Spelling suggestions: "subject:"numericalmethods"" "subject:"numericalmethod""
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[pt] Os efeitos das variações laterais de um terreno irregular na propagação de ondas eletromagnéticas são considerados pela representação dos campos vetoriais em termo de dois potenciais escalares Hertzianos em coordenadas esféricas. A combinação da equação parabólica para esses potenciais com uma condição de contorno de impedância para o solo, seguida por uma transformação de variáveis, define um problema de condição de contorno caracterizado por equações exibindo coeficientes que dependem da função altura do terreno e de suas derivadas parciais. A solução do problema através do esquema de Crank-Nicolson leva a um sistema esparso de equações lineares que é resolvido por um método direto. O modelo numérico resultante é aplicado a terrenos irregulares, representando configurações tridimensionais hipotéticas. / [en] The effects from lateral variations of irregular terrain on the propagation of radio waves are considered by the representation of the vector fields in terms of two scalar Hertz potentials in spherical coordinates. The combination of three-dimensional parabolic equations for these potentials with an impedance boundary condition for the ground, followed by a transformation of variables, will define a boundary-condition problem characterized by equations displaying coefficients that depend on the terrain height function and its partial derivatives. The problem solution through the Crank-Nicolson scheme will lead to a sparse system of linear equations, which will be solved by a direct method. The resulting numerical model will be applied to irregular terrain, representing hypothetical three-dimensional configurations.
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A simple net ecosystem productivity model for gap filling of tower-based fluxesZisheng, Xing January 2007 (has links)
In response to global climate change, many important earth-systems-oriented science
programs have been established in the past. One such program, the Fluxnet program, studies
the response of world forests and other natural ecosystems by measuring biospheric fluxes of
carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapour, and energy with eddy-covariance (EC) techniques to
assess the role of world ecosystems in offsetting increases in CO2 emissions and related
impacts on global climate. The EC methodology has its limitations particularly when
weather is inclement and during system stoppages. These limitations create non-trivial
problems by creating data gaps in the monitored data stream, diminishing the integrity of the
dataset and increasing uncertainty with data interpretation.
This Thesis deals with the development of a parsimonious, semi-empirical approach
for gap filling of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) data. The approach integrates the effects
of environmental controls on diurnal NEP. The approach, because of its limited number of
parameters, can be rapidly optimized when appropriate meteorological, site, and NEP target
values are provided. The procedure is verified by applying it to several gap-filling case
studies, including timeseries collected over balsam fir (Abies Balsamea (L.) Mill.) forests in
New Brunswick (NB), Canada and several other forests along a north-south temperaturemoisture
gradient from northern Europe to the Middle East. The evaluation showed that the
model performed relatively well for most sites; i.e., r2 ranged from 0.68-0.83 and modelling
efficiencies, from 0.89-0.97, demonstrating the possibility of applying the model to forests
outside NB. Inferior model performance was associated with sites with less than complete
input datasets.
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Investigation of the electrodynamic retard devices using parallel computer systems / Elektrodinaminių lėtinimo įtaisų tyrimas taikant lygiagrečiąsias kompiuterines sistemasPomarnacki, Raimondas 06 January 2012 (has links)
An analysis using numerical methods can calculate electrical and construction characteristics parameters of microwave devices quite accurately. However, numerical methods require a lot of computation resources and time for calculations to be made. Rapid perfection of the computer technologies and software with implementation of the numerical methods has laid down the conditions to the rapid design of the microwave devices using computers. / Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos mikrobangų įtaisų analizės ir sintezės proble-mos, taikant lygiagrečiąsias kompiuterines sistemas. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra daugialaidės mikrojuostelinės linijos ir meandrinės mikrojuostelinės vėlinimo linijos. Šie objektai leidžia perduoti, sinchronizuoti bei vėlinti siunčiamus signalus ir yra neatsiejama dalis daugelio mikrobangų prietaisų. Jų operatyvi ir tiksli analizė bei sintezė sąlygoja įtaisų kūrimo spartinimą. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti lygiagrečiąsias metodikas ir algoritmus, skirtus sparčiai ir tiksliai atlikti minėtų linijų analizę ir sintezę. Sukurtų algoritmų ir metodikų taikymo sritis – mikrobangų įtaisų modeliavimo ir automatizuoto projektavimo progra-minė įranga.
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Elektrodinaminių lėtinimo įtaisų tyrimas taikant lygiagrečiąsias kompiuterines sistemas / Investigation of the electrodynamic retard devices using parallel computer systemsPomarnacki, Raimondas 06 January 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos mikrobangų įtaisų analizės ir sintezės proble-mos, taikant lygiagrečiąsias kompiuterines sistemas. Pagrindiniai tyrimo objektai yra daugialaidės mikrojuostelinės linijos ir meandrinės mikrojuostelinės vėlinimo linijos. Šie objektai leidžia perduoti, sinchronizuoti bei vėlinti siunčiamus signalus ir yra neatsiejama dalis daugelio mikrobangų prietaisų. Jų operatyvi ir tiksli analizė bei sintezė sąlygoja įtaisų kūrimo spartinimą. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti lygiagrečiąsias metodikas ir algoritmus, skirtus sparčiai ir tiksliai atlikti minėtų linijų analizę ir sintezę. Sukurtų algoritmų ir metodikų taikymo sritis – mikrobangų įtaisų modeliavimo ir automatizuoto projektavimo progra-minė įranga. / An analysis using numerical methods can calculate electrical and construction characteristics parameters of microwave devices quite accurately. However, numerical methods require a lot of computation resources and time for calculations to be made. Rapid perfection of the computer technologies and software with implementation of the numerical methods has laid down the conditions to the rapid design of the microwave devices using computers.
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Mathematical modelling of compaction and diagenesis in sedimentary basinsYang, Xin-She January 1997 (has links)
Sedimentary basins form when water-borne sediments in shallow seas are deposited over periods of millions of years. Sediments compact under their own weight, causing the expulsion of pore water. If this expulsion is sufficiently slow, overpressuring can result, a phenomenon which is of concern in oil drilling operations. The competition between pore water expulsion and burial is complicated by a variety of factors, which include diagenesis (clay dewatering), and different modes (elastic or viscous) of rheological deformation via compaction and pressure solution, which may also include hysteresis in the constitutive behaviours. This thesis is concerned with models which can describe the evolution of porosity and pore pressure in sedimentary basins. We begin by analysing the simplest case of poroelastic compaction which in a 1-D case results in a nonlinear diffusion equation, controlled principally by a dimensionless parameter lambda, which is the ratio of the hydraulic conductivity to the sedimentation rate. We provide analytic and numerical results for both large and small lambda in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. We then put a more realistic rheological relation with hysteresis into the model and investigate its effects during loading and unloading in Chapter 5. A discontinuous porosity profile may occur if the unloaded system is reloaded. We pursue the model further by considering diagenesis as a dehydration model in Chapter 6, then we extend it to a more realistic dissolution-precipitation reaction-transport model in Chapter 7 by including most of the known physics and chemistry derived from experimental studies. We eventually derive a viscous compaction model for pressure solution in sedimentary basins in Chapter 8, and show how the model suggests radically different behaviours in the distinct limits of slow and fast compaction. When lambda << 1, compaction is limited to a basal boundary layer. When lambda >> 1, compaction occurs throughout the basin, and the basic equilibrium solution near the surface is a near parabolic profile of porosity. But it is only valid to a finite depth where the permeability has decreased sufficiently, and a transition occurs, marking a switch from a normally pressured environment to one with high pore pressures.
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Tuned and asynchronous stencil kernels for CPU/GPU systemsVenkatasubramanian, Sundaresan 18 May 2009 (has links)
We describe heterogeneous multi-CPU and multi-GPU implementations of Jacobi's iterative method for the 2-D Poisson equation on a structured grid, in both single- and double-precision. Properly tuned, our best implementation achieves 98% of the empirical streaming GPU bandwidth (66% of peak) on a NVIDIA C1060. Motivated to find a still faster implementation, we further consider "wildly asynchronous" implementations that can reduce or even eliminate the synchronization bottleneck between iterations. In these versions, which are based on the principle of a chaotic relaxation (Chazan and Miranker, 1969), we simply remove or delay synchronization between iterations, thereby potentially trading off more flops (via more iterations to converge) for a higher degree of asynchronous parallelism. Our relaxed-synchronization implementations on a GPU can be 1.2-2.5x faster than our best synchronized GPU implementation while achieving the same accuracy. Looking forward, this result suggests research on similarly "fast-and-loose" algorithms in the coming era of increasingly massive concurrency and relatively high synchronization or communication costs.
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Analysis and Simulation of Transverse Random Fracture of Long Fibre Reinforced CompositesTrias Mansilla, Daniel 18 April 2005 (has links)
La present tesi proposa una metodología per a la simulació probabilística de la fallada de la matriu en materials compòsits reforçats amb fibres de carboni, basant-se en l'anàlisi de la distribució aleatòria de les fibres. En els primers capítols es revisa l'estat de l'art sobre modelització matemàtica de materials aleatoris, càlcul de propietats efectives i criteris de fallada transversal en materials compòsits.El primer pas en la metodologia proposada és la definició de la determinació del tamany mínim d'un Element de Volum Representatiu Estadístic (SRVE) . Aquesta determinació es du a terme analitzant el volum de fibra, les propietats elàstiques efectives, la condició de Hill, els estadístics de les components de tensió i defromació, la funció de densitat de probabilitat i les funcions estadístiques de distància entre fibres de models d'elements de la microestructura, de diferent tamany. Un cop s'ha determinat aquest tamany mínim, es comparen un model periòdic i un model aleatori, per constatar la magnitud de les diferències que s'hi observen.Es defineix, també, una metodologia per a l'anàlisi estadístic de la distribució de la fibra en el compòsit, a partir d'imatges digitals de la secció transversal. Aquest anàlisi s'aplica a quatre materials diferents.Finalment, es proposa un mètode computacional de dues escales per a simular la fallada transversal de làmines unidireccionals, que permet obtenir funcions de densitat de probabilitat per a les variables mecàniques. Es descriuen algunes aplicacions i possibilitats d'aquest mètode i es comparen els resultats obtinguts de la simulació amb valors experimentals. / This thesis proposes a methodology for the probabilistic simulation of the transverse failure of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) by analyzing the random distribution of the fibres within the composite. First chapters are devoted to the State-of-the-art review on the modelization of random materials, the computation of effective properties and the transverse failure of fibre reinforced polymers.The first step in the proposed methodology is the definition of a Statistical Representative Volume Element (SRVE). This SRVE has to satisfy criteria based on the analysis of the volume fraction, the effective properties, the Hill Condition, the statistics of the stress and strain components, the probability density function of the stress and strain components and the inter-fibre distance statistical distributions. Once this SRVE has been achieved, a comparison between a periodic model and a random model is performed to quantitatively analyze the differences between the results they provide.Also a methodology for the statistical analysis of the distribution of the fibre within the composite from digital images of the transverse section. This analysis is performed for four different materials.Finally, a two-scale computational method for the transverse failure of unidirectional laminae is proposed. This method is able to provide probability density functions of the mechanical variables in the composite. Some applications and possibilities of the method are given and the simulation results are compared with experimental tests.
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Μαγνητοϋδροδυναμική μελέτη περιστρεφομένων αστέρων νετρονίωνΚατελούζος, Αναστάσιος 31 March 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή υπολογίζονται σχετικιστικά πολυτροπικά μοντέλα περιστρεφομένων αστέρων νετρονίων, καθώς και μοντέλα που περιγράφονται από ρεαλιστικές καταστατικές εξισώσεις. Σκοπός αυτής της μελέτης είναι να υπολογιστούν σημαντικές φυσικές ποσότητες ενός αστέρα νετρονίων,
στην περίπτωση της υδροστατικής ισορροπίας, της ομοιόμορφης αλλά και της διαφορικής περιστροφής, καθώς και στην περίπτωση που ο αστέρας έχει μαγνητικό πεδίο με πολοειδή και τοροειδή συνιστώσα.
Μία σύντομη περιγραφή της αριθμητικής διαπραγμάτευσης έχει ως εξής.
Καταρχάς, επιλύεται το σύστημα διαφορικών εξισώσεων Oppenheimer-Volkov
(OV). Το σύστημα αυτό περιγράφει την υδροστατική ισορροπία μη περιστρεφομένων πολυτροπικών μοντέλων. Στη συνέχεια, θεωρείται η ομοιόμορφη περιστροφή ως διαταραχή, σύμφωνα με την «μέθοδο διαταραχής Hartle» και υπολογίζονται διορθώσεις στην μάζα και την ακτίνα, διορθώσεις που οφείλονται σε σφαιρικές και τετραπολικές παραμορφώσεις. Ακολούθως, εφαρμόζεται μία διαταρακτική προσέγγιση με όρους τρίτης τάξης στην γωνιακή ταχύτητα, Ω. Η στροφορμή, J, η ροπή αδράνειας, I, η περιστροφική κινητική ενέργεια, T, και η βαρυτική δυναμική ενέργεια, W, είναι ποσότητες που
υφίστανται σημαντικές διορθώσεις από την προσέγγιση τρίτης τάξης. Η διαφορική περιστροφή ϑεωρείται ότι (i) υπακούει σε έναν συγκεκριμένο νόμο, ή (ii) επάγεται από το συνδυασμό ομοιόμορφης περιστροφής και ακτινικών ταλαντώσεων του αστέρα· ο στόχος είναι να υπολογισθεί η μεταβολή σημαντικών
φυσικών ποσοτήτων που οφείλεται στη διαφορική περιστροφή.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος, μελετάται η επίδραση του μαγνητικού πεδίου, το οποίο
αποτελείται από πολοειδή και τοροειδή συνιστώσα, με τη «μέθοδο διαταραχής
κατά Ioka-Sasaki» (IS). Στην παρούσα διαπραγμάτευση, το πρόβλημα περιγράφεται από μία «γενικευμένη διαφορική εξίσωση Grad-Shafranov» (GS),η επίλυση της οποίας δίνει τη συνάρτηση ροής (flux function), ψ. Μέσω αυτής της συνάρτησης υπολογίζονται οι συνιστώσες του μαγνητικού πεδίου
και η γεωμετρική παραμόρφωση που υφίσταται ο αστέρας λόγω του μαγνητικού πεδίου. Η αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος γίνεται και σε αυτήν την περίπτωση με τη ϑεωρία διαταραχών.
΄Εχοντας υπολογίσει μοντέλα περιστρεφομένων αστέρων νετρονίων και διάφορα μοντέλα με μαγνητικό πεδίο, μπορούμε να συνθέσουμε τα αποτελέσματά μας και να προσδιορίσουμε μοντέλα αστέρων νετρονίων μηδενικής
φαινόμενης παραμόρφωσης (equalizers), δηλαδή αστέρων νετρονίων που η περιστροφή και το μαγνητικό πεδίο προκαλούν ίσες και αντίθετες γεωμετρικές παραμορφώσεις στο σχήμα του αστέρα. / We compute relativistic polytropic models as well as models obeying
realistic equations of state, of rotating neutron stars. The purpose of this
study is to calculate significant physical quantities of a neutron star, in
the case of hydrostatic equilibrium, rigid and differential rotation, as well
as in the case of a magnetic neutron star with both poloidal and toroidal
A short description of the numerical treatment has as follows. First,
we solve the Oppenheimer-Volkov
system of differential equations. This
system refers to hydrostatic equilibrium of non rotating polytropic models.
Then, solid rotation is added as a perturbation, according to "Hartle’s perturbation method" and corrections to mass and radius are calculated, as also corrections due to spherical and quadrupole deformations. In addition a third order perturbation in angular velocity,
Ω, is implemented. Angular momentum, J, moment of inertia, I, rotational kinetical energy, T, and gravitational potential energy, W, are quantites that are significally corrected by the third order approximation. Differential rotation is assumed that (i) obeys a specific law, or (ii) follows as a result of the solid rotation and radial oscillations combination; our purpose is the calculation of the main physical quantities that are altered by differential rotation.
In the second part the effect of magnetic field is studied, which consists
of a poloidal and a toroidal component. The "Ioka-Sasaki perturbation method" (IS) is implemented. This problem is described by the
quantification of the flux function ψ, which comes as a solution of the "Grad-Shafranov"
(GS) differential equation. Then the components of the magnetic field and the quadrupole deformation of the star are calculated.
This method is also a perturbative method similar to "Hartle’s perturbation method".
Having calculated models of rotating neutron stars, as also various models of magnetic fields, we can compose our results and determine models of neutron stars with zero deformation, the equalizers, these are
neutron stars that are rotating and also have a magnetic field in a way that they, rotation and magnetic field, produce equal but opposite geometrical deformations in the shape of the star.
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Métodos numéricos para o retoque digitalSantos, Claudia Augusta dos [UNESP] 25 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_ca_me_sjrp.pdf: 757765 bytes, checksum: bd1f77ee4f0f4cdebfc0a29af4d9bc39 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O objetivo deste trabalho þe aplicar Mþetodos Numþericos de ordem de precisão mais alta ao problema de Retoque Digital, visando melhorar a qualidade da aproximação quando comparada com o Método de Euler, que þe geralmente utilizado para esse tipo de problema. Para testar a eficiência de tais métodos, utilizamos três modelos de Retoque Digital: o modelo proposto por Bertalmþýo, Sapiro, Ballester e Caselles (BSBC), o modelo de Rudin, Osher e Fatemi conhecido como Variacional Total (TV) e o modelo de Chan e Shen, chamado de Difusão Guiada pela Curvatura (CDD). / The purpose of this work is to apply Numerical Methods of higher order to the problem of Digital Inpainting, aiming to improve the quality of the approach when compared with the Euler s Method which is generally used for this kind of problem. To test the e ciency of these methods we use three models of Digital Inpainting: the model considered by Bertalmþýo, Sapiro, Ballester and Caselles (BSBC), the model of Rudin, Osher and Fatemi known as Total Variation (TV) and the model of Chan and Shen, named Curvature Driven Di usion (CDD)
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Modélisation multi-échelle de l’effet d’un générateur solaire sur la charge électrostatique d’un satellite / Multiscale modelling of the impact of solar arrays on a spacecraft electrostatic chargingBrunet, Antoine Pierre 13 December 2017 (has links)
L’estimation de la charge d’un satellite et du risque de décharge nécessite dans certains cas la prise en compte dans les modèles numériques d’échelles spatiales très différentes. En particulier, les interconnecteurs présents à la surface des générateurs solaires d’un satellite sont susceptibles de modifier son équilibre électrostatique lors de missions spatiales rencontrant un environnement plasma dense. Une modélisation classique de cet effet nécessiterait le maillage d’éléments à des échelles submillimétriques,sur un satellite de plusieurs dizaines de mètres d’envergure, ce qui rendrait la simulation extrêmement onéreuse en temps de calcul. De plus, ces interconnecteurs sont parfois fortement chargés positivement par rapport à l’environnement, ce qui empêche l’application du modèle de Maxwell-Boltzmann classiquement utilisé pour les populations d’électrons. Dans une première partie, nous avons développé une méthode itérative de type Patch adaptée à la résolution du problème non-linéaire de Poisson-Boltzmann pour la simulation du plasma spatial. Cette méthode numérique multigrille permet la simulation de l’impact d’éléments de petite taille à la surface d’un satellite complet. Dans une seconde partie, nous avons développé un schéma correctif permettant d’utiliser le modèle de Maxwell-Boltzmann pour la population d’électrons, malgré la présence de surfaces satellites chargées positivement, en y ajoutant un terme de correction calculé à l’aide de la méthode Particle-in-Cell. Nous avons montré que ce schéma permet, tout en limitant le coût en calculs, de déterminer avec précision les courants collectés par les surfaces du satellites, qu’elles soient chargées négativement ou positivement. / The numerical simulation of spacecraft charging can require to resolve widely different geometrical scales. In particular, solar array interconnects on the surface of solar panels have a major impact ona satellite electrostatic equilibrium. A classical model of this effect would require a mesh refined tosub-millimetre scales, on a spacecraft spanning several dozen metres, which would make the simulation computationally expensive. Moreover, the solar array interconnects can have a large positive potentialrelative to the space plasma, preventing the use of the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann model for theelectrons in the plasma. In a first part, we have developed an iterative patch method to solve thenonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation used in plasma simulations. This multigrid numerical scheme allows to resolve the impact of small-scale components on the surface of a complete spacecraft. In asecond part, we have developed a corrective scheme for the Maxwell-Boltzmann model to account for the presence of charged surfaces in the simulation. We have shown that this simple model is able to precisely compute the currents collected by the spacecraft surfaces.
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