Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bnpage"" "subject:"2dpage""
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Studium deficitu lidské F1Fo-ATPsyntázy / Human F1Fo-ATPsynthase deficiencySuldovská, Sabina January 2010 (has links)
F1FO-ATPsynthase is a key enzyme in energy metabolism of the cell. Its deficit is caused usually by mutations in two structural genes MT-ATP6 and MT-ATP8 encoded by the mitochondrial DNA or in nuclear genes ATPAF2 and TMEM70 encoding the biogenesis factors and structural gene ATP5E. Deficiency of the F1FO-ATPsynthase leads to progressive and serious phenotype affecting organs with high energy demands. The first symptoms usually occurs in neonatal age and prognosis of the disease is fatal. Mutations in these genes result in both qualitative and quantitative defects of the F1FO-ATPsynthase. The study of molecular bases of mitochondrial disorders including F1FO-ATPsynthase deficiency uses large number of biochemical and molecular-genetic methods to determine a proper diagnosis which is essential for the symptomatic therapy and genetic counselling in affected families. The aim of the diploma thesis was to characterise the F1FO-ATPsynthase deficiency in isolated mitochondria from the lines of cultured cells by the determination oligomycin- sensitive ATP-hydrolytic activity of the F1FO-ATPsynthase, enzymatic activities of the respiratory chain complexes and to analyse changes in the steady-state levels of the representative subunits and whole complex of the F1FO-ATPsynthase in comparison with controls. 3...
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La représentation d'Oka : une crise vue par la caricatureBrisson, Réal 24 April 2018 (has links)
Retenant l'épisode d'Oka qui a secoué le Québec à l'été de 1990 comme toile de fond, cette recherche scrute trois champs de réflexion qui gravitent autour de l'image du pouvoir et des institutions, de la représentation de l'Amérindien -sans exclure d'autres acteurs de premier plan mêlés à l'affrontement- et enfin de l'événement spectacle. L'analyse s'en remet essentiellement au dessin de presse (environ 800), source encore peu exploitée dans la recherche historique, comme outil de sonde et d'interprétation. À partir de fiches techniques utilisées pour cibler des grappes d'images répondant à des préoccupations associées à la question identitaire, aux mécanismes de l'altérité, au contexte idéologique -le conflit d'Oka servant de prétexte pour prendre le Québec à partie dans la foulée constitutionnelle de Meech en est un exemple- et à l'imaginaire public reflété à travers l'expression journalistique éditoriale, l'étude confronte les discours (motivations, sympathies, intentions) des corpus graphiques anglophone et francophone qui entretiennent deux visions bien "distinctes" et fort significatives du même événement. L'intérêt des trois pivots thématiques repose sur la capacité d'appréhender la crise en fonction d'angles d'approche qui opèrent par paliers, chaque point d'appui invitant à une compréhension spécifique de la source iconique. Une première lecture, la plus évidente parce que plus explicite, rejoint l'aspect politique de l'événement et rend compte, dans la tradition propre à la charge caricaturale, du dénigrement des institutions et de la classe politique à qui on impute la responsabilité du gâchis d'Oka. Par une inspection plus attentive des dessins, un deuxième échelon de lecture, à caractère interculturel et social, convie à la détection d'une certaine pensée publique à travers les portraits critiques, altérés (parfois bien inconsciemment) ou carrément fabriqués des protagonistes d'Oka, souvent sur fond de préjugés et de stéréotypes culturels. Se situant complètement à un autre niveau, plus technique et plus ludique celui-là, une troisième lecture s'attache au processus narratif visuel et fait ressortir la contribution de la caricature au spectacle médiatique qui, par le recours presque systématique à la fiction, au déguisement et à la métaphore, accentue le caractère dramatique de la "représentation" d'Oka. Empruntant à la technique de la caricature, on pourrait synthétiser ces trois axes de friction par les images schématiques d'une classe politique en déroute, d'un société en état de choc et d'une presse en folie. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013
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Politisk representation i lokaltidningen : "Ettans" makt / Political representation in the local paper : The power of the front pageAndersson, Maja, Eriksson, Nicolina January 2019 (has links)
This study, Political representation in the local paper - the power of the front page, shows how the local paper Västerbottens-kuriren chooses, consciously or unknowingly, to represent politics on the front page during the election period of 2018. Given the premises that journalists must adhere to, could affect the reporting of politics. The method for this study was a quantitative content analysis where a frequency count is used based on headline, preamble and to some extent image use on the front page. The study concluded that the newspaper had some political news, but that they were majorly excluded from appearing in the most visible article on the front page. The most common subjects that were on the front page were personal articles, or culture and entertainment oriented, which indicates a greater exposure to "softer" news. Of the political articles, the topic "other" was most prevalent, but also economics and business was a frequently recurring political topic. It was also shown that there was a gap in July when the frequency of political articles was reduced. The most widely used framing used by the political articles was game framing, which indicates a repetitive behavior on the part of journalists which, in the worst case scenario, could lead to skepticism against both politics and against the newspaper from the public.
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Proposta de linguagem geradora de imagens em impressoras de página / A page description language for raster non impact printers.Stefani, Mario Antonio 16 August 1990 (has links)
Uma compacta linguagem descritora de páginas, destinada a impressoras não-impacto de estrutura raster é apresentada. Tal linguagem foi implementada usando o processador gráfico TMS4010, da Texas Instruments e possui uma estrutura muito similar à encontrada nas linguagens interpretativas encadeadas. A linguagem é totalmente modular e interativa, e se utiliza um modelo gráfico simples, visando simular as tarefas normalmente encontradas nas artes tipográficas. São efetuadas comparações com outras linguagens comerciais, visando avaliar suas possibilidades. Uma pequena introdução à tecnologia das impressoras laser é apresentada. / A small Page description language intended for raster non-impact printers is presented. The language is implemented using the Texas Instruments TMS4010 Graphics system processor and its structure is similar that encountered in threaded interpretative languages. The language is fully modular and interactive, and uses a simple graphic model to simulate the same common tasks encoutered in typographical arts. Comparison are made with other comercial languages to perform some evaluations on its possibilities. A small introduction on the laser printer technology is presented.
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解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 / Comprehending the Image of Information Society Newspapers Construct陳雅萍, Ya-Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究背景 2
第二節 研究問題與論文架構 5
第三節 章節安排 6
第二章 文獻探討與研究取向 8
第一節 文獻探討 8
1. 資訊社會文獻探討 8
2. 資訊社會定義的探討 12
3. 資訊社會論述的批判觀點 17
4. 資訊新聞與科學新聞相關研究 20
5. 小結 22
第二節 研究取向 23
1. 「建構」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 23
1.1 新聞的報導主題 24
1.2 隱喻 25
2. 「解讀」資訊社會圖像之研究取向 28
2.1 政治經濟學與批判的傳播政經研究 28
2.2新聞產製V.S.權力 31
3. 小結 34
第三章 研究方法 36
1.研究對象與抽樣 36
2.分析單位與研究範圍 37
3.類目的建構 38
3.1 一般資料 38
3.2 報導主題 39
3.3 隱喻語言 54
3.4 消息來源 55
第四章 研究結果 57
第一節 報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 57
一、 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納 57
1. 資訊版新聞的報導主題歸納統計分析 57
2. 合併類目分析 73
3. 加入「頭條╱非頭條新聞」變項 77
4. 小結 79
二、隱喻語言的分析 80
小結 97
第二節 解讀報紙建構的資訊社會圖像 99
一、資訊社會圖像產製的政經環境 99
1. 全球資訊化浪潮的成形 100
2. 資訊產業在台灣的發展 101
3. 台灣的資訊政策 102
4.資訊社會論述中「國家機器」與「資訊產業資本家」的共生結構 105
5. 大眾化報紙紛設資訊相關版面V.S.市場利潤 108
5.1 固定資訊相關版面紛紛現身 108
5.2資訊相關版面設立背景 110
二、新聞產製V.S.權力 114
1. 新聞組織常規 114
1.1 記者採訪路線與消息來源 115
1.2 時間概念對新聞的影響 117
1.3 客觀的新聞專業意理 118
2. 資訊版是誰的天下? 119
2.1 消息來源的偏向 119
2.2 在資訊版新聞發聲的消息來源 120
第五章 結論 124
第一節 研究結果 124
第二節 研究限制 127
第三節 對未來研究的建議 128
參考書目 131
附錄一 140
附錄二 148
附錄三 149
附錄四 151 / The first question this thesis want to ask: what is Information Society (hereafter, IS)?---what kind of image of IS newspapers construct; then comprehending how the image is produced in the approach of critical political economy of communication. The former (constructing image) selects two approaches, inducting the themes of news reports and the metaphor language systematically in the page of information news, to present the image of IS newspapers construct; and the latter (comprehending image) concerns how communicative activities are influenced or limited under the situation of unequal distribution of resources (material and symbolic resources). Try to dig out the information of the productive environment, conditions, and relations of the image and so on about culture production to comprehend the deeper social meaning of the image.
The research found: In the page of information news (Liberal Times is the research object in this thesis), the image of IS is made of the chief leading role, information commodity, and the metaphor language which almost shows positive emotion. The productive environment of the image is related with the symbiosis structure of Taiwan state apparatuses and the capitalist of information industries in historical context in Taiwan and the economic relations between the press and information industries when the economic situation of the press changed. Also, by entering the process of making news, this article discusses how social existing powers interact in making information news, and the research found the IS image is produced from a powerful structure made of information industries and state apparatuses. These two kinds of sources occupy almost 80% of speaking location in the page of information news.
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Perspektivets socialpsykologiska grund : En uppsats om perspektivets framträdande, gränser och variation i en social kontextRedving, Peter January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är att perspektivet utgör en psykosocial länk mellan individ och omvärld. Med grund i Henry Montgomerys perspektivmodell, som bland annat framhåller hur fakta och värderingar är intimt förbundna i social perception, förs ett resonemang kring perspektivets socialpsykologiska förankring i mellanmänskliga sammanhang. Modellens element subjekt, objekt och mental position diskuteras systematiskt utifrån George Herbert Meads perspektivteoretiska ansats samt Alan Page Fiskes socialitetsteori. Syftet är främst att visa på perspektivets deskriptiva och evaluativa konstitution, dess sociala grund och kontextberoende. Tanken är att Meads resonemang fungerar som en formell teoretisk grund för subjektet och dennes kommunikativt grundade intersubjektivitet, genom perspektivtagandet via symbolbruk och den generaliserade andra, emedan Fiskes ansats tar fasta på en bestämd social differentiering genom socialitetsformer vilket i sig utgör fundamentet för värderingars sociala förankring samt människors socialitet i en mer substantiell mening. Teorierna ses som komplementära genom sina universella anspråk och diskussionen mynnar slutligen ut i begreppet socialitetsperspektiv utifrån en social differentiering av den generaliserade andra. Tyngdpunkten ligger här på subjektet som aktör och tanken är att var gång ett socialt perspektiv intas inom ramen för den generaliserade andra så görs det alltid utifrån någon av socialitetsformerna som var och en dessutom antas utgöra perspektivets gräns och variation. Inom ramen för en mellanmänsklig kontext antas därför alltid subjektet uppfatta ett objekt utifrån en bestämd mental social position, ett bestämt socialitetsperspektiv, i social handling och att individens sociala jag fyller en avgörande funktion i en sådan kontextbunden perception. Perspektivframträdandet diskuteras slutligen med grund i Montgomerys perspektivansats och Joop van der Pligts tre attributionsteoretiska slutsatser om hur interna och externa orsaksfaktorer kan korrelera med deskriptiva och evaluativa aspekter i en social kontext. Resonemanget pekar på så vis ut specifika tendenser till att ett visst perspektiv intas till förmån för ett annat beroende på interna och externa orsaker i ett mellanmänskligt sammanhang.
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Detection And Characterization Of Plant Genes Involved In Various Biotic And Abiotic Stress Conditions Using Ddrt-pcr And Isolation Of Interacting ProteinsUnver, Turgay 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this thesis dissertation is functionally characterizing the genes involved in biotic and abiotic stresses of plants at molecular level. Previously, upon pathogen attack Rad6 gene expression was found to be changed in wheat and barley plants. To functionally characterize the Rad6 gene, VIGS (Virus induced gene silencing) system was used. HR (Hypersensitive response) like symptoms was detected in every silenced barley and wheat plants. To figure out, transcriptomes and proteomes of Rad6 silenced plants were analyzed. 2-D PAGE analysis was also performed on silenced and control wheat plants. No pathogen growth was observed in Rad6 silenced barley lines. Additionally, the susceptible wild type Arabidopsis plants showed resistant phenotype when any of the Rad6 gene copies is mutated. This suggests that Rad6 gene has a negative regulatory role in plant disease resistance which was proved for the first time. Yeast two hybrid protein interaction study suggests that RAD6 carrying out its function by interacting with SGT1 protein and regulating resistance related genes. It has been first time reported in this thesis that E2 (Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme) takes role in plant disease resistance.
Boron which is the other consideration in the scope of thesis as an abiotic stress factor at a very limited amount is necessary for the normal development of plants. This study is conducted on highly boron tolerant Gypsophila perfoliata L. collected from a location in the boron mining area. The plant samples were tested in the presence of high boron (35 mg/kg) concentrations. The transcriptomes of the plant samples treated with the excess levels of boron to that of the samples grown under normal concentration were compared using differential display PCR method. Thirty bands showing differential expression levels at varying time points were analyzed. 18 of them were confirmed via qRT-PCR.
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Analysis Of Multi-lingual Documents With Complex Layout And ContentPati, Peeta Basa 11 1900 (has links)
A document image, beside text, may contain pictures, graphs, signatures, logos, barcodes, hand-drawn sketches and/or seals. Further, the text blocks in an image may be in Manhattan or any complex layout. Document Layout Analysis is an important preprocessing step before subjecting any such image to OCR. Here, the image with complex layout and content is segmented into its constituent components. For many present day applications, separating the text from the non-text blocks is sufficient. This enables the conversion of the text elements present in the image to their corresponding editable form.
In this work, an effort has been made to separate the text areas from the various kinds of possible non-text elements. The document images may have been obtained from a scanner or camera. If the source is a scanner, there is control on the scanning resolution, and lighting of the paper surface. Moreover, during the scanning process, the paper surface remains parallel to the sensor surface. However, when an image is obtained through a camera, these advantages are no longer available. Here, an algorithm is proposed to separate the text present in an image from the clutter, irrespective of the imaging technology used.
This is achieved by using both the structural and textural information of the text present in the gray image. A bank of Gabor filters characterizes the statistical distribution of the text elements in the document. A connected component based technique removes certain types of non-text elements from the image.
When a camera is used to acquire document images, generally, along with the structural and textural information of the text, color information is also obtained. It can be assumed that text present in an image has a certain amount of color homogeneity. So, a graph-theoretical color clustering scheme is employed to segment the iso-color components of the image. Each iso-color image is then analyzed separately for its structural and textural properties. The results of such analyses are merged with the information obtained from the gray component of the image. This helps to separate the colored text areas from the non-text elements.
The proposed scheme is computationally intensive, because the separation of the text from non-text entities is performed at the pixel level Since any entity is represented by a connected set of pixels, it makes more sense to carry out the separation only at specific points, selected as representatives of their neighborhood. Harris' operator evaluates an edge-measure at each pixel and selects pixels, which are locally rich on this measure. These points are then employed for separating text from non-text elements.
Many government documents and forms in India are bi-lingual or tri-lingual in nature. Further, in school text books, it is common to find English words interspersed within
sentences in the main Indian language of the book. In such documents, successive words in a line of text may be of different scripts (languages). Hence, for OCR of these documents, the script must be recognized at the level of words, rather than lines or paragraphs.
A database of about 20,000 words each from 11 Indian scripts1 is created. This is so far the largest database of Indian words collected and deployed for script recognition purpose. Here again, a bank of 36 Gabor filters is used to extract the feature vector which represents the script of the word. The effectiveness of Gabor features is compared with that of DCT and it is found that Gabor features marginally outperform the DOT. Simple, linear and non-linear classifiers are employed to classify the word in the feature space.
It is assumed that a scheme developed to recognize the script of the words would work equally fine for sentences and paragraphs. This assumption has been verified with supporting results. A systematic study has been conducted to evaluate and compare the accuracy of various feature-classifier combinations for word script recognition. We have considered the cases of bi-script and tri-script documents, which are largely available. Average recognition accuracies for bi-script and tri-script cases are 98.4% and 98.2%, respectively. A hierarchical blind script recognizer, involving all eleven scripts has been developed and evaluated, which yields an average accuracy of 94.1%.
The major contributions of the thesis are:
• A graph theoretic color clustering scheme is used to segment colored text.
• A scheme is proposed to separate text from the non-text content of documents with
complex layout and content, captured by scanner or camera.
• Computational complexity is reduced by performing the separation task on a selected
set of locally edge-rich points.
• Script identification at word level is carried out using different feature classifier combinations. Gabor features with SVM classifier outperforms any other feature-classifier combinations.
A hierarchical blind script recognition algorithm, involving the recognition of 11 Indian scripts, is developed. This structure employs the most efficient feature-classifier combination at each individual nodal point of the tree to maximize the system performance.
A sequential forward feature selection algorithm is employed to. select the most discriminating features, in a case by case basis, for script-recognition.
The 11 scripts are Bengali, Devanagari, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odiya, Puniabi, Roman. Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
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Caching Techniques For Dynamic Web ServersSuresha, * 07 1900 (has links)
Websites are shifting from static model to dynamic model, in order to deliver their users with dynamic, interactive, and personalized experiences. However, dynamic content generation comes at a cost – each request requires computation as well as communication across multiple components within the website and across the Internet. In fact, dynamic pages are constructed on the fly, on demand. Due to their construction overheads and non-cacheability, dynamic pages result in substantially increased user response times, server load and increased bandwidth consumption, as compared to static pages. With the exponential growth of Internet traffic and with websites becoming increasingly complex, performance and scalability have become major bottlenecks for dynamic websites.
A variety of strategies have been proposed to address these issues. Many of these solutions perform well in their individual contexts, but have not been analyzed in an integrated fashion. In our work, we have carried out a study of combining a carefully chosen set of these approaches and analyzed their behavior. Specifically, we consider solutions based on the recently-proposed fragment caching technique, since it ensures both correctness and freshness of page contents. We have developed mechanisms for reducing bandwidth consumption and dynamic page construction overheads by integrating fragment caching with various techniques such as proxy-based caching of dynamic contents, pre-generating pages, and caching program code.
We start with presenting a dynamic proxy caching technique that combines the benefits of both proxy-based and server-side caching approaches, without suffering from their individual limitations. This technique concentrates on reducing the bandwidth consumption due to dynamic web pages. Then, we move on to presenting mechanisms for reducing dynamic page construction times -- during normal loading, this is done through a hybrid technique of fragment caching and page pre-generation, utilizing the excess capacity with which web servers are typically provisioned to handle peak loads. During peak loading, this is achieved by integrating fragment-caching and code-caching, optionally augmented with page pre-generation.
In summary, we present a variety of methods for integrating existing solutions for serving dynamic web pages with the goal of achieving reduced bandwidth consumption from the web infrastructure perspective, and reduced page construction times from user perspective.
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博物館Facebook粉絲專頁經營模式之探討 / The study of business models of museums’ Facebook fan pages石淑慧, Shih, Shu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0的時代來臨,「人」成為網路世界的主角,網際網路世界的雙向人際互動受到重視,近年來,越來越多社群網站出現在我們的生活當中,成為現代人溝通連絡的主要管道之一,其中又以2004年創立的Facebook使用率最高,目前已累積約8億的使用者,成為會員數成長最快的社群網站。由於大量的用戶及快速的消息傳播速度,企業開始透過在Facebook設立粉絲專頁來行銷宣傳,與顧客建立關係,而博物館雖屬非營利組織,但為了與日漸多樣化的休閒機構競爭,行銷成為經營重點,因此亦紛紛跟隨潮流架設起專屬的Facebook粉絲專頁,希望能藉此進行網路社群媒體行銷。
本研究藉由個案研究法,線上觀察世界四大博物館─紐約大都會藝術博物館、羅浮宮博物館、大英博物館、國立故宮博物院的Facebook粉絲專頁經營模式,分析比較各個博物館的粉絲專頁內容,評估其是否符合過去文獻所整理的Facebook成功經營要素,並採用粉絲數及談論率做為衡量指標評估營運績效。研究結果發現各博物館發文內容多與博物館展覽和館藏文物相關,且喜歡採用文字搭配圖片方式發文;以營運績效而言,紐約大都會藝術博物館Facebook粉絲數量最多,但國立故宮博物院粉絲專頁的討論率最高,與粉絲互動較佳;同時,本研究亦發現四大博物館目前Facebook粉絲專頁的粉絲雖持續增加中,不過談論率相當低,顯示在經營績效並不佳,仍有許多改善空間,因此提出實務建議以供未來博物館營運Facebook粉絲專頁時參考。 / In the era of Web 2.0, the interaction among people in the Internet world becomes important. In recent years, there are more social network websites emerging in our life. This trend gradually changes our ways of communication. Among these social network sites, Facebook, with approximately 800 billion users now, grows the fast and is the most popular websites. Because of the large number of Facebook’s users and its quick speed of spreading information, many corporations have set up their own fan pages to do marketing and build relationship with customers. Non-profit organizations are no exception. Museums, in order to compete with the other recreational facilities, also establish fan pages on Facebook to promote themselves.
This study chooses four world famous museums--Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, British Museum, Musée du Louvre, and National Palace Museum to do case study. By observing and analyzing the contents of each museum’s fan page, and evaluating its performance through the number of fans and the ratio of “people talking about this,” the study assesses whether these four museums’ operation of Facebook is successful or not. The result shows the main contents of these museums’ Facebook fan pages are about exhibitions and most of information is released with words and pictures. As for the operation performance, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has the most fans, but National Palace Museum has the highest ratio of people talking about this, which means it has better interaction with fans. However, according to the result, the performance of Facebook of every museum is not satisfactory and there are lots of spaces to improve. Therefore, researcher gives some practical advice in the end of the study as future operational reference.
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