Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lld age."" "subject:"dld age.""
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Humanidade-Artística: uma fenomenologia da dignidade a partir da experiência de arte na velhice / Artistic-humanity: a phenomenology of dignity from the experience of art in old ageBarretto, Kizz de Brito 25 October 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho promove uma fenomenologia da dignidade a partir da experiência de arte na velhice, a fim de estabelecer que tipo de estrutura uma vivência de arte deve ter para que seja de dignidade. Parte de uma compreensão da arte como técnicaprodutiva, haurida do diálogo com a tradição grega da antiguidade. Realiza primeiro um indispensável percurso de desconstruções, intrínsecas ao uso do método filosófico, e somente em seguida narra o aparecimento da dignidade na vivência artística de 12 pessoas maiores de 60 anos de idade. Empreende a descrição dos processos e dos conteúdos dessas experiências, promovendo a integração da estrutura essencial da dignidade pela prática hermenêutica que resulta na ultrapassagem de algumas inflexões contidas no debate histórico-jurídico da dignidade. Propõe uma relevante mudança na abordagem da dignidade a partir da interpretação da experiência de arte na velhice. Revela, por fim, a existência de uma humanidade-artística (inclusive através da imagerie), ressaltando os aspectos fundacionais, relacionais e produtivos do estatuto artístico no ser humano. / The present work promotes a phenomenology of dignity from the experience of art in old age, in order to establish what kind of structure an art experience should have for it to be of dignity. Part of an understanding of art as technical-productive, arising from the dialogue with the Greek tradition of antiquity. First made an indispensable course of deconstruction, intrinsic to the use of the philosophical method, and only then narrates the appearance of dignity in the artistic experience of 12 people over 60 years of age. It undertakes the description of the processes and contents of these experiences, promoting the integration of the essential structure of dignity by the hermeneutical practice that results in the overcoming of some inflections contained in the historical-legal debate of dignity. It proposes a relevant change in the approach to dignity from the interpretation of the art experience in old age. It reveals, finally, the existence of artistic-humanity (including through the imagerie), emphasizing the foundational, relational and productive aspects of the artistic status in the human being.
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O confito de gerações: atividades culturais e de lazer como estratégia de superação com vistas à construção de uma cultura intergeracional solidáriaFerrigno, José Carlos 02 March 2010 (has links)
Em uma sociedade complexa do ponto de vista econômico e cultural como a nossa, mediada por fatores como classe social, gênero, etnia, meio urbano ou rural, o relacionamento entre as gerações assume diferentes formas dentro e fora da família. Há, sem dúvida, importantes esquemas de cooperação intergeracional no seio familiar e em outros espaços sociais. Todavia, distanciamento, estranhamento, preconceitos recíprocos ou até mesmo conflitos, são frequentes entre pais e filhos, avós e netos e, de modo geral, entre jovens e velhos em várias situações do cotidiano. Neste estudo analisamos o relacionamento entre diferentes gerações no exercício compartilhado de atividades culturais e de lazer em uma instituição social: o SESC São Paulo. A idéia surgiu da necessidade de avaliação da eficácia de um programa de atividades intergeracionais que tem por meta a co-educação e o desenvolvimento da solidariedade entre gerações. Esta pesquisa procurou demonstrar, baseada em entrevistas com crianças, jovens e idosos envolvidos em atividades intergeracionais, e das observações dessas interações, que programas de caráter lúdico podem se constituir como um dos caminhos para a superação de conflitos entre gerações, ao promoverem a formação de amizades entre velhos e moços e o desenvolvimento de uma cultura intergeracional solidária / In an economically and culturally complex society such as ours, permeated by factors such as social class, gender, ethnicity, urban/rural environment, the relationship between generations takes different forms within and outside the family. There are undoubtedly important mechanisms of intergenerational cooperation within the family and within other social spaces. However, detachment, estrangement, mutual prejudices, or even conflicts are frequent between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren and generally between young and elderly people in many everyday situations. The idea behind this study was to analyze the relationship between different generations of people sharing cultural and leisure activities side by side in a social institution: the SESC São Paulo. This idea arose from the need to evaluate the effectiveness of an intergenerational activity program that aims to promote co-education and develop solidarity between generations. Based on interviews with children, young people and elderly people who were involved in intergenerational activities, as well as on observations of their interactions, this research sought to demonstrate that programs of a ludic nature can be one of the ways to overcome conflicts between generations, since they foster friendships between elderly people and young people and promote a culture of intergenerational solidarity
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Violência institucional contra a pessoa idosa: a contradição de quem cuida / Institutional abuse of older persons: the contradiction of those who careBerzins, Marilia Anselma Viana da Silva 10 March 2009 (has links)
Pessoas idosas são vítimas de diversas formas de violência. Esta pesquisa qualitativa, fundamentada no referencial teórico da gerontologia e na perspectiva interpretativa, estuda a velhice e a violência institucional contra pessoas idosas a partir da interpretação do conteúdo das entrevistas de 16 profissionais que trabalham no setor da emergência de um hospital público da cidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, feitas a informantes selecionados de diferentes categorias profissionais. O conteúdo das entrevistas foi dividido em duas macrocategorias: velhice e violência institucional. Os profissionais entrevistados associaram velhice à fragilidade, doença, dependência e feiura. Quanto à violência institucional, o termo era inicialmente desconhecido pelos sujeitos. Ao tomarem conhecimento da definição oficial do termo, os sujeitos informaram que este tipo de violência ocorre no serviço pesquisado e que as pessoas idosas são mais vulneráveis à sua ocorrência. Os profissionais declararam que as pessoas idosas são vítimas das diversas formas de violência institucional manifestadas nas subcategorias peregrinação, falta de escuta da clientela, frieza, rispidez, falta de atenção, negligência, maus-tratos, além de outras formas de violência. O grupo de profissionais não se reconhece como agente de violência institucional, transferindo a ação violenta para a alteridade: em primeiro lugar, os próprios colegas de trabalho, e de forma genérica, para a organização do sistema de trabalho. A violência institucional é infligida a todos os usuários, independentemente da idade. Entretanto, os profissionais de saúde apontam para uma maior vulnerabilidade das pessoas idosas, apoiados no conceito e entendimento que eles têm de velhice. Assim, a pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de reconstrução cultural do conceito de velhice pelos profissionais de saúde de forma a favorecer um cuidado mais humanizado. / Elderly people are victims of several forms of violence. This qualitative research, based on the theoretical references of gerontology and on the interpretative perspective, studies old age and institutional violence against older persons from the interpretation of the contents of 16 interviews with professionals who work in the Emergency Room of a public hospital in São Paulo city. Data was sourced through semi-structured interviews to individuals selected from different professional categories. The content of the interviews was divided in two macro categories, old age and institutional violence. The respondents linked old age to frailty, sickness, dependence and ugliness. As for the institutional violence, this terminology was first unknown to them, but as soon they learned its official definition, the respondents informed that this kind of violence happens in that site and that the elderly people are more vulnerable to it. The professionals declared that older persons are victims of many forms of institutional violence that are shown in the subcategories peregrination, lack of listening attitude to the clients, indifference, rudeness, lack of attention, neglect, maltreatment, among other forms of violence. The group of hospital professionals cannot see themselves as institutional violence agents and they transfer the violent action to alterity: firstly, to their own co-workers, and broadly, to the work organization. Institutional violence is inflicted to all users, regardless their age. However, health professionals point out that older persons are more vulnerable to it, supported on the concept and understanding they have about old age. Therefore, the research indicates the need of cultural reconstruction of the concept of old age by health professionals aiming to a more humanized care.
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Sob o signo do tempo: velhice e envelhecimento em perfis de idosos nas mídias / -Liesenberg, Cíntia 02 April 2019 (has links)
A pesquisa volta-se para representações e discursos sobre velhice e envelhecimento que circulam nas mídias atualmente. Apoia-se na relevância social da temática, que se coloca como questão pública fundamental de nossos tempos. A partir da exposição de um panorama que inscreve a velhice como objeto de saber em apropriação por diferentes campos e aponta para a multiplicidade de enfoques e formas de expressão da temática, busca compreender como tais representações e discursos se colocam como coordenadas de vida para os sujeitos. Para tanto, analisa publicações compartilhadas pela página do Portal do Envelhecimento, alocada na plataforma Facebook. Mais especificamente matérias jornalísticas do gênero perfil, oriundas de diversas fontes. O estudo tem aporte nas Ciências da Linguagem e em fundamentos de autores como Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, como também Michel Foucault. Esses contribuem para pensar as palavras de ordem presentes nos discursos em torno da velhice e do envelhecimento em circulação nas mídias, tomando como pressuposto que tais palavras condicionam nossa apreensão de mundo. A metodologia é desenvolvida com base em princípios da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa, com autores como Michel Pêuchex, Eni Orlandi e Dominique Maingueneau. Nesse cenário, propõem-se parâmetros de análise que visam identificar as posições assumidas pelos sujeitos nesses discuros, a partir da sua apreensão por quatro eixos princiais: velhices anônimas, figuras públicas, velhices lgbti e centenárias. Cada qual apresenta cenas próprias, contribuindo para a composição de um mapa diversificado. Como resultado final temos uma cobertura da temática sob forte influência do discurso do envelhecimento ativo. Ficam de fora, no entanto, velhices que não se enquadram nessa tomada. Nos deparamos então com um panorama que, se de um lado apresenta uma multiplicidade de novas formas de engajamento e experiências da velhice em nossos dias, repõe nas mídias a face da exclusão de uma categoria cuja realidade pede visibilidade para maior respeito, menos estigma, maior atenção e dignidade. / This research deals with representation and discourses, which are being presented on media actually, about old age and ageing, and leans on the social relevance of the theme, which is placed as a fundamental public issue of the current times. Starting from an overview that considers the old age as an object of knowing in appropriation by different fields and points to the multitude of approaches and ways of expression of the theme, this work aims to understand how the mentioned representations and discourses are placed as life coordination for them. For this purpose, it analyses posts shared at the webpage Portal do Envelhecimento, hosted at Facebook, more particularly journalistic articles regarding to the profile genre, originated from various sources. This study is based on the Language Science and on authors as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, as well as on Michel Foucault. They contribute to think about the \"words of order\" for the discourses about the old age and the ageing, which are present in the media, assuming as a premise that such words can condition our apprehension about the world. The methodology is developed according to principles of Discourse Analysis in the French line of thought, with authors as Michel Pêuchex, Eni Orlandi e Dominique Maingueneau. In such backdrop, analysis parameters, which aims to identify the positions adopted in this discourse by the mentioned individuals, are proposed, from the apprehension through four priority axes: anonymous old age, public figures, LGBTI old age and centenary old age. Each one, presenting us specific scenes, contributes to compose a diversified map whose result shows us a thematic coverage under strong influence of the active ageing discourse. However, ageing that do not comply with these criteria are not considered. Then, we came across an overview that, if, on the one hand presents a multiplicity of new ways of engagement and ageing experiences in our days, on the other hand, presents on media the face of the exclusion of an age category whose reality asks for visibility in order to a greater respect, less stigma, greater attention and dignity.
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Att bäras ut eller bära ut? : En etnologisk studie om äldre personers syn på ålderdom, hem och att flytta i förhållande till åldrande och livslopp. / To stay or move? : An ethnological study of old people's views of old age, home and moving in relation to ageing and life course.Wide, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how notions of ageing, old age, life course and a good life is related to old peoples understanding of and their actions about their living situation. Notions, ideals and practices of home, ageing and old age are studied with ethnographic methods and analyzed with Sara Ahmeds phenomenological and queer theoretical tools ”the straight line” and ”orientation” to show how they relate to each other. The empirical material is based on 13 qualitative interviews with 15 persons who are more than 65 years old and live in different housing types in Sweden. The informants understanding of ageing and old age is one focus of the study, and the decision to move or not – and to where – is another. Even the experience of moving to a new place and the experience of elderly care in their home is described. The result shows that the decision of where to live and if, or when, it is necessary to move is often characterized by ambivalence during old age. It is related to two opposite norms about how to act during old age. Old people are expected to move as a preparation for negative changes in health, which follows a normative life course. At the same time, old people are expected to counteract their ageing by trying to stay in their home as long as possible. The event to move during old age can therefore be seen as a part in the process of becoming old. The opposite norms which old people have to relate to makes it difficult for old people to stay oriented. The study also shows that the feeling of home, the experiance of becoming old and orientation to norms affect each other.
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Preserved and deficient calculation processes in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairmentUnknown Date (has links)
Two skills necessary for the execution of proficient calculation, retrieving arithmetic facts from memory and accessing number magnitude information, were studied in a group of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and healthy controls to try to elucidate the locus of impairment in AD-related calculation deficits. This was achieved through the use of an arithmetic production task and a number-matching task as measures of explicit and implicit retrieval of arithmetic facts, and a numerical Stroop task that assesses automatic access to number magnitude representation. AD patients, but not MCI patients, showed high response latencies and a high number of errors when performing multiplications in the production task, and reduced automatic retrieval of arithmetic task in the number-matching task. All participants showed the classic problem-size effect often reported in the mathematical cognition literature. Performance on the numerical Stroop task suggests that access to number magnitude information is relatively resistant to cognitive impairment. ... Results for the AD group are consistent with a pattern of preserved and impaired cognitive processes that might mediate the reported calculation deficits in AD. / by Marâia Beatriz Jurado Noboa. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.
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Ethnicity, Gender and Pain Interference’s Influence on Depression Among Older Adults with OsteoarthritisUnknown Date (has links)
The leading cause of disability among older adults is osteoarthritis (OA) (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2017). Chronic pain associated with arthritis
interferes with daily living among older adults and has been related to depression
(Zanocchi et al., 2008). Research suggests that ethnicity and psychosocial factors may
influence health outcomes of older adults with arthritis who are experiencing chronic pain
and depression (Im, Guevara, & Chee, 2007; Wilson et al., 2014). The influence of
ethnicity on depression among older adults with OA experiencing chronic pain is the
phenomenon of interest for this study. Chronic pain that interferes with activities of daily
living gives rise to disability, followed by potential episodes of depression. This currently
is impacting the quality of life for older adults with OA. The aim of this study was to gain new insight regarding the relationship and
predictive factors for depression between pain interference, gender, and ethnicity among
older adults with OA pain and depression. This study examined the research question, “Does ethnicity, gender, and pain interference predict depression among older adults with
This study was a secondary analysis of existing data from the National Institute of
Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (Park, McCaffrey,
Newman, Cheung, & Hagen, 2014) study titled, The Effect of Sit ‘N’ Fit Chair Yoga on
Community-Dwelling Elders with Osteoarthritis. A descriptive retrospective correlational
design was utilized to investigate factors that predict depression. Statistical analysis
included multiple linear regression and analysis of variance. The study sample (n = 104)
consisted of community-dwelling older adults ages 65 years or older with osteoarthritis.
Findings indicated that (1) ethnicity, gender, and pain interference did predict
depression; (2) there were no significant difference in depression between Hispanics and
non-Hispanics while controlling for pain interference; and (3) there was statistically
significant differential interaction with depression when pain interference increased, with
Hispanics reporting higher levels of depressions as pain interference increased, as
compared to non-Hispanics.
The new knowledge gained from this study may help guide healthcare providers
in developing effective alternative approaches for improving health outcomes of
mismanaged ethnically diverse older adults with OA. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Expectation of life at old age: revisiting Horiuchi-Coale and reconciling with MitraEdiev, Dalkhat M. January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Data quality issues at advanced old age, such as incompleteness of registration of
vital events and age misreporting, compromise estimates of the death rates and
remaining life expectancy at those ages. Following up on Horiuchi and Coale
(Population Studies 36: 317-326, 1982), Mitra (Population Studies 38: 313-319, 1984,
Population Studies 39: 511-512, 1985), and Coale (Population Studies 39: 507-509,
1985), we examine the conventional approaches to constructing life tables from data
deficient at advanced ages and the two adjustment methods by the mentioned
authors. Contrary to earlier reports by Horiuchi, Coale, and Mitra, we show that the
two methods are consistent and useful in drastically reducing the estimation errors
in life expectancy as compared to the conventional approaches, i.e., the classical
open age interval model and extrapolation of the death rates. Our results suggest
complementing the classical estimates of life expectancy by adjustments using Horiuchi-
Coale, Mitra, or other appropriate methods and avoiding the extrapolation method as a
tool for estimating the life expectancy.
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"Ele é meu amigo": comunicação, consumo de smartphones e o envelhecimento conectado / "He's my friend": communication, smartphone consumption and aging connectedCorrêa, Luciana da Silva 26 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-05T15:04:04Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
ppgcom - luciana da silva corrêa pós-banca.pdf: 1147470 bytes, checksum: 239f6b325815568dc1cca8143be6f1a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-05T15:04:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ppgcom - luciana da silva corrêa pós-banca.pdf: 1147470 bytes, checksum: 239f6b325815568dc1cca8143be6f1a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-10-08T11:52:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
ppgcom - luciana da silva corrêa pós-banca.pdf: 1147470 bytes, checksum: 239f6b325815568dc1cca8143be6f1a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-08T11:54:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-26 / Based on the theoretical triad that encompasses the aging studies, cyberculture, and the study
of the interfaces of communications and consumer, this dissertation takes smartphones as an
empirical object to discuss the consumption and appropriation of intelligent devices in
everyday life of women aged 60 to 80 years old, of middle and upper middle classes, living
in the city of São Paulo. Based on the hypothesis that the smartphone is a facilitator of the
connections of these people with family and friends, we see that the smartphone stands out as a means of communication for this public. Understanding that, in a contemporary perspective, the binomial elderly and intelligent technologies can no longer be considered paradoxical, our study intends to bring to light the cultural meanings attributed to smartphones and the role the played by the elderly women in the consumption practices associated with the artifact. In this sense, we understand that one of the forms of aging that mark the twenty-first century presupposes the existence of what we have called in this dissertation as a "connected old age". Our research was developed in three stages - bibliographical review; online survey and personal interviews; and critical analysis. Cultural and reflexive critical analysis concludes that old age and technology can effectively walk side by side and that the incorporation or not of intelligent devices in the daily life of the elderly is not a matter exclusively tied to chronological age, but is based on variables such as personal and professional history; lifestyle; personal interests and aspirations. / Apoiando-se no tripé teórico que engloba os estudos do envelhecimento, a cibercultura e os
estudos das interfaces comunicação e consumo, esta dissertação toma os smartphones como
objeto empírico para discutir o consumo e a apropriação dos dispositivos inteligentes na vida
cotidiana de mulheres de 60 e 80 anos, de classes média e média alta, residentes na cidade de
São Paulo. Partindo da hipótese que o aparelho é um elemento facilitador das conexões destas
pessoas com família e amigos, vislumbramos que o smartphone se destaca como meio de
comunicação deste público. Entendendo que, em uma perspectiva contemporânea, o binômio
idoso e tecnologias inteligentes já não pode ser considerado paradoxal, nosso estudo pretende
trazer à tona os significados culturais atribuídos aos smartphones e o papel desempenhado
pelas idosas nas práticas de consumo associadas ao artefato. Neste sentido, compreendemos
que uma das formas de envelhecer que marcam o século XXI pressupõe a existência do que
temos chamado nesta dissertação de uma “velhice conectada”. Nossa pesquisa se desenvolveu
em três etapas – revisão bibliográfica; sondagem online e entrevistas pessoais; e análise
crítica. A análise crítica de cunho cultural e reflexivo conclui que velhice e tecnologia podem
efetivamente caminhar lado a lado e que a incorporação ou não de dispositivos inteligentes na
vida cotidiana de idosas não é uma questão atrelada exclusivamente à idade cronológica, mas
encontra-se calcada em variáveis como história pessoal e profissional; estilo de vida;
interesses pessoais e aspirações.
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A representação de velhice entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família / The representation of old among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of FamilyAngélica Maria Jabur Bimbato 28 November 2008 (has links)
BIMBATO, A. M. J. A representação de velhice entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família. 2008. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2008. Diversas mudanças têm ocorrido no perfil demográfico do Brasil, passando o envelhecimento populacional a ser uma realidade e não mais uma expectativa. Muitos são os mitos, conceitos e concepções sobre idoso, velhice e envelhecimento existentes em nossa sociedade, assim como meios legais que regem sobre os direitos e deveres da pessoa idosa (Programa Nacional de Saúde do Idoso, Estatuto do Idoso e Pacto pela Vida 2006). Objetivando analisar as representações de velhice presentes entre os profissionais que atuam nos Núcleos de Saúde da Família I, III, IV e V do Centro de Saúde Escola da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo (CSE FMRP/USP) e as possíveis implicações para o serviço de saúde, realizamos este estudo, utilizando-se da abordagem qualitativa por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com dezenove profissionais que atuam nesses Núcleos (agentes comunitários de saúde, auxiliares de enfermagem, enfermeiras, médicos e dentistas). As concepções de velhice variaram em função da formação, idade e experiência de vida dos entrevistados, sendo apresentadas como: fase de sabedoria e experiência de vida; evolução natural do corpo humano; estado de espírito; fase que se assemelha ao mundo infantil; fase de decadência ou solidão; e melhor idade. Há a compreensão por parte dos profissionais entrevistados, de que a velhice é um conjunto bio-psico-social-espiritual, sendo manifestadas pelos mesmos as dificuldades encontradas em prestar uma assistência de qualidade neste cenário tão complexo. Demonstraram também, os seus sentimentos, medo e ansiedade frente ao próprio processo de envelhecimento, como conseqüência da cultura e da sociedade em que vivem, onde ser idoso é visto de forma negativa. As concepções sobre idoso, velhice e envelhecimento, apresentadas pelos entrevistados, indicam a dimensão do quanto esses profissionais encontram-se despreparados para enfrentar o grande desafio de melhorar o atendimento oferecido pelo serviço de saúde, principalmente, em se levando em consideração o aumento acentuado do número de idosos neste país. / BIMBATO, A. M. J. The representation of old among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of Family. 2008. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto SP, 2008. Several alterations (changes) have accured in the demographic profile (side view) of Brazil, passing the populational aging to be a reality (a fact) and not else an expectation. There are a lot of myths (fables), concepts and conceptions about old people, old age and aging in our society, in the same way that legal ways that rule about the rights and obligations of old person (National Programe of Health of old people, Statute of old people and Pact for life 2006). Objectifying analyze the representations of old age present among the professionals who actuate in the Nucleus of Health of Family I, III, IV, and V in the Center of School Health of the Medical Scholl of Ribeirão Preto SP and University of São Paulo (CSE FMRP/USP) and the possible implications for the health service, we have realized this study, through the qualitative contacts by semi organized interviews with nineteen professionals who actuate in these Nucleus (communitarian of health agents, auxiliary of nursing, nurses, doctors and dentists). The conceptions of the old age have changed in function of the formation, age and experience of life of the interviewers, being showed as phase of knowledge (wisdom) and experience of life; natural evolution of the human body; condition of the spirit; phase like to the infantile world; phase of decadence and loneliness (desolation) and better age. There is the understanding (the comprehension) in part of the interviewed professionals that the old age is a biko-psycho-social-spiritual body (assemblage), being manifested (declared) by these; the difficulties found in giving a good care in this so complex decor (setting). They have also demonstrated their feelings (fear and anxiety) before their own process of aging as consequence of the education of the society they live, where who is old is seen in a negative form. The conceptions about old people, old age and aging expressed by the interviewed show a good dimension of how these professionals are unprepared to face (to confront) the great challenge to improve the work offered by the health service, mainly, when we take into consideration the accentuated growth of the number of the old people in this country.
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