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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Diaz Campo, Silvana Milagros, Lecca Murillo, Kiara Naomi, Ludeña Manco, Diego Conrado, Matos Atoche, Angie Luciana, Vilca Taboada, Pedro Martin 03 December 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se lleva a cabo la idea de negocio del desarrollo de una página web móvil que está enfocada en brindar información amplia sobre las ciclovías, talleres técnicos, un Marketplace, tips de vida sana y talleres interactivos para la comunidad. Está dirigido a ciclistas desde los 18 a 24 años de edad de Lima Metropolitana. Esta idea surgió a partir del escaso conocimiento de las nuevas ciclovías que se aperturaron a principios de año, y para ampliar la visibilidad de los talleres técnicos, los cuales brindarán apoyo a los ciclistas con algún desperfecto de su bicicleta que acontezca de manera imprevista durante su trayecto. Para confirmar esta necesidad en el mercado y validar la idea, se procedió a realizar distintas encuestas a usuarios potenciales y a expertos para recopilar las opiniones de nuestro modelo de negocio. Asimismo, se realizó la evaluación a los encuestados para medir sus interacciones a través de nuestros canales de venta.  Posterior a ello, se realizó la validación del concierge, en el cual se llegó a la conclusión que las promociones serán realizadas en nuestros tres canales como: Instagram, Facebook y Página Web oficial de GOriders con el objetivo de poder adquirir un mayor impacto sobre nuestro público objetivo. Así mismo, los experimentos llevados a cabo reforzaron los aprendizajes obtenidos en cada uno de estos respectivamente. Finalmente, el plan financiero nos muestra resultados sobre los beneficios obtenidos frente a los recursos empleados, lo cual indica que la idea de negocio presentada es rentable en el mercado. / The present research work is implemented with the business idea of ​​developing a mobile web page focused on providing extensive information on bikeways, technical support, marketplace, healthy lifestyle tips, and interactive workshops for the community. This project was aimed for 18 to 24 years-old cyclists from Metropolitan Lima. This idea arises from the limited information available about bikeways that were recently opened in the city at the beginning of this year, and to increase the visibility of an enterprise bike shop that able to provide supplies and technical support to cyclists experiencing unexpected damages occurred along their journeys. To confirm the market demands and the validation of ideas, different surveys were carried out with potential users and experts to gather opinions on our business model. In addition, we evaluated the interaction with customers through different sale channels. After conducting a concierge test, our results suggested that sale promotions should be carried out on three sale channels, including Instagram, Facebook and the official “GOriders” website to have a great impact on our target audiences. The experiments carried out reinforced the learning obtained in each of these respectively. Finally, the financial plan showed us results on the benefits obtained compared to the resources used, which suggest that our business idea presented is profitable on the market. / Trabajo de investigación

A proteomic analysis of drought and salt stress responsive proteins of different sorghum varieties

Ngara, Rudo January 2009 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Sorghum (Sorghum bicolorï, a drought tolerant cereal crop, is not only an important food source in the semi arid/arid regions but also a potential model for studying and gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of drought and salt stress tolerance in cereals. This study reports on a proteomic analysis of sorghum proteomes in response to salt and hyperosmotie stresses. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) in combination with mass spectrometry (MS) was used to separate, visualise and identify sorghum proteins using both sorghum cell suspension cultures and whole plants. The sorghum cell suspension culture system was used as a source of culture filtrate (CF) proteins. Of the 25 visualised CBB stained CF spots, 15 abundant and well-resolved spots were selected for identification using a combination of MALDI- TOF and MALDI- TOFTOF MS, and database searching. Of these spots, 14 were positively identified as peroxidases, germ in proteins, oxalate oxidases and alpha-galactosidases with known functions in signalling processes, defense mechanisms and cell wall metabolism. Following 200 mM NaCl and 400 mM sorbitol stress treatments, the expression/abundance of a protein spot similar to a rice wall-associated protein kinase was upregulated in the sorghum secretome in response to both stresses. Amino acid sequence alignment of the matching peptides between these two proteins showed that the sorghum CF spot possesses a protein kinase domain. Therefore, this protein could possibly participate in cell signalling functions, which link the external environment with the cell's cytoplasm. Using whole plant systems, a comparative study of leaf protein expression between two sorghum varieties, AS6 (salt sensitive) and MN1618 (salt tolerant) was conducted. Forty well resolved spots of varying abundances were picked for MS analysis. Of these, 28 were positively identified, representing proteins with functions in carbohydrate metabolism (60.7%), proton transport (17.9%), protein synthesis (7.1%), hydrolytic functions (7.1%), nucleotide metabolism (3.6%) and detoxification (3.6%). Using PDQuest™ Advanced 2D Analysis Software version 8.0.1 (BIO-RAD), a comparative analysis of leaf proteome expression patterns between the two sorghum varieties was conducted. The results indicated proteins with similar expression patterns as well as qualitative and quantitative differences between the two leaf proteomes. The effect of 100 mM NaCI on leaf proteome expression between the two sorghum varieties was also studied. Western blotting analysis of leaf, sheath and root tissues using Hsp70 antibodies showed that this treatment induced Hsp70 expression, a known stress protein, in both varieties. Thereafter, the partially annotated leaf proteome map was used to landmark other salt responsive proteins. Examples of differential expression patterns included glutathione S transferase and hydroxynitrile lyase proteins whose abundances were upregulated in both varieties, while the large subunit of RuBisCo was downregulated in AS6 but upregulated in MN1618. Qualitative spot expression differences in response to salt stress were also observed between the two sorghum varieties but these remained unidentified after both MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF-TOF MS, possibly indicating novel and previously uncharacterised sorghum proteins. The results of this study can be used as reference tools by proteomics researchers worldwide as well as a foundation for future studies.

Semantic Segmentation of Historical Document Images Using Recurrent Neural Networks

Ahrneteg, Jakob, Kulenovic, Dean January 2019 (has links)
Background. This thesis focuses on the task of historical document semantic segmentation with recurrent neural networks. Document semantic segmentation involves the segmentation of a page into different meaningful regions and is an important prerequisite step of automated document analysis and digitisation with optical character recognition. At the time of writing, convolutional neural network based solutions are the state-of-the-art for analyzing document images while the use of recurrent neural networks in document semantic segmentation has not yet been studied. Considering the nature of a recurrent neural network and the recent success of recurrent neural networks in document image binarization, it should be possible to employ a recurrent neural network for document semantic segmentation and further achieve high performance results. Objectives. The main objective of this thesis is to investigate if recurrent neural networks are a viable alternative to convolutional neural networks in document semantic segmentation. By using a combination of a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network, another objective is also to determine if the performance of the combination can improve upon the existing case of only using the recurrent neural network. Methods. To investigate the impact of recurrent neural networks in document semantic segmentation, three different recurrent neural network architectures are implemented and trained while their performance are further evaluated with Intersection over Union. Afterwards their segmentation result are compared to a convolutional neural network. By performing pre-processing on training images and multi-class labeling, prediction images are ultimately produced by the employed models. Results. The results from the gathered performance data shows a 2.7% performance difference between the best recurrent neural network model and the convolutional neural network. Notably, it can be observed that this recurrent neural network model has a more consistent performance than the convolutional neural network but comparable performance results overall. For the other recurrent neural network architectures lower performance results are observed which is connected to the complexity of these models. Furthermore, by analyzing the performance results of a model using a combination of a convolutional neural network and a recurrent neural network, it can be noticed that the combination performs significantly better with a 4.9% performance increase compared to the case with only using the recurrent neural network. Conclusions. This thesis concludes that recurrent neural networks are likely a viable alternative to convolutional neural networks in document semantic segmentation but that further investigation is required. Furthermore, by combining a convolutional neural network with a recurrent neural network it is concluded that the performance of a recurrent neural network model is significantly increased. / Bakgrund. Detta arbete handlar om semantisk segmentering av historiska dokument med recurrent neural network. Semantisk segmentering av dokument inbegriper att dela in ett dokument i olika regioner, något som är viktigt för att i efterhand kunna utföra automatisk dokument analys och digitalisering med optisk teckenläsning. Vidare är convolutional neural network det främsta alternativet för bearbetning av dokument bilder medan recurrent neural network aldrig har använts för semantisk segmentering av dokument. Detta är intressant eftersom om vi tar hänsyn till hur ett recurrent neural network fungerar och att recurrent neural network har uppnått mycket bra resultat inom binär bearbetning av dokument, borde det likväl vara möjligt att använda ett recurrent neural network för semantisk segmentering av dokument och även här uppnå bra resultat. Syfte. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka om ett recurrent neural network kan uppnå ett likvärdigt resultat jämfört med ett convolutional neural network för semantisk segmentering av dokument. Vidare är syftet även att undersöka om en kombination av ett convolutional neural network och ett recurrent neural network kan ge ett bättre resultat än att bara endast använda ett recurrent neural network. Metod. För att kunna avgöra om ett recurrent neural network är ett lämpligt alternativ för semantisk segmentering av dokument utvärderas prestanda resultatet för tre olika modeller av recurrent neural network. Därefter jämförs dessa resultat med prestanda resultatet för ett convolutional neural network. Vidare utförs förbehandling av bilder och multi klassificering för att modellerna i slutändan ska kunna producera mätbara resultat av uppskattnings bilder. Resultat. Genom att utvärdera prestanda resultaten för modellerna kan vi i en jämförelse med den bästa modellen och ett convolutional neural network uppmäta en prestanda skillnad på 2.7%. Noterbart i det här fallet är att den bästa modellen uppvisar en jämnare fördelning av prestanda. För de två modellerna som uppvisade en lägre prestanda kan slutsatsen dras att deras utfall beror på en lägre modell komplexitet. Vidare vid en jämförelse av dessa två modeller, där den ena har en kombination av ett convolutional neural network och ett recurrent neural network medan den andra endast har ett recurrent neural network uppmäts en prestanda skillnad på 4.9%. Slutsatser. Resultatet antyder att ett recurrent neural network förmodligen är ett lämpligt alternativ till ett convolutional neural network för semantisk segmentering av dokument. Vidare dras slutsatsen att en kombination av de båda varianterna bidrar till ett bättre prestanda resultat.

Página web aprendo ABC

Bernachea Atoc, Joel Angel, Cerrón Pariona, Guillermo Crhisman, Tasayco Linares, Elsa María, Torres Rodríguez, Fiorella Ruddy, Valera Porras, Carlos Segundo 28 November 2021 (has links)
Desde la llegada del covid-19 surgieron grandes cambios para la sociedad, cuidarse y cuidar a nuestros familiares se hizo una prioridad en nuestra vida diaria. Ante ello surgieron distintas estrategias para que las personas no tengan que salir de casa y exponerse al virus, el trabajo en algunas empresas se modificó para que sea de forma remota, los negocios pasaron a ser virtuales y la educación paso ser dictada a distancia con distintos métodos, ya sea por televisión, radio o de forma virtual por distintas plataformas. El Ministerio de Educación desarrollo el programa “Aprendo en casa” con esta estrategia se pretendía que los alumnos tanto de nido, inicial, primaria y secundaria logren seguir sus estudios previos. Sin embargo, para los niños menores de siete años este método no sirvió porque ellos al ser pequeños y estar en pleno desarrollo tienden a distraerse con mayor facilidad y no logran retener la información a largo plazo. Es por ello, que nace la idea de “Aprendo ABC”, la cual tiene como principal objetivo dar solución a dicha problemática. El proyecto de Aprendo ABC consiste en demostrar la viabilidad de crear una página web que brinde reforzamiento mediante juegos didácticos, en donde el niño aprenderá mientras juega, esto está dirigido a menores de 4 a 7 años de Lima Metropolitana. En el desarrollo de esta investigación se logró identificar que los niños no pueden llevar las clases de forma virtual sin un reforzamiento previo. Para obtener datos concisos se tuvo que segmentar, evaluar nuestros costos, quienes son nuestros competidores, nuestros socios clave, entre otros. Asimismo, el desarrollo del plan financiero nos permitió determinar con mayor exactitud si nuestro proyecto es factible y en cuanto tiempo recuperamos nuestra inversión. / Since the arrival of covid-19, great changes have arisen for society, taking care of ourselves and our relatives became a priority in our daily lives. Given this, different strategies emerged so that people do not have to leave home and be exposed to the virus, work in some companies was modified to be remote, businesses became virtual, and education happened to be dictated remotely with different methods, either by television, radio or virtually by different platforms. The Ministry of Education developed the program "I learn at home" with this strategy it was intended that students both nests, initial, primary, and secondary can continue their previous studies. However, for children under seven years of age this method did not work because they are small and in full development tend to be distracted more easily and fail to retain information in the long term. That is why the idea of "Aprendo ABC" was born, which has as its main objective to solve this problem. The Aprendo ABC project consists of demonstrating the feasibility of creating a website that provides reinforcement through didactic games, where the child will learn while playing, this is aimed at children from 4 to 7 years of Metropolitan Lima. In the development of this research, it was possible to identify those children cannot take classes virtually without prior reinforcement. To obtain concise data we had to segment, evaluate our costs, who are our competitors, our key partners, among others. Also, the development of the financial plan allowed us to determine more accurately if our project is feasible and how long we recover our investment. / Trabajo de investigación

Tinku. Plataforma que conecta novios con proveedores para realizar una boda / Tinku. Platform that connects brides and grooms with suppliers for a wedding

Casella Edgar, Renzo Alessandro, Egoavil Prado, César Stefano, Garcia Levano, Jair Enrique, Llaya Tello, Germán augusto, Sayán Bernal, Roberto Enrique 03 November 2021 (has links)
El presente proyecto se basa en la creación de una página web en medio de la coyuntura actual de emergencia sanitaria mundial por el virus COVID-19, esta situación ha ocasionado que muchas organizaciones han optado por la adaptación al modo de trabajo debido a la situación coyuntural actual cambiando su modo de operar e implementación de protocolos. Por ello, presentamos la idea de implementar Tinku, una página web en donde las personas puedan adquirir los servicios para la realización de su matrimonio en línea. El público objetivo que se escogió fueron parejas entre 20 y 45 años, pues son el segmento que estarían siendo golpeados por la situación actual y se quiere brindar una solución a estas personas para poder realizar su evento de la manera más segura y cumpliendo protocolos de seguridad. Esta página, contará con medios para la valoración y visualización de ejemplos de los servicios que se ofrecerán, también las personas podrán hacer el pago y registrar las fechas con los proveedores. Asimismo, se realizó un concierge, en donde pudimos realizar experimentos y estos muestran un aumento en las intenciones de compra y seguirán aumentando, gracias al aumento de seguidores en la página de Facebook, por lo que la tasa de alcance y la intención de compra van en aumento. También Es importante ofrecer una tasa atractiva para los inversionistas (COK) en el plan financiero. Asimismo, plantear los argumentos necesarios que hacen viable el negocio para su inversión, sustentados numéricamente y lo más atinado a la realidad. / This project is based on the creation of a web page in the midst of the current global health emergency caused by the COVID-19 virus, this situation has caused many businesses. Many organizations have chosen to adapt their way of working due to the current situation by changing their way of operating and implementing protocols. Therefore, we presented the idea of implementing Tinku, a website where people can purchase services for the realization of their marriage online. The target audience chosen were couples between 20 and 45 years old, as they are the segment that would be hit by the current situation and we want to provide a solution to these people to make their event in the safest way and complying with security protocols. This page will have means for the valuation and visualization of examples of the services that will be offered, also people will be able to make the payment and register the dates with the suppliers. Also, a concierge was conducted, where we were able to conduct experiments and these show an increase in purchase intentions and will continue to increase, thanks to the increase of followers on the Facebook page, so the rate of reach and purchase intention are increasing. It is also important to offer an attractive rate for investors (COK) in the financial plan. It is also important to present the necessary arguments that make the business viable for investment, supported numerically and as close to reality as possible. / Trabajo de investigación

TrainIN: Plataforma Digital de Entrenamiento / TrainIN: Digital Training Platform

Burmester Cornejo, Antonella Maria, De Marzo Lizarraga, Mirella, Ghio Danziger, Maria Angela, Solari Gonzales de Orbegoso, Vicente, Torrealva Sepulveda, Julio Alejandro 07 July 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se realizará una startup para el curso de negocio sostenible implementación. Debido a la coyuntura que atraviesa nuestra sociedad se decidió crear un emprendimiento que consiste en la creación de una plataforma virtual que brinda un servicio de distintos tipos de entrenamientos para jóvenes que les gusta hacer deporte, ofreciéndoles la opción de entrenar cuando quieran y donde quieran. Nuestra marca tiene el nombre de “TrainIN” que en español significa entrena-dentro. Las fuentes de ingreso se establecerá con respecto a las suscripciones que realicen nuestros clientes, en este caso será de 35 soles mensuales. La publicidad de nuestra marca se realizará a través de las redes sociales, siendo Instagram la de mayor impacto. Para poder desarrollar el giro de nuestro negocio se tendrá que realizar un inversión de 20 mil soles, que será respaldado en base a los aportes de los fundadores ( 25 %) e inversionistas (75%). Misión: Contribuir con la buena condición física de nuestra comunidad a través de entrenamientos de calidad que podrán realizar desde la comodidad de sus hogares. Visión: Ser el centro de entrenamiento online líder en Perú, brindando un servicio de calidad a nuestros clientes, ofreciendo valor a nuestros colaboradores y promoviendo la vida saludable entre todos nuestros miembros. / This research attempts to develop a Start Up based on the needs that have raised because of the pandemic which is a digital training platform named TrainIN that offers multiple exercise options. This way the customers can train whenever and wherever they want. All marketing efforts will be carried out through social network with Instagram having the biggest impact on terms of awareness and reach. On one hand, our income source comes from the monthly subscriptions that have a cost of 35 soles. On the other hand, to get the business going, TrainIN will invest 20,000 soles which will be funded by the founders (25%) and investors (75%). Mission: Contribute with our community’s physical condition providing multiple exercise options for them to do from home or wherever they like. Vision: We dream of leading the online training market in Peru by offering high quality service to our clients and teachers. / Trabajo de investigación

Local buddy

Alvarez Lau , Arianna Rosa, Bernuy Esquivel, Yanely Rocio, Dubois Alarcón, Nicole Dayane Lupe, Morán Nuñez , Macarena, Morioka Uyehara, Valeria Suemy 01 December 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo ha sido elaborado con el fin de desarrollar un plan integral para nuestra idea de negocio bajo el nombre de “Local Buddy” con el objetivo de conectar turistas de todo el mundo con guías locales, y de esta manera impulsar el turismo en el país. A lo largo de este informe se abordarán los siguientes temas: Diseño y desarrollo del Business Model Canvas; en donde identificaremos el perfil de nuestro cliente. Además del desarrollo del mapa de valor, junto con la descripción de nuestra propuesta de valor y los elementos diferenciales frente a la competencia. Luego, realizamos diversos experimentos a través de entrevistas y estrategias de marketing en redes sociales para la validación de todos los cuadrantes del BMC. Al término de ello, se procederá a explicar los componentes del marketing mix en donde se abordarán las variables: producto, precio, plaza, promoción y fidelización para el proyecto. Seguidamente, se elaborará el plan financiero, en donde se detallará la proyección de venta, el presupuesto de la inversión, los ingresos y egresos, flujo de caja, VAN y el financiamiento. Finalmente, se concluye el trabajo con las conclusiones y recomendaciones de toda la investigación, elaboradas por todo el equipo, lo que nos permitirá continuar con el desarrollo y mejoramiento de nuestra idea de negocio. / This report has been prepared in order to develop a comprehensive plan for our business idea under the name of "Local Buddy" with the aim of connecting tourists from all over the world with local guides, and in this way promote tourism in the country. The following topics will be addressed throughout this report: Design and development of the Business Model Canvas, where we will identify the profile of our client. In addition to the development of the value map, along with the description of our value proposition and the differential elements compared to the competition. Then, we made a series of experiments through interviews and social media marketing strategies for the validation of all BMC quadrants. Next, we will proceed to explain the components of the marketing mix where the variables will be addressed: product, price, place, promotion and loyalty for the project. Then, the financial plan will be prepared, which will detail the projection of sale, the budget of the investment, income and expenses, cash flow, NPV and financing. Finally, we conclude the work with the conclusions and recommendations of all the research, elaborated by the whole team, which will allow us to continue with the development and improvement of our business idea. / Trabajo de investigación

Bicity - Plataforma web y aplicativo móvil

Avalos Alfaro, José Alonso, Castro Palomino, Jhoselyne Judith, Munoz Zumaran, Vanessa Liliana, Rubio Rotalde, Diego Alberto, Silva Rivera, Karina Lucero 07 June 2021 (has links)
La tendencia de uso de bicicletas ha aumentado a consecuencia de la coyuntura actual, así como también la necesidad de utilizar un medio de transporte sostenible. La cultura ciclista en el Perú está en desarrollo, y existe posibilidad de un crecimiento considerable, lo cual se ha visto reflejado en las intenciones de compra y búsqueda de bicicletas por parte de los consumidores. La idea de negocio incentiva el uso de la bicicleta en los usuarios y aglomera el mayor nivel de opciones con un catálogo amplio de bicicletas y repuestos, siendo el nexo entre proveedores y compradores. Asimismo, a través del aplicativo móvil, se potencializa la funcionalidad de la propuesta de valor; ya que incluye la opción de un mapa con información de tráfico de bicicletas en tiempo real y alertas viales, catálogo de productos y la oportunidad de pertenecer a una comunidad ciclista. La otra ventaja es que los proveedores obtienen mayor exposición de marca con el objetivo de expandir su mercado de ventas.  El presente trabajo valida la idea de negocio, desde una perspectiva comercial y financiera; y se ha realizado diversos experimentos para confirmar la validez de la propuesta de valor y la solución al problema. / The demand for bicycles has increased due to Covid-19 pandemic effects, thus, the necessity for a more sustainable means of transport. On the other hand, Peruvian cycling culture has a potential growth within consumer’s habits, which has been demonstrated by market research on increasing buying intentions and bicycle searches. Bicity’s business plan encourages bicycle’s usage within potential users and showcases a diversity of options with a wide catalog of bicycles and spare parts, thus, Bicity is the link between suppliers and buyers. Moreover, the App reinforces value proposition usefulness by including an interactive map of bicycle traffic and road alarms, bicycle’s catalog, and a community for riders. Another advantage involves brand exposure for suppliers to expand their market sales. Finally, this project aims to validate the commercial and financial business plan. The group has developed diverse experiments to achieve the value proposition’s viability and a weekly basis follow-up to validate the problem's solution. / Trabajo de investigación

Dimensiones que impactan en la satisfacción del servicio a través de la calidad del servicio online de marketplaces en Lima Metropolitana / Dimensions that impact on service satisfaction through online service quality of marketplaces in Metropolitan Lima

Bazán Jiménez, Samuel Isaac, Quispe Apaico, Danae Thais 03 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca evidenciar la relación entre las dimensiones a través de la calidad del servicio online con la satisfacción online del consumidor en el sector de Marketplace en Perú. Este estudio está basado en una literatura existente sobre las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio online, la calidad del servicio online y la satisfacción online de diferentes autores mencionados a lo largo de la investigación. Además, se ha propuesto un modelo de estudio el cual comprende cuatro dimensiones de la calidad del servicio online los cuales son: diseño de página web, servicio al cliente online, privacidad/ seguridad y cumplimiento. Posteriormente, se medirá el grado de significancia de estas variables con la satisfacción y la calidad del servicio online para determinar su relación. Se espera que los resultados amplíen el conocimiento sobre la relación de las dimensiones de la calidad del servicio online en el sector de Marketplaces. Los datos que se obtendrán de una encuesta online realizada a 385 consumidores de Marketplace en Perú se utilizarán para probar el modelo de investigación utilizando el modelo de ecuación estructural. / This research seeks to demonstrate the relationship between the dimensions through online service quality with consumers' online satisfaction in the Marketplace sector in Peru. This study is based on an existing literature on the dimensions of online service quality, online service quality and online satisfaction of different authors mentioned throughout the research. In addition, a study model has been proposed which comprises four dimensions of online quality service which are: web page design, online customer service, privacy / security and fulfillment. Subsequently, the degree of significance of these variables will be measured with the satisfaction and quality of the online service to determine their relationship. The results are expected to broaden the understanding of the relationship between the dimensions of online service quality in the Marketplaces sector. The data that will be obtained from an online survey conducted with 385 Marketplace consumers in Peru will be used to test the research model using the structural equation model. / Trabajo de investigación

Does SABP2 Exist As a Dimer?

Hossain, Mir Ashad 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Salicylic acid binding protein 2 (SABP2) is one of the key enzymes in salicylic acid-dependent plant defense pathway. SABP2 is a 29 kDa protein present in extremely low abundance in plants and it catalyzes the conversion of signaling molecule methyl salicylate into salicylic acid. Although it has been shown that 6x His-tagged SABP2 over expressed in E. coli is a homodimer, its exact conformation in planta is still unknown. Therefore, we proposed to determine if SABP2 exist as a dimer and/or monomer under natural condition. To verify the exact conformation of native SABP2 protein in plant, SABP2 was purified from wild type tobacco using a 5-step purification protocol. Analysis of purified SABP2 in gel filtration and immunoblot assay suggested that SABP2 exists as a monomer in tobacco plant. Studies on SABP2 conformation will give us insight into the structure and functional relationship of this protein in salicylic acid-dependent disease resistance pathway.

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