Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lld age."" "subject:"dld age.""
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Etické problémy seniorů při vyrovnávání se s blízkostí smrti / Ethical problems of the elderly when coming to terms with the imanence of deathEberson, Arthur Markus January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we will reflect on the ethical problems faced by seniors in their final phase of life. Old age and the time, when seniors must face the idea of near death, are associated with the whole complex of issues. The objective of this thesis is not only to describe some phenomena observed in this period of life, but it also objects to a comprehensive probe into the final period of the senior's lives. Therefore, at the beginning we will try to describe the various manifestations of aging and approaching the death so that we can monitor their development and changes, especially with regard to the psyche and social contacts. In the following section the ethical problems which the seniors have to face will be described, and we will think about the options of solutions to these ethical issues. Of course, we will also take into consideration the differences in the approaches of the seniors who are and are not believers. We will focus primarily on the ethical issues in terminal stages of the life and the ethical conflicts that are directly related to dying and the death. We won't disregard the question of euthanasia and controlled suicide, brief history of the problem will also be included. Of course, it will be discussed primarily in ethical and theological terms.
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Štěstí v seniorském věku / Happiness in the ElderlyPoláková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on happiness in the elderly. It searches answers on questions like: Can be the senior citizens happy? How should we grow old without loosing contentment? The meaning of the word happiness is discussed, as well as multiple points of view on old age. The presence of happiness in elderly is studied including ways toward the happiness. The thesis also includes seven casuistry, which illustrate the happiness of senior citizens. The results of casuistry complement the theoretical parts of the work.
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Základní principy a koordinace starobních a pozůstalostních důchodů podle nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (ES) č. 883/2004, o koordinaci systémů sociálního zabezpečení / Basic principles and the coordination of old*-age and survivors' pensions according to Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the coordination of social security systemsVidovičová, Dominika January 2013 (has links)
130 Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce We comprehend the coordination of social security systems as an interconnection of social security systems of Member States therefore the free movement of persons can be carried out. The aim of Coordinating Regulations is to ensure that a migrant does not loose his/her claims on social rights due to his/her enjoyment of free movement. Concerning the large extent of this topic the thesis is focusing only on old-age and survivors' pensions according to valid Regulations (EC) No 883/2004 and No 987/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council which entered into force on 1 May 2010. The preliminary chapter out of five at total generally presents the nature of the Coordinating Regulations. It clears up their development and aims. It further introduces other sources of coordination law and explains their relations with other sources of EU law and international law. The determination of personal and material scope of Coordinating Regulations is the indispensable part of this chapter as well. The second chapter highlights the cardinal importance of basic principles of Coordinating Regulations - the principle of equal treatment, the principle of single applicable legislation, the principle of aggregation of periods, the principle of export of benefits and the principle of good...
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Redistribuční aspekty důchodového pojištění / Redistributive aspects of pension insuranceMrázová, Tereza January 2010 (has links)
This work analyzes the redistribution of the pension insurance for people with different income levels.
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Péče o dolní končetiny v dospělosti a ve stáří / Care about lower limbs in adulthood and in old age.VOJČOVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Introduction: Lower limbs are ones of the most strained body parts to which people do not pay much attention. Conscientious care is absolutely vital for their right functioning. Main aims of the thesis: This thesis is focused on gathering the knowledge and skills in care of lower limbs with people at their adult and old age; and on describing how the care is being performed with the target group of people. The next aim is to describe the health care from the podiatry nurse´s point of view. Methodology: A qualitative research by means of half-structured interviews was chosen as the main method of the survey. People at their adult and old age from České Budějovice were interviewed, as well as a nurse working in the centre of podiatry. Results of the thesis: The research proves some level of knowledge in the field of care of lower limbs both with the adult and elderly citizens. Both these groups of people take care of their lower limbs. The results show conscientiousness with washing their feet and drying them especially in the spaces between their toes. On the one hand, the interviewed people take care of their feet by means of using lotions and by means of pedicure. However, they do not go to see specialists in pedicure. On the other hand, the results show that this kind of skin care is not very regular. The care devoted to nails seems to be problematic, it is necessary to add some information about a more appropriate way of cutting them. The results of choosing shoes; when the choice is based mainly on a fashionable look of shoes; show a bigger need of repeated and more accurate education in this field. The impacts of improperly chosen shoes, irregular care of the lower limbs and also underestimating of prophylactic medical checks were all evident on our informants´ feet. The outputs gained in practice: The intermediate results of this thesis were presented at the Students Scientific Conference. The results of the research were used as the basis for a workshop intended for people at the adult and old age. A suggested educational mental map can be used as a practical tool.
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Gestão e vivências de velhices nas Repúblicas de Idosos de Santos / Management and livings of old age in the Santos Residences for the ElderlyOliveira, Glaucia da Silva Destro de 03 March 2009 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa é apresentar, a partir do método etnográfico, diversos discursos sobre velhices presentes nas Repúblicas de Idosos de Santos (SP). Trata-se de uma política habitacional voltada à população envelhecida orientada pela idéia da moradia estudantil. O seu projeto inicial instaura um conceito de velhice baseado no termo de autonomia e independência. Os agentes da prefeitura desenvolvem a percepção de atividade e boa convivência. E os velhos, por sua vez, acionam suas noções plurais articuladas com seus interesses e interpretações. A pesquisa pretende, portanto, analisar diferentes sentidos atribuídos à velhice. / The objective of this study is to present, through an ethnographic methodology, different discussions on old age in the Repúblicas de Idosos de Santos (Santos Residences for the Elderly). This forms part of a housing policy for elderly, inspired by student accommodation, that defines concepts about aging based on autonomy and independence. Council staff work to develop notions around activity and good relationships. The elderly, for their part, are empowered to action their ideas articulated with their interests and points-ofview. The aim of this research is to analyze different meanings attributed to old age.
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A experiência de estudantes da terceira idade no projeto Universidade Aberta da USP / The experience of students of the Third Age in the Open University Project USPSousa, Gerson de 25 April 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o valor da experiência vivida pelos estudantes da Terceira Idade ao estruturar uma reproposta de vida na aquisição de conhecimento como participantes do Projeto Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade da USP. A proposta desta dissertação é identificar os motivos e os significados do retorno aos estudos para esses homens e mulheres inseridos na Sociedade de Informação e Comunicação, analisar o impacto deste movimento histórico nos próprios estudantes e em que medida eles contribuem para rediscutir o valor do ser velho na sociedade contemporânea. / This research aims to analyze the value of experience by the students of the Third Age to structure a life re-proposed acquisition of knowledge as participants in the Open University Project for Senior Citizens of USP. The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the reasons and meanings of returning to studies at these men and women entered the Society of Information and Communication, analyzing the impact of this historical movement in the individual student and to what extent they contribute to rehash the worth of the old in contemporary society.
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Estudo do desenvolvimento de estratégias decisionais em escolhas binárias repetidas. / Decisional strategies in binary choice tasks from childhood to senescence.Victorino, Camila Gomes 04 September 2012 (has links)
Estudos têm mostrado que nem sempre indivíduos maximizam seus ganhos. Quando confrontados a uma sequência binária, cuja recompensa aparece mais em uma das alternativas, ao invés de perseverarem no lado de maior aparecimento, os voluntários adultos escolhem um lado tantas vezes quanto esse lado apresente a recompensa. Foi relatado, entretanto, que crianças perseverariam no lado mais freqüente, maximizando. Estudos relatam a possibilidade de adultos não perseverarem, porque procurariam padrões na sequência; procurou-se realizar quatro experimentos com sequências sem e com padrões (cadeias de Markov), de modo que se pudesse observar e comparar as estratégias de decisão das faixas etárias para padrão ou sem ele. Os resultados mostraram que existe uma tendência à perseveração, com o envelhecimento, e não o contrário, em detrimento da possibilidade de assimilar padrões. Eles também mostram que a assimilação de padrões se desenvolve gradualmente e decai com o envelhecimento, invalidando a ideia de que a não-maximização seja apenas fruto da busca por padrões. / Studies have shown subjects dont maximize their profits all the time. When confronted with binary sequences, with rewards that show up more in one alternative than another, adult volunteers choose one side as the number of rewards the side shows; instead of maximizing in the side that shows more rewards. However, it was related children maximize. Studies assert to the possibility that adults dont maximize because they are searching for a pattern in the sequence. Four experiments were made with sequences with and without a pattern, so that we could observe and compare the decision making strategies between ages for patterns and non-patterns. Results show a tendency to maximization with aging and not the contrary, how was related, and to the detriment of pattern assimilation possibilities; also results show the pattern finding develops gradually with growth and worse with aging. In this way, searching for patterns cant be the only explanation for the non-maximization behavior.
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Desenvolvimento humano na velhice : um estudo sobre as perdas e o luto entre mulheres no início do processo de envelhecimento / Human development in old age : a study about losses and bereavement of women in the beginning of the aging processSilva, Janaina Corazza Barreto 01 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as perdas vividas por mulheres que estão envelhecendo e as formas de enfrentamento do luto e reestruturação de suas vidas. A velhice é uma fase do desenvolvimento marcada por múltiplas perdas significativas que demandam um doloroso trabalho psíquico para elaboração e readaptação. Apesar das usuais representações negativas e tentativas de negar o envelhecimento, tem se aberto espaço para novos papéis, oportunidades de socialização, aprendizagem e crescimento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer algumas das experiências atuais de envelhecimento das participantes, as suas dificuldades, mortes concretas e simbólicas, seus modos de enfrentamento e projetos de vida. A abordagem da pesquisa foi qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas que partiam de uma pergunta ampla e eram acompanhadas de acordo com o que as entrevistadas consideravam relevante. As participantes foram quatro mulheres, com idades entre 53 e 64 anos, que realizaram atividades da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade no Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram destacadas falas representativas, as quais foram categorizadas e analisadas por eixos temáticos. Os relatos mostraram que as principais fontes de sofrimento eram a perda do cônjuge, do trabalho e as exigências do papel de cuidadoras dos pais mais idosos. A falta de preparação para a velhice e a aposentadoria, de apoio profissional e a solidão dificultam o enfrentamento das perdas nesta fase da vida. Constatou-se que esse início da velhice é um importante momento de transição que demanda cuidado e atenção para que se possa ter melhor qualidade de vida no envelhecimento. Foram feitas propostas de abertura de espaços de discussão sobre o tema das perdas e o processo de luto no envelhecimento. / The present work aims to investigate life losses faced by women who are getting older and their ways to deal with bereavement. Old age is a phase of development marked by multiple important losses that demand a painful psychical elaboration. In despite of usual negative representations and attempts to deny old age, opportunities are opened for new roles, socialization, learning and growing. The objective of this work was to investigate some current aging experiences of the participants, their difficulties, concrete and symbolic deaths and their life projects. The research approach was qualitative. An open question was presented and the interview was conducted taking in account what the participants considered as relevant issues. Four women participated, raging from 53 to 64 years of age. They were engaged on activities of the USP\' s Open School for the Third Age, in the Psychology Institute, São Paulo, Brasil. Outstanding issues in their speeches were categorized and analyzed considering thematic points. The reports showed that the main sources of suffering were about losses of spouses, of work and the demands of taking care of older parents. It was observed that some obstacles to face the losses in old age are the lack of preparation to deal with old age and retirement, the lack of professional support and the solitude. It was clear that this is an important phase of transitions which demands care and attention in order to obtain better quality of life in aging. Spaces to discuss the tosses and the mourning processes in aging have been suggested.
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A representação de velhice entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família / The representation of old among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of FamilyBimbato, Angélica Maria Jabur 28 November 2008 (has links)
BIMBATO, A. M. J. A representação de velhice entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família. 2008. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008. Diversas mudanças têm ocorrido no perfil demográfico do Brasil, passando o envelhecimento populacional a ser uma realidade e não mais uma expectativa. Muitos são os mitos, conceitos e concepções sobre idoso, velhice e envelhecimento existentes em nossa sociedade, assim como meios legais que regem sobre os direitos e deveres da pessoa idosa (Programa Nacional de Saúde do Idoso, Estatuto do Idoso e Pacto pela Vida 2006). Objetivando analisar as representações de velhice presentes entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família I, III, IV e V do Centro de Saúde Escola da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (CSE FMRP/USP) e as possíveis implicações para o serviço de saúde, realizamos este estudo, utilizando-se da abordagem qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com dezenove profissionais que atuam nesses Núcleos (agentes comunitários de saúde, auxiliares de enfermagem, enfermeiras, médicos e dentistas). As concepções de velhice variaram em função da formação, idade e experiência de vida dos entrevistados, sendo apresentadas como: fase de sabedoria e experiência de vida; evolução natural do corpo humano; estado de espírito; fase que se assemelha ao mundo infantil; fase de decadência ou solidão; e melhor idade. Há a compreensão por parte dos profissionais entrevistados, de que a velhice é um conjunto bio-psico-social-espiritual, sendo manifestadas pelos mesmos as dificuldades encontradas em prestar uma assistência de qualidade neste cenário tão complexo. Demonstraram também, os seus sentimentos, medo e ansiedade frente ao próprio processo de envelhecimento, como conseqüência da cultura e da sociedade em que vivem, onde ser idoso é visto de forma negativa. As concepções sobre idoso, velhice e envelhecimento, apresentadas pelos entrevistados, indicam a dimensão do quanto esses profissionais encontram-se despreparados para enfrentar o grande desafio de melhorar o atendimento oferecido pelo serviço de saúde, principalmente, em se levando em consideração o aumento acentuado do número de idosos neste país. / BIMBATO, A. M. J. The representation of old among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of Family. 2008. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto SP, 2008. Several alterations (changes) have accured in the demographic profile (side view) of Brazil, passing the populational aging to be a reality (a fact) and not else an expectation. There are a lot of myths (fables), concepts and conceptions about old people, old age and aging in our society, in the same way that legal ways that rule about the rights and obligations of old person (National Programe of Health of old people, Statute of old people and Pact for life 2006). Objectifying analyze the representations of old age present among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of Family I, III, IV, and V in the Center of School Health of the Medical Scholl of Ribeirão Preto SP and University of São Paulo (CSE FMRP/USP) and the possible implications for the health service, we have realized this study, through the qualitative contacts by semi organized interviews with nineteen professionals who actuate in these Nucleus (communitarian of health agents, auxiliary of nursing, nurses, doctors and dentists). The conceptions of the old age have changed in function of the formation, age and experience of life of the interviewers, being showed as phase of knowledge (wisdom) and experience of life; natural evolution of the human body; condition of the spirit; phase like to the infantile world; phase of decadence and loneliness (desolation) and better age. There is the understanding (the comprehension) in part of the interviewed professionals that the old age is a biko-psycho-social-spiritual body (assemblage), being manifested (declared) by these; the difficulties found in giving a good care in this so complex decor (setting). They have also demonstrated their feelings (fear and anxiety) before their own process of aging as consequence of the education of the society they live, where who is old is seen in a negative form. The conceptions about old people, old age and aging expressed by the interviewed show a good dimension of how these professionals are unprepared to face (to confront) the great challenge to improve the work offered by the health service, mainly, when we take into consideration the accentuated growth of the number of the old people in this country.
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