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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vývoj mediálního obrazu Emila Zátopka v souvislosti s vybranými letními olympijskými hrami / Development of the media image of Emil Zatopek in connection with selected Summer Olympic Games

Fišarová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis is focusing on media image of Emil Zátopek using the method of qualitative content analysis. Five periods of time, each of them six months long and sixteen years apart, are examined. These periods of time are represented by the years 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016 in which the Summer Olympic Games were held. As a representative sample of the printed media during the time of communist hegemony in Czechoslovakia Rudé právo, Mladá fronta and Československý sport that has been thematically involved (there has been no analysis for this one during the year 1952 since the first print was published in 1953) were chosen. The printed media after the revolution time are represented by Právo, Mladá fronta Dnes and Sport. The thesis brings the answers to the main research question how the media image of the most successful Czechoslovak runner was developed in the context of political and that time contemporary situation and it also explains the other questions that are focused on the causes of this possible change and the difference between the presentation of mass media during the communist and later also democratic regime. The features and concepts of media image construct as well as social situation in the country, history of the chosen media and media function in the given periods of time...

L'analyse du rapport d'opposition en volley-ball : modélisation et création d'un outil d'évaluation de la norme du jeu lors de Jeux Olympiques de Rio en 2016 / Analysing the momentum in volleyball : modeling and creation of a game standard evaluation tool for Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Langlois, Vincent 24 September 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre d'une recherche empirique sur les styles de jeu des différentes nations en volley-ball, nous avons recueilli des données sur diverses compétitions internationales. Notre objectif était de modéliser et rationaliser notre activité à travers la construction d'un outil de feedback vidéo qui nous a permis d'analyser le rapport d'opposition entre deux équipes. Le but n'est pas de décrire comment joue une équipe, sans considérer l'adversaire, mais de lier les systèmes de jeu des deux équipes, offensifs ou défensifs, compte tenu de leurs effets sur l'adversaire. C'est ce qu'on appelle le rapport d'opposition. Comme le montre Deleplace (1979) dans sa modélisation du rugby, c'est en analysant le rapport d'opposition que l'on peut expliquer et comprendre l'essence de l'activité. Pour cette étude, nous avons choisi de construire un nouveau modèle d'analyse en adoptant une procédure technologique (Bouthier & Durey, 1994 ; Éloi & Uhlrich, 2011 ; Uhlrich, Éloi & Bouthier, 2011). Cela nous permettra de considérer le rapport d'opposition comme le premier indicateur de performance. Notre objectif est de déterminer la norme du volley-ball lors des Jeux Olympiques de Rio en 2016 au travers de l'analyse du rapport d'opposition. Dans cette perspective, nous choisissons d'utiliser le logiciel Sportscode qui est un méta-logiciel, c'est-à-dire un logiciel qui permet de créer des logiciels. La conception du logiciel créé par ce méta-logiciel facilite l'analyse de la performance en permettant une visualisation aisée des séquences vidéo prédéterminées par l'entraîneur, en direct ou après le match.Les résultats de cette étude nous montrent qu'il est possible d'identifier la norme du volley-ball à un moment précis de son histoire. De cette manière, il sera alors possible de comparer les différentes équipes entre elles et de déterminer leur style de jeu, mais également d'analyser les différentes façons de jouer au travers de son histoire. / As part of an empirical research on the playing styles of different nations in volleyball, we collected data on various international competitions. Our goal was to model and rationalize our activity through the construction of a video feedback tool that allowed us to analyze the momentum between two teams. The purpose is not to describe how play a team, without considering the opponent, but to link the game systems of the two teams, offensive or defensive, considering their effects on the opponent. This is called “momentum” (or balance of power). As shown by Deleplace (1979) in his rugby modeling, it is by analyzing the momentum that we can explain and understand the essence of the activity.For this study, we choose to build a new analysis model adopting a technological procedure (Bouthier & Durey, 1994; Éloi & Uhlrich, 2011; Uhlrich, Éloi & Bouthier, 2011). It will allow us to consider the momentum as the first performance indicator. Our goal is to determine the standard of volleyball during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games through the analysis of the momentum. In this perspective, we choose to use the software Sportscode which is a meta software, i.e., a software to make software. The design of the software created by this meta software facilitates the analysis of the performance by allowing an easy viewing of the video instances predetermined by coach, during live or after the game.The results of this study show us that it is possible to identify the international volleyball standard at a specific moment in its history. In this way, it will be possible to compare the different teams between them and determine their style of play, but also to analyze the different ways of playing through its history.

Burning protests, the rhetoric of agitation and control of the journey of harmony tour

Bruce, Kathleen 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study is a rhetorical analysis of the protests that occurred along the international leg of the 2008 Beijing Olympic torch relay. This study aimed to identify the rhetorical strategies employed by the agitators that were demonstrated along the torch relay. There were two agitative groups: The movement and the counter-movement. The movement began at the start of the torch relay and the counter-movement began demonstrating one week later. There were a number of protest groups in the movement including human rights activists, media rights activists, and environmentalists. However, there was only one distinct group in the counter-movement, pro-China supporters. The movement agitated the Chinese government and their nation's government. To establish the rhetorical strategies and tactics utilized by the two agitative groups and the control groups, this study analyzed the artifact through the model of the rhetoric of agitation and control created by Bowers, Ochs, and Jensen (1993) and symbolic interaction. This study . found that the Chinese government (the control) created the counter-movement to suppress and provide a counter-persuasion to the movement. To achieve this rhetorical strategy the control fully co-opted the rhetorical strategies of the movement. This study also, found that the governments to which the agitators belonged to completely denied the demands of the agitators in order to maintain healthy relations with China.

Sustainable travel during the Olympic and Paralympic Games : A methodology to model public transport travel for Paris 2024 / Hållbara resor för de olympiska och paralympiska spelen : En metod för att modellera kollektivtrafikresor för Paris 2024

Dumont, Axel January 2021 (has links)
This Master Thesis develops the challenges of travel modeling during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, more specially for the Paris Olympics in 2024. This problem as been set by IDFM (Île-de-France Mobilités), the transport organisation authority of Paris and its region, that has therefore to deal with public travel during the Olympics. A very simplified model was already in use, but is no longer sufficient. The exceptional nature of this event, considered as a mega-event, requires a precise understanding of the subject as well as a different and adaptive modeling process. Thus, this work presents a detailed methodology for public transport travel modeling in Paris and its surroundings during the Olympics. This model will become more and more refined until the end of this mega-event, in order to present results or advert the multiple stakeholders around the topic of the Olympic Games transportation (event organizers, transport operators). The two significant parts of the model are distinguished and described: the Olympic Games related trips and the background demand, which require two very different approaches. The OG demand needs several assumptions which are often in constant evolution: the versatility of the parameters is a very important point to take into account. On the other side, the background demand prediction is a significant challenge because it differs from what is usually done. Both of these parts are adapted from the principle of the four-step transportation model and reuse parts of the IDFM model, ANTONIN 3, specifically calibrated for the Île-de-France region. It is also necessary to conceive with the will to adapt as much as possible the available transport data and the tools already in operation, such as the model already in use. Suggestions for further improvements are also mentioned to refine the results until the final day which will be possible thanks to enhancements of the input assumptions over time, such as ticketing data for instance.

寬頻影音網站之整合行銷傳播:以hiChannel北京奧運轉播為例 / IMC of Webcasters: A Case Study of Beijing Olympic Broadcasting on hiChannel

萬年生, Wan, Nien Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由寬頻影音網站脈絡出發,並以整合行銷傳播理論視野切入,透過hiChannel北京奧運轉播的個案研究,析論利益關係者(stakeholders)、內容(content)、通路(channels)、資料庫行銷(database marketing)和結果(results)等研究者歸納的整合行銷傳播重要面向。 首先就利益關係者而言,除兼論本個案行銷傳播目標,並將其區分內、外部二類。hiChannel內部利益關係者,包括負責統籌協調新媒體平臺的中華電信奧運專案辦公室(OPO)、實際落實規劃執行的數據通信分公司(HiNet)、內容整合商愛爾達科技(ELTA),和銷售廣告的中華黃頁(hiPage);外部利益關係者,則納入協助規劃執行「奧運特派員」活動的凱絡媒體、廣告主、目標閱聽眾、媒體,和三網聯播合作夥伴PChome與MSN。本論文發現,跨部門組織OPO確實賦予hiChannel適切定位,也使本個案發揮良好整合角色。 其次,研究者在內容面向共檢視行銷團隊的「可控制」(controlled)和「不可控制」(uncontrolled)二類訊息;但主要側重前者。透過業者深度訪談,及內容分析主要網站規劃、網路廣告等針對廣告主和閱聽眾的行銷傳播素材、各階段報紙報導和公關稿(press release),發現不論hiChannel的「全頻道、全賽事、免費收視」整體訴求,及特派員活動強調的「hiChannel陪你看奧運 聊運動」訊息主軸,大致均能符合執行和策略一致等整合意涵。 而在通路面向,則綜整本個案各階段側重的行銷傳播工具組合及其考量,其中奧運期間強調的網路社群操作,即和特派員活動連結;整體而言,個案確實掌握各行銷傳播工具優勢,並能透過不同組合運用,初步發揮互補的整合效果。 另本論文將資料庫行銷的概念區分為特定和廣義二者。其中特定定義,主要指結合直效行銷或關係管理的資料庫行銷;至於廣義則指,只要能運用資料庫而有助後續行銷傳播計畫的擬定、執行。研究發現,本論文個案因奧運議題知名度和目標閱聽眾均甚廣等特性,從而並無特定資料庫行銷運用的必要;僅初步透過資料庫掌握收視輪廓和族群,並據此訴求廣告主或調整策略。研究者認為,資料庫行銷不僅和產業特性、資料可得等執行的軟硬體基礎條件有關,更重要的似乎還是企業對資料庫行銷的認知,甚至運用的必要性等層面。 最後,本論文結合個案行銷傳播目標和各分析章節內容,並扣連學者提出的稽核、障礙和層級概念,共同檢視hiChannel北京奧運轉播的結果面向。研究者發現,本個案實具備良好的整合行銷傳播內涵,並至少符合較低層次的整合層級。 / This study aims to explore how the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is applied to broadcast Beijing Olympic Games on hiChannel. The author, adopting case study methodology, tries to elucidate the context of webcasters and five significant pillars of IMC. These five distinct attributes are as follows: stakeholders, content, channels, database marketing and results. 9 depth interviews are conducted to understand how hiChannel planed and used the perspectives of five pillars of IMC. Also, via content analysis, all campaigning messages of on-line activities, the print media and press release are analyzed. The major concepts of each pillar of IMC are re-examined in this case study. The findings show that the team of hiChannel informs the controlled messages such as,“free to watch all channels, all games of Beijing Olympics” and “to watch and chat about all games of Beijing Olympics at the same time” to not only advertisers but target audience. Besides, the author finds that the team in order to accomplish the commercials, website page views and other what hiChannel desired in this case study, they conveyed both executional also strategic consistency through each channels, across all tools in substance, before and during the period of Beijing Olympic Games. Last but not least, the author also finds that because Olympic Games are renowned, and tend to attract broad target audience, there is no need for the application of database marketing. Moreover, this case study also leads us to rethink the use of database marketing and other four pillars of IMC according to industry characteristics and other qualifications.

胡錦濤時期的文化外交政策研究 / A study of cultural diplomacy during Hu Jintao era

歐陽群, Ouyang, Chun Unknown Date (has links)
文化外交是近年來國際關係中的一項重要議題,各國皆對外輸出軟權力來增加該國在世界上的影響力,中國自改革開放後經濟與軍事能力大幅成長,因此近年來便開始加強對外文化輸出的工作,運用文化外交的力量以達到國家政策的目標。 本研究的目的在於對胡錦濤主政時期的文化外交政策做一全面性的認識,論文首先探討文化外交的理論淵源,進而建構出文化外交的意涵;其次從總體的角度來研究胡錦濤政府文化外交政策,包括其產生原因以及訴求,並對執行此政策的各相關機構與指導方針做分析。另外在具體實踐方面,論文從孔子學院及2008年北京奧運來探討中國文化外交政策的成效,最後針對這兩項實踐以及總體文化外交政策做深入的評估。 研究發現中國的文化外交政策之興起有其內、外在環境的影響,而執行的結果雖然有達到一定的成效,但受限於部份因素的制約,使得中國的文化外交政策仍有許多待改進之處。 / Cultural diplomacy is an important issue in international relations in recent years; many countries output their soft power to increase their influences in the world. Since the success of China’s reform and open policy, its economy and military power had a large growth. Therefore, China started to strengthen the policy of cultural output, using the power of cultural diplomacy to achieve its national goal. The purpose of this research is to have a comprehensive understanding on the cultural diplomacy during Hu Jintao’s administration. In the beginning of this research, we discuss the theories of cultural diplomacy, and then to describe it’s meaning. Secondly, we analyze this policy, including the background and purpose, from the overall viewpoint, and also study on the government departments and documents related to this policy. In addition, we take Confucius Institute and Beijing Olympic Games for examples to discuss the result of China’s cultural diplomacy. At last, this research has the analysis on these two practices and the policy. This research found that the appearance of China’s cultural diplomacy is influenced by the inner and outer environments. Although this policy has its result, it is still restricted by some factors. It means there are still many places of this policy need to be improved.

Výzkum veřejného mínění návštěvníků Olympijského parku Soči - Letná 2014 / Public opinion research of visitors of the Olympic Park Sochi - Letna 2014

Zbořilová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
6 Abstract Title: Public opinion research of visitors of the Olympic Park Sochi - Letna 2014 Goal: To evaluate the importance of the Olympic Park Sochi - Letna 2014 based on public opinion of visitors. To propose conceptual improvements for the following Olympic parks during the Summer and the Winter Olympic Games. Methods: Quantitative questionnaire was used as the main method to determine public opinion. Qualitative in-depth interview with representatives of sports institutions and analysis of documents from internal resources served as a secondary analysis. Results: The Olympic Park Sochi - Letna 2014 was visited mainly by sport active people from Prague and Central Bohemia. Most of them were satisfied with the concept of the park and they would visit this kind of park in the next years, for which they would recommend bigger capacity and fitting refreshments. People came to the park to play sports and to try lesser known sports. They think that the concept of Olympic park would help to motivate public to practise sports. Key words: Public opinion, sport and population, Olympic Park Sochi - Letna 2014, Winter Olympic Games

Komparativní analýza obrazového pokrytí Olympijských her v Londýně 2012 v tištěném deníku a internetových novinách / Comparative analysis of pictorial coverage of the olympic games in London 2012 in choses czech printed media and internet media

Šarešová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "Comparative Analysis of Pictorial coverage of the Olympic games in London 2012 in chosen printed media and internet media" deals with photographs published in MF DNES and on the Aktuálně.cz news server. The main focus is comparison of the photographs in the means of content, quantity and quality and to elucidate function of photo editors in media. In the first part the theoretical background necessary to understand this issue is presented - news values, gatekeeping, photography, photojournalism and mainly sport photography, photojournalism and ethics, difference between print and online media. The second part is the analysis. All the necessary information was gained using three approaches - quantitative content analysis, qualitative pictorial analysis and interviews with professionals. The quantitative analysis determines quantity and content of given photographs. The qualitative analysis refines the information regarding visual quality and content of the images. Interviews with employees of the selected media companies provide answers about choosing and editing the published photographs and explain the role of a gatekeeper. The thesis also verifies hypothesis that "online media prefer speed of publication over quality of photographs while printed newspapers prefer quality".

Mediální obraz beachvolejbalového týmu Kolocová - Sluková v celostátním tisku v kontextu LOH 2012 / Media Image of the Kolocová-Sluková the Beach Volleyball Team from the National Press within the Context of 2012 Olympics.

Mašínová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Title: Media Image of the Kolocová - Sluková Beach Volleyball Team from the National Press within the Context of the 2012 Olympics. Objectives: The main target of the thesis was to analyse media image of the beach volleyball team Kolocová - Sluková in the national press and the influence of the participation of the team in 2012 Summer Olympics in London on the media image in the national press. Methods: The first used method in the thesis was interview with beach volleyball players Kristýna Kolocová and Markéta Sluková. For the thesis was used Content analysis of the articles of national press and their supplements and national magazines in the period from 1st April 2011 to 15th of August 2013. There was used the Quantitative research Omnibus in the thesis too, number of respondents was 1017. Results: The thesis approved increase of the article frequency or media interest during and after participation of the team in the 2012 Olympic games, as well as character changes (size, themes etc.). Graphs and tables present the results of the analysis. Based on these results there are offered suggestions for the media communication of the team. Keywords: Beach volleyball, media, media image, Olympic games, content analysis, omnibus, interview.

Vývoj jednotlivých plaveckých způsobů od prvních novodobých Olympijských her do současnosti / Development of individual swimming styles from the first modern Olympic Games to the present

Kulhánek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The aim is to map the development of techniques of swimming for the period from 1896 to the present. The work will also outline changes to the rules swimming. Key words swimming styles, breast, crawl, backstroke, dolphin swimmer, Olympic games, development, rules of swimming

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