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Engineering gender equityAllred, Leif Dale 05 January 2011 (has links)
This study analyzes the under-representation of women in engineering occupations and investigates different types of discrimination that drive women from engineering careers. A male/female interaction continuum created by New Dynamics Consulting is introduced to provide a visual representation of the range of behaviors exhibited by both men and women. The continuum shows a progressive path that describes a range of non-collaborative to collaborative behaviors which begin with dominant and subordinate stereotypes and transitions to mutual colleagueship between the genders. By understanding how an organization falls on the continuum, corrective actions may be established for individuals and groups in an effort to modify and eliminate the behaviors that do not support colleagueship and that contribute to the attrition of women engineers. The national gender wage gap between men and women is analyzed and further broken down into its main contributors and is offered as a metric to be used to determine the success of eliminating inherent gender discrimination. A root cause is then presented based on men’s core beliefs and attitudes towards women in the technical workplace. Suggested corrective actions are itemized to prevent extensive litigation such as the nation’s largest class action gender discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart. / text
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Dueling perceptions : British and Egyptian interactions, 1882-1919Abi-Hamad, Saad Ghazi, 1975- 16 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Jaunuolių su fizine negalia profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumai / Difficulties encountered by youths with physical disability while choosing the occupationStačiokaitytė, Aida 08 June 2009 (has links)
Visi žmonės turi teisę dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime. Neįgaliųjų socialinė plėtotė reiškia, kad reikia šalinti atsiradusias kliūtis ir sudaryti lygias galimybes visiems dalyvauti socialiniame gyvenime. Lietuvoje tik prieš kelerius metus susirūpinta sudėtinga jaunuolių turinčių fizinę negalią, situacija. Vis dėlto po truputį keičiasi, požiūris į žmogų su fizine negalia, jų norą ir poreikį rinktis profesiją. Lietuvoje valdžios institucijos, aukštosios mokyklos, įvairios nevyriausybinės organizacijos siekia visapusiškai prieinamo aukštojo mokslo.
Pastaruoju metu Lietuvoje daugėja mokymosi bei profesijos pasirinkimo galimybių. Kokios profesinės pasirinkimo galimybės sudarytos fizinę negalią turintiems jaunuoliams? Kas sukelia profesines pasirinkimo problemas jaunuoliams turintiems fizinę negalią? Šie probleminiai klausimai nurodo darbo nagrinėjamą problematiką.
Problema – jaunuoliai su fizine negalia susiduria su sunkumais pasirenkant profesiją.
Tyrimo objektas – jaunuolių (nuo 17 iki 21 metų amžiaus), su fizinę negalią, profesijos pasirinkimas.
Tikslinė grupė – jaunuoliai turinys fizinę negalią.
Darbo tikslas – atskleisti jaunuolių su fizine negalia profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumus ir nustatyti jų priežastis
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Apibrėžti fizinės negalios ir profesijos rinkimosi sampratas
2. Apibūdinti teorinius jaunuolių su fizinę negalią profesijos pasirinkimo sunkumus
3. Atskleisti teisinius dokumentus reglamentuojančius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Everyone has the right to take part in the life of the society. Social development of disabled people means that there is a need to eliminate all emerging obstacles in order to provide equal opportunities for everyone to participate in social life. The concern in regard to the difficult situation of the youths with physical disability in Lithuania is very recent. Nevertheless the attitude towards the disabled people is changing, acknowledging their wish and need to choose the occupation. In Lithuania public enterprises, high schools, various non governmental organisations are trying to make high school studies available to everyone.
Today there are greater possibilities and choice of studies and occupations. What occupational opportunities are created for youths with physical disability? What causes vocational difficulties for disabled youths? These problematic questions indicate the problem researched in this thesis.
Problem – youths with physical disability are encountering problems while choosing the occupation.
Research Subject – youths (from 17 to 21 years old) with physical disability choice of occupation.
Target group – youths with physical disability.
Thesis’ Aim – to reveal the difficulties encountered by disabled youths while choosing the occupation and to determine why these difficulties arise.
Thesis’ Tasks:
1. To define the concepts of physical disability and occupation choice;
2. To describe theoretical difficulties of occupation choice for youths with physical... [to full text]
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10-12 klasių mokinių užimtumas ir rekreacija laisvalaikiu / Occupation and recreation on the spare-time of 10-12 forms pupilImbras, Donatas 13 June 2005 (has links)
Donatas Imbras
It is very significant to investigate the pupil spare-time occupation models in the recreation expanse. That is why this study analyses the influence of spare-time occupation and recreation of the 10-12 forms pupil. The purpose of this study is to substantiate education theoretic view of consist to occupation and recreation conception and to investigate expression of young people in the spare-time. The object of the work – the organization of 10 -12 form pupil occupation and recreation in they spare-time. In the research were used the test of 10–12 forms pupil experience wish 233 children (99 boys and 134 girls). Methods: study of scientific and theoretic literature, questionnaire, comparative analysis. Research data analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows programme.
According to the research data such conclusions were formulated:
1. The research data emphasize that, every day in the various sport activities going more than 37 % pupils.
2. Students indicated that to going in the sport activities the most of they are stimulated by friends and contemporaries.
3. Two following factors stimulating students‘need for wholesome lifestyle: girls more interesting in the slenderize, boys more interesting in the sex-education.
4. Most of young people are not pleased of them self sport activities.
5. The statistically meaningfully correlates with the kind of activities and gender: intensive... [to full text]
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Habib Bourguiba : a study of Islam and legitimacy in the Arab WorldSalem, Norma. January 1983 (has links)
The main thesis of this study is that Islam played a role in the history of the Tunisian nationalist movement on two levels. It was considered as a fundamental component in defining the specificity of the Tunisian nation, source of legitimacy of the Tunisian nationalist movement both before and after independence. Moreover, as a fundamental component of the Tunisian "personality", it influenced the mode of communication used by nationalist leaders to mobilize the masses. / The biographical approach served to focus the issue through the prism of Habib Bourguiba's life. It revealed that even this most secular of Arab leaders could not shed the Arab-Islamic heritage of Tunisia precisely because Islam, as a fundamental component of the Tunisian "personality" and as the language of the masses, held the key to political legitimacy.
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The relationship between career anchors and job satisfaction amongst employees within a leading Retail organisation in the Western CapeFakir, Zaida January 2010 (has links)
<p>In the current recessionary cycle in which individuals finds themselves, it is interesting to see whether organisations and individuals have changed their strategies or whether they pursued their tried and tested inherent mechanisms of recruitment/work selection. In recessionary times, organisations would usually have a bigger pool to select from whilst employees, in turn, would try to position themselves in a stable work environment. From an organisational perspective, organisations have also undergone major transitions such as downsizing, merges and acquisitions, right sizing, restructuring, and reengineering. These changes have a direct impact on employees&rsquo / level of motivation and job satisfaction (Ellison & / Schreuder, 2000). The concept of a traditional career that an employee occupies for a lifetime performing one type of work in an organisation no longer exists. Instead, employees now work for more than one organisation in their lifetime. These changes entail that employees need to be flexible and adaptive in making career decisions (Schreuder & / Coetzee, 2006). Career anchors can be operationalized as a representation of self- perceived talents, motives, values and abilities that guide employees to make career decisions. Schreuder and Coetzee (2006), are of the opinion that if employees are not familiar with their  / career anchors, they could find themselves trapped in work environments that are not satisfactory and would continually be questioning themselves. Suutari and Taka (2004) emphasize the fact that there needs to be a fit between the careers of employees and the work environment. If there is no fit between the career anchors of employees and the work environment then employees are likely to become dissatisfied which may result in a high turnover of staff with a corresponding low productivity rate. This study investigates and explores the phenomenon of career anchors based  / on Schein&rsquo / s 1978 career anchor theory and how these career anchors affect employees level of job satisfaction. The Career Anchor Inventory and the Job Descriptive Index were administered to a sample of 154 employees at a leading retail organisation who completed the questionnaires. The results of this research study indicate that there are significant relationships between biographical factors and career anchors as well as between biographical factors and job satisfaction and similarly between typology of career anchors and dimensions of job satisfaction.</p>
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Développement professionnel et rétablissement des personnes aux prises avec des troubles mentaux gravesVallée, Catherine January 2007 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
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Syed Mahmood and the transformation of Muslim law in British IndiaGuenther, Alan M. January 2004 (has links)
The British colonial administration in India transformed Muslim law in the nineteenth century through the three concurrent processes of translation, legislation, and adjudication. Although Indian Muslims were gradually displaced in their traditional position as interpreters of that law in the role of muftis, discerning and applying the shari'ah according to Hanafi principles of fiqh, they nonetheless played a vital role in the transformation of Muslim law. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Muslim participation became more noticeable and significant as they moved into increasingly influential positions in the British judicial administration. Syed Mahmood (1850-1903) was a pioneer in this movement, being one of the first Indian Muslims to study law and become a barrister in England, being the first non-European member of the Allahabad Bar, and being the first Indian Muslim appointed to any High Court in British India. During his tenure as judge of the High Court at Allahabad, he wrote numerous judgments on matters of civil law, including matters which the British regime had determined were to be governed by Muslim law, or rather, by the amalgam of Muslim and English law called "Anglo-Mohammedan law" into which it had been transformed. He understood certain aspects Muslim law, especially criminal law and laws of evidence, to have been abrogated by British law in India, but stoutly resisted the incursion of English law and promoted the acceptance of Muslim law as the customary law in other areas. His critique of the British administration of justice in India and his persistent independence of thought while serving on the High Court brought him into conflict with his fellow judges. He was eventually forced to resign in 1892, but his recorded judgments in the Indian Law Reports continued to provide an authoritative exposition of Muslim law for succeeding generations of jurists. In addition to elucidating the transformation of Muslim law
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The role of the 'Ulamā' during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia (1942-45) /Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman. January 1975 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de décrire l'évolution de l'Islam indonésien et le rôle complexe qu'ont joue les ulama dans l'histoire moderne de l'Indonésie, et plus particulierement pendant la période de l'occupation japonaise.
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Family Formation in Sweden around the Turn of the New MillenniumOhlsson-Wijk, Sofi January 2015 (has links)
This thesis contains four empirical studies that examine patterns in family formation in Sweden around the turn of the new millennium. This is an interesting context for the topic because Sweden is often seen as a forerunner in family-demographic change as well as in gender equality and value developments. The empirical studies provide insight into the state of affairs of these developments. In all four studies, event-history analyses are applied to Swedish population register data. Two of the studies focus on first-marriage formation, while the other two focus on first childbearing. Study I reveals that starting from 1998 there was an increase in marriage-formation rates, which was not due to compositional changes in the population. This is in contrast to the common image of Sweden in the forefront of contemporary marriage decline. Study II shows that marriage rates for men and women display clear peaks at exact ages 30, 40, 50, and 60 as well as in the year 2000. The peaks demonstrate that in Sweden, marriage formation is not fully determined by conventional structural factors or individual characteristics. It illustrates that the choice to marry may be taken quite lightly in a context where differences between cohabitation and marriage are relatively small. Study III shows that the transition to parenthood varies across occupational groups. For both men and women, birth rates are positively related to own earnings. Birth rates are also high for those who work in a caring or teaching oriented occupation or in a gender-typical occupation. The findings may reflect differences in the possibility to take on parental responsibilities and they demonstrate the role of gendered behavior. Self-selection processes may also be important. In Study IV, the transition to parenthood for men and women is examined in relation to the sex composition of the workplace. Birth rates increase with the share of employees of the individual’s own sex, net of factors such as own earnings, public or private sector employment, occupation, and industry. This shows the importance of gender and gender structures in the work environment for childbearing behavior. / Denna avhandling består av ett introduktionskapitel och fyra empiriska studier som undersöker mönster i familjebildning i Sverige kring millennieskiftet. Detta är en intressant kontext för ämnet eftersom Sverige ofta ses som en föregångare inom familjedemografisk utveckling och jämställdhets- och värderingsförändringar. I samtliga studier tillämpas livsförloppsanalys på registerdata över befolkningen. De två första studierna fokuserar på förstagångsäktenskap och de andra två på barnafödande. Studie I visar att från 1998 skedde en uppgång av giftermålstalen, som inte berodde på sammansättningsförändringar i befolkningen. Detta står i kontrast till den typiska bilden av Sverige som föregångare i en allmän nedåtgående giftermålstrend. Studie II visar att giftermålstalen för män och kvinnor uppvisar tydliga toppar vid ”jämna” åldrar (30, 40, 50 och 60) samt under år 2000. Topparna åskådliggör att i Sverige formas giftermålsbeslut inte helt av konventionella strukturella faktorer eller individuella egenskaper. Detta kan spegla att i en kontext där skillnaderna mellan samboende och äktenskap är relativt små kan giftermålsbeslut fattas relativt lättvindigt. Studie III visar att benägenheten att skaffa ett första barn varierar mellan yrkesgrupper. För både män och kvinnor är födelsetalen positivt relaterade till inkomster och till arbete inom omsorg och utbildning. Detta återspeglar sannolikt skillnader i möjligheten att försörja en familj och att ta ansvar för omsorg av eventuella barn samt att män och kvinnor troligtvis väljer yrken som passar deras intressen. Benägenheten att skaffa barn är också större för de med könstypiska yrken, vilket indikerar att könsrollssocialisering spelar en central roll. I studie IV undersöks sambandet mellan arbetsplatsens könssammansättning och benägenheten att skaffa ett första barn. För både män och kvinnor är benägenheten att skaffa barn högre ju större andel av kollegorna som tillhör ens eget kön. Detta visar att genus och könsstrukturer i arbetsmiljön kan påverka barnafödandebeslut. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p> / Welfare, Labor-market Status and Family Dynamics / Register-based Research in Nordic Demography
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