die von beschädigten Zellen freigesetzt werden, erkennen können. Genetische Variationen in TLRs wie Einzel-Nukleotid-Polymorphismus (SNP) können die Funktion von TLRs beeinträchtigen und erste Studien zeigen, dass dies zu einer erhöhten Anfälligkeit gegenüber Virusinfektionen oder einem erhöhten Krebsrisiko führen kann. In dieser Studie haben wir einen Multicolor-Durchflußzytometrie-Test entwickelt, um die TLR-Funktionen in verschiedenen Subpopulationen unseparierter peripherer mononukleärer Blutzellen (PBMCs) simultan analysieren zu können. Wir konnten beobachten, dass das Ausmaß der TLR-Antworten zwischen den Probanden stark variierte, jedoch über einen Zeitraum von einem Monat gut reproduzierbar war. Zunächst untersuchten wir TLR Reaktionen bei Patienten mit rezidivierenden Herpes labilalis (HL). Im Vergleich zu asymptomatischen Personen war eine HL- Anamnese mit einer signifikant verminderten TLR3-IFN-Gamma-Antwort nach Stimulation mit poly(I:C) in NK Zellen assoziiert. Weitere molekulare Untersuchungen zeigten eine mögliche Beteiligung von TLR3 L412F SNP, welcher die oberflächliche TLR3 Expression und die IFN-Gamma-Antworten in NK-Zellen reduzierte. Einige Studien zeigen, dassTLR1 I602S, ein weiterer sehr verbreiteter SNP, in der Lage ist die TNF-Alpah-Antworten von Monozyten gegen den TLR2/1-Agonisten (Pam3Cys) zu verringern. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit konnten wir zudem nachweisen, dass TLR1 I602S SNP auch die Funktion von NK-Zellen und CD8+ T-Zellen beeinträchtigt. Wir konnten keine Assoziation zwischen TLR2/1-Defizienz und reaktivierendem HL feststellen. Jedoch konnten wir an einer großen Kohorte von über 326 Patienten zeigen, dass der TLR1 SNP sowohl ein Risikofaktor für Magenkarzinomentstehung als auch für die Metastasierung ist. Zusammenfassend weisen unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass genetische Polymorphismen von TLRs die Funktion von NK-Zellen beeinträchtigen und zu einer erhöhten Anfälligkeit für HSV-1 Erkrankung und Magenkarzinom führen können. / Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) are essential innate receptors which recognize conserved structures of pathogens, or danger signals released from damaged cells. Alterations of TLR responses might result in severe viral infections or a higher risk of cancer. Therefore, development of clinical assays to evaluate TLR functions could provide personalized information about susceptibility to these diseases. Since TLRs are differentially expressed on different subsets of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), a multi-color flow cytometry-based assay was developed to detect TLR responses of individual cell types simultaneously. We observed that the magnitude of TLR responses largely varied between human subjects, but was highly reproducible over one month. To evaluate the potential role of differences in natural killer (NK) cell TLR response we studied the association of NK cell TLR function and TLR single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with susceptibility to recurrent herpes labialis (HL) and gastric cancer. Using our assay, impaired TLR3 response of NK cells was found in people with recurrent HL. In addition, we have identified enhanced levels of homozygous TLR3 L412F SNP in people with recurrent HL, which results in lower surface expression and reduced NK cell response to poly(I:C). TLR1 I602S, another common SNP, has been reported to decrease TNF-Alpha responses of monocytes toward TLR2/1 agonist, Pam3CSK4 (Pam3Cys), stimulation. In our study, we found that TLR1 I602S homozygosity also contributes to impaired IFN-Gamma responses of NK cells and CD8+T cells. Although we did not observe an association of TLR2/1 deficiency with recurrent HL, association of TLR1 I602S with risk for primary as well as metastatic gastric cancer was found in a cohort of 326 patients. To sum up, our results suggest that genetic polymorphisms of TLRs can impair TLR function of NK cells, which contribute to the increased susceptibility to HSV-1 diseases and gastric cancer.

Techniky pro porovnávání biologických sekvencí / Techniques for Comparing Biological Sequences

Sladký, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This work presents the building up of basic biological units DNA, RNA and proteins as well as their function. Provided data are kept in biological databases which are connected worldwide to supply preferable communication along with all kinds of available information to be used in the scientific research. The secret of alive is hidden in genes coded in sequences of nucleotides. Genes enable the creation of proteins which are made of sequences of amino-acids. The wide-spread methods of comparing these sequences are FASTA and BLAST algorithms. Their base is used for the PSProt program which is described in this work. PSProt program is the tool for comparing the sequences of proteins. First it is necessary to synthesise the protein from the DNA oligonucleotide because it codes the surveyed protein. The most similar proteins are searched out by heuristic of hitpoints, then their final score that is essential for aligning is modified by semiglobal alignment algorithm.

Techniky pro získávání dat v genomice / Genomic Data Mining Techniques

Jaša, Petr January 2007 (has links)
First of all, this thesis sets itself a goal to introduce some common technics for datamining in genomics and as a next step to implement own algorithm like algorithm BLAST. In the concrete, this work is pointed to sequences of DNA. The DNA sequence contains in itself genetic information, which is template for living organism. For explanation this information can be used number of technics. This paper describes algorithm Fasta and algorithms from BLAST family. With these algorithms, it is possible to gain a lot of important information even about such DNA sequences, where only primary structure is known. Principle of these algorithms is based on alignments of one query sequence, which we want to obtain some information from, with many sequences stored in database. According to result alignment, it is possible to determine many features of the query sequence.

Imaging of fluorescence emission signals from healthy and infected leaf tissues / Imaging of fluorescence emission signals from healthy and infected leaf tissues

BENEDIKTYOVÁ, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
Auto-fluorescence emission of plant tissues can be a powerful reporter on plant biochemistry and physiology since it originates in substances inherent to primary or secondary metabolism. Plant bodies contain a plethora of intrinsic fluorescent compounds emitting practically all wavelengths of visible light. Moreover, the spectrum of fluorescent reporter signals was recently extended by a variety of fluorescent proteins that provide a new tool to mark whole cells or sub-cellular structures, study protein localization and monitor gene expression and molecule interactions. The imaging of such fluorescence signals reveals a possibility to acquire the information from as many as millions of points simultaneously, in vivo and in a non-invasive way thereby preserving integrity of cells and whole organisms. Imaging is particularly suited to visualize heterogeneity such as a localized immune response to invading pathogens. It can be applied both at macro- as well as micro-scales in two and three dimensions. The recent advancement in microscopy, the multi-photon microscopy, has made possible to monitor fluorescence signals, such as NAD(P)H fluorescence from intact leaf interior, that have been hidden to single-photon techniques.

Quantification of Pharmaceuticals at the sub-cellular level using the NanoSIMS

Dost, Maryam January 2024 (has links)
Mass spectroscopy imaging (MSI) has become a vital tool in modern research due to its ability to visualize the spatial distribution of molecules within tissue samples. The collaboration between researchers at AZ, the University of Gothenburg, and Chalmers University of Technology using the NanoSIMS instrument and MSI-SIMS technology has opened up new avenues of exploration in pharmaceutical development, particularly in examining drugs and metabolites at sub-cellular levels. This groundbreaking research has the potential to significantly improve the efficacy and safety of future pharmaceutical products. NanoSIMS possesses a unique imaging and processing technique that enables high-resolution imaging of cellular structures and subcellular compartments. This powerful tool allows for the visualization and measurement of elements and isotopes at the subcellular level. The technique involves bombarding a sample with a focused primary ion beam, which causes the emission of secondary ions. These secondary ions are then analyzed to determine the elemental and isotopic composition of the sample. NanoSIMS is particularly useful for analyzing biomolecules since traditional Mass spectrometry methods cannot provide information about how molecules behave at the cellular level. Given that many of the drugs used today have intra-cellular targets, hence understanding the drug's cellular pathways is extremely important, especially in cases where the risk for organ toxicity is high due to the high dosage of the drugs.  Our data from the image analysis indicated the presence of amiodarone inside the lysosomes; however, the lack of enrichment from the 13C portion of the dual-labeled molecule made it difficult to reach a variation below the LOD. Since our LOD is relatively high when working with 13C12C, we focused on the fact that accuracy, precision, and sensitivity would be the most crucial factors in our study. After adjusting these parameters, we obtained an image that made the measurement possible. This project aims to utilize a dual-labeled drug (13C and 127I) to bridge the absolute quantification ability of the 13C labeling scheme to the more sensitive labeling scheme. The focus of this study lies therefore on optimization and the relationship between Spatial resolution, Sensitivity, Mass Resolution, Accuracy, and Precision. This technique is extremely promising, but the limit of detection is relatively high mainly due to the high percentage of carbon in the sample. Despite this fact, we were able to present some valuable data.  Our analysis showed that the sensitivity of the 127I is much better than 13C, however, we produced an image where the ratio between the labels was above the detection limit. Using this data, a Relative sensitivity factor (RSF) value was measured, and the concentration of the drug could be estimated by applying the quantification equation.

Hardwarová akcelerace algoritmu pro hledání podobnosti dvou DNA řetězců / Hardware Acceleration of Algorithms for Approximate String Matching

Nosek, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
Methods for aproximate string matching of various sequences used in bioinformatics are crucial part of development in this branch. Tasks are of very large time complexity and therefore we want create a hardware platform for acceleration of these computations. Goal of this work is to design a generalized architecture based on FPGA technology, which can work with various types of sequences. Designed acceleration card will use especially dynamic algorithms like Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman.

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