Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ringduring""
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Describing the needs of new nursing faculty in mentoring relationshipsHarder, Emily Jane 25 February 2011
Currently there is a shortage of qualified nursing faculty in Canada, which is predicted to increase in the near future. Mentorship is one retention and recruitment strategy suggested to help manage the prevailing nursing faculty shortage issue. There is limited research that describes that needs of nursing faulty in mentoring relationships, particularly those that work in technical college settings. The purpose of this naturalistic inquiry was to describe, interpret, and connect the voices of nursing faculty, from a Canadian school of nursing, as nursing faculty shared their lived experiences in formal mentorship relationships. This research project was inspired by several faculty from this particular school of nursing that felt others may learn more about mentoring from their lived experiences.<p>
Interpretative phenomenology was used as aboard framework to evaluate a range of individual experiences within a formal mentoring program from which commonalities were sifted; patterns were identified using comparative methodology, and incidental and essential themes were located. Investigative and interpretive endeavors focused on answering the research question: What do novice nursing faculty need in mentoring relationships at a Canadian School of Nursing? Five themes were identified: 1) Conquering the Divide described the multiple role transitions faculty faced when they need to master classroom teaching, laboratory instruction, and clinical teaching; Self-serve Only identified participants who were involved in informal mentoring relationships that were initiated by participants while they were in a mentee role prior to entering formal mentoring relationships; Under Utilization of Mentoring Process outlines how mentees unsuccessfully plan and evaluated goals with their mentors; Outside Influences explains the effect that collateral hostility had on mentoring culture and how people outside a work climate could impact personal and professional growth; the final overarching theme, Time, tied all of the themes together by describing workload and work-life balance issues. All of the themes indentifies that formal mentoring relationships were meeting some of the needs of new nursing faculty but the program did not meet all of their needs. Key points of knowing and meaning that emerged from this project can be used to inform mentoring practices and as a basis for future research.
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Describing the needs of new nursing faculty in mentoring relationshipsHarder, Emily Jane 25 February 2011 (has links)
Currently there is a shortage of qualified nursing faculty in Canada, which is predicted to increase in the near future. Mentorship is one retention and recruitment strategy suggested to help manage the prevailing nursing faculty shortage issue. There is limited research that describes that needs of nursing faulty in mentoring relationships, particularly those that work in technical college settings. The purpose of this naturalistic inquiry was to describe, interpret, and connect the voices of nursing faculty, from a Canadian school of nursing, as nursing faculty shared their lived experiences in formal mentorship relationships. This research project was inspired by several faculty from this particular school of nursing that felt others may learn more about mentoring from their lived experiences.<p>
Interpretative phenomenology was used as aboard framework to evaluate a range of individual experiences within a formal mentoring program from which commonalities were sifted; patterns were identified using comparative methodology, and incidental and essential themes were located. Investigative and interpretive endeavors focused on answering the research question: What do novice nursing faculty need in mentoring relationships at a Canadian School of Nursing? Five themes were identified: 1) Conquering the Divide described the multiple role transitions faculty faced when they need to master classroom teaching, laboratory instruction, and clinical teaching; Self-serve Only identified participants who were involved in informal mentoring relationships that were initiated by participants while they were in a mentee role prior to entering formal mentoring relationships; Under Utilization of Mentoring Process outlines how mentees unsuccessfully plan and evaluated goals with their mentors; Outside Influences explains the effect that collateral hostility had on mentoring culture and how people outside a work climate could impact personal and professional growth; the final overarching theme, Time, tied all of the themes together by describing workload and work-life balance issues. All of the themes indentifies that formal mentoring relationships were meeting some of the needs of new nursing faculty but the program did not meet all of their needs. Key points of knowing and meaning that emerged from this project can be used to inform mentoring practices and as a basis for future research.
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Sjuksköterskans utmaningar : Under ett humanitärt uppdrag / Nurses' challenges : During a humanitarian missionGyllin, Anton, Lindquist, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Humanitära insatser i kris- och katastrofområden har en historia där sjuksköterskans roll är central. Att komma som sjuksköterska till ett krisdrabbat område med detta enorma ansvar och att jobba under flera veckor, ofta månader, i en ny miljö ställer enorma krav på sjuksköterskans kompetens. Även andra åtskilliga förmågor så som kulturell kompetens, ledar- och organisationsförmåga, samarbete och flexibilitet sätts på prov. Sjuksköterskan förväntas vägleda, dirigera och samordna de professioner som jobbar runt sjuksköterskan samtidigt som denne själv ska ansvara för andras säkerhet och omvårdnad. Detta i en värld där natur och människoskapade katastrofer ökat drastiskt de senaste åren. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva utmaningar sjuksköterskor upplever under ett humanitärt uppdrag. Metod: Denna studie är en litteraturöversikt baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Dessa valdes ut, granskades och sammanställdes utifrån likheter och skillnader. Resultat: Fyra teman identiferades; ”sjuksköterskans roll”, ”vård i skottlinjen”, ”levnadsförhållanden” och ”kulturella aspekter” Slutsats: Det finns ett flertal utmaningar som potentiellt kan förhindra ett effektivt och optimalt arbete. En tydlig bild över vilka dessa utmaningar är, framhävande arbetsmiljön, skulle möjliggöra sjuksköterskor som är bättre förberedda inför framtida humanitära insatser. Klinisk betydelse: Författarna vill framhäva det faktum att förberedelser baserad på adekvat information skulle förbereda sjuksköterskor för humanitära insatser. / Background: Humanitarian assistance in crisis- and disaster areas have a history in which nurse’s role become central. To come as a nurse to an ailing area with this grande responsibility and to work for several weeks in a new environment places enormous demands on nurses’ skills. Other various skills such as cultural competence, leadership- and organizational skills, cooperation and flexibility are also a necessity. The nurse is expected to guide, direct and coordinate the working team while he/she himself will perform his/hers own duties as a nurse while being responsible for the safety of others and their care. The environment in which these nurses work is by definition challenging but have during receant years become even more so due to natural and manmade disasters. Aims: The aim of this study was to describe the challenges that the nurses’ experience during a humanitarian mission. Methods: This study is a literature overview based on ten qualitative, peer-reviewd, articles. The articles were chosen and analysed on the basis of similarities and differences. Results: Four themes were identified; “the nurses’ role”, “healthcare in the firing line”, “living conditions” and “cultural aspects”. Conclusion: There is a number of challenges that potentially could prevent a efficient and optimal job. A clear image regarding these challenges emphasizeing humanitarian working envionment could enable a nurse more prepared for future humanitarian assignments. Clinical implications: The authors emphasize that a preparation based on adequate information would prepare nurses for humanitarian missions.
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En snabb åtgärd, ett livsförändrande ingrepp : En litteraturstudie om personers upplevelser av att genomgå överviktskirurgi / A fast solution, a life-changing intervention : A literature review on individual´s experiences of undergoing bariatric surgeryLöw, Maja, Olin, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Övervikt och fetma är ett växande problem i Sverige och i stora delar av världen. Överviktskirurgin har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren och är idag en utbredd metod för att behandla övervikt och dess följdsjukdomar. Trots att syftet med operationen är att minska risken för ohälsa så visar studier att personer som genomgått denna typ av behandling, konsumerar mer sjukvård än personer som behandlats med andra metoder mot sin fetma. Därav är det viktigt att få en djupare förståelse för hur personer som genomgår överviktskirurgi upplever sin situation i samband med ingreppet. Syfte: Att beskriva personers upplevelser och behov i samband med överviktskirurgi ur ett vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv. Teoretisk utgångspunkt: Transitionsteorin utifrån Meleis et. al., (2000) har använts som teoretisk referensram till denna litteraturstudie. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie baserad på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: Tre teman framkom: Livet före operationen, Den första tiden efter operationen och En längre tid efter operationen. Livet före operationen beskrevs som en hopplös kamp mot vikten och beslutet att operera sig som en sista utväg. Informanterna hade stora förväntningar på operationens resultat, vilka med tiden inte alltid visade sig vara realistiska. Ingreppet beskrevs dock som en mycket positiv livsförändrande händelse. Gemensamt för informanterna var att de upplevde svårigheter med att behålla en hälsosam livsstil en längre tid efter operationen, vissa lyckades med detta, andra inte. Det framkom att informanter hade negativa erfarenheter av sjukvården. Diskussion: Resultatet visar ett behov av ökade förberedelser och stöd från sjuksköterskan inför operationen. Genom att understödja det hopp om ett hälsosammare liv, som uttrycktes efter operationen, kan sjuksköterskan motivera till livsstilsförändringar och därmed främja en hälsosam transition även på längre sikt. Resultaten tyder på att det finns ett omvårdnadsbehov som kvarstår många år efter ingreppet, samt att en god vårdrelation är av stor vikt för ett lyckat behandlingsresultat. / Abstract Background: Obesity is a growing problem in Sweden and in many parts of the world. Bariatric surgery has increased dramatically in recent years and is now a widespread method to treat obesity and its sequelae. Although the purpose of the surgery is to reduce the risk of illness, studies show that patients, who have undergone this type of treatment, consume more healthcare resources than those treated with other methods to manage their obesity. It is therefore important to better understand how individuals who undergo bariatric surgery experience their situation in the context of the intervention. Purpose: To describe individual´s experiences and needs associated with bariatric surgery from a caring science perspective. Theoretical basis: Theory of Transition by Meleis et. al. (2000) has been used as a theoretical framework for this study. Methods: A systematic literature review based on eight scientific articles with qualitative approach. Results: Three themes emerged: Life before the surgery, the first period after the surgery and a longer period after surgery. Life prior to the surgery was described as losing a battle against obesity and the decision to undergo surgery was regarded as a last resort. The respondents had high expectations of the surgery results, which in time did not always prove to be realistic. The procedure was described as a very positive life changing event. It showed to be common for the respondents to experience difficulties in maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a prolonged period of time after the surgery. However, some were able to achieve this whilst others were not. It was revealed that respondents had negative experiences of health care. Discussion: The results show a need for increased preparation and support from the nurse before surgery. By supporting the hope of a healthier life, as expressed after the surgery, the nurse can motivate lifestyle changes and thus promote a healthy transition in the longer term. The results suggest that there is a need for nursing care that persists for years after the procedure, and that a good care relationship is vital for a successful treatment outcome.
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Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En litteraturstudie som undersöker fysisk aktivitet som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid depression / Prescription of physical activity : A literature study examining physical activity as a nursing measure for depressionLidqvist, Stephanie, Sandström, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Depression är en vanligt förekommande sjukdom. Depressionen kan innebära stora påfrestningar, både för den som är drabbad och för samhället. Det finns olika behandlingsalternativ mot depression. De vanligaste alternativen är psykoterapi och antidepressiva läkemedel. Att utforska andra, icke-farmakologiska behandlingar, kan vara en viktig del i sjuksköterskans framtida arbete. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utforska effekterna av fysisk aktivitet som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid depression. Metod: För att besvara syftet har åtta kvantitativa studier använts i litteraturstudien. En omfattande sökning har genomförts och en utförlig analys har tillämpats i syfte att sammanställa det aktuella kunskapsläget. Resultat: Det sammanställda resultatet visar att fysisk aktivitet som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid depression är en effektiv tilläggsbehandling för att minska depressiva symtom. Konklusion: Det framgår av studierna att fysisk aktivitet har en gynnsam effekt vid olika svårighetsgrad av depression. Författarna till förevarande litteraturstudie anser att fysisk aktivitet som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid depression bör användas i större utsträckning än vad som sker idag. Denna slutsats är en viktig kunskap när det kommer till sjuksköterskans förebyggande och lindrande omvårdnadsarbete. / Background: Depression is a common disease. Depression can be very stressful, both for the person affected and for society. There are various treatment options for depression. The most common options are psychotherapy and antidepressant drugs. Exploring other, non-pharmacological treatments may be an important part of the nurse’s future work. Aim: The aim of this literature study was to explore the effects of physical activity as a nursing measure in depression. Methods: To answer the aim, eight quantitative studies have been used in this literature study. An extensive search and a detailed analysis were applied in order to compile the current state of knowledge. Results: The compiled results show that physical activity as a nursing measure in depression is an effective adjunctive treatment to reduce depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The studies show that physical activity has a beneficial effect on different degrees of depression. The authors of the present literature study believe that physical activity as a nursing measure in depression should be used to a greater extent than it is used today. This conclusion is an important knowledge when it comes to the nurse´s preventive and curative work.
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Financing School-Based Health Centers: Sustaining Business Operational ServicesHayes-Burrell, Ingrid Monique 01 January 2015 (has links)
School-based health centers (SBHCs) have faced challenges in securing adequate funding for operations and developing sound business systems for billing and reimbursement. Specifically, administrators often lack strategies to develop and sustain funding levels to support appropriate resources for business operations. The focus of this descriptive study was to explore best practice strategies to develop and sustain funding through the experiences of SBHC administrators. The conceptual framework included Elkington's sustainability theory, which posits that corporate social responsibility, stakeholder involvement, and citizenship improve manager's effect on the business system. Twenty full-time SBHC administrators working in separate locations throughout the state of Maryland participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process was used to cluster descriptive experiences in data analysis that resulted in the development of thematic strategies for implementing best practices relevant to developing and sustaining funding for SBHC business operations. Major themes provided by the participants were interagency communications, creating marketing plans, and disparities in the allocation of funding for programs and professional staff. Findings indicated SBHC administrators continue to face challenges in developing and sustaining adequate funding for operations in the state of Maryland. Suggestions for future research include how administrators can develop marketing plans and explore long-range funding for SBHC services. The findings in this study may contribute to positive social change by demonstrating to officials in the Maryland State Department of Education the significance of SBHCs, and the need to increase mental health services.
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Financing School-Based Health Centers: Sustaining Business Operational ServicesHayes-Burrell, Ingrid Monique 01 January 2015 (has links)
Walden University
College of Management and Technology
This is to certify that the doctoral study by
Ingrid Hayes-Burrell
has been found to be complete and satisfactory in all respects,
and that any and all revisions required by
the review committee have been made.
Review Committee
Dr. Ify Diala, Committee Chairperson, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Anne Davis, Committee Member, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Dr. Yvette Ghormley, University Reviewer, Doctor of Business Administration Faculty
Chief Academic Officer
Eric Riedel, Ph.D.
Walden University
School-based health centers (SBHCs) have faced challenges in securing adequate funding for operations and developing sound business systems for billing and reimbursement. Specifically, administrators often lack strategies to develop and sustain funding levels to support appropriate resources for business operations. The focus of this descriptive study was to explore best practice strategies to develop and sustain funding through the experiences of SBHC administrators. The conceptual framework included Elkington's sustainability theory, which posits that corporate social responsibility, stakeholder involvement, and citizenship improve manager's effect on the business system. Twenty full-time SBHC administrators working in separate locations throughout the state of Maryland participated in semistructured telephone interviews. The van Kaam process was used to cluster descriptive experiences in data analysis that resulted in the development of thematic strategies for implementing best practices relevant to developing and sustaining funding for SBHC business operations. Major themes provided by the participants were interagency communications, creating marketing plans, and disparities in the allocation of funding for programs and professional staff. Findings indicated SBHC administrators continue to face challenges in developing and sustaining adequate funding for operations in the state of Maryland. Suggestions for future research include how administrators can develop marketing plans and explore long-range funding for SBHC services. The findings in this study may contribute to positive social change by demonstrating to officials in the Maryland State Department of Education the significance of SBHCs, and the need to increase mental health services.
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Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care rendered in public hospitals within Makhado Municipality of Limpopo Provicne: South AfricaMureri, Musingadi Magdeline 18 February 2015 (has links)
Department of Advanced Nursing Science / MCur
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