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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validação de conteúdo das características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem proteção ineficaz em pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico / Validation of the defining characteristics of the ineffective protection nursing diagnosis in patients under hemodialytic treatment

Capellari, Claudia January 2007 (has links)
Os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem (DE) tem sido utilizado mundialmente como base para as intervenções de enfermagem. Para dar conta de sua adaptação às diversas realidades, estudos de validação são realizados e, dentre os métodos utilizados para tal, está o de Validação de Conteúdo Diagnóstico. Na área Nefrológica e, em especial, para os sujeitos que realizam hemodiálise, os diagnósticos são uma importante ferramenta para que se possa identificar as necessidades individuais e planejar o cuidado. O presente constitui-se de um estudo descritivo e transversal, em uma perspectiva quantitativa, com o objetivo de validar as Características Definidoras do DE Proteção Ineficaz em pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico, por enfermeiros peritos dos Centros de Diálise do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, cadastrados na Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia. Os dados foram coletados no período de outubro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007. A população constituiu-se de 139 enfermeiros e, da amostra, fizeram parte 63 enfermeiros, de 31 centros de diálise. Para a delimitação da amostra, foi utilizado o método de seleção de peritos, adaptado de Fehring (1987), congregado a amostragem não probabilística proposital. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de um instrumento, no qual constavam dados do participante, além de uma escala Likert para que se atribuísse valor de 1 a 5 (de menos para mais característico) a cada característica definidora. Às 18 características definidoras do DE Proteção Ineficaz foi acrescentada, como sugestão da pesquisadora, a característica Desnutrição, devido à sua importância na doença renal crônica. Como resultados, foram obtidos 5 Indicadores Principais Provisórios, com média ponderada ≥0,80, quais sejam: Deficiência na Imunidade, Alteração Neurossensorial, Dispnéia, Prurido e Desnutrição. Os Indicadores Secundários Provisórios foram: prejuízo na cicatrização, fraqueza, alteração na coagulação, resposta mal-adaptada ao estresse, fadiga, anorexia, insônia, desorientação, calafrios, tosse, perspiração, agitação e imobilidade. A característica úlceras de pressão foi excluída por obter escore ≤0,50. Concluiu-se que as características apontadas como Indicadores Principais são relacionados com a doença renal crônica e podem conduzir ao DE Proteção Ineficaz nos sujeitos que realizam hemodiálise, servindo de base para as intervenções de enfermagem. / The nursing diagnosis (ND) have been used worldwide as basis for nursing interventions. In order to suit them to more than one reality, validation studies are done and among several ones used for such purposes there’s the one called Diagnostic Content Validation. In the nephrologic area and in special for those patients who go through hemodialysis, the diagnosis are an important tool so that the individual needs can be identified as well as the care planning. The present study is made of a descriptive and transversal way, in a quantitative perspective with the goal of validating the defining characteristics of the nursing ineffective protection diagnosis in patients under hemodialytic treatment. The study was made by master nurses of the Rio Grande do Sul Dialysis Centers who are also registered in the Brazilian Nephrology Society. The data was searched from October/2006 up to January/2007. There are 139 nurses in this study and on the sampling, there were 63 nurses from 31 Dialysis centers. For the sample delimitation, the experts selection method was used, adapted from Fehring (1987), along with the intentional non-probabilistic sampling one. The data search happened through an instrument in which there were the participant’s data. Besides that, there was a Likert scale so that values from 1 to 5 (from least to most characteristic) could be given to each one of the defining characteristics. As a suggestion from the searcher, one characteristic was added to the 18 defining ones of the ineffective protection nursing diagnosis. It’s the malnutrition due to its importance in the chronic kidney disease. 5 temporary main indexes were obtained as results with an average of ≥ 0,80. The results are: Immunity Deficient, Neurossensory Alteration, Dyspnea, Itching and Malnutrition. The temporary secondary indexes were: impaired healing, weakness, altered clotting, maladaptive stress response, fatigue, anorexia, insomnia, disorientation, chilling, cough, perspiring, restlessness and immobility. The ulcer pressure characteristic was excluded for obtaining score ≤0,50. It was concluded that the characteristics listed as main indexes are related to the chronic kidney disease and can lead to the ineffective protection nursing diagnosis in those patients who go through hemodialysis serving as basis for nursing interventions.

Gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida em pacientes internados / Injury Severity and Survival Probability in Inpatients

Iveth Yamaguchi Whitaker 05 September 2000 (has links)
Estudos de morbidade por causas externas são escassos em virtude da dificuldade de obtenção de dados para sua realização. Ainda mais escassos são aqueles que examinam a gravidade do trauma com vistas a determinar sua magnitude e repercussão na assistência aos que sofreram os agravos. O estudo apresenta a análise descritiva retrospectiva sobre a morbi-mortalidade hospitalar por causas externas com o uso de medidas objetivas para avaliação da gravidade do trauma e probabilidade de sobrevida. Os índices utilizados para mensurar a gravidade do trauma foram o sistema Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) /Injury Severity Score (ISS) e o Revised Trauma Score(RTS). Para calcular a probabilidade de sobrevida (Ps), usou-se o TRauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS). A população do estudo foi constituída por 1.781 pacientes de causas externas internados no Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no ano de 1998. Do total de pacientes, 30,15% foram internados em decorrência de acidente de transporte, 24,32% por agressões e 17,24% por quedas. A população foi constituída, predominantemente, por pacientes do sexo masculino e jovens entre 15 e 39 anos. Entre os pacientes, 43,34% foram provenientes da cena do evento e 39,08% transferidos de outros hospitais. O atendimento pré-hospitalar foi realizado em tempo médio de 49 minutos à maioria daqueles que vieram diretos da cena do evento. A mortalidade hospitalar foi 12,63%, e nas primeiras 24 horas morreram 64,01%. A maioria das causas externas foi classificada em trauma contuso (61,42%), seguido de penetrante (23,24%). A mensuração da gravidade da lesão foi possível para 1.542 (86,58%) pacientes de acordo com o Manual AIS e resultou em 4.918 lesões decorrentes, predominantemente, de trauma contuso (75,79%), mais freqüentes na região da cabeça (28,12%) seguida da face (22,00%). A média de lesões por paciente foi 3,19. Em relação à gravidade, verificou-se que lesões leves (AIS 1) foram freqüentes na face (45,03%) e as lesões sérias (AIS 3), graves (AIS 4) e críticas (AIS 5) foram mais freqüentes na região da cabeça, 43,21%, 75,00% e 69,82%, respectivamente. A gravidade do trauma (ISS) com base na gravidade das lesões (AIS), foi calculada para 1.527 (99,02%) pacientes. A maioria (65,75%) foi classificada com escores ISS <16. No grupo de sobreviventes, predominaram os escores ISS <16 (76,32%) e, no grupo de óbitos, os escores ISS >16 (96,40%), indicativos de trauma importante. A média do ISS em trauma contuso foi 13,08 e em penetrante, 11,97. A gravidade do trauma na fase pré-hospitalar verificada por meio do RTStriagem foi possível para 228 (49,14%) pacientes. Entre os sobreviventes, 94,93% obtiveram escore 12, indicativo de condição fisiológica inalterada e 93,75% dos óbitos obtiveram escore zero, ausência de resposta fisiológica. O TRISS calculado para uma amostra de 241 pacientes, revelou dez casos de morte inesperada ou evitável pela metodologia PREliminary outcome-based evaluation(PRE). Além disso, os valores da estatística Z e W tanto para trauma contuso quanto penetrante, indicaram que os resultados da amostra foram estatisticamente diferentes em relação à população do Major Trauma Outcome Study. Ajustados os coeficientes do TRISS para a amostra deste estudo, observou-se por meio do método PRE que em trauma contuso, ocorreram cinco mortes inesperadas ou evitáveis e uma sobrevida inesperada. Em trauma penetrante, ocorreu uma morte inesperada ou evitável e não houve casos de sobrevida inesperada. Espera-se que este estudo ofereça subsídios para ações preventivas e melhoria da qualidade da assistência aos pacientes hospitalizados em decorrência das causas externas. / Studies on morbidity resulting from external causes are scarce, due to the difficulty of gathering data for this purpose. Even scarcer are those studies analysing injury severity´s magnitude and consequences in relation to the care of trauma patients. This study presents a retrospective descriptive analysis of hospital morbidity and mortality due to external causes by applying objective measurements of injury severity and survival probability. The indexes used to measure injury severity consisted of the \"Abbreviated Injury Scale\" (AIS), the \"Injury Severity Score\" (ISS), and the \" Revised Trauma Score\" (RTS). So as to calculate probability of survival (Ps), the \"Trauma and Injury Severity Score\" (TRISS) was applied. The target population in this study consisted of 1,781 external-cause inpatients at the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo in 1998. Out of those patients, 30.15% were hospitalized as a result of transportation accidents, 24.32% of aggression and 17.24% of falls. This population mainly included young male-sex patients aged 15-39. Among these, 43.34% came from the injury scene and 39.08% were transfered from other hospitals. Prehospital time took 49 minutes in average for the majority of field patients. Hospital mortality reached 12.63%, out of which cases 64.01% died within the first 24 hours. Most external-cause types were classified as blunt trauma (61.42%), followed by penetrating trauma (23.24%). According to the AIS Manual, injury severity was possible for 1,542 (86.58%) patients; data showed 4,918 injuries of predominant blunt trauma ( 75.79%), being it most frequent in the head (28.12%), and followed by that on the face (22.00%). Average injury per patient was of 3.19. In relation to severity it was verified that minor injuries (AIS 1) were frequent on the face (45.03%) and the serious ones (AIS 3), the severe ones (AIS 4) and the critical ones (AIS 5) were more frequent in the head: 43.21%, 75.00% and 69.82%, respectively. Injury Severity Score was calculated for 1,527 (99.02%) patients. The majority (65.75%) was classified with scores ISS <16. For the survival group scores ISS <16 predominated (76.32%) and in the death group scores reached ISS >16 (96.40%), indicating major trauma. Average ISS in blunt trauma was 13.08 and 11.97 in penetrating trauma. Injury severity in prehospital care, verified through RTS - in a triage of 228 (49.14%) patients - showed that 94.93% of survivors obtained score 12, indicating unaltered physiological condition, and that 93.75% of deaths obtained score zero, lack of physiological response. TRISS, calculated for 241 patients, indicated 10 unexpected deaths through PREliminary outcome-base evaluation (PRE) methodology. Furthermore, \"Z\" and \"W\" statistics, for both blunt and penetrating trauma, pointed out that sample results differed in relation to the \"Major Trauma Outcome Study\" ´s population. Once TRISS coefficients were adjusted to the sample in this study, it was observed, through the PRE method, that in blunt trauma five unexpected deaths and one unexpected survival occurred. There was one unexpected death in penetrating trauma. It is hoped that this study may offer means for preventive actions and assurance of the quality of care for inpatients due to external causes.

"Implantação de plataforma aberta de educação a distância e sua aplicabilidade no contexto da enfermagem" / Implantation of an open distance education platform and its applicability in a nursing context

Carlos Alberto Seixas 29 June 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a trajetória percorrida desde a análise de requisitos até a configuração de todo o ferramental de software, hardware e de recursos humanos necessários para implantação de um sistema que comporte cursos a distância na Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (EERP/USP). É um dos resultados de extensas pesquisas realizadas desde 1998, quando Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Comunicação no Processo de Enfermagem (GEPECOPEn) iniciou suas investigações relacionadas ao uso da videoconferência como ferramenta aplicada ao ensino e a pesquisa, com vistas ao aprimoramento da prática do profissional de saúde. A inclusão do tema plataforma de educação a distância foi o caminho natural de evolução das pesquisas, visto que é preemente a necessidade de oferecimento de alternativas inovadoras para a disseminação do conhecimento, dada a escassez de espaço físico, tempo e de recursos físicos e humanos. A opção pela adoção do software livre está em conformidade com as diretrizes propostas pela Universidade de São Paulo, do Estado e da União. A modalidade de educação feita a distância permite maior flexibilização das agendas de professores e alunos e amplia a capacidade de atendimento da demanda, que se mostra em crescimento constante.Os resultados deste trabalho originaram-se do processo de implantação do sistema e do oferecimento de um curso piloto para uma comunidade de alunos de curso de graduação em enfermagem da EERP/USP. Foram consideradas as etapas que precedem a implantação da plataforma de software até o estágio posterior ao oferecimento de um curso, quando então são analisados os dados obtidos do processo de acompanhamento do curso a distância. Como resultado do trabalho tem-se, portanto: o sistema implantado, o inventário do processo de implantação e o roteiro detalhado para criação do curso a distância na plataforma Teleduc. Este sistema implantado, juntamente com o roteiro, poderá ser utilizado por professores e outros profissionais para iniciar suas atividades neste ambiente virtual de ensino-aprendizagem. / This study describes the trajectory from the requirement analysis to the configuration of software and hardware tools and human resources needed to implant a distance course system at the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing (EERP/USP). This is one of the results of extensive studies realized since 1998, when the Study and Research Group on Communication in the Nursing Process (GEPECOPEn) started its research on the use of videoconferencing as a teaching and research tool, with a view to improving health professionals’ practice. Including the subject of a distance education platform was part of this research’s natural course, considering the urgent need to offer innovative alternatives for knowledge dissemination, given the lack of physical space, time and physical and human resources. The choice of a free software is in accordance with the guidelines established by the University of São Paulo, the State and the Union. Distance education allows for greater flexibility in teachers and students’ agendas and expands the capacity to attend to a permanently increasing demand. The results of this work are based on the system implantation process and the offering of a pilot course to a group of undergraduate nursing students at EERP/USP. The steps preceding the implantation of the software platform until after the offering of a course are taken into consideration. Next, data obtained from the distance course process are analyzed. This work produced the following results: the implanted system, the implantation process inventory and a detailed script for the creation of a distance course in the Teleduc platform. In combination with the script, this implanted system can be used by teachers and other professionals to start their activities in this virtual teaching-learning environment.

Potencialidades e limitações do uso da fotografia na pesquisa qualitativa de enfermagem / Photography in nursing qualitative research: potentials and limitations

Natalia de Araujo Sartorio 06 June 2011 (has links)
A tradição do uso da fotografia na pesquisa social remonta ao século XIX, com os primeiros trabalhos da Antropologia que usaram-na para registrar costumes e tradições de povos considerados exóticos. A seguir, a Sociologia, a História e a Psicologia, dentre outras disciplinas se interessaram pelo uso da foto para o registro do real e, também, como auxiliar na obtenção de dados subjetivos. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram identificar o uso que vem sendo feito da fotografia na pesquisa qualitativa na enfermagem e sintetizar as potencialidades e limites desse uso. Procedeu-se a uma Revisão Sistemática de Literatura e Metassíntese de estudos primários que fossem pesquisas qualitativas, feitas por enfermeiras ou que tivessem a Enfermagem como objeto e que registrassem o uso da fotografia em algum momento de seu método. Os termos para a busca foram: Fotografia, Pesquisa Qualitativa e Enfermagem. As bases de dados pesquisadas incluíram: PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Scopus, ISI, BVS, Scielo. Não houve limite de tempo de publicação. A amostra final incluiu 31 artigos. Os resultados apontaram o uso da fotografia nos métodos: Photovoice, Foto-Elicitação, Etnografias e Mistos. As potencialidades foram: Emancipação dos sujeitos; Dar voz a grupos vulneráveis; Melhor compreensão da situação do sujeito; Registro detalhado do real, Maior riqueza dos dados obtidos; Permite ao sujeito rever suas experiências de vida; Efeito terapêutico para os sujeitos; Mais proximidade entre o entrevistador e o sujeito; Conferir protagonismo aos sujeitos; Divulgação de acervos e Aceitação do Método. As limitações foram: Habilidade no manuseio da câmara fotográfica; Censura dos familiares às fotografias; Invasão da privacidade individual e familiar; Risco de manipulação dos dados; Disponibilidade de equipamento; Custo e necessidade de pessoal especializado; Dados oriundos de fontes secundárias. Com esses resultados, especialmente ao se considerar as potencialidades, conclui-se que a fotografia é um recurso útil na pesquisa qualitativa que permite ao enfermeiro, enquanto pesquisador, dar conta das peculiaridades da enfermagem como uma prática social, contribuindo para emancipação de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade. / The tradition of using photography in social research goes back to the nineteenth century to the early work of anthropology, which used it to record habits and traditions of exotic populations. Then, sociology, history and psychology, among other disciplines became interested in using photos to register reality and also as a tool to obtain subjective data. The aims of the present study were to identify what is being done using photography in qualitative research in nursing and summarize the potentialities and limitations of such use. A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Synthesis of primary studies has been done. It included qualitative research studies done by nurses or about nurses that had used photography on their Method. The terms defined to guide the search were: Photography, Qualitative Research and Nursing. The databases searched included PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, Scopus, ISI, BVS e SciELO. There was no time limit for publication. The final sample included 31 articles. The results showed the use of photography in the following methods: Photovoice, Photo-Elicitation, Ethnographies and Mixed Methods. The potentialities identified for photography usage were: Emancipation of subjects; Giving voice to vulnerable groups; Better understanding of subjects situation; Detailed recording of reality; Richness of data obtained; Allowing the subject to review their life experiences; Therapeutic effect in subjects; Proximity between the interviewer and the subject; Giving prominence to the subject; Dissemination of collections and the method acceptance. The limitations identified were: Skill in handling the camera; Family censorship; Invasion of individual and familiar privacy; Risk of data manipulation; Equipment availability; Cost and need for specialized personnel; and Data from secondary sources. With these results, especially when considering the potentialities presented, it is concluded that photography is a useful resource for qualitative research that allows nurses as researchers, to account for the peculiarities of nursing as a social practice, contributing to the empowerment of vulnerable population.

Psychiatric nursing for adolescents whose parents abuse substances

Moshome, Cornelia Morufa 20 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The increasing use of intoxicating substances worldwide has made societies shift deeper into the culture of substance abuse. The situation in South Africa is likely to be the same. Unfortunately, the scourge of substance abuse affects family life by causing family disruptions which lead to various social pathologies of our time. There is considerable literature supporting the stressful life experienced by adolescents living in neglectful, violent, conflict- and fight-orientated environments caused by the abuse of substances by parents. This study was carried out for the purpose of investigating the life-world of adolescents living in substance-influenced homes. The study is qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual in approach and it, therefore, became necessary to use phenomenological semi-structured interviews with the adolescents whose parents abuse substances. The sample consisted of eight high school adolescents living in three rural villages of Lomayaneng, Motsoseng and Seweding in Mafikeng. Before the interview, trust was built through written permission to the principals of the schools concerned and the parents of these children to conduct the research. At the same time, the adolescents were informed of what the research concerns before the main interview. Data was analysed utilizing Giorgi's and Tesch's methods. Trustworthiness was, amongst others, ensured throughout the study by applying Guba's approach, including the services of an independent coder. The findings of the study indicated that adolescents whose parents abuse substances live a stressful life and suffer much shame, neglect, despair and trauma because their aspirations, for example, education, emotional/spiritual, physical and social, are frustrated since their home life is dysfunctional. Two main themes were identified: Disrupted family life related to abuse of substances and stressful life related to frustrated aspirations; and their consequences were found to be that these adolescents use ineffective coping mechanisms, for example over-responsibility for all family members and failure to seek professional help with a view to coer the defects in their families. Guidelines for psychiatric nurses were built around these themes with the aim of assisting adolescents who are faced with similar situations to promote, maintain and restore their mental health as an integral part of health.

Die studenteverpleegkundige in die kliniese praktyk gedurende opleiding

Uys, Marianne Elizabeth 10 September 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. / The student nurse is primarily an individual undergoing personal and professional development towards becoming a competent and creative professional nurse. The presence of the student nurse in the clinical practice during her term of training is aimed at the realisation of this development. Consequently it appears essential that the student nurse be granted the opportunities for gradual personal and professional growth. This constitutes the basis for the advancement of her status as student. On the basis of a literature study a conceptual framework has been developed to serve as the basis for granting student status in South Africa. A descriptive, exploratory survey was undertaken by means of a questionnaire submitted to student nurses registered with a nursing college in the Transvaal. The purpose of the survey was to determine to what extent o student status is being advanced in the clinical practice, and o the service component of the student's training programme possibly obstructs advancement of her student status. From the survey it appears that frequently much of the sparkle attached to being a student is not realised in the clinical practice. This can be ascribed to the dominant utilisation of the student nurse as the primary service unit in the clinical practice. The research results indicate that in the clinical practice student status is only advanced to a limited degree due to the fact that the service component, which requires the student nurse to act as primary service unit during her term of training, greatly obstructs the advancement of her student status. Based on these results certain recommendations have been made.

Kliniese bevoegdheid van die kritiekesorg verpleegkundige tydens die verpleging van 'n pasiënt op 'n intra-aortiese ballonpomp (IABP

De Wet, Belinda 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The intra-aortic balloon pump is a volume displacement device that is used to provide partial support to the left ventricle. The IABP is an effective and general used circulatory support device. The nursing of a patient on IABP therapy requires demonstration of specific clinical competence by the critical care nurse. Clinical competence is defined as the ability of the critical care nurse to integrate his/her knowledge, skills and values and to demonstrate it during nursing of a patient on IABP with the aim to promote the patient's health. The aim of this research had been to evaluate the clinical competence of the critical care nurse during the nursing of a patient on IABP, and to make recommendations according to that regarding education, the practice and research. The relationship between the components of clinical competence namely knowledge, skills and values that were set as aim, were also established. A quantitative, contextual, descriptive, correlational research design had been used in the study to compile a self-developed evaluation instrument that had been used to evaluate the clinical competence of the critical care nurse. The evaluation instrument consisted of a questionnaire that evaluated the knowledge of the critical care nurse, a check list that evaluated the skills of the critical care nurse and a semantic differential scale that evaluated the values of the critical care nurse during the nursing of a patient on IABP therapy. After the data was analyzed, it appeared that critical care nurses don't possess the necessary knowledge and skills to nurse patients on IABP, and as such are not clinically competent to nurse patients on IABP. iii Recommendations were made regarding education, the practice and research in order to improve the clinical competence of critical care nurses during the nursing of a patient on IABP therapy

Primêre gesondheidsorg deur plaaslike owerheidsverpleegkundiges

Jacobs (nee Laubscher), Wanda Otilia 10 April 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. / With the announcement of the devolution of primary health care services to the local authority by the Cabinet in 1991, the role fulfilment of the community health nurse becomes more complex and greater demands are continuously made on her. The question, to what extent will the Implementation of primary health care (with the critical elements as framework) make greater demands on her role and function, led to this study. An exploratory, descriptive study, within a contextual framework was carried out. The purpose of the research was to analyse the task of the nursing staff working at local government, to determine which critical elements In primary health care are seen as part of the tasks of the community health nurse and to give guidelines with regard to primary health care and community health nursing. Content analyses done of job descriptions Indicated that some of the critical elements of primary health care are not expected to be performed by the nursing staff. According to the information gained through the questionnaires, nurses do more than is expected of them as Indicated In their job descriptions. " According to the conclusions resulting from this study, most of the critical elements of primary health care is being performed by nurses as part of their duty. The most Important recommendations Include the training of those nurses who feel that they need refresher courses with regard to the examination of patients and the making of diagnoses. Nurses need to know about the changes and what Is expected of them In future as a result of these changes.

Educator's perceptions of priority school nursing activities and influencing factors

Berg, Julie Marie 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the relative priority rankings assigned by educators and practiontioners of activities performed by school nurses. It examines the factors that under lies the differences in priorities assigned.

La recherche infirmière en France : approche sociologique et épistémologique / French nursing research : epistemological and sociological approach

Dupin, Cecile 03 July 2014 (has links)
La profession infirmière en France a vécu des changements récents en termes de recherche et de formation. Dans notre pays, la discipline infirmière est en cours d'institutionnalisation, pourtant il existe déjà des infirmières françaises mettant en ¿uvre des projets de recherche dans une relative autarcie. Dans le contexte actuel professionnel, disciplinaire et intellectuel, comment la recherche infirmière française peut-elle à la fois intégrer la sphère internationale et développer son programme singulier? Il est ambitionné de mettre en lumière ce à quoi les infirmières françaises tiennent, leurs " valeurs " scientifiques. Le programme de recherche Thot, programme séquentiel multi-méthodes, lancé en 2010, étudie le développement de la capacité de recherche infirmière en France. L'étude Thot 1 est une analyse descriptive transversale de l'activité scientifique infirmière à partir du Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Infirmière 2010 et 2011. L'étude Thot 2 est une ethnographie des pratiques de recherche infirmière mises en ¿uvre, combinées à la pratique clinique. Thot 3 est une étude phénoménographique sur les conceptions de la recherche, acquises pendant la formation, par des infirmières titulaires d'un doctorat, en France et en Suède. Les résultats des trois études ont été triangulés au regard de la définition de la science comme pratique socio-culturelle et sept valeurs sont proposées : réflexivité, formation dédiée, cohérence, diversité, confiance, transmission et transformation. Ce programme, déployé et mis en ¿uvre lors d'une des étapes charnières, contribue à l'intégration, dans le futur, des valeurs des infirmières françaises, comme des valeurs scientifiques. / Nursing research and education recently changed in France. In our country, the nursing discipline is currently transforming toward an academic institutionalisation. European development of nursing research is heterogeneous, but the paths of progress seem similar if four sequential stages. Nursing research is characterized by its diversity. However, French nurses implement research projects, in a relative seclusion. In the current professional, disciplinary and intellectual French nursing context, how can nursing research integrate both the international arena and develop its own unique programme? This thesis further aspires to highlight French nurses? scientific values and provide guidelines for nursing research and education in France. The research programme Thot, a multi-method programme, was launched in 2010 to study the development of French nursing research capacity. Thot 1 study was a descriptive cross-sectional analysis of the Hospital Nursing Research Programme 2010 and 2011 scientific activity. Thot 2 study was an ethnography of nursing research practices, combined with clinical practice. Thot 3 was a phenomenographic study of research concepts acquired during a doctoral apprenticeship in France and Sweden. Seven values were derived from the integration of the results of the three studies: reflexivity, dedicated education, coherence, diversity, confidence, transmission and transformation. We hope that this programme, deployed and implemented concurrently to one of the stage of development of nursing in France, will participate in the future integration of the values of French nurses as scientific values,

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