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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta barn och deras föräldrar inom hälso- och sjukvården / Nurses’ experiences of meeting children and their parents within the health care sector

Adler, Malin, Askeröd, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Möten mellan sjuksköterska och barn återfinns inom de flesta verksamheter, eftersom barn är en stor patientgrupp inom hälso- och sjukvården. Sjuksköterskans kunskap och erfarenhet har avgörande betydelse för hur dessa möten avlöper. Det är av stor vikt att barns möten med sjuksköterskan blir en positiv erfarenhet, eftersom en negativ händelse kan få livslånga konsekvenser genom att barnet undviker hälso- och sjukvården under resten av sitt liv. Följden av ett negativt möte kan också bli att barnets kommande möten kräver mer resurser, såsom fler och längre möten och mer personal, resurser som annars kan vara till nytta för fler barn. Sjuksköterskan bör individanpassa mötet utifrån barnets individuella utvecklingsnivå och involvera barnet och familjen, som kan bestå av flera medlemmar. Detta kan göras genom att sjuksköterskan avsätter tillräckligt med tid, befinner sig på barnets nivå och anpassar kommunikationen, kanske med lek. Ett gynnsamt läge uppstår då för att familjen skall känna sig och vara delaktiga i vården, och en trygg och tillitsfull relation skapas för alla inblandade. Undersökningar och behandlingar underlättas när sjuksköterskan och familjen samarbetar. Hur mötet avlöper beror till stor del på sjuksköterskans kunskaper och erfarenheter. Kunskap är grunden för sjuksköterskans yrke och en sjuksköterska blir aldrig fullärd utan behöver söka ny kunskap hela tiden. Ett primärt sätt för sjuksköterskan att göra det, är med reflektion. Reflektion kan ske enskilt, med kollegor och andra yrkesgrupper. Vid reflektion ökar sjuksköterskans kunskap genom att hen tar del av någon annans erfarenhet och reviderar den och gör den till egen ny kunskap. Författarna anser att de resultat som framkommit kan användas som verktyg vid möten mellan sjuksköterskor, barn och deras föräldrar. / Background: Research have shown children to be a large patient group within the health care sector. Nurses, should therefore, have knowledge about how to individually adapt meetings so it will be a positive experience for the child, the parents, and for themselves. Historically, this has not been the case and created immense care suffering for several families. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate nurses' experiences of meeting children and their parents within the health care sector. Method: A method to contribute to evidence-based nursing with ground in analysis of qualitative research was performed. An analysis of nine scientific articles was carried out. The analysis resulted in three main themes and eight subthemes. Results: The main themes were: "To see the child as an individual", "to built trust", and "knowledge and experience are crucial". Knowledge were fundamental for creating a positive meeting. Conclusion: By individually adapting communication to the child and the parents, good conditions allowed for a trusting relationship to emerge. Time was needed to create a safe and trusting relationship. However, it did not always exist. With knowledge and experience the nurse could see the child as an individual and adapt the meeting to the child. It was the responsibility of the nurse to gain the necessary knowledge, and to reflect with colleagues was seen as an important source to attain new knowledge.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med existentiellt lidande : En litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses' experiences of meeting patients with existential suffering : A literature-based study

Broberger, Jenny, Silverlantz, Eva January 2016 (has links)
BAKGRUND: Att uppleva existentiellt lidande är en naturlig del av att vara människa. Att lindra lidande ingår i sjuksköterskors ansvarsområde. En god kommunikationsförmåga krävs för att skapa ett samtal som lindrar lidandet. SYFTE: Att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter med existentiellt lidande. METOD: Litteraturbaserad studie grundad på fjorton kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. RESULTAT: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framkom tre kategorier såsom: Strävan mot lindring, hinder för ett adekvat professionellt yrkesutövande och professionell och personlig påverkan med nio underkategorier. KONKLUSION: När sjuksköterskor får utbildning och kunskap i hur existentiellt lidande kan hanteras blir de betydligt bättre på att tillgodose patienters behov av detta. Avsaknad av tydliga regelverk, som betonar vikten av att se patienters existentiella lidande, gör att den delen av omvårdnaden hamnar i skymundan. / BACKGROUND: To experience the existential suffering is a natural part of being human. To relieve suffering is part of nurses' responsibility. It requires good communication skills to create an encounter to alleviate the suffering. OBJECTIVE: To elucidate nurses' experiences of meeting patients with existential suffering. METHOD: Literature-based study, based on fourteen qualitative research articles. RESULTS: Three categories emerged from the analysis: Striving towards alleviation, barriers to adequate practicing professional and professional and personal impact with nine subcategories. CONCLUSION: When nurses are educated and get the knowledge about how existential suffering can be managed, they become much better at meeting the needs of patients. Lack of a distinct regulatory framework which emphasizes the importance of recognizing patients' existential suffering, puts that part of caring in the background.

Cultural competence in action : an interview study with registered nurses in Israel

Tuononen, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
Background The population in Israel is heterogeneous with inhabitants from diverse backgrounds with different religious affiliations, languages and customs. The diversity of cultural backgrounds can create a challenge for the healthcare system. Cultural competence is stated to be a necessary ability of a nurse when caring for culturally diverse persons, further promoted by the Israeli Ministry of health. Aim The aim of the study is to describe Registered Nurses experiences of working with cultural competence in caring for persons with culturally diverse backgrounds in Israel. Method A qualitative design was used. Five semi-structured telephone interviews with registered nurses working in a city in Israel, was conducted. The data was analysed using a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Findings Four categories were identified in the findings: Understanding cultural needs, Addressing cultural needs, Challenges in caring for culturally diverse persons and Incidential finding: Risk of stereotyping, all further represented with the theme: Embracing patient’s cultural needs In healthcare. Approaches to understand cultural needs emphasised on seeing the whole person and being sensitive to their needs, depending on clear communication, although neglect of cultural needs occurred. Acceptance and respect for persons choices as well as adaptions made both in nurses encounter and hospital environment. Experiences of cultural differences evoked feelings of inconvenience and insecurities. Incidental findings show stereotyping as a challenge. Conclusion Approaches and behaviours in line with the values of cultural competence were learned through in-practice experiences. Implementation of the recommended guidelines in healthcare could further enhance nurse’s cultural competence and guidance when caring for culturally diverse persons.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer : En litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses’ experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures : A literature review

Panahi, Mirjam, Najafi, Azada January 2012 (has links)
Background: Sweden is one of many countries which have a long history of immigration during the past decades. Each yearSweden receives numerous immigrants from different parts of the world, which has madeSweden to a multi-culture country. Aim: The aim was to describe nurses’ experiences of encounters with patients from different cultures. Method: A literature-based study based on qualitative research, nine scientific articles were performed. Result: The analysis of the data resulted in four themes such as; insufficient communication, family members as a link to the patient, unfamiliar situation, and attentive to the patients’ vulnerability with seven subthemes. Conclusion: For a well functioning encounter between nurse and patient from different cultures, a prerequisite is that the nurses establish a relationship based on good communication with the patient and relatives. This can prevent inequality, suffering based on lack of nursing, violation and misunderstandings. / Bakgrund:  Sverige  är  ett  av  de  länder  som  har  en  lång  historia  av  invandring  de  senaste decennierna.  Varje  år  tar  Sverige  emot  ett  stort  antal  personer  med  utländsk  bakgrund  och flyktingar från olika delar av världen. Detta har gjort Sverige till ett mångkulturellt land.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av möten med patienter från olika kulturer.  Metod:  En  litteraturbaserad  studie  med  grund  i  kvalitativ  forskning  baserad  på  nio vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes.  Resultat:   Analysen   av   datamaterialet   resulterade   i   fyra   teman   såsom;   bristfällig kommunikation,  anhöriga  som  länk  till  patienten,  ovan  situation  samt  uppmärksam  på patientens utsatthet med sju underteman.  Konklusion: För ett välfungerande möte mellan sjuksköterska och patient från olika kulturer, förutsätts  att  sjuksköterskan  kan  etablera  en  relation  grundad  på  god  kommunikation  med patient  och  dennes  anhöriga. Detta  kan  förebygga  ojämlikhet,  vårdlidande,  kränkning  och missförstånd.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av kommunikation med patienter med invandrarbakgrund

Syrén, Maria, Svanberg, Lena January 2012 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate nurses’ experiences of communicating with patients with immigrant backgrounds regarding language barriers, patient relations and use of interpreter. Method: Eight persons participated in this study. Four registered midwives were interviewed in a focus group and one clinical lecturer with a district nursing background, one midwife and two district nurses were individually interviewed about their experiences. The content was analysed using a qualitative content analysis. Results: Four themes, seven categories and 15 subcategories revealed. The study shows that the interviewees felt ambivalence regarding given information and lack of time in their performance. A good meeting with the patient were determined for the performance. The chatting between the nurse and the patient created a good relationship. Negative aspects which had an effect on the relationship with the patient were when, for example, an interpreter or a significant other was involved. Discrimination was also brought up as a negative impact. If the patient had a limited vocabulary or there were no access to an interpreter the interviewees experienced communication problems. Authorized interpreter and significant other who acted as an interpreter were described in both positive and negative ways. Culture differences affected the work and how the patients adopted the information. Conclusion: When the patient does not have Swedish as a mother tongue, the chatting part of the conversation gets lost. Interpreters, significant others and the Internet are used to overcome language difficulties. Also cultural differences create challenges in these conversations. Our study indicates that more knowledge about these patient encounters is needed.

Registered Nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa / Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda barn med HIV/AIDS i Sydafrika

Enerholm, Elin, Fagrell, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global problem and the total number of people living with HIV is approximately 34 million. Little is known about registered nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa.   Aim: The aim of the study was to describe registered nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Method: A qualitative research approach was used. Data was collected by interviews which were analyzed using content analysis. The interviews were conducted at a private hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Results: The following ten topics were found; self-fulfillment, being supportive, being hopeful, being adaptable, being non-judgmental, helplessness, loneliness, sadness, stress and frustration. Conclusion: There is a constant balance between feelings of powerlessness and the ability of being mentally strong when caring for children with HIV/AIDS.   Keywords: HIV/AIDS, children, registered nurses’ experiences, South Africa

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter och kunskaper av att vårda äldre med depression : en litteraturöversikt / Nurse’s experiences and knowledge of treating elderly suffering with depression : a literature review

Tystberger, Hanna, Maxén, Johan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda barn med cancer : En litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses experiences of caring for children with cancer

Borgström, Sandra, Olsson, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Background: Globally 300 000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year and in Sweden, approximately 300 children are affected. Cancer is the largest cause to death among children age 0-19. Children may experience pain, anxiety, and fear. The cancer treatment can cause suffering and making the children more sensitive to infections. Previous research has shown there is a lack of knowledge about nurse's experiences of caring for children diagnosed with cancer. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurse's experiences of caring for children diagnosed with cancer. Method: An overview of the literature was performed. Ten qualitative studies were included in the results of this study. Results: The main categories that emerged was: Emotions in caring, the important of involving the child and their parents in the care and the meaning of support in caregiving. Nurses experienced several emotions when caring for children diagnosed with cancer and their families. The nurses were emotionally affected and sometimes they have difficulties coping with these experiences. The relationship with the family was one of the main reasons the nurses appreciated working at oncology unit. Conclusion: The nurses were emotionally affected and experienced both positive and negative emotions. This study showed that family centered care is important that includes an ability to listen and accommodate children's and their family's needs, as well as acknowledge their voices.

Vård vid livets slut : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda äldre patienter i ett palliativt skede / End-of-life care : Nurses’ experiences of caring for elderly patients in a palliative phase

Pettersson, Ingrid, Kjell, Anthony January 2022 (has links)
Background: Nurses are essential for good palliative care and their responsibility lies in relieving patients from suffering and being supportive to them and their relatives. It is required that the nurse has substantial knowledge in medical and caring treatments. Most of the palliative care is performed in a hospital or elderly care facility. Therefore, it is important to compare the differences and similarities between what the nurses experience. Aim: This study aims to describe the nurses’ own experiences of caring for elderly patients while in palliative care. Method: A literature-based study of 11 reports was performed. Friberg’s five-step model was used for the analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis; to promote person-centered care, the feeling of not being enough and difficulties regarding the communication. Results: The results show that nurses experience that they must take on too much responsibility. They also feel that the division of labor many times is unclear to them. These factors could hinder the quality of person-centered care. The lack of time and education were two vital parts that clearly affected the nurses' experiences in a negative manner. Lastly, the results showed that communication between nurses and physicians, and between nurses and relatives did not always function adequately. Conclusion: The conclusion from this study is that nurses feel that they do not have the time or resources to perform the optimal care. Palliative care is emotionally distressing for nurses,and they need support from their employers and more experienced colleagues.

Att möta kvinnor som utsätts för våld : sjuksköterskans perspektiv / To meet women who are victims of violence : the nurse perspective

Hultgren, Lotte, Rytterstig, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Background: It may be difficult for nurses to identify women who are victims of domestic violence, because the violence is hidden. When violence isn't addressed, it can lead to physical and mental illness and societal costs. It is the health care responsibility to pay attention to health needs and create a safe environment for patients. It requires knowledge and training to facilitate the identification of women who are subjected to violence. Aim: The purpose is to describe nurses' experiences when meeting women victims of domestic violence. Method: A literature based study with qualitative approach. Articles were read, reviewed and analyzed according to Fribergs analysis method. Results: This study presents two main themes and seven sub themes. The first theme is presented as Inability to help – related to lack of time, ignorance and how the woman handles the situation. The second theme is presented as Emotional impact – related to anger and frustration, sadness, fear and concern and joy, sympathy and meaningfulness. Conclusion: Nurses need increased training about domestic violence when screening, as well as the causes and consequences of violence. Education on violence can give more understanding of how the nurse should act in the meeting and what questions should be asked. Knowledge can also help the nurses to deal with the lack of time, as it enables the nurse to prioritize. Emotional support is needed so the nurse should not be negatively affected personally or professionally.

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