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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effectiveness of the 'place of effective management' tie-breaker rule in the OECD Model Tax Convention / by K. Luker

Luker, Karen January 2010 (has links)
Double taxation could arise in a situation where resident- resident conflicts occur. Resident–resident conflicts occur in the situation where both countries regard such a person as a “resident” for tax purposes under their domestic legislation. For that reason, all income that is earned by that person, irrespective of the jurisdiction it is earned in, will be subject to tax in both countries. In order to resolve these conflicts, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (“OECD’s”) Model Tax Convention contains a tie breaker clause which states that a non-individual shall be deemed to be a resident only of the State in which the ‘place of effective management’ is situated. It was found that although there were conflicting views, the expression ‘place of effective management’ was mainly determined with reference to the place where real management actually makes decisions on key business affairs of the company. Based on the following reasons it was concluded that using ‘place of effective management’ as a tie breaker rule was ineffective. • With improved communication technology and increased mobility of top level management, it makes it very difficult to pinpoint a single location where the ‘place of effective management’ is positioned; • Changes to the generic managerial structures seen in the past, makes it increasingly complex to determine where the ‘place of effective management’ is situated; and • There is no universal interpretation of the term ‘place of effective management’ within the international arena. Against the backdrop that each option for determining the ‘place of effective management, analysed in Chapter 4 had its own flaws, it is almost impossible to determine a company’s residency based on a single test. It was therefore, recommended that the tie breaker rule consist of a hierarchy of the following tests. 1. Deemed to be resident of the country in which place of effective management is situated, as defined by SARS’ interpretation. 2. Deemed to be a resident of the country in which its economic nexus is the strongest. 3. Conflict to be resolved by mutual agreement between the two Contracting States. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Beteiligung an einer intransparent besteuerten ausländischen Personengesellschaft als steuerliches Gestaltungsinstrument: Untersuchung aus der Sicht eines in Deutschland unbeschränkt einkommensteuerpflichtigen Gesellschafters auf der Grundlage des OECD-Musterabkommens

Ballestrem, Rudolf von 17 December 2003 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, auf der Grundlage des OECD-Musterabkommens für einen in Deutschland unbeschränkt einkommensteuerpflichtigen Gesellschafter die steuerliche Behandlung einer Beteiligung an einer ausländischen intransparent besteuerten Personengesellschaft zu untersuchen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wird geprüft, ob und gegebenenfalls unter welchen Bedingungen die Beteiligung an einer intransparent besteuerten Personengesellschaft steuerlich vorteilhafter ist als die Beteiligung an einer transparent besteuerten Personengesellschaft oder an einer Kapitalgesellschaft. Zu Beginn der Arbeit wird als Basis für den weiteren Fortgang die Auslegung von Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen und die Einordnung ausländischer Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften im Hinblick auf die Anwendung des deutschen Steuerrechts und des Abkommensrechts untersucht. Die folgenden Kapitel beschäftigen sich mit der steuerlichen Behandlung bei der Gewinnentstehung, beim Gewinntransfer, bei Verlusten, bei Leistungsbeziehungen zwischen Gesellschaft und Gesellschafter sowie bei Einkünften aus Drittstaaten. Im Schlusskapitel werden die Ergebnisse vergleichend gegenüber gestellt und es erfolgt ein Steuerbelastungsvergleich.

A South African perspective on some critical issues regarding the OECD model tax convention on income and on capital, with special emphasis on its application to trusts

Du Plessis, Izelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Trusts are used for a variety of purposes, both in South Africa and abroad. Like so many other entities, trusts often do not function only in one jurisdiction and may therefore be exposed to international double taxation. South Africa, like most other states, enters into bi-lateral double taxation treaties, to limit the effects of international double taxation. Most of these treaties are based on the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (the OECD MTC). The South African trust is a unique creature. It is not based on the dual ownership concept on which most common law trusts are based, yet, it is not a juristic person either. The question that this research aims to address is how South Africa will interpret and apply certain provisions of the OECD MTC to trusts. Although the South African position is investigated, it is compared to the positions of the United Kingdom, Canada and the Netherlands. The dissertation starts with an analysis of the trust law in each of the relevant states, followed by an overview of the taxation regime governing trusts (and the parties thereto) in each state. The status of double taxation treaties and their interpretation are examined before certain critical provisions of the OECD MTC are analysed to determine how South Africa will apply these provisions to trusts. Hence it is explored whether a trust will be regarded as a person, whether it may be a resident and a beneficial owner for purposes of the OECD MTC. Furthermore, possible solutions for conflicts of attribution in the application of double tax conventions to trusts are investigated. The dissertation concludes that South Africa will regard a trust as a person for purposes of the OECD MTC. Moreover, some types of trusts may be viewed as residents and as beneficial owners for purposes of the OECD MTC. The solution proposed in the OECD’s Partnership Report should be applied to resolve conflicts of attribution involving trusts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Trusts word vir ‘n groot verskeidenheid doeleindes gebruik, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in die buiteland. Net soos baie ander entiteite funksioneer trusts baie keer nie net in een jurisdiksie nie. Trusts word dus ook blootgestel aan internasionale dubbelbelasting. Soos die meeste ander state, sluit Suid-Afrika dubbelbelastingooreenkomste om die effek van internasionale dubbelbelasting te beperk. Die meeste van hierdie ooreenkomste is gebaseer op die OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital (die OECD MTC). Die Suid-Afrikaanse trust het ‘n unieke aard. Dit is nie gebaseer op die konsep van verdeelde eiendomsreg waarop die meeste gemeenregtelike trusts gebasseer is nie, maar tog is dit ook nie ‘n regspersoon nie. Die vraag wat hierdie navorsing probeer beantwoord is hoe Suid-Afrika sekere bepalings van die OECD MTC sal interpreteer en toepas op trusts. Alhoewel die Suid-Afrikaanse posisie ondersoek word, word dit deurgaans vergelyk met die posisie in die Verenigde Koningkryk, Kanada en Nederland. Die proefskrif begin met ‘n analise van die trustreg in elk van die betrokke state en word gevolg deur ‘n oorsig van die belastingstelsel wat trusts (en die partye daartoe) belas in elk van die state. Die status van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste en hul interpretasie word ondersoek voordat sekere kritiese bepalings van die OECD MTC geanaliseer word om vas te stel hoe Suid-Afrika hierdie bepalings sal toepas op trusts. Daar word dus ondersoek of ‘n trust beskou sal word as ‘n persoon, of dit ‘n inwoner en ‘n uiteindelik geregtigde kan wees vir doeleindes van die OECD MTC. Voorts word moontlike oplossings vir toerekeningskonflikte in die toepassing van dubbelbelastingooreenkomste op trusts, ondersoek. Die proefskrif kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat in Suid-Afrika die trust beskou sal word as ‘n persoon vir doeleindes van die OECD MTC. Verder sal sommige tipes trusts gesien word as inwoners en as uiteindelik geregtigdes vir doeleindes van die OECD MTC. Die oplossing voorgestel in die OECD se Verslag oor Vennootskappe behoort toegepas te word om toerekeningskonflikte op te los.

CFC-reglerna : -en studie av den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen och dess förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal beträffande inkomst och förmögenhet

Furlan, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom svensk lagstiftning under mer än ett decennium. Tvistigheten kring CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal förekommer också i andra medlemsstater av OECD. Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen tillämpas sedan 1 januari 2004. Rättsföljden av lagstiftningen framgår av 39 a kap. 13 § IL. Syftet med CFC-lagstiftningen är att förhindra en erosion av den svenska skattebasen. Utan CFC-lagstiftning skulle en skattebetalare kunna etablera företag i lågbeskattde jurisdiktioner enbart i syfte att minska den totala skattebördan. Genom att tillämpa CFC-lagstiftningen beskattas en delägare löpande för sitt innehav i den utländska juridiska personen. Enligt förarbeten är CFC-lagstiftningen förenlig med de svenska skatteavtalen. Lagstiftaren lägger stor vikt vid ordalydelsen i kommentarerna till OECD:s modellavtal. OECD rekommenderar medlemsstaterna att tillämpa lagstiftningen. Uppsatsen visar att CFC-lagstiftningen är förenlig med skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal. Syftet med skatteavtal är att förhindra juridisk dubbelbeskattning. CFC-lagstiftningen ger upphov till ekonomisk dubbelbeskattning. Diskussionen gällande CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal beror på kommentarernas rättsliga verkan samt därtill framställda anmärkningar. / The Swedish CFC legislation and its compatibility with international commitments in form of tax treaties based on OECD Model have been disputed in the Swedish legislation for more than a decade. Whether CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties is also disputed in many other Member States of the OECD. The Swedish controlled foreign company legislation entered into force on 1 January 2004. The legal effect of the legislation is covered in chapter 39 a, section 10 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. The basic purpose of CFC legislation is to prevent an erosion of the Swedish tax basis. Without CFC regulations a taxpayer would be free to establish companies in low-tax jurisdictions for the sole purpose of reducing the overall tax burden. By applying the legislation a Swedish resident shareholder will be taxed on all the income that is attributed from a foreign subsidiary, regardless of when the income is distributed. In the preparatory works the government argues that the CFC legislation is compatible with Sweden’s tax treaties, based on OECD Model. The government’s opinion is mostly based on the statement in the Commentary to the OECD Model. The legislation is recommended by the OECD. This thesis concludes that the CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties based on the OECD Model. The purpose with tax treaties is to avoid juridical double taxation. The CFC-legislation gives rise to economic double taxation. Therefore the legislation can be justified. The discussion of the CFC legislation compatible with tax treaties depends of the relevance of the Commentary but also on observations given to the Commentaries.

CFC-reglerna : -en studie av den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen och dess förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal beträffande inkomst och förmögenhet

Furlan, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom svensk lagstiftning under mer än ett decennium. Tvistigheten kring CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal förekommer också i andra medlemsstater av OECD.</p><p>Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen tillämpas sedan 1 januari 2004. Rättsföljden av lagstiftningen framgår av 39 a kap. 13 § IL. Syftet med CFC-lagstiftningen är att förhindra en erosion av den svenska skattebasen. Utan CFC-lagstiftning skulle en skattebetalare kunna etablera företag i lågbeskattde jurisdiktioner enbart i syfte att minska den totala skattebördan. Genom att tillämpa CFC-lagstiftningen beskattas en delägare löpande för sitt innehav i den utländska juridiska personen.</p><p>Enligt förarbeten är CFC-lagstiftningen förenlig med de svenska skatteavtalen. Lagstiftaren lägger stor vikt vid ordalydelsen i kommentarerna till OECD:s modellavtal. OECD rekommenderar medlemsstaterna att tillämpa lagstiftningen.</p><p>Uppsatsen visar att CFC-lagstiftningen är förenlig med skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal. Syftet med skatteavtal är att förhindra juridisk dubbelbeskattning. CFC-lagstiftningen ger upphov till ekonomisk dubbelbeskattning. Diskussionen gällande CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal beror på kommentarernas rättsliga verkan samt därtill framställda anmärkningar.</p> / <p>The Swedish CFC legislation and its compatibility with international commitments in form of tax treaties based on OECD Model have been disputed in the Swedish legislation for more than a decade. Whether CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties is also disputed in many other Member States of the OECD.</p><p>The Swedish controlled foreign company legislation entered into force on 1 January 2004. The legal effect of the legislation is covered in chapter 39 a, section 10 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. The basic purpose of CFC legislation is to prevent an erosion of the Swedish tax basis. Without CFC regulations a taxpayer would be free to establish companies in low-tax jurisdictions for the sole purpose of reducing the overall tax burden. By applying the legislation a Swedish resident shareholder will be taxed on all the income that is attributed from a foreign subsidiary, regardless of when the income is distributed.</p><p>In the preparatory works the government argues that the CFC legislation is compatible with Sweden’s tax treaties, based on OECD Model. The government’s opinion is mostly based on the statement in the Commentary to the OECD Model. The legislation is recommended by the OECD.</p><p>This thesis concludes that the CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties based on the OECD Model. The purpose with tax treaties is to avoid juridical double taxation. The CFC-legislation gives rise to economic double taxation. Therefore the legislation can be justified. The discussion of the CFC legislation compatible with tax treaties depends of the relevance of the Commentary but also on observations given to the Commentaries.</p>

Smlouvy zamezující dvojímu zdanění / Double Tax Treaties

Procházková, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with issue of international double taxation with respect to taxes on income and capital. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the issue of concluding international double tax treaties and to verify, whether the differences in their provisions can be significant enough to affect activities of internationally active entities. The body of the thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter explains what double taxation is, how it occurs and the possible ways of its elimination. It also deals with related tax evasion. The second chapter is devoted to bilateral and multilateral tax treates. The emphasis is on OECD and UN model conventions and related issues of exchange of information, non-discrimination and dispute resolution. The third chapter focuses on the approach of the Czech republic to enter into tax treaties. Its main part is devoted to a comparison of tax treaties which the Czech republic has concluded with the United States of America, Slovakia and Germany.

The interpretation of South African double taxation agreements under international law

Johannes, Benhardt Laurentius January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation interrogates which principles should govern the interpretation of South African Double Tax Agreements (‘DTAs’). This field of study is complex because any DTAs have a dual nature. In the first place, it is an international agreement where two states are parties (a bilateral agreement); second, it also becomes part of domestic law. DTAs are governed by principles of customary international law some of which have been codified in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (‘VCLT’). Though South Africa is not a party to the VCLT, nevertheless, there is judicial support in South Africa for the notion that VCLT reflects general principles of international law [Harksen v President of the Republic of South Africa 1998 (2) SA 1011 (C)]. DTAs are incorporated into South African domestic law by way of statutory enactment in accordance with the dualist approach to international law. The first purpose of the dissertation is to systematise and analyse the structure of an OECD Model Tax Convention (‘OEC D MTC’) and the international methods (principles) of interpretation of DTAs in order to gain a better understanding of how this international methods functions. A number of issues relating to the interpretation of these methods are analysed. Since DTAs are applied by tax authorities, courts and taxpayers in a domestic law context, i.e. within the framework of the legal system of a particular state, the analysis focuses on the application in South Africa of the methods of the interpretation of South African DTAs. The second objective of the dissertation refers to international tax law principles (treaties and customary international law) derived from South Africa public international law and to evaluate a few selected issues related to South African DTAs and their relevance to South Africa domestic tax laws; the interpretation of DTAs and the implications of a DTA overriding or in conflict with South Africa domestic tax laws. It will also interrogate the legal status of a DTA under South African tax law and whether the anti-discrimination article in South Africa DTAs have the force of law in South Africa? / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

Triangulära skatteavtalssituationer med fast driftställe : Särskilt om etableringsstatens skyldighet att lindra dubbelbeskattning / PE Triangular Tax Treaty Cases : Particularly on the PE state's obligation to mitigate double taxation

Andersen, Martin January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Komparace vybraných forem podnikání zahraniční osoby v ČR / Comparison of Selected Forms of Doing Business by Foreign Legal Entities in the Czech Republic

Přechová, Renáta January 2011 (has links)
The present diploma thesis is focused on the definition of differences resulting from the comparison of two chosen forms of doing business of a foreign person in the Czech Republic. It specifies differences from the viewpoint of the commercial law and the obligations as an accounting unit. Foremost, the thesis includes a detailed analysis from a tax point of view. The thesis involves a model example to define the precise amount of tax obligation incumbent on the both forms of business of a foreign person in the Czech Republic. This model example constitutes a basis for the final evaluation and to draw relevant conclusions. Suggestions and recommendations mentioned in this work can serve as an overview of the approach to the taxation of cross-border income and at the same time as a tool for the elimination of errors and discrepancies in connection with the chosen form of business of a foreign person in the Czech Republic.

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