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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza kandidatury Prahy na Letní Olympijské hry 2016 / Analysis of the bidding process of Prague for Summer Olympic Games 2016

Bošková, Linda January 2013 (has links)
Title: Analysis of the bidding process of Prague for Summer Olympic Games 2016 Objectives: The aim of this thesis is the analysis of Prague's bid for Summer Olympic Games 2016, the following determination of main causes of his failure and than a suggestion of the future steps leading towards the future organisation of Olympic Games. Methods: We have used three managerial methods in this thesis. It was at first the system approach that identifies all stakeholders and their relations, which are all connected. This method permits to understand our subject as a complete system. After that SWOT analysis of the bid and the Fishbone diagram was used to identify main causes of the bid's failure. Results: Main six causes were identified that have caused the failure of the Prague's bid. These causes are more a kind of internal serious problems that show that Prague is not ready yet for organising Olympic Games. Following suggestions for future steps are reacting on these results. The aim of that is to make a long-term strategy to improve the environment and relations between the sport and state and prepare good conditions in the country for the next Olympic bid. Keywords: Olympic Games, bid, causes, sport, Prague, Czech Olympic Committee, International Olympic Committee

Na genderu (ne)záleží: biatlonistky a biatlonisté v českých médiích / The gender (does not) matter(s): female and male biathletes in the Czech media

Březinová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyzes the media presentation of male and female biathletes in the Czech media, specifically in two newspapers and their online versions. The research focuses on three major biathlon events (Olympic Games, World Cup in Nové Město na Moravě and World Championships), which took place between the years 2014 and 2015. The theoretical part briefly defines terms as sports in the media, gender, process of representation, stereotyping or history and the present of biathlon. The most important chapters in gender studies are feminist studies and their criticism, unwritten rules of gender stereotyping or men and masculinity. This paper also pays attention to chosen methodology - qualitative research and framing analysis. The analytic part of the thesis describes particular frames, which appear in analysed articles. This work is also based on the analysis of visual part of media - photographs. Individual chapters also map dominant frames - sport-reportage frame, frame of heroism, frame of humanity, frame of privacy, and frames of femininity and masculinity. For the purpose of the thesis, the signs, which are attributed to male and female athletes, are assessed too. At the end of the thesis, the author evaluates the conclusions from the research and also adds information about the media...

Konec jedné éry? Olympijská idea na přelomu milénia a cesta k postmoderním olympijským hrám / The End of an Era? The Olympic Idea at the Turn of the Millennium, and the Path to the Postmodern Olympic Games

Vojáček, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis of the extensive transformation of the Olympic movement, which occurred at the end of the 20th century. The main focus is on the importance of the XXIII Olympiad in Los Angeles, regarded as a major milestone in the history of the modern Olympic movement. The introductory chapter deals with the 1970s' crisis of the Olympic movement. The second chapter describes the complications related to the allocation of the Olympic Games to Los Angeles. Based on the XXIII Olympiad, the third and the fourth chapter analyse the revolution in Olympic marketing. The objective of the fifth chapter is to demonstrate the need for the financial independence of the Olympic movement in the context of the Cold War, the Soviet boycott in particular. The last two chapters deal with the commercialization of the Olympic movement, the reform of the IOC and the discussion regarding the timeliness of the Olympic values.

Atlet eller kvinna? : En kritisk diskursanalys om kvinnliga atleters framställning i en av Sveriges största nyhetstidningar / “A woman or an athlete?” : A critical discourse analysis on the representation of female athletes in one of Sweden’s biggest newspaper

Kasto, Gabriella, Mårdén, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på mediers framställning av män och kvinnor i sportjournalistiken. Utifrån ett genusperspektiv analyserar vi Aftonbladets nyhetskrönikor av de Olympiska Spelen sommaren 2016. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur kvinnliga atleter framställs gentemot manliga atleter inom sportjournalistiken. Vi undersöker även om det råder en hegemonisk maskulinitet i rapporteringen. I utförandet av studien har vi använt oss av kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) som både metod och teori. Som komplement till CDA som teori, utgår vår analys från genusteori, hegemonisk maskulinitet och stereotyper. Studien grundar sig i fem olika analysverktyg hämtade ur Carvalhos (2008) steg-för-steg modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Modellen gör det möjligt för en kritisk analys av textens innehåll samt skildringar av manliga och kvinnliga atleter. Resultaten visar att det i jämförelse med tidigare studier råder en ändring i diskursen. De kvinnliga atleterna i studien skildras inte av negativa stereotyper. Fokus ligger inte på kvinnornas sociala roll, utan de beskrivs istället utifrån sina bedrifter som atleter. Det råder en jämställd skildring av kvinnliga och manliga atleter utifrån ett genusperspektiv och den hegemoniska maskuliniteten stöds inte i vår studie. / The focus of this study lies on medias representation of male and female athletes in sports journalism. The research has been conducted on one of Sweden’s biggest newspaper, Aftonbladet. This study has, from a gender perspective, critically analysed Aftonbladets news coverage of the summer Olympic games of 2016. The purpose of this study is to examine how female athletes is portrayed in sports journalism in comparison with male athletes, and to see if a hegemony masculinity shows in the news coverage. To carry this study into effect we chose to use critical discourse analysis as both method and theory. To complement CDA as a theory we also base our analysis in the theory of gender, stereotypes and hegemony masculinity theory. This study is based on five analytic tools that was recovered from Carvalhos step-by-step model for a critical discourse analysis. This makes it possible for a critical qualitative analysis of the text and the depiction of male and female athletes. The model makes it possible to examine the chronicles use of linguistic, as the content of the text is broken down thoroughly and deeply analysed. In comparison to earlier studies, our results shows that there is a change in the discourse. The female athletes in the study are not described by negative stereotypes. The focus of the female athletes does not lie on them as social actors, instead they are described by their actions as athletes. From a gender perspective the female and male athletes are represented equally. There is no showing of a hegemony masculinity in the news reporting.

Role olympismu v mezinárodních vztazích / The Role of Olympism in International Relations

Hruška, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The thesis investigates the position of Olympism in international relations. The introductory chapters deal with institutional structure of the Olympic Movement, which is headed by the International Olympic Committee. The following chapters examine Olympism in connection with selected political issues. These are political interests of states and other subjects, conflicts and cooperation among states. The question of boycotts is addressed in a separate chapter. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the role of Olympism in international relations in a comprehensive manner. The thesis uses several historical examples that show how the Olympic Movement coped with given political challenges. From the mentioned examples and the evaluation of development, the most important factors for Olympism are finally deduced, i.e. commercialization, mediatization and politicization.

London calling: o papel da cultura e da criatividade na gestão de uma cidade-marca / London calling: the role of culture and creativity in the management of a city brand

Fragalle, Natália Pauletto 22 March 2019 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender os processos de construção e gestão de uma cidade-marca e seus vínculos com o conceito de cidade criativa, bem como seus consequentes impactos nas políticas urbanas. Para tanto, tomou-se como estudo de caso a cidade de Londres, capital do país pioneiro na adoção do discurso da criatividade em suas políticas públicas e tida, na década de 90, como um dos principais centros de poder e controle global no capitalismo contemporâneo. Buscou-se construir um panorama histórico que mostra como Londres veio a ser promovida como uma cidade criativa, tendo a cultura no cerne das políticas de desenvolvimento econômico e urbano. Neste sentido, o trabalho procurou analisar o processo de construção, gestão e exportação da marca Londres, desenvolvida na virada do século XXI, evidenciando as tensões e aproximações entre as diferentes gestões do governo central britânico e as administrações municipais de Londres. Procurou-se explicitar o quanto tal processo culminou na realização dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2012, utilizados como ferramenta para direcionar recursos e a atenção midiática para o megaprojeto de regeneração do East End da cidade. A partir da análise dos novos arranjos institucionais e das estratégias discursivas adotadas para legitimar a realização de tal projeto, buscou-se, então, compreender qual o rebatimento urbano do processo de branding da cidade, tendo como foco os impactos no East End e mais especificamente na região de Hackney Wick promovida como o mais novo hub criativo de Londres - exemplificando as tensões entre a \"marca Londres\" e a \"Londres realmente existente\". / This work aimed to understand the processes of building and managing a city brand and its links to the creative city concept, as well as its consequent impact in the urban policies. Here London was taken as a case study, as the capital of the country that first adopted the discourse of creativity in its public policies in the 1990s and as one of the main concentrations of global economic power in contemporary capitalism. It sought to explore how London came to be promoted as a creative city, with culture at the heart of economic and urban development policies. In this sense, this work analysed the process of creation, management and export of the London brand, developed at the turn of the 21st century, showing the tensions and approximations between the different administrations of the British central government and the municipal administrations of London. It also sought to explain how this process culminated in the hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games, used as a tool to direct resources and the media attention towards the mega regeneration project of Londons East End. From the analysis of the new institutional arrangements and the discursive strategies adopted to legitimize the realisation of such a project, this work finally sought to understand the urban implications of the branding process, focusing on the impacts in the East End and more specifically in Hackney Wick promoted as the newest creative hub in London - exploring the tensions between the \'London brand\' and the \'really existing London\'.

Segregação socioespacial na realização dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 na região da Barra da Tijuca - RJ: comunidade Vila Autódromo / Socio-Spatial Segregation in the Olympic Games 2016 in the Barra da Tijuca region - RJ: community Vila Autodromo.

Previatti, Carine Botelho 29 June 2016 (has links)
A discussão parte do princípio de que o espaço é um produto social e não um sujeito, como algumas políticas públicas vem reproduzindo. A apropriação de espaços que não estavam vazios, utilizando os megaeventos esportivos como justificativa, sinaliza um momento fundamental do processo de reprodução do capitalismo. Tal processo traz à tona o conflito do espaço como lugar de apropriação e uso em contraposição ao espaço como reprodução de valor e de riqueza. Dentro desse contexto, a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que historicamente se utiliza de planos de ordenação urbana de forma a legitimar mudanças espaciais em fragmentos da cidade, tem dado continuidade a esse processo nos últimos anos através da implantação dos Planos Estratégicos e da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo geral analisar as mudanças socioespaciais ocasionadas na comunidade Vila Autódromo, localizada no bairro da Barra da Tijuca - RJ, em razão da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. A pesquisa tem por objetivo específico identificar os sujeitos sociais e interesses envolvidos no processo de remoção dessa comunidade. Para atingir tal objetivo, foi utilizada metodologia teórico-documental com base em documentos normativos e jurídicos relativos ao processo de remoção pelo qual passa a Vila Autódromo desde 1993, e também documentos fotográficos e mapas, igualmente fundamentais para a compreensão do objeto. Durante todo o processo da pesquisa, foram realizadas pesquisas de campo de caráter descritivo e analítico, com aplicação de entrevistas qualitativas e análise de conteúdo dos dados, que embasam a conflitualidade entre os interesses dos moradores, o poder público e as empresas privadas, numa tentativa de compreensão de como as mudanças socioespaciais se inserem entre o lugar, a cidade e o espaço mundial. A Vila Autódromo se destaca nesse cenário pela luta de resistência dos seus moradores para permanecer no seu espaço de vivência e convivência e na consolidação de uma comunidade que enxerga o valor social da terra e não apenas o seu valor de mercado, sinalizando o caráter de conflito pelo direito à moradia que se estabelece na cidade do Rio de Janeiro atualmente / The discussion starts from the principle that space is a social product and not a subject, as some public policies have been executing. The appropriation of spaces that were not empty, using the sports mega events as a justification, signals a fundamental moment in the capitalist reproduction process. This process brings the conflict of the space as a place of appropriation and use opposed to the space as a reproduction of value and wealth. In this sense, the city of Rio de Janeiro, which historically uses urban development plans in order to legitimize spatial changes in fragments of the city, has continued this process in recent years, through the implementation of strategic plans and realization of the Olympic Games. This paper objective is to analyze the socio-spatial changes brought to the Vila Autódromo community, located in the Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro city, because of the Olympic Games Rio-2016. One specific objective is to identify the social actors and interests involved in the removal of this community. To achieve this goal, the paper uses theoretical and documental methodology based in normative and legal documents related to the removal process experienced by the Vila Autódromo since 1993, as well as photographic documents and maps, equally imperatives to understand the object of the research. Inseparably, field surveys in the Vila Autódromo and the city of Rio de Janeiro were conducted through descriptive and analytical perspectives, with application of qualitative interviews and content analysis of the data that underlies the conflict between the interests of residents, the government and private companies in an attempt to understand how the socio-spatial changes are part of the place, the city and the global economies. The Vila Autódromo stands out in this scenario for its residents\' resistance struggle to stay in their living space and the consolidation of a community that sees the social value of land and not just its market value, indicating the nature of conflict for the right to housing that is established in the city of Rio de Janeiro today

Jogos olí­mpicos Rio 2016: impacto das ações de ativação dos patrocinadores sobre a percepção e consciência de marca dos espectadores do evento / Rio 2016 Olympic Games: impact of sponsor activation actions on the perception and brand awareness of spectators of the event

Carlassara, Eduardo de Oliveira Cruz 09 March 2018 (has links)
O patrocínio a mega eventos esportivos, como os Jogos Olímpicos, tornou-se, especialmente nas últimas décadas, uma importante ferramenta de marketing, comunicação e branding para ampliação do alcance global e local de marcas patrocinadoras. Dentre as ferramentas utilizadas no patrocínio esportivo, destacam-se as ativações de marca realizadas nos locais de competição, que afetam a percepção de espectadores do evento. Mais do que afetar a percepção dos mesmos em relação à marca, tais ações de ativação, se bem estruturadas, têm a capacidade de gerar consciência de marca e, por consequência, agregar valores tangíveis e intangíveis a elas. No entanto, o número de estudos que relacionam as percepções das ativações e a consequente geração de consciência de marcas patrocinadoras de mega eventos ainda é notavelmente baixo. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a consciência de marca gerada nos consumidores e a percepção dos mesmos, sobre as ações de ativação de dois patrocinadores locais (Bradesco e Correios) e dois globais (Coca-Cola e Samsung) dos Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016. Para alcançar tal objetivo, optou-se por uma metodologia mista de caráter exploratório, explicativo e descritivo. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da aplicação de questionários pré-definidos para uma amostra total de 405 indivíduos, distribuídos em três fases: em Evento Teste da Ginástica Artística, antes da realização dos Jogos Olímpicos (fase 1), no Parque Olímpico da Barra da Tijuca; durante os Jogos Olímpicos Rio 2016 (fase 2), no mesmo local; e, um ano após a realização do mega evento (fase 3), em abordagem online. As análises foram realizadas através da frequência de respostas e processo de codificação e categorização do conteúdo. Como resultado, notou-se um baixo índice de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas na primeira fase. Este baixo índice impactou negativamente o nível de consciência de marca relacionado a patrocinadores locais na segunda fase. Por outro lado, não foi capaz de impactar negativamente os índices de consciência de marca associados a patrocinadores globais na mesma fase. Para a segunda fase, os índices de percepção de ativações de marca melhoraram para todos os patrocinadores, com exceção dos Correios, e impactaram diretamente (promovendo uma elevação) o índice de consciência de marca apontado pelos respondentes na terceira fase de coletas. Conclui-se, então, que no caso de patrocinadores locais, o nível de percepção das ações de ativação realizadas em uma fase afeta diretamente o nível de consciência de marca gerado na fase seguinte. Para patrocinadores globais, no entanto, somente a percepção das ativações ofertadas em uma fase não é suficiente para manutenção do nível de consciência de marca na fase seguinte; é necessário um considerável nível prévio de associação entre o patrocinador e os Jogos Olímpicos para potencializar o efeito de tais ativações sobre os espectadores/consumidores / Sponsorship of mega-sporting events such as the Olympic Games have become, mainly in the last decades, an important marketing, communication and branding tool to extend the global and local reach of sponsoring brands. Among the tools used in sports sponsorship, brand activations created in competition sites, which affect the perception of the event spectators, should be highlighted. More than affecting their perception in relation to the brand, if well structured such activations are capable of generating brand awareness and, consequently, add tangible and intangible value to it. However, the number of studies that relate activation perception and the consequent awareness of the sponsoring brands in mega events is notably small. Thus, the main objective of this work was to assess consumers\' brand awareness and perception about the activation actions of two local sponsors (Bradesco and Correios) and two global sponsors (Coca-Cola and Samsung) of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. To achieve such an objective, a mixed exploratory, explanatory and descriptive methodology was chosen. The data were obtained from pre-defined questionnaires applied to a sample of 405 people in three phases: during the Artistic Gymnastics Test Event, before de Olympic Games (phase 1), which took place at the Barra da Tijuca Olympic Park; during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (phase 2), which happened at the same place as in phase 1; and a year after the mega event (phase 3), by using an online approach. The analyses were carried out by means of frequency of the answers and a process of content encoding and categorization. The findings point to low levels of perception in relation to the activations performed in the first phase. Such low levels influenced negatively the level of brand awareness related to the local sponsors in the second phase. On the other hand, they did not influence negatively the levels of brand awareness associated with the global sponsors in the same phase. In the second phase, the levels of perception of brand activation improved in relation to all the sponsors analyzed except Correios, and exerted direct impact (causing an increase) on the respondents\' level of brand awareness in the third phase of data collecting. It is concluded that, in the case of local sponsors, the level of perception of activation actions in one phase directly affects the level of brand awareness in the following phase. As for global sponsors, however, only the perception of the activations created in one phase is not enough to keep the level of brand awareness in the following phase; a considerable previous level of association between the sponsor and the Olympic Games is necessary to boost the effect of such activations on spectators/consumers

Entre narrativas, fragmentos e estilhas: construções de atletas brasileiros sobre os jogos olímpicos do México de 1968 / Between narratives, fragments and chips: constructions of brazilian athletes on the 1968 olympic games of Mexico

Rosina, Dhênis 22 October 2018 (has links)
A escolha do México como cidade sede para os Jogos Olímpicos de 1968 ocorre em um momento em que o mundo se voltava para a corrida espacial, em que as periferias do mundo, vivia o confronto com a violência, com as ditaduras e as guerras genocidas, em que eram testados os produtos da corrida armamentista, incluindo armas químicas, biológicas e mísseis teleguiados. Pela primeira vez na história os Jogos Olímpicos seriam realizados em um país não industrializado, na América Latina, o que despertou controvérsias e manifestações em relação a escolha da cidade sede e aversão dos anglo-saxões. Atletas em sintonia com a juventude de seu tempo, frequentadores de universidades e atentos ao que se passava em seus países, foram aos Jogos não apenas para competir. Eles tinham ideais, posicionamento político e fizeram do esporte um meio para dar visibilidade às suas manifestações. O Brasil vivia sob a ditadura militar com a restrição de direitos civis, fechamento do congresso nacional, mandatos de parlamentares cassados, estabelecimento da censura aos meios de comunicação e inquéritos militares sigilosos. Intimidações, torturas, sequestros, desaparecimentos e mortes marcaram o auge do autoritarismo militar no Brasil. É nesse contexto que a delegação brasileira viaja para os Jogos Olímpicos do México, em 1968. O objetivo desta tese é construir uma narrativa sobre os Jogos Olímpicos do México, de 1968, a partir das sínteses biográficas e das estilhas das narrativas de 54 dos 81 atletas brasileiros participantes desta competição. Essa construção se dá a partir uma discussão sobre os fundamentos teóricos-metodológicos da pesquisa na história oral, das narrativas biográficas e do banco de histórias, onde são encontrados os conceitos de fragmento biográfico e história oral de família / The choice of Mexico as the host city for the Olympic Games in 1968 occurred in a moment in which the world turned to the space race, in which the periphery of the world lived conflict with violence, with the dictatorships and genocide wars, in which arms race products were tested at, including chemical and biological weapons, and guided missiles. For the first time in history, the Olympic Games would be held in a non-industrialized country, in Latin America, which arouse controversy and manifestations related to the chosen host city and aversion to Anglo-Saxons. Athletes tuned with the youth from their time, university goers and those attentive to what was happening in their countries, went to the Games not only to compete. They had ideals, political positioning and made the sport a mean to give visibility to their manifestations. Brazil was under a military dictatorship with civil right restrictions, the closing of the national congress, parliamentary mandates persecuted, the establishment of censorship to the media and secret military inquiries. Intimidations, tortures, kidnappings, disappearances, and death marked the peak of military authoritarianism in Brazil. It is in this context that the Brazilian delegation travels to 1968 Olympic Games of Mexico. The purpose of this thesis is to build a narrative about the Olympic Games of Mexico, through biographical synthesis and narrative chips from 54 of 81 Brazilian athletes that participated in that competition. This construction is based on a discussion about the theoretical-methodological foundations of the research in oral history, biographical narratives, and the history bank, where the concepts of biographical fragment and oral family history

Warfare by other means : the rhetoric of war and sport in the twentieth century

Zetter, Nathaniel Mark January 2019 (has links)
This thesis identifies the existence and significance of a rhetorical gesture that has circulated widely since at least the nineteenth century: the comparison between war and sport. The introduction outlines the background for this rhetoric through a genealogy of the phrase, 'the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton', in nineteenth-century writing. Part one of the thesis examines the metaphors and cultural practices of energetics in European sporting life until the Second World War. The first chapter presents a cultural history of 'sporting aviation' between the Wright brothers' first European flight in 1908 and the declaration of war in 1914, arguing that the new technology of the aeroplane was initially understood through a tension between sporting and bellicose associations. The second chapter performs a close analysis of F.T. Marinetti's writings and Umberto Boccioni's paintings to reveal the role of sport in Italian Futurism and its significance for our understanding of its infamous glorification of warfare. Chapter three examines the militarist displays at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin and their enduring cultural legacy. Focusing on the role of crowds, rhythm is shown to be at the centre of how martial symbolism was embedded in the Games' sporting displays. Framing the transition into part two, the fourth chapter reads Georges Perec's use of the Olympics as an allegory for both the Second World War and the Holocaust in W, or the Memory of Childhood (1975) beside a number of post-war conceptualisations of 'play' and 'game'. The chapter identifies a re-organisation of the play concept according to an emerging concern with information, one which, in Perec, also articulates an alternative register for war's cultural memory. From here, the thesis' second part identifies the emergence of a metaphorical nexus of computation, war, and sport in post-war American culture. Chapter five argues that Don DeLillo's End Zone (1972) and David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest (1996) satirise the logic of nuclear strategy by employing the formal properties of information theory in their language, collapsing the distinctions between war and sport when each is subjected to computational representation. The final chapter analyses the 'military shooter' videogame, and the new form of sport it has produced - 'e-sports' - considering these games as a material instantiation of the convergence between the discourses of military and sporting culture. Across the case studies presented in these six chapters, a transition is identified from metaphors concerned with war and sport's energetic qualities to those concerned with the processing and abstraction of war and sport as information. Rather than conceive of this transition as an epistemic break, however, the thesis identifies continuities across the principles to be found in cultural energetics and informatics.

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