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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Water Conservation for the County of San Luis Obispo

Antoniou, Dimitri Theodore 01 June 2010 (has links)
This study is an academic research project completed to satisfy the California Polytechnic Master Thesis Requirement for the Master Degree of City and Regional Planning in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design. The County of San Luis Obispo Planning and Building Department is the client for this professional project. The project was requested by the County of San Luis Obispo to assist in its water conservation efforts and to help achieve a 20 percent per capita reduction of water use by the year 2020. The project consists of two documents: A Handbook of Water Conservation Technologies and Practices (Handbook) and the Background Report for the Water Conservation Handbook (Background Report). The Handbook is intended to provide a quick guide to various water conserving fixtures and appliances that developers and residents throughout the County of San Luis Obispo can reference for personal use. The Handbook includes information on the type of technology, the benefits in terms of water saving potential, and the cost of implementation. The Handbook is organized based on Indoor and Outdoor water uses. The Background Report is a supplemental document for the Handbook which provides more in depth descriptions and examples on each technology. The Background Report also provides history on water conservation issues in California and San Luis Obispo. It looks at two case studies: one, on the water conservation efforts in Phoenix, Arizona, and two, on a plumbing retrofit project on the Cal Poly Campus that was awarded LEED certification for its water savings. Furthermore, the Background Report explores case studies in the use of community participatory planning to produce water conservation plans. The studies focused on a Community Plan development in Arroyo Grande, California, and on an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan in the Greater Los Angeles Region. The Background Report concludes by providing some cautionary advice on water conservation technologies and provides future recommendations for the county of San Luis Obispo to improve its water conservation efforts.

Narrativa biográfica de San Agustín como itinerario de conversión para el hombre contemporáneo

Torres Vasquez, Ximena Goretty January 2020 (has links)
La problemática en torno al hombre contemporáneo no es diferente a las dificultades que a travesó San Agustín en su contexto social, cultural y personal. Algunas de las similitudes que se pueden identificar son la dispersión del corazón humano en las cosas transitorias del mundo, la pérdida de la interioridad a causa del olvido de Dios, la desorientación del obrar humano debido a la crisis ética, la disyuntiva entre el orden natural y sobrenatural y, finalmente, la pérdida del sentido mistérico de la vida como consecuencia del materialismo. Por tales razones, se planteó como objetivo central analizar la narrativa biográfica de San Agustín, cuyo desarrollo se basó en la identificación y análisis de los medios y episodios claves de su vida y se fundamentaron en la antropología agustiniana para rescatar las notas características de la persona humana que han sido abolidas por diversas corrientes de pensamiento reduccionistas. Se trata de una tesis de tipo teórico o documental que, por medio del método analítico –sintético de diversas fuentes bibliográficas, concluye que cuando la persona humana realiza una relectura de su propia vida descubre que Dios ha obrado providentemente, conduciéndolo por la gracia divina a un momento concreto de conversión que reconfigura su modo de ser y de estar en el mundo.

But Not in Vain: The Civil Rights Movement in San Luis Obispo, California 1947–1969

Harmon, Joshua M 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Civil rights have long been an important focus of historical scholarship. As the United States continues to grapple with issues of racism and the complicated legacy of the Civil Rights Movement, it is imperative that a variety of perspectives are incorporated into scholarship on the subject. Traditional scholarship on the subject has focused on the large organizations, individuals, marches, and activities that have come to characterize the Civil Rights movement. This study seeks to integrate the perspectives of a case study population, African Americans in San Luis Obispo, California, to assess the ways in which African Americans away from large population centers were able to participate in the Civil Rights movement. This study draws primarily on contemporary newspapers, NAACP records, and government documents to assess the relationship between the local civil rights movement and its national counterpart. Civil rights activities at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo also reveal important instances of discrimination and exclusion on campus. Research has shown that, despite relative isolation and a miniscule population, African Americans in San Luis Obispo experienced similar discrimination, isolation, and economic exclusion as their urban and rural counterparts throughout the nation. They also attempted to bring attention to their plight using nationally established organizations and tactics. Though African Americans in San Luis Obispo met with limited success, their previously undocumented struggle has revealed a population determined to fight for their rights. The continuity between the experiences of African Americans throughout the country renders a more complete understanding of racism in the United States.

El Canto de Agustín La modulación entre el discurso y el silencio

Arana Alencastre, Jean Luis 22 January 2021 (has links)
En la presente tesis se estudiará el rol que juega la música en el estilo y pensamiento de Agustín de Hipona y se tratará de vislumbrar cuál es su importancia. Para desde allí abordar el problema ulterior que surge con la noción de creación desde la nada (creatio ex nihilo). El cual pregunta ¿cómo pensar la posibilidad de la relación entre lo eterno y lo temporal teniendo en cuenta una distancia ontológica infinita entre el Creador y lo creado? Con respecto a ello se logrará ver finalmente que al incorporar el enfoque musical se abren horizontes de interpretación renovadores en torno al pensamiento de Agustín y cierta luz a la problemática de la creación. En ese sentido, el tema principal es la música como componente esencial en el estilo y pensamiento de Agustín que da como título el Canto de Agustín: la modulación entre el silencio y el discurso. A dicho tema se plantea la pregunta general: ¿Cuál es el lugar de la música en el pensamiento de Agustín? Como hipótesis se afirma que la música posee un lugar esencial en el pensamiento de Agustín, porque es en su estilo rítmico y desde él que compone sus pensamientos. Es decir, la música está presente de forma esencial en la manera de crear sus textos. Lo que quiere decir que está presente en su forma de escribir, en lo referente a la composición de sus palabras. Asimismo, se sostiene que la música permite proponer un mayor horizonte al problema entre el Ser eterno y lo creado por medio de la unión con Aquel en la modulación. Además, se afirma que es con la música que se pueden comprender con mayor amplitud los principales conceptos en la filosofía de Agustín como la memoria, el tiempo, la voluntad, el amor, la creación y el Ser. Por todo ello, la música es aquello que articula el pensamiento de Agustín en cuanto a su forma de escribir y lo muestra en todo su esplendor. Así, lo que pretende la tesis es señalar una relación entre el pensamiento de Agustín, su estilo de escritura y la música para poder comprender a partir de ello la posibilidad de la relación entre el Ser Creador Eterno y el ser creado temporal en la unión por la participación a través de la modulación desde las armonías eternas.

La Sola Scriptura: génesis de una racionalidad mínima y práctica

Luna Revoredo, Miguel Narciso 05 November 2013 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación que presentamos a continuación, es un estudio del principio hermenéutico de la Sola Scriptura propiciado en la Reforma Protestante del siglo XVI. La investigación sostiene como hipótesis general que la expresión originaria e implicancias hermenéuticas de dicho principio, constituye el primer debilitamiento más significativo del constructo dogmático religioso y abre las puertas a la posibilidad de la aplicación de un principio racional mínimo y práctico, desprovisto de pretensiones teóricas, que posibilita la lectura del texto revelado, constatando su autenticidad interpretativa en la remisión última al imperativo de la caridad. En aras de la verificación de nuestra hipótesis, dividiremos el trabajo de investigación en tres capítulos: en el primero, abordaremos la naturaleza del principio de la Sola Scriptura, las interpretaciones y aplicaciones en su proceso genético. En el segundo capítulo articularemos este principio hermenéutico con sus antecedentes en el pensamiento de san Agustín, fundamentalmente los conceptos de tradición e intra-textualidad bíblica en la concepción agustiniana. En el último capítulo, trabajaremos el principio de la Sola Scriptura en el contexto de la hermenéutica filosófica, a través de los aportes contemporáneos efectuados por la reflexión de Gadamer y José Severino Croatto. / Tesis

Bus on Shoulder: Local Assessment of Shoulder Transit Lane for Regional Buses in San Luis Obispo County

Berry, Jessica R 01 March 2010 (has links)
The study looks at the applicability of integrating a Bus Only Shoulder (BOS) into the intermittently congested segment of US 101 in southern San Luis Obispo County. Policy, infrastructure and implementing criteria derived from case studies in Minnesota, Florida and California (San Diego) and the 2007 California Decision Document on BOS are applied to conditions in the region. One measure of performance, time savings, is projected to 2025 to determine the value of integrating the program by that horizon year. Given the substantial potential for time savings in that future year, recommendations are made to create the appropriate policy and infrastructure environment for the program.

Like Laws and Sausages: The Tale of a Mere Portion of the Process to Develop the South Broad Street Corridor Plan

Lopez, Amy R 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The processes to develop community plans share certain standard activities and stages while remaining distinctive and without pre-scripted procedures. This study documents the process that yielded the South Broad Street Corridor Plan June 2012 draft. The objective is to present the decision-making processes and their connections to the final plan document along with the plan document itself.

Growing Conflict: Agriculture, Innovation, and Immigration in San Luis Obispo County, 1837–1937

Jenzen, Douglas P 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The history of San Luis Obispo and its surrounding areas is complex. Agriculture, innovation, and immigration have all contributed to the formation of the region. The Spanish, Mexican, and early American periods established the framework successive waves of immigrants had to live within. Native Americans and immigrants from China, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, the Philippines, and other regions of the United States have all toiled in the fields and contributed to America’s tables at various points throughout county history. Many contingencies determined the treatment of successive waves of immigrants. Growth and development are taking place at exponential rates on the very land that witnessed the first local agriculture and the conflicts surrounding the burgeoning industry.

Effects Of Intertidal Position On The Response To Oxygen And Desiccation Stress In The Common Acorn Barnacle, Balanus Glandula

Dotterweich, Megan M 01 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Sessile invertebrates in the rocky intertidal experience intermittent periods of air exposure due to tidal flux, presenting risks of temperature extremes, hypoxia, nutrient limitation, and most dangerously, desiccation. Microscale variation in severity and frequency of these risks is widely dependent on vertical position within the intertidal zone. Common acorn barnacles (Balanus glandula) have a wide vertical distribution in the intertidal, creating large differences in microhabitat between the highest and lowest individuals in the population. This study set out to explore whether tidal position dependent differences exist in the response to oxygen and desiccation stress in B. glandula. We hypothesized that B. glandula from relatively high tidal heights, which are exposed to the air for a greater duration, will be better suited to tolerate anoxic and desiccation stress than conspecifics from lower tidal heights. To explore this, we compared responses of B. glandula collected from high and low intertidal positions to A) anoxia (0 mg O2/L) and hypoxia (≤ 2 mg O2/L) on survival, behavior (closed opercular plates, cirral beating, pneumostome formation), enzyme activity (lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), superoxide dismutase (SOD)), and tissue-lactate accumulation, in addition to B) the effects of humid (98% RH) and dry (32% RH) air emersion (at 17˚C) on survival, opercular behavior (open/closed), evaporative water loss (EWL) rates, and tissue-lactate accumulation. Relative to barnacles from the low intertidal, we found that barnacles from the high intertidal survive longer during anoxia and air emersion stress, close their operculum sooner in dry air, lose more water during air exposure at any humidity level, and tend to accumulate less D-lactate. We suspect that high intertidal B. glandula can survive desiccation longer by ejecting stores of mantle cavity fluid, thereby creating a moist lung-like, air-filled internal environment, then remaining largely closed and metabolically inactive when in air to avoid drying out and becoming anoxic. These differences may reflect plasticity or selective pressure in response to environmental stress during development and highlight the potential importance of microscale stress heterogeneity in influencing species climate change tolerance and potential distribution patterns.

NCMA Groundwater Model Using USGS MODFLOW-2005/PEST

Wallace, Brian Matthew 01 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
A numerical model for the NCMA aquifer complex is presented. The objective of the study is to develop a numerical groundwater model for the NCMA aquifer system to enhance the understanding of subsurface groundwater flow. Infiltration, streamflow, pumping, and return flows are implemented to characterize the aquifer complex over time. The numerical model is calibrated to municipal and monitoring well data, average monthly water balances, and hydraulic contours. Transient aquifer inflows and outflows are assessed in the results of the study and are compared to balance terms from previous studies. The 2007 Todd Engineers Study subsurface inflows and outflows generate well hydrographs that have greater heads than observed data. Calibration to well hydrographs generated increased subsurface outflow values and decreased subsurface inflow values. It is possible that approximately 250 AFY is leaving aquifer storage.

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