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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pythium species associated with rooibos, and the influence of management practices on disease development

Bahramisharif, Amirhossein 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Damping-off of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), which is an important indigenous crop in South Africa, causes serious losses in rooibos nurseries and is caused by a complex of pathogens of which oomycetes, mainly Pythium, are an important component. The management of damping-off in organic rooibos nurseries is problematic, since phenylamide fungicides may not be used. Therefore, alternative management strategies such as rotation crops, compost and biological control agents, must be investigated. The management of damping-off requires knowledge, which currently is lacking, of the Pythium species involved, and their pathogenicity towards rooibos and two nursery rotation crops (lupin and oats). Pythium species identification can be difficult since the genus is complex and consists of more than 120 species. Species identification is, however, greatly facilitated by analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. These regions, have also been used to divide the genus into 11 phylogenetic clades (A to K), with some clades, such as clade G, still being poorly characterised. The first aim of the study was to characterize 12 Pythium clade G isolates that were obtained from damped-off rooibos seedlings, along with six known clade G species. Subsequently, oligonucleotides were designed for differentiating two rooibos associated groups that may represent new taxons, for future use in DNA macro-array analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS region and a combined phylogeny of four gene regions (ITS, -tubulin and, COX1 and COX2 [cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II]) identified five sub-clades within Pythium clade G. The rooibos isolates formed two groups, Rooibos group I (RB I) and II (RB II) that clustered into two groups within sub-clade 1 with good support (64%-89% bootstrap, 1.00 probability). The Pythium RB I isolates had P. iwayamai as its nearest neighbour, and may represent a new species. The Pythium RB II isolates had P. canariense and P. violae as their closest relatives and may, along with other isolates contained in the RB II sub-clade, represent several new species. Morphological analyses of the rooibos isolates were inconclusive, since the isolates all contained similar morphological characteristics that did not correspond to the description of known Pythium species. The Pythium RB I and II isolates were all non-pathogenic toward rooibos, lupin and oats seedlings. For each of the two rooibos groups, one newly developed oligonucleotide was able to differentiate the isolates from clade G reference isolates using DNA macro-array analyses. The second aim of the study was to determine the oomycetes species associated with rooibos in nurseries and in a native rooibos site, and their pathogenicity towards rooibos and two nursery rotation crops (lupin and oats). Since some isolates were shown to be nonpathogenic, another aim was to determine whether these isolates, along with the previously characterised non-pathogenic Pythium RB I and RB II isolates, could suppress pathogenic oomycetes. Characterisation of isolates from 19 nurseries and one native rooibos site revealed the presence of five Pythium species (P. acanthicum, P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, and P. pyrilobum) and Phytophthora cinnamomi. In nurseries, P. irregulare was the most common species (81%) followed by P. myriotylum (14%). Similarly, P. irregulare was also the most prevalent species (57%) in native rooibos, but P. pyrilobum (26%) was second most prevalent. Pathogenicity studies on rooibos showed that all species, except P. acanthicum, were highly virulent causing 100% damping-off. On lupin, P. acanthicum was also the only non-pathogenic species, with the other species being less virulent on lupin than on rooibos. Only P. irregulare, P. myriotylum, and P. pyrilobum were pathogenic towards oats, and were also less virulent on oats than on rooibos. On lupin and oats, not all off the isolates from a specific species was pathogenic. Non-pathogenic Pythium species (P. acanthicum, Pythium RB I and II) was only effective at suppressing disease on the less susceptible crops of lupin and oats, but not on rooibos. The third aim of the study was to investigate the management of rooibos damping-off using two composts (A and B), and composts combined with non-pathogenic Pythium species. Evaluation of the suppression by composts of Ph. cinnamomi and 29 Pythium isolates, which represented the four pathogenic Pythium rooibos species, showed that both composts were able to suppress some, but not all of the pathogenic Pythium isolates. Both composts were very effective at, and the highest percentage control was achieved, with suppression of Ph. cinnamomi. Most isolates of P. mamillatum and P. pyrilobum were suppressed by composts, whereas most P. irregulare (> 62%) and P. myriotylum (>50%) isolates were not suppressed. Non-pathogenic Pythium species combined with either of the two composts were able to significantly reduce damping-off caused by P. irregulare or a combination of pathogenic species (P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, P. pyrilobum, and Ph. cinnamomi), compared to than when only the pathogens were present. In the absence of non-pathogenic species, neither of the composts was able to suppress the aforementioned pathogenic isolates. This study has improved our knowledge of the oomycete species that are involved in rooibos damping-off, and has identified possible management strategies for use in organic nurseries. Several oomycete species are involved in causing damping-off and their differential virulence, and responses to being suppressed by composts, will require the use of integrated management strategies. Management strategies that showed promise include the combined use of compost and non-pathogenic Pythium taxons. The use of oats, which is susceptible to fewer oomycete isolates than rooibos, could also be valuable as a rotation crop. Altogether, knowledge obtained in this study can be used to (i) optimize integrated management strategies for organic nurseries, (ii) elucidate the mechanisms involved in disease suppression and (ii) develop molecular techniques, such as DNA macro-arrays and quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the rapid assessment of the species involved, and the quantification of inoculum in nursery soils. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Omvalsiekte van rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), wat ‘n belangrike inheemse gewas in Suid-Afrika is, veroorsaak ernstige verliese in rooiboskwekerye, en word deur ‘n kompleks van patogene veroorsaak, waarvan oömysete, hoofsaaklik Pythium, ’n belangrike komponent is. Die bestuur van omvalsiekte in organiese rooiboskwekerye is problematies, aangesien fenielamied fungisiedes nie gebruik mag word nie. Alternatiewe bestuurstrategieë, soos rotasie-gewasse, kompos en biologiese beheer-agente, moet dus ondersoek word. Die bestuur van omvalsiekte vereis kennis, wat tans ontbreek, naamlik die Pythium spesies wat betrokke is, hul patogenisiteit teenoor rooibos, en twee kwekery rotasie-gewasse (lupiene en hawer). Pythium spesie-identifikasie kan moeilik wees aangesien die genus kompleks is en uit meer as 120 spesies bestaan. Spesie-identifikasie word egter grootliks vergemaklik deur analise van die interne getranskribeerde spasieerder (ITS) areas. Hierdie areas is ook gebruik om die genus in 11 filogenetiese “clades” (A tot K) te verdeel, met sommige “clades”, soos “clade” G, wat steeds swak gekarakteriseer is. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om 12 Pythium “clade” G isolate te karakteriseer, wat vanaf omvalsiekte rooibossaailinge verkry is, tesame met ses bekende “clade” G spesies. Gevolglik is oligonukleotiede ontwerp ten einde twee rooibosgeassosieerde groepe, wat nuwe taksons kan verteenwoordig, te onderskei, en vir toekomstige gebruik in DNS makro-“array” analise. Filogenetiese analise van die ITS area en ‘n gekombineerde filogenie van vier geen-areas (ITS, -tubulien en, COX1 en COX2 [sitokroom c oksidase sub-eenhede I en II]) het vyf sub-“clades” binne Pythium “clade” G geïdentifiseer. Die rooibos isolate het twee groepe gevorm, Rooibos groep I (RB I) en II (RB II) wat twee groepe binne sub-“clade” 1 gevorm het, met goeie ondersteuning (64%-89% “bootstrap”, 1.00 waarskynlikheid). Die Pythium RB I isolate het P. iwayamai as sy naaste verwant, en mag ‘n nuwe spesie verteenwoordig. Die Pythium RB II isolate het P. canariense en P. violae as hul naaste verwante en mag, tesame met ander isolate wat in die RB II sub-“clade” ingesluit word, verskeie nuwe spesies verteenwoordig. Morfologiese analise van die rooibos-isolate was onbeslis, aangesien die isolate almal soortgelyke morfologiese kenmerke bevat het, wat nie met die beskrywing van bekende Pythium spesies ooreengestem het nie. Die Pythium RB I en II isolate was almal nie-patogenies teenoor rooibos-, lupien- en hawersaailinge. Vir elk van die twee rooibosgroepe, was een nuut-ontwikkelde oligonukleotied in staat om die isolate van “clade” G verwysingsisolate te differensieer, deur die gebruik van DNS makro-“array” analise. Die tweede doelwit van die studie was om die oömysete spesies wat met rooibos in kwekerye en in ‘n inheemse rooibos-area geassosieer word, te bepaal, en hul patogenisiteit teenoor rooibos en twee kwekery rotasie-gewasse (lupien en hawer). Aangesien van die isolate nie-patogenies was, was ’n ander doelwit om te bepaal of hierdie isolate, tesame met die voorheen gekarakteriseerde nie-patogeniese Pythium RB I en RB II isolate, patogeniese oömysete kan onderdruk. Karakterisering van isolate van 19 kwekerye en een inheemse rooibos-area, het op die teenwoordigheid van vyf Pythium spesies (P. acanthicum, P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, en P. pyrilobum) en Phytophthora cinnamomi gedui. P. irregulare was die mees algemene spesie (81%) in kwekerye, gevolg deur P. myriotylum (14%). Soortgelyk was P. irregulare ook die mees algemene spesie (57%) in inheemse rooibos, maar P. pyrilobum (26%) was tweede mees algemeen. Patogenisiteitstudies op rooibos het getoon dat alle spesies, behalwe P. acanthicum, hoogs virulent was en 100% omvalsiekte veroorsaak het. Op lupien was P. acanthicum ook die enigste nie-patogeniese spesie, terwyl die ander spesies minder virulent op lupien as op rooibos was. Slegs P. irregulare, P. myriotylum en P. pyrilobum was patogenies teenoor hawer, en was ook minder virulent op hawer as op rooibos. Op lupien en hawer was nie alle isolate van ‘n spesifieke spesie patogenies nie. Nie-patogeniese Pythium spesies (P. acanthicum, Pythium RB I en II) was slegs effektief om siekte op die minder vatbare gewasse, lupien en hawer, te onderdruk, maar nie op rooibos nie. Die derde doelwit van die studie was om die bestuur van rooibos omvalsiekte te ondersoek, deur die gebruik van twee tipes kompos (A en B), en kompos gekombineer met nie-patogeniese Pythium spesies. Evaluasie van die onderdrukking deur kompos van Ph. cinnamomi en 29 Pythium isolate, wat die vier patogeniese Pythium rooibosspesies verteenwoordig het, het getoon dat beide tipes kompos in staat was om sommige, maar nie al die patogeniese Pythium isolate, te onderdruk nie. Beide tipes kompos was baie effektief, en die hoogste persentasie beheer was met die onderdrukking van Ph. cinnamomi verkry. Meeste isolate van P. mamillatum en P. pyrilobum is deur kompos onderdruk, terwyl meeste P. irregulare (> 62%) en P. myriotylum (>50%) isolate nie onderdruk is nie. Nie-patogeniese Pythium spesies, in kombinasie met enige van die twee tipes kompos, was in staat om betekenisvol omvalsiekte veroorsaak deur P. irregulare, of in ’n kombinasie met patogeniese spesies (P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, P. pyrilobum, en Ph. cinnamomi), te verminder, in vergelyking met wanneer slegs die patogene aanwesig was. In die afwesigheid van nie-patogeniese spesies, was nie een van die tipes kompos in staat om die voorafgenoemde patogeniese isolate te onderdruk nie. Hierdie studie het ons kennis rakende die oömysete spesies betrokke in rooibos omvalsiekte verbeter, en het moontlike bestuurstrategieë geïdentifiseer wat in organiese kwekerye gebruik kan word. Verskeie oömysete spesies is betrokke in die oorsaak van omvalsiekte, en hul verskille in virulensie, en reaksies op onderdrukking deur kompos, sal die gebruik van geïntegreerde bestuurstrategieë vereis. Bestuurstrategieë wat belofte toon, sluit die gekombineerde gebruik van kompos en nie-patogeniese Pythium taksons in. Die gebruik van hawer, wat vir minder oömysete isolate as rooibos vatbaar is, kan ook waardevol as ‘n rotasie-gewas wees. Tesame, kan kennis wat in die studie opgedoen is gebruik word om (i) geïntegreerde bestuurstrategieë vir organiese kwekerye te optimaliseer, (ii) die meganismes betrokke in siekte-onderdrukking te bepaal, en (iii) molekulêre tegnieke, soos DNS makro- “arrays” en kwantitatiewe PKR (qPKR) te ontwikkel vir die vinnige bepaling van die spesies betrokke, en die kwantifisering van inokulum in kwekery-gronde.

Percepções de graduandos de Pedagogia sobre as atividades de vida diária na creche /

Scarlassara, Bárbara Solana. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Fabiana Cristina Frigieri de Vitta / Banca: Carla Cilene Baptista da Silva / Banca: Silvia Regina Ricco Lucato Sigolo / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a percepção dos alunos de Pedagogia sobre o papel das Atividades de Vida Diária (AVDs) no berçário para estimular o desenvolvimento da criança de zero a um ano e seis meses de idade que frequentam essa fase da educação. Participaram da pesquisa 124 alunos matriculados nos cursos de graduação em Pedagogia de uma universidade pública do Estado de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de um questionário, com questões fechadas e abertas, elaborado com base na bibliografia da área, tratando dos seguintes temas: formação acadêmica; o papel da formação para a atuação junto a crianças de zero a um ano e seis meses de idade; opiniões acerca da dualidade cuidado x educação no berçário e as condições materiais e de conhecimento (tempo, espaço e participação da criança) para o desenvolvimento das AVDs. A aplicação do questionário aconteceu por meio eletrônico, através da plataforma Google, após consentimento dos coordenadores dos cursos. Para a análise dos dados, as questões fechadas foram digitadas na planilha do Excel, possibilitando a tabulação e análise por meio de estatística descritiva. As questões abertas foram analisadas por seus conteúdos, de forma a se organizarem em categorias que receberam tratamento qualitativo, proporcionando a discussão das respostas no contexto em que estejam inseridas. Os dados da pesquisa mostraram que os graduandos consideram de extrema importância a realização das AVDs no berçário, mas que têm pouco... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this study was to verify the perception of Pedagogy students about the role of Daily Life Activities (ADLs) in the nursery to stimulate the development of children from zero to one year and six months of age who attend this stage of education. A total of 124 students enrolled in undergraduate courses in Pedagogy from a public university in the State of São Paulo participated in the study. The data collection was done through a questionnaire, with closed and open questions, elaborated based on the bibliography of the area, dealing with the following subjects: academic formation; the role of training for working with children from zero to one year and six months of age; opinions about the duality of care and education in the nursery and the material and knowledge conditions (time, space and participation of the child) for the development of ADLs. The application of the questionnaire happened through electronic means, through the platform Google, after consent of the coordinators of the courses. For the analysis of the data, the closed questions were typed in the Excel spreadsheet, enabling the tabulation and analysis through descriptive statistics. The open questions were analyzed by their contents, in order to organize themselves in categories that received qualitative treatment, providing the discussion of the answers in the context in which they are inserted. The research data showed that the students consider the ADLs in the nursery to be extremely importan... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

A national overview of plant selection/introduction programs and a state survey of growers and retailers to determe the potential for an Alabama plant selection/introduction program

Harris, Emily Diane, Eakes, Donald Joseph, Robinson, Carolyn Walton, January 2008 (has links)
Thesis--Auburn University, 2008. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.

Caregiver training and the environmental quality of protestant, evangelical church nurseries in Gig Harbor, Washington

Franklin, Joan Eggert. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ed. D.)--Temple Baptist Seminary, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 156-174).

Influence of nursery stock, planting practices, fertilization and competition control on initial survival and growth of Nuttall and white oak seedlings

Moree, Joshua Larue, January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Forestry. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Detection and management of soil-borne pathogens in the nursery trade

Cerdà, Alexandra Puértolas January 2017 (has links)
International trade in plants, especially with potting substrates, is recognised as the main pathway of plant pathogen dissemination on a global scale. In the last 20 years, the wide use of internet commerce has become common in the nursery sector and, due to the nature of online sales, may be aggravating this risk. Oomycetes in the genera Phytophthora, Pythium and Phytopythium, cause a range of important plant diseases, responsible for serious economic and biological losses. This research focused on the detection of Oomycetes in imported potted ornamental plants in the UK and The Netherlands, including internet sales and asymptomatic plants. Isolation techniques and molecular protocols were developed to quantify pathogen load in ornamental plants, using TaqMan PCR and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to assess Oomycete diversity using a multi-locus approach. Survival of Phytophthora cinnamomi and Fusarium verticillioides was estimated in two commercial potting mixes used in ornamental plant production. Oomycetes were detected in all samples analysed with the NGS approach, with 38 Phytophthora spp. and 48 Pythium/Phytopythium spp. identified. Phytophthora ramorum, P. alni subsp. alni and P. cryptogea were common. TaqMan PCR quantification showed high numbers of Oomycetes in all samples, especially in substrates, followed by roots and baiting waters. During sampling by isolation, Pythium kashmirense was recovered from Viburnum plicatum, the first record of this species in the UK. The survival experiment showed that Fusarium verticillioides remained viable after 17 months, whereas Phytophthora cinnamomi was viable up to 7 months after inoculation. This work clearly demonstrated the widespread presence of Oomycete pathogens in the plants for planting pathway. Moreover, the protocols developed and findings of this work contribute greatly to the understanding of the potential for pathogens to spread in the international horticultural trade and may help to improve plant biosecurity protocols in the UK and Europe.

Uma perspectiva para a prática do psicólogo: pensando a formação humana em uma creche comunitária / A vision for the practice of the psychologist: the human mind in a community nursery

Júlia Rodrigues Valle Milman 08 July 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação tem como tema a inserção de psicólogos oriundos da Casa da Árvore projeto de extensão da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em creches comunitárias. Estes profissionais vêm construindo nestas instituições um trabalho junto às educadoras, às crianças e aos pais que se constitui como objeto desta dissertação. A primeira parte tem como finalidade caracterizar o cenário institucional no qual os psicólogos da Casa da Árvore passam a atuar e também desnaturalizar algumas práticas que vem se perpetuando no cotidiano das creches comunitárias. Com estes objetivos, descreve-se brevemente o contexto histórico-social em que emergiu a instituição creche como uma opção de guarda e cuidado para os filhos das classes trabalhadoras no Brasil. Chega-se a consolidação da creche como um direito da criança e a incorporação desta instituição ao sistema de ensino. Em seguida, resgata-se o cenário de lutas e resistências que levou a construção dos equipamentos de creches nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro, constituindo a rede de creches comunitárias. A segunda parte da dissertação destina-se a caracterizar os referenciais históricos e teóricos que orientam o trabalho da Casa da Árvore e respaldam o trabalho dos psicólogos atuantes nas creches comunitárias. Para tal, apresenta-se o funcionamento da Maison Verte instituição que inspirou a construção da Casa da Árvore bem como alguns conceitos fundamentais de Françoise Dolto. A Casa da Árvore, ainda que inspirada na Maison Verte, se estabelece em uma realidade bastante específica que delineia o processo de construção do trabalho. A inserção em creches comunitárias surge como um desafio para esta prática. A partir da caracterização da atuação dos profissionais da Casa da Árvore em creches comunitárias reflete-se sobre uma experiência de intervenção em uma creche específica. / The present study addresses the integration of psychologists from Casa da Árvore extension project from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro in community nurseries. These professionals have been developing, among these institutions, a work with the nursery caregivers, the children and parents and this is the main theme of the present dissertation. The first part of the study has as finality to characterize the institutional scenario where the Casa da Árvore psychologists started to act and also denaturalize some practices that had been perpetuating in the community nurseries quotidian. With these aims, it briefly describes the historical-social context where the nursery emerged as an option of guard and care for children of the working classes in Brazil. This trajectory leads to the consolidation of Nursery Care as a right of early childhood and its establishment as a stage of basic education. Following, the scene of struggles and resistance that led to the construction of the nurseries equipments in the slums of Rio de Janeiro and which built the community childcare network is rescued. The second part of the dissertation aims to characterize the historical and theoretical benchmarks that guide the work of Casa da Árvore and support the work of psychologists working in community nurseries. For this, it presents how Maison Verte operates- institution that inspired the construction of Casa da Árvore - as well as some fundamental concepts of Françoise Dolto. The Casa da Árvore, although inspired in Maison Verte, is located in a very specific reality that outlines the construction process of the work. The insertion in community nurseries is a challenge to this practice. From the characterization of the performance of professionals from Casa da Árvore in the community nurseries there is a reflection on an experience of intervention in a specific nursery.

Uma perspectiva para a prática do psicólogo: pensando a formação humana em uma creche comunitária / A vision for the practice of the psychologist: the human mind in a community nursery

Júlia Rodrigues Valle Milman 08 July 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação tem como tema a inserção de psicólogos oriundos da Casa da Árvore projeto de extensão da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em creches comunitárias. Estes profissionais vêm construindo nestas instituições um trabalho junto às educadoras, às crianças e aos pais que se constitui como objeto desta dissertação. A primeira parte tem como finalidade caracterizar o cenário institucional no qual os psicólogos da Casa da Árvore passam a atuar e também desnaturalizar algumas práticas que vem se perpetuando no cotidiano das creches comunitárias. Com estes objetivos, descreve-se brevemente o contexto histórico-social em que emergiu a instituição creche como uma opção de guarda e cuidado para os filhos das classes trabalhadoras no Brasil. Chega-se a consolidação da creche como um direito da criança e a incorporação desta instituição ao sistema de ensino. Em seguida, resgata-se o cenário de lutas e resistências que levou a construção dos equipamentos de creches nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro, constituindo a rede de creches comunitárias. A segunda parte da dissertação destina-se a caracterizar os referenciais históricos e teóricos que orientam o trabalho da Casa da Árvore e respaldam o trabalho dos psicólogos atuantes nas creches comunitárias. Para tal, apresenta-se o funcionamento da Maison Verte instituição que inspirou a construção da Casa da Árvore bem como alguns conceitos fundamentais de Françoise Dolto. A Casa da Árvore, ainda que inspirada na Maison Verte, se estabelece em uma realidade bastante específica que delineia o processo de construção do trabalho. A inserção em creches comunitárias surge como um desafio para esta prática. A partir da caracterização da atuação dos profissionais da Casa da Árvore em creches comunitárias reflete-se sobre uma experiência de intervenção em uma creche específica. / The present study addresses the integration of psychologists from Casa da Árvore extension project from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro in community nurseries. These professionals have been developing, among these institutions, a work with the nursery caregivers, the children and parents and this is the main theme of the present dissertation. The first part of the study has as finality to characterize the institutional scenario where the Casa da Árvore psychologists started to act and also denaturalize some practices that had been perpetuating in the community nurseries quotidian. With these aims, it briefly describes the historical-social context where the nursery emerged as an option of guard and care for children of the working classes in Brazil. This trajectory leads to the consolidation of Nursery Care as a right of early childhood and its establishment as a stage of basic education. Following, the scene of struggles and resistance that led to the construction of the nurseries equipments in the slums of Rio de Janeiro and which built the community childcare network is rescued. The second part of the dissertation aims to characterize the historical and theoretical benchmarks that guide the work of Casa da Árvore and support the work of psychologists working in community nurseries. For this, it presents how Maison Verte operates- institution that inspired the construction of Casa da Árvore - as well as some fundamental concepts of Françoise Dolto. The Casa da Árvore, although inspired in Maison Verte, is located in a very specific reality that outlines the construction process of the work. The insertion in community nurseries is a challenge to this practice. From the characterization of the performance of professionals from Casa da Árvore in the community nurseries there is a reflection on an experience of intervention in a specific nursery.


Unknown Date (has links)
Recent research confirmed white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) nursery habitat off Long Island, New York; however, additional research is required to determine the habitat use and fine-scale movements of young-of-the-year and juvenile white sharks within this nursery. Between 2016 and 2019, twenty-five white sharks were fitted with satellite and acoustic tags to better define habitat use. Individuals exhibited horizontal movements parallel to Long Island’s southern shoreline and coastal New Jersey. Log-likelihood chi-square analyses determined preference for water column depth, SSTs, sea surface salinities, and chlorophyll a concentration. Vertical analysis of diving behavior revealed swimming behavior primarily in the upper 20 m of the water column, in temperatures between 18°C and 20°C. Generalized additive mixed modeling suggested SSTs above 20.5°C affected dive depth. These results can help improve characterization of essential fish habitat for young white sharks and provide data to determine the species’ susceptibility to anthropogenic activities. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Prison Nurseries and Social Work Practice

Sheehan, Brooke 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study sought to examine what gaps existed in practice through the perspectives of correctional social workers in terms of helping incarcerated mother–infant dyads bond. Additionally, it examined whether a prison nursery was viewed as a possible option within a smaller correctional facility. Theories used to guide this study included attachment theory and separation-individuation theory, which align with the research questions that sought to explore gaps in services, supports that could be established, and program feasibility. Action research, using an anonymous online survey, resulted in N = 6 social work participants who worked as prison social workers in the northeast region of the United States. Data were coded using thematic analysis to explore latent and semantic themes. Conclusions drawn from the dataset include the restrictive nature of the prison setting being a barrier to promoting attachment. An increase in parenting classes, substance use programming, and mental health treatment was seen as beneficial for supporting attachment. Promoting childhood normalcy and having access to nature and play things was seen as integral to the development of a prison nursery program. A prison nursery was seen as feasible within a smaller correctional facility in the northeast. Potential positive social change resulting from these findings include development of specific interventions to maintain mother–infant bonding in small departments of correction.

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