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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Collective Communication

Bäckman, Emma, Westberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Rusdryckens vara eller inte vara : En jämförelsestudie mellan två lokala tidningar inför och efter folkomröstningen 1922 / Alcoholic beverages to be or not to be : A comparativestudy between two local newspapers before and after thereferendum in 1922

Andersson, Daniel, Bengtsson, Rickard January 2013 (has links)
This survey has as its aim to see how two local newspapers in the city Växjö and the region of Kronoberg in Sweden reported and acted in connection to the referendum taking place in 1922 whether or not alcoholic beverages should be prohibited. In order to do this we analyzed Smålandsposten and Nya Växjöbladet to see their reporting. We found that the numbers of articles and debate contributions increased during the months closer to the referendum. We also found that Nya Växjöbladet where slightly supporting the prohibition of alcohol while Smålandsposten where against it. The arguments used by both sides during the debate were also analyzed. Here, we discovered, that many of the arguments where used several times and by many different operators. Some of the most used arguments that were negative to the prohibition were related to the possible economic struggles that could affect the Swedish society. The arguments used by operators against the prohibition were based on Christian values and the greater good of society.

Demokratins väktare? : En kvalitativ studie av hur personliga handläggare på Försäkringskassan upplever och hanterar målkonflikter

Bertilsson, Olle January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how administrative officers at the Swedish social insurance agency experience and deal with the goal conflicts they may experience. Furthermore, the purpose is to gain a greater understanding on how they perceive their role in the implementation process, and their position as the link between the citizens and the state. Two potential conflicts are examined; between quantitative goals and performance measures and those more qualitative and hard to measure; between economic values such as cost efficiency and productivity and democratic values such as the rule of law. The other conflict examined is that between implementing and following the laws set forth, take into account the individual needs and interests of the citizen. The theoretical framework consists of Lundquist’s theory on public officers as the guardians of democracy, which means that they should not only implement laws and rules according to political intentions, but also make sure that the democratic values and principles are followed in the relationship between state and citizen. Michael Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats is also used in the analysis.     The study concludes that in the first conflict, they exercise some amount of discretion in prioritizing between the quantitative and qualitative goals, and see a synthesis between quality and quantity. In the other conflict, their discretion is significantly smaller, which makes it difficult to at the same time implement laws and take into account the sometimes unique and complex individual needs they encounter. Thus, their function in this respect is mainly to implement, as the role of the guardian in this conflict is hampered, while it is more applicable in the first one.

Ekonomistyrning inom individ- och familjeomsorg : "Sen om himlen ramlat ner och alla har blivit funktionshindrade, det spelar ingen roll, för det ni hade innan – det får ni nästa år ändå."

Granbom, Jessica, Jörnmyr, Maria, Persson, Monica January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to describe how financial management functions within the individual and family care services in three mid-sized municipalities. 27 interviews with managers and key personnel at three management levels in Örebro, Växjö and Jönkö-ping were conducted using a descriptive approach and qualitative method. In addition governing docu-ments and delineations in regards to these municipalities have been studied. The combined findings show that all municipalities have separate visions and control systems/models for their municipality with focus on management by objectives and politically determined goals, which in-clude economical measurements and requirements for the departments. Moreover, are also tracking sys-tems, which are described as following up on the results thru indicators and/or measurable goals. The municipalities utilize framework financials and budget processing on a high level and its timings appears similar in each municipality. Additionally the study has shown that there is a desire and aspiration to implement central economic goals in all three municipalities. The interviewees describe how they use their leadership to anchor, follow up and create participation in economic objectives and results thru instrumental and institutional leadership. All describe the importance of good forecasting in order for the financial management to work and create legitimacy, but they also see difficulties in anticipating needs arising mainly from livelihood support and external placements. None of the municipalities have a specific resource allocation model for individual and family care services. The study shows relatively small changes in the budget year over year, which in addition to difficulties in forecasting affects their perceived ability to take action. Conclusive, the study shows dilemmas in the individual and family care services and the difficulty of combining legal certainty and protection for the most vulnerable in our society, all while utilizing shared public resources in a responsible and appropriate manner.

Trygghet i Halmstad : En kandidatuppsats i sociologi om trygghetsarbetet i Halmstad kommun

Lundberg, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats berör begreppet trygghet på en kommunal nivå med syfte att undersöka organisationerna i Halmstads kommuns syn på begreppet. Intervjuerna gjordes med sex personer från fem verksamheter i kommunen där intervjufrågorna utgick ifrån frågeställningarna om hur de uppfattar begreppet trygghet, hur de arbetar inom sin organisation med begreppet för att öka tryggheten i staden samt vad de själva inte kan göra för tryggheten som invånarna istället kan bidra med. Uppsatsen är framställd efter intervjuer och en rapport som har gjorts om trygghet i Halmstads kommun i relation till teorier, begrepp och tidigare forskning som alla berör ämnet trygghet på ett eller annat sätt. Teorierna berör trygghet på en lokal och kommunal nivå med begrepp som risksamhället, organisationskultur och det offentliga rummet. Resultatet visar på att det inte finns någon specifik definition av begreppet trygghet varken inom kommunen i helhet eller i organisationerna. Arbetet för trygghet är brett i staden främst med fokus på fysiska insatser och den fysiska miljön. Begreppet trygghet är avgränsad i uppsatsen till den upplevda tryggheten i offentlig miljö.

Den homogena staden : En studie om exkludering i Stockholms offentliga rum

Dalmo, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen ska undersöka de exkluderande faktorerna i Stockholms offentliga rum med Stockholm central, som ägs av det statliga bolaget Jernhusen, som utgångspunkt. I en alltmer globaliserad värld blir visionen om attraktivitet med följd av trygghet viktiga faktorer i det offentliga rummet. Här städas potentiella hot mot den bilden undan för att städer ska kunna bibehålla en framstående roll. Målet blir därför att se hur skapandet av det attraktiva och trygga rummet kan verka exkluderande för bland annat socialt utsatta människor. Platsinventering och observation av Stockholm central har använts för att identifiera exkluderande barriärer. Dessutom har kvalitativ analys av plandokument använts för att förstå hur Jernhusen och Stockholms stad arbetar med attraktivitet och trygghet som kan verka exkluderande. Resultatet visar att det finns indikationer på exkludering på Stockholm central. Både den fysiska utformningen och Jernhusens bemötande kunde verka exkluderande mot särskilt socialt utsatta. Den politiska diskursen som förts inom ämnet har även granskats för att förstå fenomenets vidd och vilka åtgärder som planeras.

Det offentliga samtalet : En argumentationsanalys av artikuleringen kring Kristianstad Arena

Nilsson, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Essay in Political Science C by Peter Nilsson, spring 2008.</p><p>Det offentliga samtalet – en argumentationsanalys av artikuleringen kring Kristianstad Arena</p><p>Tutor: Stig Montin</p><p>The purpose of this essay is to examine the public deliberation of Kristianstad Arena in the local newspaper and clarify who the actors are and what kind of arguments they express. Further I intend to find the differences between the actors and the kind of arguments they use. To fulfill the purpose I’ve used three minor questions which are; a) which actors participate in the public deliberation about Kristianstad Arena, b) Which are the arguments emerge, c) Which clear differences in the arguments is there between the actors? To find my answers I’ve examined the local paper during a period of four months. The tool I’ve been using to analyze the arguments has its origin in Toulmin’s model from 1958. The conclusion of the essay is that the public deliberation involves seven different kind of actors, who express’s three different kind of arguments. The actors are private persons, politicians, politically un-attached thinkers, politically attached thinkers, local business world, sports associations and media. The three types of arguments are about, the decision, the arena and the debate. The private persons and the politicians resemble each other and mainly express arguments about the decision and partly about the arena. The politically attached and un-attached thinkers more or less exclusively express arguments about the decision. The local business has an equal share of decision- and arena arguments, while the media and the sport associations mainly express arguments about the debate and the arena.</p>

Ledarskapsskillnader mellan ofentligt och privat anställda ledare : När sektorstillhörighet inte längre är relevant

Hansson, Markus, Molander, Sara January 2013 (has links)
The Public vs. private movement has over the past decades identified numerous significant differences between public and private organizations. The observed differences covers almost every field in administrative economics ranging from organizational structure, management accounting, goal-setting and in the past few years even leadership. Strangely, in the majority of these studies little or no regards are given to organizational characteristics or fundamental differences between compared organizations and if these organizations really are comparable when studying the effect of sector. The aim of this study is to compare leadership in relatively similar organizations from both the public and private sector and so clarify if earlier identified differences in leadership styles still surface when leaders working with approximately the same thing in a similar work context are studied. A sample of 348 Swedish principals was drawn from both municipal and private elementary schools. The respondents answered a web-based survey based on the CPE-model resulting in leadership styles mapped according to three orientations: change, production and employee. Data was analyzed with several quantitative methods and the result failed to reproduce earlier observed differences with statistical significance or with satisfying strength when leaders working with approximately same thing in similar context were compared.

Det offentliga rummets dragningskraft : En gestaltande fallstudie om offentliga rum i Hässleholm

Persson, Isabella January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is a case study that deals with public space based on how people use them. Public spaces are an important part of our city life and everyday life. Quality public spaces and places are due to its design and use, which are the primary aspects of this study. Hässleholm has been the location for the case study inventory items. Five different methods have been the basis for the study, and through them it has been possible to study what makes a room usable and unusable and what criteria is necessary for people to want to stay in the public rooms. The study concludes with a design proposal based on the results of all methods, where one of the inventoried rooms are selected, which needed to be developed to fulfill its function. The design proposal is based on empirical data on how a room can be designed for it to be perceived as public. The design proposal is presented through plans, sections, images and illustrations. / Uppsatsen är en fallstudie som behandlar offentliga rum utifrån hur människor använder dem. Offentliga rum är en viktig del av vårt stadsliv och vår vardag. Kvalitativa offentliga rum beror på dess utformning och användning, vilka är de primära aspekterna i studien. Hässleholm har varit platsen för fallstudiens inventeringsobjekt. Fem olika metoder har varit till grund för studien, och genom dem har det kunnat studeras vad som gör ett rum användbart respektive oanvändbart samt vilka kriterier som krävs för att människor ska vilja vistas i de offentliga rummen. Studien avslutas med ett gestaltningsförslag utifrån resultatet av samtliga metoder, där ett av de inventerade rummen valts ut, vilket behövde utvecklas för att fylla sin funktion. Gestaltningsförslaget baseras på empirin om hur ett rum kan gestaltas för att det ska uppfattas som offentligt. Förslaget presenteras genom planer, sektioner, bilder och illustrationer.

Statens regressfordran i offentligt ackord : Omfattas statens regressfordran på grund av utbetald lönegaranti av ett offentligt ackord? / The states exaction in an arrangement with creditors.

Hajdarevic, Elvis January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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