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Návrh propojení a programových modulů pro řízení robotické buňky pro zakládání dílů / Design of interconnections and program modules for robotic cell control for parts creationFursov, Ihor January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes design of interconnections and program modules for robotic cell control for parts creation. Research of this work is focused on industrial comunication protocols. The next part analyzes separate parts of the cell and their ways of connection. Futhermore, control structures of the cell are proposed and after comparison of them SCADA system structure was chosen. Project of connecting separate devices is done in Wonderware Systém Platform. The next step describes procedure of interconection of parts of the cell with each other. Then was designed visualization to operate robotic cell and to illustrate its state. Whole visualization was created using Wonderware InTouch program. In conclusion thesis is reviewed.
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Virtuální zprovoznění výměníku nástrojů CNC stroje / Virtuální zprovoznění výměníku nástrojů CNC strojeRajdl, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with virtual commissioning of the CNC machine tool changer. First deals with current state of knowledge with a systematic analysis of virtual commissioning. The 3D model is created by physical properties, sensors, actuators and control signals. In the last part of this thesis, a PLC program and visualization is created. The programs needed to create a virtual commissioning are jsou NX 12.0 - Mechatronic concept designer, SIMIT Simulation Platform V10.0 a TwinCAT 3.
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Digitální zprovoznění robotizovaného výrobního systému pro obsluhu obráběcího stroje / Digital commissioning of a robotic production system for machine tool tendingRoun, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is about the digital commissioning of a robotic production system for a machine tool tending. The initial research describes the current state of the art in the field of industrial robotics. Their types and possibilities are followed by the types and SW capabilities for digital commissioning. The system analysis of the robotic work cell. The practical part of this thesis describes the creation of the digital model and SW design. At the end of the thesis is performed virtual testing of the robotic system.
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Linked Enterprise Data als semantischer, integrierter Informationsraum für die industrielle DatenhaltungGraube, Markus 01 March 2018 (has links)
Zunehmende Vernetzung und gesteigerte Flexibilität in Planungs- und Produktionsprozessen sind die notwendigen Antworten auf die gesteigerten Anforderungen an die Industrie in Bezug auf Agilität und Einführung von Mehrwertdiensten. Dafür ist eine stärkere Digitalisierung aller Prozesse und Vernetzung mit den Informationshaushalten von Partnern notwendig. Heutige Informationssysteme sind jedoch nicht in der Lage, die Anforderungen eines solchen integrierten, verteilten Informationsraums zu erfüllen.
Ein vielversprechender Kandidat ist jedoch Linked Data, das aus dem Bereich des Semantic Web stammt. Aus diesem Ansatz wurde Linked Enterprise Data entwickelt, welches die Werkzeuge und Prozesse so erweitert, dass ein für die Industrie nutzbarer und flexibler Informationsraum entsteht. Kernkonzept dabei ist, dass die Informationen aus den Spezialwerkzeugen auf eine semantische Ebene gehoben, direkt auf Datenebene verknüpft und für Abfragen sicher bereitgestellt werden. Dazu kommt die Erfüllung industrieller Anforderungen durch die Bereitstellung des Revisionierungswerkzeugs R43ples, der Integration mit OPC UA über OPCUA2LD, der Anknüpfung an industrielle Systeme (z.B. an COMOS), einer Möglichkeit zur Modelltransformation mit SPARQL sowie feingranularen Informationsabsicherung eines SPARQL-Endpunkts. / Increasing collaboration in production networks and increased flexibility in planning and production processes are responses to the increased demands on industry regarding agility and the introduction of value-added services. A solution is the digitalisation of all processes and a deeper connectivity to the information resources of partners. However, today’s information systems are not able to meet the requirements of such an integrated, distributed information space.
A promising candidate is Linked Data, which comes from the Semantic Web area. Based on this approach, Linked Enterprise Data was developed, which expands the existing tools and processes. Thus, an information space can be created that is usable and flexible for the industry. The core idea is to raise information from legacy tools to a semantic level, link them directly on the data level even across organizational boundaries, and make them securely available for queries. This includes the fulfillment of industrial requirements by the provision of the revision tool R43ples, the integration with OPC UA via OPCUA2LD, the connection to industrial systems (for example to COMOS), a possibility for model transformation with SPARQL as well as fine granular information protection of a SPARQL endpoint.
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OPC UA Field eXchange Prototyping : Enabling decentralized communication using Publish/SubscribeAndreasson, Samuel, Palmér, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture, or OPC UA, is a world-leading communication protocol specializing in unifying and automating production systems communication. In 2018 the OPC Foundation, an industrial consortium, started the OPC UA Field eXchange initiative to develop the current protocol to extend the reach of the communication down to field level devices like sensors and actuators. This paper explores whether OPC UA FX software can be implemented and integrated with HMS Networks’ product AnyBus CompactCom M40. The problem formulation stems from the future need for factory communication. For factories to compete, they need to adapt and keep up with the technological progression. OPC UA FX is based on decentralized communication where devices transmit data to each other by distributing the load over the entire system. The purpose of this report is to, based on the Open62541 implementation, develop software that extends OPC UA with PubSub functionality and methods that enable two or more instances to run as an FX application, meaning that the program publishes and subscribes data simultaneously. Once the software is developed, we integrate it on an AnyBus CompactCom 40 module. This will work as a communication prototype that proves that it is possible to extend OPC UA with FX into HMS Networks’ products. Open62541 is used to gather libraries and methods needed for OPC UA development. The software is developed using C in Visual Studios and integrated into the hardware using Eclipse. The result in the form of software was a connection-oriented data exchange, based on the OPC UA information model, where two or more instances can publish and subscribe to information simultaneously. HMS Networks can use the result on their way to implementing OPC UA FX in their products. In conclusion, the Open62541 implementation is beneficial when developing the OPC UA protocol. The software is complete, but it could not be fully integrated into the CompactCom module. The achieved application is still useful for the development of HMS Network’s products that might use the protocol. / Open Platform Communication Unified Architechure, eller OPC UA, är ett av de världsledande kommunikationsprotokoll som är specialiserat i att förena kommunikation i produktionssystem. 2018 startade OPC Foundation, ett industriellt konsortium, ett initiativ vid namn OPC UA Field eXchange med målet att utvekcla det nuvarande protokollet så att det kan användas till kommunikation på låg nivå, exempelvis mellan sensorer och ställdon. Denna rapport utforskar ifall det är möjligt att utveckla protokollet och integrera det i HMS Networks modul AnyBus CompactCom 40. Problemformluleringen baseras på framtida behov hos fabriker relaterat till automatisering. För att konkurrera framöver behöver fabriker anpassa sig till utvecklingen inom automatisering. OPC UA FX fokuserar på decentralierad kommunikation mellan enheter som fältanordning, maskin och moln samtidigt för att belastningen ska delas upp över hela systemet. Samtidigt som enheter i industiella nätverket fritt ska kunna överföra data mellan varandra oberoende vilken tillverkare som skapat enheten. Syftet med arbetet är att, baserat på Open62541, utveckla PubSub teknologi med metoder som möjlighetsgör att två eller fler instanser av en FX applikation ska kunna transportera data genom att prenumerera på och publicera data samtidigt. När mjukvaran fungerar är tanken att integrera mjukvaran på en AnyBus CompactCom 40 modul för att bevisa att implementationen är möjlig i ett praktiskt sammanhang. Open62541 används för att inkludera nödvändiga OPC UA bibliotek, funktionalitet och datatyper. Protokollet utvecklas i C i en VisualStudio miljö och integreras med hjälp av Eclipse. Resultatet i form av mjukvara var en kopplings intriktat data utbyte, baserad på OPC UA information modell, där en eller två instanser av ett program kan publicera och prenumerera på data samtidigt. HMS Networks kan använda resultatet i arbetet att implementera OPC UA FX i deras produkter. Sammanfattningsvis är Open62541 ett mycket användbart verktyg för utvekcling av OPC UA protokol. Dessvärre lyckades inte integrationen av mjukvaran i CompactCom modulen helt och hållet, men det som åstadkommits i arbetet kan i hög grad användas för fortsatt utveckling av OPC UA FX i HMS Networks produkter.
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Realizing real-time digital twins for industrial cobotsCliment Giménez, Eire María January 2024 (has links)
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the implementation of real-time digital twins for industrial cobots, with a focus on the ABB GoFa CRB 15000 cobot. It highlights the relevance of digital twins in the context of Industry 4.0 and their ability to improve operational efficiency by representing physical processes in virtual models. The project's primary objective is to develop a real-time digital twin system to develop the bidirectional monitoring and control of industrial cobots, particularly in assembly tasks. This paper addresses the challenges encountered and the proposed solution, which include offline and online programming, the adoption of the OPC UA protocol for communication, and the use of ABB RobotStudio for simulation. A framework for understanding the implementation is provided, followed by a detailed analysis of the results obtained, as well as discussion and conclusions. An exploration of possible future work is also included, providing a comprehensive view of the project and its importance in the field of industrial robotics and digital twin technology.
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Security Analysis of OPC UA in Automation Systems for IIoT / Säkerhetsanalys av OPC UA inom automationssystem för IIoT.Varadarajan, Vaishnavi January 2022 (has links)
Establishing secured communication among the different entities in an industrial environment is a major concern. Especially with the introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), industries have been susceptible to cyber threats, which makes security a critical requirement for the industries. Prevailing industrial communication standards were proven to meet the security needs to some extent, but the major issue which was yet to be addressed was interoperability. To achieve interoperability, Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC UA) was introduced as a communication protocol. OPC UA helped bridge the gap between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) security needs, but this also gives rise to new attack opportunities for the intruder. In this thesis, we have analysed the security challenges in OPC UA and the impact of two different cyberattacks on the OPC UA. First, we have implemented an OPC UA Network with the help of Raspberry Pis and open62541, an open-source implementation of the OPC UA client and server. Following this, to evaluate the performance of the network, we performed three cybersecurity attacks, Packet Sniffing, Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) and Denial of Service attack. We assessed the impact these attacks have on the OPC UA network. We have also discussed the detection mechanism for the same attacks. This analysis has helped us recognize the threats faced by OPC UA in an IIoT environment with respect to message flooding, packet sniffing and man in the middle attack and the countermeasures to this attack have been discussed / Att etablera en säker kommunikation mellan de olika enheterna i en industriell miljö är en stor utmaning. Speciellt efter introduktionen av Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) har industrier varit mottagliga för cyberhot vilket gör cybersäkerhet en prioritet. Rådande industriella kommunikationsstandarder har visats att till viss del uppfylla säkerhets- behoven, men en av de största problemen var bristen på interoperabilitet. För att uppnå interoperabiliteten skapades Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC UA) som kommun- ikationsprotokoll. OPC UA hjälper till att överbrygga gapet mellan säkerhetsbehoven av information- steknologi (IT) och Operational Technology (OT), men detta ger också upphov till nya attackmöjligheter för inkräktare. I detta examensarbete har vi analyserat säkerhetsutmaningarna i OPC UA och effekten av två olika cyberattacker på OPC UA. Först har vi implementerat ett OPC UA Network med hjälp av Raspberry Pis och open62541 som är en öppen källkodsimplementering av OPC UA klient och server. Efter detta utförde vi tre cybersäkerhetsattacker för att utvärdera nätverkets prestanda, packet sniffing, Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) och Denial of Service attack. Vi bedömde vilken effekt dessa attacker har på OPC UA-nätverket. Vi har också diskuterat detektionsmekanismen för samma attacker. Denna analys har hjälpt oss att känna igen de hot som OPC UA står inför i en IIoT-miljö med avseende på dataflöde, packet sniffing och Man in the Middle attack och även försvar mot dessa attacker har diskuterats.
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Security Analysis of OPC UA in Automation Systems for IIoT / Säkerhetsanalys av OPC UA inom automationssystem för IIoT.Varadarajan, Vaishnavi January 2022 (has links)
Establishing secured communication among the different entities in an industrial environment is a major concern. Especially with the introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), industries have been susceptible to cyber threats, which makes security a critical requirement for the industries. Prevailing industrial communication standards were proven to meet the security needs to some extent, but the major issue which was yet to be addressed was interoperability. To achieve interoperability, Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC UA) was introduced as a communication protocol. OPC UA helped bridge the gap between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) security needs, but this also gives rise to new attack opportunities for the intruder. In this thesis, we have analysed the security challenges in OPC UA and the impact of two different cyberattacks on the OPCUA. First, we have implemented an OPC UA Network with the help of Raspberry Pis and open62541, an open-source implementation of the OPC UA client and server. Following this, to evaluate the performance of the network, we performed three cybersecurity attacks, Packet Sniffing, Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) and Denial of Service attack. We assessed the impact these attacks have on the OPC UA network. We have also discussed the detection mechanism for the same attacks. This analysis has helped us recognize the threats faced by OPC UA in an IIoT environment with respect to message flooding, packet sniffing and man in the middle attack and the countermeasures to this attack have been discussed. / Att etablera en säker kommunikation mellan de olika enheterna i en industriell miljö är en stor utmaning. Speciellt efter introduktionen av Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) har industrier varit mottagliga för cyberhot vilket gör cybersäkerhet en prioritet. Rådande industriella kommunikationsstandarder har visats att till viss del uppfylla säkerhets- behoven, men en av de största problemen var bristen på interoperabilitet. För att uppnå interoperabiliteten skapades Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC UA) som kommun- ikationsprotokoll. OPC UA hjälper till att överbrygga gapet mellan säkerhetsbehoven av information- steknologi (IT) och Operational Technology (OT), men detta ger också upphov till nya attackmöjligheter för inkräktare. I detta examensarbete har vi analyserat säkerhetsutmaningarna i OPC UA och effekten av två olika cyberattacker på OPC UA. Först har vi implementerat ett OPC UA Network med hjälp av Raspberry Pis och open62541 som är en öppen källkodsimplementering av OPC UA klient och server. Efter detta utförde vi tre cybersäkerhetsattacker för att utvärdera nätverkets prestanda, packet sniffing, Man in the Middle Attack (MITM) och Denial of Service attack. Vi bedömde vilken effekt dessa attacker har på OPC UA-nätverket. Vi har också diskuterat detektionsmekanismen för samma attacker. Denna analys har hjälpt oss att känna igen de hot som OPC UA står inför i en IIoT-miljö med avseende på dataflöde, packet sniffing och Man in the Middle attack och även försvar mot dessa attacker har diskuterats.
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Simulace výrobní linky pro kompletaci světlometu automobilu v systému Tecnomatix Process Simulate / The robotic cell for car headlight assembly simulationHampl, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the design and realization of the simulation in program Tecnomatix Process Simulate. The thesis deals with the creation of a simulated assembly line of gluing a protective glass to the headlight. For this operation is using four stationary robotic arms. Created simulation behaves like a real robotic assembly line. In simulation is implemented several input sensors, robotic operations and conveyer structure. The control is done with PLC programmed, designed in TIA portal 14. Thesis includes a detailed description of the design whole simulation, together with the Tecnomatix Process Simulate environment. This software offer a many external commissioning and three bigger were tested, two kinds of OPC servers and PLCSIM Advanced. The conclusion of the diploma thesis describes the way of simulation control with visualization of whole process cell.
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Development of Advanced Process Control for Controlling a Digital Twin as a Part of Virtual CommissioningUddin, Md Mehrab January 2021 (has links)
Over the last few decades, the complexity and variety of automation systems have increased dramatically. Commissioning has grown more and more critical for the entire industry. Conventional commissioning is time-consuming and expensive. It's always been a challenge in manufacturing to put new designs into production or implement new technologies, control codes, or tactics. In Virtual Commissioning (VC), control programs of the physical system's Digital Twin (DT) can be validated in Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) before the actual commissioning. The emergence of new VC tools and methods has become a tremendous advantage, bringing the values of shorter duration, flexibility, and lower risks to the commissioning process. In this thesis, advanced process control was developed using the software Matlab and Simulink in conjunction with the engineering tools S7-PLCSIM Advanced and STEP 7 TIA Portal to conduct VC. A VC approach with four key steps is taken to evaluate the possibility of validating advanced process control. The steps are modeling DT of a rolling mill, model-based control design, simulation model development in Simulink, communication between the simulation model and the PLC program using S-7 TIA Portal, and PLCSIM Advanced. Also, a simulated Human-Machine Interface was designed to operate and visualize the process. VC of the rolling mill process was verified and validated by Model-in-the-Loop (MIL) and SIL simulation. The simulation gives satisfactory results as both MIL and SIL show identical outputs of the process.
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