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Clovis Technology and Settlement in the American SoutheastSmallwood, Ashley Michelle 2011 August 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents new data on Clovis site occupation, technological organization, and settlement in the American Southeast. Evidence suggests that traditionally-accepted, western-centric models do not fully explain Clovis technological characteristics and settlement patterns in the region.
My second chapter presents the results of a 40 square meter block excavation on the Topper site (SC) hillside where a buried Clovis assemblage has been recovered. I review the site geomorphology and formation processes to evaluate the context of the Clovis component, characterize the Clovis assemblage and the horizontal distribution of artifacts to understand how the Clovis occupants used this portion of the site, and compare these excavation results to the rest of the archaeological record at Topper to discuss the general nature of the Clovis occupation there. My third chapter focuses on the 174 bifaces from Topper to understand biface production. I present the process of manufacture then measure the variation in production characteristics at the site in terms of our current knowledge of Clovis biface technology. I conclude that Topper flintknappers used reduction strategies typical of Clovis-but created a biface assemblage with greater flexibility in design than documented at most other Clovis sites. Clovis groups adapted to local resource conditions and adjusted the organization of their technology accordingly. My fourth chapter analyzes southeastern Clovis point data and biface assemblages from Carson-Conn-Short (TN), Topper, and Williamson (VA) to test the technological implications of Kelly and Todd’s (1988) high-technology-forager model and Anderson’s (1990) staging-area model. Significant subregional variation exists in Clovis biface systems, such as differences in point morphology and the tempo of biface reduction. This variation suggests the subregions represent distinct populations who distinctly altered aspects of their technology but maintained fundamental elements of the Clovis tradition.
Ultimately, I demonstrate there was greater variability in Clovis behavior across America. Recognizing regional variation in the archaeological record is key to understanding the complexities of Clovis origins and dispersal.
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L'occupation de la mémoire : le souvenir délirant de la France occupée dans La place de l'étoile de Patrick Modiano et La compagnie des spectres de Lydie SalvayreVallet, Noémie January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
À près de trente ans d'écart, les romans de La Place de l'étoile (1968) de Patrick Modiano et de La Compagnie des spectres (1997) de Lydie Salvayre font référence à l'Occupation allemande en France. A travers le discours délirant et la logorrhée des personnages de Modiano et de Salvayre transparaît ce que Régine Robin appellerait une «mémoire saturée». Cette saturation de la mémoire émerge d'un double contexte historique. D'une part, l'histoire racontée se rapporte à la période de l'Occupation dont les souvenirs ne parviennent pas à s'effacer chez les protagonistes de ces romans; d'autre part, la narration rend compte d'une réalité sociale plus récente de la France qui, aujourd'hui encore, accepte mal son passé et qui, paradoxalement, multiplie les commémorations et les monuments à la mémoire des morts provoqués par cette guerre. Par là, on peut juger que les personnages de Schlemilovitch, de Louisiane et de Rose qui ne parviennent pas à trouver leurs identités personnelles et qui sont obsédés, voire hantés par le passé, renvoient à une collectivité plus vaste, la France, qui ne semble pas non plus parvenir à s'acquitter de son histoire. Le souvenir de l'Occupation, tant au niveau des personnages fictionnels que de la réalité française actuelle, semble en effet toujours tourmenter les consciences. Pour saisir ce tourment mémoriel, nous étudierons, dans notre premier chapitre, la place qu'occupent l'histoire et la mémoire dans la fiction afin d'observer les tensions qui se manifestent entre ces notions. Les textes de Modiano et de Salvayre nous amèneront à nous interroger sur la manière dont s'articule la mémoire à des faits historiques, et sur les modalités de la fiction. Nous verrons que la fiction permet d'ouvrir un espace nouveau à partir d'un monde réel et connu d'où peut surgir une représentation mémorielle d'une réalité factuelle. Dans le second chapitre, nous examinerons ensuite comment le souvenir de l'Occupation travaille les personnages de La Place de l'étoile et de La Compagnie des spectres pour modeler leur discours selon un verbalisme délirant. Ce chapitre sera consacré à l'étude des personnages de Schlemilovitch, de Rose et de Louisiane, et de l'univers fictionnel dans lequel ils évoluent, ce qui nous permettra de saisir en quoi consiste leur pathologie mémorielle où passé et présent ne sont plus mis à distance. Dans le troisième et dernier chapitre, nous replacerons ces deux romans dans leur paysage mémoriel respectif, notamment grâce à l'étude de l'historien Henry Rousso sur l'évolution de la mémoire de l'Occupation et ce qu'il a nommé le «syndrome de Vichy». Nous verrons comment ces deux récits rendent compte de l'éclatement de la mémoire en mémoires particulières par lequel se manifeste une difficulté à disposer d'une unité qui saurait rassembler la société française sous un même attachement. Nous terminerons avec la mise au jour du paradoxe des Français qui désirent garder du passé une mémoire vivante, mais qui, par trop vouloir se le rappeler, finissent, sans le vouloir, par l'oublier. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Mémoire, Occupation allemande, Fiction, Salvayre, Modiano.
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Dynamiques spatio-temporelles des plantations forestières industrielles dans le sud chilien : de l'analyse diachronique à la modélisation prospectiveMaestripieri, Nicolas 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le couvert forestier dans le sud chilien représente un enjeu environnemental majeur. La forêt native, intégrée à l'Ecorégion Valdivienne (35°S-48°S), fait partie de ces écosystèmes ayant la plus haute priorité de conservation dans le monde. L'application du Decreto-Ley 701 en 1974 généra l'expansion de monocultures de pins et d'eucalyptus dans le sud chilien. L'intensification des pratiques sylvicoles, combinée à la substitution des écosystèmes forestiers natifs, remet en question leur soutenabilité à court et moyen terme. Cette étude cherche à appréhender et à anticiper la dynamique des plantations forestières à plusieurs échelles spatiales et temporelles afin d'identifier les enjeux futurs d'occupation du sol. Dans un premier temps, l'utilisation de données satellitales à moyenne résolution MODIS a permis de détecter et de quantifier les coupes forestières et les forêts stables de la 8ème Région du Bío-Bío au sud continental de la 10ème Région de Los Lagos. Le recours aux images LANDSAT a, dans un second temps, fourni des éléments de précision sur le cycle de rotations des plantations industrielles à l'échelle de deux régions. Enfin, une classification multi-dates a constitué une base d'étude pour aborder les changements d'occupation et d'utilisation du sol (LUCC) dans la commune de San Juan de la Costa. Aussi, entre 1986 et 2008, la progression des monocultures au détriment de la forêt native et des autres types d'occupation du sol atteint respectivement 3 366 ha et 6 132 ha. Bien que l'identification des facteurs explicatifs combinée à l'analyse rétrospective mette en évidence une grande complexité au sein de ce système, quatre scénarii prospectifs ont pu être proposés. Ces derniers permettent d'obtenir une vision panoramique des dynamiques évolutives des plantations forestières et de la forêt native. Si les scénarii prédictif et intensif traduisent une expansion des plantations monospécifiques en 2017 et 2026, les scénarii, exploratoire et" éco-centré ", apportent une vision à contre-courant, avec un regain de forêt native et un déclin des plantations à l'horizon 2035. Le croisement des scénarii établit également un degré de congruence spatialisé susceptible de fournir, dans une perspective de gestion, des informations complémentaires d'aide à la décision.
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"...vi lär barnen att ha fritid." : En kvalitativ studie om fritidspedagogens yrkesroll, arbetsuppgifter och yrkesvalWallin, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma utbildade fritidspedagoger såg på sin yrkesroll och sina arbetsuppgifter. Syftet var också att ta reda på varför de hade valt sitt yrke. För att söka svar på detta gjorde jag kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med sju personer som var utbildade fri-tidspedagoger, eller som har arbetat inom fritidshem i över 15 års tid. Intervjuerna som tog mellan 15 och 40 minuter var utformade för att bland annat ge svar på vad en fritidspedagog är och gör och om det var någonting man ville ändra vad gäller sin yrkesroll. Frågorna skulle även ge svar på om diskus-sion kring yrkesrollen hade förts i arbetslaget samt varför man hade valt yrket och om man var nöjd med sitt yrkesval. Resultatet visade att en fritidspedagog är en person som arbetar med det den är bra på och tycker är roligt. Resultatet visade även att en fritidspedagog arbetar med grupprocesser och att utveckla barnens sociala färdigheter samt erbjuder olika aktiviteter som barnen inte får tillgång till i hemmet. Fritidspedagogen var enligt resultatet både i klasser under förmiddagen och hjälpte läraren samt på fritidshemmet under eftermiddagen och höll i fritidsverksamheten. Det man önskade ändra på vad gäller yrkesrollen var dels statusen, dels planeringstiden. Bara två av de intervjuade hade diskute-rat yrkesrollen i sina arbetslag på arbetsplatsen. De som jag intervjuade hade valt yrket av olika anled-ningar, allt från att de tyckte om att arbeta med barn till att de önskade få sig ett yrke. Resultatet visade att fem av de sju informanterna var nöjda med sitt yrkesval medan två inte helt var det. De två som inte var nöjda, såg dels en negativ förändring som har skett med yrkesrollen genom åren men hade även andra intressen som lockade mer att arbeta med.
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Parental Influence on Higher Education Attainment : Evidence from SwedenGreiner, Isabell January 2012 (has links)
Knowledge has long been acknowledged to be crucial for economic growth and in today’s market economies this is true to an even greater extent. In the past it used to be the parent’s duty to pass on this knowledge to their children, nowadays schools and higher education institutions take this responsibility. Nevertheless, parents still have a significant influence on an individual’s educational attainment. The aim of this study is to investigate and demonstrate this parental influence on the level of education as well as the subject of higher education degree. This thesis shows that individuals whose parents have at least a bachelor’s degree and above are more likely to attain one themselves. Moreover, individuals are more likely to choose a subject for that degree that is similar to their parents’ occupation.
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Användning av djur inom arbetsterapi : En systematisk litteraturstudie / The Use of Animals in Occupational Therapy : A systematic literature reviewNiklasson, Emma, Smålander, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Arbetsterapi ämnar möjliggöra utförande av meningsfulla aktiviteter för klienter. Djur ger positiva effekter på människans fysiska, mentala och sociala funktioner som kan öka dennes aktivitetsförmåga, vilket är en förutsättning för aktivitetsutförande. Syftet var att kartlägga forskning kring djur i relation till arbetsterapi samt betydelsen djuren har på individens aktivitetsliv. Metoden var en systematisk litteratursökning som gjordes med 14 valda sökord i sju databaser som slutligen gav 15 artiklar för analys. I resultatet identifierades forskningsområdena djurägarskap och djurterapi. Hund var vanligaste djuret för ägarskap och terapi, följt av katt och häst. Personer som utförde aktiviteter med djur hade olika typer av diagnoser och utförde dessa inom samtliga aktivitetsområden. Den vanligaste funktionsnedsättningen för djurägare var fysisk och för djurterapiklienter psykisk. Aktiviteterna utfördes främst i hem- och samhällsmiljöer. Författarna konkluderade att möjligheter för implementering av arbetsterapi med djur i Sverige finns men att det kan finnas faktorer som försvårar processen. En lösning för implementering skulle vara att arbetsterapeuten arbetar med djur/husdjur i klientens hem- och samhällsmiljö. / Occupational Therapy aims at assisting clients in the performance of occupations. Animals have a positive effect on humans’ physical, mental and social functions that can increase the individuals’ occupational ability, which is a prerequisite for occupational performance. The aim was to describe research regarding the relation between animals and occupational therapy and the impact the animals have on individuals’ occupational lives. The method was a systematic literature search, conducted with 14 selected words in seven databases, and this resulted in 15 articles for analysis. In the result, animal ownership and animal-assisted therapy were identified as areas of research. Dogs were the most common animals for ownership and therapy, followed by cats and horses. Persons who performed occupations with animals had a variety of diagnosis and performed them in all occupational areas. The most common disability for animal owners were physical and for therapy clients psychiatric. Occupations were conducted primarily in home and community environments. The authors concluded that there is a possibility of implementing occupational therapy with animals in Sweden, but there may be factors that can complicate the process. A solution for implementation would be that the occupational therapist works with animals/pets in the clients’ home and community environment.
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Authorities and Conflicts in Kazuo Ishiguro¡¦s An Artist of the Floating WorldDong, Wen-lin 24 July 2012 (has links)
Adopting historical perspectives, this thesis explores domestic, aesthetic, and cultural conflicts in modern Japan surrounding Masuji Ono, the protagonist in Kazuo Ishiguro¡¦s An Artist of the Floating World, as he looks back on his past. His memory narrative reveals his transformation from an iconoclastic young artist to a militarist propagandist in pre-war time, and finally to an old man who comes to terms with the loss of his prestige through none too reliable remembrances. Reading Ono¡¦s narrative in cross reference to historical texts, I argue that his transformation is in step with Japan¡¦s shift from a thriving nation to a militarist empire, and ultimately to a defeated nation subject to the Occupation after World War II and subsequent social changes. These changes are induced by democratization and disarmament engineered by the American army, which drastically undermine Japanese values, including the apotheosis of the Emperor, patriarchy, and social hierarchy. Forced to redefine themselves in the midst of the drastic social transformation, the Japanese harbor mixed feelings toward the emperor, regarding him as a guardian of the nation and a traitor. This ambivalence is profoundly felt by Ono, whose fall parallels the emperor¡¦s, since his authority as a father and a painting master is interrogated by the younger generation, most notably his daughter. In particular, his interaction with his grandson, who is brought up with American values, registers the Japanese attitudes toward the American, considering the occupier as both a welcomed authority and an alien monster. By examining three prominent authority figures in the novel¡Xfather, master, and monster¡Xthis thesis uncovers Ishiguro¡¦s agenda for negotiating an interface between history and personal memory.
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Occupation, Dispersal, and Economic Impact of Major Invasive Plant Species in Southern U.S. ForestsWang, Hsiao-Hsuan 2009 December 1900 (has links)
Invasive alien plants have impacted southern U.S. forests. This study focuses on quantifying current distribution, rate of dispersals, and economic losses caused by four major invaders — Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera (L.) Small), Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense Lour.), European Privet (Ligustrum vulgare L.), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb.). Using data from USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and USGS Land Use and Land Cover (LULC), I first used logistic regressions to build occupation models for these four species. Second, I used VB.NET© (Microsoft, 2003) and Environment System Research Institute (ESRI) Arc View® 9.2 Geographical Information System (GIS) to model spatially explicit dispersal dynamics of these species. Finally, I evaluated economic losses associated with these invasions. The results of occupation models showed that landscape features, climatic conditions, forest and site conditions, forest management activities and disturbances, and forest ownership have statistically significant impacts on current distributions of all four species. The results of dispersal models showed that invasions of Chinese tallow, Chinese and European privets, and Japanese honeysuckle will be likely to appear on approximately 6.65 million acres of forest land in East Texas and Louisiana, 3.81 million acres in Mississippi and Alabama, and 12.55 million acres in Mississippi and Alabama, respectively, during the next 20 years. The estimated timber losses resulting from the invasion with no control for the next 20 years at 5% discount rate is 518 million dollars for Chinese tallow, 2.72 billion dollars for Chinese and European privets, and 11.05 billion dollars for Japanese honeysuckle. From an economic point of view, it would be most cost effective to execute high intensity control for these invasive species. Based on these findings, strategies for monitoring and mitigating these invasive species are proposed.
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The low utilization of labor force and its corresponding policies before and after knowledge-based time in Taiwan¡Gempirical analysis of both years 1991 and 2003.Tzeng, Gou-Ning 17 July 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the inadequate labor force sector of Taiwan before and after the coming Knowledge-Based Economic Time, which is considered as important to this study. The inadequate labor force sector mentioned above consists of inadequate working hours, low paid and mismatches between educational attainment and occupation. The raw data been used was from Manpower Surveys and Manpower Utilization Surveys Taiwan area, Republic of China by Census Bureau in both year 1991 and 2003. The study reveals the following findings.
1.In the inadequate working hours portion
Workers who are male, age 35 to 44, married or cohabited, highest educational attainment is primary school or below, private-sector employed, working in north area of Taiwan and taking the roles as agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry & fishing and craft & related trades workers are significantly easier to fall into the inadequate working hours sector.
2. In the low paid portion
Workers who are male, married or cohabited, highest educational attainment is primary school or below, own-account workers, workplace is located in middle area of Taiwan, agricultural, animal husbandry, forestry & fishing workers are significantly easier to fall into the low paid sector.
3. In the portion of mismatches between educational attainment and occupation
Workers who are male, age 25 to 34, married or cohabited, highest educational attainment is senior high school & vocational school or above, private-sector employed and working in north area of Taiwan are significantly easier to fall into this sector. Especially, workers who take the roles as prod., machine operators and related workers, plant & machine operators & assemblers , and manufacturing share a large proportion.
According to the conclusions above, this study provides typical suggestions for government polices toward utilization of labor force. The given comments will be helpful to the relative researchers in the further.
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Imagining And Positioning Gypsiness A Case Study Of Gypsy/roma Izmir, TepecikEren, Zeynep Ceren 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, the particular identification process of Gypsiness is discussed on the basis of socio-economic conditions. Certain occupations, i.e. scrap-dealing, belly-dancing and musicianship are selected in the case of Gypsy/Roma community from Tepecik, Izmir as key markers of identity. Whether there is an organic relation between the long lasting occupational positions of Gypsy/Roma and their self-identity perception and if so, how it is perceived by each occupational category is considered as significant in the analysis of Gypsiness and its diverse interpretations. In addition to the discussion of identity with references to certain socio-economic conditions, cultural and social codes significant in identification are discussed. Particular perceptions towards the Kurdish group, the Gorgio group, as well as the " / Gypsy" / group are also considered as key markers in identity formation process of Gypsy/Roma. In this context, a field study is conducted in Tepecik, Tenekeli neighborhood using in-depth interviews.
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